This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject.(July 2017) |
Charles Sanders Peirce began writing on semiotics, which he also called semeiotics, meaning the philosophical study of signs, in the 1860s, around the time that he devised his system of three categories. During the 20th century, the term "semiotics" was adopted to cover all tendencies of sign researches, including Ferdinand de Saussure's semiology, which began in linguistics as a completely separate tradition.
Peirce adopted the term semiosis (or semeiosis) and defined it to mean an "action, or influence, which is, or involves, a cooperation of three subjects, such as a sign, its object, and its interpretant, this trirelative influence not being in any way resolvable into actions between pairs." This specific type of triadic relation is fundamental to Peirce's understanding of logic as formal semiotic. By "logic" he meant philosophical logic. He eventually divided (philosophical) logic, or formal semiotics, into (1) speculative grammar, or stechiology on the elements of semiosis (sign, object, interpretant), how signs can signify and, in relation to that, what kinds of signs, objects, and interpretants there are, how signs combine, and how some signs embody or incorporate others; (2) logical critic, or logic proper, on the modes of inference; and (3) speculative rhetoric, or methodeutic, the philosophical theory of inquiry, including his form of pragmatism.
His speculative grammar, or stechiology, is this article's subject.
Peirce conceives of and discusses things like representations, interpretations, and assertions broadly and in terms of philosophical logic, rather than in terms of psychology, linguistics, or social studies. He places philosophy at a level of generality between mathematics and the special sciences of nature and mind, such that it draws principles from mathematics and supplies principles to special sciences. On the one hand, his semiotic theory does not resort to special experiences or special experiments in order to settle its questions. On the other hand, he draws continually on examples from common experience, and his semiotics is not contained in a mathematical or deductive system and does not proceed chiefly by drawing necessary conclusions about purely hypothetical objects or cases. As philosophical logic, it is about the drawing of conclusions deductive, inductive, or hypothetically explanatory. Peirce's semiotics, in its classifications, its critical analysis of kinds of inference, and its theory of inquiry, is philosophical logic studied in terms of signs and their triadic relations as positive phenomena in general.
Peirce's semiotic theory is different from Saussure's conceptualization in the sense that it rejects his dualist view of the Cartesian self. He believed that semiotics is a unifying and synthesizing discipline. More importantly, he included the element of "interpretant" into the fundamental understanding of the sign.
Semiotic elements
Here is Peirce's definition of the triadic sign relation that formed the core of his definition of logic:
Namely, a sign is something, A, which brings something, B, its interpretant sign determined or created by it, into the same sort of correspondence with something, C, its object, as that in which itself stands to C. (Peirce 1902, NEM 4, 20–21).
This definition, together with Peirce's definitions of correspondence and determination, is sufficient to derive all of the statements that are necessarily true for all sign relations. Yet, there is much more to the theory of signs than simply proving universal theorems about generic sign relations. There is also the task of classifying the various species and subspecies of sign relations. As a practical matter, of course, familiarity with the full range of concrete examples is indispensable to theory and application both.
In Peirce's theory of signs, a sign is something that stands in a well-defined kind of relation to two other things, its object and its interpretant sign. Although Peirce's definition of a sign is independent of psychological subject matter and his theory of signs covers more ground than linguistics alone, it is nevertheless the case that many of the more familiar examples and illustrations of sign relations will naturally be drawn from linguistics and psychology, along with our ordinary experience of their subject matters.
For example, one way to approach the concept of an interpretant is to think of a psycholinguistic process. In this context, an interpretant can be understood as a sign's effect on the mind, or on anything that acts like a mind, what Peirce calls a quasi-mind. An interpretant is what results from a process of interpretation, one of the types of activity that falls under the heading of semiosis. One usually says that a sign stands for an object to an agent, an interpreter. In the upshot, however, it is the sign's effect on the agent that is paramount. This effect is what Peirce called the interpretant sign, or the interpretant for short. An interpretant in its barest form is a sign's meaning, implication, or ramification, and especial interest attaches to the types of semiosis that proceed from obscure signs to relatively clear interpretants. In logic and mathematics the most clarified and most succinct signs for an object are called canonical forms or normal forms. The interpretant, in Peirce's conceptualization, is not the user of the sign but the "proper significate effect" or that mental concept produced by both the sign and by the user's experience of the object.
Peirce argued that logic is the formal study of signs in the broadest sense, not only signs that are artificial, linguistic, or symbolic, but also signs that are semblances or are indexical such as reactions. Peirce held that "all this universe is perfused with signs, if it is not composed exclusively of signs", along with their representational and inferential relations. He argued that, since all thought takes time, all thought is in signs:
To say, therefore, that thought cannot happen in an instant, but requires a time, is but another way of saying that every thought must be interpreted in another, or that all thought is in signs. (Peirce, 1868)
Thought is not necessarily connected with a brain. It appears in the work of bees, of crystals, and throughout the purely physical world; and one can no more deny that it is really there, than that the colors, the shapes, etc., of objects are really there. Consistently adhere to that unwarrantable denial, and you will be driven to some form of idealistic nominalism akin to Fichte's. Not only is thought in the organic world, but it develops there. But as there cannot be a General without Instances embodying it, so there cannot be thought without Signs. We must here give "Sign" a very wide sense, no doubt, but not too wide a sense to come within our definition. Admitting that connected Signs must have a Quasi-mind, it may further be declared that there can be no isolated sign. Moreover, signs require at least two Quasi-minds; a Quasi-utterer and a Quasi-interpreter; and although these two are at one (i.e., are one mind) in the sign itself, they must nevertheless be distinct. In the Sign they are, so to say, welded. Accordingly, it is not merely a fact of human Psychology, but a necessity of Logic, that every logical evolution of thought should be dialogic. (Peirce, 1906)
Sign relation
Signhood is a way of being in relation, not a way of being in itself. Anything is a sign—not as itself, but in some relation to another. The role of sign is constituted as one role among three: object, sign, and interpretant sign. It is an irreducible triadic relation; the roles are distinct even when the things that fill them are not. The roles are but three: a sign of an object leads to interpretants, which, as signs, lead to further interpretants. In various relations, the same thing may be sign or semiotic object. The question of what a sign is depends on the concept of a sign relation, which depends on the concept of a triadic relation. This, in turn, depends on the concept of a relation itself. Peirce depended on mathematical ideas about the of relations—dyadic, triadic, tetradic, and so forth. According to Peirce's Reduction Thesis, (a) triads are necessary because genuinely triadic relations cannot be completely analyzed in terms of monadic and dyadic predicates, and (b) triads are sufficient because there are no genuinely tetradic or larger polyadic relations—all higher-arity n-adic relations can be analyzed in terms of triadic and lower-arity relations and are reducible to them. Peirce and others, notably Robert W. Burch (1991) and Joachim Hereth Correia and Reinhard Pöschel (2006), have offered proofs of the Reduction Thesis. According to Peirce, a genuinely monadic predicate characteristically expresses quality. A genuinely dyadic predicate—reaction or resistance. A genuinely triadic predicate—representation or mediation. Thus Peirce's theory of relations underpins his philosophical theory of three basic categories (see below).
Extension × intension = information. Two traditional approaches to sign relation, necessary though insufficient, are the way of extension (a sign's objects, also called breadth, denotation, or application) and the way of intension (the objects' characteristics, qualities, attributes referenced by the sign, also called depth, comprehension, significance, or connotation). Peirce adds a third, the way of information, including change of information, in order to integrate the other two approaches into a unified whole. For example, because of the equation above, if a term's total amount of information stays the same, then the more that the term 'intends' or signifies about objects, the fewer are the objects to which the term 'extends' or applies. A proposition's comprehension consists in its implications.
Determination. A sign depends on its object in such a way as to represent its object—the object enables and, in a sense, determines the sign. A physically causal sense of this stands out especially when a sign consists in an indicative reaction. The interpretant depends likewise on both the sign and the object—the object determines the sign to determine the interpretant. But this determination is not a succession of dyadic events, like a row of toppling dominoes; sign determination is triadic. For example, an interpretant does not merely represent something which represented an object; instead an interpretant represents something as a sign representing an object. It is an informational kind of determination, a rendering of something more determinately representative. Peirce used the word "determine" not in strictly deterministic sense, but in a sense of "specializes", bestimmt, involving variation in measure, like an influence. Peirce came to define sign, object, and interpretant by their (triadic) mode of determination, not by the idea of representation, since that is part of what is being defined. The object determines the sign to determine another sign—the interpretant—to be related to the object as the sign is related to the object, hence the interpretant, fulfilling its function as sign of the object, determines a further interpretant sign. The process is logically structured to perpetuate itself, and is definitive of sign, object, and interpretant in general. In semiosis, every sign is an interpretant in a chain stretching both fore and aft. The relation of informational or logical determination which constrains object, sign, and interpretant is more general than the special cases of causal or physical determination. In general terms, any information about one of the items in the sign relation tells you something about the others, although the actual amount of this information may be nil in some species of sign relations.
Sign, object, interpretant
Peirce held that there are exactly three basic semiotic elements, the sign, object, and interpretant, as outlined above and fleshed out here in a bit more detail:
- A sign (or representamen) represents, in the broadest possible sense of "represents". It is something interpretable as saying something about something. It is not necessarily symbolic, linguistic, or artificial.
- An object (or semiotic object) is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant. It can be anything discussable or thinkable, a thing, event, relationship, quality, law, argument, etc., and can even be fictional, for instance Hamlet. All of those are special or partial objects. The object most accurately is the universe of discourse to which the partial or special object belongs. For instance, a perturbation of Pluto's orbit is a sign about Pluto but ultimately not only about Pluto.
- An interpretant (or interpretant sign) is the sign's more or less clarified meaning or ramification, a kind of form or idea of the difference which the sign's being true or undeceptive would make. (Peirce's sign theory concerns meaning in the broadest sense, including logical implication, not just the meanings of words as properly clarified by a dictionary.) The interpretant is a sign (a) of the object and (b) of the interpretant's "predecessor" (the interpreted sign) as being a sign of the same object. The interpretant is an interpretation in the sense of a product of an interpretive process or a content in which an interpretive relation culminates, though this product or content may itself be an act, a state of agitation, a conduct, etc. Such is what is summed up in saying that the sign stands for the object to the interpretant.
Some of the understanding needed by the mind depends on familiarity with the object. In order to know what a given sign denotes, the mind needs some experience of that sign's object collaterally to that sign or sign system, and in this context Peirce speaks of collateral experience, collateral observation, collateral acquaintance, all in much the same terms.
"Representamen" (properly with the "a" long and stressed: /rɛprɪzɛnˈteɪmən/) was adopted (not coined) by Peirce as his blanket technical term for any and every sign or sign-like thing covered by his theory. It is a question of whether the theoretically defined "representamen" covers only the cases covered by the popular word "sign." The word "representamen" is there in case a divergence should emerge. Peirce's example was this: Sign action always involves a mind. If a sunflower, by doing nothing more than turning toward the sun, were thereby to become fully able to reproduce a sunflower turning in just the same way toward the sun, then the first sunflower's turning would be a representamen of the sun yet not a sign of the sun. Peirce eventually stopped using the word "representamen."
Peirce made various classifications of his semiotic elements, especially of the sign and the interpretant. Of particular concern in understanding the sign-object-interpretant triad is this: In relation to a sign, its object and its interpretant are either immediate (present in the sign) or mediate.
- Sign, always immediate to itself—that is, in a tautologous sense, present in or at itself, even if it is not immediate to a mind or immediately accomplished without processing or is a general apprehended only in its instances.
- Object
- Immediate object, the object as represented in the sign.
- Dynamic object, the object as it really is, on which the idea which is the immediate object is "founded, as on bedrock." Also called the dynamoid object, the dynamical object.
