A social skill is any competence facilitating interaction and communication with others where social rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways. The process of learning these skills is called socialization. Lack of such skills can cause social awkwardness.

Interpersonal skills are actions used to effectively interact with others. Interpersonal skills relate to categories of dominance vs. submission, love vs. hate, affiliation vs. aggression, and control vs. autonomy (Leary, 1957).[full citation needed] Positive interpersonal skills include entertainment, persuasion, active listening, showing care, delegation, hospitality and stewardship, among others. Social psychology, an academic discipline focused on research relating to social functioning, studies how interpersonal skills are learned through societal-based changes in attitude, thinking, and behavior.[citation needed]
Enumeration and categorization
Social skills are the tools that enable people to communicate, learn, ask for help, get needs met in appropriate ways, get along with others, make friends, develop healthy relationships, protect themselves, and in general, be able to interact with the society harmoniously. Social skills build essential character traits like trustworthiness, respectfulness, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. These traits help build an internal moral compass, allowing individuals to make good choices in thinking and behavior, resulting in social competence.
The important social skills identified by the Employment and Training Administration are:[citation needed]
- Coordination – Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
- Mentoring – Teaching and helping others learn how to do something (e.g. being a study partner).
- Negotiation – Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
- Persuasion – The action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
- Service orientation – Actively looking for ways to evolve compassionately and grow psycho-socially with people.
- Social perceptiveness – Being aware of others' reactions and able to respond in an understanding manner.
Social skills are goal oriented with both main goals and sub-goals.[better source needed] For example, a workplace interaction initiated by a new employee with a senior employee will first contain a main goal. This will be to gather information, and then the sub-goal will be to establish a rapport in order to obtain the main goal. Takeo Doi in his study of consciousness distinguished this as tatemae, meaning conventions and verbal expressions and honne, meaning true motive behind the conventions.
Causes of deficits
Deficits in social skills were categorized by Gresham in 1998, as failure to recognize and reflect social skills, a failure to model appropriate models, and failure to perform acceptable behavior in particular situations in relation to developmental and transitional stages. Social skill deficits are also a discouragement for children with behavioral challenges when it comes to adult adjustment.
Alcohol misuse
Social skills are often significantly impaired in people suffering from alcoholism. This is due to the neurotoxic long-term effects of alcohol misuse on the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex area of the brain. The social skills that are typically impaired by alcohol abuse, include impairments in perceiving facial emotions, prosody perception problems, and theory of mind deficits. The ability to understand humor is also often impaired in alcohol abusers. Impairments in social skills can also occur in individuals who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. These deficits persist throughout the affected people's lives, and may worsen over time due to the effects of aging on the brain.
ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder
People with ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder often have difficulties with social skills, such as social interaction. Approximately half of children and adolescents with ADHD will experience peer rejection, compared to 10–15 percent of non-ADHD youth. Adolescents with ADHD are less likely to develop close friendships and romantic relationships; they are usually regarded by their peers as immature or as social outcasts, with an exception for peers that have ADHD or related conditions themselves, or a high level of tolerance for such symptoms. As they begin to mature, however, it becomes easier to make such relationships. Training in social skills, behavioral modification, and medication have some beneficial effects. It is important for youth with ADHD to form friendships with people who are not involved in deviant or delinquent activities, people who do not have significant mental illnesses or developmental disabilities, in order to reduce emergence of later psychopathology.[citation needed] Poor peer relationships can contribute to major depression, criminality, school failure, and substance use disorders.
Autistic spectrum disorders
Individuals with autistic spectrum disorders including autism and Asperger syndrome are often characterized by their deficiency in social functioning. The concept of social skills has been questioned in terms of the autistic spectrum. In response to the needs of autistic children, Romanczyk has suggested adapting a comprehensive model of social acquisitions with behavioral modification rather than specific responses tailored for social contexts.
Anxiety and depression
Individuals with few opportunities to socialize with others often struggle with social skills. This can often create a downward spiral effect for people with mental illnesses like anxiety or depression. Due to anxiety experienced from concerns with interpersonal evaluation and fear of negative reaction by others, surfeit expectations of failure or social rejection in socialization leads to avoiding or shutting down from social interactions. Individuals who experience significant levels of social anxiety often struggle when communicating with others, and may have impaired abilities to demonstrate social cues and behaviors appropriately.
