India is a federal union comprising 28 states and 8 union territories, for a total of 36 subnational entities. The states and union territories are further subdivided into 800 districts and smaller administrative divisions by the respective subnational government.
States and union territories of India | |
Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh National Capital Territory Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Ladakh Jharkhand Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Telangana Tripura Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Puducherry | |
Category | Federated states |
Location | Republic of India |
Number | 28 States 8 Union territories |
Populations | States: Sikkim – 610,577 (lowest) Uttar Pradesh – 199,812,341 (highest) Union Territories: Lakshadweep – 64,473 (lowest) Delhi – 16,787,941 (highest) |
Areas | States: Goa – 3,702 km2 (1,429 sq mi) (smallest) Rajasthan – 342,269 km2 (132,151 sq mi) (largest) Union territories: Lakshadweep – 32 km2 (12 sq mi) (smallest) Ladakh – 59,146 km2 (22,836 sq mi) (largest) |
Government |
Subdivisions |
The states of India are self-governing administrative divisions, each having a state government. The governing powers of the states are shared between the state government and the union government. On the other hand, the union territories are directly governed by the union government.
The Indian Empire was a very complex political entity consisting of various imperial divisions and states and territories of varying autonomy. At the time of its establishment in 1876, it was made up of 584 constituent states and the directly ruled territories of the Crown. The entire empire was divided into provinces and agencies.
A province consisted of territory under the direct rule of the Emperor of India (who was also the King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions) and a few minor states, ruled by Indian princes under the suzerainty of the Emperor. A Governor or Lieutenant-Governor acted as the representative of the Emperor to that province and head of government of the directly ruled territories in the province.
The governor or lieutenant-governor also served as the Emperor's representative to the constituent states of the province. The first three of the lieutenant-governorships were territories annexed to India from other powers and temporarily governed by the erstwhile Bengal Presidency, before being made into their own separate provinces. Agra and Bengal were still considered de jure parts of the defunct Bengal Presidency for judicial and legal purposes. Agra was separated in 1878 and merged with Oudh.
The Bengal Presidency was re-established in 1912 as a governorship. All these provinces had their own legislatures established by the Indian Councils Acts, and high courts established by Indian High Courts Acts. Laws passed by these legislatures needed the dual assent of the governor or lieutenant-governor of the province and the governor-general of India, who functioned as the representative of the Emperor.
- There were three governor's provinces in 1912, styled "Presidencies" as a historical memento that they had been once governed by presidents. These were:
- Bombay
- Madras (officially Presidency of Fort St. George)
- Bengal (from 1912)
- There were six lieutenant-governor's provinces in 1905. These were:
- Burma
- Punjab
- Central Provinces
- Bengal (till 1912)
- Eastern Bengal and Assam (1905–1912)
- Agra and Oudh
- North-Western Provinces and Oudh (1878–1902)
- United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (1902–1935)
In addition to these, there were certain territories ruled directly by the Government of India through nominated chief commissioners. These were former independent states annexed to India and since ruled directly by the Supreme Government.
- There were the three chief commissioner's provinces. These did not have a legislature or a high court. These were:
- Ajmer-Merwara
- Coorg
- Oudh (till 1878)
- Delhi (from 1911, capital of India)
A vast majority of the Indian states in the late nineteenth century were, in terms of imperial divisions, organised within the provinces. However a good number of states were organised into imperial structures called agencies, or residencies. An Agent to the Governor-General (AGG) functioned as the Emperor's representative to all the states in the agency.
- At the time of establishment of the empire, there were only two agencies:
- Rajputana
- Central India
- In addition, these kingdoms were neither part of a province or an agency and had direct relations with the Emperor:
- Kashmir and Jammu
- Nizamate of Hyderabad
- Kingdom of Mysore
In 1919, the fourth Government of India was enacted by the Crown. This saw many major changes. The legislatures of the provinces were made elected ones rather than nominated ones. Some provinces were given bicameral legislatures. All provinces were elevated to governorships and all lieutenant governors were made governors. Burma was given a special status and made an autonomous province.
- There were ten governor's provinces now. These were:
- Bombay
- Madras
- Bengal
- Burma
- Punjab
- Central Provinces and Berar
- United Provinces
- North-West Frontier Province
- Assam
- Bihar and Orissa
- There were four chief commissioner's provinces. Their status mostly remained unchanged. These were:
- Ajmer-Merwara
- Coorg
- Balochistan
- Delhi
The Chamber of Princes was established by Emperor George V in 1920. One of the major consequences of this was the creation of many more agencies from the states of the provinces, thus granting them direct relations with the Emperor instead of with the Governors.
- There were now 8 imperial agencies and residencies. These were:
- Punjab States (formerly part of Punjab Province)
- Madras States (formerly part of Madras Presidency)
- Deccan States Agency and Kolhapur Residency (formerly part of Bombay Presidency)
- Western India and Gujarat States Agency and Baroda Residency (formerly part of Bombay Presidency)
- Eastern States (formerly part of Bengal Presidency, Bihar and Orissa Province and Central Provinces)
- Gwalior Residency (formerly part of Central India Agency)
- Rajputana
- Central India
This saw the separation of all the states from the provinces and addition to before-mentioned agencies. This left all the provinces with only territories under direct Crown rule.
- Some states were with direct relations with the Emperor. These were:
- Kashmir and Jammu
- Nizamate of Hyderabad
- Kingdom of Mysore
The latter years of the Indian Empire saw the enactment of the last Government of India Act by the Crown. This act granted full autonomy to Indian provinces. Provincial laws no longer needed the assent of the governor-general. This act created the office of a Premier in each province, who functioned as the new head of government and was responsible to the provincial legislature.