- Interpretant
- Immediate interpretant, the quality of the impression which a sign is fit to produce, not any actual reaction, and which the sign carries with it even before there is an interpreter or quasi-interpreter. It is what is ordinarily called the sign's meaning.
- Dynamic interpretant, the actual effect (apart from the feeling) of the sign on a mind or quasi-mind, for instance the agitation of the feeling.
- Final interpretant, the effect which the sign would have on the conduct of any mind or quasi-mind if circumstances allowed that effect to be fully achieved. It is the sign's end or purpose. The final interpretant of one's inquiry about the weather is the inquiry's purpose, the effect which the response would have on the plans for the day of anybody in one's shoes. The final interpretant of a line of investigation as such is the truth as the ideal final opinion and would be reached sooner or later but still inevitably by investigation adequately prolonged, though the truth remains independent of that which you or I or any finite community of investigators believe.
The immediate object is, from the viewpoint of a theorist, really a kind of sign of the dynamic object; but phenomenologically it is the object until there is reason to go beyond it, and somebody analyzing (critically but not theoretically) a given semiosis will consider the immediate object to be the object until there is reason to do otherwise.
Peirce preferred phrases like dynamic object over real object since the object might be fictive—Hamlet, for instance, to whom one grants a fictive reality, a reality within the universe of discourse of the play Hamlet.
It is initially tempting to regard immediate, dynamic, and final interpretants as forming a temporal succession in an actual process of semiosis, especially since their conceptions refer to beginning, midstages, and end of a semiotic process. But instead their distinctions from each other are modal or categorial. The immediate interpretant is a quality of impression which a sign is fitted to produce, a special potentiality. The dynamic interpretant is an actuality. The final interpretant is a kind of norm or necessity unaffected by actual trends of opinion or interpretation. One does not actually obtain a final interpretant per se; instead one may successfully coincide with it. Peirce, a fallibilist, holds that one has no guarantees that one has done so, but only compelling reasons, sometimes very compelling, to think so and, in practical matters, must sometimes act with complete confidence of having done so. (Peirce said that it is often better in practical matters to rely on instinct, sentiment, and tradition, than on theoretical inquiry.) In any case, insofar as truth is the final interpretant of a pursuit of truth, one believes, in effect, that one coincides with a final interpretant of some question about what is true, whenever and to whatever extent that one believes that one reaches a truth.
Classes of signs
Peirce proposes several typologies and definitions of the signs. At least 76 definitions of what a sign is have been collected throughout Peirce's work. Some canonical typologies can nonetheless be observed, one crucial one being the distinction between "icons", "indices" and "symbols" (CP 2.228, CP 2.229 and CP 5.473). The icon-index-symbol typology is chronologically the first but structurally the second of three that fit together as a trio of three-valued parameters in regular scheme of nine kinds of sign. (The three "parameters" (not Peirce's term) are not independent of one another, and the result is a system of ten classes of sign, which are shown further down in this article.)
Peirce's three basic phenomenological categories come into central play in these classifications. The 1-2-3 numerations used further below in the exposition of sign classes represents Peirce's associations of sign classes with the categories. The categories are as follows:
Name | Typical characterizaton | As universe of experience | As quantity | Technical definition | Valence, "adicity" |
Firstness | Quality of feeling | Ideas, chance, possibility | Vagueness, "some" | Reference to a ground (a ground is a pure abstraction of a quality) | Essentially monadic (the quale, in the sense of the such, which has the quality) |
Secondness | Reaction, resistance, (dyadic) relation | Brute facts, actuality | Singularity, discreteness, "this" | Reference to a correlate (by its relate) | Essentially dyadic (the relate and the correlate) |
Thirdness | Representation, mediation | Habits, laws, necessity | Generality, continuity, "all" | Reference to an interpretant* | Essentially triadic (sign, object, interpretant*) |
*Note: An interpretant is an interpretation (human or otherwise) in the sense of the product of an interpretive process.
The three sign typologies depend respectively on (I) the sign itself, (II) how the sign stands for its denoted object, and (III) how the signs stands for its object to its interpretant. Each of the three typologies is a three-way division, a trichotomy, via Peirce's three phenomenological categories.
- Qualisigns, sinsigns, and legisigns. Every sign is either (qualisign) a quality or possibility, or (sinsign) an actual individual thing, fact, event, state, etc., or (legisign) a norm, habit, rule, law. (Also called tones, tokens, and types, also potisigns, actisigns, and famisigns.)
- Icons, indices, and symbols. Every sign refers either (icon) through similarity to its object, or (index) through factual connection to its object, or (symbol) through interpretive habit or norm of reference to its object.
- Rhemes, dicisigns, and arguments . Every sign is interpreted either as (rheme) term-like, standing for its object in respect of quality, or as (dicisign) proposition-like, standing for its object in respect of fact, or as (argument) argumentative, standing for its object in respect of habit or law. This is the trichotomy of all signs as building blocks of inference. (Also called sumisigns, dicent signs, and suadisigns, also semes, phemes, and delomes.)
Every sign falls under one class or another within (I) and within (II) and within (III). Thus each of the three typologies is a three-valued parameter for every sign. The three parameters are not independent of each other; many co-classifications are not found. The result is not 27 but instead ten classes of signs fully specified at this level of analysis.
In later years, Peirce attempted a finer level of analysis, defining sign classes in terms of relations not just to sign, object, and interpretant, but to sign, immediate object, dynamic object, immediate interpretant, dynamic interpretant, and final or normal interpretant. He aimed at 10 trichotomies of signs, with the above three trichotomies interspersed among them, and issuing in 66 classes of signs. He did not bring that system into a finished form. In any case, in that system, icon, index, and symbol were classed by category of how they stood for the dynamic object, while rheme, dicisign, and argument were classed by the category of how they stood to the final or normal interpretant.
These conceptions are specific to Peirce's theory of signs and are not exactly equivalent to general uses of the notions of "icon", "index", "symbol", "tone", "token", "type", "term" (or "rheme"), "proposition" (or "dicisign"), "argument".
I. Qualisign, sinsign, legisign
Also called tone, token, type; and also called potisign, actisign, famisign.
This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by sign's own phenomenological category (set forth in 1903, 1904, etc.).
- A qualisign (also called tone, potisign, and mark) is a sign which consists in a quality of feeling, a possibility, a "First."
- A sinsign (also called token and actisign) is a sign which consists in a reaction/resistance, an actual singular thing, an actual occurrence or fact, a "Second."
- A legisign (also called type and famisign) is a sign which consists in a (general) idea, a norm or law or habit, a representational relation, a "Third."
A replica (also called instance) of a legisign is a sign, often an actual individual one (a sinsign), which embodies that legisign. A replica is a sign for the associated legisign, and therefore is also a sign for the legisign's object. All legisigns need sinsigns as replicas, for expression. Some but not all legisigns are symbols. All symbols are legisigns. Different words with the same meaning are symbols which are replicas of that symbol which consists in their meaning but doesn't prescribe qualities of its replicas. The replica of a rhematic symbol, for instance, calls up a mental image which image, owing to the habits and dispositions of such mind, often produce a general concept. Here, the replica is interpreted as a sign of the object, which is then considered an instance of that concept.
II. Icon, index, symbol
This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by phenomenological category of its way of denoting the object (set forth in 1867 and many times in later years). This typology emphasizes the different ways in which the sign refers to its object—the icon by a quality of its own, the index by real connection to its object, and the symbol by a habit or rule for its interpretant. The modes may be compounded, for instance, in a sign that displays a forking line iconically for a fork in the road and stands indicatively near a fork in the road.
- An icon (also called likeness and semblance) is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of a quality which is shared by them but which the icon has irrespectively of the object. The icon (for instance, a portrait or a diagram) resembles or imitates its object. The icon has, of itself, a certain character or aspect, one which the object also has (or is supposed to have) and which lets the icon be interpreted as a sign even if the object does not exist. The icon signifies essentially on the basis of its "ground." (Peirce defined the ground as the pure abstraction of a quality, and the sign's ground as the pure abstraction of the quality in respect of which the sign refers to its object, whether by resemblance or, as a symbol, by imputing the quality to the object.) For Peirce, to be iconic denotes that some semblance obtains between the signs of the system and aspects of its object. This is part of his diagrammatic logic where the iconic system is scribed (i.e. partly written and partly drawn). Peirce called an icon apart from a label, legend, or other index attached to it, a "hypoicon", and divided the hypoicon into three classes: (a) the image, which depends on a simple quality; (b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy the relations in something; and (c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else. A diagram can be geometric, or can consist in an array of algebraic expressions, or even in the common form "All __ is __." which is subjectable, like any diagram, to logical or mathematical transformations. Peirce held that mathematics is done by diagrammatic thinking—observation of, and experimentation on, diagrams.
- An index* is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of an actual connection involving them, one that he also calls a real relation in virtue of its being irrespective of interpretation. It is in any case a relation which is in fact, in contrast to the icon, which has only a ground for denotation of its object, and in contrast to the symbol, which denotes by an interpretive habit or law. An index which compels attention without conveying any information about its object is a pure index, though that may be an ideal limit never actually reached. If an indexical relation is a resistance or reaction physically or causally connecting an index to its object, then the index is a reagent (for example smoke coming from a building is a reagent index of fire). Such an index is really affected or modified by the object, and is the only kind of index which can be used in order to ascertain facts about its object. Peirce also usually held that an index does not have to be an actual individual fact or thing, but can be general; a disease symptom is general, its occurrence singular; and he usually considered a designation to be an index, e.g., a pronoun, a proper name, a label on a diagram, etc. (In 1903 Peirce said that only an individual is an index, gave "seme" as an alternate expression for "index", and called designations "subindices or hyposemes, which were a kind of symbol; he allowed of a "degenerate index" indicating a non-individual object, as exemplified by an individual thing indicating its own characteristics. But by 1904 he allowed indices to be generals and returned to classing designations as indices. In 1906 he changed the meaning of "seme" to that of the earlier "sumisign" and "rheme".)
- A symbol* is a sign that denotes its object solely by virtue of the fact that it will be interpreted to do so. The symbol consists in a natural or conventional or logical rule, norm, or habit, a habit that lacks (or has shed) dependence on the symbolic sign's having a resemblance or real connection to the denoted object. Thus, a symbol denotes by virtue of its interpretant. Its sign-action (semiosis) is ruled by habit, a more or less systematic set of associations that ensures its interpretation. For Peirce, every symbol is general, and that which we call an actual individual symbol (e.g., on the page) is called by Peirce a replica or instance of the symbol. Symbols, like all other legisigns (also called "types"), need actual, individual replicas for expression. The proposition is an example of a symbol which is irrespective of language and of any form of expression and does not prescribe qualities of its replicas. A word that is symbolic (rather than indexical like "this" or iconic like "whoosh!") is an example of a symbol that prescribes qualities (especially looks or sound) of its replicas. Not every replica is actual and individual. Two word-symbols with the same meaning (such as English "horse" and Spanish caballo) are symbols which are replicas of that symbol which consists in their shared meaning. A book, a theory, a person, each is a complex symbol.
* Note: In "On a New List of Categories" (1867) Peirce gave the unqualified term "sign" as an alternate expression for "index", and gave "general sign" as an alternate expression for "symbol". "Representamen" was his blanket technical term for any and every sign or signlike thing covered by his theory. Peirce soon reserved "sign" to its broadest sense, for index, icon, and symbol alike. He also eventually decided that the symbol is not the only sign which can be called a "general sign" in some sense, and that indices and icons can be generals, generalities, too. The general sign, as such, the generality as a sign, he eventually called, at various times, the "legisign" (1903, 1904), the "type" (1906, 1908), and the "famisign" (1908).
