Pāṇini (/ˈpɑːnɪni/; Sanskrit: पाणिनि, pāṇini) was a Sanskrit grammarian, logician, philologist, and revered scholar in ancient India during the mid-1st millennium BCE, dated variously by most scholars between the 6th–5th and 4th century BCE.
Pāṇini | |
पाणिनि | |
Born | North-west region of Indian subcontinent (modern-day Pakistan) |
Notable work | Aṣṭādhyāyī (Classical Sanskrit) |
Era | fl. mid 1st-millennium BCE; variously dated between 6th–5th century BCE and 4th century BCE |
Region | Indian philosophy |
Main interests | Grammar, linguistics |
Notable ideas | Descriptive linguistics |
The greatest linguist of antiquity
Pāṇini.. was the greatest linguist of antiquity, and deserves to be treated as such.
The historical facts of his life are unknown, except only what can be inferred from his works, and legends recorded long after. His most notable work Aṣṭādhyāyī is conventionally taken to mark the start of Classical Sanskrit. His work formally codified Classical Sanskrit as a refined and standardized language, making use of a technical metalanguage consisting of a syntax, morphology and lexicon, organised according to a series of meta-rules.
Since the exposure of European scholars to his Aṣṭādhyāyī in the nineteenth century, Pāṇini has been considered the "first descriptive linguist", and even labelled as "the father of linguistics". His approach to grammar influenced such foundational linguists as Ferdinand de Saussure and Leonard Bloomfield.
Father of linguistics
The history of linguistics begins not with Plato or Aristotle, but with the Indian grammarian Panini.
The name Pāṇini is a patronymic meaning descendant of Paṇina. His full name was Dakṣiputra Pāṇini according to verses 1.75.13 and 3.251.12 of Patanjali's Mahābhāṣya, with the first part suggesting his mother's name was Dakṣi.
Nothing definite is known about when Pāṇini lived, not even in which century he lived. Pāṇini has been dated between the seventh or sixth and fourth century BCE.
George Cardona (1997) in his authoritative survey and review of Pāṇini-related studies, states that the available evidence strongly supports a dating not before 400 BCE, while earlier dating depends on interpretations and is not probative.
Based on numismatic findings, von Hinüber (1989) and Falk (1993) place Pāṇini in the mid-4th century BCE. Pāṇini's rupya (A 5.2.119, A 5.2.120, A. 5.4.43, A 4.3.153,) mentions a specific gold coin, the niṣka, in several sutras, which originated in India in the 4th-century BCE. According to Houben, "the date of "c. 350 BCE for Pāṇini is thus based on concrete evidence which till now has not been refuted." According to Bronkhorst, there is no reason to doubt the validity of Von Hinüber's and Falk's argument, setting the terminus post quem for the date of Pāṇini at 350 BCE or the decades thereafter. According to Bronkhorst,
...thanks to the work carried out by Hinüber (1990:34-35) and Falk (1993: 303-304), we now know that Pāṇini lived, in all probability, far closer in time to the period of Aśoka than had hitherto been thought. According to Falk's reasoning, Panini must have lived during the decade following 350 BCE, that is, just before (or contemporaneously with?) the invasion by Alexander of Macedonia.
It is not certain whether Pāṇini used writing for the composition of his work, though it is generally agreed that he knew of a form of writing, based on references to words such as lipi ("script") and lipikara ("scribe") in section 3.2 of the Aṣṭādhyāyī. The dating of the introduction of writing to present day North West Pakistan may therefore give further information on the historical dating of Pāṇini.
Pāṇini cites at least ten grammarians and linguists before him: Āpiśali, Kāśyapa, Gārgya, Gālava, Cākravarmaṇa, Bhāradvāja, Śākaṭāyana, Śākalya, Senaka, Sphoṭāyana and Yaska. According to Kamal K. Misra, Pāṇini references Yaska's Nirukta, "whose writings date back to the middle of the 4th century B.C".
The Sanskrit epic Brihatkatha and the Buddhist scripture Mañjuśrī-mūla-kalpa both mention Pāṇini to have been a contemporary with the king Dhana Nanda (reigned 329-321 BCE), the last monarch of the Nanda Empire before Chandragupta Maurya came to power.
Cardona offers an earlier date for Pāṇini, by arguing the compound word yavanānī, discussed in sutra 4.1.49, instead of referring to a writing (lipi) c.q. cuneiform of the Achaemenid Empire, or the Greek of Alexander the Great, refers to Greek women; and that Indus valley residents possibly had contacts with Greek women before Darius's 535 BCE, or Alexander's 326 BCE conquests. K. B. Pathak (1930) argues that the kumāraśramaṇa, of sutra 2.1.70, derived from śramaṇa, which refers to female renunciates, c.q. "Buddhist nuns", could also refer to Jain Aryika, of unknown origin, possibly permitting Pāṇini to be placed before the, 5th century BCE, Gautama Buddha. Others, based on Panini's linguistic style, date his works to the sixth or fifth century BCE, as:
- According to Bod, Pāṇini's grammar defines Classical Sanskrit, so Pāṇini is chronologically placed in the later part of the Vedic period, corresponding to the seventh to fifth century BCE.
- According to A. B. Keith, the Sanskrit text that most matches the language described by Pāṇini is the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa (c. 8th – 6th BCE).
- According to Scharfe, "his proximity to the Vedic language as found in the Upanishads and Vedic sūtras suggests the 5th or maybe 6th c. B.C."

Nothing certain is known about Pāṇini's personal life. In an inscription of Siladitya VII of Valabhi,[who?] he is called Śalāturiya, which means "a man from Salatura".[citation needed] This means Panini lived in Salatura in ancient Gandhara (present day north-west Pakistan), which likely was near Lahor, a town at the junction of the Indus and Kabul rivers. According to the memoirs of the 7th-century Chinese scholar Xuanzang, there was a town called Suoluoduluo on the Indus where Pāṇini was born, and where he composed the Qingming-lun (Sanskrit: Vyākaraṇa).
According to Hartmut Scharfe, Pāṇini lived in Gandhara, close to the borders of the Achaemenid Empire, and Gandāra was then an Achaemenian satrapy following the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley. He must, therefore, have been technically a Persian subject but his work shows no awareness of the Persian language. According to Patrick Olivelle, Pāṇini's text and references to him elsewhere suggest that "he was clearly a northerner, probably from the northwestern region".
Legends and later reception
According to Kathāsaritsāgara legends Pāṇini studied under his guru Varsha in Pataliputra. Not the brightest of his disciples, on the advice of Varsha's wife, Pāṇini went to the Himalayas to do penance and gain knowledge from Shiva. Sutras were granted by Shiva, who danced and played his damaru before Pāṇini and produced the basic sounds of these sutras, Panini accepted them and they are now known as the Shiva Sutras. Armed with this new grammar Pāṇini came back from the Himalayas to Pataliputra. But at the same time, Vararuchi, another disciple of Varsha had learned of a grammar from Indra. They engaged in a debate which lasted eight days and on the last day, with Vararuchi emerging dominant, Pāṇini was able to defeat him with the help of Shiva who destroyed Vararuchi's grammar book. Pāṇini then defeated the rest of Varsha's disciples and emerged as the greatest grammarian.
Pāṇini is believed to have spent the major portion of his life in Pataliputra and according to some pandits, he was born and brought up there, the ancestors of Pāṇini having already moved there from Salatura. Pāṇini, has also been associated with the University of Taxila.
Pāṇini is also mentioned in Indian fables and other ancient texts. The Panchatantra, for example, mentions that Pāṇini was killed by a lion.
According to some historians Pingala was the brother of Pāṇini.
Pāṇini was depicted on a five-rupee Indian postage stamp in August 2004.
The most important of Pāṇini's works, the Aṣṭādhyāyī, is a grammatical treatise on the Sanskrit language. It is descriptive and generative with algebraic-like rules governing every aspect of the language. It is supplemented by three ancillary texts: the akṣarasamāmnāya, dhātupāṭha and gaṇapāṭha. Modeled on the dialect and register of elite speakers in his time, the text also accounts for some features of the older Vedic language.
Growing out of a centuries-long effort to preserve the language of the Vedic hymns from "corruption", the Aṣtādhyāyī is the high point of a vigorous, sophisticated grammatical tradition devised to arrest language change. The Aṣtādhyāyī's preeminence is underlined by the fact that it eclipsed all similar works that came before: while not the first, it is the oldest such text surviving in its entirety.