Bengal, Madras and Bombay which had been till now styled Presidencies, were now officially styled as provinces. The provinces of Orissa and Sind were created from Bihar and Bombay respectively. The Province of Burma which had previously functioned as an autonomous province of India was now separated from the Indian Empire, and established as the Crown Colony of Burma.
- The new set of 12 governor's provinces were:
- Bombay
- Sind
- Madras
- Bengal
- Burma
- Punjab
- Central Provinces and Berar
- United Provinces
- North-West Frontier Province
- Assam
- Bihar
- Orissa
- There were 4 chief commissioner's provinces:
- Ajmer-Merwara
- Coorg
- Balochistan
- Delhi
- There were 8 imperial agencies and residencies:
- Punjab States
- Madras States
- Deccan States Agency and Kolhapur Residency
- Western India and Gujarat States Agency and Baroda Residency
- Eastern States
- Gwalior Residency
- Rajputana
- Central India
- Three kingdoms were in direct relations with the Emperor.
In 1947, the last Act of the Crown was passed. The act dissolved the Indian Empire, the Imperial Legislative Council and the Chamber of Princes. The Union of India was consequently established from 9 former Indian provinces (East Punjab, United Provinces, Central Provinces, Madras, Bombay, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal and Assam) and 562 former Indian states.
Between 1947 and 1950, the territories of the princely states were politically integrated into the new Indian Union. Most were merged into existing provinces. Others were organised into new provinces and states, such as Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Malwa Union, Baghelkhand and Bundelkhand States Union, and Patiala and East Punjab States Union, made up of multiple princely states. A few, including Mysore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, and Bilaspur, became separate states.
The new Constitution of India, which came into force on 26 January 1950, made India a sovereign democratic republic. The new republic was also declared to be a "Union of States". The constitution of 1950 distinguished between three main types of states:
- Part A states, which were the former governors' provinces of India, were ruled by an elected governor and state legislature. The nine Part A states were:
- Assam (formerly Assam Province),
- Bihar (formerly Bihar Province),
- Bombay (formerly Bombay Province),
- East Punjab (formerly Punjab Province),
- Madhya Pradesh (formerly the Central Provinces and Berar),
- Madras (formerly Madras Province),
- Orissa (formerly Orissa Province),
- Uttar Pradesh (formerly the United Provinces), and
- West Bengal (formerly Bengal Province).
- The eight Part B states were former princely states or groups of princely states, governed by a rajpramukh, who was usually the ruler of a constituent state, and an elected legislature. The rajpramukh was appointed by the President of India. The Part B states were:
- Hyderabad (formerly Hyderabad Princely State),
- Jammu and Kashmir (formerly Jammu and Kashmir Princely State),
- Madhya Bharat (formerly Central India Agency),
- Mysore (formerly Mysore Princely State),
- Patiala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU),
- Rajasthan (formerly Rajputana Agency),
- Saurashtra (formerly Baroda, Western India and Gujarat States Agency), and
- Travancore–Cochin (formerly Travancore Princely State and Cochin Princely State).
- The ten Part C states included both the former chief commissioners' provinces and some princely states, and each was governed by a chief commissioner appointed by the President of India. The Part C states were:
- Ajmer (formerly Ajmer-Merwara Province),
- Bhopal (formerly Bhopal Princely State),
- Bilaspur (formerly Bilaspur Princely State),
- Coorg State (formerly Coorg Province),
- Delhi,
- Himachal Pradesh,
- Kutch (formerly Cutch Princely State),
- Manipur (formerly Manipur Princely State),
- Tripura (formerly Tripura Princely State), and
- Vindhya Pradesh (formerly Central India Agency).
- The only Part D state was the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which were administered by a lieutenant governor appointed by the union government.
States reorganisation (1951–1956)
Andhra State was created on 1 October 1953 from the Telugu-speaking northern districts of Madras State.
The French enclave of Chandernagore was transferred to West Bengal in 1954. In the same year Pondicherry, comprising the former French enclaves of Pondichéry, Karikal, Yanaon and Mahé, was transferred to India. This became a union territory in 1962.
Also in 1954, pro-India forces liberated the Portuguese-held enclaves of Dadrá and Nagar Aveli, declaring the short-lived de facto state of Free Dadra and Nagar Haveli. In 1961, India annexed it as the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
The States Reorganisation Act, 1956 reorganised the states based on linguistic lines resulting in the creation of the new states.
As a result of this act:
- Madras State retained its name, with Kanyakumari district added to form Travancore–Cochin.
- Andhra Pradesh was created with the merger of Andhra State with the Telugu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in 1956.
- Kerala was created by merging Malabar district and the Kasaragod taluk of South Canara districts of Madras State with Travancore–Cochin.
- Mysore State was re-organised with the addition of the districts of Bellary and South Canara (excluding Kasaragod taluk) and the Kollegal taluk of Coimbatore district from the Madras State, the districts of Belgaum, Bijapur, North Canara and Dharwad from Bombay State, the Kannada-majority districts of Bidar, Raichur and Kalaburagi from Hyderabad State and the Coorg State.
- The Laccadive Islands, Aminidivi Islands and Minicoy Island, which had been divided between the South Canara and Malabar districts of Madras State, were united and organised into the union territory of Lakshadweep.
- Bombay State was enlarged by the addition of Saurashtra State and Kutch State, the Marathi-speaking districts of Nagpur division of Madhya Pradesh and the Marathwada region of Hyderabad State.
- Rajasthan and Punjab gained territories from Ajmer State and Patiala and East Punjab States Union respectively and certain territories of Bihar were transferred to West Bengal.