III. Rheme, dicisign, argument
This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by the phenomenological category which the sign's interpretant attributes to the sign's way of denoting the object (set forth in 1902, 1903, etc.):
- A rheme (also called sumisign and seme*) is a sign that represents its object in respect of quality and so, in its signified interpretant, is represented as a character or mark, though it actually may be icon, index, or symbol. The rheme* (seme) stands as its object for some purpose. A proposition with the subject places left blank is a rheme; but subject terms by themselves are also rhemes. A proposition, said Peirce, can be considered a zero-place rheme, a zero-place predicate.
- A dicisign (also called dicent sign and pheme) is a sign that represents its object in respect of actual existence and so, in its signified interpretant, is represented as indexical, though it actually may be either index or symbol. The dicisign separately indicates its object (as subject of the predicate). The dicisign "is intended to have some compulsive effect on the interpreter of it". Peirce had generalized the idea of proposition to where a weathercock, photograph, etc., could be considered propositions (or "dicisigns", as he came to call them). A proposition in the conventional sense is a dicent symbol (also called symbolic dicisign). Assertions are also dicisigns.
- An argument (also called suadisign and delome) is a sign that represents its object in respect of law or habit and so, in its signified interpretant, is represented as symbolic (and was indeed a symbol in the first place). The argument separately "monstrates" its signified interpretant (the argument's conclusion); an argument stripped of all signs of such monstrative relationship is, or becomes, a dicisign. It represents "a process of change in thoughts or signs, as if to induce this change in the Interpreter" through the interpreter's own self-control. A novel, a work of art, the universe, can be a delome in Peirce's terms.
*Note: In his "Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism" (The Monist, v. XVI, no. 4, Oct. 1906), Peirce uses the words "seme", "pheme", and "delome" (pp. 506, 507, etc.) for the rheme-dicisign-argument typology, but retains the word "rheme" for the predicate (p. 530) in his system of Existential Graphs. Also note that Peirce once offered "seme" as an alternate expression for "index" in 1903.
The three sign typologies together: ten classes of sign
The three typologies, labeled "I.", "II.", and "III.", are shown together in the table below. As parameters, they are not independent of one another. As previously said, many co-classifications are not found. The slanting and vertical lines show the options for co-classification of a given sign (and appear in MS 339, August 7, 1904, viewable here at the Lyris Peirce Archive). The result is ten classes of sign.
Words in parentheses in the table are alternate names for the same kinds of signs.
Phenomenological category: Sign is distinguished by phenomenological category of... | 1. Quality of feeling. Possibility. Reference to a ground. | OR | 2. Reaction, resistance. Brute fact. Reference to a correlate. | OR | 3. Representation, mediation. Habit, law. Reference to an interpretant. |
I. ...the SIGN ITSELF: | QUALISIGN (Tone, Potisign) | OR | SINSIGN (Token, Actisign) | OR | LEGISIGN (Type, Famisign) |
AND | |||||
II. ...the sign's way of denoting its OBJECT: | ICON (Likeness, etc.) | OR | INDEX (Sign*) | OR | SYMBOL (General sign*) |
AND | |||||
III. ...the sign's way— as represented in the INTERPRETANT— of denoting the sign's object: | RHEME (Sumisign, Seme; e.g., a term) | OR | DICISIGN (Dicent sign, Pheme; e.g., a proposition) | OR | ARGUMENT (Suadisign, Delome) |
*Note: As noted above, in "On a New List of Categories" (1867) Peirce gave the unqualified word "sign" as an alternate expression for "index", and gave "general sign" as an alternate expression for "symbol." Peirce soon reserved "sign" to its broadest sense, for index, icon, and symbol alike, and eventually decided that symbols are not the only signs which can be called "general signs" in some sense. See note at end of section "II. Icon, index, symbol" for details.
A term (in the conventional sense) is not just any rheme; it is a kind of rhematic symbol. Likewise a proposition (in the conventional sense) is not just any dicisign, it is a kind of dicent symbol.
Sign classified by own phenome- nological category | Relative to object | Relative to interpretant | Specificational redundancies in parentheses | Some examples | |
(I) | Qualisign | Icon | Rheme | (Rhematic Iconic) Qualisign | A feeling of "red" |
(II) | Sinsign | Icon | Rheme | (Rhematic) Iconic Sinsign | An individual diagram |
(III) | Index | Rheme | Rhematic Indexical Sinsign | A spontaneous cry | |
(IV) | Dicisign | Dicent (Indexical) Sinsign | A weathercock or photograph | ||
(V) | Legisign | Icon | Rheme | (Rhematic) Iconic Legisign | A diagram, apart from its factual individuality |
(VI) | Index | Rheme | Rhematic Indexical Legisign | A demonstrative pronoun | |
(VII) | Dicisign | Dicent Indexical Legisign | A street cry (identifying the individual by tone, theme) | ||
(VIII) | Symbol | Rheme | Rhematic Symbol (–ic Legisign) | A common noun | |
(IX) | Dicisign | Dicent Symbol (–ic Legisign) | A proposition (in the conventional sense) | ||
(X) | Argument | Argument (–ative Symbolic Legisign) | A syllogism |
(I) Rhematic Iconic Qualisign | (V) Rhematic Iconic Legisign | (VIII) Rhematic Symbol Legisign | (X) Argument Symbol Legisign | ||||
(II) Rhematic Iconic Sinsign | (VI) Rhematic Indexical Legisign | (IX) Dicent Symbol Legisign | |||||
(III) Rhematic Indexical Sinsign | (VII) Dicent Indexical Legisign | ||||||
(IV) Dicent Indexical Sinsign |
In the study of photography and film studies Peirce's work is widely cited. He has also been influential in the field of art history.
Notes and references
- 1906, EP 2:411 and CP 5.484. Peirce went on to say: "Σημείωσις [Sêmeíôsis] in Greek of the Roman period, as early as Cicero's time, if I remember rightly, meant the action of almost any kind of sign; and my definition confers on anything that so acts the title of a 'sign.'" See Σημείωσις in the Liddell & Scott Ancient Greek Lexicon at the Perseus Digital Library.
- Mitchell, Jolyon; Millar, Suzanna R.; Po, Francesca; Percy, Martyn (2022). The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. p. 268. ISBN 978-1-119-42441-3.
- Bellucci, Francesco (2020). Charles S. Peirce. Selected Writings on Semiotics, 1894–1912. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. p. 10. ISBN 978-3-11-060435-1.
- For Peirce's definitions of philosophy, see for instance "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", CP 1.183-186, 1903 and "Minute Logic", CP 1.239-241, 1902. See Peirce's definitions of philosophy at CDPT under "Cenoscopy" and "Philosophy".
- Pablé, Adrian; Hutton, Christopher (2015). Signs, Meaning and Experience: Integrational Approaches to Linguistics and Semiotics (in German). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. ISBN 978-1-5015-0231-6.
- Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders) (28 April 2015). The New Elements of Mathematics. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. ISBN 978-3-11-086970-5. OCLC 1013950434.
- Raessens, Joost; Goldstein, Jeffrey (2011). Handbook of Computer Game Studies. MIT Press. p. 63. ISBN 978-0-262-18240-9.
- Fiske, John (2010). Introduction to Communication Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-87017-0.
- Peirce, C.S., CP 5.448 footnote, from "The Basis of Pragmaticism" in 1906.
- "Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man" (Arisbe Eprint), Journal of Speculative Philosophy vol. 2 (1868), pp. 103-114. Reprinted CP 5.213-263, the quote is from para. 253.
- "Prolegomena To an Apology For Pragmaticism", pp. 492–546, The Monist, vol. XVI, no. 4 (mislabeled "VI"), Oct. 1906, see p. 523. Reprinted CP 4.530–572; see para. 551 Eprint. Archived 2007-09-05 at the Wayback Machine.
- See "The Logic of Relatives", The Monist, Vol. 7, 1897, pp. 161-217, see p. 183 (via Google Books with registration apparently not required). Reprinted in the Collected Papers, vol. 3, paragraphs 456-552, see paragraph 483.
- * Burch, Robert (1991), A Peircean Reduction Thesis: The Foundations of Topological Logic, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas
- Anellis, Irving (1993) "Review of A Peircean Reduction Thesis: The Foundations of Topological Logic by Robert Burch" in Modern Logic v. 3, n. 4, 401-406, Project Euclid Open Access PDF 697 KB. Criticism and some suggestions for improvements.
- Anellis, Irving (1997), "Tarski's Development of Peirce's Logic of Relations" (Google Book Search Eprint) in Houser, Nathan, Roberts, Don D., and Van Evra, James (eds., 1997), Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce. Anellis gives an account of a Reduction Thesis proof discussed and presented by Peirce in his letter to William James of August 1905 (L224, 40-76, printed in Peirce, C. S. and Eisele, Carolyn, ed. (1976), The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, v. 3, 809-835).
- Hereth Correia, Joachim and Pöschel, Reinhard (2006), "The Teridentity and Peircean Algebraic Logic" in Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and Application (ICCS 2006): 229-246, Springer. Frithjof Dau called it "the strong version" of proof of Peirce's Reduction Thesis. John F. Sowa in the same discussion claimed that an explanation in terms of conceptual graphs is sufficiently convincing about the Reduction Thesis for those without the time to understand what Peirce was saying.
- In 1954 W. V. O. Quine claimed to prove the reducibility of larger predicates to dyadic predicates, in Quine, W.V.O., "Reduction to a Dyadic Predicate", Selected Logic Papers.
- Peirce specifically defined information as the breadth x depth of a concept (see CP 2.407-8, 1867) or what he also called the area (see CP 2.419). He affirmed the same view more than 35 years later (see EP 2:305, 1903).
- Peirce, C. S. (1867), "Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension" (CP 2.391-426), (W 2:70-86, PEP Eprint).
- Peirce, C.S and Ladd-Franklin, Christine, "Signification (and Application, in logic)", Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology v. 2, p. 528. Reprinted CP 2.431-4.
- Peirce, letter to William James, dated 1909, see EP 2:492.
- Peirce, C.S., "A Letter to Lady Welby" (1908), Semiotic and Significs, pp. 80-81:
I define a Sign as anything which is so determined by something else, called its Object, and so determines an effect upon a person, which effect I call its Interpretant, that the latter is thereby mediately determined by the former. My insertion of "upon a person" is a sop to Cerberus, because I despair of making my own broader conception understood.
- See "76 definitions of the sign by C.S.Peirce", collected by Professor Robert Marty (University of Perpignan, France).
- A Letter to William James, EP 2:498, 1909, viewable at CDPT under Dynamical Object.
- A Letter to William James, EP 2:492, 1909, viewable at CDPT under "Object".
- See pp. 404-409 in "Pragmatism", EP 2. Ten quotes on collateral observation from Peirce provided by Joseph Ransdell can be viewed here. Note: Ransdell's quotes from CP 8.178-179, are also in EP 2:493-4, which gives their date as 1909; and his quote from CP 8.183, is also in EP 2:495-6, which gives its date as 1909.
- "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:272-3, 1903.
- A Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby, Semiotic and Significs, p. 193, 1905.
- In EP 2:407, viewable at CDPT under "Real Object"
- See Ransdell, Joseph, "On the Use and Abuse of the Immediate/Dynamical Object Distinction", 2007, Arisbe Eprint.
- See Peirce's 1909 letter (or letters) to William James, CP 8.314 and 8.315, and Essential Peirce v. 2, pp. 496-7, and a 1909 letter to Lady Welby, Semiotic and Significs pp. 110-1, all under "Final Interpretant" at CDPT. Also see 1873, MS 218 (Robin 379) in Writings of Charles S. Peirce v. 3, p. 79, on the final opinion, and CP 8.184, on final opinion as final interpretant, in a review of a book by Lady Welby.
- "Philosophy and the Conduct of Life", 1898, Lecture 1 of the Cambridge (MA) Conferences Lectures, published CP 1.616-48 in part and in Reasoning and the Logic of Things, Ketner (ed., intro.) and Putnam (intro., comm.), pp. 105-22, reprinted in Essential Peirce v. 2, pp. 27-41.