The use of social media can also cause anxiety and depression. The Internet is causing many problems, according to a study with a sample size of 3,560 students. Problematic internet use may be present in about 4% of high school students in the United States, it may be associated with depression. About one fourth of respondents (28.51%) reported spending fifteen or more hours per week on the internet. Although other studies show positive effects from internet use.
Anti-social behaviors
The authors of the book Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work explore psychopathy in workplace. The FBI consultants describe a five phase model of how a typical psychopath climbs to and maintains power. Many traits exhibited by these individuals include: superficial charm, insincerity, egocentricity, manipulativeness, grandiosity, lack of empathy, low agreeableness, exploitativeness, independence, rigidity, stubbornness and dictatorial tendencies. Babiak and Hare say for corporate psychopaths, success is defined as the best revenge and their problem behaviors are repeated "ad infinitum" due to little insight and their proto-emotions such as "anger, frustration, and rage" are refracted as irresistible charm. The authors note that lack of emotional literacy and moral conscience is often confused with toughness, the ability to make hard decisions, and effective crisis management. Babiak and Hare also emphasizes a reality they identified with psychopaths from studies that psychopaths are not able to be influenced by any sort of therapy.
At the University at Buffalo in New York, Emily Grijalva has investigated narcissism in business; she found there are two forms of narcissism: "vulnerable" and "grandiose". It is her finding that "moderate" level of grandiose narcissism is linked to becoming an effective manager. Grandiose narcissists are characterized as confident; they possess unshakable belief that they are superior, even when it is unwarranted. They can be charming, pompous show-offs, and can also be selfish, exploitative and entitled. Jens Lange and Jan Crusius at the University of Cologne, Germany associates "malicious-benign" envy within narcissistic social climbers in workplace. It is their finding that grandiose narcissists are less prone to low self-esteem and neuroticism and are less susceptible to the anxiety and depression that can affect vulnerable narcissists when coupled with envy. They characterize vulnerable narcissists as those who "believe they are special, and want to be seen that way–but are just not that competent, or charming." As a result, their self-esteem fluctuates a lot. They tend to be self-conscious and passive, but also prone to outbursts of potentially violent aggression if their inflated self-image is threatened."Richard Boyatzis says this is an unproductive form of expression of emotions that the person cannot share constructively, which reflects lack of appropriate skills. Eddie Brummelman, a social and behavioral scientist at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Brad Bushman at Ohio State University in Columbus says studies show that in western culture narcissism is on the rise from shifting focus on the self rather than on relationships and concludes all narcissism to be socially undesirable ("unhealthy feelings of superiority"). David Kealy at the University of British Columbia in Canada states that narcissism might aid temporarily but in the long run it is better to be true to oneself, have personal integrity, and be kind to others.
Behavioral therapy
Behaviorism interprets social skills as learned behaviors that function to facilitate social reinforcement. According to Schneider & Byrne (1985), operant conditioning procedures for training social skills had the largest effect size, followed by modeling, coaching, and social cognitive techniques. Behavior analysts prefer to use the term behavioral skills to social skills. Behavioral skills training to build social and other skills is used with a variety of populations including in packages to treat addictions as in the community reinforcement approach and family training (CRAFT).
Behavioral skills training is also used for people with borderline personality disorder, depression, and developmental disabilities. Typically, behaviorists try to develop what are considered cusp skills, which are critical skills to open access to a variety of environments. The rationale for this type of approach to treatment is that people meet a variety of social problems and can reduce the stress and punishment from the encounter in a safe environment. It also addresses how they can increase reinforcement by having the correct skills.
See also
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Basic interpersonal communicative skills
- Circle of Friends (disabled care)
- Dark triad
- DISCO – European Dictionary of Skills and Competences
- Emotional intelligence
- Life skills
- Metacommunicative competence
- People skills
- Social behavior
- Social cognition
- Social dynamics
- Social intelligence
- Social reality
- Soft skills
- Dowd, Tom P.; Tierney, Jeff (8 October 2017). Teaching Social Skills to Youth: A Step-by-step Guide to 182 Basic to Complex Skills Plus Helpful Teaching Techniques. Boys Town Press. ISBN 9781889322698 – via Google Books.
- "Goal Setting - Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Toolkit". www.popstoolkit.com. Retrieved 2017-10-08.
- "Sub-goals - Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Toolkit". Retrieved 2017-10-08.
- Takeo Doi (2001). The Anatomy of Self: The Individual Versus Society. Kodansha International. ISBN 978-4-7700-2779-5.