The Aṣṭādhyāyī consists of 3,959 sūtras in eight chapters, which are each subdivided into four sections or pādas. The text takes material from lexical lists (dhātupāṭha, gaṇapātha) as input and describes the algorithms to be applied to them for the generation of well-formed words. Such is its intricacy that the correct application of its rules and metarules is still being worked out centuries later.
The Aṣṭādhyāyī, composed in an era when oral composition and transmission was the norm, is staunchly embedded in that oral tradition. In order to ensure wide dissemination, Pāṇini is said to have preferred brevity over clarity—it can be recited end-to-end in two hours. This has led to the emergence of a great number of commentaries of his work over the centuries, which for the most part adhere to the foundations laid by Pāṇini's work.
Indian curriculums in the late classical era had at their core a system of grammatical study and linguistic analysis. The core text for this study was the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, the sine qua non of learning. This grammar of Pāṇini had been the object of intense study for the ten centuries prior to the composition of the Bhaṭṭikāvya. It was Bhaṭṭi's purpose to provide a study aid to Pāṇini's text by using the examples already provided in the existing grammatical commentaries in the context of the Rāmāyaṇa. The intention of the author was to teach this advanced science through a relatively easy and pleasant medium. In his own words:
This composition is like a lamp to those who perceive the meaning of words and like a hand mirror for a blind man to those without grammar.
This poem, which is to be understood by means of a commentary, is a joy to those sufficiently learned: through my fondness for the scholar I have here slighted the dullard.
Bhaṭṭikāvya 22.33–34.
Pāṇini is known for his text Aṣṭādhyāyī, a sutra-style treatise on Sanskrit grammar, which consists of 3,996 verses or rules on linguistics, syntax and semantics in "eight chapters" which is the foundational text of the Vyākaraṇa branch of the Vedanga, the auxiliary scholarly disciplines of the Vedic period. His aphoristic text attracted numerous bhashya (commentaries), of which the Mahābhāṣya by Patanjali is the most famous. His ideas influenced and attracted commentaries from scholars of other Indian religions such as Buddhism.
Pāṇini's analysis of noun compounds still forms the basis of modern linguistic theories of compounding in Indian languages. Pāṇini's comprehensive and scientific theory of grammar is conventionally taken to mark the start of Classical Sanskrit. His systematic treatise inspired and made Sanskrit the preeminent Indian language of learning and literature for two millennia.
Pāṇini's theory of morphological analysis was more advanced than any equivalent Western theory before the 20th century. His treatise is generative and descriptive, uses metalanguage and meta-rules, and has been compared to the Turing machine wherein the logical structure of any computing device has been reduced to its essentials using an idealized mathematical model.
Modern linguistics
Pāṇini's work became known in 19th-century Europe, where it influenced modern linguistics initially through Franz Bopp. Subsequently, a wider body of work influenced Sanskrit scholars such as Ferdinand de Saussure, Leonard Bloomfield, and Roman Jakobson. Frits Staal (1930–2012) discussed the impact of Indian ideas on language in Europe. After outlining the various aspects of the contact, Staal notes that the idea of formal rules in language – proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure in 1894 and developed by Noam Chomsky in 1957 – has origins in the European exposure to the formal rules of Pāṇinian grammar. In particular, de Saussure, who lectured on Sanskrit for three decades, may have been influenced by Pāṇini and Bhartrihari; his idea of the unity of the signifier-signified in the sign somewhat resembles the notion of Sphoṭa. More importantly, the very idea that formal rules can be applied to areas outside of logic or mathematics may itself have been catalysed by Europe's contact with the work of Sanskrit grammarians.
De Saussure
Pāṇini, and the later Indian linguist Bhartrihari, had a significant influence on many of the foundational ideas proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure, professor of Sanskrit, who is widely considered the father of modern structural linguistics and with Charles S. Peirce on the other side, to semiotics, although the concept Saussure used was semiology. Saussure himself cited Indian grammar as an influence on some of his ideas. In his Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes (Memoir on the Original System of Vowels in the Indo-European Languages) published in 1879, he mentions Indian grammar as an influence on his idea that "reduplicated aorists represent imperfects of a verbal class." In his De l'emploi du génitif absolu en sanscrit (On the Use of the Genitive Absolute in Sanskrit) published in 1881, he specifically mentions Pāṇini as an influence on the work.
Prem Singh, in his foreword to the reprint edition of the German translation of Pāṇini's Grammar in 1998, concluded that the "effect Panini's work had on Indo-European linguistics shows itself in various studies" and that a "number of seminal works come to mind," including Saussure's works and the analysis that "gave rise to the laryngeal theory," further stating: "This type of structural analysis suggests influence from Panini's analytical teaching." George Cardona, however, warns against overestimating the influence of Pāṇini on modern linguistics: "Although Saussure also refers to predecessors who had taken this Paninian rule into account, it is reasonable to conclude that he had a direct acquaintance with Panini's work. As far as I am able to discern upon rereading Saussure's Mémoire, however, it shows no direct influence of Paninian grammar. Indeed, on occasion, Saussure follows a path that is contrary to Paninian procedure."
Rishi Rajpopat
A PhD student at the Cambridge University, Rishi Rajpopat elaborated in his PhD thesis a deeper understanding of Panini's "language machine" by designing a simple system of resolving rule conflicts. His thesis has been critiqued as being built upon flawed premises and understanding of rules by prominent Indian Sanskrit scholars.[better source needed]
Comparison with modern formal systems
Pāṇini's grammar is the world's first formal system,[citation needed] developed well before the 19th century innovations of Gottlob Frege and the subsequent development of mathematical logic. In designing his grammar, Pāṇini used the method of "auxiliary symbols", in which new affixes are designated to mark syntactic categories and the control of grammatical derivations.[clarification needed] This technique, rediscovered by the logician Emil Post, became a standard method in the design of computer programming languages. Sanskritists now accept that Pāṇini's linguistic apparatus is well-described as an "applied" Post system. Considerable evidence shows ancient mastery of context-sensitive grammars, and a general ability to solve many complex problems. Frits Staal has written that "Panini is the Indian Euclid."
Other works
Two literary works are attributed to Pāṇini, though they are now lost.
- The Jāmbavati Vijaya is a lost epic poem cited by Rajashekhara in Jalhana's Sukti Muktāvalī. A fragment of this work can be found in Ramayukta's commentary on the Namalinganushasana. The title suggests that the work dealt with Krishna's winning of Jambavati from the underworld as his bride. Rajashekhara is quoted thus in Jalhana's Sukti Muktāvalī:
- नमः पाणिनये तस्मै यस्मादाविर भूदिह।
- आदौ व्याकरणं काव्यमनु जाम्बवतीजयम्॥
- namaḥ pāṇinaye tasmai yasmādāvirabhūdiha।
- ādau vyākaraṇaṃ kāvyamanu jāmbavatījayam॥
- Ascribed to Pāṇini, the Pātāla Vijaya (Victory in/over the Underworld) is a lost work cited by Namisadhu in his commentary on the Kavyalankara (Poetic Aesthetics) of Rudrata. The Pātāla Vijaya is considered the same work as the Jāmbavati Vijaya by Moriz Winternitz.
There are many proto-mathematical concepts found in Pāṇini's works. Pāṇini came up with a plethora of ideas to organize the known grammatical forms of his day in a systematic way. Like any mathematician who models a known phenomenon in mathematical language, Pāṇini created a metalanguage which is very close to the modern-day ideas of algebra.
See also
- List of Indian mathematicians
- Pingala
- Seṭ and aniṭ roots
- Tolkāppiyam
- dhātu: root, pāṭha: reading, lesson
- gaṇa: class
- aphoristic threads
- bhāṣyas
- 4th century BCE date:
- Johannes Bronkhorst (2019): "Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī has been the target of much guesswork as to its date. Only recently have more serious proposals been made. Oskar von Hinüber (1990: 34) arrives, on the basis of a comparison of Pāṇini's text with numismatic findings, at a date that can hardly be much earlier than 350 BCE; Harry Falk (1993: 304; 1994: 327 n. 45) refines these reflections and moves the date forward to the decennia following 350 BCE. If Hinüber and Falk are right, and there seems no reason to doubt this, we have here for Pāṇini a terminus post quem.
- Michael Witzel (2009): "c. 350 BCE"
- Cardona: "The evidence for dating Panini, Kātyāyana and Patanjali is not absolutely probative and depends on interpretation. However, I think there is one certainty, namely that the evidence available hardly allows one to date Panini later than the early to mid fourth century B. C."