- See "76 Definitions of The Sign by C. S. Peirce" collected and analyzed by Robert Marty, Department of Mathematics, University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France, with an Appendix of 12 Further Definitions or Equivalents proposed by Alfred Lang, Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Arisbe Eprint.
- "Minute Logic", CP 2.87, c. 1902 and A Letter to Lady Welby, CP 8.329, 1904. See relevant quotes under "Categories, Cenopythagorean Categories" in Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms (CDPT), Bergman & Paalova, eds., U. of Helsinki.
- See quotes under "Firstness, First [as a category]" in CDPT.
- The ground blackness is the pure abstraction of the quality black. Something black is something embodying blackness, pointing us back to the abstraction. The quality black amounts to reference to its own pure abstraction, the ground blackness. The question is not merely of noun (the ground) versus adjective (the quality), but rather of whether we are considering the black(ness) as abstracted away from application to an object, or instead as so applied (for instance to a stove). Yet note that Peirce's distinction here is not that between a property-general and a property-individual (a trope). See "On a New List of Categories" (1867), in the section appearing in CP 1.551. Regarding the ground, cf. the Scholastic conception of a relation's foundation, Google limited preview Deely 1982, p. 61.
- A quale in this sense is a such, just as a quality is a suchness. Cf. under "Use of Letters" in §3 of Peirce's "Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives", Memoirs of the American Academy, v. 9, pp. 317–378 (1870), separately reprinted (1870), from which see p. 6 via Google books, also reprinted in CP 3.63:
Now logical terms are of three grand classes. The first embraces those whose logical form involves only the conception of quality, and which therefore represent a thing simply as "a —." These discriminate objects in the most rudimentary way, which does not involve any consciousness of discrimination. They regard an object as it is in itself as such (quale); for example, as horse, tree, or man. These are absolute terms. (Peirce, 1870. But also see "Quale-Consciousness", 1898, in CP 6.222–237.)
- See quotes under "Secondness, Second [as a category]" in CDPT.
- See quotes under "Thirdness, Third [as a category]" in CDPT.
- For the reasons why, see CP 2.254-263, reprinted in the Philosophical Writings of Peirce pp. 115-118, and in EP 2:294-296.
- See CP 8.343-75, From a Partial Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby.
- "New Elements (Kaina Stoicheia)" MS 517 (1904); EP 2:300-324, Arisbe Eprint, scroll down to /317/, then first new paragraph.
- Project Pierce (1998). The Essential Peirce, Volume 2: Selected Philosophical Writings (1893-1913). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. p. 295. ISBN 0-253-33397-0.
- Cf. the Scholastic conception of a relation's foundation, Deely 1982, p. 61.
- Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko (2006). Signs of Logic: Peircean Themes on the Philosophy of Language, Games, and Communication. Dordrecht: Springer Science & Business Media. p. 107. ISBN 978-1-4020-3729-0.
- On image, diagram, and metaphor, see "Hypoicon" in the Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms.
- In 'A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic', EP 2:274, 1903, and viewable under "Index" at CDPT.
- In "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:274, 1903, and viewable under "Subindex, Hyposeme" at the CDPT.
- Peirce, Charles S. (2012). Philosophical Writings of Peirce. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. pp. 117–118. ISBN 978-0-486-12197-0.
- MS599 c. 1902 "Reason's Rules", relevant quote viewable under "MS 599" in "Role of Icons in Predication", Joseph Ransdell, Arisbe Eprint.
- "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:274, 1903, and "Logical Tracts, No. 2", CP 4.447, c. 1903. Relevant quotes viewable at the CDPT, under "Symbol".
- "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:272-3. Relevant quote viewable at CDPT, under "Representamen".
- A Letter to Lady Welby, Semiotic and Significs pp. 33-34, 1904, viewable at CDPT under "Rhema, Rheme".
- Peirce, 1906, "Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism", pp. 506-507 in 492-546, The Monist, v. XVI, n. 4 (mislabeled "VI"), Oct. 1906, reprinted in CP 4.538.
- A Letter to Lady Welby, Semiotic and Significs, pp. 33-34, 1904; also "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic', EP 2:275-276 and 292, 1903; all three quotes viewable at CDPT under "Dicent, Dicent Sign, Dicisign".
- "New Elements (Kaina Stoicheia)", Manuscript 517 (1904), and EP 2:300-324, see 308, viewable in Arisbe Eprint, scroll down to /308/.
- "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:296, 1903, quote viewable at CDPT under "Argument".
- The image was provided by Bernard Morand of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (France), Département Informatique.
- See post by Anderson Vinicius Romanini. Archived 2011-05-20 at the Wayback Machine "Re: Representing the Ten Classes of Signs (Corrected)" 2006-06-16 Eprint and post by Joseph Ransdell "Re: 1st Image of Triangle of Boxes (MS799.2)" 2006-06-18 Eprint. The manuscript can be viewed (and magnified by clicking on image) here at the Lyris Peirce Archive. The image was provided by Joseph Ransdell, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, Texas Tech University.
- Robins, Alexander (2014). "Peirce and Photography: Art, Semiotics, and Science". Journal of Speculative Philosophy. 28 (1): 1–16.
- Elkins, James (2003). "What does Peirce's sign theory have to say to art history?". Culture, Theory and Critique. 44 (1).
Further reading
For abbreviations of his works see Abbreviations.
- Pieces by Peirce on semiotic
- Peirce, C.S. (1867), "On a New List of Categories", Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7 (1868), 287–298. Presented, 14 May 1867. Reprinted (Collected Papers (CP), v. 1, paragraphs 545–559), (Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, v. 2, pp. 49–59), (The Essential Peirce (EP) v. 1, 1–10). Arisbe Eprint.
- Peirce, C.S. (1867), "Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension", Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, pp. 416-432. Presented 13 November 1867. Reprinted CP 2.391-426, Writings v. 2, pp. 70–86. Eprint.
- Peirce, C.S. (c. 1894 MS), "What Is a Sign?". Published in part in CP 2.281, 285, and 297-302, and in full in EP 2:4-10. Peirce Edition Project Eprint.
- Peirce, C.S. (1895 MS), "Of Reasoning in General". Published in part in CP 2.282, 286-91, 295-96, 435-44, and 7.555-8, and in full in EP 2:11-26.
- Peirce, C.S. (1896), "The Regenerated Logic", The Monist, v. VII, n. 1, pp. 19-40, The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1896, for the Hegeler Institute. Reprinted (CP 3.425-455). Internet Archive, The Monist 7, p. 19.
- Peirce, C.S. (1897), "The Logic of Relatives", The Monist, v. VII, pp. 161-217. Reprinted in CP 3.456-552.
- Peirce, C.S. (c.1902 MSS), "Minute Logic", CP 2.1-118.
- Peirce, C.S. (c.1902 MS), "Reason's Rules" Eprint
- Peirce, C.S. "A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", EP 2:
- Peirce, C.S. (1903) "Sundry Logical Conceptions", EP 2:267-88.
- Peirce, C.S. (1903) "Nomenclature and Divisions of Triadic Relations, as Far as They Are Determined", EP 2:289-99
- Peirce, C.S. (1904 MS) "New Elements (Kaina Stoicheia)", pp. 235–63 in Carolyn Eisele, ed., The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, Volume 4, Mathematical Philosophy. Reprinted (EP 2:300-24). Eprint.
- Peirce, C.S. (c.1903 MS), "Logical Tracts, No. 2", CP 4.418–509.
- Peirce, C.S. (1904 Oct 12), A Letter to Lady Welby, CP 8.327–41.
- Peirce, C.S. (1905), A Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby, Semiotic and Significs p. 193.
- Peirce, C.S. (1906), "Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism", pp. 492-546, The Monist, vol. XVI, no. 4 (mislabeled "VI"), Oct. 1906 (links embedded in page numbers and edition numbers are via Google Book Search, full access not yet available widely outside the USA). Reprinted CP 4.530-572 Eprint.
- Peirce, C.S. (1907 MS), "Pragmatism", EP 2:398-433.
- Peirce, C.S. (1908, Dec. 24, 25, 28), From a Partial Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby, CP 8.342–79.
- Peirce, C.S. (1911 MS), "A Sketch of Logical Critics", EP 2:451-62.
- Peirce collections
- Peirce, C.S. (1931–35, 1958), Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vols. 1–6, 1931–35, Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, eds., vols. 7–8, 1958, Arthur W. Burks, ed., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Peirce, C.S (1976), The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, 4 volumes in 5, Carolyn Eisele, ed., Mouton Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands, 1976. Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey.
- Peirce, C.S., and Welby-Gregory, Victoria (Lady Welby) (1977, 2001), Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence between C. S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby, edited by Charles S. Hardwick with the assistance of James Cook, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana, 1977, 2nd edition (Peirce Studies 8), 2001, the Press of Arisbe Associates, Elsah, Illinois.
- Peirce, C.S. (1981-), Writings of Charles S. Peirce, A Chronological Edition, vols. 1-6 & 8, of a projected 30, Peirce Edition Project, eds., Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Peirce, C.S. (1992, 1998) The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 1 (1867–1893), 1992, Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel, eds., and Volume 2 (1893–1913), 1998, Peirce Edition Project, eds., Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
- Peirce, C. S. (1994), Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic, James Hoopes, ed., paper, 294 pp., University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
- Other
- Marty, Robert (1997), "76 Definitions of the Sign by C. S. Peirce" collected and analyzed by Robert Marty, Department of Mathematics, University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France, and "12 Further Definitions or Equivalent Proposed by Alfred Lang", Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Eprint. Marty's semiotics.
- Bergman, Mats and Paavola, Sami, eds. (2003-), Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms. Peirce's own definitions, often many per term across the decades. Includes definitions of most of his semiotic terms.
- Atkin, Albert (2013), Peirce's Theory of Signs", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Article's Secondary Bibliography.
- Ransdell, Joseph (2007 draft), "On the Use and Abuse of the Immediate/Dynamical Object Distinction", Arisbe Eprint.
External links
- Arisbe: The Peirce Gateway, Joseph Ransdell, ed. Over 100 online writings by Peirce as of November 24, 2010, with annotations. Hundreds of online papers on Peirce. The Peirce-L Forum. Much else.
- Center for Applied Semiotics (CAS) (1998–2003), Donald Cunningham & Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Indiana U.
- Centro Internacional de Estudos Peirceanos (CIEP) and previously Centro de Estudos Peirceanos (CeneP), Lucia Santaella et al., Pontifical Catholic U. of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Brazil. In Portuguese, some English.
- Commens Digital Companion to C.S. Peirce, Mats Bergman, Sami Paavola, & João Queiroz, formerly Commens at Helsinki U. Includes Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms with Peirce's definitions, often many per term across the decades, and the Digital Encyclopedia of Charles S. Peirce (old edition still at old website).
- Centro Studi Peirce, Carlo Sini, Rossella Fabbrichesi, et al., U. of Milan, Italy. In Italian and English. Part of Pragma.
- Charles S. Peirce Foundation. Co-sponsoring the 2014 Peirce International Centennial Congress (100th anniversary of Peirce's death).
- Charles S. Peirce Society
—Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Quarterly journal of Peirce studies since spring 1965. Table of Contents of all issues. - Charles S. Peirce Studies, Brian Kariger, ed.
- Semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce at the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
- Collegium for the Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment: The Peirce Archive. Humboldt U, Berlin, Germany. Cataloguing Peirce's innumerable drawings & graphic materials. More info (Prof. Aud Sissel Hoel).
- Digital Encyclopedia of Charles S. Peirce, João Queiroz (now at UFJF) & Ricardo Gudwin (at Unicamp), eds., [[Universidade Estadual de Campinas|U. of Campinas]], Brazil, in English. 84 authors listed, 51 papers online & more listed, as of January 31, 2009. Newer edition now at Commens.