Bombay State was split into the linguistic states of Gujarat and Maharashtra on 1 May 1960 by the Bombay Reorganisation Act. The former Union Territory of Nagaland achieved statehood on 1 December 1963. The Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966 resulted in the creation of Haryana on 1 November and the transfer of the northern districts of Punjab to Himachal Pradesh. The act designated Chandigarh as a union territory and the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana.
Madras State was renamed Tamil Nadu in 1969. The north-eastern states of Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura were formed on 21 January 1972. Mysore State was renamed Karnataka in 1973. On 16 May 1975, Sikkim became the 22nd state of the Indian Union and the state's monarchy was abolished. In 1987, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram became states on 20 February, followed by Goa on 30 May, while erstwhile union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu's northern exclaves Damão and Diu became a separate union territory as Daman and Diu.
In November 2000, three new states were created, namely:
- Chhattisgarh, from eastern Madhya Pradesh,
- Uttaranchal, from northwest Uttar Pradesh (renamed Uttarakhand in 2007), and
- Jharkhand, from southern districts of Bihar with the enforcement of Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2000, Uttar Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2000 and Bihar Reorganisation Act, 2000 respectively.
Pondicherry was renamed Puducherry in 2007 and Orissa was renamed Odisha in 2011. Telangana was created on 2 June 2014 from ten former districts of north-western Andhra Pradesh.
In August 2019, the Parliament of India passed the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, which contains provisions to reorganise the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories; Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, effective from 31 October 2019. Later that year in November, the Government of India introduced legislation to merge the union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli into a single union territory to be known as Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, effective from 26 January 2020.
Current proposals
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States and Union territories
State | ISO | Vehicle code | Zone | Capital | Largest city | Statehood | Population (2011) | Area (km2) | Official languages | Additional official languages |
Andhra Pradesh | IN-AP | AP | Southern | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | 1 November 1956 | 49,506,799 | 162,975 | Telugu | Urdu |
Arunachal Pradesh | IN-AR | AR | North-Eastern | Itanagar | 20 February 1987 | 1,383,727 | 83,743 | English | — | |
Assam | IN-AS | AS | North-Eastern | Dispur | Guwahati | 26 January 1950 | 31,205,576 | 78,438 | Assamese, Boro | Bengali, Meitei |
Bihar | IN-BR | BR | Eastern | Patna | 26 January 1950 | 104,099,452 | 94,163 | Hindi | Urdu | |
Chhattisgarh | IN-CG | CG | Central | Raipur | 1 November 2000 | 25,545,198 | 135,194 | Hindi | Chhattisgarhi | |
Goa | IN-GA | GA | Western | Panaji | Vasco da Gama | 30 May 1987 | 1,458,545 | 3,702 | Konkani | Marathi |
Gujarat | IN-GJ | GJ | Western | Gandhinagar | Ahmedabad | 1 May 1960 | 60,439,692 | 196,024 | Gujarati, Hindi | — |
Haryana | IN-HR | HR | Northern | Chandigarh | Faridabad | 1 November 1966 | 25,351,462 | 44,212 | Hindi | Punjabi |
Himachal Pradesh | IN-HP | HP | Northern | Shimla (Summer) Dharamshala (Winter) | Shimla | 25 January 1971 | 6,864,602 | 55,673 | Hindi | Sanskrit |
Jharkhand | IN-JH | JH | Eastern | Ranchi | Jamshedpur | 15 November 2000 | 32,988,134 | 79,714 | Hindi | Angika, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bhumij, Ho, Kharia, Khortha, Kurmali, Kurukh, Magahi, Maithili, Mundari, Nagpuri, Odia, Santali, Urdu |
Karnataka | IN-KA | KA | Southern | Bengaluru | 1 November 1956 | 61,095,297 | 191,791 | Kannada | — | |
Kerala | IN-KL | KL | Southern | Thiruvananthapuram | 1 November 1956 | 33,406,061 | 38,863 | Malayalam | English | |
Madhya Pradesh | IN-MP | MP | Central | Bhopal | Indore | 1 November 1956 | 72,626,809 | 308,252 | Hindi | — |
Maharashtra | IN-MH | MH | Western | Mumbai (Summer) Nagpur (Winter) | Mumbai | 1 May 1960 | 112,374,333 | 307,713 | Marathi | — |
Manipur | IN-MN | MN | North-Eastern | Imphal | 21 January 1972 | 2,855,794 | 22,327 | Meitei | English | |
Meghalaya | IN-ML | ML | North-Eastern | Shillong | 21 January 1972 | 2,966,889 | 22,429 | English | — | |
Mizoram | IN-MZ | MZ | North-Eastern | Aizawl | 20 February 1987 | 1,097,206 | 21,081 | Mizo, English | — | |
Nagaland | IN-NL | NL | North-Eastern | Kohima | Dimapur | 1 December 1963 | 1,978,502 | 16,579 | English | — |
Odisha | IN-OD | OD | Eastern | Bhubaneswar | 26 January 1950 | 41,974,218 | 155,707 | Odia | — | |
Punjab | IN-PB | PB | Northern | Chandigarh | Ludhiana | 1 November 1966 | 27,743,338 | 50,362 | Punjabi | — |
Rajasthan | IN-RJ | RJ | Northern | Jaipur | 26 January 1950 | 68,548,437 | 342,239 | Hindi | English | |
Sikkim | IN-SK | SK | North-Eastern | Gangtok | 16 May 1975 | 610,577 | 7,096 | Nepali, Sikkimese, Lepcha, English | Gurung, Limbu, Magar, Mukhia, Newari, Rai, Sherpa, Tamang | |
Tamil Nadu | IN-TN | TN | Southern | Chennai | 1 November 1956 | 72,147,030 | 130,058 | Tamil | English | |
Telangana | IN-TS | TG | Southern | Hyderabad | 2 June 2014 | 35,193,978 | 112,077 | Telugu | Urdu | |
Tripura | IN-TR | TR | North-Eastern | Agartala | 21 January 1972 | 3,673,917 | 10,491 | Bengali, English, Kokborok | — | |
Uttar Pradesh | IN-UP | UP | Central | Lucknow | 26 January 1950 | 199,812,341 | 240,928 | Hindi | Urdu | |
Uttarakhand | IN-UK | UK | Central | Bhararisain (Summer) Dehradun (Winter) | Dehradun | 9 November 2000 | 10,086,292 | 53,483 | Hindi | Sanskrit |
West Bengal | IN-WB | WB | Eastern | Kolkata | 26 January 1950 | 91,276,115 | 88,752 | Bengali, English | Nepali,Hindi, Odia, Punjabi, Santali, Telugu, Urdu, Kamatapuri, Rajbanshi, Kurmali, Kurukh | |
Total | 1,178,310,321 | 3,054,066 |
- A few union territories have their own representative territorial governments.