- Frits Staal (1965): "fourth century B.C."
- Houben (2009), p.6
- Vergiani 2017, p. 243, n.4
- Frits Staal (1996): "the Sanskrit grammar of Panini (6th or 5th century b.c.e.)"
- Hartmut Scharfe (1977): "Panini's date can be fixed only approximately; he must be older than Kātyāyana (c. 250 B.C.) who in his comments on Panini's work refers to other earlier scholars dealing with Panini's grammar; his proximity to the Vedic language as found in the Upanishads and Vedic sutras suggests the 5th or maybe 6th c. B.C." Scharfe refers to: Paul Thieme, Panini and the Veda (Allahabad, 1935), p. 75-81, OCLC 15644563."
- Encyclopedia Britannica: "Ashtadhyayi, Sanskrit Aṣṭādhyāyī ("Eight Chapters"), Sanskrit treatise on grammar written in the 6th to 5th century BCE by the Indian grammarian Panini."
- Rens Bod (2013): "All we know is that he was born in Gandhara, in former India (currently Afghanistan), and that it must have been between the seventh and fifth centuries BCE." Bod refers to "S. Shukla, 'Panini', Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2006. See also Paul Kiparsky, 'Paninian Linguistics', Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 1st edition, Elsevier, 1993."
- According to George Cardona, Sanskrit literary tradition believes that Pāṇini came from Salatura in the northwest part of the Pakistan . This is likely to be ancient Gandhara.
- The earliest time or historical period during which an event may have happened
- Pāṇini's use of the term lipi has been a source of scholarly disagreements. Harry Falk in his 1993 overview states that ancient Indians neither knew nor used writing scripts, and Pāṇini's mention is likely a reference to Semitic and Greek scripts. In his 1995 review, Salomon questions Falk's arguments and writes it is "speculative at best and hardly constitutes firm grounds for a late date for Kharoṣṭhī. The stronger argument for this position is that we have no specimen of the script before the time of Aśoka, nor any direct evidence of intermediate stages in its development; but of course this does not mean that such earlier forms did not exist, only that, if they did exist, they have not survived, presumably because they were not employed for monumental purposes before Aśoka". According to Hartmut Scharfe, the Lipi of Pāṇini may have been borrowed from the Old Persian Dipi, in turn derived from the Sumerian Dup. Scharfe adds that the best evidence, at the time of his review, is that no script was used in India, aside from the Northwest Indian subcontinent, before around 300 BCE because Indian tradition "at every occasion stresses the orality of the cultural and literary heritage."Kenneth Norman states that writing scripts in ancient India evolved over long periods of time like other cultures, that it is unlikely that ancient Indians developed a single complete writing system at one and the same time in the Mauryan era. It is even less likely, states Norman, that a writing script was invented during Ashoka's rule, starting from nothing, for the specific purpose of writing his inscriptions and then it was understood all over South Asia where the Aśoka pillars are found.Jack Goody states that ancient India likely had a "very old culture of writing" along with its oral tradition of composing and transmitting knowledge, because the corpus of Vedic literature is too vast, consistent and complex to have been entirely created, memorized, accurately preserved and spread without a written system. Falk disagrees with Goody, and suggests that it is a Western presumption and inability to imagine that remarkably early scientific achievements such as Pāṇini's grammar (5th to 4th century BCE), and the creation, preservation and wide distribution of the large corpus of the Brahmanic Vedic literature and the Buddhist canonical literature were possible without any writing scripts. Johannes Bronkhorst disagrees with Falk, and states, "Falk goes too far. It is fair to expect that we believe that Vedic memorisation — though without parallel in any other human society — has been able to preserve very long texts for many centuries without losing a syllable. (...) However, the oral composition of a work as complex as Pāṇini's grammar is not only without parallel in other human cultures, it is without parallel in India itself. (...) It just will not do to state that our difficulty in conceiving any such thing is our problem".
- Ionian
- In 1862 Max Müller argued that yavana may have meant "Greek" during Pāṇinis time, but may also refer to Semitic or dark-skinned Indian people.
- now a part of the Swabi District of modern Pakistan
- Staal 1996, p. 39.
- Scharfe 1977, p. 88.
- Vergiani 2017, p. 243, n.4.
- Bronkhorst 2016, p. 171.
- Houben 2009, p. 6.
- Cardona 1997, p. 268.
- Staal 1965.
- Staal 1972, p. xi.
- Lidova 1994, p. 108-112.
- Lochtefeld 2002, p. 64–65, 140, 402.
- François & Ponsonnet (2013: 184).
- Bod 2013, p. 14-19.
- Pāṇini; Böhtlingk, Otto von (1998). Pāṇini's Grammatik [Pāṇini's Grammar] (in German) (Reprint ed.). Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-81-208-1025-9.
- Robins, Robert Henry (1997). A short history of linguistics (4th ed.). London: Longman. ISBN 0582249945. OCLC 35178602.
- Bod 2013, p. 14-18.
- Pāṇini; Sumitra Mangesh Katre (1989). Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini. Motilal Banarsidass. p. xx. ISBN 978-81-208-0521-7.
- Bod 2013, p. 14.
- Bronkhorst 2019.
- Cardona 1997, pp. 261–268.
- Richard Salomon (1998). Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the other Indo-Aryan Languages. Oxford University Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-19-535666-3.
- Rita Sherma; Arvind Sharma (2008). Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought: Toward a Fusion of Horizons. Springer Publishing. p. 235. ISBN 978-1-4020-8192-7.
- Falk, Harry (1993). Schrift im alten Indien: ein Forschungsbericht mit Anmerkungen [Writing in ancient India: a research report with notes] (in German). Gunter Narr Verlag. pp. 109–167. ISBN 9783823342717.
- Salomon, Richard (1995). "Review: On the Origin of the Early Indian Scripts". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 115 (2): 271–278. doi:10.2307/604670. JSTOR 604670.
- Scharfe, Hartmut (2018), Education in Ancient India, Handbook of Oriental Studies, Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, pp. 10–12, ISBN 9789047401476
- Oskar von Hinüber (1989). Der Beginn der Schrift und frühe Schriftlichkeit in Indien [The beginning of writing and early writing in India] (in German). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. pp. 241–245. ISBN 9783515056274. OCLC 22195130.
- Jack Goody (1987). The Interface Between the Written and the Oral. Cambridge University Press. pp. 110–124. ISBN 978-0-521-33794-6.
- Bronkhorst, Johannes (2002). "Literacy and Rationality in Ancient India" (PDF). Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques (Asian Studies). 56 (4): 797–831.
- Cardona 1997, p. §1.3.
- Dwivedi, Amitabh Vikram (2018), Jain, Pankaj; Sherma, Rita; Khanna, Madhu (eds.), "Nirukta", Hinduism and Tribal Religions, Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, Dordrecht: Springer Publishing, pp. 1–5, doi:10.1007/978-94-024-1036-5_376-1, ISBN 978-94-024-1036-5, retrieved 4 October 2023
- Misra 2000, p. 49.
- Singh, Upinder (2008). A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stone Age to the 12th Century. Pearson Longman. p. 258. ISBN 978-81-317-1120-0.
- Cardona 1997, p. 261-262.
- Cardona 1997, p. 261.
- Max Müller (1862). On Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology. pp. footnotes of 69–71. Bibcode:1862ahac.book.....M.
- Patrick Olivelle (1999). Dharmasutras. Oxford University Press. p. xxxii with footnote 13. ISBN 978-0-19-283882-7.
- Keith, Arthur Berriedale (1998). Rigveda Brahmanas: the Aitareya and Kauṣītaki Brāhmaṇas of the Rigveda. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-8120813595. OCLC 611413511.
- Hartmut Scharfe (1977). Grammatical Literature. Otto Harrassowitz. pp. 88 with footnotes. ISBN 978-3-447-01706-0.
- Saroja Bhate (2002). Panini. Sahitya Akademi. p. 4. ISBN 81-260-1198-X.
- Singh, Nagendra Kr., ed. (1997), Encyclopaedia of Hinduism, New Delhi: Centre for International Religious Studies: Anmol Publications, pp. 1983–2007, ISBN 978-81-7488-168-7
- Mishra, Giridhar (1981). "प्रस्तावना" [Introduction]. अध्यात्मरामायणेऽपाणिनीयप्रयोगाणां विमर्शः [Deliberation on non-Paninian usages in the Adhyatma Ramayana] (in Sanskrit). Varanasi, India: Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. Archived from the original on 11 March 2014. Retrieved 21 May 2013.