- Existential Graphs, Jay Zeman, ed., U. of Florida. Has 4 Peirce texts.
- Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos (GEP) / Peirce Studies Group, Jaime Nubiola, ed., U. of Navarra, Spain. Big study site, Peirce & others in Spanish & English, bibliography, more.
- Helsinki Peirce Research Center (HPRC), Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen et al., U. of Helsinki.
- His Glassy Essence. Autobiographical Peirce. Kenneth Laine Ketner.
- Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, Kenneth Laine Ketner, Clyde Hendrick, et al., Texas Tech U. Peirce's life and works.
- International Research Group on Abductive Inference, Uwe Wirth et al., eds., Goethe U., Frankfurt, Germany. Uses frames. Click on link at bottom of its home page for English. Moved to [[University of Gießen|U. of Gießen]], Germany, home page not in English but see Artikel section there.
- L'I.R.S.C.E. (1974–2003)—Institut de Recherche en Sémiotique, Communication et Éducation, Gérard Deledalle, Joëlle Réthoré, U. of Perpignan, France.
- Minute Semeiotic, Vinicius Romanini, U. of São Paulo, Brazil. English, Portuguese.
- Peirce at Signo: Theoretical Semiotics on the Web, Louis Hébert, director, supported by U. of Québec. Theory, application, exercises of Peirce's Semiotics and Esthetics. English, French.
- Peirce Edition Project (PEP), Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis (IUPUI). André De Tienne, Nathan Houser, et al. Editors of the Writings of Charles S. Peirce (W) and The Essential Peirce (EP) v. 2. Many study aids such as the Robin Catalog of Peirce's manuscripts & letters and:
—Biographical introductions to EP 1–2 and W 1–6 & 8
—Most of W 2 readable online.
—PEP's branch at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). Working on W 7: Peirce's work on the Century Dictionary. Definition of the week. - Peirce's Existential Graphs, Frithjof Dau, Germany.
- Peirce's Theory of Semiosis: Toward a Logic of Mutual Affection, Joseph Esposito. Free online course.
- Pragmatism Cybrary, David Hildebrand & John Shook.
- Research Group on Semiotic Epistemology and Mathematics Education (late 1990s), Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik (Michael Hoffman, Michael Otte, Universität Bielefeld, Germany). See Peirce Project Newsletter v. 3, n. 1, p. 13.
- Semiotics according to Robert Marty, with 76 definitions of the sign by C. S. Peirce.
This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject Please help improve the article by providing more context for the reader July 2017 Learn how and when to remove this message Charles Sanders Peirce began writing on semiotics which he also called semeiotics meaning the philosophical study of signs in the 1860s around the time that he devised his system of three categories During the 20th century the term semiotics was adopted to cover all tendencies of sign researches including Ferdinand de Saussure s semiology which began in linguistics as a completely separate tradition Peirce adopted the term semiosis or semeiosis and defined it to mean an action or influence which is or involves a cooperation of three subjects such as a sign its object and its interpretant this trirelative influence not being in any way resolvable into actions between pairs This specific type of triadic relation is fundamental to Peirce s understanding of logic as formal semiotic By logic he meant philosophical logic He eventually divided philosophical logic or formal semiotics into 1 speculative grammar or stechiology on the elements of semiosis sign object interpretant how signs can signify and in relation to that what kinds of signs objects and interpretants there are how signs combine and how some signs embody or incorporate others 2 logical critic or logic proper on the modes of inference and 3 speculative rhetoric or methodeutic the philosophical theory of inquiry including his form of pragmatism His speculative grammar or stechiology is this article s subject Peirce conceives of and discusses things like representations interpretations and assertions broadly and in terms of philosophical logic rather than in terms of psychology linguistics or social studies He places philosophy at a level of generality between mathematics and the special sciences of nature and mind such that it draws principles from mathematics and supplies principles to special sciences On the one hand his semiotic theory does not resort to special experiences or special experiments in order to settle its questions On the other hand he draws continually on examples from common experience and his semiotics is not contained in a mathematical or deductive system and does not proceed chiefly by drawing necessary conclusions about purely hypothetical objects or cases As philosophical logic it is about the drawing of conclusions deductive inductive or hypothetically explanatory Peirce s semiotics in its classifications its critical analysis of kinds of inference and its theory of inquiry is philosophical logic studied in terms of signs and their triadic relations as positive phenomena in general Peirce s semiotic theory is different from Saussure s conceptualization in the sense that it rejects his dualist view of the Cartesian self He believed that semiotics is a unifying and synthesizing discipline More importantly he included the element of interpretant into the fundamental understanding of the sign Semiotic elementsHere is Peirce s definition of the triadic sign relation that formed the core of his definition of logic Namely a sign is something A which brings something B its interpretant sign determined or created by it into the same sort of correspondence with something C its object as that in which itself stands to C Peirce 1902 NEM 4 20 21 This definition together with Peirce s definitions of correspondence and determination is sufficient to derive all of the statements that are necessarily true for all sign relations Yet there is much more to the theory of signs than simply proving universal theorems about generic sign relations There is also the task of classifying the various species and subspecies of sign relations As a practical matter of course familiarity with the full range of concrete examples is indispensable to theory and application both In Peirce s theory of signs a sign is something that stands in a well defined kind of relation to two other things its object and its interpretant sign Although Peirce s definition of a sign is independent of psychological subject matter and his theory of signs covers more ground than linguistics alone it is nevertheless the case that many of the more familiar examples and illustrations of sign relations will naturally be drawn from linguistics and psychology along with our ordinary experience of their subject matters For example one way to approach the concept of an interpretant is to think of a psycholinguistic process In this context an interpretant can be understood as a sign s effect on the mind or on anything that acts like a mind what Peirce calls a quasi mind An interpretant is what results from a process of interpretation one of the types of activity that falls under the heading of semiosis One usually says that a sign stands for an object to an agent an interpreter In the upshot however it is the sign s effect on the agent that is paramount This effect is what Peirce called the interpretant sign or the interpretant for short An interpretant in its barest form is a sign s meaning implication or ramification and especial interest attaches to the types of semiosis that proceed from obscure signs to relatively clear interpretants In logic and mathematics the most clarified and most succinct signs for an object are called canonical forms or normal forms The interpretant in Peirce s conceptualization is not the user of the sign but the proper significate effect or that mental concept produced by both the sign and by the user s experience of the object Peirce argued that logic is the formal study of signs in the broadest sense not only signs that are artificial linguistic or symbolic but also signs that are semblances or are indexical such as reactions Peirce held that all this universe is perfused with signs if it is not composed exclusively of signs along with their representational and inferential relations He argued that since all thought takes time all thought is in signs To say therefore that thought cannot happen in an instant but requires a time is but another way of saying that every thought must be interpreted in another or that all thought is in signs Peirce 1868 Thought is not necessarily connected with a brain It appears in the work of bees of crystals and throughout the purely physical world and one can no more deny that it is really there than that the colors the shapes etc of objects are really there Consistently adhere to that unwarrantable denial and you will be driven to some form of idealistic nominalism akin to Fichte s Not only is thought in the organic world but it develops there But as there cannot be a General without Instances embodying it so there cannot be thought without Signs We must here give Sign a very wide sense no doubt but not too wide a sense to come within our definition Admitting that connected Signs must have a Quasi mind it may further be declared that there can be no isolated sign Moreover signs require at least two Quasi minds a Quasi utterer and a Quasi interpreter and although these two are at one i e are one mind in the sign itself they must nevertheless be distinct In the Sign they are so to say welded Accordingly it is not merely a fact of human Psychology but a necessity of Logic that every logical evolution of thought should be dialogic Peirce 1906 Sign relation Signhood is a way of being in relation not a way of being in itself Anything is a sign not as itself but in some relation to another The role of sign is constituted as one role among three object sign and interpretant sign It is an irreducible triadic relation the roles are distinct even when the things that fill them are not The roles are but three a sign of an object leads to interpretants which as signs lead to further interpretants In various relations the same thing may be sign or semiotic object The question of what a sign is depends on the concept of a sign relation which depends on the concept of a triadic relation This in turn depends on the concept of a relation itself Peirce depended on mathematical ideas about the of relations dyadic triadic tetradic and so forth According to Peirce s Reduction Thesis a triads are necessary because genuinely triadic relations cannot be completely analyzed in terms of monadic and dyadic predicates and b triads are sufficient because there are no genuinely tetradic or larger polyadic relations all higher arity n adic relations can be analyzed in terms of triadic and lower arity relations and are reducible to them Peirce and others notably Robert W Burch 1991 and Joachim Hereth Correia and Reinhard Poschel 2006 have offered proofs of the Reduction Thesis According to Peirce a genuinely monadic predicate characteristically expresses quality A genuinely dyadic predicate reaction or resistance A genuinely triadic predicate representation or mediation Thus Peirce s theory of relations underpins his philosophical theory of three basic categories see below Extension intension information Two traditional approaches to sign relation necessary though insufficient are the way of extension a sign s objects also called breadth denotation or application and the way of intension the objects characteristics qualities attributes referenced by the sign also called depth comprehension significance or connotation Peirce adds a third the way of information including change of information in order to integrate the other two approaches into a unified whole For example because of the equation above if a term s total amount of information stays the same then the more that the term intends or signifies about objects the fewer are the objects to which the term extends or applies A proposition s comprehension consists in its implications Determination A sign depends on its object in such a way as to represent its object the object enables and in a sense determines the sign A physically causal sense of this stands out especially when a sign consists in an indicative reaction The interpretant depends likewise on both the sign and the object the object determines the sign to determine the interpretant But this determination is not a succession of dyadic events like a row of toppling dominoes sign determination is triadic For example an interpretant does not merely represent something which represented an object instead an interpretant represents something as a sign representing an object It is an informational kind of determination a rendering of something more determinately representative Peirce used the word determine not in strictly deterministic sense but in a sense of specializes bestimmt involving variation in measure like an influence Peirce came to define sign object and interpretant by their triadic mode of determination not by the idea of representation since that is part of what is being defined The object determines the sign to determine another sign the interpretant to be related to the object as the sign is related to the object hence the interpretant fulfilling its function as sign of the object determines a further interpretant sign The process is logically structured to perpetuate itself and is definitive of sign object and interpretant in general In semiosis every sign is an interpretant in a chain stretching both fore and aft The relation of informational or logical determination which constrains object sign and interpretant is more general than the special cases of causal or physical determination In general terms any information about one of the items in the sign relation tells you something about the others although the actual amount of this information may be nil in some species of sign relations Sign object interpretant Peirce held that there are exactly three basic semiotic elements the sign object and interpretant as outlined above and fleshed out here in a bit more detail A sign or representamen represents in the broadest possible sense of represents It is something interpretable as saying something about something It is not necessarily symbolic linguistic or artificial An object or semiotic object