- Nava Raipur is planned to replace Raipur as the capital city of Chhattisgarh.
- Andhra Pradesh was divided into two states, Telangana and a residual Andhra Pradesh on 2 June 2014.Hyderabad, located entirely within the borders of Telangana, is to serve as the capital for both states for a period of time not exceeding ten years. The Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Andhra Pradesh Legislature completed the process of relocating to temporary facilities in the envisaged new capital city Amaravati in early 2017.
- Bengali and Nepali are the official languages in the Darjeeling and Kurseong sub-divisions of the Darjeeling district.
Union territories
State | ISO | Vehicle code | Zone | Capital | Largest city | Established | Population (2011) | Area (km2) | Official languages | Additional official languages |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | IN-AN | AN | Eastern | Sri Vijaya Puram | 1 November 1956 | 380,581 | 8,249 | Hindi, English | — | |
Chandigarh | IN-CH | CH | Northern | Chandigarh | 1 November 1966 | 1,055,450 | 114 | English | — | |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu | IN-DH | DD | Western | Daman | Silvassa | 26 January 2020 | 587,106 | 603 | Hindi, English | Gujarati |
Delhi | IN-DL | DL | Northern | New Delhi | Delhi | 1 November 1956 | 16,787,941 | 1,484 | Hindi, English | Urdu, Punjabi |
Jammu and Kashmir | IN-JK | JK | Northern | Srinagar (Summer) Jammu (Winter) | Srinagar | 31 October 2019 | 12,258,433 | 42,241 | Dogri, English, Hindi, Kashmiri, Urdu | — |
Ladakh | IN-LA | LA | Northern | Leh (Summer) Kargil (Winter) | Leh | 31 October 2019 | 290,492 | 59,146 | Hindi, English | — |
Lakshadweep | IN-LD | LD | Southern | Kavaratti | 1 November 1956 | 64,473 | 32 | Hindi, English | Malayalam | |
Puducherry | IN-PY | PY | Southern | Pondicherry | 16 August 1962 | 1,247,953 | 479 | Tamil, French, English | Telugu, Malayalam | |
Total | 32,672,429 | 112,348 |
Former states and union territories
Former states
Map | State | Capital | Years | Present-day state(s) |
Ajmer State | Ajmer | 1950–1956 | Rajasthan | |
Andhra State | Kurnool | 1953–1956 | Andhra Pradesh | |
Bhopal State | Bhopal | 1949–1956 | Madhya Pradesh | |
Bilaspur State | Bilaspur | 1950–1954 | Himachal Pradesh | |
Bombay State | Bombay | 1950–1960 | Maharashtra, Gujarat, and partially Karnataka | |
Coorg State | Madikeri | 1950–1956 | Karnataka | |
East Punjab | Shimla (1947–1953) Chandigarh (1953–1966) | 1947–1966 | Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh UT | |
Hyderabad State | Hyderabad | 1948–1956 | Telangana, and partially Maharashtra and Karnataka | |
Jammu and Kashmir | Srinagar (Summer) Jammu (Winter) | 1952–2019 | Jammu and Kashmir UT and Ladakh UT | |
Kutch State | Bhuj | 1947–1956 | Gujarat | |
Madhya Bharat | Indore (Summer) Gwalior (Winter) | 1948–1956 | Madhya Pradesh | |
Madras State | Madras | 1950–1969 | Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and partially Karnataka and Kerala | |
Mysore State | Bangalore | 1947–1973 | Karnataka | |
Patiala and East Punjab States Union | Patiala | 1948–1956 | Punjab and Haryana | |
Saurashtra | Rajkot | 1948–1956 | Gujarat | |
Travancore–Cochin | Trivandrum | 1949–1956 | Kerala and partially Tamil Nadu | |
Vindhya Pradesh | Rewa | 1948–1956 | Madhya Pradesh |
Former union territories
Name | Zone | Capital | Area | Begin | End | Successor(s) | Map |
Arunachal Pradesh | North-Eastern | Itanagar | 83,743 km2 (32,333 sq mi) | 21 January 1972 | 20 February 1987 | As an Indian state | |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | Western | Silvassa | 491 km2 (190 sq mi) | 11 August 1961 | 26 January 2020 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (UT) | |
Daman and Diu | Western | Daman | 112 km2 (43 sq mi) | 30 May 1987 | 26 January 2020 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (UT) | |
Goa, Daman and Diu | Western | Panaji | 3,814 km2 (1,473 sq mi) | 19 December 1961 | 30 May 1987 | Goa (state), Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (UT) | |
Himachal Pradesh | Northern | Shimla | 55,673 km2 (21,495 sq mi) | 1 November 1956 | 25 January 1971 | As an Indian state | |
Manipur | North-Eastern | Imphal | 22,327 km2 (8,621 sq mi) | 1 November 1956 | 21 January 1972 | As an Indian state | |
Mizoram | North-Eastern | Aizawl | 21,081 km2 (8,139 sq mi) | 21 January 1972 | 20 February 1987 | As an Indian state | |
Nagaland | North-Eastern | Kohima | 16,579 km2 (6,401 sq mi) | 29 November 1957 | 1 December 1963 | As an Indian state | |
Tripura | North-Eastern | Agartala | 10,491 km2 (4,051 sq mi) | 1 November 1956 | 21 January 1972 | As an Indian state |
Responsibilities and authorities
The Constitution of India distributes the sovereign executive and legislative powers exercisable with respect to the territory of any state between the Union and that state.
