Operation Barbarossa

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Mar 01, 2025 / 18:23

Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and several of its European Axis allies starti

Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa

Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and several of its European Axis allies starting on 22 June 1941, during World War II. More than 3.8 million Axis troops invaded the western Soviet Union along a 2,900-kilometer (1,800 mi) front, with the main goal of capturing territory up to a line between Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan (A-A line). The attack became the largest and costliest military offensive in history, with around 10 million combatants taking part in the opening phase and over 8 million casualties by the end of the operation on 5 December 1941. It marked a major escalation of World War II, opening the Eastern Front—the largest and deadliest land theatre of war in history—and bringing the Soviet Union into the Allied powers.

Operation Barbarossa
Part of the Eastern Front of World War II
Clockwise from top-left:
  • German soldiers advance through northern Russia
  • German flamethrower crew burns down a house in the background
  • German Panzer IV stuck in the snow with white camouflage paint
  • Soviet Ilyushin Il-2s over German positions near Moscow
  • Soviet POWs on the way to prison camps
  • Soviet soldiers fire artillery
Date22 June – 5 December 1941
(5 months and 13 days)
Western Soviet Union
Result Axis strategic failure
Axis captured approximately 600,000 sq mi (1,600,000 km2) of Soviet territory but failed to reach the A-A line
Commanders and leaders
  • Army Group North:
  • image Wilhelm von Leeb
  • image Ernst Busch
  • image Georg von Kuchler
  • image Erich Hoepner
  • Army Group Centre:
  • image Fedor von Bock
  • image Gunther von Kluge
  • image Heinz Guderian
  • image Hermann Hoth
  • Army Group South:
  • image Gerd von Rundstedt
  • image Walther von Reichenau
  • image C.H. Stulpnagel
  • image E.R. Schobert
  • Axis forces:
  • image Ion Antonescu
  • image Nicolae Ciuperca
  • Stavka:
  • image Georgy Zhukov
  • image Semyon Timoshenko
  • image Ivan Konev
  • Northern Front:
  • image Markian Popov
  • image Valerian A. Frolov
  • Northwestern Front:
  • image Fyodor Kuznetsov
  • image Nikolai Berzarin
  • image Pyotr Sobennikov
  • image Ivan Bezugly
  • Western Front:
  • image Dmitry Pavlov
  • image Vasily Kuznetsov
  • Southwestern Front:
  • image Mikhail Kirponos
  • image Anton Lopatin
  • Southern Front:
  • image Ivan Tyulenev
  • image Yakov Cherevichenko
  • image Rodion Malinovsky
  • image Pavel Batov
Units involved
Axis armies:
  • image Army Group North
    • 16th Army
    • 18th Army
    • 4th Panzer Army
  • image Army Group Centre
    • 2nd Army
    • 4th Army
    • 9th Army
    • 2nd Panzer Army
    • 3rd Panzer Army
  • image Army Group South
    • 6th Army
    • 11th Army
    • 17th Army
    • 1st Panzer Army
    • image 3rd Army
    • image 4th Army
  • Independent armies:
    • image Army of Norway
    • image Army of Karelia
Soviet armies:
  • image Northern Front
    • 7th Army
    • 8th Army
    • 48th Army
    • 52nd Army
    • 54th Army
    • 55th Army
  • image Northwestern Front
    • 11th Army
    • 27th Army
    • 34th Army
  • image Western Front
    • 3rd Army
    • 10th Army
    • 13th Army
    • 16th Army
    • 19th Army
    • 20th Army
    • 22nd Army
    • 24th Army
    • 28th Army
    • 40th Army
    • 50th Army
  • image Southwestern Front
    • 5th Army
    • 6th Army
    • 12th Army
    • 21st Army
    • 26th Army
    • 37th Army
  • image Southern Front
    • 9th Army
    • 18th Army
    • Coastal Army

Frontline strength (22 June 1941)

  • 3.8 million personnel
  • 3,350–3,795 tanks
  • 3,030–3,072 other AFVs
  • 2,770–5,369 aircraft
  • 7,200–23,435 artillery pieces
  • 17,081 mortars
  • 600,000 horses
  • 600,000 vehicles

Frontline strength (22 June 1941)

  • 2.6–2.9 million personnel
  • 11,000 tanks
  • 7,133–9,100 military aircraft
Casualties and losses

Total military casualties:

  • Casualties of 1941:

    According to German Army medical reports (including Army Norway):

    • 186,452 killed
    • 40,157 missing
    • 655,179 wounded in action
    • 8,000 evacuated sick

    • 2,827 aircraft destroyed
    • 2,735 tanks destroyed
    • 104 assault guns destroyed

    Other involved country losses

    • image 114,000+ casualties (at least 39,000 dead or missing)
    • image 75,000 casualties
      (26,355 dead) in Karelia

      5,000+ casualties during Operation Silver Fox.
    • image 8,700 casualties[22]
    • image 4,420 casualties

Total military casualties:

  • Casualties of 1941:

    Based on Soviet archives:

    • 566,852 killed in action (101,471 of whom died in hospital of wounds)
    • 235,339 died from non-combat causes
    • 1,336,147 sick or wounded via combat and non-combat causes
    • 2,335,482 missing in action or captured

    • 21,200 aircraft, of which 10,600 were lost to combat
    • 20,500 tanks destroyed

The operation, code-named after the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ("red beard"), put into action Nazi Germany's ideological goals of eradicating communism and conquering the western Soviet Union to repopulate it with Germans under Generalplan Ost, which planned for the extermination of the native Slavic peoples by mass deportation to Siberia, Germanisation, enslavement, and genocide. The material targets of the invasion were the agricultural and mineral resources of territories such as Ukraine and Byelorussia and oil fields in the Caucasus. The Axis eventually captured five million Soviet Red Army troops on the Eastern Front and deliberately starved to death or otherwise killed 3.3 million prisoners of war, as well as millions of civilians.Mass shootings and gassing operations, carried out by German paramilitary death squads and collaborators, murdered over a million Soviet Jews as part of the Holocaust. In the two years leading up to the invasion, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed political and economic pacts for strategic purposes. Following the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina in July 1940, the German High Command began planning an invasion of the country, which was approved by Adolf Hitler in December. In early 1941, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, despite receiving intelligence about an imminent attack, did not order a mobilization of the Red Army, fearing that it might provoke Germany. As a result, Soviet forces were largely caught unprepared when the invasion began, with many units positioned poorly and understrength.

The invasion began on 22 June 1941 with a massive ground and air assault, resulting in large territorial gains for the Nazis and their allies. The main part of Army Group South invaded from occupied Poland on 22 June and on 2 July was joined by a combination of German and Romanian forces attacking from Romania. Kiev was captured on 19 September, which was followed by the captures of Kharkov on 24 October and Rostov-on-Don on 20 November, by which time most of Crimea had been captured. Army Group North overran the Baltic lands and on 8 September 1941, began a siege of Leningrad accompanied by Finnish forces, which ultimately lasted until 1944. Army Group Centre, the strongest of the three, captured Smolensk in late July 1941 before beginning its drive on Moscow on 2 October. Facing logistical problems with supply, slowed by muddy terrain, not fully outfitted for Russia's brutal winter, and coping with determined Soviet resistance, Army Group Center's offensive stalled at the city's outskirts by 5 December, at which point the Soviets began a major counteroffensive.

The failure of Operation Barbarossa reversed the fortunes of Nazi Germany. Operationally, it achieved significant victories and occupied some of the most important economic regions of the Soviet Union, captured millions of prisoners, and inflicted heavy casualties. The German high command anticipated a quick collapse of resistance as in the invasion of Poland, but instead the Red Army absorbed the German Wehrmacht's strongest blows and bogged it down in a war of attrition for which Germany was unprepared. Following the heavy losses and logistical strain of Barbarossa, German forces could no longer attack along the entire front, and their subsequent operations—such as Case Blue in 1942 and Operation Citadel in 1943—ultimately failed.



The theme of Barbarossa had long been used by the Nazi Party as part of their political imagery, though this was really a continuation of the glorification of the famous Crusader king by German nationalists since the 19th century. According to a Germanic medieval legend, revived in the 19th century by the nationalistic tropes of German Romanticism, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa—who drowned in Asia Minor while leading the Third Crusade—was not dead but asleep, along with his knights, in a cave in the Kyffhäuser mountains in Thuringia, and would awaken in the hour of Germany's greatest need and restore the nation to its former glory. Originally, the invasion of the Soviet Union was codenamed Operation Otto (alluding to Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great's expansive campaigns in Eastern Europe), but Hitler had the name changed to Operation Barbarossa in December 1940. Hitler had in July 1937 praised Barbarossa as the emperor who first expressed Germanic cultural ideas and carried them to the outside world through his imperial mission. For Hitler, the name Barbarossa signified his belief that the conquest of the Soviet Union would usher in the Nazi "Thousand-Year Reich".

Racial policies of Nazi Germany

As early as 1925, Adolf Hitler vaguely declared in his political manifesto and autobiography Mein Kampf that he would invade the Soviet Union, asserting that the German people needed to secure Lebensraum ('living space') to ensure the survival of Germany for generations to come. On 10 February 1939, Hitler told his army commanders that the next war would be "purely a war of Weltanschauungen ['worldviews']... totally a people's war, a racial war". On 23 November, once World War II had already started, Hitler declared that "racial war has broken out and this war shall determine who shall govern Europe, and with it, the world". The racial policy of Nazi Germany portrayed the Soviet Union (and all of Eastern Europe) as populated by non-Aryan Untermenschen ('sub-humans'), ruled by Jewish Bolshevik conspirators. Hitler claimed in Mein Kampf that Germany's destiny was to follow the Drang nach Osten ('turn to the East') as it did "600 years ago" (see Ostsiedlung). Accordingly, it was a partially secret but well-documented Nazi policy to kill, deport, or enslave the majority of Russian and other Slavic populations and repopulate the land west of the Urals with Germanic peoples, under Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East). The Nazis' belief in their ethnic superiority pervades official records and pseudoscientific articles in German periodicals, on topics such as "how to deal with alien populations."

Plan of new German settlement colonies (marked with dots and diamonds), drawn up by the Friedrich Wilhelm University Institute of Agriculture in Berlin, 1942

While older histories tended to emphasize the myth of the "clean Wehrmacht," upholding its honor in the face of Hitler's fanaticism, the historian Jürgen Förster notes that "In fact, the military commanders were caught up in the ideological character of the conflict, and involved in its implementation as willing participants". Before and during the invasion of the Soviet Union, German troops were indoctrinated with anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic ideology via movies, radio, lectures, books, and leaflets. Likening the Soviets to the forces of Genghis Khan, Hitler told the Croatian military leader Slavko Kvaternik that the "Mongolian race" threatened Europe. Following the invasion, many Wehrmacht officers told their soldiers to target people who were described as "Jewish Bolshevik subhumans," the "Mongol hordes," the "Asiatic flood" and the "Red beast." Nazi propaganda portrayed the war against the Soviet Union as an ideological war between German National Socialism and Jewish Bolshevism and a racial war between the disciplined Germans and the Jewish, Romani and Slavic Untermenschen. An 'order from the Führer' stated that the paramilitary SS Einsatzgruppen, which closely followed the Wehrmacht's advance, were to execute all Soviet functionaries who were "less valuable Asiatics, Gypsies and Jews." Six months into the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Einsatzgruppen had murdered more than 500,000 Soviet Jews, a figure greater than the number of Red Army soldiers killed in battle by then. German army commanders cast Jews as the major cause behind the "partisan struggle." The main guideline for German troops was "Where there's a partisan, there's a Jew, and where there's a Jew, there's a partisan" or "The partisan is where the Jew is." Many German troops viewed the war in Nazi terms and regarded their Soviet enemies as sub-human.

After the war began, the Nazis issued a ban on sexual relations between Germans and foreign slaves. There were regulations enacted against the Ost-Arbeiter ('Eastern workers') that included the death penalty for sexual relations with a German.Heinrich Himmler, in his secret memorandum, Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East (dated 25 May 1940), outlined the Nazi plans for the non-German populations in the East. Himmler believed the Germanisation process in Eastern Europe would be complete when "in the East dwell only men with truly German, Germanic blood."

The Nazi secret plan Generalplan Ost, prepared in 1941 and confirmed in 1942, called for a "new order of ethnographical relations" in the territories occupied by Nazi Germany in Eastern Europe. It envisaged ethnic cleansing, executions and enslavement of the populations of conquered countries, with very small percentages undergoing Germanisation, expulsion into the depths of Russia or other fates, while the conquered territories would be Germanised. The plan had two parts, the Kleine Planung ('small plan'), which covered actions to be taken during the war and the Große Planung ('large plan'), which covered policies after the war was won, to be implemented gradually over 25 to 30 years.

A speech given by General Erich Hoepner demonstrates the dissemination of the Nazi racial plan, as he informed the 4th Panzer Group that the war against the Soviet Union was "an essential part of the German people's struggle for existence" (Daseinskampf), also referring to the imminent battle as the "old struggle of Germans against Slavs" and even stated, "the struggle must aim at the annihilation of today's Russia and must, therefore, be waged with unparalleled harshness." Hoepner also added that the Germans were fighting for "the defence of European culture against Moscovite–Asiatic inundation, and the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism ... No adherents of the present Russian-Bolshevik system are to be spared." Walther von Brauchitsch also told his subordinates that troops should view the war as a "struggle between two different races and [should] act with the necessary severity." Racial motivations were central to Nazi ideology and played a key role in planning for Operation Barbarossa since both Jews and communists were considered equivalent enemies of the Nazi state. Nazi imperialist ambitions rejected the common humanity of both groups, declaring the supreme struggle for Lebensraum to be a Vernichtungskrieg ('war of annihilation').

German-Soviet relations of 1939–40

The geopolitical disposition of Europe in 1941, immediately before the start of Operation Barbarossa. The grey area represents Nazi Germany, its allies, and countries under its control.

On August 23, 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact in Moscow known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. A secret protocol to the pact outlined an agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union on the division of the eastern European border states between their respective "spheres of influence," Soviet Union and Germany would partition Poland in the event of an invasion by Germany, and the Soviets would be allowed to overrun Finland, Estonia, Latvia and the region of Bessarabia. On 23 August 1939 the rest of the world learned of this pact but were unaware of the provisions to partition Poland. The pact stunned the world because of the parties' earlier mutual hostility and their conflicting ideologies. The conclusion of this pact was followed by the German invasion of Poland on 1 September that triggered the outbreak of World War II in Europe, then the Soviet invasion of Poland that led to the annexation of the eastern part of the country. As a result of the pact, Germany and the Soviet Union maintained reasonably strong diplomatic relations for two years and fostered an important economic relationship. The countries entered a trade pact in 1940 by which the Soviets received German military equipment and trade goods in exchange for raw materials, such as oil and wheat, to help the German war effort by circumventing the British blockade of Germany.

Despite the parties' ostensibly cordial relations, each side was highly suspicious of the other's intentions. For instance, the Soviet invasion of Bukovina in June 1940 went beyond their sphere of influence as agreed with Germany. After Germany entered the Axis Pact with Japan and Italy, it began negotiations about a potential Soviet entry into the pact. After two days of negotiations in Berlin from 12 to 14 November 1940, Ribbentrop presented a draft treaty for a Soviet entry into the Axis. However, Hitler had no intention of allowing the Soviet Union into the Axis and in an order stated, "Political conversations designed to clarify the attitude of Russia in the immediate future have been started. Regardless of the outcome of these conversations, all preparations for the East previously ordered orally are to be continued. [Written] directives on that will follow as soon as the basic elements of the army's plan for the operation have been submitted to me and approved by me." There would be no "long-term agreement with Russia" given that the Nazis intended to go to war with them; but the Soviets approached the negotiations differently and were willing to make huge economic concessions to secure a relationship under general terms acceptable to the Germans just a year before. On 25 November 1940, the Soviet Union offered a written counter-proposal to join the Axis if Germany would agree to refrain from interference in the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, but Germany did not respond. As both sides began colliding with each other in Eastern Europe, conflict appeared more likely, although they did sign a border and commercial agreement addressing several open issues in January 1941. According to historian Robert Service, Joseph Stalin was convinced that the overall military strength of the Soviet Union was such that he had nothing to fear and anticipated an easy victory should Germany attack; moreover, Stalin believed that since the Germans were still fighting the British in the west, Hitler would be unlikely to open up a two-front war and subsequently delayed the reconstruction of defensive fortifications in the border regions. When German soldiers swam across the Bug River to warn the Red Army of an impending attack, they were shot as enemy agents. Some historians believe that Stalin, despite providing an amicable front to Hitler, did not wish to remain allies with Germany. Rather, Stalin might have had intentions to break off from Germany and proceed with his own campaign against Germany to be followed by one against the rest of Europe. Other historians contend that Stalin did not plan for such an attack in June 1941, given the parlous state of the Red Army at the time of the invasion.

1939 German Diplomatic passport with its holder returning after the outbreak of war 2 years later and being evacuated on a special train out of the USSR.

Axis invasion plans

The Marcks Plan was the original German plan of attack for Operation Barbarossa, as depicted in a US Government study (March 1955).

Stalin's reputation as a brutal dictator contributed both to the Nazis' justification of their assault and to their expectations of success, as Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s had executed many competent and experienced military officers, leaving Red Army leadership weaker than their German adversary. The Nazis often emphasized the Soviet regime's brutality when targeting the Slavs with propaganda. They also claimed that the Red Army was preparing to attack the Germans, and their own invasion was thus presented as a pre-emptive strike.

Hitler also utilised the rising tension between the Soviet Union and Germany over territories in the Balkans as one of the pretexts for the invasion. While no concrete plans had yet been made, Hitler told one of his generals in June 1940 that the victories in Western Europe finally freed his hands for a "final showdown" with Bolshevism. With the successful end to the campaign in France, General Erich Marcks was assigned the task of drawing up the initial invasion plans of the Soviet Union. The first battle plans were entitled Operation Draft East (colloquially known as the Marcks Plan). His report advocated the A-A line as the operational objective of any invasion of the Soviet Union. This assault would extend from the northern city of Arkhangelsk on the Arctic Sea through Gorky and Rostov to the port city of Astrakhan at the mouth of the Volga on the Caspian Sea. The report concluded that—once established—this military border would reduce the threat to Germany from attacks by enemy bombers.

Although Hitler was warned by many high-ranking military officers, such as Friedrich Paulus, that occupying Western Russia would create "more of a drain than a relief for Germany's economic situation," he anticipated compensatory benefits such as the demobilisation of entire divisions to relieve the acute labour shortage in German industry, the exploitation of Ukraine as a reliable and immense source of agricultural products, the use of forced labour to stimulate Germany's overall economy and the expansion of territory to improve Germany's efforts to isolate the United Kingdom. Hitler was further convinced that Britain would sue for peace once the Germans triumphed in the Soviet Union, and if they did not, he would use the resources gained in the East to defeat the British Empire.

We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.

— —Adolf Hitler

Hitler received the final military plans for the invasion on 5 December 1940, which the German High Command had been working on since July 1940, under the codename "Operation Otto." Upon reviewing the plans, Hitler formally committed Germany to the invasion when he issued Führer Directive 21 on 18 December 1940, where he outlined the precise manner in which the operation was to be carried out. Hitler also renamed the operation to Barbarossa in honor of medieval Emperor Friedrich I of the Holy Roman Empire, a leader of the Third Crusade in the 12th century. The Barbarossa Decree, issued by Hitler on 30 March 1941, supplemented the Directive by decreeing that the war against the Soviet Union would be one of annihilation and legally sanctioned the eradication of all Communist political leaders and intellectual elites in Eastern Europe. The invasion was tentatively set for May 1941.

According to a 1978 essay by German historian Andreas Hillgruber, the invasion plans drawn up by the German military elite were substantially coloured by hubris, stemming from the rapid defeat of France at the hands of the "invincible" Wehrmacht and by traditional German stereotypes of Russia as a primitive, backward "Asiatic" country. Red Army soldiers were considered brave and tough, but the officer corps was held in contempt. The leadership of the Wehrmacht paid little attention to politics, culture, and the considerable industrial capacity of the Soviet Union, in favour of a very narrow military view. Hillgruber argued that because these assumptions were shared by the entire military elite, Hitler was able to push through with a "war of annihilation" that would be waged in the most inhumane fashion possible with the complicity of "several military leaders," even though it was quite clear that this would be in violation of all accepted norms of warfare.