- Lal, Shyam Bihari (2004). "Yavanas in Ancient Indian Inscriptions". Proceedings of the Indian History Congress. 65: 1115–1120. ISSN 2249-1937. JSTOR 44144820.
- Patrick Olivelle (1999). Dharmasutras. Oxford University Press. pp. xxvi–xxvii. ISBN 978-0-19-283882-7.
- Vettam Mani. Puranic Encyclopedia: a comprehensive dictionary with special reference to the epic and Puranic literature. Motilal Banarsidass. 1975.
- Prakash, Buddha (1964). Political And Social Movements in Ancient Punjab. Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 9788120824584.
Pāṇini and Kautilya, two masterminds of ancient times, were also brought up in the academic traditions of Taxila.
- Cardona 1997. The verse reads siṃho vyākaraṇasya kartur aharat prāṇān priyān pāṇineḥ "a lion took the dear life of Panini, author of the grammatical treatise". (Panchatantra II.28)
- Bhattacharyya, D. C. (1928). "Date of the Subhasitavali". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 60 (1): 135–137. doi:10.1017/S0035869X00059773. JSTOR 25221320. S2CID 162641089.
- Winternitz, Moriz (1963). History of Indian Literature. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 462. ISBN 978-81-208-0056-4.; Nakamura, Hajime (1983). A History of Early Vedānta Philosophy. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 400. ISBN 978-81-208-0651-1.
- François & Ponsonnet (2013: 184).
- "Stamps 2004". Indian Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology. 23 April 2015. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
- "Panini". www.istampgallery.com. 23 October 2015. Retrieved 11 December 2018.
- Academy, Himalayan. "Hinduism Today Magazine". www.hinduismtoday.com. Retrieved 11 December 2018.
- "India Postage Stamp on Panini issued on 01 Aug 2004". www.getpincodes.com. Retrieved 11 December 2018.
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- Kak, Subhash C. (January 1987). "The Paninian approach to natural language processing". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 1 (1): 117–130. doi:10.1016/0888-613X(87)90007-7.
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- Rishi Rajpopat (2022). In Pāṇini We Trust: Discovering the Algorithm for Rule Conflict Resolution in the Aṣṭādhyāyī (Thesis). University of Cambridge. doi:10.17863/CAM.80099.
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Pāṇini had an extraordinary mind and he built a machine unrivalled in human history. He didn't expect us to add new ideas to his rules. The more we fiddle with Pāṇini's grammar, the more it eludes us.
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- Frits, Staal (6 May 2005). What Euclid is to Europe, Panini is to India - Or Are They? (PDF). National Institute of Advanced Studies. ISBN 81-87663-57-X.
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- Bronkhorst, Johannes (2016), How the Brahmins Won: From Alexander to the Guptas, Brill, ISBN 9789004315518
- Bronkhorst, Johannes (2019), A Śabda Reader: Language in Classical Indian Thought, Columbia University Press, ISBN 9780231548311
- Cardona, George (1997) [1976], Pāṇini: A Survey of Research, Motilal Banarsidass, ISBN 978-81-208-1494-3
- Harold G. Coward (1990). Potter, Karl (ed.). The Philosophy of the Grammarians, in Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 5. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-81-208-0426-5.
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- Ingerman, Peter Zilahy (March 1967). ""Pāṇini-Backus Form" Suggested". Communications of the ACM. 10 (3): 137. doi:10.1145/363162.363165. S2CID 52817672. Ingerman suggests that the then-called Backus normal form be renamed to the Pāṇini–Backus form, to give due credit to Pāṇini as the earliest independent inventor.
- Kadvany, John (8 February 2008). "Positional Value and Linguistic Recursion". Journal of Indian Philosophy. 35 (5–6): 487–520. CiteSeerX doi:10.1007/s10781-007-9025-5. S2CID 52885600.
- Tibor Kiss (2015). Syntax - Theory and Analysis. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-037740-8.
- Lidova, Natalia (1994), Drama and Ritual of Early Hinduism, Motilal Banarsidass, ISBN 978-81-208-1234-5
- Lochtefeld, James G. (2002), The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: A-M, The Rosen Publishing Group, ISBN 978-0-8239-3179-8
- Misra, Kamal K. (2000), Textbook of Anthropological Linguistics, Concept Publishing Company, ISBN 8170228190
- Prince, Alan; Smolensky, Paul (15 April 2008). Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-75939-4.
- T. R. N. Rao. Pāṇini-backus form of languages. 1998.
- Scharfe, Hartmut (1977), Grammatical Literature, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, ISBN 978-3-447-01706-0
- Staal, Frits (April 1965), "Euclid and Pāṇini", Philosophy East and West, 15 (2): 99–116, doi:10.2307/1397332, JSTOR 1397332
- Staal, Frits (1972). A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19078-8.
- Staal, Frits (1996), Ritual and Mantras: Rules Without Meaning, Motilal Banarsidass, ISBN 978-8120814127
- Tiwary, Kapil Muni 1968 Pāṇini's description of nominal compounds, University of Pennsylvania doctoral dissertation. Janaki Prakashan: Patna. OCLC 12868577
- Vergiani, Vincenzo (2017), "Bhartrhari on Language, Perception, and Consciousness", in Ganeri, Jonardon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy, Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199314638
- Witzel, Michael (2009), "Moving Targets? Texts, language, archaeology and history in the Late Vedic and early Buddhist periods", Indo-Iranian Journal, 52 (2–3): 287–310, doi:10.1163/001972409X12562030836859, S2CID 154283219
Further reading
- Works
- Pāṇini. Ashtādhyāyī. Book 4. Translated by Chandra Vasu. Benares, 1896. (in Sanskrit and English)
- Pāṇini. Ashtādhyāyī. Book 6–8. Translated by Chandra Vasu. Benares, 1897. (in Sanskrit and English)
- Pāṇini
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Pāṇini", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews 2000.
- Cardona, George (1988). Pāṇini, His Work and Its Traditions: Background and introduction. Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 9788120804197.
External links

- Pāṇinian Linguistics
- PaSSim – Paninian Sanskrit Simulator simulates the Pāṇinian Process of word formation
- The system of Panini
- Gaṇakāṣṭādhyāyī, a software on Sanskrit grammar, based on Pāṇini's Sutras
- Ashtadhyayi, Work by Pāṇini
- Forizs, L. Pāṇini, Nāgārjuna and Whitehead – The Relevance of Whitehead for Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy
- The Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, with the Mahābhāṣya and Kāśikā commentaries, along with the Nyāsa and Padamanjara commentaries on the Kāśikā. (PDF) Sanskrit.