is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant It can be anything discussable or thinkable a thing event relationship quality law argument etc and can even be fictional for instance Hamlet All of those are special or partial objects The object most accurately is the universe of discourse to which the partial or special object belongs For instance a perturbation of Pluto s orbit is a sign about Pluto but ultimately not only about Pluto An interpretant or interpretant sign is the sign s more or less clarified meaning or ramification a kind of form or idea of the difference which the sign s being true or undeceptive would make Peirce s sign theory concerns meaning in the broadest sense including logical implication not just the meanings of words as properly clarified by a dictionary The interpretant is a sign a of the object and b of the interpretant s predecessor the interpreted sign as being a sign of the same object The interpretant is an interpretation in the sense of a product of an interpretive process or a content in which an interpretive relation culminates though this product or content may itself be an act a state of agitation a conduct etc Such is what is summed up in saying that the sign stands for the object to the interpretant Some of the understanding needed by the mind depends on familiarity with the object In order to know what a given sign denotes the mind needs some experience of that sign s object collaterally to that sign or sign system and in this context Peirce speaks of collateral experience collateral observation collateral acquaintance all in much the same terms Representamen properly with the a long and stressed r ɛ p r ɪ z ɛ n ˈ t eɪ m en was adopted not coined by Peirce as his blanket technical term for any and every sign or sign like thing covered by his theory It is a question of whether the theoretically defined representamen covers only the cases covered by the popular word sign The word representamen is there in case a divergence should emerge Peirce s example was this Sign action always involves a mind If a sunflower by doing nothing more than turning toward the sun were thereby to become fully able to reproduce a sunflower turning in just the same way toward the sun then the first sunflower s turning would be a representamen of the sun yet not a sign of the sun Peirce eventually stopped using the word representamen Peirce made various classifications of his semiotic elements especially of the sign and the interpretant Of particular concern in understanding the sign object interpretant triad is this In relation to a sign its object and its interpretant are either immediate present in the sign or mediate Sign always immediate to itself that is in a tautologous sense present in or at itself even if it is not immediate to a mind or immediately accomplished without processing or is a general apprehended only in its instances Object Immediate object the object as represented in the sign Dynamic object the object as it really is on which the idea which is the immediate object is founded as on bedrock Also called the dynamoid object the dynamical object Interpretant Immediate interpretant the quality of the impression which a sign is fit to produce not any actual reaction and which the sign carries with it even before there is an interpreter or quasi interpreter It is what is ordinarily called the sign s meaning Dynamic interpretant the actual effect apart from the feeling of the sign on a mind or quasi mind for instance the agitation of the feeling Final interpretant the effect which the sign would have on the conduct of any mind or quasi mind if circumstances allowed that effect to be fully achieved It is the sign s end or purpose The final interpretant of one s inquiry about the weather is the inquiry s purpose the effect which the response would have on the plans for the day of anybody in one s shoes The final interpretant of a line of investigation as such is the truth as the ideal final opinion and would be reached sooner or later but still inevitably by investigation adequately prolonged though the truth remains independent of that which you or I or any finite community of investigators believe The immediate object is from the viewpoint of a theorist really a kind of sign of the dynamic object but phenomenologically it is the object until there is reason to go beyond it and somebody analyzing critically but not theoretically a given semiosis will consider the immediate object to be the object until there is reason to do otherwise Peirce preferred phrases like dynamic object over real object since the object might be fictive Hamlet for instance to whom one grants a fictive reality a reality within the universe of discourse of the play Hamlet It is initially tempting to regard immediate dynamic and final interpretants as forming a temporal succession in an actual process of semiosis especially since their conceptions refer to beginning midstages and end of a semiotic process But instead their distinctions from each other are modal or categorial The immediate interpretant is a quality of impression which a sign is fitted to produce a special potentiality The dynamic interpretant is an actuality The final interpretant is a kind of norm or necessity unaffected by actual trends of opinion or interpretation One does not actually obtain a final interpretant per se instead one may successfully coincide with it Peirce a fallibilist holds that one has no guarantees that one has done so but only compelling reasons sometimes very compelling to think so and in practical matters must sometimes act with complete confidence of having done so Peirce said that it is often better in practical matters to rely on instinct sentiment and tradition than on theoretical inquiry In any case insofar as truth is the final interpretant of a pursuit of truth one believes in effect that one coincides with a final interpretant of some question about what is true whenever and to whatever extent that one believes that one reaches a truth Classes of signsPeirce proposes several typologies and definitions of the signs At least 76 definitions of what a sign is have been collected throughout Peirce s work Some canonical typologies can nonetheless be observed one crucial one being the distinction between icons indices and symbols CP 2 228 CP 2 229 and CP 5 473 The icon index symbol typology is chronologically the first but structurally the second of three that fit together as a trio of three valued parameters in regular scheme of nine kinds of sign The three parameters not Peirce s term are not independent of one another and the result is a system of ten classes of sign which are shown further down in this article Peirce s three basic phenomenological categories come into central play in these classifications The 1 2 3 numerations used further below in the exposition of sign classes represents Peirce s associations of sign classes with the categories The categories are as follows Peirce s categories technical name the cenopythagorean categories Name Typical characterizaton As universe of experience As quantity Technical definition Valence adicity Firstness Quality of feeling Ideas chance possibility Vagueness some Reference to a ground a ground is a pure abstraction of a quality Essentially monadic the quale in the sense of the such which has the quality Secondness Reaction resistance dyadic relation Brute facts actuality Singularity discreteness this Reference to a correlate by its relate Essentially dyadic the relate and the correlate Thirdness Representation mediation Habits laws necessity Generality continuity all Reference to an interpretant Essentially triadic sign object interpretant Note An interpretant is an interpretation human or otherwise in the sense of the product of an interpretive process The three sign typologies depend respectively on I the sign itself II how the sign stands for its denoted object and III how the signs stands for its object to its interpretant Each of the three typologies is a three way division a trichotomy via Peirce s three phenomenological categories Qualisigns sinsigns and legisigns Every sign is either qualisign a quality or possibility or sinsign an actual individual thing fact event state etc or legisign a norm habit rule law Also called tones tokens and types also potisigns actisigns and famisigns Icons indices and symbols Every sign refers either icon through similarity to its object or index through factual connection to its object or symbol through interpretive habit or norm of reference to its object Rhemes dicisigns and arguments Every sign is interpreted either as rheme term like standing for its object in respect of quality or as dicisign proposition like standing for its object in respect of fact or as argument argumentative standing for its object in respect of habit or law This is the trichotomy of all signs as building blocks of inference Also called sumisigns dicent signs and suadisigns also semes phemes and delomes Every sign falls under one class or another within I and within II and within III Thus each of the three typologies is a three valued parameter for every sign The three parameters are not independent of each other many co classifications are not found The result is not 27 but instead ten classes of signs fully specified at this level of analysis In later years Peirce attempted a finer level of analysis defining sign classes in terms of relations not just to sign object and interpretant but to sign immediate object dynamic object immediate interpretant dynamic interpretant and final or normal interpretant He aimed at 10 trichotomies of signs with the above three trichotomies interspersed among them and issuing in 66 classes of signs He did not bring that system into a finished form In any case in that system icon index and symbol were classed by category of how they stood for the dynamic object while rheme dicisign and argument were classed by the category of how they stood to the final or normal interpretant These conceptions are specific to Peirce s theory of signs and are not exactly equivalent to general uses of the notions of icon index symbol tone token type term or rheme proposition or dicisign argument I Qualisign sinsign legisign Also called tone token type and also called potisign actisign famisign This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by sign s own phenomenological category set forth in 1903 1904 etc A qualisign also called tone potisign and mark is a sign which consists in a quality of feeling a possibility a First A sinsign also called token and actisign is a sign which consists in a reaction resistance an actual singular thing an actual occurrence or fact a Second A legisign also called type and famisign is a sign which consists in a general idea a norm or law or habit a representational relation a Third A replica also called instance of a legisign is a sign often an actual individual one a sinsign which embodies that legisign A replica is a sign for the associated legisign and therefore is also a sign for the legisign s object All legisigns need sinsigns as replicas for expression Some but not all legisigns are symbols All symbols are legisigns Different words with the same meaning are symbols which are replicas of that symbol which consists in their meaning but doesn t prescribe qualities of its replicas The replica of a rhematic symbol for instance calls up a mental image which image owing to the habits and dispositions of such mind often produce a general concept Here the replica is interpreted as a sign of the object which is then considered an instance of that concept II Icon index symbol This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by phenomenological category of its way of denoting the object set forth in 1867 and many times in later years This typology emphasizes the different ways in which the sign refers to its object the icon by a quality of its own the index by real connection to its object and the symbol by a habit or rule for its interpretant The modes may be compounded for instance in a sign that displays a forking line iconically for a fork in the road and stands indicatively near a fork in the road An icon also called likeness and semblance is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of a quality which is shared by them but which the icon has irrespectively of the object The icon for instance a portrait or a diagram resembles or imitates its object The icon has of itself a certain character or aspect one which the object also has or is supposed to have and which lets the icon be interpreted as a sign even if the object does not exist The icon signifies essentially on the basis of its ground Peirce defined the ground as the pure abstraction of a quality and the sign s ground as the pure abstraction of the quality in respect of which the sign refers to its object whether by resemblance or as a symbol by imputing the quality to the object For Peirce to be iconic denotes that some semblance obtains between the signs of the system and aspects of its object This is part of his diagrammatic logic where the iconic system is scribed i e partly written and partly drawn Peirce called an icon apart from a label legend or other index attached to it a hypoicon and divided the hypoicon into three classes a the image which depends on a simple quality b the diagram whose internal relations mainly dyadic or so taken represent by analogy the relations in something and c the metaphor which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else A diagram can be geometric or can consist in an array of algebraic expressions or even in the common form All is which is subjectable like any diagram to logical or mathematical transformations Peirce held that mathematics is done by diagrammatic thinking observation of and experimentation on diagrams An index is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of an actual connection involving them one that he also calls a real relation in virtue of its being irrespective of interpretation It is in any case a relation which is in fact in contrast to the icon which has only a ground for denotation of its object and in contrast to the symbol which denotes by an interpretive habit or law An index which compels attention without conveying any information about its object is a pure index though that may be an ideal limit never actually reached If an