Even so, in autumn 1940, some high-ranking German military officials drafted a memorandum to Hitler on the dangers of an invasion of the Soviet Union. They argued that the eastern territories (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, and the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic) would only end up as a further economic burden for Germany. It was further argued that the Soviets, in their current bureaucratic form, were harmless and that the occupation would not benefit Germany politically either. Hitler, solely focused on his ultimate ideological goal of eliminating the Soviet Union and Communism, disagreed with economists about the risks and told his right-hand man Hermann Göring, the chief of the Luftwaffe, that he would no longer listen to misgivings about the economic dangers of a war with the USSR. It is speculated that this was passed on to General Georg Thomas, who had produced reports that predicted a net economic drain for Germany in the event of an invasion of the Soviet Union unless its economy was captured intact and the Caucasus oilfields seized in the first blow; Thomas revised his future report to fit Hitler's wishes. The Red Army's ineptitude in the Winter War against Finland in 1939–40 also convinced Hitler of a quick victory within a few months. Neither Hitler nor the General Staff anticipated a long campaign lasting into the winter and therefore, adequate preparations such as the distribution of warm clothing and winterisation of important military equipment like tanks and artillery, were not made.

Further to Hitler's Directive, Göring's Green Folder, issued in March 1941, laid out the agenda for the next step after the anticipated quick conquest of the Soviet Union. The Hunger Plan outlined how entire urban populations of conquered territories were to be starved to death, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and urban space for the German upper class. Nazi policy aimed to destroy the Soviet Union as a political entity in accordance with the geopolitical Lebensraum ideals for the benefit of future generations of the "Nordic master race". In 1941, Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg—later appointed Reich Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories—suggested that conquered Soviet territory should be administered in the following Reichskommissariate ('Reich Commissionerships'):

Administrative subdivisions of conquered Soviet territory as envisaged, and then partially realised, by Alfred Rosenberg
Name Note Map
Reichskommissariat Ostland
Baltic countries and Belarus
Reichskommissariat Ukraine
Ukraine, enlarged eastwards to the Volga
Reichskommissariat Kaukasien
Southern Russia and the Caucasus region
Reichskommissariat Moskowien
Moscow metropolitan area and remaining European Russia; originally called Reichskommissariat Russland, later renamed
Reichskommissariat Turkestan
Central Asian republics and territories

German military planners also researched Napoleon's failed invasion of Russia. In their calculations, they concluded that there was little danger of a large-scale retreat of the Red Army into the Russian interior, as it could not afford to give up the Baltic countries, Ukraine, or the Moscow and Leningrad regions, all of which were vital to the Red Army for supply reasons and would thus, have to be defended. Hitler and his generals disagreed on where Germany should focus its energy. Hitler, in many discussions with his generals, repeated his order of "Leningrad first, the Donbas second, Moscow third;" but he consistently emphasized the destruction of the Red Army over the achievement of specific terrain objectives. Hitler believed Moscow to be of "no great importance" in the defeat of the Soviet Union and instead believed victory would come with the destruction of the Red Army west of the capital, especially west of the Western Dvina and Dnieper rivers, and this pervaded the plan for Barbarossa. This belief later led to disputes between Hitler and several German senior officers, including Heinz Guderian, Gerhard Engel, Fedor von Bock and Franz Halder, who believed the decisive victory could only be delivered at Moscow. They were unable to sway Hitler, who had grown overconfident in his own military judgment as a result of the rapid successes in Western Europe.

German preparations

Elements of the German 3rd Panzer Army on the road near Pruzhany, June 1941

The Germans had begun massing troops near the Soviet border even before the campaign in the Balkans had finished. By the third week of February 1941, 680,000 German soldiers were gathered in assembly areas on the Romanian-Soviet border. In preparation for the attack, Hitler had secretly moved upwards of 3 million German troops and approximately 690,000 Axis soldiers to the Soviet border regions. Additional Luftwaffe operations included numerous aerial surveillance missions over Soviet territory many months before the attack.

Although the Soviet High Command was alarmed by this, Stalin's belief that Nazi Germany was unlikely to attack only two years after signing the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact resulted in slow Soviet preparation. This fact aside, the Soviets did not entirely overlook the threat of their German neighbor. Well before the German invasion, Marshal Semyon Timoshenko referred to the Germans as the Soviet Union's "most important and strongest enemy," and as early as July 1940, the Red Army Chief of Staff, Boris Shaposhnikov, produced a preliminary three-pronged plan of attack for what a German invasion might look like, remarkably similar to the actual attack. Since April 1941, the Germans had begun setting up Operation Haifisch and Operation Harpune to substantiate their claims that Britain was the real target. These simulated preparations in Norway and the English Channel coast included activities such as ship concentrations, reconnaissance flights and training exercises.

The reasons for the postponement of Barbarossa from the initially planned date of 15 May to the actual invasion date of 22 June 1941 (a 38-day delay) are debated. The reason most commonly cited is the unforeseen contingency of invading Yugoslavia and Greece on 6 April 1941 until June 1941. Historian Thomas B. Buell indicates that Finland and Romania, which weren't involved in initial German planning, needed additional time to prepare to participate in the invasion. Buell adds that an unusually wet winter kept rivers at full flood until late spring. The floods may have discouraged an earlier attack, even if they occurred before the end of the Balkans Campaign.

OKH commander, Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, and Hitler study maps during the early days of Hitler's Soviet campaign

The importance of the delay is still debated. William Shirer argued that Hitler's Balkan Campaign had delayed the commencement of Barbarossa by several weeks and thereby jeopardised it. Many later historians argue that the 22 June start date was sufficient for the German offensive to reach Moscow by September.Antony Beevor wrote in 2012 about the delay caused by German attacks in the Balkans that "most [historians] accept that it made little difference" to the eventual outcome of Barbarossa.

The Germans deployed one independent regiment, one separate motorised training brigade and 153 divisions for Barbarossa, which included 104 infantry, 19 panzer and 15 motorised infantry divisions in three army groups, nine security divisions to operate in conquered territories, four divisions in Finland and two divisions as reserve under the direct control of OKH. These were equipped with 6,867 armoured vehicles, of which 3,350–3,795 were tanks, 2,770–4,389 aircraft (that amounted to 65 percent of the Luftwaffe), 7,200–23,435 artillery pieces, 17,081 mortars, about 600,000 motor vehicles and 625,000–700,000 horses. Finland slated 14 divisions for the invasion, and Romania offered 13 divisions and eight brigades over the course of Barbarossa. The entire Axis forces, 3.8 million personnel, deployed across a front extending from the Arctic Ocean southward to the Black Sea, were all controlled by the OKH and organised into Army Norway, Army Group North, Army Group Centre and Army Group South, alongside three Luftflotten (air fleets, the air force equivalent of army groups) that supported the army groups: Luftflotte 1 for North, Luftflotte 2 for Centre and Luftflotte 4 for South.

Army Norway was to operate in far northern Scandinavia and bordering Soviet territories. Army Group North was to march through Latvia and Estonia into northern Russia, then either take or destroy the city of Leningrad, and link up with Finnish forces. Army Group Centre, the army group equipped with the most armour and air power, was to strike from Poland into Belorussia and the west-central regions of Russia proper, and advance to Smolensk and then Moscow. Army Group South was to strike the heavily populated and agricultural heartland of Ukraine, taking Kiev before continuing eastward over the steppes of southern USSR to the Volga with the aim of controlling the oil-rich Caucasus. Army Group South was deployed in two sections separated by a 198-mile (319 km) gap. The northern section, which contained the army group's only panzer group, was in southern Poland right next to Army Group Centre, and the southern section was in Romania.

The German forces in the rear (mostly Waffen-SS and Einsatzgruppen units) were to operate in conquered territories to counter any partisan activity in areas they controlled, as well as to execute captured Soviet political commissars and Jews. On 17 June, Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) chief Reinhard Heydrich briefed around thirty to fifty Einsatzgruppen commanders on "the policy of eliminating Jews in Soviet territories, at least in general terms". While the Einsatzgruppen were assigned to the Wehrmacht's units, which provided them with supplies such as gasoline and food, they were controlled by the RSHA. The official plan for Barbarossa assumed that the army groups would be able to advance freely to their primary objectives simultaneously, without spreading thin, once they had won the border battles and destroyed the Red Army's forces in the border area.

Soviet preparations

Semyon Timoshenko and Georgy Zhukov in 1940

In 1930, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, a prominent military theorist in tank warfare in the interwar period and later Marshal of the Soviet Union, forwarded a memo to the Kremlin that lobbied for colossal investment in the resources required for the mass production of weapons, pressing the case for "40,000 aircraft and 50,000 tanks." In the early 1930s, a modern operational doctrine for the Red Army was developed and promulgated in the 1936 Field Regulations in the form of the Deep Battle Concept. Defence expenditure also grew rapidly from just 12 percent of the gross national product in 1933 to 18 percent by 1940.

During Joseph Stalin's Great Purge in the late 1930s, which had not ended by the time of the German invasion on 22 June 1941, much of the officer corps of the Red Army was executed or imprisoned. Many of their replacements, appointed by Stalin for political reasons, lacked military competence. Of the five Marshals of the Soviet Union appointed in 1935, only Kliment Voroshilov and Semyon Budyonny survived Stalin's purge. Tukhachevsky was killed in 1937. Fifteen of 16 army commanders, 50 of the 57 corps commanders, 154 of the 186 divisional commanders, and 401 of 456 colonels were killed, and many other officers were dismissed. In total, about 30,000 Red Army personnel were executed. Stalin further underscored his control by reasserting the role of political commissars at the divisional level and below to oversee the political loyalty of the army to the regime. The commissars held a position equal to that of the commander of the unit they were overseeing. But in spite of efforts to ensure the political subservience of the armed forces, in the wake of Red Army's poor performance in Poland and in the Winter War, about 80 percent of the officers dismissed during the Great Purge were reinstated by 1941. Also, between January 1939 and May 1941, 161 new divisions were activated. Therefore, although about 75 percent of all the officers had been in their position for less than one year at the start of the German invasion of 1941, many of the short tenures can be attributed not only to the purge but also to the rapid increase in the creation of military units.

Beginning in July 1940, the Red Army General Staff developed war plans that identified the Wehrmacht as the most dangerous threat to the Soviet Union, and that in the case of a war with Germany, the Wehrmacht's main attack would come through the region north of the Pripyat Marshes into Belorussia, which later proved to be correct. Stalin disagreed, and in October, he authorised the development of new plans that assumed a German attack would focus on the region south of Pripyat Marshes towards the economically vital regions in Ukraine. This became the basis for all subsequent Soviet war plans and the deployment of their armed forces in preparation for the German invasion.

In the Soviet Union, speaking to his generals in December 1940, Stalin mentioned Hitler's references to an attack on the Soviet Union in Mein Kampf and Hitler's belief that the Red Army would need four years to ready itself. Stalin declared "we must be ready much earlier" and "we will try to delay the war for another two years". As early as August 1940, British intelligence had received hints of German plans to attack the Soviets a week after Hitler informally approved the plans for Barbarossa and warned the Soviet Union accordingly. Some of this intelligence was based on Ultra information obtained from broken Enigma traffic. But Stalin's distrust of the British led him to ignore their warnings in the belief that they were a trick designed to bring the Soviet Union into the war on their side. Soviet intelligence also received word of an invasion around 20 June from Mao Zedong whose spy, Yan Baohang, had overheard talk of the plans at a dinner with a German military attaché and sent word to Zhou Enlai. The Chinese maintain the tipoff helped Stalin make preparations, though little exists to confirm the Soviets made any real changes upon receiving the intelligence. In early 1941, Stalin's own intelligence services and American intelligence gave regular and repeated warnings of an impending German attack. Soviet spy Richard Sorge also gave Stalin the exact German launch date, but Sorge and other informers had previously given different invasion dates that passed peacefully before the actual invasion. Stalin acknowledged the possibility of an attack in general and therefore made significant preparations, but decided not to run the risk of provoking Hitler.

Army general (later Marshal) Zhukov speaking at a military conference in Moscow, September 1941

In early 1941, Stalin authorised the State Defence Plan 1941 (DP-41), which along with the Mobilisation Plan 1941 (MP-41), called for the deployment of 186 divisions, as the first strategic echelon, in the four military districts of the western Soviet Union that faced the Axis territories; and the deployment of another 51 divisions along the Dvina and Dnieper Rivers as the second strategic echelon under Stavka control, which in the case of a German invasion was tasked to spearhead a Soviet counteroffensive along with the remaining forces of the first echelon. But on 22 June 1941 the first echelon contained 171 divisions, numbering 2.6–2.9 million; and the second strategic echelon contained 57 divisions that were still mobilising, most of which were still understrength. The second echelon was undetected by German intelligence until days after the invasion commenced, in most cases only when German ground forces encountered them.

At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilised was 5.3–5.5 million, and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training, continued to mobilise. The Red Army was dispersed and still preparing when the invasion commenced. Their units were often separated and lacked adequate transportation. While transportation remained insufficient for Red Army forces, when Operation Barbarossa kicked off, they possessed some 33,000 pieces of artillery, a number far greater than the Germans had at their disposal.

The Soviet Union had around 23,000 tanks available of which 14,700 were combat-ready. Around 11,000 tanks were in the western military districts that faced the German invasion force. Hitler later declared to some of his generals, "If I had known about the Russian tank strength in 1941 I would not have attacked". However, maintenance and readiness standards were very poor; ammunition and radios were in short supply, and many armoured units lacked the trucks for supplies. The most advanced Soviet tank models—the KV-1 and T-34—which were superior to all current German tanks, as well as all designs still in development as of the summer 1941, were not available in large numbers at the time the invasion commenced. Furthermore, in the autumn of 1939, the Soviets disbanded their mechanised corps and partly dispersed their tanks to infantry divisions; but following their observation of the German campaign in France, in late 1940 they began to reorganise most of their armoured assets back into mechanised corps with a target strength of 1,031 tanks each. But these large armoured formations were unwieldy, and moreover they were spread out in scattered garrisons, with their subordinate divisions up to 100 kilometres (62 miles) apart. The reorganisation was still in progress and incomplete when Barbarossa commenced. Soviet tank units were rarely well equipped, and they lacked training and logistical support. Units were sent into combat with no arrangements in place for refuelling, ammunition resupply, or personnel replacement. Often, after a single engagement, units were destroyed or rendered ineffective. The Soviet numerical advantage in heavy equipment was thoroughly offset by the superior training and organisation of the Wehrmacht.

The Soviet Air Force (VVS) held the numerical advantage with a total of approximately 19,533 aircraft, which made it the largest air force in the world in the summer of 1941. About 7,133–9,100 of these were deployed in the five western military districts, and an additional 1,445 were under naval control.

Development of the Soviet Armed Forces
1 January 1939 22 June 1941 Increase
Divisions calculated 131.5 316.5 140.7%
Personnel 2,485,000 5,774,000 132.4%
Guns and mortars 55,800 117,600 110.7%
Tanks 21,100 25,700 21.8%
Aircraft 7,700 18,700 142.8%

Historians have debated whether Stalin was planning an invasion of German territory in the summer of 1941. The debate began in the late 1980s when Viktor Suvorov published a journal article and later the book Icebreaker in which he claimed that Stalin had seen the outbreak of war in Western Europe as an opportunity to spread communist revolutions throughout the continent, and that the Soviet military was being deployed for an imminent attack at the time of the German invasion. This view had also been advanced by former German generals following the war. Suvorov's thesis was fully or partially accepted by a limited number of historians, including Valeri Danilov, Joachim Hoffmann, Mikhail Meltyukhov, and Vladimir Nevezhin, and attracted public attention in Germany, Israel, and Russia. It has been strongly rejected by most historians, and Icebreaker is generally considered to be an "anti-Soviet tract" in Western countries.David Glantz and Gabriel Gorodetsky wrote books to rebut Suvorov's arguments. The majority of historians believe that Stalin was seeking to avoid war in 1941, as he believed that his military was not ready to fight the German forces. The debate on whether Stalin intended to launch an offensive against Germany in 1941 remains inconclusive but has produced an abundance of scholarly literature and helped to expand the understanding of larger themes in Soviet and world history during the interwar period.

Order of battle

Order of battle – June 1941
Axis forces Soviet forces
  • Northern Theatre
    • Army of Norway
    • Finnish Army of Karelia
  • Army Group North
    • 18th Army
    • Panzer Group 4
    • 16th Army
    • Luftflotte 1
  • Army Group Centre
    • Panzer Group 3
    • 9th Army
    • 4th Army
    • Panzer Group 2
    • Luftflotte 2
  • Army Group South
    • 6th Army
    • Panzer Group 1
    • 17th Army
      • Slovak Expeditionary Army Group
      • Royal Hungarian Army Mobile Corps
    • 11th Army
      • Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia
    • Romanian 3rd Army
    • Romanian 4th Army
    • Luftflotte 4
  • Northern Front
    • 7th Army
    • 14th Army
    • 23rd Army
      • 10th Mechanised Corps
    • 1st Mechanised Corps
    • Northern PVO
  • North-Western Front
    • 27th Army
    • 8th Army
      • 12th Mechanised Corps
    • 11th Army
      • 3rd Mechanised Corps
    • 5th Airborne Corps
    • Baltic VVS
    • Northern Fleet
    • Baltic Fleet
  • Western Front
    • 3rd Army
      • 11th Mechanised Corps
    • 10th Army
      • 6th Mechanised Corps
      • 13th Mechanised Corps
    • 4th Army
      • 14th Mechanised Corps
    • 13th Army
    • 17th and 20th Mechanised Corps
    • 2nd Rifle, 21st Rifle, 44th Rifle, 47th Rifle, 50th Rifle and 4th Airborne Corps
    • Western VVS
  • South-Western Front
    • 5th Army
      • 9th Mechanised Corps
      • 22nd Mechanised Corps
    • 6th Army
      • 4th Mechanised Corps
      • 15th Mechanised Corps
    • 26th Army
      • 8th Mechanised Corps
    • 12th Army
      • 16th Mechanised Corps
    • 31 Rifle, 36th Rifle, 49th Rifle, 55th Rifle and 1st Airborne Corps
    • Kiev VVS
  • Southern Front
    • 9th Independent Army
      • 2nd Mechanised Corps
      • 18th Mechanised Corps
    • 7th Rifle, 9th Rifle and 3rd Airborne Corps
    • Odessa VVS
    • Black Sea Fleet

  • Stavka Reserve Armies (second strategic echelon)
    • 16th Army
      • 5th Mechanised Corps
    • 19th Army
      • 26th Mechanised Corps
    • 20th Army
      • 7th Mechanised Corps
    • 21st Army
      • 25th Mechanised Corps
    • 22nd Army
    • 24th Army
    • 20th Rifle, 45th Rifle, 67th Rifle and 21st Mechanised Corps.
Total number of divisions (22 June)
German: 152
Romanian: 14
Soviet: 220


German troops at the Soviet state border marker, 22 June 1941

At around 01:00 on 22 June 1941, the Soviet military districts in the border area were alerted by NKO Directive No. 1, issued late on the night of 21 June. It called on them to "bring all forces to combat readiness", but to "avoid provocative actions of any kind". It took up to two hours for several of the units subordinate to the Fronts to receive the order of the directive, and the majority did not receive it before the invasion commenced. A German communist deserter, Alfred Liskow, had crossed the lines at 21:00 on 21 June and informed the Soviets that an attack was coming at 04:00. Stalin was informed, but apparently regarded it as disinformation. Liskow was still being interrogated when the attack began.