Paṇini ˈ p ɑː n ɪ n i Sanskrit प ण न paṇini was a Sanskrit grammarian logician philologist and revered scholar in ancient India during the mid 1st millennium BCE dated variously by most scholars between the 6th 5th and 4th century BCE Paṇiniप ण न BornNorth west region of Indian subcontinent modern day Pakistan Notable workAṣṭadhyayi Classical Sanskrit Erafl mid 1st millennium BCE variously dated between 6th 5th century BCE and 4th century BCERegionIndian philosophyMain interestsGrammar linguisticsNotable ideasDescriptive linguisticsThe greatest linguist of antiquity Paṇini was the greatest linguist of antiquity and deserves to be treated as such JF Staal A reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians The historical facts of his life are unknown except only what can be inferred from his works and legends recorded long after His most notable work Aṣṭadhyayi is conventionally taken to mark the start of Classical Sanskrit His work formally codified Classical Sanskrit as a refined and standardized language making use of a technical metalanguage consisting of a syntax morphology and lexicon organised according to a series of meta rules Since the exposure of European scholars to his Aṣṭadhyayi in the nineteenth century Paṇini has been considered the first descriptive linguist and even labelled as the father of linguistics His approach to grammar influenced such foundational linguists as Ferdinand de Saussure and Leonard Bloomfield BiographyFather of linguistics The history of linguistics begins not with Plato or Aristotle but with the Indian grammarian Panini Rens Bod University of Amsterdam The name Paṇini is a patronymic meaning descendant of Paṇina His full name was Dakṣiputra Paṇini according to verses 1 75 13 and 3 251 12 of Patanjali s Mahabhaṣya with the first part suggesting his mother s name was Dakṣi Dating Nothing definite is known about when Paṇini lived not even in which century he lived Paṇini has been dated between the seventh or sixth and fourth century BCE George Cardona 1997 in his authoritative survey and review of Paṇini related studies states that the available evidence strongly supports a dating not before 400 BCE while earlier dating depends on interpretations and is not probative Based on numismatic findings von Hinuber 1989 and Falk 1993 place Paṇini in the mid 4th century BCE Paṇini s rupya A 5 2 119 A 5 2 120 A 5 4 43 A 4 3 153 mentions a specific gold coin the niṣka in several sutras which originated in India in the 4th century BCE According to Houben the date of c 350 BCE for Paṇini is thus based on concrete evidence which till now has not been refuted According to Bronkhorst there is no reason to doubt the validity of Von Hinuber s and Falk s argument setting the terminus post quem for the date of Paṇini at 350 BCE or the decades thereafter According to Bronkhorst thanks to the work carried out by Hinuber 1990 34 35 and Falk 1993 303 304 we now know that Paṇini lived in all probability far closer in time to the period of Asoka than had hitherto been thought According to Falk s reasoning Panini must have lived during the decade following 350 BCE that is just before or contemporaneously with the invasion by Alexander of Macedonia It is not certain whether Paṇini used writing for the composition of his work though it is generally agreed that he knew of a form of writing based on references to words such as lipi script and lipikara scribe in section 3 2 of theAṣṭadhyayi The dating of the introduction of writing to present day North West Pakistan may therefore give further information on the historical dating of Paṇini Paṇini cites at least ten grammarians and linguists before him Apisali Kasyapa Gargya Galava Cakravarmaṇa Bharadvaja Sakaṭayana Sakalya Senaka Sphoṭayana and Yaska According to Kamal K Misra Paṇini references Yaska s Nirukta whose writings date back to the middle of the 4th century B C The Sanskrit epic Brihatkatha and the Buddhist scripture Manjusri mula kalpa both mention Paṇini to have been a contemporary with the king Dhana Nanda reigned 329 321 BCE the last monarch of the Nanda Empire before Chandragupta Maurya came to power Cardona offers an earlier date for Paṇini by arguing the compound word yavanani discussed in sutra 4 1 49 instead of referring to a writing lipi c q cuneiform of the Achaemenid Empire or the Greek of Alexander the Great refers to Greek women and that Indus valley residents possibly had contacts with Greek women before Darius s 535 BCE or Alexander s 326 BCE conquests K B Pathak 1930 argues that the kumarasramaṇa of sutra 2 1 70 derived from sramaṇa which refers to female renunciates c q Buddhist nuns could also refer to Jain Aryika of unknown origin possibly permitting Paṇini to be placed before the 5th century BCE Gautama Buddha Others based on Panini s linguistic style date his works to the sixth or fifth century BCE as According to Bod Paṇini s grammar defines Classical Sanskrit so Paṇini is chronologically placed in the later part of the Vedic period corresponding to the seventh to fifth century BCE According to A B Keith the Sanskrit text that most matches the language described by Paṇini is the Aitareya Brahmaṇa c 8th 6th BCE According to Scharfe his proximity to the Vedic language as found in the Upanishads and Vedic sutras suggests the 5th or maybe 6th c B C Location SalaturaPeshawarTaxilaCharsaddaMardanGANDHARAKabul riverIndus riverIndus riverclass notpageimage Approximate geographical region of Gandhara centered on the Peshawar Basin in present day northwest Pakistan Nothing certain is known about Paṇini s personal life In an inscription of Siladitya VII of Valabhi who he is called Salaturiya which means a man from Salatura citation needed This means Panini lived in Salatura in ancient Gandhara present day north west Pakistan which likely was near Lahor a town at the junction of the Indus and Kabul rivers According to the memoirs of the 7th century Chinese scholar Xuanzang there was a town called Suoluoduluo on the Indus where Paṇini was born and where he composed the Qingming lun Sanskrit Vyakaraṇa According to Hartmut Scharfe Paṇini lived in Gandhara close to the borders of the Achaemenid Empire and Gandara was then an Achaemenian satrapy following the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley He must therefore have been technically a Persian subject but his work shows no awareness of the Persian language According to Patrick Olivelle Paṇini s text and references to him elsewhere suggest that he was clearly a northerner probably from the northwestern region Legends and later reception According to Kathasaritsagara legends Paṇini studied under his guru Varsha in Pataliputra Not the brightest of his disciples on the advice of Varsha s wife Paṇini went to the Himalayas to do penance and gain knowledge from Shiva Sutras were granted by Shiva who danced and played his damaru before Paṇini and produced the basic sounds of these sutras Panini accepted them and they are now known as the Shiva Sutras Armed with this new grammar Paṇini came back from the Himalayas to Pataliputra But at the same time Vararuchi another disciple of Varsha had learned of a grammar from Indra They engaged in a debate which lasted eight days and on the last day with Vararuchi emerging dominant Paṇini was able to defeat him with the help of Shiva who destroyed Vararuchi s grammar book Paṇini then defeated the rest of Varsha s disciples and emerged as the greatest grammarian Paṇini is believed to have spent the major portion of his life in Pataliputra and according to some pandits he was born and brought up there the ancestors of Paṇini having already moved there from Salatura Paṇini has also been associated with the University of Taxila Paṇini is also mentioned in Indian fables and other ancient texts The Panchatantra for example mentions that Paṇini was killed by a lion According to some historians Pingala was the brother of Paṇini Paṇini was depicted on a five rupee Indian postage stamp in August 2004 AṣṭadhyayiThe most important of Paṇini s works the Aṣṭadhyayi is a grammatical treatise on the Sanskrit language It is descriptive and generative with algebraic like rules governing every aspect of the language It is supplemented by three ancillary texts the akṣarasamamnaya dhatupaṭha and gaṇapaṭha Modeled on the dialect and register of elite speakers in his time the text also accounts for some features of the older Vedic language Growing out of a centuries long effort to preserve the language of the Vedic hymns from corruption the Aṣtadhyayi is the high point of a vigorous sophisticated grammatical tradition devised to arrest language change The Aṣtadhyayi s preeminence is underlined by the fact that it eclipsed all similar works that came before while not the first it is the oldest such text surviving in its entirety The Aṣṭadhyayi consists of 3 959 sutras in eight chapters which are each subdivided into four sections or padas The text takes material from lexical lists dhatupaṭha gaṇapatha as input and describes the algorithms to be applied to them for the generation of well formed words Such is its intricacy that the correct application of its rules and metarules is still being worked out centuries later The Aṣṭadhyayi composed in an era when oral composition and transmission was the norm is staunchly embedded in that oral tradition In order to ensure wide dissemination Paṇini is said to have preferred brevity over clarity it can be recited end to end in two hours This has led to the emergence