- Teaching Social Skills to Youth, p. 7
- Schloss, Partrick J.; Schloss, Cynthia N.; Wood, Constance E.; Kiehl, Wendy S. (1986). "A Critical Review of Social Skills Research with Behaviorally Disordered Students". Behavioral Disorders. 12 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1177/019874298601200106. JSTOR 23882274. S2CID 141766352.
- Uekermann J, Daum I (May 2008). "Social cognition in alcoholism: a link to prefrontal cortex dysfunction?". Addiction. 103 (5): 726–35. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02157.x. PMID 18412750.
- Kully-Martens, K.; Denys, K.; Treit, S.; Tamana, S.; Rasmussen, C. (Apr 2012). "A review of social skills deficits in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and prenatal alcohol exposure: profiles, mechanisms, and interventions". Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 36 (4): 568–76. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01661.x. PMID 22017360.
- Banaschewski, Tobias; Rohde, Louis (2009). "Phenomenology". In Banaschewski, Tobias; Coghill, David; Danckaerts, Marina (eds.). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Hyperkinetic Disorder. Oxford, UK: OUP. pp. 3–18. ISBN 9780191576010.
- Mikami AY (June 2010). "The importance of friendship for youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder". Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 13 (2): 181–98. doi:10.1007/s10567-010-0067-y. PMC 2921569. PMID 20490677.
- Coleman WL (August 2008). "Social competence and friendship formation in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder". Adolesc Med State Art Rev. 19 (2): 278–99, x. PMID 18822833.
- Raymond G. Romanczyk, Sara White, and Jennifer M. Gillis (2005): Social Skills Versus Skilled Social Behavior: A Problematic Distinction in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention 2 (3), pp. 177–94 [1]
- Romanczyk, R. G.; White, S.; Gillis, J. M. (2005). "Social skills versus skilled social behavior: A problematic distinction in autism spectrum disorders". Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention. 2 (3): 177–193. doi:10.1037/h0100312.
- Gregg Henriques (2016-04-03). "The Behavioral Shutdown Theory of Depression". Psychology Today.
- Angélico, Antonio Paulo; Crippa, José Alexandre S.; Louriero, Sonia Regina (2013). "Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Skills: A Critical Review of the Literature". International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy. 7 (4): 16–33. doi:10.1037/h0100961.
- Liu, Timothy C et al. "Problematic Internet use and health in adolescents: data from a high school survey in Connecticut" Journal of clinical psychiatry vol. 72,6 (2011): 836-45.
- Baibak, P; Hare, R. D Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work (2007)
- "Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work". 22 September 2006.
- Dean A. Haycock (4 March 2014). "Successful, Unsuccessful, and Other Types of Psychopaths". Murderous Minds: Exploring the Criminal Psychopathic Brain: Neurological Imaging and the Manifestation of Evil. Pegasus Books. ISBN 978-1-4804-4798-1.
- Emily Grijalva, Gender Differences in Narcissism: A Meta-Analytic Review, Psychological Bulletin, December 2014.
- "Theory of Neurotic Needs" (PDF).
- HBR's 10 Must Reads on Collaboration
- New Scientist Magazine, 9 July 2016
- Schneider, B.H. & Byrne, B.M. (1985). Children's social skills training: A meta-analysis. In B.H. Schneider, K. Rubin, & J.E. Ledingham (Eds.) Children's Peer relations: Issues in assessment and intervention (pp. 175–90). New York: Springer-Verlag.
- O'Donohue, W. (2003). Psychological Skills Training: Issues and Controversies. The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 (3), 331–35 BAO.