On 21 June, at 13:00 Army Group North received the codeword "Düsseldorf", indicating Barbarossa would commence the next morning, and passed down its own codeword, "Dortmund". At around 03:15 on 22 June 1941, the Axis Powers commenced the invasion of the Soviet Union with the bombing of major cities in Soviet-occupied Poland and an artillery barrage on Red Army defences on the entire front. Air-raids were conducted as far as Kronstadt near Leningrad and Sevastopol in the Crimea. At the same time the German declaration of war was presented by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Meanwhile, ground troops crossed the border, accompanied in some locales by Lithuanian and Ukrainian partisans. Roughly three million soldiers of the Wehrmacht went into action and faced slightly fewer Soviet troops at the border. Accompanying the German forces during the initial invasion were Finnish and Romanian units as well.

Moscovites gather by a loudspeaker to listen to Molotov's speech, 22 June 1941

At around noon, the news of the invasion was broadcast to the population by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov: "... Without a declaration of war, German forces fell on our country, attacked our frontiers in many places ... The Red Army and the whole nation will wage a victorious Patriotic War for our beloved country, for honour, for liberty ... Our cause is just. The enemy will be beaten. Victory will be ours!" By calling upon the population's devotion to their nation rather than the Party, Molotov struck a patriotic chord that helped a stunned people absorb the shattering news. Within the first few days of the invasion, the Soviet High Command and Red Army were extensively reorganised so as to place them on the necessary war footing. Stalin did not address the nation about the German invasion until 3 July, when he also called for a "Patriotic War... of the entire Soviet people".

In Germany, on the morning of 22 June, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels announced the invasion to the waking nation in a radio broadcast with Hitler's words: "At this moment a march is taking place that, for its extent, compares with the greatest the world has ever seen. I have decided today to place the fate and future of the Reich and our people in the hands of our soldiers. May God aid us, especially in this fight!" Later the same morning, Hitler proclaimed to his colleagues, "Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse of Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history". Hitler also addressed the German people via the radio, presenting himself as a man of peace, who reluctantly had to attack the Soviet Union. Following the invasion, Goebbels instructed that Nazi propaganda use the slogan "European crusade against Bolshevism" to describe the war; subsequently thousands of volunteers and conscripts joined the Waffen-SS.

Initial attacks

German advances from June to August 1941

The initial momentum of the German ground and air attack completely destroyed the Soviet organisational command and control within the first few hours, paralyzing every level of command from the infantry platoon to the Soviet High Command in Moscow. Moscow failed to grasp the magnitude of the catastrophe that confronted the Soviet forces in the border area, and Stalin's first reaction was disbelief. At around 07:15, Stalin issued NKO Directive No. 2, which announced the invasion to the Soviet Armed Forces, and called on them to attack Axis forces wherever they had violated the borders and launch air strikes into the border regions of German territory. At around 09:15, Stalin issued NKO Directive No. 3, signed by Timoshenko, which now called for a general counteroffensive on the entire front "without any regards for borders" that both men hoped would sweep the enemy from Soviet territory. Stalin's order, which Timoshenko authorised, was not based on a realistic appraisal of the military situation at hand, but commanders passed it along for fear of retribution if they failed to obey; several days passed before the Soviet leadership became aware of the enormity of the opening defeat.

Air war

Luftwaffe reconnaissance units plotted Soviet troop concentrations, supply dumps and airfields, and marked them down for destruction. Additional Luftwaffe attacks were carried out against Soviet command and control centres to disrupt the mobilisation and organisation of Soviet forces. In contrast, Soviet artillery observers based at the border area had been under the strictest instructions not to open fire on German aircraft prior to the invasion. One plausible reason given for the Soviet hesitation to return fire was Stalin's initial belief that the assault was launched without Hitler's authorisation. Significant amounts of Soviet territory were lost along with Red Army forces as a result; it took several days before Stalin comprehended the magnitude of the calamity. The Luftwaffe reportedly destroyed 1,489 aircraft on the first day of the invasion and over 3,100 during the first three days. Hermann Göring, Minister of Aviation and Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, distrusted the reports and ordered the figure checked. Luftwaffe staffs surveyed the wreckage on Soviet airfields, and their original figure proved conservative, as over 2,000 Soviet aircraft were estimated to have been destroyed on the first day of the invasion. In reality, Soviet losses were likely higher; a Soviet archival document recorded the loss of 3,922 Soviet aircraft in the first three days against an estimated loss of 78 German aircraft. The Luftwaffe reported the loss of only 35 aircraft on the first day of combat. A document from the German Federal Archives puts the Luftwaffe's loss at 63 aircraft for the first day.

By the end of the first week, the Luftwaffe had achieved air supremacy over the battlefields of all the army groups, but was unable to extend this air dominance over the vast expanse of the western Soviet Union. According to the war diaries of the German High Command, the Luftwaffe by 5 July had lost 491 aircraft with 316 more damaged, leaving it with only about 70 percent of the strength it had at the start of the invasion.

Baltic countries

German forces pushing through Latvia, summer 1941

On 22 June, Army Group North attacked the Soviet Northwestern Front and broke through its 8th and 11th Armies. The Soviets immediately launched a powerful counterattack against the German 4th Panzer Group with the Soviet 3rd and 12th Mechanised Corps, but the Soviet attack was defeated. On 25 June, the 8th and 11th Armies were ordered to withdraw to the Western Dvina River, where it was planned to meet up with the 21st Mechanised Corps and the 22nd and 27th Armies. However, on 26 June, Erich von Manstein's LVI Panzer Corps reached the river first and secured a bridgehead across it. The Northwestern Front was forced to abandon the river defences, and on 29 June Stavka ordered the Front to withdraw to the Stalin Line on the approaches to Leningrad. On 2 July, Army Group North began its attack on the Stalin Line with its 4th Panzer Group, and on 8 July captured Pskov, devastating the defences of the Stalin Line and reaching Leningrad oblast. The 4th Panzer Group had advanced about 450 kilometres (280 mi) since the start of the invasion and was now only about 250 kilometres (160 mi) from its primary objective Leningrad. On 9 July it began its attack towards the Soviet defences along the Luga River in Leningrad oblast.

Ukraine and Moldavia

General Ewald von Kleist (left), commander of the 1st Panzer Group, inspects a large iron works facility in Ukraine, 1941.

The northern section of Army Group South faced the Southwestern Front, which had the largest concentration of Soviet forces, and the southern section faced the Southern Front. In addition, the Pripyat Marshes and the Carpathian Mountains posed a serious challenge to the army group's northern and southern sections respectively. On 22 June, only the northern section of Army Group South attacked, but the terrain impeded their assault, giving the Soviet defenders ample time to react. The German 1st Panzer Group and 6th Army attacked and broke through the Soviet 5th Army. Starting on the night of 23 June, the Soviet 22nd and 15th Mechanised Corps attacked the flanks of the 1st Panzer Group from north and south respectively. Although intended to be concerted, Soviet tank units were sent in piecemeal due to poor coordination. The 22nd Mechanised Corps ran into the 1st Panzer Army's III Motorised Corps and was decimated, and its commander killed. The 1st Panzer Group bypassed much of the 15th Mechanised Corps, which engaged the German 6th Army's 297th Infantry Division, where it was defeated by antitank fire and Luftwaffe attacks. On 26 June, the Soviets launched another counterattack on the 1st Panzer Group from north and south simultaneously with the 9th, 19th and 8th Mechanised Corps, which altogether fielded 1649 tanks, and supported by the remnants of the 15th Mechanised Corps. The battle lasted for four days, ending in the defeat of the Soviet tank units. On 30 June Stavka ordered the remaining forces of the Southwestern Front to withdraw to the Stalin Line, where it would defend the approaches to Kiev.

On 2 July, the southern section of Army Group South—the Romanian 3rd and 4th Armies, alongside the German 11th Army—invaded Soviet Moldavia, which was defended by the Southern Front. Counterattacks by the Front's 2nd Mechanised Corps and 9th Army were defeated, but on 9 July the Axis advance stalled along the defences of the Soviet 18th Army between the Prut and Dniester Rivers.


In the opening hours of the invasion, the Luftwaffe destroyed the Western Front's air force on the ground, and with the aid of Abwehr and their supporting anti-communist fifth columns operating in the Soviet rear paralyzed the Front's communication lines, which particularly cut off the Soviet 4th Army headquarters from headquarters above and below it. On the same day, the 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Bug River, broke through the 4th Army, bypassed Brest Fortress, and pressed on towards Minsk, while the 3rd Panzer Group bypassed most of the 3rd Army and pressed on towards Vilnius. Simultaneously, the German 4th and 9th Armies engaged the Western Front forces in the environs of Białystok. On the order of the Western Front commander, Dmitry Pavlov, the 6th and 11th Mechanised Corps and the 6th Cavalry Corps launched a strong counterstrike towards Grodno on 24–25 June in hopes of destroying the 3rd Panzer Group. However, the 3rd Panzer Group had already moved on, with its forward units reaching Vilnius on the evening of 23 June, and the Western Front's armoured counterattack instead ran into infantry and antitank fire from the V Army Corps of the German 9th Army, supported by Luftwaffe air attacks. By the night of 25 June, the Soviet counterattack was defeated, and the commander of the 6th Cavalry Corps was captured. The same night, Pavlov ordered all the remnants of the Western Front to withdraw to Slonim towards Minsk. Subsequent counterattacks to buy time for the withdrawal were launched against the German forces, but all of them failed. On 27 June, the 2nd and 3rd Panzer Groups met near Minsk and captured the city the next day, completing the encirclement of almost all of the Western Front in two pockets: one around Białystok and another west of Minsk. The Germans destroyed the Soviet 3rd and 10th Armies while inflicting serious losses on the 4th, 11th and 13th Armies, and reported to have captured 324,000 Soviet troops, 3,300 tanks, 1,800 artillery pieces.

German mechanised forces staging in preparation to attack Slutsk in present-day Belarus

A Soviet directive was issued on 29 June to combat the mass panic rampant among the civilians and the armed forces personnel. The order stipulated swift, severe measures against anyone inciting panic or displaying cowardice. The NKVD worked with commissars and military commanders to scour possible withdrawal routes of soldiers retreating without military authorisation. Field expedient general courts were established to deal with civilians spreading rumours and military deserters. On 30 June, Stalin relieved Pavlov of his command, and on 22 July tried and executed him along with many members of his staff on charges of "cowardice" and "criminal incompetence".

On 29 June, Hitler, through Brauchitsch, instructed Bock to halt the advance of the panzers of Army Group Centre until the infantry formations liquidating the pockets caught up. But Guderian, with the tacit support of Bock and Halder, ignored the instruction and attacked on eastward towards Bobruisk, albeit reporting the advance as a reconnaissance-in-force. He also personally conducted an aerial inspection of the Minsk-Białystok pocket on 30 June and concluded that his panzer group was not needed to contain it, since Hermann Hoth's 3rd Panzer Group was already involved in the Minsk pocket. On the same day, some of the infantry corps of the 9th and 4th Armies, having sufficiently liquidated the Białystok pocket, resumed their march eastward to catch up with the panzer groups. On 1 July, Bock ordered the panzer groups to resume their full offensive eastward on the morning of 3 July. But Brauchitsch, upholding Hitler's instruction, and Halder, unwillingly going along with it, opposed Bock's order. However, Bock insisted on the order by stating that it would be irresponsible to reverse orders already issued. The panzer groups resumed their offensive on 2 July before the infantry formations had sufficiently caught up.

Northeast Finland

Finnish soldiers crossing the Murmansk Railway, 1941

During German-Finnish negotiations, Finland had demanded to remain neutral unless the Soviet Union attacked them first. Germany therefore sought to provoke the Soviet Union into an attack on Finland. After Germany launched Barbarossa on 22 June, German aircraft used Finnish air bases to attack Soviet positions. The same day the Germans launched Operation Rentier and occupied the Petsamo Province at the Finnish-Soviet border. Simultaneously Finland proceeded to remilitarise the neutral Åland Islands. Despite these actions the Finnish government insisted via diplomatic channels that they remained a neutral party, but the Soviet leadership already viewed Finland as an ally of Germany. Subsequently, the Soviets proceeded to launch a massive bombing attack on 25 June against all major Finnish cities and industrial centres, including Helsinki, Turku and Lahti. During a night session on the same day the Finnish parliament decided to go to war against the Soviet Union.

Finland was divided into two operational zones. Northern Finland was the staging area for Army Norway. Its goal was to execute a two-pronged pincer movement on the strategic port of Murmansk, named Operation Silver Fox. Southern Finland was still under the responsibility of the Finnish Army. The goal of the Finnish forces was, at first, to recapture Finnish Karelia at Lake Ladoga as well as the Karelian Isthmus, which included Finland's second largest city Viipuri.

Further German advances

German advances during the opening phases of Operation Barbarossa, August 1941

On 2 July and through the next six days, a rainstorm typical of Belarusian summers slowed the progress of the panzers of Army Group Centre, and Soviet defences stiffened. The delays gave the Soviets time to organise a massive counterattack against Army Group Centre. The army group's ultimate objective was Smolensk, which commanded the road to Moscow. Facing the Germans was an old Soviet defensive line held by six armies. On 6 July, the Soviets launched a massive counter-attack using the V and VII Mechanised Corps of the 20th Army, which collided with the German 39th and 47th Panzer Corps in a battle where the Red Army lost 832 tanks of the 2,000 employed during five days of ferocious fighting. The Germans defeated this counterattack thanks largely to the coincidental presence of the Luftwaffe's only squadron of tank-busting aircraft. The 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Dnieper River and closed in on Smolensk from the south while the 3rd Panzer Group, after defeating the Soviet counterattack, closed on Smolensk from the north. Trapped between their pincers were three Soviet armies. The 29th Motorised Division captured Smolensk on 16 July yet a gap remained between Army Group Centre. On 18 July, the panzer groups came to within ten kilometres (6.2 mi) of closing the gap but the trap did not finally close until 5 August, when upwards of 300,000 Red Army soldiers had been captured and 3,205 Soviet tanks were destroyed. Large numbers of Red Army soldiers escaped to stand between the Germans and Moscow as resistance continued.

German mechanized forces pushing east through a rapeseed field, August 1941.

Four weeks into the campaign, the Germans realised they had grossly underestimated Soviet strength. The German troops had used their initial supplies, and General Bock quickly came to the conclusion that not only had the Red Army offered stiff opposition, but German difficulties were also due to the logistical problems with reinforcements and provisions. Operations were now slowed down to allow for resupply; the delay was to be used to adapt strategy to the new situation. In addition to strained logistics, poor roads made it difficult for wheeled vehicles and foot infantry to keep up with the faster armoured spearheads, and shortages in boots and winter uniforms were becoming apparent. Furthermore, all three army groups had suffered 179,500 casualties by 2 August, and had only received 47,000 replacements.

Hitler by now had lost faith in battles of encirclement as large numbers of Soviet soldiers had escaped the pincers. He now believed he could defeat the Soviet state by economic means, depriving them of the industrial capacity to continue the war. That meant seizing the industrial centre of Kharkov, the Donbas and the oil fields of the Caucasus in the south and the speedy capture of Leningrad, a major centre of military production, in the north.

German armoured forces cross the Dnieper, September 1941.

Halder, Bock, and almost all the German generals involved in Operation Barbarossa argued vehemently in favour of continuing the all-out drive toward Moscow. Besides the psychological importance of capturing the Soviet capital, the generals pointed out that Moscow was a major centre of arms production, the centre of the Soviet communications system and an important transport hub. Intelligence reports indicated that the bulk of the remaining Red Army was deployed near Moscow under Timoshenko for the defence of the capital. Guderian was sent to Hitler by Bock and Halder to argue their case for continuing the assault against Moscow, but Hitler issued an order through Guderian (bypassing Bock and Halder) to send Army Group Centre's tanks to the north and south, temporarily halting the drive to Moscow. Convinced by Hitler's argument, Guderian returned to his commanding officers as a convert to the Führer's plan, which earned him their disdain.

Northern Finland

On 29 June, Germany launched its effort to capture Murmansk in a pincer attack. The northern pincer, conducted by Mountain Corps Norway, approached Murmansk directly by crossing the border at Petsamo. However, in mid-July after securing the neck of the Rybachy Peninsula and advancing to the Litsa River the German advance was stopped by heavy resistance from the Soviet 14th Army. Renewed attacks led to nothing, and this front became a stalemate for the remainder of Barbarossa.

The second pincer attack began on 1 July with the German XXXVI Corps and Finnish III Corps slated to recapture the Salla region for Finland and then proceed eastwards to cut the Murmansk railway near Kandalaksha. The German units had great difficulty dealing with the Arctic conditions. After heavy fighting, Salla was taken on 8 July. To keep the momentum the German-Finnish forces advanced eastwards until they were stopped at the town of Kayraly by Soviet resistance. Further south the Finnish III Corps made an independent effort to reach the Murmansk railway through the Arctic terrain. Facing only one division of the Soviet 7th Army it was able to make rapid headway. On 7 August it captured Kestenga while reaching the outskirts of Ukhta. Large Red Army reinforcements then prevented further gains on both fronts, and the German-Finnish force had to go onto the defensive.


Finnish troops advancing in Karelia in August 1941

The Finnish plan in the south in Karelia was to advance as swiftly as possible to Lake Ladoga, cutting the Soviet forces in half. Then the Finnish territories east of Lake Ladoga were to be recaptured before the advance along the Karelian Isthmus, including the recapture of Viipuri, commenced. The Finnish attack was launched on 10 July. The Army of Karelia held a numerical advantage versus the Soviet defenders of the 7th Army and 23rd Army, so it could advance swiftly. The important road junction at Loimola was captured on 14 July. By 16 July, the first Finnish units reached Lake Ladoga at Koirinoja, achieving the goal of splitting the Soviet forces. During the rest of July, the Army of Karelia advanced further southeast into Karelia, coming to a halt at the former Finnish-Soviet border at Mansila.

With the Soviet forces cut in half, the attack on the Karelian Isthmus could commence. The Finnish army attempted to encircle large Soviet formations at Sortavala and Hiitola by advancing to the western shores of Lake Ladoga. By mid-August the encirclement had succeeded and both towns were taken, but many Soviet formations were able to evacuate by sea. Further west, the attack on Viipuri was launched. With Soviet resistance breaking down, the Finns were able to encircle Viipuri by advancing to the Vuoksi River. The city itself was taken on 29 August, along with a broad advance on the rest of the Karelian Isthmus. By the beginning of September, Finland had restored its pre-Winter War borders.

Offensive towards central Russia

By mid-July, the German forces had advanced within a few kilometers of Kiev below the Pripyat Marshes. The 1st Panzer Group then went south, while the 17th Army struck east and trapped three Soviet armies near Uman. As the Germans eliminated the pocket, the tanks turned north and crossed the Dnieper. Meanwhile, the 2nd Panzer Group, diverted from Army Group Centre, had crossed the river Desna with 2nd Army on its right flank. The two panzer armies now trapped four Soviet armies and parts of two others.

By August, as the serviceability and the quantity of the Luftwaffe's inventory steadily diminished due to combat, demand for air support only increased as the VVS recovered. The Luftwaffe found itself struggling to maintain local air superiority. With the onset of bad weather in October, the Luftwaffe was on several occasions forced to halt nearly all aerial operations. The VVS, although faced with the same weather difficulties, had a clear advantage thanks to the prewar experience with cold-weather flying, and the fact that they were operating from intact airbases and airports. By December, the VVS had matched the Luftwaffe and was even pressing to achieve air superiority over the battlefields.


For its final attack on Leningrad, the 4th Panzer Group was reinforced by tanks from Army Group Centre. On 8 August, the Panzers broke through the Soviet defences. By the end of August, 4th Panzer Group had penetrated to within 48 kilometres (30 miles) of Leningrad. The Finns had pushed southeast on both sides of Lake Ladoga to reach the old Finnish-Soviet frontier.

German general Heinz Guderian (centre), commander of Panzer Group 2, on 20 August 1941

The Germans attacked Leningrad in August 1941; in the following three "black months" of 1941, 400,000 residents of the city worked to build the city's fortifications as fighting continued, while 160,000 others joined the ranks of the Red Army. Nowhere was the Soviet levée en masse spirit stronger in resisting the Germans than at Leningrad where reserve troops and freshly improvised Narodnoe Opolcheniye units, consisting of worker battalions and even schoolboy formations, joined in digging trenches as they prepared to defend the city. On 7 September, the German 20th Motorised Division seized Shlisselburg, cutting off all land routes to Leningrad. The Germans severed the railroads to Moscow and captured the railroad to Murmansk with Finnish assistance to inaugurate the start of a siege that would last for over two years.