of a great number of commentaries of his work over the centuries which for the most part adhere to the foundations laid by Paṇini s work BhaṭṭikavyaIndian curriculums in the late classical era had at their core a system of grammatical study and linguistic analysis The core text for this study was the Aṣṭadhyayi of Paṇini the sine qua non of learning This grammar of Paṇini had been the object of intense study for the ten centuries prior to the composition of the Bhaṭṭikavya It was Bhaṭṭi s purpose to provide a study aid to Paṇini s text by using the examples already provided in the existing grammatical commentaries in the context of the Ramayaṇa The intention of the author was to teach this advanced science through a relatively easy and pleasant medium In his own words This composition is like a lamp to those who perceive the meaning of words and like a hand mirror for a blind man to those without grammar This poem which is to be understood by means of a commentary is a joy to those sufficiently learned through my fondness for the scholar I have here slighted the dullard Bhaṭṭikavya 22 33 34 LegacyPaṇini is known for his text Aṣṭadhyayi a sutra style treatise on Sanskrit grammar which consists of 3 996 verses or rules on linguistics syntax and semantics in eight chapters which is the foundational text of the Vyakaraṇa branch of the Vedanga the auxiliary scholarly disciplines of the Vedic period His aphoristic text attracted numerous bhashya commentaries of which the Mahabhaṣya by Patanjali is the most famous His ideas influenced and attracted commentaries from scholars of other Indian religions such as Buddhism Paṇini s analysis of noun compounds still forms the basis of modern linguistic theories of compounding in Indian languages Paṇini s comprehensive and scientific theory of grammar is conventionally taken to mark the start of Classical Sanskrit His systematic treatise inspired and made Sanskrit the preeminent Indian language of learning and literature for two millennia Paṇini s theory of morphological analysis was more advanced than any equivalent Western theory before the 20th century His treatise is generative and descriptive uses metalanguage and meta rules and has been compared to the Turing machine wherein the logical structure of any computing device has been reduced to its essentials using an idealized mathematical model Modern linguisticsPaṇini s work became known in 19th century Europe where it influenced modern linguistics initially through Franz Bopp Subsequently a wider body of work influenced Sanskrit scholars such as Ferdinand de Saussure Leonard Bloomfield and Roman Jakobson Frits Staal 1930 2012 discussed the impact of Indian ideas on language in Europe After outlining the various aspects of the contact Staal notes that the idea of formal rules in language proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure in 1894 and developed by Noam Chomsky in 1957 has origins in the European exposure to the formal rules of Paṇinian grammar In particular de Saussure who lectured on Sanskrit for three decades may have been influenced by Paṇini and Bhartrihari his idea of the unity of the signifier signified in the sign somewhat resembles the notion of Sphoṭa More importantly the very idea that formal rules can be applied to areas outside of logic or mathematics may itself have been catalysed by Europe s contact with the work of Sanskrit grammarians De Saussure Paṇini and the later Indian linguist Bhartrihari had a significant influence on many of the foundational ideas proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure professor of Sanskrit who is widely considered the father of modern structural linguistics and with Charles S Peirce on the other side to semiotics although the concept Saussure used was semiology Saussure himself cited Indian grammar as an influence on some of his ideas In his Memoire sur le systeme primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo europeennes Memoir on the Original System of Vowels in the Indo European Languages published in 1879 he mentions Indian grammar as an influence on his idea that reduplicated aorists represent imperfects of a verbal class In his De l emploi du genitif absolu en sanscrit On the Use of the Genitive Absolute in Sanskrit published in 1881 he specifically mentions Paṇini as an influence on the work Prem Singh in his foreword to the reprint edition of the German translation of Paṇini s Grammar in 1998 concluded that the effect Panini s work had on Indo European linguistics shows itself in various studies and that a number of seminal works come to mind including Saussure s works and the analysis that gave rise to the laryngeal theory further stating This type of structural analysis suggests influence from Panini s analytical teaching George Cardona however warns against overestimating the influence of Paṇini on modern linguistics Although Saussure also refers to predecessors who had taken this Paninian rule into account it is reasonable to conclude that he had a direct acquaintance with Panini s work As far as I am able to discern upon rereading Saussure s Memoire however it shows no direct influence of Paninian grammar Indeed on occasion Saussure follows a path that is contrary to Paninian procedure Rishi Rajpopat A PhD student at the Cambridge University Rishi Rajpopat elaborated in his PhD thesis a deeper understanding of Panini s language machine by designing a simple system of resolving rule conflicts His thesis has been critiqued as being built upon flawed premises and understanding of rules by prominent Indian Sanskrit scholars better source needed Comparison with modern formal systems Paṇini s grammar is the world s first formal system citation needed developed well before the 19th century innovations of Gottlob Frege and the subsequent development of mathematical logic In designing his grammar Paṇini used the method of auxiliary symbols in which new affixes are designated to mark syntactic categories and the control of grammatical derivations clarification needed This technique rediscovered by the logician Emil Post became a standard method in the design of computer programming languages Sanskritists now accept that Paṇini s linguistic apparatus is well described as an applied Post system Considerable evidence shows ancient mastery of context sensitive grammars and a general ability to solve many complex problems Frits Staal has written that Panini is the Indian Euclid Other worksTwo literary works are attributed to Paṇini though they are now lost The Jambavati Vijaya is a lost epic poem cited by Rajashekhara in Jalhana s Sukti Muktavali A fragment of this work can be found in Ramayukta s commentary on the Namalinganushasana The title suggests that the work dealt with Krishna s winning of Jambavati from the underworld as his bride Rajashekhara is quoted thus in Jalhana s Sukti Muktavali नम प ण नय तस म यस म द व र भ द ह आद व य करण क व यमन ज म बवत जयम namaḥ paṇinaye tasmai yasmadavirabhudiha adau vyakaraṇaṃ kavyamanu jambavatijayam Ascribed to Paṇini the Patala Vijaya Victory in over the Underworld is a lost work cited by Namisadhu in his commentary on the Kavyalankara Poetic Aesthetics of Rudrata The Patala Vijaya is considered the same work as the Jambavati Vijaya by Moriz Winternitz There are many proto mathematical concepts found in Paṇini s works Paṇini came up with a plethora of ideas to organize the known grammatical forms of his day in a systematic way Like any mathematician who models a known phenomenon in mathematical language Paṇini created a metalanguage which is very close to the modern day ideas of algebra See alsoList of Indian mathematicians Pingala Seṭ and aniṭ roots TolkappiyamGlossarydhatu root paṭha reading lesson gaṇa class aphoristic threads bhaṣyasNotes4th century BCE date Johannes Bronkhorst 2019 Paṇini s Aṣṭadhyayi has been the target of much guesswork as to its date Only recently have more serious proposals been made Oskar von Hinuber 1990 34 arrives on the basis of a comparison of Paṇini s text with numismatic findings at a date that can hardly be much earlier than 350 BCE Harry Falk 1993 304 1994 327 n 45 refines these reflections and moves the date forward to the decennia following 350 BCE If Hinuber and Falk are right and there seems no reason to doubt this we have here for Paṇini a terminus post quem Michael Witzel 2009 c 350 BCE Cardona The evidence for dating Panini Katyayana and Patanjali is not absolutely probative and depends on interpretation However I think there is one certainty namely that the evidence available hardly allows one to date Panini later than the early to mid fourth century B C Frits Staal 1965 fourth century B C Houben 2009 p 6 Vergiani 2017 p 243 n 46th or 5th century BCE date Frits Staal 1996 the Sanskrit grammar of Panini 6th or 5th century b c e Hartmut Scharfe 1977 Panini s date can be fixed only approximately he must be older than Katyayana c 250 B C who in his comments on Panini s work refers to other earlier scholars dealing with Panini s grammar his proximity to the Vedic language as found in the Upanishads and Vedic sutras suggests the 5th or maybe 6th c B C Scharfe refers to Paul Thieme Panini and the Veda Allahabad 1935 p 75 81 OCLC 15644563 Encyclopedia Britannica Ashtadhyayi Sanskrit Aṣṭadhyayi Eight Chapters Sanskrit treatise on grammar written in the 6th to 5th century BCE by the Indian grammarian Panini 7th to 5th century BCE date Rens Bod 2013 All we know is that he was born in Gandhara in former