- Jane Ellen Smith, Jaime L. Milford, and Robert J. Meyers (2004): CRA and CRAFT: Behavioral Approaches to Treating Substance-Abusing Individuals – The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.(4), pp. 391–404 [2]
- Sampl, S. Wakai, S., Trestman, R. and Keeney, E.M. (2008). Functional Analysis of Behavior in Corrections: Empowering Inmates in Skills Training Groups. Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim: Treatment and Prevention, 1(4), 42–51 [3]
- Jonathan W. Kanter, Joseph D. Cautilli, Andrew M. Busch, and David E. Baruch (2005): Toward a Comprehensive Functional Analysis of Depressive Behavior: Five Environmental Factors and a Possible Sixth and Seventh. The Behavior Analyst Today, 6(1), 65–81. [4]
- Gillis, J.M. & Butler, R.C. (2007). Social skills interventions for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A description of single – subject design studies. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 4(3), 532–48. [5]
- Sébastien Bosch and Michael D. Hixson (2004). The Final Piece to a Complete Science of Behavior: Behavior Development and Behavioral Cusps. The Behavior Analyst Today, 5(3), 244–54 [6]
External links
- National Association of School Psychologists on Social Skills
A social skill is any competence facilitating interaction and communication with others where social rules and relations are created communicated and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways The process of learning these skills is called socialization Lack of such skills can cause social awkwardness Providing oral explanation about a tree for another person a communication method Interpersonal skills are actions used to effectively interact with others Interpersonal skills relate to categories of dominance vs submission love vs hate affiliation vs aggression and control vs autonomy Leary 1957 full citation needed Positive interpersonal skills include entertainment persuasion active listening showing care delegation hospitality and stewardship among others Social psychology an academic discipline focused on research relating to social functioning studies how interpersonal skills are learned through societal based changes in attitude thinking and behavior citation needed Enumeration and categorizationSocial skills are the tools that enable people to communicate learn ask for help get needs met in appropriate ways get along with others make friends develop healthy relationships protect themselves and in general be able to interact with the society harmoniously Social skills build essential character traits like trustworthiness respectfulness responsibility fairness caring and citizenship These traits help build an internal moral compass allowing individuals to make good choices in thinking and behavior resulting in social competence Students working with a teacher at Albany Senior High School New Zealand The important social skills identified by the Employment and Training Administration are citation needed Coordination Adjusting actions in relation to others actions Mentoring Teaching and helping others learn how to do something e g being a study partner Negotiation Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement Persuasion The action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something Service orientation Actively looking for ways to evolve compassionately and grow psycho socially with people Social perceptiveness Being aware of others reactions and able to respond in an understanding manner Social skills are goal oriented with both main goals and sub goals better source needed For example a workplace interaction initiated by a new employee with a senior employee will first contain a main goal This will be to gather information and then the sub goal will be to establish a rapport in order to obtain the main goal Takeo Doi in his study of consciousness distinguished this as tatemae meaning conventions and verbal expressions and honne meaning true motive behind the conventions Causes of deficitsDeficits in social skills were categorized by Gresham in 1998 as failure to recognize and reflect social skills a failure to model appropriate models and failure to perform acceptable behavior in particular situations in relation to developmental and transitional stages Social skill deficits are also a discouragement for children with behavioral challenges when it comes to adult adjustment Alcohol misuse Social skills are often significantly impaired in people suffering from alcoholism This is due to the neurotoxic long term effects of alcohol misuse on the brain especially the prefrontal cortex area of the brain The social skills that are typically impaired by alcohol abuse include impairments in perceiving facial emotions prosody perception problems and theory of mind deficits The ability to understand humor is also often impaired in alcohol abusers Impairments in social skills can also occur in individuals who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders These deficits persist throughout the affected people s lives and may worsen over time due to the effects of aging on the brain ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder People with ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder often have difficulties with social skills such as social interaction Approximately half of children and adolescents with ADHD will experience peer rejection compared to 10 15 percent of non ADHD youth Adolescents with ADHD are less likely to develop close friendships and romantic relationships they are usually regarded by their peers as immature or as social outcasts with an exception for peers that have ADHD or related conditions themselves or a high level of tolerance for such symptoms As they begin to