At this stage, Hitler ordered the final destruction of Leningrad with no prisoners taken, and on 9 September, Army Group North began the final push. Within ten days it had advanced within 11 kilometres (6.8 miles) of the city. However, the push over the last 10 km (6.2 mi) proved very slow and casualties mounted, so Hitler ordered that Leningrad should not be stormed, but rather starved into submission. Along these lines, the OKH issued Directive No. la 1601/41 on 22 September 1941, which accorded Hitler's plans. Deprived of its Panzer forces, Army Group Centre remained static and was subjected to numerous Soviet counterattacks, in particular the Yelnya Offensive, in which the Germans suffered their first major tactical defeat since their invasion began; this Red Army victory also provided an important boost to Soviet morale. These attacks prompted Hitler to concentrate his attention back to Army Group Centre and its drive on Moscow. The Germans ordered the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies to break off their Siege of Leningrad and support Army Group Centre in its attack on Moscow.


Before an attack on Moscow could begin, operations in Kiev needed to be finished. Half of Army Group Centre had swung to the south in the back of the Kiev position, while Army Group South moved to the north from its Dnieper bridgehead. The encirclement of Soviet forces in Kiev was achieved on 16 September. A battle ensued in which the Soviets were hammered with tanks, artillery, and aerial bombardment. After ten days of vicious fighting, the Germans claimed 665,000 Soviet soldiers captured, although the real figure is probably around 220,000. Soviet losses were 452,720 men, 3,867 artillery pieces and mortars from 43 divisions of the 5th, 21st, 26th, and 37th Soviet Armies. Despite the exhaustion and losses facing some German units (upwards of 75 percent of their men) from the intense fighting, the massive defeat of the Soviets at Kiev and the Red Army losses during the first three months of the assault contributed to the German assumption that Operation Typhoon (the attack on Moscow) could still succeed.

Sea of Azov

Germans battle Soviet defenders on the streets of Kharkov, 25 October 1941.

After operations at Kiev were successfully concluded, Army Group South advanced east and south to capture the industrial Donbas region and the Crimea. The Soviet Southern Front launched an attack on 26 September with two armies on the northern shores of the Sea of Azov against elements of the German 11th Army, which was simultaneously advancing into the Crimea. On 1 October, the 1st Panzer Army under Ewald von Kleist swept south to encircle the two attacking Soviet armies. By 7 October, the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies were isolated and four days later they had been annihilated. The Soviet defeat was total; 106,332 men captured, 212 tanks destroyed or captured in the pocket alone as well as 766 artillery pieces of all types. The death or capture of two-thirds of all Southern Front troops in four days unhinged the Front's left flank, allowing the Germans to capture Kharkov on 24 October. Kleist's 1st Panzer Army took the Donbas region that same month.

Central and northern Finland

The front in Finland, December 1941

In central Finland, the German-Finnish advance on the Murmansk railway had been resumed at Kayraly. A large encirclement from the north and the south trapped the defending Soviet corps and allowed XXXVI Corps to advance further to the east. In early September it reached the old 1939 Soviet border fortifications. On 6 September the first defence line at the Voyta River was breached, but further attacks against the main line at the Verman River failed. With Army Norway switching its main effort further south, the front stalemated in this sector. Further south, the Finnish III Corps launched a new offensive towards the Murmansk railway on 30 October, bolstered by fresh reinforcements from Army Norway. Against Soviet resistance, it was able to come within 30 km (19 mi) of the railway, when the Finnish High Command ordered a stop to all offensive operations in the sector on 17 November. The United States of America applied diplomatic pressure on Finland not to disrupt Allied aid shipments to the Soviet Union, which caused the Finnish government to halt the advance on the Murmansk railway. With the Finnish refusal to conduct further offensive operations and German inability to do so alone, the German-Finnish effort in central and northern Finland came to an end.


Germany had pressured Finland to enlarge its offensive activities in Karelia to aid the Germans in their Leningrad operation. Finnish attacks on Leningrad itself remained limited. Finland stopped its advance just short of Leningrad and had no intentions to attack the city. The situation was different in eastern Karelia. The Finnish government agreed to restart its offensive into Soviet Karelia to reach Lake Onega and the Svir River. On 4 September, this new drive was launched on a broad front. Albeit reinforced by fresh reserve troops, heavy losses elsewhere on the front meant that the Soviet defenders of the 7th Army were not able to resist the Finnish advance. Olonets was taken on 5 September. On 7 September, Finnish forward units reached the Svir River.Petrozavodsk, the capital city of the Karelo-Finnish SSR, fell on 1 October. From there the Army of Karelia moved north along the shores of Lake Onega to secure the remaining area west of Lake Onega, while simultaneously establishing a defensive position along the Svir River. Slowed by winter's onset they nevertheless continued to advance slowly during the following weeks. Medvezhyegorsk was captured on 5 December and Povenets fell the next day. On 7 December, Finland halted all offensive operations and went onto the defensive.

Battle of Moscow

Soviet Ilyushin Il-2s flying over German positions near Moscow
German soldier ready to throw a Stielhandgranate 24, 1941

After Kiev, the Red Army no longer outnumbered the Germans and there were no more trained reserves directly available. To defend Moscow, Stalin could field 800,000 men in 83 divisions, but no more than 25 divisions were fully effective. Operation Typhoon, the drive to Moscow, began on 30 September 1941. In front of Army Group Centre was a series of elaborate defence lines, the first centred on Vyazma and the second on Mozhaysk. Russian peasants began fleeing ahead of the advancing German units, burning their harvested crops, driving their cattle away, and destroying buildings in their villages as part of a scorched-earth policy designed to deny to the Nazi war machine needed supplies and foodstuffs.

The first blow took the Soviets completely by surprise when the 2nd Panzer Group, returning from the south, took Oryol, just 121 km (75 mi) south of the Soviet first main defence line. Three days later, the Panzers pushed on to Bryansk, while the 2nd Army attacked from the west. The Soviet 3rd and 13th Armies were now encircled. To the north, the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies attacked Vyazma, trapping the 19th, 20th, 24th and 32nd Armies. Moscow's first line of defence had been shattered. The pocket eventually yielded over 500,000 Soviet prisoners, bringing the tally since the start of the invasion to three million. The Soviets now had only 90,000 men and 150 tanks left for the defence of Moscow.

The German government now publicly predicted the imminent capture of Moscow and convinced foreign correspondents of an impending Soviet collapse. On 13 October, the 3rd Panzer Group penetrated to within 140 km (87 mi) of the capital.Martial law was declared in Moscow. Almost from the beginning of Operation Typhoon, however, the weather worsened. Temperatures fell while there was continued rainfall. This turned the unpaved road network into mud and slowed the German advance on Moscow. Additional snows fell which were followed by more rain, creating a glutinous mud that German tanks had difficulty traversing, which the Soviet T-34, with its wider tread, was better suited to navigate. At the same time, the supply situation for the Germans rapidly deteriorated. On 31 October, the German Army High Command ordered a halt to Operation Typhoon while the armies were reorganised. The pause gave the Soviets, far better supplied, time to consolidate their positions and organise formations of newly activated reservists. In little over a month, the Soviets organised eleven new armies that included 30 divisions of Siberian troops. These had been freed from the Soviet Far East after Soviet intelligence assured Stalin that there was no longer a threat from the Japanese. During October and November 1941, over 1,000 tanks and 1,000 aircraft arrived along with the Siberian forces to assist in defending the city.

With the ground hardening due to the cold weather, the Germans resumed the attack on Moscow on 15 November. Although the troops themselves were now able to advance again, there had been no improvement in the supply situation; only 135,000 of the 600,000 trucks that had been available on 22 June 1941 were available by 15 November 1941. Ammunition and fuel supplies were prioritised over food and winter clothing, so many German troops looted supplies from local populations, but could not fill their needs.

Facing the Germans were the 5th, 16th, 30th, 43rd, 49th, and 50th Soviet Armies. The Germans intended to move the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies across the Moscow Canal and envelop Moscow from the northeast. The 2nd Panzer Group would attack Tula and then close on Moscow from the south. As the Soviets reacted to their flanks, the 4th Army would attack the centre. In two weeks of fighting, lacking sufficient fuel and ammunition, the Germans slowly crept towards Moscow. In the south, the 2nd Panzer Group was being blocked. On 22 November, Soviet Siberian units, augmented by the 49th and 50th Soviet Armies, attacked the 2nd Panzer Group and inflicted a defeat on the Germans. The 4th Panzer Group pushed the Soviet 16th Army back, however, and succeeded in crossing the Moscow Canal in an attempt to encircle Moscow.

The German position of advances up to the end of Operation Typhoon, 5 December 1941

On 2 December, part of the 258th Infantry Division advanced to within 24 km (15 mi) of Moscow. They were so close that German officers claimed they could see the spires of the Kremlin, but by then the first blizzards had begun. A reconnaissance battalion managed to reach the town of Khimki, only about 8 km (5.0 mi) from the Soviet capital. It captured the bridge over the Moscow-Volga Canal as well as the railway station, which marked the easternmost advance of German forces. In spite of the progress made, the Wehrmacht was not equipped for such severe winter warfare. The Soviet army was better adapted to fighting in winter conditions, but faced production shortages of winter clothing. The German forces fared worse, with deep snow further hindering equipment and mobility. Weather conditions had largely grounded the Luftwaffe, preventing large-scale air operations. Newly created Soviet units near Moscow now numbered over 500,000 men, who despite their inexperience, were able to halt the German offensive by 5 December due to superior defensive fortifications, the presence of skilled and experienced leadership like Zhukov, and the poor German situation. On 5 December, the Soviet defenders launched a massive counterattack as part of the Soviet winter counteroffensive. The offensive halted on 7 January 1942, after having pushed the German armies back 100–250 km (62–155 mi) from Moscow. The Wehrmacht had lost the Battle for Moscow, and the invasion had cost the German Army over 830,000 men.


With the failure of the Battle of Moscow, all German plans for a quick defeat of the Soviet Union had to be revised. The Soviet counter-offensives in December 1941 caused heavy casualties on both sides, but ultimately eliminated the German threat to Moscow. Attempting to explain matters, Hitler issued Führer Directive No. 39, which cited the early onset of winter and the severe cold as the primary reasons for the failed campaign, whereas the main reasons were German military unpreparedness, poor intelligence of actual Soviet strength, extensive logistical difficulties, high levels of attrition and heavy casualties, and overextension of German forces within the vast Soviet territories. On 22 June 1941, the Heer as a whole had 209 divisions at its disposal, 163 of which were offensively capable. On 31 March 1942, less than one year after the invasion of the Soviet Union, the army was reduced to fielding 58 offensively capable divisions. The Red Army's tenacity and ability to counter-attack effectively took the Germans as much by surprise as their own initial attack had the Soviets. Spurred on by the successful defence and in an effort to imitate the Germans, Stalin wanted to begin his own counteroffensive, not just against the German forces around Moscow, but against their armies in the north and south. Anger over the failed German offensives caused Hitler to relieve Brauchitsch of command and in his place, Hitler assumed personal control of the German Army on 19 December 1941, a decision that would progressively prove fatal to Germany's war effort and contribute to its eventual defeat.

The Soviet Union had suffered heavily from the conflict, losing huge tracts of territory, and vast losses in men and materiel. Nonetheless, the Red Army proved capable of countering the German offensives, particularly as the Germans began experiencing irreplaceable shortages in manpower, armaments, provisions, and fuel.

Subsequent German offensives

Despite the rapid relocation of Red Army armaments production east of the Urals and a dramatic increase of production in 1942, especially of armour, new aircraft types and artillery, the Heer (German army) was able to mount another large-scale offensive in June 1942, although on a much reduced front than the previous summer. Hitler, having realised that Germany's oil supply was severely depleted, attempted to utilise Army Group South to capture the oil fields of Baku in the new offensive, codenamed Case Blue. Again, the Germans quickly overran great expanses of Soviet territory, but they failed to achieve their ultimate goal of the oil fields of Baku, culminating in their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943 and withdrawal from the Caucasus.

By 1943, Soviet armaments production was fully operational and increasingly outproducing the German war economy. The final major German offensive in the Eastern theatre of World War II took place during July–August 1943 with the launch of Operation Citadel, an assault on the Kursk salient. Approximately one million German troops confronted a Soviet force over 2.5 million strong. The Soviets, well aware of the attack in advance and fully prepared for it, prevailed in the Battle of Kursk. Following the German defeat, the Soviets launched Operation Kutuzov, a counter-offensive employing six million men along a 2,400-kilometre (1,500 mi) front towards the Dnieper River as they drove the Germans westwards.

Employing increasingly ambitious and tactically sophisticated offensives, along with making operational improvements in secrecy and deception, by the summer of 1944, the Red Army was eventually able to regain much of the area previously conquered by the Germans. The destruction of Army Group Centre, the outcome of Operation Bagration in 1944, proved to be a decisive success and additional Soviet offensives against the German Army Groups North and South in the autumn of 1944 put the German war machine into further retreat. By January 1945, what had been the Eastern Front was now controlled by the Soviets, whose military might was aimed at the German capital of Berlin. Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945 in order to avoid capture by the Soviets, and the war in Europe finally ended with the total defeat and capitulation of Nazi Germany in May 1945.

War crimes

Masha Bruskina, a nurse with the Soviet resistance, before her execution by hanging. The placard reads: We are the partisans who shot German troops, Minsk, 26 October 1941.

While the Soviet Union had not signed the Geneva Convention, Germany had signed the treaty and was thus obligated to offer Soviet POWs humane treatment according to its provisions (as they generally did with other Allied POWs). According to the Soviets, they had not signed the Geneva Conventions in 1929 due to Article 9 which, by imposing racial segregation of POWs into different camps, contravened the Soviet constitution. Article 82 of the convention specified that "In case, in time of war, one of the belligerents is not a party to the Convention, its provisions shall nevertheless remain in force as between the belligerents who are parties thereto." Despite such mandates, Hitler called for the battle against the Soviet Union to be a "struggle for existence" and emphasized that the Soviet armies were to be "annihilated", a mindset that contributed to war crimes against Soviet prisoners of war. A memorandum from 16 July 1941, recorded by Martin Bormann, quotes Hitler saying, "The giant [occupied] area must naturally be pacified as quickly as possible; this will happen at best if anyone who just looks funny should be shot". Conveniently for Germany, the fact that the Soviets failed to sign the convention played into their hands as they justified their behavior accordingly. Even if the Soviets had signed, it is highly unlikely that this would have stopped the Nazis' genocidal policies towards combatants, civilians, and prisoners of war.

Himmler inspecting a prisoner of war camp

Before the war, Hitler had issued the notorious Commissar Order, which called for all Soviet political commissars taken prisoner at the front to be shot immediately without trial. German soldiers participated in these mass killings along with members of the SS-Einsatzgruppen, sometimes reluctantly, claiming "military necessity". On the eve of the invasion, German soldiers were informed that their battle "demands ruthless and vigorous measures against Bolshevik inciters, guerrillas, saboteurs, Jews and the complete elimination of all active and passive resistance". Collective punishment was authorised against partisan attacks; if a perpetrator could not be quickly identified, burning villages and mass executions were considered acceptable reprisals. Although the majority of German soldiers accepted these crimes as justified due to Nazi propaganda, which depicted the Red Army as Untermenschen, a few prominent German officers openly protested against them. An estimated two million Soviet prisoners of war died of starvation during Barbarossa alone. By the end of the war, 58 percent of all Soviet prisoners of war had died in German captivity.

Organised crimes against civilians, including women and children, were carried out on a huge scale by the German police and military forces, as well as the local collaborators. Under the command of the Reich Security Main Office, the Einsatzgruppen killing squads conducted large-scale massacres of Jews and communists in conquered Soviet territories. Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg puts the number of Jews murdered by "mobile killing operations" at 1,400,000. The original instructions to kill "Jews in party and state positions" were broadened to include "all male Jews of military age" and then expanded once more to "all male Jews regardless of age". By the end of July, the Germans were regularly killing women and children. On 18 December 1941, Himmler and Hitler discussed the "Jewish question", and Himmler noted the meeting's result in his appointment book: "To be annihilated as partisans". According to Christopher Browning, "annihilating Jews and solving the so-called 'Jewish question' under the cover of killing partisans was the agreed-upon convention between Hitler and Himmler". In accordance with Nazi policies against "inferior" Asian peoples, Turkmens were also persecuted. According to a post-war report by Prince Veli Kajum Khan, they were imprisoned in concentration camps in terrible conditions, where those deemed to have "Mongolian" features were murdered daily. Asians were also targeted by the Einsatzgruppen and were the subjects of lethal medical experiments and murder at a "pathological institute" in Kiev. Hitler received reports of the mass killings conducted by the Einsatzgruppen which were first conveyed to the RSHA, where they were aggregated into a summary report by Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller.

General Erich Hoepner (right) with commander of SS Polizei Division, Walter Krüger, in October 1941

Burning houses suspected of being partisan meeting places and poisoning water wells became common practice for soldiers of the German 9th Army. At Kharkov, the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union, food was provided only to the small number of civilians who worked for the Germans, with the rest designated to slowly starve. Thousands of Soviets were deported to Germany for use as slave labour beginning in 1942.

The citizens of Leningrad were subjected to heavy bombardment and a siege that would last 872 days and starve more than a million people to death, of whom approximately 400,000 were children below the age of 14. The German-Finnish blockade cut off access to food, fuel and raw materials, and rations reached a low, for the non-working population, of 4 ounces (110 g) (five thin slices) of bread and a little watery soup per day. Starving Soviet civilians began to eat their domestic animals, along with hair tonic and Vaseline. Some desperate citizens resorted to cannibalism; Soviet records list 2,000 people arrested for "the use of human meat as food" during the siege, 886 of them during the first winter of 1941–42. The Wehrmacht planned to seal off Leningrad, starve out the population, and then demolish the city entirely.

Sexual violence

Rape was a widespread phenomenon in the East as German soldiers regularly committed violent sexual acts against Soviet women. Whole units were occasionally involved in the crime with upwards of one-third of the instances being gang rape. Historian Hannes Heer relates that in the world of the eastern front, where the German army equated Russia with Communism, everything was "fair game"; thus, rape went unreported unless entire units were involved. Frequently in the case of Jewish women, they were murdered immediately after acts of sexual violence. Historian Birgit Beck emphasizes that military decrees, which served to authorise wholesale brutality on many levels, essentially destroyed the basis for any prosecution of sexual offenses committed by German soldiers in the East. She also contends that detection of such instances was limited by the fact that sexual violence was often inflicted in the context of billets in civilian housing.

Nazi plunder of Eastern Europe

After the initiation of Operation Barbarossa, Eastern Europe was relentlessly plundered by Nazi German forces. In 1943 alone, 9,000,000 tons of cereals, 2,000,000 t (2,000,000 long tons; 2,200,000 short tons) of fodder, 3,000,000 t (3,000,000 long tons; 3,300,000 short tons) of potatoes, and 662,000 t (652,000 long tons; 730,000 short tons) of meats were sent back to Germany. During the course of the German occupation, some 12 million pigs and 13 million sheep were seized by Nazi forces. The value of this plunder is estimated at 4 billion Reichsmarks. This relatively low number in comparison to the occupied nations of Western Europe can be attributed to the indiscriminate scorched-earth policy pursued by Nazi Germany in the Eastern Front.

Historical significance

Barbarossa was the largest military operation in history—more men, tanks, guns and aircraft were deployed than in any other offensive. The invasion opened the Eastern Front, the war's largest theatre, which saw clashes of unprecedented violence and destruction for four years and killed over 26 million Soviet people, including about 8.6 million Red Army soldiers. More died fighting on the Eastern Front than in all other fighting across the globe during World War II. Damage to both the economy and landscape was enormous, as approximately 1,710 Soviet towns and 70,000 villages were razed.