India currently Afghanistan and that it must have been between the seventh and fifth centuries BCE Bod refers to S Shukla Panini Encyclopedia of Language amp Linguistics 2nd edition Elsevier 2006 See also Paul Kiparsky Paninian Linguistics Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 1st edition Elsevier 1993 According to George Cardona Sanskrit literary tradition believes that Paṇini came from Salatura in the northwest part of the Pakistan This is likely to be ancient Gandhara The earliest time or historical period during which an event may have happened Paṇini s use of the term lipi has been a source of scholarly disagreements Harry Falk in his 1993 overview states that ancient Indians neither knew nor used writing scripts and Paṇini s mention is likely a reference to Semitic and Greek scripts In his 1995 review Salomon questions Falk s arguments and writes it is speculative at best and hardly constitutes firm grounds for a late date for Kharoṣṭhi The stronger argument for this position is that we have no specimen of the script before the time of Asoka nor any direct evidence of intermediate stages in its development but of course this does not mean that such earlier forms did not exist only that if they did exist they have not survived presumably because they were not employed for monumental purposes before Asoka According to Hartmut Scharfe the Lipi of Paṇini may have been borrowed from the Old Persian Dipi in turn derived from the Sumerian Dup Scharfe adds that the best evidence at the time of his review is that no script was used in India aside from the Northwest Indian subcontinent before around 300 BCE because Indian tradition at every occasion stresses the orality of the cultural and literary heritage Kenneth Norman states that writing scripts in ancient India evolved over long periods of time like other cultures that it is unlikely that ancient Indians developed a single complete writing system at one and the same time in the Mauryan era It is even less likely states Norman that a writing script was invented during Ashoka s rule starting from nothing for the specific purpose of writing his inscriptions and then it was understood all over South Asia where the Asoka pillars are found Jack Goody states that ancient India likely had a very old culture of writing along with its oral tradition of composing and transmitting knowledge because the corpus of Vedic literature is too vast consistent and complex to have been entirely created memorized accurately preserved and spread without a written system Falk disagrees with Goody and suggests that it is a Western presumption and inability to imagine that remarkably early scientific achievements such as Paṇini s grammar 5th to 4th century BCE and the creation preservation and wide distribution of the large corpus of the Brahmanic Vedic literature and the Buddhist canonical literature were possible without any writing scripts Johannes Bronkhorst disagrees with Falk and states Falk goes too far It is fair to expect that we believe that Vedic memorisation though without parallel in any other human society has been able to preserve very long texts for many centuries without losing a syllable However the oral composition of a work as complex as Paṇini s grammar is not only without parallel in other human cultures it is without parallel in India itself It just will not do to state that our difficulty in conceiving any such thing is our problem Ionian In 1862 Max Muller argued that yavana may have meant Greek during Paṇinis time but may also refer to Semitic or dark skinned Indian people now a part of the Swabi District of modern PakistanReferencesStaal 1996 p 39 Scharfe 1977 p 88 Vergiani 2017 p 243 n 4 Bronkhorst 2016 p 171 Houben 2009 p 6 Cardona 1997 p 268 Staal 1965 Staal 1972 p xi Lidova 1994 p 108 112 Lochtefeld 2002 p 64 65 140 402 Francois amp Ponsonnet 2013 184 Bod 2013 p 14 19 Paṇini Bohtlingk Otto von 1998 Paṇini s Grammatik Paṇini s Grammar in German Reprint ed Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 978 81 208 1025 9 Robins Robert Henry 1997 A short history of linguistics 4th ed London Longman ISBN 0582249945 OCLC 35178602 Bod 2013 p 14 18 Paṇini Sumitra Mangesh Katre 1989 Aṣṭadhyayi of Paṇini Motilal Banarsidass p xx ISBN 978 81 208 0521 7 Bod 2013 p 14 Bronkhorst 2019 Cardona 1997 pp 261 268 Richard Salomon 1998 Indian Epigraphy A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit Prakrit and the other Indo Aryan Languages Oxford University Press p 11 ISBN 978 0 19 535666 3 Rita Sherma Arvind Sharma 2008 Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought Toward a Fusion of Horizons Springer Publishing p 235 ISBN 978 1 4020 8192 7 Falk Harry 1993 Schrift im alten Indien ein Forschungsbericht mit Anmerkungen Writing in ancient India a research report with notes in German Gunter Narr Verlag pp 109 167 ISBN 9783823342717 Salomon Richard 1995 Review On the Origin of the Early Indian Scripts Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 2 271 278 doi 10 2307 604670 JSTOR 604670 Scharfe Hartmut 2018 Education in Ancient India Handbook of Oriental Studies Leiden Netherlands Brill pp 10 12 ISBN 9789047401476 Oskar von Hinuber 1989 Der Beginn der Schrift und fruhe Schriftlichkeit in Indien The beginning of writing and early writing in India in German Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur pp 241 245 ISBN 9783515056274 OCLC 22195130 Jack Goody 1987 The Interface Between the Written and the Oral Cambridge University Press pp 110 124 ISBN 978 0 521 33794 6 Bronkhorst Johannes 2002 Literacy and Rationality in Ancient India PDF Asiatische Studien Etudes Asiatiques Asian Studies 56 4 797 831 Cardona 1997 p 1 3 Dwivedi Amitabh Vikram 2018 Jain Pankaj Sherma Rita Khanna Madhu eds Nirukta Hinduism and Tribal Religions Encyclopedia of Indian Religions Dordrecht Springer Publishing pp 1 5 doi 10 1007 978 94 024 1036 5 376 1 ISBN 978 94 024 1036 5 retrieved 4 October 2023 Misra 2000 p 49 Singh Upinder 2008 A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India From the Stone Age to the 12th Century Pearson Longman p 258 ISBN 978 81 317 1120 0 Cardona 1997 p 261 262 Cardona 1997 p 261 Max Muller 1862 On Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology pp footnotes of 69 71 Bibcode 1862ahac book M Patrick Olivelle 1999 Dharmasutras Oxford University Press p xxxii with footnote 13 ISBN 978 0 19 283882 7 Keith Arthur Berriedale 1998 Rigveda Brahmanas the Aitareya and Kauṣitaki Brahmaṇas of the Rigveda Delhi Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 978 8120813595 OCLC 611413511 Hartmut Scharfe 1977 Grammatical Literature Otto Harrassowitz pp 88 with footnotes ISBN 978 3 447 01706 0 Saroja Bhate 2002 Panini Sahitya Akademi p 4 ISBN 81 260 1198 X Singh Nagendra Kr ed 1997 Encyclopaedia of Hinduism New Delhi Centre for International Religious Studies Anmol Publications pp 1983 2007 ISBN 978 81 7488 168 7 Mishra Giridhar 1981 प रस त वन Introduction अध य त मर म यण ऽप ण न यप रय ग ण व मर श Deliberation on non Paninian usages in the Adhyatma Ramayana in Sanskrit Varanasi India Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Archived from the original on 11 March 2014 Retrieved 21 May 2013 Lal Shyam Bihari 2004 Yavanas in Ancient Indian Inscriptions Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 65 1115 1120 ISSN 2249 1937 JSTOR 44144820 Patrick Olivelle 1999 Dharmasutras Oxford University Press pp xxvi xxvii ISBN 978 0 19 283882 7 Vettam Mani Puranic Encyclopedia a comprehensive dictionary with special reference to the epic and Puranic literature Motilal Banarsidass 1975 Prakash Buddha 1964 Political And Social Movements in Ancient Punjab Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 9788120824584 Paṇini and Kautilya two masterminds of ancient times were also brought up in the academic traditions of Taxila Cardona 1997 The verse reads siṃho vyakaraṇasya kartur aharat praṇan priyan paṇineḥ a lion took the dear life of Panini author of the grammatical treatise Panchatantra II 28 Bhattacharyya D C 1928 Date of the Subhasitavali Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 60 1 135 137 doi 10 1017 S0035869X00059773 JSTOR 25221320 S2CID 162641089 Winternitz Moriz 1963 History of Indian Literature Motilal Banarsidass p 462 ISBN 978 81 208 0056 4 Nakamura Hajime 1983 A History of Early Vedanta Philosophy Motilal Banarsidass p 400 ISBN 978 81 208 0651 1 Francois amp Ponsonnet 2013 184 Stamps 2004 Indian Department of Posts Ministry of Communications amp Information Technology 23 April 2015 Retrieved 3 June 2015 Panini www istampgallery com 23 October 2015 Retrieved 11 December 2018 Academy Himalayan Hinduism Today Magazine www hinduismtoday com Retrieved 11 December 2018 India Postage Stamp on Panini issued on 01 Aug 2004 www getpincodes com Retrieved 11 December 2018 Huet Gerard Kulkarni Amba Scharf Peter M 2009 Sanskrit Computational Linguistics First and Second International Symposia Rocquencourt France October 29 31 2007 Providence RI USA May 15 17 2008 Revised Selected and Invited Papers Lecture notes in computer science Lecture notes in artificial intelligence En ligne International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg Springer e books ISBN 978 3 642 00155 0 Cardona 1997 p 1 3 Cardona George 1997 Paṇini his work and its traditions 2nd ed Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ISBN 978 81 208 0419 7 Burrow Thomas 2001 The Sanskrit language 1st Indian ed Delhi Motilal Banarsidass p 49 ISBN 978 81 208 1767 8 