See also
- Administrative divisions of India
- Autonomous administrative divisions of India
- List of adjectives and demonyms for states and territories of India
- List of Indian state and union territory name etymologies
- List of princely states of British India (alphabetical)
- List of states and union territories of India by area
- List of states and union territories of India by population
- List of states in India by past population
- List of states of India by wildlife population
- Proposed states and union territories of India
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Article 73 broadly stated, provides that the executive power of the Union shall extend to the matters with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws. Article 162 similarly provides that the executive power of a State shall extend to the matters with respect to which the Legislature of a State has power to make laws. The Supreme Court has reiterated this position when it ruled in the Ramanaiah case that the executive power of the Union or of the State broadly speaking, is coextensive and coterminous with its respective legislative power
External links
- Official Government of India website: States and Union Territories
India is a federal union comprising 28 states and 8 union territories for a total of 36 subnational entities The states and union territories are further subdivided into 800 districts and smaller administrative divisions by the respective subnational government States and union territories of IndiaAndhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh National Capital Territory Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Ladakh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Lakshadweep PuducherryCategoryFederated statesLocationRepublic of IndiaNumber28 States 8 Union territoriesPopulationsStates Sikkim 610 577 lowest Uttar Pradesh 199 812 341 highest Union Territories Lakshadweep 64 473 lowest Delhi 16 787 941 highest AreasStates Goa 3 702 km2 1 429 sq mi smallest Rajasthan 342 269 km2 132 151 sq mi largest Union territories Lakshadweep 32 km2 12 sq mi smallest Ladakh 59 146 km2 22 836 sq mi largest GovernmentState Governments Union Government union territories SubdivisionsDivisions Districts The states of India are self governing administrative divisions each having a state government The governing powers of the states are shared between the state government and the union government On the other hand the union territories are directly governed by the union government History1876 1919 The administrative divisions of the Indian Empire in 1909 The Indian Empire was a very complex political entity consisting of various imperial divisions and states and territories of varying autonomy At the time of its establishment in 1876 it was made up of 584 constituent states and the directly ruled territories of the Crown The entire empire was divided into provinces and agencies A province consisted of territory under the direct rule of the Emperor of India who was also the King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions and a few minor states ruled by Indian princes under the suzerainty of the Emperor A Governor or Lieutenant Governor acted as the representative of the Emperor to that province and head of government of the directly ruled territories in the province The governor or lieutenant governor also served as the Emperor s representative to the constituent states of the province The first three of the lieutenant governorships were territories annexed to India from other powers and temporarily governed by the erstwhile Bengal Presidency before being made into their own separate provinces Agra and Bengal were still considered de jure parts of the defunct Bengal Presidency for judicial and legal purposes Agra was separated in 1878 and merged with Oudh The Bengal Presidency was re established in 1912 as a governorship All these provinces had their own legislatures established by the Indian Councils Acts and high courts established by Indian High Courts Acts Laws passed by these legislatures needed the dual assent of the governor or lieutenant governor of the province and the governor general of India who functioned as the representative of the Emperor There were three governor s provinces in 1912 styled Presidencies as a historical memento that they had been once governed by presidents These were Bombay Madras officially Presidency of Fort St George Bengal from 1912 There were six lieutenant governor s provinces in 1905 These were Burma Punjab Central Provinces Bengal till 1912 Eastern Bengal and Assam 1905 1912 Agra and Oudh North Western Provinces and Oudh 1878 1902 United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1902 1935 In addition to these there were certain territories ruled directly by the Government of India through nominated chief commissioners These were former independent states annexed to India and since ruled directly by the Supreme Government There were the three chief commissioner s provinces These did not have a legislature or a high court These were Ajmer Merwara Coorg Oudh till 1878 Delhi from 1911 capital of India A vast majority of the Indian states in the late nineteenth century were in terms of imperial divisions organised within the provinces However a good number of states were organised into imperial structures called agencies or residencies An Agent to the Governor General AGG functioned as the Emperor s representative to all the states in the agency At the time of establishment of the empire there were only two agencies Rajputana Central India In addition these kingdoms were neither part of a province or an agency and had direct relations with the Emperor Kashmir and Jammu Nizamate of Hyderabad Kingdom of Mysore1919 1935 In 1919 the fourth Government of India was enacted by the Crown This saw many major changes The legislatures of the provinces were made elected ones rather than nominated ones Some provinces were given bicameral legislatures All provinces were elevated to governorships and all