Barbarossa and the subsequent German defeat changed the political landscape of Europe, dividing it into Eastern and Western blocs. The political vacuum left in the eastern half of the continent was filled by the USSR when Stalin secured his territorial prizes of 1944–1945 and firmly placed the Red Army in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the eastern half of Germany. Stalin's fear of resurgent German power and his distrust of his erstwhile allies contributed to Soviet pan-Slavic initiatives and a subsequent alliance of Slavic states. The historians David Glantz and Jonathan House assert that Barbarossa influenced not only Stalin but subsequent Soviet leaders, claiming it "colored" their strategic mindsets for the "next four decades". As a result, the Soviets instigated the creation of "an elaborate system of buffer and client states, designed to insulate the Soviet Union from any possible future attack". In the ensuing Cold War, Eastern Europe became a Soviet sphere of influence, and Western Europe aligned itself with the United States.

See also

  • A-A line
  • Black Sea campaigns
    • Romanian Navy during World War II
  • Kantokuen
  • Lend-Lease
  • Operation Silver Fox
  • Order No. 270
  • Timeline of the Eastern Front of World War II
  • Final Solution
  • Satellite state#Post-World War II



  1. Germany's allies, in total, provided a significant number of troops and material to the front. There were also numerous units under German command recruited in German-occupied Europe and sympathetic puppet or neutral states, including the Spanish Blue Division, the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism, the 369th Croatian Infantry Regiment, the Croatian Air Force Legion, and the Croatian Naval Legion.
  2. The Light Transport Brigade from Croatia was attached to the 3rd Cavalry Division "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta"
  3. Of the AFVs, Askey reports there were 301 assault guns, 257 tank destroyers and self-propelled guns, 1,055 armoured half-tracks, 1,367 armoured cars, 92 combat engineer and ammunition transport vehicles.
  4. 881,788 of which are German
  5. Excludes an additional 395,799 who were deemed unfit for service due to non-combat causes, transported out of their Army Group sectors for treatment, and treated in divisional/local medical facilities. 98% of those 395,799 eventually returned to active duty service, usually after relatively short treatment, meaning about 8,000 became permanent losses. Askey 2014, p. 178.
  6. 855 killed, 2,288 wounded in action, 277 missing and captured, 1,000 sick and injured
  7. German: Unternehmen Barbarossa; Russian: Операция Барбаросса, romanized: Operatsiya Barbarossa
  8. See for instance the involvement of Latvian and Ukrainian forces in killing Jews cited by historian Raul Hilberg.
  9. It is additionally important that considerable portions of the German General Staff thought of Russia as a "colossus of clay" which was "politically unstable, filled with discontented minorities, ineffectively ruled, and militarily weak."
  10. Concerning this strategic mistake, historian David Stone asserts that, "If Hitler's decision to invade Russia in 1941 was his greatest single error of judgement, then his subsequent decision not to strike hard and fast against Moscow was surely a close second."
  11. Flooding was so bad that Guderian wrote: "The Balkans Campaign had been concluded with all the speed desired, and the troops there engaged which were now needed for Russia were withdrawn according to plan and very fast. But all the same there was a definite delay in the opening of our Russian Campaign. Furthermore we had had a very wet spring; the Bug and its tributaries were at flood level until well into May and the nearby ground was swampy and almost impassable."
  12. Guderian wrote: "A delay was almost certainly inevitable given that the late spring thaw had swelled and in some cases flooded the major waterways, impeding mobile operations over the sodden ground." Blumentritt: "... the ground was soft and boggy and the roads were covered with mud. Normally May brought a change of conditions; the water receded and movement was less hampered. But 1941 was an exceptional year, and at the end of June the Bug, a Polish river near Brest-Litovsk, was still overflowing its banks."
  13. For the Finnish President, Risto Ryti, the attack against the Soviet Union was part of the struggle against Bolshevism and one of Finland's "traditional enemies".
  14. The four Soviet military districts facing the Axis, the Baltic Military District, the Western Special Military District, the Kiev Special Military District and the Odessa Military District, at the outbreak of the war were renamed the Northwestern Front, the Western Front, the Southwestern Front and the Southern Front, respectively. A fifth military district, the Leningrad military district, became the Northern Front.
  15. Historian Victor Davis Hanson reports that before the war came to its conclusion, the Soviets had an artillery advantage over the Germans of seven-to-one and that artillery production was the only area where they doubled U.S. and British manufacturing output.
  16. The NKGB learned about Liskow only at 03:00 on 22 June.
  17. Significant planning for Finnish participation in the campaign against the Soviet Union was conducted well-before the plan's actual implementation.
  18. On 12 November 1941 the temperature around Moscow was −12 °C (10 °F).
  19. Glantz and House use the expression "The Great Patriotic War", the Soviet name for World War II—but this term represents by and large, the contest between the U.S.S.R. and Nazi Germany.


  1. Clark 2012, p. 73.
  2. Glantz 2001, p. 9.
  3. Glantz 2010a, p. 20.
  4. Liedtke 2016, p. 220.
  5. Askey 2014, p. 80.
  6. Liedtke 2016, p. 220, of which 259 assault guns.
  7. Bergström 2007, p. 129.
  8. Glantz & House 2015, p. 384.
  9. Glantz 2001, p. 9, states 2.68 million.
  10. Glantz 1998, pp. 10–11, 101, 293, states 2.9 million.
  11. Mercatante 2012, p. 64.
  12. Clark 2012, p. 76.
  13. Glantz 2010a, p. 28, states 7,133 aircraft.
  14. Mercatante 2012, p. 64, states 9,100 aircraft.
  15. Clark 2012, p. 76, states 9,100 aircraft.
  16. Askey 2014, p. 178.
  17. Bergström 2007, p. 117.
  18. Askey 2014, p. 185.
  19. Axworthy 1995, pp. 58, 286.
  20. Vehviläinen 2002, p. 96.
  21. Ziemke 1959, p. 184.
  22. Kirchubel 2013, chpt. "Opposing Armies".
  23. Andaházi Szeghy 2016, pp. 151–152, 181.
  24. Krivosheev 1997, pp. 95–98.
  25. Sharp 2010, p. 89.
  26. Citino 2021.
  27. Anderson, Clark & Walsh 2018, pp. 67.
  28. Dimbleby 2021, p. xxxvii–xxxviii.
  29. Rich 1973, pp. 204–221.
  30. Snyder 2010, p. 416.
  31. Chapoutot 2018, p. 272.
  32. Snyder 2010, pp. 175–186.
  33. Hilberg 1992, pp. 58–61, 199–202.
  34. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1996, pp. 50–51.
  35. Rees 2010.
  36. Childers 2017, pp. 470–471.
  37. Riché 1993, pp. 267–269.
  38. Kershaw 2001, p. 335.
  39. Mayer 1989, p. 340.
  40. Stackelberg 2002, p. 188.
  41. Förster 1988, p. 21.
  42. Hillgruber 1972, p. 140.
  43. Shirer 1990, p. 716.
  44. Stackelberg 2007, p. 271.
  45. Fahlbusch 1999, pp. 241–264.
  46. Evans 1989, p. 59.
  47. Breitman 1990, pp. 340–341.
  48. Evans 1989, pp. 59–60.
  49. Burleigh 2000, p. 512.
  50. Burleigh & Wippermann 1991, p. 100.
  51. Lewy 2017, p. 24.
  52. Kershaw 2001, p. 466.
  53. Kershaw 2001, p. 467.
  54. Förster 1988, p. 28.
  55. Förster 2005, p. 127.
  56. Majer 2003, p. 180.
  57. Gellately 1990, p. 224.
  58. Himmler 1940, pp. 147–150.
  59. Mazower 2009, p. 181.
  60. Rössler & Schleiermacher 1996, pp. 270–274.
  61. Ingrao 2013, p. 140.
  62. Förster 1988, p. 23.
  63. Ingrao 2013, pp. 138–142.
  64. Dimbleby 2021, pp. 73–74.
  65. Kirby 1980, p. 120.
  66. Hildebrand 1973, p. 89.
  67. Roberts 2006, p. 30.
  68. Bellamy 2007, pp. 56–59.
  69. Shirer 1990, pp. 668–669.
  70. Brackman 2001, p. 341.
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  83. Overy 1996, p. 60.
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  98. Seaton 1972, pp. 59–63.
  99. Higgins 1966, pp. 11–59.
  100. Glantz 2010a, p. 18.
  101. Stone 2011, p. 195.
  102. Glantz 2010b, pp. 19, 60.
  103. Clark 2012, p. 72.
  104. Glantz 2010b, pp. 55–60.
  105. Seaton 1972, pp. 32–36.
  106. Shirer 1990, p. 822.
  107. Müller 2016, p. 175.
  108. Bergström 2007, p. 12.
  109. Hastings 2012, p. 141.
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  111. Ziemke 1959, p. 138.
  112. Middleton 1981.
  113. Bradley & Buell 2002, p. page 101.
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  115. Bradley & Buell 2002, pp. 35–40; Hillgruber 1965, pp. 506–507; Vogel 1995, p. 483; Stahel 2009, p. 140
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  117. Shirer 1990, pp. 829–830.
  118. Bradley & Buell 2002, pp. 35–40.
  119. Forczyk 2006, p. 44.
  120. Stockings & Hancock 2013, pp. 581–84.
  121. Hooker 1999.
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  123. Menger 1997, p. 532.
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  126. Clark 2012, pp. 73–74.
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  130. Breitman 1991, p. 434.
  131. Hilberg 1961, pp. 177–183.
  132. Glantz 2010a, p. 21.
  133. Clark 2012, p. 56.
  134. Clark 2012, p. 55.
  135. Glantz 1998, p. 26.
  136. Glantz 2011, p. 55.
  137. Clark 2012, p. 57.
  138. Rayfield 2004, p. 315.
  139. Glantz 2011, p. 22.
  140. Clark 2012, p. 58.
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  143. Berthon & Potts 2007, p. 47.
  144. Waller 1996, p. 192.
  145. Budiansky 2001, Chapter 6.
  146. Roberts 1995, p. 1293.
  147. Faligot 2019, p. 38.
  148. Waller 1996, pp. 196–198.
  149. Roberts 2011, p. 155.
  150. Hastings 2016, pp. 110–113.
  151. Waller 1996, p. 202.
  152. Glantz 2011, pp. 16, 219.
  153. Glantz 1998, pp. 10–11, 101, 293.
  154. Glantz 2010a, pp. 22–23, 51.
  155. Glantz 1998, p. 293.
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  157. Glantz & House 1995, p. 68.
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  160. Hanson 2017, pp. 386–387.
  161. Kirshin 1997, p. 385.
  162. Macksey 1989, p. 456.
  163. Seaton 1972, pp. 91–93.
  164. Hastings 2012, p. 140.
  165. Glantz 2011, p. 23.
  166. Seaton 1972, p. 93.
  167. Glantz 1998, p. 109.
  168. Dunnigan 1978, p. 82.
  169. Glantz 2010a, p. 28.
  170. Glantz 1998, p. 13.
  171. Meltyukhov 2000.
  172. Uldricks 1999, pp. 626–627.
  173. Smelser & Davies 2008, p. 243.
  174. Uldricks 1999, pp. 631, 633, 636.
  175. Bar-Joseph & Levy 2009, p. 476.
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  177. Humpert 2005, p. 72.
  178. Roberts 1995, p. 1326.
  179. Mawdsley 2003, pp. 819–820.
  180. Bar-Joseph & Levy 2009, p. 477.
  181. Kshyk 2015.
  182. Kirchubel 2005, p. 26,29.
  183. Kirchubel 2003, p. 31.
  184. Kirchubel 2007, p. 31.
  185. Glantz 2011, pp. 290–303.
  186. Kirchubel 2005, p. 26.
  187. Kirchubel 2005, p. 29.
  188. Kirchubel 2007, p. 30.
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  190. Glantz 2011, pp. 302–303.
  191. Glantz & House 2015, p. 365.
  192. Glantz & House 2015, p. 367.
  193. Clark 2012, p. 81.
  194. Glantz 2011, p. 287.
  195. Czak 2014, pp. 1, 120.
  196. Erickson 1972, pp. 526–527.
  197. Kirchubel 2013, p. 136.
  198. Kirchubel 2007, pp. 33–34.
  199. Seaton 1972, p. 98.
  200. Pohl 2018, p. 246.
  201. Clark 2012, p. 70.
  202. Braithwaite 2010, p. 74.
  203. Seaton 1972, p. 99.
  204. Clark 2012, p. 92.
  205. Clark 2012, p. 82.
  206. Hitler 1941.
  207. Ueberschär & Müller 2008, p. 244.
  208. Glantz 2011, pp. 31–33.
  209. Roberts 2011, p. 156.
  210. Clark 2012, p. 83.
  211. Glantz 2010a, p. 31.
  212. Askey 2014, p. 253.
  213. Fritz 2011, p. 85.
  214. Glantz 2011, p. 51.
  215. Fritz 2011, pp. 85–86.
  216. Bergström 2007, p. 20.
  217. Bergström 2007, p. 23.
  218. Hardesty 2012, p. 9.
  219. Hardesty 2012, pp. 8, 390.
  220. Glantz 2011, p. 19.
  221. Hardesty 2012, p. 54.
  222. Glantz 2010a, p. 54.
  223. Glantz 2011, p. 37.
  224. Glantz 2011, p. 38.
  225. Glantz 2011, p. 93.
  226. Fritz 2011, pp. 89, 140.
  227. Glantz 2011, p. 41.
  228. Glantz 2011, p. 42.
  229. Glantz 2011, pp. 43–44, 225.
  230. Glantz 2011, pp. 21, 43–44.
  231. Glantz 2011, p. 45.
  232. Glantz 2011, pp. 45, 112.
  233. Glantz 2010a, pp. 29–33.
  234. Seaton 1972, pp. 119–125.
  235. Glantz 2010a, pp. 29–33, 56.
  236. Murray & Millett 2000, pp. 122–123.
  237. Fritz 2011, pp. 88, 509.
  238. Seaton 1972, p. 111.
  239. Glantz 2010a, pp. 56–57.
  240. Forczyk 2014, p. 253.
  241. Glantz 2010a, pp. 54–56.
  242. Glantz 2010a, pp. 60–62.
  243. Nenye et al. (2016), pp. 36, 39–41.
  244. Mann & Jörgensen (2002), pp. 74–76.
  245. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 941–944, 974–980.
  246. Nenye et al. (2016), pp. 38–41.
  247. Glantz 2010a, p. 63.
  248. Glantz & House 2015, p. 70.
  249. Bellamy 2007, p. 240.
  250. Murray & Millett 2000, pp. 123–124.
  251. Dear & Foot 1995, p. 88.
  252. Keegan 1989, p. 189.
  253. Battle for Russia 1996.
  254. Glantz & House 2015, p. 86.
  255. Keegan 1989, p. 195.
  256. Keegan 1989, pp. 192–194.
  257. Wright 1968, p. 38.
  258. Seaton 1982, pp. 177–178.
  259. Seaton 1982, p. 178.
  260. Mann & Jörgensen (2002), pp. 81–87.
  261. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 941–944.
  262. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 941–951.
  263. Mann & Jörgensen (2002), pp. 87–93.
  264. Nenye et al. (2016), pp. 67–86.
  265. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 970–974.
  266. Enkenberg 2021, p. 70.
  267. Nenye et al. (2016), pp. 87–109.
  268. Thomas 2012, p. 13.
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  270. Hardesty 2012, p. 84.
  271. Hardesty 2012, p. 83–85.
  272. Hardesty 2012, p. 103.
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  275. Werth 1964, p. 199.
  276. Miller & Commager 2001, pp. 68–69.
  277. Beevor 2012, p. 204.
  278. Hitler Strikes East 2009.
  279. Forczyk 2009, p. 11.
  280. Werth 1964, pp. 189–190, 195–197.
  281. Müller 2016, p. 180.
  282. Cooper 1984, pp. 328–330.
  283. Glantz & House 1995, p. 77.
  284. Glantz & House 2015, p. 94.
  285. Fritz 2011, p. 145.
  286. Liedtke 2016, p. 149.
  287. Ziemke 1959, pp. 170–172.
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  289. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 941–953.
  290. Mann & Jörgensen (2002), pp. 93–97.
  291. Menger 1997, p. 533.
  292. Ueberschär (1998), pp. 974–980.
  293. Nenye et al. (2016), pp. 109–132.
  294. Stone 2011, p. 215.
  295. Stahel 2009, p. 440.
  296. Gilbert 1989, pp. 241–242.
  297. Gilbert 1989, p. 242.
  298. Glantz & House 1995, p. 343.
  299. Smith 2000, pp. 83–91.
  300. Hill 2016, pp. 250, 255.
  301. Gilbert 1989, p. 244.
  302. Shepherd 2016, pp. 178–179.
  303. Gilbert 1989, pp. 245–246.
  304. Hill 2016, pp. 255, 265.
  305. Gilbert 1989, p. 245.
  306. Keegan 1989, p. 203.
  307. Gilbert 1989, p. 255.
  308. Roberts 2011, pp. 174–175.
  309. Lopez et al. 2019, p. 98.
  310. Roberts 2011, pp. 175–176.
  311. Glantz & House 2015, pp. 104–108.
  312. Glantz & House 2015, p. 106.
  313. Shirer 1990, p. 1032.
  314. Commager 1991, p. 144.
  315. Glantz & House 1995, pp. 85, 87.
  316. Glantz & House 1995, p. 87.
  317. Hill 2016, pp. 301, 305.
  318. Mosier 2006, p. 184.
  319. Glantz & House 1995, p. 86.
  320. Glantz & House 1995, pp. 91–97.
  321. Fritz 2011, p. 209.
  322. Müller 2016, pp. 181–182.
  323. Baker 2009, pp. 50–56.
  324. Baker 2009, p. 54.
  325. Shepherd 2016, p. 536.
  326. Wegner 1990, p. 792.
  327. Müller 2016, p. 181.
  328. Baudot et al. 1989, p. 482.
  329. Baudot et al. 1989, pp. 482–483.
  330. Hayward 2000, p. 769.
  331. Symonds 2014, p. 70.
  332. Baker 2009, pp. 57–68.
  333. Dunn 1995, pp. 44–45.
  334. Baudot et al. 1989, p. 483.
  335. Glantz 2002, pp. 36–41.
  336. Shepherd 2016, pp. 444–450, 463–467.
  337. Baker 2009, pp. 87–97.
  338. Baker 2009, p. 98.
  339. Burleigh 2000, pp. 794–812.
  340. Bellamy 2007, pp. 16, 20–23.
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  342. Geneva Convention, Article 82.
  343. Kershaw 2001, pp. 355–389.
  344. Browning 1998, p. 10.
  345. Förster 1988, p. 31.
  346. Bellamy 2007, pp. 20–21.
  347. Kershaw 2001, pp. 357–359.
  348. Wette 2007, pp. 198–199.
  349. Förster 1998, pp. 507–513.
  350. Förster 1988, p. 26.
  351. Ueberschär & Müller 2008, p. 246.
  352. Hartmann 2013, pp. 89–94.
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  354. Glantz & House 1995, pp. 56–57.
  355. Browning 1998, pp. 10–12.
  356. Hilberg 1961, p. 767.
  357. Beevor 2012, p. 213.
  358. Browning 2000.
  359. Breitman 1990, pp. 341–343.
  360. Langerbein 2003, pp. 33–34.
  361. Moskoff 2002, pp. 54–57.
  362. Glantz & House 1995, p. 57.
  363. Siege of Leningrad 2011.
  364. Miller & Commager 2001, p. 69.
  365. Beevor 2012, p. 289.
  366. Miller & Commager 2001, p. 68.
  367. Mühlhäuser 2010, p. 74.
  368. Shepherd 2016, p. 285.
  369. Heer 2000, p. 110.
  370. Mühlhäuser 2010, p. 134.
  371. Beck 2004, p. 327.
  372. Beck 2004, p. 328.
  373. Shirer 1990, p. 944.
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  375. Overy 1996, p. 68.
  376. Anderson, Clark & Walsh 2018, p. 7.
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  378. Weinberg 1994, p. 264.
  379. Hartmann 2013, p. 160.
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  382. Roberts 2014, pp. 258–260.
  383. Glantz & House 2015, p. 364.
  384. Hartmann 2013, pp. 154–155.
  385. Glantz 2011, pp. 11, 16, 208.