mature however it becomes easier to make such relationships Training in social skills behavioral modification and medication have some beneficial effects It is important for youth with ADHD to form friendships with people who are not involved in deviant or delinquent activities people who do not have significant mental illnesses or developmental disabilities in order to reduce emergence of later psychopathology citation needed Poor peer relationships can contribute to major depression criminality school failure and substance use disorders Autistic spectrum disorders Individuals with autistic spectrum disorders including autism and Asperger syndrome are often characterized by their deficiency in social functioning The concept of social skills has been questioned in terms of the autistic spectrum In response to the needs of autistic children Romanczyk has suggested adapting a comprehensive model of social acquisitions with behavioral modification rather than specific responses tailored for social contexts Anxiety and depression Individuals with few opportunities to socialize with others often struggle with social skills This can often create a downward spiral effect for people with mental illnesses like anxiety or depression Due to anxiety experienced from concerns with interpersonal evaluation and fear of negative reaction by others surfeit expectations of failure or social rejection in socialization leads to avoiding or shutting down from social interactions Individuals who experience significant levels of social anxiety often struggle when communicating with others and may have impaired abilities to demonstrate social cues and behaviors appropriately The use of social media can also cause anxiety and depression The Internet is causing many problems according to a study with a sample size of 3 560 students Problematic internet use may be present in about 4 of high school students in the United States it may be associated with depression About one fourth of respondents 28 51 reported spending fifteen or more hours per week on the internet Although other studies show positive effects from internet use Anti social behaviors The authors of the book Snakes in Suits When Psychopaths Go to Work explore psychopathy in workplace The FBI consultants describe a five phase model of how a typical psychopath climbs to and maintains power Many traits exhibited by these individuals include superficial charm insincerity egocentricity manipulativeness grandiosity lack of empathy low agreeableness exploitativeness independence rigidity stubbornness and dictatorial tendencies Babiak and Hare say for corporate psychopaths success is defined as the best revenge and their problem behaviors are repeated ad infinitum due to little insight and their proto emotions such as anger frustration and rage are refracted as irresistible charm The authors note that lack of emotional literacy and moral conscience is often confused with toughness the ability to make hard decisions and effective crisis management Babiak and Hare also emphasizes a reality they identified with psychopaths from studies that psychopaths are not able to be influenced by any sort of therapy At the University at Buffalo in New York Emily Grijalva has investigated narcissism in business she found there are two forms of narcissism vulnerable and grandiose It is her finding that moderate level of grandiose narcissism is linked to becoming an effective manager Grandiose narcissists are characterized as confident they possess unshakable belief that they are superior even when it is unwarranted They can be charming pompous show offs and can also be selfish exploitative and entitled Jens Lange and Jan Crusius at the University of Cologne Germany associates malicious benign envy within narcissistic social climbers in workplace It is their finding that grandiose narcissists are less prone to low self esteem and neuroticism and are less susceptible to the anxiety and depression that can affect vulnerable narcissists when coupled with envy They characterize vulnerable narcissists as those who believe they are special and want to be seen that way but are just not that competent or charming As a result their self esteem fluctuates a lot They tend to be self conscious and passive but also prone to outbursts of potentially violent aggression if their inflated self image is threatened Richard Boyatzis says this is an unproductive form of expression of emotions that the person cannot share constructively which reflects lack of appropriate skills Eddie Brummelman a social and behavioral scientist at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Brad Bushman at Ohio State University in Columbus says studies show that in western culture narcissism is on the rise from shifting focus on the self rather than on relationships and concludes all narcissism to be socially undesirable unhealthy feelings of superiority David Kealy at the University of British Columbia in Canada states that narcissism might aid temporarily but in the long run it is better to be true to oneself have personal integrity and be kind to others Behavioral therapyBehaviorism interprets social skills as learned behaviors that function to facilitate social reinforcement According to Schneider amp Byrne 1985 operant conditioning procedures for training social skills had the largest effect size followed by modeling coaching and social cognitive techniques Behavior analysts prefer to use the term behavioral skills to social skills Behavioral skills training to build social and other skills is used with a variety of populations including in packages to treat addictions as in the community reinforcement approach and family training CRAFT Behavioral skills training is also used for people