Itkonen Eas 1991 Universal History of Linguistics India China Arabia Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company p 69 ISBN 9789027277671 Burnell Arthur Coke 1875 On the Aindra School of Sanskrit Grammarians Their Place in the Sanskrit and Subordinate Literatures p 87 Embleton Sheila Joseph John E Niederehe Hans Josef 15 October 1999 The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences Studies on the transition from historical comparative to structural linguistics in honour of E F K Koerner Volume 2 Methodological perspectives and applications John Benjamins Publishing Company p 154 ISBN 978 90 272 9842 3 Cambridge PhD student solves 2 500 year old Sanskrit problem BBC News 15 December 2022 Solving grammar s greatest puzzle University of Cambridge 15 December 2022 Whitney p xiii Burrow 2 1 Coulson p xvi Filliozat Pierre Sylvain 2000 The Sanskrit language an overview history and structure linguistic and philosophical representations uses and users Varanasi Indica Books ISBN 978 81 86569 17 7 Fallon Oliver 2009 Bhatti s Poem The Death of Ravana Bhaṭṭikavya New York Clay Sanskrit Library ISBN 978 0 8147 2778 2 Singh Upinder 2021 A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India Pearson p 258 ISBN 978 81 317 1677 9 W J Johnson 2009 A Dictionary of Hinduism Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0198610250 article on Vyakarana Harold G Coward 1990 p 105 Lisa Mitchell 2009 Language Emotion and Politics in South India Indiana University Press p 108 ISBN 978 0 253 35301 6 Lochtefeld 2002 p 497 Hartmut Scharfe 1977 Grammatical Literature Otto Harrassowitz Verlag pp 152 154 ISBN 978 3 447 01706 0 Yuji Kawaguchi Makoto Minegishi Wolfgang Viereck 2011 Corpus based Analysis and Diachronic Linguistics John Benjamins Publishing Company pp 223 224 ISBN 978 90 272 7215 7 Staal Frits 1988 Universals studies in Indian logic and linguistics University of Chicago Press p 47 ISBN 9780226769998 Kak Subhash C January 1987 The Paninian approach to natural language processing International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 1 117 130 doi 10 1016 0888 613X 87 90007 7 Frits Staal The science of language Chapter 16 in Gavin D Flood ed The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism Blackwell Publishing 2003 599 pages ISBN 0 631 21535 2 ISBN 978 0 631 21535 6 p 357 358 George Cardona 2000 Book review Paṇinis Grammatik Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 3 464 5 JSTOR 606023 D Ottavi Giuseppe 2013 Paṇini et le Memoire Panini and the Memoir Arena Romanistica 12 164 193 reprinted in De l essence double du langage et le renouveau du saussurisme On the double essence of language and the revival of Saussurism 2016 Rishi Rajpopat 2022 In Paṇini We Trust Discovering the Algorithm for Rule Conflict Resolution in the Aṣṭadhyayi Thesis University of Cambridge doi 10 17863 CAM 80099 Ancient grammatical puzzle solved after 2 500 years Phys Almeroth Williams Tom 15 December 2022 How an Indian student made Sanskrit s language machine work for the first time in 2 500 years Scroll in Retrieved 19 December 2022 Paṇini had an extraordinary mind and he built a machine unrivalled in human history He didn t expect us to add new ideas to his rules The more we fiddle with Paṇini s grammar the more it eludes us Neelesh Bodas A Critique on the PhD Thesis In Panini We Trust Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat list Retrieved 21 February 2024 Bhate S and Kak S 1993 Panini and Computer Science Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute vol 72 pp 79 94 Kadvany John 2007 Positional Value and Linguistic Recursion Journal of Indian Philosophy 35 5 6 487 520 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 565 2083 doi 10 1007 s10781 007 9025 5 S2CID 52885600 Frits Staal 6 May 2005 What Euclid is to Europe Panini is to India Or Are They PDF National Institute of Advanced Studies ISBN 81 87663 57 X Mukherjee Sujit 1998 A Dictionary of Indian Literature Beginnings 1850 Orient Blackswan p 144 ISBN 978 81 250 1453 9 Winternitz Moriz 1963 History of Indian Literature pt 1 Classical Sanskrit literature 1st ed 1963 pt 2 Scientific literature 1st ed 1967 Motilal Banarsidass p 36 Joseph George Gheverghese 28 July 2016 Indian Mathematics Engaging With The World From Ancient To Modern Times World Scientific pp 135 136 ISBN 978 1 78634 063 4 Plofker Kim 18 January 2009 Mathematics in India Princeton University Press p 54 ISBN 978 0 691 12067 6 Bhaskar Kompella 30 September 2019 Mathematical Structures in Panini s Ashtadhyayi Kornai Andras 2008 Mathematical linguistics Advanced information and knowledge processing London Springer Publishing p 75 ISBN 978 1 84628 985 9 Petersen Wiebke 7 June 2004 A Mathematical Analysis of Panini s Sivasutras PDF Journal of Logic Language and Information 13 4 471 489 doi 10 1007 s10849 004 2117 7 ISSN 0925 8531 Witzel 2009 Staal 1965 p 99 Bod 2013 p 14 note 2 BibliographyBhate Saroja Kak Subhash 1993 Panini s Grammar and Computer Science PDF Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 72 Bod Rens 2013 A New History of the Humanities The Search for Principles and Patterns from Antiquity to the Present Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 966521 1 Bronkhorst Johannes 2016 How the Brahmins Won From Alexander to the Guptas Brill ISBN 9789004315518 Bronkhorst Johannes 2019 A Sabda Reader Language in Classical Indian Thought Columbia University Press ISBN 9780231548311 Cardona George 1997 1976 Paṇini A Survey of Research Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 978 81 208 1494 3 Harold G Coward 1990 Potter Karl ed The Philosophy of the Grammarians in Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume 5 Princeton University Press ISBN 978 81 208 0426 5 Carter George F et al 1979 On Mundkur on Diffusion Current Anthropology 20 2 425 428 doi 10 1086 202297 S2CID 143783458 Houben Jan E M 2009 Panini s Grammar and Its Computerization A Construction Grammar Approach Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Springer pp 6 25 ISBN 9783540938842 Francois Alexandre Ponsonnet Maia 2013 Descriptive linguistics PDF In Jon R McGee Richard L Warms eds Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology An Encyclopedia Vol 1 SAGE Publications pp 184 187 ISBN 9781412999632 Ingerman Peter Zilahy March 1967 Paṇini Backus Form Suggested Communications of the ACM 10 3 137 doi 10 1145 363162 363165 S2CID 52817672 Ingerman suggests that the then called Backus normal form be renamed to the Paṇini Backus form to give due credit to Paṇini as the earliest independent inventor Kadvany John 8 February 2008 Positional Value and Linguistic Recursion Journal of Indian Philosophy 35 5 6 487 520 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 565 2083 doi 10 1007 s10781 007 9025 5 S2CID 52885600 Tibor Kiss 2015 Syntax Theory and Analysis Walter de Gruyter ISBN 978 3 11 037740 8 Lidova Natalia 1994 Drama and Ritual of Early Hinduism Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 978 81 208 1234 5 Lochtefeld James G 2002 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism A M The Rosen Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 8239 3179 8 Misra Kamal K 2000 Textbook of Anthropological Linguistics Concept Publishing Company ISBN 8170228190 Prince Alan Smolensky Paul 15 April 2008 Optimality Theory Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 0 470 75939 4 T R N Rao Paṇini backus form of languages 1998 Scharfe Hartmut 1977 Grammatical Literature Otto Harrassowitz Verlag ISBN 978 3 447 01706 0 Staal Frits April 1965 Euclid and Paṇini Philosophy East and West 15 2 99 116 doi 10 2307 1397332 JSTOR 1397332 Staal Frits 1972 A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians MIT Press ISBN 0 262 19078 8 Staal Frits 1996 Ritual and Mantras Rules Without Meaning Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 978 8120814127 Tiwary Kapil Muni 1968 Paṇini s description of nominal compounds University of Pennsylvania doctoral dissertation Janaki Prakashan Patna OCLC 12868577 Vergiani Vincenzo 2017 Bhartrhari on Language Perception and Consciousness in Ganeri Jonardon ed The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199314638 Witzel Michael 2009 Moving Targets Texts language archaeology and history in the Late Vedic and early Buddhist periods Indo Iranian Journal 52 2 3 287 310 doi 10 1163 001972409X12562030836859 S2CID 154283219Further readingWorksPaṇini Ashtadhyayi Book 4 Translated by Chandra Vasu Benares 1896 in Sanskrit and English Paṇini Ashtadhyayi Book 6 8 Translated by Chandra Vasu Benares 1897 in Sanskrit and English PaṇiniO Connor John J Robertson Edmund F Paṇini MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive University of St Andrews 2000 Cardona George 1988 Paṇini His Work and Its Traditions Background and introduction Motilal Banarsidass ISBN 9788120804197 External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Paṇini Sanskrit Wikisource has original text related to this article Aṣṭadhyayi Sanskrit Text Paṇinian Linguistics PaSSim Paninian Sanskrit Simulator simulates the Paṇinian Process of word formation The system of Panini Gaṇakaṣṭadhyayi a software on Sanskrit grammar based on Paṇini s Sutras Ashtadhyayi Work by Paṇini Forizs L Paṇini Nagarjuna and Whitehead The Relevance of Whitehead for Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy The Aṣṭadhyayi of Paṇini with the Mahabhaṣya and Kasika commentaries along with the Nyasa and Padamanjara commentaries on the Kasika PDF Sanskrit