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  • Glantz, David (2001). The Soviet-German War 1941–1945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay. A Paper Presented as the 20th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture at the Strom Thurmond Institute of Government and Public Affairs. Clemson University. Archived from the original on 18 February 2015.
  • Glantz, David (2002). Slaughterhouse: The Encyclopedia of the Eastern Front. Garden City, NY: The Military Book Club. ISBN 978-0-7394-3128-3.
  • Glantz, David (2010a). Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle for Smolensk, Volume 1. Helion & Company.

Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and several of its European Axis allies starting on 22 June 1941 during World War II More than 3 8 million Axis troops invaded the western Soviet Union along a 2 900 kilometer 1 800 mi front with the main goal of capturing territory up to a line between Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan A A line The attack became the largest and costliest military offensive in history with around 10 million combatants taking part in the opening phase and over 8 million casualties by the end of the operation on 5 December 1941 It marked a major escalation of World War II opening the Eastern Front the largest and deadliest land theatre of war in history and bringing the Soviet Union into the Allied powers Operation BarbarossaPart of the Eastern Front of World War IIClockwise from top left German soldiers advance through northern Russia German flamethrower crew burns down a house in the background German Panzer IV stuck in the snow with white camouflage paint Soviet Ilyushin Il 2s over German positions near Moscow Soviet POWs on the way to prison camps Soviet soldiers fire artilleryDate22 June 5 December 1941 5 months and 13 days LocationWestern Soviet UnionResultAxis strategic failureTerritorial changesAxis captured approximately 600 000 sq mi 1 600 000 km2 of Soviet territory but failed to reach the A A lineBelligerentsGermany Romania Finland Italy Hungary SlovakiaSoviet UnionCommanders and leadersArmy Group North Wilhelm von LeebErnst BuschGeorg von KuchlerErich HoepnerArmy Group Centre Fedor von BockGunther von KlugeHeinz GuderianHermann HothArmy Group South Gerd von RundstedtWalther von ReichenauC H StulpnagelE R SchobertAxis forces Ion AntonescuNicolae CiupercaStavka Georgy ZhukovSemyon TimoshenkoIvan KonevNorthern Front Markian PopovValerian A FrolovNorthwestern Front Fyodor KuznetsovNikolai BerzarinPyotr SobennikovIvan BezuglyWestern Front Dmitry PavlovVasily KuznetsovSouthwestern Front Mikhail KirponosAnton LopatinSouthern Front Ivan TyulenevYakov CherevichenkoRodion MalinovskyPavel BatovUnits involvedAxis armies Army Group North 16th Army 18th Army 4th Panzer ArmyArmy Group Centre 2nd Army 4th Army 9th Army 2nd Panzer Army 3rd Panzer ArmyArmy Group South 6th Army 11th Army 17th Army 1st Panzer Army 3rd Army 4th ArmyIndependent armies Army of Norway Army of KareliaSoviet armies Northern Front 7th Army 8th Army 48th Army 52nd Army 54th Army 55th ArmyNorthwestern Front 11th Army 27th Army 34th ArmyWestern Front 3rd Army 10th Army 13th Army 16th Army 19th Army 20th Army 22nd Army 24th Army 28th Army 40th Army 50th ArmySouthwestern Front 5th Army 6th Army 12th Army 21st Army 26th Army 37th ArmySouthern Front 9th Army 18th Army Coastal ArmyStrengthFrontline strength 22 June 1941 3 8 million personnel 3 350 3 795 tanks 3 030 3 072 other AFVs 2 770 5 369 aircraft 7 200 23 435 artillery pieces 17 081 mortars 600 000 horses 600 000 vehiclesFrontline strength 22 June 1941 2 6 2 9 million personnel 11 000 tanks 7 133 9 100 military aircraftCasualties and lossesTotal military casualties 1 000 000 Breakdown Casualties of 1941 According to German Army medical reports including Army Norway 186 452 killed 40 157 missing 655 179 wounded in action 8 000 evacuated sick2 827 aircraft destroyed 2 735 tanks destroyed 104 assault guns destroyed Other involved country losses 114 000 casualties at least 39 000 dead or missing 75 000 casualties 26 355 dead in Karelia 5 000 casualties during Operation Silver Fox 8 700 casualties 22 4 420 casualtiesTotal military casualties 4 500 000 Breakdown Casualties of 1941 Based on Soviet archives 566 852 killed in action 101 471 of whom died in hospital of wounds 235 339 died from non combat causes 1 336 147 sick or wounded via combat and non combat causes 2 335 482 missing in action or captured21 200 aircraft of which 10 600 were lost to combat 20 500 tanks destroyed The operation code named after the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa red beard put into action Nazi Germany s ideological goals of eradicating communism and conquering the western Soviet Union to repopulate it with Germans under Generalplan Ost which planned for the extermination of the native Slavic peoples by mass deportation to Siberia Germanisation enslavement and genocide The material targets of the invasion were the agricultural and mineral resources of territories such as Ukraine and Byelorussia and oil fields in the Caucasus The Axis eventually captured five million Soviet Red Army troops on the Eastern Front and deliberately starved to death or otherwise killed 3 3 million prisoners of war as well as millions of civilians Mass shootings and gassing operations carried out by German paramilitary death squads and collaborators murdered over a million Soviet Jews as part of the Holocaust In the two years leading up to the invasion Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed political and economic pacts for strategic purposes Following the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina in July 1940 the German High Command began planning an invasion of the country which was approved by Adolf Hitler in December In early 1941 Soviet leader Joseph Stalin despite receiving intelligence about an imminent attack did not order a mobilization of the Red Army fearing that it might provoke Germany As a result Soviet forces were largely caught unprepared when the invasion began with many units positioned poorly and understrength The invasion began on 22 June 1941 with a massive ground and air assault resulting in large territorial gains for the Nazis and their allies The main part of Army Group South invaded from occupied Poland on 22 June and on 2 July was joined by a combination of German and Romanian forces attacking from Romania Kiev was captured on 19 September which was followed by the captures of Kharkov on 24 October and Rostov on Don on 20 November by which time most of Crimea had been captured Army Group North overran the Baltic lands and on 8 September 1941 began a siege of Leningrad accompanied by Finnish forces which ultimately lasted until 1944 Army Group Centre the strongest of the three captured Smolensk in late July 1941 before beginning its drive on Moscow on 2 October Facing logistical problems with supply slowed by muddy terrain not fully outfitted for Russia s brutal winter and coping with determined Soviet resistance Army Group Center s offensive stalled at the city s outskirts by 5 December at which point the Soviets began a major counteroffensive The failure of Operation Barbarossa reversed the fortunes of Nazi Germany Operationally it achieved significant victories and occupied some of the most important economic regions of the Soviet Union captured millions of prisoners and inflicted heavy casualties The German high command anticipated a quick collapse of resistance as in the invasion of Poland but instead the Red Army absorbed the German Wehrmacht s strongest blows and bogged it down in a war of attrition for which Germany was unprepared Following the heavy losses and logistical strain of Barbarossa German forces could no longer attack along the entire front and their subsequent operations such as Case Blue in 1942 and Operation Citadel in 1943 ultimately failed BackgroundNaming The theme of Barbarossa had long been used by the Nazi Party as part of their political imagery though this was really a continuation of the glorification of the famous Crusader king by German nationalists since the 19th century According to a Germanic medieval legend revived in the 19th century by the nationalistic tropes of German Romanticism the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa who drowned in Asia Minor while leading the Third Crusade was not dead but asleep along with his knights in a cave in the Kyffhauser mountains in Thuringia and would awaken in the hour of Germany s greatest need and restore the nation to its former glory Originally the invasion of the Soviet Union was codenamed Operation Otto alluding to Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great s expansive campaigns in Eastern Europe but Hitler had the name changed to Operation Barbarossa in December 1940 Hitler had in July 1937 praised Barbarossa as the emperor who first expressed Germanic cultural ideas and carried them to the outside world through his imperial mission For Hitler the name Barbarossa signified his belief that the conquest of the Soviet Union would usher in the Nazi Thousand Year Reich Racial policies of Nazi Germany As early as 1925 Adolf Hitler vaguely declared in his political manifesto and autobiography Mein Kampf that he would invade the Soviet Union asserting that the German people needed to secure Lebensraum living space to ensure the survival of Germany for generations to come On 10 February 1939 Hitler told his army commanders that the next war would be purely a war of Weltanschauungen worldviews totally a people s war a racial war On 23 November once World War II had already started Hitler declared that racial war has broken out and this war shall determine who shall govern Europe and with it the world The racial policy of Nazi Germany portrayed the Soviet Union and all of Eastern Europe as populated by non Aryan Untermenschen sub humans ruled by Jewish Bolshevik conspirators Hitler claimed in Mein Kampf that Germany s destiny was to follow the Drang nach Osten turn to the East as it did 600 years ago see Ostsiedlung Accordingly it was a partially secret but well documented Nazi policy to kill deport or enslave the majority of Russian and other Slavic populations and repopulate the land west of the Urals with Germanic peoples under Generalplan Ost General Plan for the East The Nazis belief in their ethnic superiority pervades official records and pseudoscientific articles in German periodicals on topics such as how to deal with alien populations Plan of new German settlement colonies marked with dots and diamonds drawn up by the Friedrich Wilhelm University Institute of Agriculture in Berlin 1942 While older histories tended to emphasize the myth of the clean Wehrmacht upholding its honor in the face of Hitler s fanaticism the historian Jurgen Forster notes that In fact the military commanders were caught up in the ideological character of the conflict and involved in its implementation as willing participants Before and during the invasion of the Soviet Union German troops were indoctrinated with anti Bolshevik anti Semitic and anti Slavic ideology via movies radio lectures books and leaflets Likening the Soviets to the forces of Genghis Khan Hitler told the Croatian military leader Slavko Kvaternik that the Mongolian race threatened Europe Following the invasion many Wehrmacht officers told their soldiers to target people who were described as Jewish Bolshevik subhumans the Mongol hordes the Asiatic flood and the Red beast Nazi propaganda portrayed the war against the Soviet Union as an ideological war between German National Socialism and Jewish Bolshevism and a racial war between the disciplined Germans and the Jewish Romani and Slavic Untermenschen An order from the Fuhrer stated that the paramilitary SS Einsatzgruppen which closely followed the Wehrmacht s advance were to execute all Soviet functionaries who were less valuable Asiatics Gypsies and Jews Six months into the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen had murdered more than 500 000 Soviet Jews a figure greater than the number of Red Army soldiers killed in battle by then German army commanders cast Jews as the major cause behind the partisan struggle The main guideline for German troops was Where there s a partisan there s a Jew and where there s a Jew there s a partisan or The partisan is where the Jew is Many German troops viewed the war in Nazi terms and regarded their Soviet enemies as sub human After the war began the Nazis issued a ban on sexual relations between Germans and foreign slaves There were regulations enacted against the Ost Arbeiter Eastern workers that included the death penalty for sexual relations with a German Heinrich Himmler in his secret memorandum Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East dated 25 May 1940 outlined the Nazi plans for the non German populations in the East Himmler believed the Germanisation process in Eastern Europe would be complete when in the East dwell only men with truly German Germanic blood The Nazi secret plan Generalplan Ost prepared in 1941 and confirmed in 1942 called for a new order of ethnographical relations in the territories occupied by Nazi Germany in Eastern Europe It envisaged ethnic cleansing executions and enslavement of the populations of conquered countries with very small percentages undergoing Germanisation expulsion into the depths of Russia or other fates while the conquered territories would be Germanised The plan had two parts the Kleine Planung small plan which covered actions to be taken during the war and the Grosse Planung large plan which covered policies after the war was won to be implemented gradually over 25 to 30 years A speech given by General Erich Hoepner demonstrates the dissemination of the Nazi racial plan as he informed the 4th Panzer Group that the war against the Soviet Union was an essential part of the German people s struggle for existence Daseinskampf also referring to the imminent battle as the old struggle of Germans against Slavs and even stated the struggle must aim at the annihilation of today s Russia and must therefore be waged with unparalleled harshness Hoepner also added that the Germans were fighting for the defence of European culture against Moscovite Asiatic inundation and the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism No adherents of the present Russian Bolshevik system are to be spared Walther von Brauchitsch also told his subordinates that troops should view the war as a struggle between two different races and should act with the necessary severity Racial motivations were central to Nazi ideology and played a key role in planning for Operation Barbarossa since both Jews and communists were considered equivalent enemies of the Nazi state Nazi imperialist ambitions rejected the common humanity of both groups declaring the supreme struggle for Lebensraum to be a Vernichtungskrieg war of annihilation German Soviet relations of 1939 40 The geopolitical disposition of Europe in 1941 immediately before the start of Operation Barbarossa The grey area represents Nazi Germany its allies and countries under its control On August 23 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non aggression pact in Moscow known as the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact A secret protocol to the pact outlined an agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union on the division of the eastern European border states between their respective spheres of influence Soviet Union and Germany would partition Poland in the event of an invasion by Germany and the Soviets would be allowed to overrun Finland Estonia Latvia and the region of Bessarabia On 23 August 1939 the rest of the world learned of this pact but were unaware of the provisions to partition Poland The pact stunned the world because of the parties earlier mutual hostility and their conflicting ideologies The conclusion of this pact was followed by the German invasion of Poland on 1 September that triggered the outbreak of World War II in Europe then the Soviet invasion of Poland that led to the annexation of the eastern part of the country As a result of the pact Germany and the Soviet Union maintained reasonably strong diplomatic relations for two years and fostered an important economic relationship The countries entered a trade pact in 1940 by which the Soviets received German military equipment and trade goods in exchange for raw materials such as oil and wheat to help the German war effort by circumventing the British blockade of Germany Despite the parties ostensibly cordial relations each side was highly suspicious of the other s intentions For instance the Soviet invasion of Bukovina in June 1940 went beyond their sphere of influence as agreed with Germany After Germany entered the Axis Pact with Japan and Italy it began negotiations about a potential Soviet entry into the pact After two days of negotiations in Berlin from 12 to 14 November 1940 Ribbentrop presented a draft treaty for a Soviet entry into the Axis However Hitler had no intention of allowing the Soviet Union into the Axis and in an order stated Political conversations designed to clarify the attitude of Russia in the immediate future have been started Regardless of the outcome of these conversations all preparations for the East previously ordered orally are to be continued Written directives on that will follow as soon as the basic elements of the army s plan for the operation have been submitted to me and approved by me There would be no long term agreement with Russia given that the Nazis intended to go to war with them but the Soviets approached the negotiations differently and were willing to make huge economic concessions to secure a relationship under general terms acceptable to the Germans just a year before On 25 November 1940 the Soviet Union offered a written counter proposal to join the Axis if Germany would agree to refrain from interference in the Soviet Union s sphere of influence but Germany did not respond As both sides began colliding with each other in Eastern Europe conflict appeared more likely although they did sign a border and commercial agreement addressing several open issues in January 1941 According to historian Robert Service Joseph Stalin was convinced that the overall military strength of the Soviet Union was such that he had nothing to fear and anticipated an easy victory should Germany attack moreover Stalin believed that since the Germans were still fighting the British in the west Hitler would be unlikely to open up a two front war and subsequently delayed the reconstruction of defensive fortifications in the border regions When German soldiers swam across the Bug River to warn the Red Army of an impending attack they were shot as enemy agents Some historians believe that Stalin despite providing an amicable front to Hitler did not wish to remain allies with Germany Rather Stalin might have had intentions to break off from Germany and proceed with his own campaign against Germany to be followed by one against the rest of Europe Other historians contend that Stalin did not plan for such an attack in June 1941 given the parlous state of the Red Army at the time of the invasion 1939 German Diplomatic passport with its holder returning after the outbreak of war 2 years later and being evacuated on a special train out of the USSR Axis invasion plans The Marcks Plan was the original German plan of attack for Operation Barbarossa as depicted in a US Government study March 1955 Stalin s reputation as a brutal dictator contributed both to the Nazis justification of their assault and to their expectations of success as Stalin s Great Purge of the 1930s had executed many competent and experienced military officers leaving Red Army leadership weaker than their German adversary The Nazis often emphasized the Soviet regime s brutality when targeting the Slavs with propaganda They also claimed that the Red Army was preparing to attack the Germans and their own invasion was thus presented as a pre emptive strike Hitler also utilised the rising tension between the Soviet Union and Germany over territories in the Balkans as one of the pretexts for the invasion While no concrete plans had yet been made Hitler told one of his generals in June 1940 that the victories in Western Europe finally freed his hands for a final showdown with Bolshevism With the successful end to the campaign in France General Erich Marcks was assigned the task of drawing up the initial invasion plans of the Soviet Union The first battle plans were entitled Operation Draft East colloquially known as the Marcks Plan His report advocated the A A line as the operational objective of any invasion of the Soviet Union This assault would extend from the northern city of Arkhangelsk on the Arctic Sea through Gorky and Rostov to the port city of Astrakhan at the mouth of the Volga on the Caspian Sea The report concluded that once established this military border would reduce the threat to Germany from attacks by enemy bombers Although Hitler was warned by many high ranking military officers such as Friedrich Paulus that occupying Western Russia would create more of a drain than a relief for Germany s economic situation he anticipated compensatory benefits such as the demobilisation of entire divisions to relieve the acute labour shortage in German industry the exploitation of Ukraine as a reliable and immense source of agricultural products the use of forced labour to stimulate Germany s overall economy and the expansion of territory to improve Germany s efforts to isolate the United Kingdom Hitler was further convinced that Britain would sue for peace once the Germans triumphed in the Soviet Union and if they did not he would use the resources gained in the East to defeat the British Empire We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down Adolf Hitler Hitler received the final military plans for the invasion on 5 December 1940 which the German High Command had been working on since July 1940 under the codename Operation Otto Upon reviewing the plans Hitler formally committed Germany to the invasion when he issued Fuhrer Directive 21 on 18 December 1940 where he outlined the precise manner in which the operation was to be carried out Hitler also renamed the operation to Barbarossa in honor of medieval Emperor Friedrich I of the Holy Roman Empire a leader of the Third Crusade in the 12th century The Barbarossa Decree issued by Hitler on 30 March 1941 supplemented the Directive by decreeing that the war against the Soviet Union would be one of annihilation and legally sanctioned the eradication of all Communist political leaders and intellectual elites in Eastern Europe The invasion was tentatively set for May 1941 According to a 1978 essay by German historian Andreas Hillgruber the invasion plans drawn up by the German military elite were substantially coloured by hubris stemming from the rapid defeat of France at the hands of the invincible Wehrmacht and by traditional German stereotypes of Russia as a primitive backward Asiatic country Red Army soldiers were considered brave and tough but the officer corps was held in contempt The leadership of the Wehrmacht paid little attention to politics culture and the considerable industrial capacity of the Soviet Union in favour of a very narrow military view Hillgruber argued that because these assumptions were shared by the entire military elite Hitler was able to push through with a war of annihilation that would be waged in the most inhumane fashion possible with the complicity of several military leaders even though it was quite clear that this would be in violation of all accepted norms of warfare Even so in autumn 1940 some high ranking German military officials drafted a memorandum to Hitler on the dangers of an invasion of the Soviet Union They argued that the eastern territories Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic would only end up as a further economic burden for Germany It was further argued that the Soviets in their current bureaucratic form were harmless and that the occupation would not benefit Germany politically either Hitler solely focused on his ultimate ideological goal of eliminating the Soviet Union and Communism disagreed with economists about the risks and told his right hand man Hermann Goring the chief of the Luftwaffe that he would no longer listen to misgivings about the economic dangers of a war with the USSR It is speculated that this was passed on to General Georg Thomas who had produced reports that predicted a net economic drain for Germany in the event of an invasion of the Soviet Union unless its economy was captured intact and the Caucasus oilfields seized in the first blow Thomas revised his future report to fit Hitler