with borderline personality disorder depression and developmental disabilities Typically behaviorists try to develop what are considered cusp skills which are critical skills to open access to a variety of environments The rationale for this type of approach to treatment is that people meet a variety of social problems and can reduce the stress and punishment from the encounter in a safe environment It also addresses how they can increase reinforcement by having the correct skills See alsoAntisocial personality disorder Basic interpersonal communicative skills Circle of Friends disabled care Dark triad DISCO European Dictionary of Skills and Competences Emotional intelligence Life skills Metacommunicative competence People skills Social behavior Social cognitionSocial dynamics Social intelligence Social reality Soft skillsReferencesDowd Tom P Tierney Jeff 8 October 2017 Teaching Social Skills to Youth A Step by step Guide to 182 Basic to Complex Skills Plus Helpful Teaching Techniques Boys Town Press ISBN 9781889322698 via Google Books Goal Setting Persistent Organic Pollutants POPs Toolkit www popstoolkit com Retrieved 2017 10 08 Sub goals Persistent Organic Pollutants POPs Toolkit Retrieved 2017 10 08 Takeo Doi 2001 The Anatomy of Self The Individual Versus Society Kodansha International ISBN 978 4 7700 2779 5 Teaching Social Skills to Youth p 7 Schloss Partrick J Schloss Cynthia N Wood Constance E Kiehl Wendy S 1986 A Critical Review of Social Skills Research with Behaviorally Disordered Students Behavioral Disorders 12 1 1 14 doi 10 1177 019874298601200106 JSTOR 23882274 S2CID 141766352 Uekermann J Daum I May 2008 Social cognition in alcoholism a link to prefrontal cortex dysfunction Addiction 103 5 726 35 doi 10 1111 j 1360 0443 2008 02157 x PMID 18412750 Kully Martens K Denys K Treit S Tamana S Rasmussen C Apr 2012 A review of social skills deficits in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and prenatal alcohol exposure profiles mechanisms and interventions Alcohol Clin Exp Res 36 4 568 76 doi 10 1111 j 1530 0277 2011 01661 x PMID 22017360 Banaschewski Tobias Rohde Louis 2009 Phenomenology In Banaschewski Tobias Coghill David Danckaerts Marina eds Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Hyperkinetic Disorder Oxford UK OUP pp 3 18 ISBN 9780191576010 Mikami AY June 2010 The importance of friendship for youth with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 13 2 181 98 doi 10 1007 s10567 010 0067 y PMC 2921569 PMID 20490677 Coleman WL August 2008 Social competence and friendship formation in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Adolesc Med State Art Rev 19 2 278 99 x PMID 18822833 Raymond G Romanczyk Sara White and Jennifer M Gillis 2005 Social Skills Versus Skilled Social Behavior A Problematic Distinction in Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention 2 3 pp 177 94 1 Romanczyk R G White S Gillis J M 2005 Social skills versus skilled social behavior A problematic distinction in autism spectrum disorders Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention 2 3 177 193 doi 10 1037 h0100312 Gregg Henriques 2016 04 03 The Behavioral Shutdown Theory of Depression Psychology Today Angelico Antonio Paulo Crippa Jose Alexandre S Louriero Sonia Regina 2013 Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Skills A Critical Review of the Literature International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy 7 4 16 33 doi 10 1037 h0100961 Liu Timothy C et al Problematic Internet use and health in adolescents data from a high school survey in Connecticut Journal of clinical psychiatry vol 72 6 2011 836 45 Baibak P Hare R D Snakes in Suits When Psychopaths Go to Work 2007 Snakes In Suits When Psychopaths Go To Work 22 September 2006 Dean A Haycock 4 March 2014 Successful Unsuccessful and Other Types of Psychopaths Murderous Minds Exploring the Criminal Psychopathic Brain Neurological Imaging and the Manifestation of Evil Pegasus Books ISBN 978 1 4804 4798 1 Emily Grijalva Gender Differences in Narcissism A Meta Analytic Review Psychological Bulletin December 2014 Theory of Neurotic Needs PDF HBR s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration New Scientist Magazine 9 July 2016 Schneider B H amp Byrne B M 1985 Children s social skills training A meta analysis In B H Schneider K Rubin amp J E Ledingham Eds Children s Peer relations Issues in assessment and intervention pp 175 90 New York Springer Verlag O Donohue W 2003 Psychological Skills Training Issues and Controversies The Behavior Analyst Today 4 3 331 35 BAO Jane Ellen Smith Jaime L Milford and Robert J Meyers 2004 CRA and CRAFT Behavioral Approaches to Treating Substance Abusing Individuals The Behavior Analyst Today 5 4 pp 391 404 2 Sampl S Wakai S Trestman R and Keeney E M 2008 Functional Analysis of Behavior in Corrections Empowering Inmates in Skills Training Groups Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim Treatment and Prevention 1 4 42 51 3 Jonathan W Kanter Joseph D Cautilli Andrew M Busch and David E Baruch 2005 Toward a Comprehensive Functional Analysis of Depressive Behavior Five Environmental Factors and a Possible Sixth and Seventh The Behavior Analyst Today 6 1 65 81 4 Gillis J M amp Butler R C 2007 Social skills interventions for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder A description of single subject design studies Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention 4 3 532 48 5 Sebastien Bosch and Michael D Hixson 2004 The Final Piece to a Complete Science of Behavior Behavior Development and Behavioral Cusps The Behavior Analyst Today 5 3 244 54 6 External linksNational Association of School Psychologists on Social SkillsWikiversity has learning resources about Social skills