lieutenant governors were made governors Burma was given a special status and made an autonomous province There were ten governor s provinces now These were Bombay Madras Bengal Burma Punjab Central Provinces and Berar United Provinces North West Frontier Province Assam Bihar and Orissa There were four chief commissioner s provinces Their status mostly remained unchanged These were Ajmer Merwara Coorg Balochistan Delhi The Chamber of Princes was established by Emperor George V in 1920 One of the major consequences of this was the creation of many more agencies from the states of the provinces thus granting them direct relations with the Emperor instead of with the Governors There were now 8 imperial agencies and residencies These were Punjab States formerly part of Punjab Province Madras States formerly part of Madras Presidency Deccan States Agency and Kolhapur Residency formerly part of Bombay Presidency Western India and Gujarat States Agency and Baroda Residency formerly part of Bombay Presidency Eastern States formerly part of Bengal Presidency Bihar and Orissa Province and Central Provinces Gwalior Residency formerly part of Central India Agency Rajputana Central India This saw the separation of all the states from the provinces and addition to before mentioned agencies This left all the provinces with only territories under direct Crown rule Some states were with direct relations with the Emperor These were Kashmir and Jammu Nizamate of Hyderabad Kingdom of Mysore1935 1947 The latter years of the Indian Empire saw the enactment of the last Government of India Act by the Crown This act granted full autonomy to Indian provinces Provincial laws no longer needed the assent of the governor general This act created the office of a Premier in each province who functioned as the new head of government and was responsible to the provincial legislature Bengal Madras and Bombay which had been till now styled Presidencies were now officially styled as provinces The provinces of Orissa and Sind were created from Bihar and Bombay respectively The Province of Burma which had previously functioned as an autonomous province of India was now separated from the Indian Empire and established as the Crown Colony of Burma The new set of 12 governor s provinces were Bombay Sind Madras Bengal Burma Punjab Central Provinces and Berar United Provinces North West Frontier Province Assam Bihar Orissa There were 4 chief commissioner s provinces Ajmer Merwara Coorg Balochistan Delhi There were 8 imperial agencies and residencies Punjab States Madras States Deccan States Agency and Kolhapur Residency Western India and Gujarat States Agency and Baroda Residency Eastern States Gwalior Residency Rajputana Central India Three kingdoms were in direct relations with the Emperor In 1947 the last Act of the Crown was passed The act dissolved the Indian Empire the Imperial Legislative Council and the Chamber of Princes The Union of India was consequently established from 9 former Indian provinces East Punjab United Provinces Central Provinces Madras Bombay Bihar Orissa West Bengal and Assam and 562 former Indian states 1947 1950 The administrative divisions of the Union of India in 1949 Between 1947 and 1950 the territories of the princely states were politically integrated into the new Indian Union Most were merged into existing provinces Others were organised into new provinces and states such as Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh Malwa Union Baghelkhand and Bundelkhand States Union and Patiala and East Punjab States Union made up of multiple princely states A few including Mysore Hyderabad Bhopal and Bilaspur became separate states The new Constitution of India which came into force on 26 January 1950 made India a sovereign democratic republic The new republic was also declared to be a Union of States The constitution of 1950 distinguished between three main types of states Part A states which were the former governors provinces of India were ruled by an elected governor and state legislature The nine Part A states were Assam formerly Assam Province Bihar formerly Bihar Province Bombay formerly Bombay Province East Punjab formerly Punjab Province Madhya Pradesh formerly the Central Provinces and Berar Madras formerly Madras Province Orissa formerly Orissa Province Uttar Pradesh formerly the United Provinces and West Bengal formerly Bengal Province The eight Part B states were former princely states or groups of princely states governed by a rajpramukh who was usually the ruler of a constituent state and an elected legislature The rajpramukh was appointed by the President of India The Part B states were Hyderabad formerly Hyderabad Princely State Jammu and Kashmir formerly Jammu and Kashmir Princely State Madhya Bharat formerly Central India Agency Mysore formerly Mysore Princely State Patiala and East Punjab States Union PEPSU Rajasthan formerly Rajputana Agency Saurashtra formerly Baroda Western India and Gujarat States Agency and Travancore Cochin formerly Travancore Princely State and Cochin Princely State The ten Part C states included both the former chief commissioners provinces and some princely states and each was governed by a chief commissioner appointed by the President of India The Part C states were Ajmer formerly Ajmer Merwara Province Bhopal formerly Bhopal Princely State Bilaspur formerly Bilaspur Princely State Coorg State formerly Coorg Province Delhi Himachal Pradesh Kutch formerly Cutch Princely State Manipur formerly Manipur Princely State Tripura formerly Tripura Princely State and Vindhya Pradesh formerly Central India Agency The only Part D state was the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which were administered by a lieutenant governor appointed by the union government States reorganisation 1951 1956 Andhra State was created on 1 October 1953 from the Telugu speaking northern districts of Madras State The French enclave of Chandernagore was transferred to West Bengal in 1954 In the same year Pondicherry comprising the former French