s wishes The Red Army s ineptitude in the Winter War against Finland in 1939 40 also convinced Hitler of a quick victory within a few months Neither Hitler nor the General Staff anticipated a long campaign lasting into the winter and therefore adequate preparations such as the distribution of warm clothing and winterisation of important military equipment like tanks and artillery were not made Further to Hitler s Directive Goring s Green Folder issued in March 1941 laid out the agenda for the next step after the anticipated quick conquest of the Soviet Union The Hunger Plan outlined how entire urban populations of conquered territories were to be starved to death thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and urban space for the German upper class Nazi policy aimed to destroy the Soviet Union as a political entity in accordance with the geopolitical Lebensraum ideals for the benefit of future generations of the Nordic master race In 1941 Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg later appointed Reich Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories suggested that conquered Soviet territory should be administered in the following Reichskommissariate Reich Commissionerships Administrative subdivisions of conquered Soviet territory as envisaged and then partially realised by Alfred Rosenberg Name Note MapReichskommissariat Ostland Baltic countries and BelarusReichskommissariat Ukraine Ukraine enlarged eastwards to the VolgaReichskommissariat Kaukasien Southern Russia and the Caucasus region UnrealisedReichskommissariat Moskowien Moscow metropolitan area and remaining European Russia originally called Reichskommissariat Russland later renamed UnrealisedReichskommissariat Turkestan Central Asian republics and territories Unrealised German military planners also researched Napoleon s failed invasion of Russia In their calculations they concluded that there was little danger of a large scale retreat of the Red Army into the Russian interior as it could not afford to give up the Baltic countries Ukraine or the Moscow and Leningrad regions all of which were vital to the Red Army for supply reasons and would thus have to be defended Hitler and his generals disagreed on where Germany should focus its energy Hitler in many discussions with his generals repeated his order of Leningrad first the Donbas second Moscow third but he consistently emphasized the destruction of the Red Army over the achievement of specific terrain objectives Hitler believed Moscow to be of no great importance in the defeat of the Soviet Union and instead believed victory would come with the destruction of the Red Army west of the capital especially west of the Western Dvina and Dnieper rivers and this pervaded the plan for Barbarossa This belief later led to disputes between Hitler and several German senior officers including Heinz Guderian Gerhard Engel Fedor von Bock and Franz Halder who believed the decisive victory could only be delivered at Moscow They were unable to sway Hitler who had grown overconfident in his own military judgment as a result of the rapid successes in Western Europe German preparationsElements of the German 3rd Panzer Army on the road near Pruzhany June 1941 The Germans had begun massing troops near the Soviet border even before the campaign in the Balkans had finished By the third week of February 1941 680 000 German soldiers were gathered in assembly areas on the Romanian Soviet border In preparation for the attack Hitler had secretly moved upwards of 3 million German troops and approximately 690 000 Axis soldiers to the Soviet border regions Additional Luftwaffe operations included numerous aerial surveillance missions over Soviet territory many months before the attack Although the Soviet High Command was alarmed by this Stalin s belief that Nazi Germany was unlikely to attack only two years after signing the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact resulted in slow Soviet preparation This fact aside the Soviets did not entirely overlook the threat of their German neighbor Well before the German invasion Marshal Semyon Timoshenko referred to the Germans as the Soviet Union s most important and strongest enemy and as early as July 1940 the Red Army Chief of Staff Boris Shaposhnikov produced a preliminary three pronged plan of attack for what a German invasion might look like remarkably similar to the actual attack Since April 1941 the Germans had begun setting up Operation Haifisch and Operation Harpune to substantiate their claims that Britain was the real target These simulated preparations in Norway and the English Channel coast included activities such as ship concentrations reconnaissance flights and training exercises The reasons for the postponement of Barbarossa from the initially planned date of 15 May to the actual invasion date of 22 June 1941 a 38 day delay are debated The reason most commonly cited is the unforeseen contingency of invading Yugoslavia and Greece on 6 April 1941 until June 1941 Historian Thomas B Buell indicates that Finland and Romania which weren t involved in initial German planning needed additional time to prepare to participate in the invasion Buell adds that an unusually wet winter kept rivers at full flood until late spring The floods may have discouraged an earlier attack even if they occurred before the end of the Balkans Campaign OKH commander Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch and Hitler study maps during the early days of Hitler s Soviet campaign The importance of the delay is still debated William Shirer argued that Hitler s Balkan Campaign had delayed the commencement of Barbarossa by several weeks and thereby jeopardised it Many later historians argue that the 22 June start date was sufficient for the German offensive to reach Moscow by September Antony Beevor wrote in 2012 about the delay caused by German attacks in the Balkans that most historians accept that it made little difference to the eventual outcome of Barbarossa The Germans deployed one independent regiment one separate motorised training brigade and 153 divisions for Barbarossa which included 104 infantry 19 panzer and 15 motorised infantry divisions in three army groups nine security divisions to operate in conquered territories four divisions in Finland and two divisions as reserve under the direct control of OKH These were equipped with 6 867 armoured vehicles of which 3 350 3 795 were tanks 2 770 4 389 aircraft that amounted to 65 percent of the Luftwaffe 7 200 23 435 artillery pieces 17 081 mortars about 600 000 motor vehicles and 625 000 700 000 horses Finland slated 14 divisions for the invasion and Romania offered 13 divisions and eight brigades over the course of Barbarossa The entire Axis forces 3 8 million personnel deployed across a front extending from the Arctic Ocean southward to the Black Sea were all controlled by the OKH and organised into Army Norway Army Group North Army Group Centre and Army Group South alongside three Luftflotten air fleets the air force equivalent of army groups that supported the army groups Luftflotte 1 for North Luftflotte 2 for Centre and Luftflotte 4 for South Army Norway was to operate in far northern Scandinavia and bordering Soviet territories Army Group North was to march through Latvia and Estonia into northern Russia then either take or destroy the city of Leningrad and link up with Finnish forces Army Group Centre the army group equipped with the most armour and air power was to strike from Poland into Belorussia and the west central regions of Russia proper and advance to Smolensk and then Moscow Army Group South was to strike the heavily populated and agricultural heartland of Ukraine taking Kiev before continuing eastward over the steppes of southern USSR to the Volga with the aim of controlling the oil rich Caucasus Army Group South was deployed in two sections separated by a 198 mile 319 km gap The northern section which contained the army group s only panzer group was in southern Poland right next to Army Group Centre and the southern section was in Romania The German forces in the rear mostly Waffen SS and Einsatzgruppen units were to operate in conquered territories to counter any partisan activity in areas they controlled as well as to execute captured Soviet political commissars and Jews On 17 June Reich Security Main Office RSHA chief Reinhard Heydrich briefed around thirty to fifty Einsatzgruppen commanders on the policy of eliminating Jews in Soviet territories at least in general terms While the Einsatzgruppen were assigned to the Wehrmacht s units which provided them with supplies such as gasoline and food they were controlled by the RSHA The official plan for Barbarossa assumed that the army groups would be able to advance freely to their primary objectives simultaneously without spreading thin once they had won the border battles and destroyed the Red Army s forces in the border area Soviet preparationsSemyon Timoshenko and Georgy Zhukov in 1940 In 1930 Mikhail Tukhachevsky a prominent military theorist in tank warfare in the interwar period and later Marshal of the Soviet Union forwarded a memo to the Kremlin that lobbied for colossal investment in the resources required for the mass production of weapons pressing the case for 40 000 aircraft and 50 000 tanks In the early 1930s a modern operational doctrine for the Red Army was developed and promulgated in the 1936 Field Regulations in the form of the Deep Battle Concept Defence expenditure also grew rapidly from just 12 percent of the gross national product in 1933 to 18 percent by 1940 During Joseph Stalin s Great Purge in the late 1930s which had not ended by the time of the German invasion on 22 June 1941 much of the officer corps of the Red Army was executed or imprisoned Many of their replacements appointed by Stalin for political reasons lacked military competence Of the five Marshals of the Soviet Union appointed in 1935 only Kliment Voroshilov and Semyon Budyonny survived Stalin s purge Tukhachevsky was killed in 1937 Fifteen of 16 army commanders 50 of the 57 corps commanders 154 of the 186 divisional commanders and 401 of 456 colonels were killed and many other officers were dismissed In total about 30 000 Red Army personnel were executed Stalin further underscored his control by reasserting the role of political commissars at the divisional level and below to oversee the political loyalty of the army to the regime The commissars held a position equal to that of the commander of the unit they were overseeing But in spite of efforts to ensure the political subservience of the armed forces in the wake of Red Army s poor performance in Poland and in the Winter War about 80 percent of the officers dismissed during the Great Purge were reinstated by 1941 Also between January 1939 and May 1941 161 new divisions were activated Therefore although about 75 percent of all the officers had been in their position for less than one year at the start of the German invasion of 1941 many of the short tenures can be attributed not only to the purge but also to the rapid increase in the creation of military units Beginning in July 1940 the Red Army General Staff developed war plans that identified the Wehrmacht as the most dangerous threat to the Soviet Union and that in the case of a war with Germany the Wehrmacht s main attack would come through the region north of the Pripyat Marshes into Belorussia which later proved to be correct Stalin disagreed and in October he authorised the development of new plans that assumed a German attack would focus on the region south of Pripyat Marshes towards the economically vital regions in Ukraine This became the basis for all subsequent Soviet war plans and the deployment of their armed forces in preparation for the German invasion In the Soviet Union speaking to his generals in December 1940 Stalin mentioned Hitler s references to an attack on the Soviet Union in Mein Kampf and Hitler s belief that the Red Army would need four years to ready itself Stalin declared we must be ready much earlier and we will try to delay the war for another two years As early as August 1940 British intelligence had received hints of German plans to attack the Soviets a week after Hitler informally approved the plans for Barbarossa and warned the Soviet Union accordingly Some of this intelligence was based on Ultra information obtained from broken Enigma traffic But Stalin s distrust of the British led him to ignore their warnings in the belief that they were a trick designed to bring the Soviet Union into the war on their side Soviet intelligence also received word of an invasion around 20 June from Mao Zedong whose spy Yan Baohang had overheard talk of the plans at a dinner with a German military attache and sent word to Zhou Enlai The Chinese maintain the tipoff helped Stalin make preparations though little exists to confirm the Soviets made any real changes upon receiving the intelligence In early 1941 Stalin s own intelligence services and American intelligence gave regular and repeated warnings of an impending German attack Soviet spy Richard Sorge also gave Stalin the exact German launch date but Sorge and other informers had previously given different invasion dates that passed peacefully before the actual invasion Stalin acknowledged the possibility of an attack in general and therefore made significant preparations but decided not to run the risk of provoking Hitler Army general later Marshal Zhukov speaking at a military conference in Moscow September 1941 In early 1941 Stalin authorised the State Defence Plan 1941 DP 41 which along with the Mobilisation Plan 1941 MP 41 called for the deployment of 186 divisions as the first strategic echelon in the four military districts of the western Soviet Union that faced the Axis territories and the deployment of another 51 divisions along the Dvina and Dnieper Rivers as the second strategic echelon under Stavka control which in the case of a German invasion was tasked to spearhead a Soviet counteroffensive along with the remaining forces of the first echelon But on 22 June 1941 the first echelon contained 171 divisions numbering 2 6 2 9 million and the second strategic echelon contained 57 divisions that were still mobilising most of which were still understrength The second echelon was undetected by German intelligence until days after the invasion commenced in most cases only when German ground forces encountered them At the start of the invasion the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilised was 5 3 5 5 million and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million with at least basic military training continued to mobilise The Red Army was dispersed and still preparing when the invasion commenced Their units were often separated and lacked adequate transportation While transportation remained insufficient for Red Army forces when Operation Barbarossa kicked off they possessed some 33 000 pieces of artillery a number far greater than the Germans had at their disposal The Soviet Union had around 23 000 tanks available of which 14 700 were combat ready Around 11 000 tanks were in the western military districts that faced the German invasion force Hitler later declared to some of his generals If I had known about the Russian tank strength in 1941 I would not have attacked However maintenance and readiness standards were very poor ammunition and radios were in short supply and many armoured units lacked the trucks for supplies The most advanced Soviet tank models the KV 1 and T 34 which were superior to all current German tanks as well as all designs still in development as of the summer 1941 were not available in large numbers at the time the invasion commenced Furthermore in the autumn of 1939 the Soviets disbanded their mechanised corps and partly dispersed their tanks to infantry divisions but following their observation of the German campaign in France in late 1940 they began to reorganise most of their armoured assets back into mechanised corps with a target strength of 1 031 tanks each But these large armoured formations were unwieldy and moreover they were spread out in scattered garrisons with their subordinate divisions up to 100 kilometres 62 miles apart The reorganisation was still in progress and incomplete when Barbarossa commenced Soviet tank units were rarely well equipped and they lacked training and logistical support Units were sent into combat with no arrangements in place for refuelling ammunition resupply or personnel replacement Often after a single engagement units were destroyed or rendered ineffective The Soviet numerical advantage in heavy equipment was thoroughly offset by the superior training and organisation of the Wehrmacht The Soviet Air Force VVS held the numerical advantage with a total of approximately 19 533 aircraft which made it the largest air force in the world in the summer of 1941 About 7 133 9 100 of these were deployed in the five western military districts and an additional 1 445 were under naval control Development of the Soviet Armed Forces 1 January 1939 22 June 1941 IncreaseDivisions calculated 131 5 316 5 140 7 Personnel 2 485 000 5 774 000 132 4 Guns and mortars 55 800 117 600 110 7 Tanks 21 100 25 700 21 8 Aircraft 7 700 18 700 142 8 Historians have debated whether Stalin was planning an invasion of German territory in the summer of 1941 The debate began in the late 1980s when Viktor Suvorov published a journal article and later the book Icebreaker in which he claimed that Stalin had seen the outbreak of war in Western Europe as an opportunity to spread communist revolutions throughout the continent and that the Soviet military was being deployed for an imminent attack at the time of the German invasion This view had also been advanced by former German generals following the war Suvorov s thesis was fully or partially accepted by a limited number of historians including Valeri Danilov Joachim Hoffmann Mikhail Meltyukhov and Vladimir Nevezhin and attracted public attention in Germany Israel and Russia It has been strongly rejected by most historians and Icebreaker is generally considered to be an anti Soviet tract in Western countries David Glantz and Gabriel Gorodetsky wrote books to rebut Suvorov s arguments The majority of historians believe that Stalin was seeking to avoid war in 1941 as he believed that his military was not ready to fight the German forces The debate on whether Stalin intended to launch an offensive against Germany in 1941 remains inconclusive but has produced an abundance of scholarly literature and helped to expand the understanding of larger themes in Soviet and world history during the interwar period Order of battleOrder of battle June 1941 Axis forces Soviet forcesNorthern TheatreArmy of Norway Finnish Army of KareliaArmy Group North18th Army Panzer Group 4 16th Army Luftflotte 1Army Group CentrePanzer Group 3 9th Army 4th Army Panzer Group 2 Luftflotte 2Army Group South6th Army Panzer Group 1 17th Army Slovak Expeditionary Army Group Royal Hungarian Army Mobile Corps 11th Army Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia Romanian 3rd Army Romanian 4th Army Luftflotte 4 Northern Front7th Army 14th Army 23rd Army 10th Mechanised Corps 1st Mechanised Corps Northern PVONorth Western Front27th Army 8th Army 12th Mechanised Corps 11th Army 3rd Mechanised Corps 5th Airborne Corps Baltic VVS Northern Fleet Baltic FleetWestern Front3rd Army 11th Mechanised Corps 10th Army 6th Mechanised Corps 13th Mechanised Corps 4th Army 14th Mechanised Corps 13th Army 17th and 20th Mechanised Corps 2nd Rifle 21st Rifle 44th Rifle 47th Rifle 50th Rifle and 4th Airborne Corps Western VVSSouth Western Front5th Army 9th Mechanised Corps 22nd Mechanised Corps 6th Army 4th Mechanised Corps 15th Mechanised Corps 26th Army 8th Mechanised Corps 12th Army 16th Mechanised Corps 31 Rifle 36th Rifle 49th Rifle 55th Rifle and 1st Airborne Corps Kiev VVSSouthern Front9th Independent Army 2nd Mechanised Corps 18th Mechanised Corps 7th Rifle 9th Rifle and 3rd Airborne Corps Odessa VVS Black Sea FleetStavka Reserve Armies second strategic echelon 16th Army 5th Mechanised Corps 19th Army 26th Mechanised Corps 20th Army 7th Mechanised Corps 21st Army 25th Mechanised Corps 22nd Army 24th Army 20th Rifle 45th Rifle 67th Rifle and 21st Mechanised Corps Total number of divisions 22 June German 152 Romanian 14 Soviet 220InvasionGerman troops at the Soviet state border marker 22 June 1941 At around 01 00 on 22 June 1941 the Soviet military districts in the border area were alerted by NKO Directive No 1 issued late on the night of 21 June It called on them to bring all forces to combat readiness but to avoid provocative actions of any kind It took up to two hours for several of the units subordinate to the Fronts to receive the order of the directive and the majority did not receive it before the invasion commenced A German communist deserter Alfred Liskow had crossed the lines at 21 00 on 21 June and informed the Soviets that an attack was coming at 04 00 Stalin was informed but apparently regarded it as disinformation Liskow was still being interrogated when the attack began On 21 June at 13 00 Army Group North received the codeword Dusseldorf indicating Barbarossa would commence the next morning and passed down its own codeword Dortmund At around 03 15 on 22 June 1941 the Axis Powers commenced the invasion of the Soviet Union with the bombing of major cities in Soviet occupied Poland and an artillery barrage on Red Army defences on the entire front Air raids were conducted as far as Kronstadt near Leningrad and Sevastopol in the Crimea At the same time the German declaration of war was presented by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop Meanwhile ground troops crossed the border accompanied in some locales by Lithuanian and Ukrainian partisans Roughly three million soldiers of the Wehrmacht went into action and faced slightly fewer Soviet troops at the border Accompanying the German forces during the initial invasion were Finnish and Romanian units as well Moscovites gather by a loudspeaker to listen to Molotov s speech 22 June 1941 At around noon the news of the invasion was broadcast to the population by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov Without a declaration of war German forces fell on our country attacked our frontiers in many places The Red Army and the whole nation will wage a victorious Patriotic War for our beloved country for honour for liberty Our cause is just The enemy will be beaten Victory will be ours By calling upon the population s devotion to their nation rather than the Party Molotov struck a patriotic chord that helped a stunned people absorb the shattering news Within the first few days of the invasion the Soviet High Command and Red Army were extensively reorganised so as to place them on the necessary war footing Stalin did not address the nation about the German invasion until 3 July when he also called for a Patriotic War of the entire Soviet people In Germany on the morning of 22 June Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels announced the invasion to the waking nation in a radio broadcast with Hitler s words At this moment a march is taking place that for its extent compares with the greatest the world has ever seen I have decided today to place the fate and future of the Reich and our people in the hands of our soldiers May God aid us especially in this fight Later the same morning Hitler proclaimed to his colleagues Before three months have passed we shall witness a collapse of Russia the like of which has never been seen in history Hitler also addressed the German people via the radio presenting himself as a man of peace who reluctantly had to attack the Soviet Union Following the invasion Goebbels instructed that Nazi propaganda use the slogan European crusade against Bolshevism to describe the war subsequently thousands of volunteers and conscripts joined the Waffen SS Initial attacksGerman advances from June to August 1941 The initial momentum of the German ground and air attack completely destroyed the Soviet organisational command and control within the first few hours paralyzing every level of command from the infantry platoon to the Soviet High Command in Moscow Moscow failed to grasp the magnitude of the catastrophe that confronted the Soviet forces in the border area and Stalin s first reaction was disbelief At around 07 15 Stalin issued NKO Directive No 2 which announced the invasion to the Soviet Armed Forces and called on them to attack Axis forces wherever they had violated the borders and launch air strikes into the border regions of German territory At around 09 15 Stalin issued NKO Directive No 3 signed by Timoshenko which now called for a general counteroffensive on the entire front without