indexical relation is a resistance or reaction physically or causally connecting an index to its object then the index is a reagent for example smoke coming from a building is a reagent index of fire Such an index is really affected or modified by the object and is the only kind of index which can be used in order to ascertain facts about its object Peirce also usually held that an index does not have to be an actual individual fact or thing but can be general a disease symptom is general its occurrence singular and he usually considered a designation to be an index e g a pronoun a proper name a label on a diagram etc In 1903 Peirce said that only an individual is an index gave seme as an alternate expression for index and called designations subindices or hyposemes which were a kind of symbol he allowed of a degenerate index indicating a non individual object as exemplified by an individual thing indicating its own characteristics But by 1904 he allowed indices to be generals and returned to classing designations as indices In 1906 he changed the meaning of seme to that of the earlier sumisign and rheme A symbol is a sign that denotes its object solely by virtue of the fact that it will be interpreted to do so The symbol consists in a natural or conventional or logical rule norm or habit a habit that lacks or has shed dependence on the symbolic sign s having a resemblance or real connection to the denoted object Thus a symbol denotes by virtue of its interpretant Its sign action semiosis is ruled by habit a more or less systematic set of associations that ensures its interpretation For Peirce every symbol is general and that which we call an actual individual symbol e g on the page is called by Peirce a replica or instance of the symbol Symbols like all other legisigns also called types need actual individual replicas for expression The proposition is an example of a symbol which is irrespective of language and of any form of expression and does not prescribe qualities of its replicas A word that is symbolic rather than indexical like this or iconic like whoosh is an example of a symbol that prescribes qualities especially looks or sound of its replicas Not every replica is actual and individual Two word symbols with the same meaning such as English horse and Spanish caballo are symbols which are replicas of that symbol which consists in their shared meaning A book a theory a person each is a complex symbol Note In On a New List of Categories 1867 Peirce gave the unqualified term sign as an alternate expression for index and gave general sign as an alternate expression for symbol Representamen was his blanket technical term for any and every sign or signlike thing covered by his theory Peirce soon reserved sign to its broadest sense for index icon and symbol alike He also eventually decided that the symbol is not the only sign which can be called a general sign in some sense and that indices and icons can be generals generalities too The general sign as such the generality as a sign he eventually called at various times the legisign 1903 1904 the type 1906 1908 and the famisign 1908 III Rheme dicisign argument This is the typology of the sign as distinguished by the phenomenological category which the sign s interpretant attributes to the sign s way of denoting the object set forth in 1902 1903 etc A rheme also called sumisign and seme is a sign that represents its object in respect of quality and so in its signified interpretant is represented as a character or mark though it actually may be icon index or symbol The rheme seme stands as its object for some purpose A proposition with the subject places left blank is a rheme but subject terms by themselves are also rhemes A proposition said Peirce can be considered a zero place rheme a zero place predicate A dicisign also called dicent sign and pheme is a sign that represents its object in respect of actual existence and so in its signified interpretant is represented as indexical though it actually may be either index or symbol The dicisign separately indicates its object as subject of the predicate The dicisign is intended to have some compulsive effect on the interpreter of it Peirce had generalized the idea of proposition to where a weathercock photograph etc could be considered propositions or dicisigns as he came to call them A proposition in the conventional sense is a dicent symbol also called symbolic dicisign Assertions are also dicisigns An argument also called suadisign and delome is a sign that represents its object in respect of law or habit and so in its signified interpretant is represented as symbolic and was indeed a symbol in the first place The argument separately monstrates its signified interpretant the argument s conclusion an argument stripped of all signs of such monstrative relationship is or becomes a dicisign It represents a process of change in thoughts or signs as if to induce this change in the Interpreter through the interpreter s own self control A novel a work of art the universe can be a delome in Peirce s terms Note In his Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism The Monist v XVI no 4 Oct 1906 Peirce uses the words seme pheme and delome pp 506 507 etc for the rheme dicisign argument typology but retains the word rheme for the predicate p 530 in his system of Existential Graphs Also note that Peirce once offered seme as an alternate expression for index in 1903 The three sign typologies together ten classes of sign The three typologies labeled I II and III are shown together in the table below As parameters they are not independent of one another As previously said many co classifications are not found The slanting and vertical lines show the options for co classification of a given sign and appear in MS 339 August 7 1904 viewable here at the Lyris Peirce Archive The result is ten classes of sign Words in parentheses in the table are alternate names for the same kinds of signs Phenomenological category Sign is distinguished by phenomenological category of 1 Quality of feeling Possibility Reference to a ground OR 2 Reaction resistance Brute fact Reference to a correlate OR 3 Representation mediation Habit law Reference to an interpretant I the SIGN ITSELF QUALISIGN Tone Potisign OR SINSIGN Token Actisign OR LEGISIGN Type Famisign ANDII the sign s way of denoting its OBJECT ICON Likeness etc OR INDEX Sign OR SYMBOL General sign ANDIII the sign s way as represented in the INTERPRETANT of denoting the sign s object RHEME Sumisign Seme e g a term OR DICISIGN Dicent sign Pheme e g a proposition OR ARGUMENT Suadisign Delome Note As noted above in On a New List of Categories 1867 Peirce gave the unqualified word sign as an alternate expression for index and gave general sign as an alternate expression for symbol Peirce soon reserved sign to its broadest sense for index icon and symbol alike and eventually decided that symbols are not the only signs which can be called general signs in some sense See note at end of section II Icon index symbol for details A term in the conventional sense is not just any rheme it is a kind of rhematic symbol Likewise a proposition in the conventional sense is not just any dicisign it is a kind of dicent symbol Peirce s Ten Classes of Sign CP 2 254 263 EP 2 294 296 from MS 540 of 1903 Sign classified by own phenome nological category Relative to object Relative to interpretant Specificational redundancies in parentheses Some examples I Qualisign Icon Rheme Rhematic Iconic Qualisign A feeling of red II Sinsign Icon Rheme Rhematic Iconic Sinsign An individual diagram III Index Rheme Rhematic Indexical Sinsign A spontaneous cry IV Dicisign Dicent Indexical Sinsign A weathercock or photograph V Legisign Icon Rheme Rhematic Iconic Legisign A diagram apart from its factual individuality VI Index Rheme Rhematic Indexical Legisign A demonstrative pronoun VII Dicisign Dicent Indexical Legisign A street cry identifying the individual by tone theme VIII Symbol Rheme Rhematic Symbol ic Legisign A common noun IX Dicisign Dicent Symbol ic Legisign A proposition in the conventional sense X Argument Argument ative Symbolic Legisign A syllogismPeirce s triangular arrangement from MS 540 17 Boldface is Peirce s own and indicates non redundant specifications Any two adjacent cells have two aspects in common except in three cases where there is only one aspect in common II amp VI VI amp IX and III amp VII there the border between the adjacent cells appears extra thick The Roman numerals appear on the manuscript but were added by an editor I Rhematic Iconic Qualisign V Rhematic Iconic Legisign VIII Rhematic Symbol Legisign X Argument Symbol Legisign II Rhematic Iconic Sinsign VI Rhematic Indexical Legisign IX Dicent Symbol Legisign III Rhematic Indexical Sinsign VII Dicent Indexical Legisign IV Dicent Indexical SinsignInfluenceIn the study of photography and film studies Peirce s work is widely cited He has also been influential in the field of art history Notes and references1906 EP 2 411 and CP 5 484 Peirce went on to say Shmeiwsis Semeiosis in Greek of the Roman period as early as Cicero s time if I remember rightly meant the action of almost any kind of sign and my definition confers on anything that so acts the title of a sign See Shmeiwsis in the Liddell amp Scott Ancient Greek Lexicon at the Perseus Digital Library Mitchell Jolyon Millar Suzanna R Po Francesca Percy Martyn 2022 The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace Hoboken NJ John Wiley amp Sons p 268 ISBN 978 1 119 42441 3 Bellucci Francesco 2020 Charles S Peirce Selected Writings on Semiotics 1894 1912 Berlin Boston Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG p 10 ISBN 978 3 11 060435 1 For Peirce s definitions of philosophy see for instance A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic CP 1 183 186 1903 and Minute Logic CP 1 239 241 1902 See Peirce s definitions of philosophy at CDPT under Cenoscopy and Philosophy Pable Adrian Hutton Christopher 2015 Signs Meaning and Experience Integrational Approaches to Linguistics and Semiotics in German Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG ISBN 978 1 5015 0231 6 Peirce Charles S Charles Sanders 28 April 2015 The New Elements of Mathematics Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG ISBN 978 3 11 086970 5 OCLC 1013950434 Raessens Joost Goldstein Jeffrey 2011 Handbook of Computer Game Studies MIT Press p 63 ISBN 978 0 262 18240 9 Fiske John 2010 Introduction to Communication Studies Routledge ISBN 978 1 136 87017 0 Peirce C S CP 5 448 footnote from The Basis of Pragmaticism in 1906 Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man Arisbe Eprint Journal of Speculative Philosophy vol 2 1868 pp 103 114 Reprinted CP 5 213 263 the quote is from para 253 Prolegomena To an Apology For Pragmaticism pp 492 546 The Monist vol XVI no 4 mislabeled VI Oct 1906 see p 523 Reprinted CP 4 530 572 see para 551 Eprint Archived 2007 09 05 at the Wayback Machine See The Logic of Relatives The Monist Vol 7 1897 pp 161 217 see p 183 via Google Books with registration apparently not required Reprinted in the Collected Papers vol 3 paragraphs 456 552 see paragraph 483 Burch Robert 1991 A Peircean Reduction Thesis The Foundations of Topological Logic Texas Tech University Press Lubbock Texas Anellis Irving 1993 Review of A Peircean Reduction Thesis The Foundations of Topological Logic by Robert Burch in Modern Logic v 3 n 4 401 406 Project Euclid Open Access PDF 697 KB Criticism and some suggestions for improvements Anellis Irving 1997 Tarski s Development of Peirce s Logic of Relations Google Book Search Eprint in Houser Nathan Roberts Don D and Van Evra James eds 1997 Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce Anellis gives an account of a Reduction Thesis proof discussed and presented by Peirce in his letter to William James of August 1905 L224 40 76 printed in Peirce C S and Eisele Carolyn ed 1976 The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce v 3 809 835 Hereth Correia Joachim and Poschel Reinhard 2006 The Teridentity and Peircean Algebraic Logic in Conceptual Structures Inspiration and Application ICCS 2006 229 246 Springer Frithjof Dau called it the strong version of proof of Peirce s Reduction Thesis John F Sowa in the same discussion claimed that an explanation in terms of conceptual graphs is sufficiently convincing about the Reduction Thesis for those without the time to understand what Peirce was saying In 1954 W V O Quine claimed to prove the reducibility of larger predicates to dyadic predicates in Quine W V O Reduction to a Dyadic Predicate Selected Logic Papers Peirce specifically defined information as the breadth x depth of a concept see CP 2 407 8 1867 or what he also called the area see CP 2 419 He affirmed the same view more than 35 years later see EP 2 305 1903 Peirce C S 1867 Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension CP 2 391 426 W 2 70 86 PEP Eprint Peirce C S and Ladd Franklin Christine Signification and Application in logic Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology v 2 p 528 Reprinted CP 2 431 4 Peirce letter to William James dated 1909 see EP 2 492 Peirce C S A Letter to Lady Welby 1908 Semiotic and Significs pp 80 81 I define a Sign as anything which is so determined by something else called its Object and so determines an effect upon a person which effect I call its Interpretant that the latter is thereby mediately determined by the former My insertion of upon a person is a sop to Cerberus because I despair of making my own broader conception understood See 76 definitions of the sign by C S Peirce collected by Professor Robert Marty University of Perpignan France A Letter to William James EP 2 498 1909 viewable at CDPT under Dynamical Object A Letter to William James EP 2 492 1909 viewable at CDPT under Object See pp 404 409 in Pragmatism EP 2 Ten quotes on collateral observation from Peirce provided by Joseph Ransdell can be viewed here Note Ransdell s quotes from CP 8 178 179 are also in EP 2 493 4 which gives their date as 1909 and his quote from CP 8 183 is also in EP 2 495 6 which gives its date as 1909 A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 272 3 1903 A Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby Semiotic and Significs p 193 1905 In EP 2 407 viewable at CDPT under Real Object See Ransdell Joseph On the Use and Abuse of the Immediate Dynamical Object