enclaves of Pondichery Karikal Yanaon and Mahe was transferred to India This became a union territory in 1962 Also in 1954 pro India forces liberated the Portuguese held enclaves of Dadra and Nagar Aveli declaring the short lived de facto state of Free Dadra and Nagar Haveli In 1961 India annexed it as the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli The States Reorganisation Act 1956 reorganised the states based on linguistic lines resulting in the creation of the new states As a result of this act Madras State retained its name with Kanyakumari district added to form Travancore Cochin Andhra Pradesh was created with the merger of Andhra State with the Telugu speaking districts of Hyderabad State in 1956 Kerala was created by merging Malabar district and the Kasaragod taluk of South Canara districts of Madras State with Travancore Cochin Mysore State was re organised with the addition of the districts of Bellary and South Canara excluding Kasaragod taluk and the Kollegal taluk of Coimbatore district from the Madras State the districts of Belgaum Bijapur North Canara and Dharwad from Bombay State the Kannada majority districts of Bidar Raichur and Kalaburagi from Hyderabad State and the Coorg State The Laccadive Islands Aminidivi Islands and Minicoy Island which had been divided between the South Canara and Malabar districts of Madras State were united and organised into the union territory of Lakshadweep Bombay State was enlarged by the addition of Saurashtra State and Kutch State the Marathi speaking districts of Nagpur division of Madhya Pradesh and the Marathwada region of Hyderabad State Rajasthan and Punjab gained territories from Ajmer State and Patiala and East Punjab States Union respectively and certain territories of Bihar were transferred to West Bengal Post 1956 Bombay State was split into the linguistic states of Gujarat and Maharashtra on 1 May 1960 by the Bombay Reorganisation Act The former Union Territory of Nagaland achieved statehood on 1 December 1963 The Punjab Reorganisation Act 1966 resulted in the creation of Haryana on 1 November and the transfer of the northern districts of Punjab to Himachal Pradesh The act designated Chandigarh as a union territory and the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana Madras State was renamed Tamil Nadu in 1969 The north eastern states of Manipur Meghalaya and Tripura were formed on 21 January 1972 Mysore State was renamed Karnataka in 1973 On 16 May 1975 Sikkim became the 22nd state of the Indian Union and the state s monarchy was abolished In 1987 Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram became states on 20 February followed by Goa on 30 May while erstwhile union territory of Goa Daman and Diu s northern exclaves Damao and Diu became a separate union territory as Daman and Diu In November 2000 three new states were created namely Chhattisgarh from eastern Madhya Pradesh Uttaranchal from northwest Uttar Pradesh renamed Uttarakhand in 2007 and Jharkhand from southern districts of Bihar with the enforcement of Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2000 Uttar Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2000 and Bihar Reorganisation Act 2000 respectively Pondicherry was renamed Puducherry in 2007 and Orissa was renamed Odisha in 2011 Telangana was created on 2 June 2014 from ten former districts of north western Andhra Pradesh In August 2019 the Parliament of India passed the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019 which contains provisions to reorganise the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh effective from 31 October 2019 Later that year in November the Government of India introduced legislation to merge the union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli into a single union territory to be known as Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu effective from 26 January 2020 Current proposals This section is empty You can help by adding to it December 2024 States and Union territoriesStates State ISO Vehicle code Zone Capital Largest city Statehood Population 2011 Area km2 Official languages Additional official languagesAndhra Pradesh IN AP AP Southern Amaravati Visakhapatnam 1 November 1956 49 506 799 162 975 Telugu UrduArunachal Pradesh IN AR AR North Eastern Itanagar 20 February 1987 1 383 727 83 743 English Assam IN AS AS North Eastern Dispur Guwahati 26 January 1950 31 205 576 78 438 Assamese Boro Bengali MeiteiBihar IN BR BR Eastern Patna 26 January 1950 104 099 452 94 163 Hindi UrduChhattisgarh IN CG CG Central Raipur 1 November 2000 25 545 198 135 194 Hindi ChhattisgarhiGoa IN GA GA Western Panaji Vasco da Gama 30 May 1987 1 458 545 3 702 Konkani MarathiGujarat IN GJ GJ Western Gandhinagar Ahmedabad 1 May 1960 60 439 692 196 024 Gujarati Hindi Haryana IN HR HR Northern Chandigarh Faridabad 1 November 1966 25 351 462 44 212 Hindi PunjabiHimachal Pradesh IN HP HP Northern Shimla Summer Dharamshala Winter Shimla 25 January 1971 6 864 602 55 673 Hindi SanskritJharkhand IN JH JH Eastern Ranchi Jamshedpur 15 November 2000 32 988 134 79 714 Hindi Angika Bengali Bhojpuri Bhumij Ho Kharia Khortha Kurmali Kurukh Magahi Maithili Mundari Nagpuri Odia Santali UrduKarnataka IN KA KA Southern Bengaluru 1 November 1956 61 095 297 191 791 Kannada Kerala IN KL KL Southern Thiruvananthapuram 1 November 1956 33 406 061 38 863 Malayalam EnglishMadhya Pradesh IN MP MP Central Bhopal Indore 1 November 1956 72 626 809 308 252 Hindi Maharashtra IN MH MH Western Mumbai Summer Nagpur Winter Mumbai 1 May 1960 112 374 333 307 713 Marathi Manipur IN MN MN North Eastern Imphal 21 January 1972 2 855 794 22 327 Meitei EnglishMeghalaya IN ML ML North Eastern Shillong 21 January 1972 2 966 889 22 429 English Mizoram IN MZ MZ North Eastern Aizawl 20 February 1987 1 097 206 21 081 Mizo English Nagaland IN NL NL North Eastern Kohima Dimapur 1 December 1963 1 978 502 16 579 English Odisha IN OD OD Eastern Bhubaneswar 26 January 1950 41 974 218 155 707 Odia Punjab IN PB PB Northern Chandigarh Ludhiana 1 November 1966 27 743 338 