Distinction 2007 Arisbe Eprint See Peirce s 1909 letter or letters to William James CP 8 314 and 8 315 and Essential Peirce v 2 pp 496 7 and a 1909 letter to Lady Welby Semiotic and Significs pp 110 1 all under Final Interpretant at CDPT Also see 1873 MS 218 Robin 379 in Writings of Charles S Peirce v 3 p 79 on the final opinion and CP 8 184 on final opinion as final interpretant in a review of a book by Lady Welby Philosophy and the Conduct of Life 1898 Lecture 1 of the Cambridge MA Conferences Lectures published CP 1 616 48 in part and in Reasoning and the Logic of Things Ketner ed intro and Putnam intro comm pp 105 22 reprinted in Essential Peirce v 2 pp 27 41 See 76 Definitions of The Sign by C S Peirce collected and analyzed by Robert Marty Department of Mathematics University of Perpignan Perpignan France with an Appendix of 12 Further Definitions or Equivalents proposed by Alfred Lang Department of Psychology University of Bern Bern Switzerland Arisbe Eprint Minute Logic CP 2 87 c 1902 and A Letter to Lady Welby CP 8 329 1904 See relevant quotes under Categories Cenopythagorean Categories in Commens Dictionary of Peirce s Terms CDPT Bergman amp Paalova eds U of Helsinki See quotes under Firstness First as a category in CDPT The ground blackness is the pure abstraction of the quality black Something black is something embodying blackness pointing us back to the abstraction The quality black amounts to reference to its own pure abstraction the ground blackness The question is not merely of noun the ground versus adjective the quality but rather of whether we are considering the black ness as abstracted away from application to an object or instead as so applied for instance to a stove Yet note that Peirce s distinction here is not that between a property general and a property individual a trope See On a New List of Categories 1867 in the section appearing in CP 1 551 Regarding the ground cf the Scholastic conception of a relation s foundation Google limited preview Deely 1982 p 61 A quale in this sense is a such just as a quality is a suchness Cf under Use of Letters in 3 of Peirce s Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives Memoirs of the American Academy v 9 pp 317 378 1870 separately reprinted 1870 from which see p 6 via Google books also reprinted in CP 3 63 Now logical terms are of three grand classes The first embraces those whose logical form involves only the conception of quality and which therefore represent a thing simply as a These discriminate objects in the most rudimentary way which does not involve any consciousness of discrimination They regard an object as it is in itself as such quale for example as horse tree or man These are absolute terms Peirce 1870 But also see Quale Consciousness 1898 in CP 6 222 237 See quotes under Secondness Second as a category in CDPT See quotes under Thirdness Third as a category in CDPT For the reasons why see CP 2 254 263 reprinted in the Philosophical Writings of Peirce pp 115 118 and in EP 2 294 296 See CP 8 343 75 From a Partial Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby New Elements Kaina Stoicheia MS 517 1904 EP 2 300 324 Arisbe Eprint scroll down to 317 then first new paragraph Project Pierce 1998 The Essential Peirce Volume 2 Selected Philosophical Writings 1893 1913 Bloomington IN Indiana University Press p 295 ISBN 0 253 33397 0 Cf the Scholastic conception of a relation s foundation Deely 1982 p 61 Pietarinen Ahti Veikko 2006 Signs of Logic Peircean Themes on the Philosophy of Language Games and Communication Dordrecht Springer Science amp Business Media p 107 ISBN 978 1 4020 3729 0 On image diagram and metaphor see Hypoicon in the Commens Dictionary of Peirce s Terms In A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 274 1903 and viewable under Index at CDPT In A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 274 1903 and viewable under Subindex Hyposeme at the CDPT Peirce Charles S 2012 Philosophical Writings of Peirce New York Dover Publications Inc pp 117 118 ISBN 978 0 486 12197 0 MS599 c 1902 Reason s Rules relevant quote viewable under MS 599 in Role of Icons in Predication Joseph Ransdell Arisbe Eprint A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 274 1903 and Logical Tracts No 2 CP 4 447 c 1903 Relevant quotes viewable at the CDPT under Symbol A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 272 3 Relevant quote viewable at CDPT under Representamen A Letter to Lady Welby Semiotic and Significs pp 33 34 1904 viewable at CDPT under Rhema Rheme Peirce 1906 Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism pp 506 507 in 492 546 The Monist v XVI n 4 mislabeled VI Oct 1906 reprinted in CP 4 538 A Letter to Lady Welby Semiotic and Significs pp 33 34 1904 also A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 275 276 and 292 1903 all three quotes viewable at CDPT under Dicent Dicent Sign Dicisign New Elements Kaina Stoicheia Manuscript 517 1904 and EP 2 300 324 see 308 viewable in Arisbe Eprint scroll down to 308 A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 296 1903 quote viewable at CDPT under Argument The image was provided by Bernard Morand of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie France Departement Informatique See post by Anderson Vinicius Romanini Archived 2011 05 20 at the Wayback Machine Re Representing the Ten Classes of Signs Corrected 2006 06 16 Eprint and post by Joseph Ransdell Re 1st Image of Triangle of Boxes MS799 2 2006 06 18 Eprint The manuscript can be viewed and magnified by clicking on image here at the Lyris Peirce Archive The image was provided by Joseph Ransdell Professor Emeritus Philosophy Texas Tech University Robins Alexander 2014 Peirce and Photography Art Semiotics and Science Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 1 1 16 Elkins James 2003 What does Peirce s sign theory have to say to art history Culture Theory and Critique 44 1 Further readingFor abbreviations of his works see Abbreviations Pieces by Peirce on semioticPeirce C S 1867 On a New List of Categories Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7 1868 287 298 Presented 14 May 1867 Reprinted Collected Papers CP v 1 paragraphs 545 559 Writings of Charles S Peirce A Chronological Edition v 2 pp 49 59 The Essential Peirce EP v 1 1 10 Arisbe Eprint Peirce C S 1867 Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences pp 416 432 Presented 13 November 1867 Reprinted CP 2 391 426 Writings v 2 pp 70 86 Eprint Peirce C S c 1894 MS What Is a Sign Published in part in CP 2 281 285 and 297 302 and in full in EP 2 4 10 Peirce Edition Project Eprint Peirce C S 1895 MS Of Reasoning in General Published in part in CP 2 282 286 91 295 96 435 44 and 7 555 8 and in full in EP 2 11 26 Peirce C S 1896 The Regenerated Logic The Monist v VII n 1 pp 19 40 The Open Court Publishing Co Chicago Illinois 1896 for the Hegeler Institute Reprinted CP 3 425 455 Internet Archive The Monist 7 p 19 Peirce C S 1897 The Logic of Relatives The Monist v VII pp 161 217 Reprinted in CP 3 456 552 Peirce C S c 1902 MSS Minute Logic CP 2 1 118 Peirce C S c 1902 MS Reason s Rules Eprint Peirce C S A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic EP 2 Peirce C S 1903 Sundry Logical Conceptions EP 2 267 88 Peirce C S 1903 Nomenclature and Divisions of Triadic Relations as Far as They Are Determined EP 2 289 99 Peirce C S 1904 MS New Elements Kaina Stoicheia pp 235 63 in Carolyn Eisele ed The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce Volume 4 Mathematical Philosophy Reprinted EP 2 300 24 Eprint Peirce C S c 1903 MS Logical Tracts No 2 CP 4 418 509 Peirce C S 1904 Oct 12 A Letter to Lady Welby CP 8 327 41 Peirce C S 1905 A Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby Semiotic and Significs p 193 Peirce C S 1906 Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism pp 492 546 The Monist vol XVI no 4 mislabeled VI Oct 1906 links embedded in page numbers and edition numbers are via Google Book Search full access not yet available widely outside the USA Reprinted CP 4 530 572 Eprint Peirce C S 1907 MS Pragmatism EP 2 398 433 Peirce C S 1908 Dec 24 25 28 From a Partial Draft of a Letter to Lady Welby CP 8 342 79 Peirce C S 1911 MS A Sketch of Logical Critics EP 2 451 62 Peirce collectionsPeirce C S 1931 35 1958 Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce vols 1 6 1931 35 Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss eds vols 7 8 1958 Arthur W Burks ed Harvard University Press Cambridge Massachusetts Peirce C S 1976 The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce 4 volumes in 5 Carolyn Eisele ed Mouton Publishers The Hague Netherlands 1976 Humanities Press Atlantic Highlands New Jersey Peirce C S and Welby Gregory Victoria Lady Welby 1977 2001 Semiotic and Significs The Correspondence between C S Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby edited by Charles S Hardwick with the assistance of James Cook Indiana University Press Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana 1977 2nd edition Peirce Studies 8 2001 the Press of Arisbe Associates Elsah Illinois Peirce C S 1981 Writings of Charles S Peirce A Chronological Edition vols 1 6 amp 8 of a projected 30 Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana Peirce C S 1992 1998 The Essential Peirce Selected Philosophical Writings Volume 1 1867 1893 1992 Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel eds and Volume 2 1893 1913 1998 Peirce Edition Project eds Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana Indiana University Press Peirce C S 1994 Peirce on Signs Writings on Semiotic James Hoopes ed paper 294 pp University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill North Carolina OtherMarty Robert 1997 76 Definitions of the Sign by C S Peirce collected and analyzed by Robert Marty Department of Mathematics University of Perpignan Perpignan France and 12 Further Definitions or Equivalent Proposed by Alfred Lang Department of Psychology University of Bern Bern Switzerland Eprint Marty s semiotics Bergman Mats and Paavola Sami eds 2003 Commens Dictionary of Peirce s Terms Peirce s own definitions often many per term across the decades Includes definitions of most of his semiotic terms Atkin Albert 2013 Peirce s Theory of Signs Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Article s Secondary Bibliography Ransdell Joseph 2007 draft On the Use and Abuse of the Immediate Dynamical Object Distinction Arisbe Eprint External linksArisbe The Peirce Gateway Joseph Ransdell ed Over 100 online writings by Peirce as of November 24 2010 with annotations Hundreds of online papers on Peirce The Peirce L Forum Much else Center for Applied Semiotics CAS 1998 2003 Donald Cunningham amp Jean Umiker Sebeok Indiana U Centro Internacional de Estudos Peirceanos CIEP and previously Centro de Estudos Peirceanos CeneP Lucia Santaella et al Pontifical Catholic U of Sao Paulo PUC SP Brazil In Portuguese some English Commens Digital Companion to C S Peirce Mats Bergman Sami Paavola amp Joao Queiroz formerly Commens at Helsinki U Includes Commens Dictionary of Peirce s Terms with Peirce s definitions often many per term across the decades and the Digital Encyclopedia of Charles S Peirce old edition still at old website Centro Studi Peirce Carlo Sini Rossella Fabbrichesi et al U of Milan Italy In Italian and English Part of Pragma Charles S Peirce Foundation Co sponsoring the 2014 Peirce International Centennial Congress 100th anniversary of Peirce s death Charles S Peirce Society Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society Quarterly journal of Peirce studies since spring 1965 Table of Contents of all issues Charles S Peirce Studies Brian Kariger ed Semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce at the Mathematics Genealogy Project Collegium for the Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment The Peirce Archive Humboldt U Berlin Germany Cataloguing Peirce s innumerable drawings amp graphic materials More info Prof Aud Sissel Hoel Digital Encyclopedia of Charles S Peirce Joao Queiroz now at UFJF amp Ricardo Gudwin at Unicamp eds Universidade Estadual de Campinas U of Campinas Brazil in English 84 authors listed 51 papers online amp more listed as of January 31 2009 Newer edition now at Commens Existential Graphs Jay Zeman ed U of Florida Has 4 Peirce texts Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos GEP Peirce Studies Group Jaime Nubiola ed U of Navarra Spain Big study site Peirce amp others in Spanish amp English bibliography more Helsinki Peirce Research Center HPRC Ahti Veikko Pietarinen et al U of Helsinki His Glassy Essence Autobiographical Peirce Kenneth Laine Ketner Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism Kenneth Laine Ketner Clyde Hendrick et al Texas Tech U Peirce s life and works International Research Group on Abductive Inference Uwe Wirth et al eds Goethe U Frankfurt Germany Uses frames Click on link at bottom of its home page for English Moved to University of Giessen U of Giessen Germany home page not in English but see Artikel section there L I R S C E 1974 2003 Institut de Recherche en Semiotique Communication et Education Gerard Deledalle Joelle Rethore U of Perpignan France Minute Semeiotic Vinicius Romanini U of Sao Paulo Brazil English Portuguese Peirce at Signo Theoretical Semiotics on the Web Louis Hebert director supported by U of Quebec Theory application exercises of Peirce s Semiotics and Esthetics English French Peirce Edition Project PEP Indiana U Purdue U Indianapolis IUPUI Andre De Tienne Nathan Houser et al Editors of the Writings of Charles S Peirce W and The Essential Peirce EP v 2 Many study aids such as the Robin Catalog of Peirce s manuscripts amp letters and Biographical introductions to EP 1 2 and W 1 6 amp 8 Most of W 2 readable online PEP s branch at Universite du Quebec a Montreal UQAM Working on W 7 Peirce s work on the Century Dictionary Definition of the week Peirce s Existential Graphs Frithjof Dau Germany Peirce s Theory of Semiosis Toward a Logic of Mutual Affection Joseph Esposito Free online course Pragmatism Cybrary David Hildebrand amp John Shook Research Group on Semiotic Epistemology and Mathematics Education late 1990s Institut fur Didaktik der Mathematik Michael Hoffman Michael Otte Universitat Bielefeld Germany See Peirce Project Newsletter v 3 n 1 p 13 Semiotics according to Robert Marty with 76 definitions of the sign by C S Peirce