50 362 Punjabi Rajasthan IN RJ RJ Northern Jaipur 26 January 1950 68 548 437 342 239 Hindi EnglishSikkim IN SK SK North Eastern Gangtok 16 May 1975 610 577 7 096 Nepali Sikkimese Lepcha English Gurung Limbu Magar Mukhia Newari Rai Sherpa TamangTamil Nadu IN TN TN Southern Chennai 1 November 1956 72 147 030 130 058 Tamil EnglishTelangana IN TS TG Southern Hyderabad 2 June 2014 35 193 978 112 077 Telugu UrduTripura IN TR TR North Eastern Agartala 21 January 1972 3 673 917 10 491 Bengali English Kokborok Uttar Pradesh IN UP UP Central Lucknow 26 January 1950 199 812 341 240 928 Hindi UrduUttarakhand IN UK UK Central Bhararisain Summer Dehradun Winter Dehradun 9 November 2000 10 086 292 53 483 Hindi SanskritWest Bengal IN WB WB Eastern Kolkata 26 January 1950 91 276 115 88 752 Bengali English Nepali Hindi Odia Punjabi Santali Telugu Urdu Kamatapuri Rajbanshi Kurmali KurukhTotal 1 178 310 321 3 054 066A few union territories have their own representative territorial governments Nava Raipur is planned to replace Raipur as the capital city of Chhattisgarh Andhra Pradesh was divided into two states Telangana and a residual Andhra Pradesh on 2 June 2014 Hyderabad located entirely within the borders of Telangana is to serve as the capital for both states for a period of time not exceeding ten years The Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Andhra Pradesh Legislature completed the process of relocating to temporary facilities in the envisaged new capital city Amaravati in early 2017 Bengali and Nepali are the official languages in the Darjeeling and Kurseong sub divisions of the Darjeeling district Union territories This section is an excerpt from Union territory Current union territories edit State ISO Vehicle code Zone Capital Largest city Established Population 2011 Area km2 Official languages Additional official languagesAndaman and Nicobar Islands IN AN AN Eastern Sri Vijaya Puram 1 November 1956 380 581 8 249 Hindi English Chandigarh IN CH CH Northern Chandigarh 1 November 1966 1 055 450 114 English Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu IN DH DD Western Daman Silvassa 26 January 2020 587 106 603 Hindi English GujaratiDelhi IN DL DL Northern New Delhi Delhi 1 November 1956 16 787 941 1 484 Hindi English Urdu PunjabiJammu and Kashmir IN JK JK Northern Srinagar Summer Jammu Winter Srinagar 31 October 2019 12 258 433 42 241 Dogri English Hindi Kashmiri Urdu Ladakh IN LA LA Northern Leh Summer Kargil Winter Leh 31 October 2019 290 492 59 146 Hindi English Lakshadweep IN LD LD Southern Kavaratti 1 November 1956 64 473 32 Hindi English MalayalamPuducherry IN PY PY Southern Pondicherry 16 August 1962 1 247 953 479 Tamil French English Telugu MalayalamTotal 32 672 429 112 348Former states and union territoriesFormer states Map State Capital Years Present day state s Ajmer State Ajmer 1950 1956 RajasthanAndhra State Kurnool 1953 1956 Andhra PradeshBhopal State Bhopal 1949 1956 Madhya PradeshBilaspur State Bilaspur 1950 1954 Himachal PradeshBombay State Bombay 1950 1960 Maharashtra Gujarat and partially KarnatakaCoorg State Madikeri 1950 1956 KarnatakaEast Punjab Shimla 1947 1953 Chandigarh 1953 1966 1947 1966 Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh UTHyderabad State Hyderabad 1948 1956 Telangana and partially Maharashtra and KarnatakaJammu and Kashmir Srinagar Summer Jammu Winter 1952 2019 Jammu and Kashmir UT and Ladakh UTKutch State Bhuj 1947 1956 GujaratMadhya Bharat Indore Summer Gwalior Winter 1948 1956 Madhya PradeshMadras State Madras 1950 1969 Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu and partially Karnataka and KeralaMysore State Bangalore 1947 1973 KarnatakaPatiala and East Punjab States Union Patiala 1948 1956 Punjab and HaryanaSaurashtra Rajkot 1948 1956 GujaratTravancore Cochin Trivandrum 1949 1956 Kerala and partially Tamil NaduVindhya Pradesh Rewa 1948 1956 Madhya PradeshFormer union territories This section is an excerpt from Union territory Former union territories edit Former union territories of India Name Zone Capital Area Begin End Successor s MapArunachal Pradesh North Eastern Itanagar 83 743 km2 32 333 sq mi 21 January 1972 20 February 1987 As an Indian stateDadra and Nagar Haveli Western Silvassa 491 km2 190 sq mi 11 August 1961 26 January 2020 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu UT Daman and Diu Western Daman 112 km2 43 sq mi 30 May 1987 26 January 2020 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu UT Goa Daman and Diu Western Panaji 3 814 km2 1 473 sq mi 19 December 1961 30 May 1987 Goa state Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu UT Himachal Pradesh Northern Shimla 55 673 km2 21 495 sq mi 1 November 1956 25 January 1971 As an Indian stateManipur North Eastern Imphal 22 327 km2 8 621 sq mi 1 November 1956 21 January 1972 As an Indian stateMizoram North Eastern Aizawl 21 081 km2 8 139 sq mi 21 January 1972 20 February 1987 As an Indian stateNagaland North Eastern Kohima 16 579 km2 6 401 sq mi 29 November 1957 1 December 1963 As an Indian stateTripura North Eastern Agartala 10 491 km2 4 051 sq mi 1 November 1956 21 January 1972 As an Indian stateResponsibilities and authoritiesThe Constitution of India distributes the sovereign executive and legislative powers exercisable with respect to the territory of any state between the Union and that state See alsoAdministrative divisions of India Autonomous administrative divisions of India List of adjectives and demonyms for states and territories of India List of Indian state and union territory name etymologies List of princely states of British India alphabetical List of states and union territories of India by area List of states and union territories of India by population List of states in India by past population List of states of India by wildlife population Proposed states and union territories of IndiaNotesReferences States and Union Territories Know India Programme Archived from the original on 18 August 2017 Retrieved 21 April 2020 Local Government 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