any regards for borders that both men hoped would sweep the enemy from Soviet territory Stalin s order which Timoshenko authorised was not based on a realistic appraisal of the military situation at hand but commanders passed it along for fear of retribution if they failed to obey several days passed before the Soviet leadership became aware of the enormity of the opening defeat Air war Luftwaffe reconnaissance units plotted Soviet troop concentrations supply dumps and airfields and marked them down for destruction Additional Luftwaffe attacks were carried out against Soviet command and control centres to disrupt the mobilisation and organisation of Soviet forces In contrast Soviet artillery observers based at the border area had been under the strictest instructions not to open fire on German aircraft prior to the invasion One plausible reason given for the Soviet hesitation to return fire was Stalin s initial belief that the assault was launched without Hitler s authorisation Significant amounts of Soviet territory were lost along with Red Army forces as a result it took several days before Stalin comprehended the magnitude of the calamity The Luftwaffe reportedly destroyed 1 489 aircraft on the first day of the invasion and over 3 100 during the first three days Hermann Goring Minister of Aviation and Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe distrusted the reports and ordered the figure checked Luftwaffe staffs surveyed the wreckage on Soviet airfields and their original figure proved conservative as over 2 000 Soviet aircraft were estimated to have been destroyed on the first day of the invasion In reality Soviet losses were likely higher a Soviet archival document recorded the loss of 3 922 Soviet aircraft in the first three days against an estimated loss of 78 German aircraft The Luftwaffe reported the loss of only 35 aircraft on the first day of combat A document from the German Federal Archives puts the Luftwaffe s loss at 63 aircraft for the first day By the end of the first week the Luftwaffe had achieved air supremacy over the battlefields of all the army groups but was unable to extend this air dominance over the vast expanse of the western Soviet Union According to the war diaries of the German High Command the Luftwaffe by 5 July had lost 491 aircraft with 316 more damaged leaving it with only about 70 percent of the strength it had at the start of the invasion Baltic countries German forces pushing through Latvia summer 1941 On 22 June Army Group North attacked the Soviet Northwestern Front and broke through its 8th and 11th Armies The Soviets immediately launched a powerful counterattack against the German 4th Panzer Group with the Soviet 3rd and 12th Mechanised Corps but the Soviet attack was defeated On 25 June the 8th and 11th Armies were ordered to withdraw to the Western Dvina River where it was planned to meet up with the 21st Mechanised Corps and the 22nd and 27th Armies However on 26 June Erich von Manstein s LVI Panzer Corps reached the river first and secured a bridgehead across it The Northwestern Front was forced to abandon the river defences and on 29 June Stavka ordered the Front to withdraw to the Stalin Line on the approaches to Leningrad On 2 July Army Group North began its attack on the Stalin Line with its 4th Panzer Group and on 8 July captured Pskov devastating the defences of the Stalin Line and reaching Leningrad oblast The 4th Panzer Group had advanced about 450 kilometres 280 mi since the start of the invasion and was now only about 250 kilometres 160 mi from its primary objective Leningrad On 9 July it began its attack towards the Soviet defences along the Luga River in Leningrad oblast Ukraine and Moldavia General Ewald von Kleist left commander of the 1st Panzer Group inspects a large iron works facility in Ukraine 1941 The northern section of Army Group South faced the Southwestern Front which had the largest concentration of Soviet forces and the southern section faced the Southern Front In addition the Pripyat Marshes and the Carpathian Mountains posed a serious challenge to the army group s northern and southern sections respectively On 22 June only the northern section of Army Group South attacked but the terrain impeded their assault giving the Soviet defenders ample time to react The German 1st Panzer Group and 6th Army attacked and broke through the Soviet 5th Army Starting on the night of 23 June the Soviet 22nd and 15th Mechanised Corps attacked the flanks of the 1st Panzer Group from north and south respectively Although intended to be concerted Soviet tank units were sent in piecemeal due to poor coordination The 22nd Mechanised Corps ran into the 1st Panzer Army s III Motorised Corps and was decimated and its commander killed The 1st Panzer Group bypassed much of the 15th Mechanised Corps which engaged the German 6th Army s 297th Infantry Division where it was defeated by antitank fire and Luftwaffe attacks On 26 June the Soviets launched another counterattack on the 1st Panzer Group from north and south simultaneously with the 9th 19th and 8th Mechanised Corps which altogether fielded 1649 tanks and supported by the remnants of the 15th Mechanised Corps The battle lasted for four days ending in the defeat of the Soviet tank units On 30 June Stavka ordered the remaining forces of the Southwestern Front to withdraw to the Stalin Line where it would defend the approaches to Kiev On 2 July the southern section of Army Group South the Romanian 3rd and 4th Armies alongside the German 11th Army invaded Soviet Moldavia which was defended by the Southern Front Counterattacks by the Front s 2nd Mechanised Corps and 9th Army were defeated but on 9 July the Axis advance stalled along the defences of the Soviet 18th Army between the Prut and Dniester Rivers Belorussia In the opening hours of the invasion the Luftwaffe destroyed the Western Front s air force on the ground and with the aid of Abwehr and their supporting anti communist fifth columns operating in the Soviet rear paralyzed the Front s communication lines which particularly cut off the Soviet 4th Army headquarters from headquarters above and below it On the same day the 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Bug River broke through the 4th Army bypassed Brest Fortress and pressed on towards Minsk while the 3rd Panzer Group bypassed most of the 3rd Army and pressed on towards Vilnius Simultaneously the German 4th and 9th Armies engaged the Western Front forces in the environs of Bialystok On the order of the Western Front commander Dmitry Pavlov the 6th and 11th Mechanised Corps and the 6th Cavalry Corps launched a strong counterstrike towards Grodno on 24 25 June in hopes of destroying the 3rd Panzer Group However the 3rd Panzer Group had already moved on with its forward units reaching Vilnius on the evening of 23 June and the Western Front s armoured counterattack instead ran into infantry and antitank fire from the V Army Corps of the German 9th Army supported by Luftwaffe air attacks By the night of 25 June the Soviet counterattack was defeated and the commander of the 6th Cavalry Corps was captured The same night Pavlov ordered all the remnants of the Western Front to withdraw to Slonim towards Minsk Subsequent counterattacks to buy time for the withdrawal were launched against the German forces but all of them failed On 27 June the 2nd and 3rd Panzer Groups met near Minsk and captured the city the next day completing the encirclement of almost all of the Western Front in two pockets one around Bialystok and another west of Minsk The Germans destroyed the Soviet 3rd and 10th Armies while inflicting serious losses on the 4th 11th and 13th Armies and reported to have captured 324 000 Soviet troops 3 300 tanks 1 800 artillery pieces German mechanised forces staging in preparation to attack Slutsk in present day Belarus A Soviet directive was issued on 29 June to combat the mass panic rampant among the civilians and the armed forces personnel The order stipulated swift severe measures against anyone inciting panic or displaying cowardice The NKVD worked with commissars and military commanders to scour possible withdrawal routes of soldiers retreating without military authorisation Field expedient general courts were established to deal with civilians spreading rumours and military deserters On 30 June Stalin relieved Pavlov of his command and on 22 July tried and executed him along with many members of his staff on charges of cowardice and criminal incompetence On 29 June Hitler through Brauchitsch instructed Bock to halt the advance of the panzers of Army Group Centre until the infantry formations liquidating the pockets caught up But Guderian with the tacit support of Bock and Halder ignored the instruction and attacked on eastward towards Bobruisk albeit reporting the advance as a reconnaissance in force He also personally conducted an aerial inspection of the Minsk Bialystok pocket on 30 June and concluded that his panzer group was not needed to contain it since Hermann Hoth s 3rd Panzer Group was already involved in the Minsk pocket On the same day some of the infantry corps of the 9th and 4th Armies having sufficiently liquidated the Bialystok pocket resumed their march eastward to catch up with the panzer groups On 1 July Bock ordered the panzer groups to resume their full offensive eastward on the morning of 3 July But Brauchitsch upholding Hitler s instruction and Halder unwillingly going along with it opposed Bock s order However Bock insisted on the order by stating that it would be irresponsible to reverse orders already issued The panzer groups resumed their offensive on 2 July before the infantry formations had sufficiently caught up Northeast Finland Finnish soldiers crossing the Murmansk Railway 1941 During German Finnish negotiations Finland had demanded to remain neutral unless the Soviet Union attacked them first Germany therefore sought to provoke the Soviet Union into an attack on Finland After Germany launched Barbarossa on 22 June German aircraft used Finnish air bases to attack Soviet positions The same day the Germans launched Operation Rentier and occupied the Petsamo Province at the Finnish Soviet border Simultaneously Finland proceeded to remilitarise the neutral Aland Islands Despite these actions the Finnish government insisted via diplomatic channels that they remained a neutral party but the Soviet leadership already viewed Finland as an ally of Germany Subsequently the Soviets proceeded to launch a massive bombing attack on 25 June against all major Finnish cities and industrial centres including Helsinki Turku and Lahti During a night session on the same day the Finnish parliament decided to go to war against the Soviet Union Finland was divided into two operational zones Northern Finland was the staging area for Army Norway Its goal was to execute a two pronged pincer movement on the strategic port of Murmansk named Operation Silver Fox Southern Finland was still under the responsibility of the Finnish Army The goal of the Finnish forces was at first to recapture Finnish Karelia at Lake Ladoga as well as the Karelian Isthmus which included Finland s second largest city Viipuri Further German advancesGerman advances during the opening phases of Operation Barbarossa August 1941 On 2 July and through the next six days a rainstorm typical of Belarusian summers slowed the progress of the panzers of Army Group Centre and Soviet defences stiffened The delays gave the Soviets time to organise a massive counterattack against Army Group Centre The army group s ultimate objective was Smolensk which commanded the road to Moscow Facing the Germans was an old Soviet defensive line held by six armies On 6 July the Soviets launched a massive counter attack using the V and VII Mechanised Corps of the 20th Army which collided with the German 39th and 47th Panzer Corps in a battle where the Red Army lost 832 tanks of the 2 000 employed during five days of ferocious fighting The Germans defeated this counterattack thanks largely to the coincidental presence of the Luftwaffe s only squadron of tank busting aircraft The 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Dnieper River and closed in on Smolensk from the south while the 3rd Panzer Group after defeating the Soviet counterattack closed on Smolensk from the north Trapped between their pincers were three Soviet armies The 29th Motorised Division captured Smolensk on 16 July yet a gap remained between Army Group Centre On 18 July the panzer groups came to within ten kilometres 6 2 mi of closing the gap but the trap did not finally close until 5 August when upwards of 300 000 Red Army soldiers had been captured and 3 205 Soviet tanks were destroyed Large numbers of Red Army soldiers escaped to stand between the Germans and Moscow as resistance continued German mechanized forces pushing east through a rapeseed field August 1941 Four weeks into the campaign the Germans realised they had grossly underestimated Soviet strength The German troops had used their initial supplies and General Bock quickly came to the conclusion that not only had the Red Army offered stiff opposition but German difficulties were also due to the logistical problems with reinforcements and provisions Operations were now slowed down to allow for resupply the delay was to be used to adapt strategy to the new situation In addition to strained logistics poor roads made it difficult for wheeled vehicles and foot infantry to keep up with the faster armoured spearheads and shortages in boots and winter uniforms were becoming apparent Furthermore all three army groups had suffered 179 500 casualties by 2 August and had only received 47 000 replacements Hitler by now had lost faith in battles of encirclement as large numbers of Soviet soldiers had escaped the pincers He now believed he could defeat the Soviet state by economic means depriving them of the industrial capacity to continue the war That meant seizing the industrial centre of Kharkov the Donbas and the oil fields of the Caucasus in the south and the speedy capture of Leningrad a major centre of military production in the north German armoured forces cross the Dnieper September 1941 Halder Bock and almost all the German generals involved in Operation Barbarossa argued vehemently in favour of continuing the all out drive toward Moscow Besides the psychological importance of capturing the Soviet capital the generals pointed out that Moscow was a major centre of arms production the centre of the Soviet communications system and an important transport hub Intelligence reports indicated that the bulk of the remaining Red Army was deployed near Moscow under Timoshenko for the defence of the capital Guderian was sent to Hitler by Bock and Halder to argue their case for continuing the assault against Moscow but Hitler issued an order through Guderian bypassing Bock and Halder to send Army Group Centre s tanks to the north and south temporarily halting the drive to Moscow Convinced by Hitler s argument Guderian returned to his commanding officers as a convert to the Fuhrer s plan which earned him their disdain Northern Finland On 29 June Germany launched its effort to capture Murmansk in a pincer attack The northern pincer conducted by Mountain Corps Norway approached Murmansk directly by crossing the border at Petsamo However in mid July after securing the neck of the Rybachy Peninsula and advancing to the Litsa River the German advance was stopped by heavy resistance from the Soviet 14th Army Renewed attacks led to nothing and this front became a stalemate for the remainder of Barbarossa The second pincer attack began on 1 July with the German XXXVI Corps and Finnish III Corps slated to recapture the Salla region for Finland and then proceed eastwards to cut the Murmansk railway near Kandalaksha The German units had great difficulty dealing with the Arctic conditions After heavy fighting Salla was taken on 8 July To keep the momentum the German Finnish forces advanced eastwards until they were stopped at the town of Kayraly by Soviet resistance Further south the Finnish III Corps made an independent effort to reach the Murmansk railway through the Arctic terrain Facing only one division of the Soviet 7th Army it was able to make rapid headway On 7 August it captured Kestenga while reaching the outskirts of Ukhta Large Red Army reinforcements then prevented further gains on both fronts and the German Finnish force had to go onto the defensive Karelia Finnish troops advancing in Karelia in August 1941 The Finnish plan in the south in Karelia was to advance as swiftly as possible to Lake Ladoga cutting the Soviet forces in half Then the Finnish territories east of Lake Ladoga were to be recaptured before the advance along the Karelian Isthmus including the recapture of Viipuri commenced The Finnish attack was launched on 10 July The Army of Karelia held a numerical advantage versus the Soviet defenders of the 7th Army and 23rd Army so it could advance swiftly The important road junction at Loimola was captured on 14 July By 16 July the first Finnish units reached Lake Ladoga at Koirinoja achieving the goal of splitting the Soviet forces During the rest of July the Army of Karelia advanced further southeast into Karelia coming to a halt at the former Finnish Soviet border at Mansila With the Soviet forces cut in half the attack on the Karelian Isthmus could commence The Finnish army attempted to encircle large Soviet formations at Sortavala and Hiitola by advancing to the western shores of Lake Ladoga By mid August the encirclement had succeeded and both towns were taken but many Soviet formations were able to evacuate by sea Further west the attack on Viipuri was launched With Soviet resistance breaking down the Finns were able to encircle Viipuri by advancing to the Vuoksi River The city itself was taken on 29 August along with a broad advance on the rest of the Karelian Isthmus By the beginning of September Finland had restored its pre Winter War borders Offensive towards central Russia By mid July the German forces had advanced within a few kilometers of Kiev below the Pripyat Marshes The 1st Panzer Group then went south while the 17th Army struck east and trapped three Soviet armies near Uman As the Germans eliminated the pocket the tanks turned north and crossed the Dnieper Meanwhile the 2nd Panzer Group diverted from Army Group Centre had crossed the river Desna with 2nd Army on its right flank The two panzer armies now trapped four Soviet armies and parts of two others By August as the serviceability and the quantity of the Luftwaffe s inventory steadily diminished due to combat demand for air support only increased as the VVS recovered The Luftwaffe found itself struggling to maintain local air superiority With the onset of bad weather in October the Luftwaffe was on several occasions forced to halt nearly all aerial operations The VVS although faced with the same weather difficulties had a clear advantage thanks to the prewar experience with cold weather flying and the fact that they were operating from intact airbases and airports By December the VVS had matched the Luftwaffe and was even pressing to achieve air superiority over the battlefields Leningrad For its final attack on Leningrad the 4th Panzer Group was reinforced by tanks from Army Group Centre On 8 August the Panzers broke through the Soviet defences By the end of August 4th Panzer Group had penetrated to within 48 kilometres 30 miles of Leningrad The Finns had pushed southeast on both sides of Lake Ladoga to reach the old Finnish Soviet frontier German general Heinz Guderian centre commander of Panzer Group 2 on 20 August 1941 The Germans attacked Leningrad in August 1941 in the following three black months of 1941 400 000 residents of the city worked to build the city s fortifications as fighting continued while 160 000 others joined the ranks of the Red Army Nowhere was the Soviet levee en masse spirit stronger in resisting the Germans than at Leningrad where reserve troops and freshly improvised Narodnoe Opolcheniye units consisting of worker battalions and even schoolboy formations joined in digging trenches as they prepared to defend the city On 7 September the German 20th Motorised Division seized Shlisselburg cutting off all land routes to Leningrad The Germans severed the railroads to Moscow and captured the railroad to Murmansk with Finnish assistance to inaugurate the start of a siege that would last for over two years At this stage Hitler ordered the final destruction of Leningrad with no prisoners taken and on 9 September Army Group North began the final push Within ten days it had advanced within 11 kilometres 6 8 miles of the city However the push over the last 10 km 6 2 mi proved very slow and casualties mounted so Hitler ordered that Leningrad should not be stormed but rather starved into submission Along these lines the OKH issued Directive No la 1601 41 on 22 September 1941 which accorded Hitler s plans Deprived of its Panzer forces Army Group Centre remained static and was subjected to numerous Soviet counterattacks in particular the Yelnya Offensive in which the Germans suffered their first major tactical defeat since their invasion began this Red Army victory also provided an important boost to Soviet morale These attacks prompted Hitler to concentrate his attention back to Army Group Centre and its drive on Moscow The Germans ordered the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies to break off their Siege of Leningrad and support Army Group Centre in its attack on Moscow Kiev Before an attack on Moscow could begin operations in Kiev needed to be finished Half of Army Group Centre had swung to the south in the back of the Kiev position while Army Group South moved to the north from its Dnieper bridgehead The encirclement of Soviet forces in Kiev was achieved on 16 September A battle ensued in which the Soviets were hammered with tanks artillery and aerial bombardment After ten days of vicious fighting the Germans claimed 665 000 Soviet soldiers captured although the real figure is probably around 220 000 Soviet losses were 452 720 men 3 867 artillery pieces and mortars from 43 divisions of the 5th 21st 26th and 37th Soviet Armies Despite the exhaustion and losses facing some German units upwards of 75 percent of their men from the intense fighting the massive defeat of the Soviets at Kiev and the Red Army losses during the first three months of the assault contributed to the German assumption that Operation Typhoon the attack on Moscow could still succeed Sea of Azov Germans battle Soviet defenders on the streets of Kharkov 25 October 1941 After operations at Kiev were successfully concluded Army Group South advanced east and south to capture the industrial Donbas region and the Crimea The Soviet Southern Front launched an attack on 26 September with two armies on the northern shores of the Sea of Azov against elements of the German 11th Army which was simultaneously advancing into the Crimea On 1 October the 1st Panzer Army under Ewald von Kleist swept south to encircle the two attacking Soviet armies By 7 October the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies were isolated and four days later they had been annihilated The Soviet defeat was total 106 332 men captured 212 tanks destroyed or captured in the pocket alone as well as 766 artillery pieces of all types The death or capture of two thirds of all Southern Front troops in four days unhinged the Front s left flank allowing the Germans to capture Kharkov on 24 October Kleist s 1st Panzer Army took the Donbas region that same month Central and northern Finland The front in Finland December 1941 In central Finland the German Finnish advance on the Murmansk railway had been resumed at Kayraly A large encirclement from the north and the south trapped the defending Soviet corps and allowed XXXVI Corps to advance further to the east In early September it reached the old 1939 Soviet border fortifications On 6 September the first defence line at the Voyta River was breached but further attacks against the main line at the Verman River failed With Army Norway switching its main effort further south the front stalemated in this sector Further south the Finnish III Corps launched a new offensive towards the Murmansk railway on 30 October bolstered by fresh reinforcements from Army Norway Against Soviet resistance it was able to come within 30 km 19 mi of the railway when the Finnish High Command ordered a stop to all offensive operations in the sector on 17 November The United States of America applied diplomatic pressure on Finland not to disrupt Allied aid shipments to the Soviet Union which caused the Finnish government to halt the advance on the Murmansk railway With the Finnish refusal to conduct further offensive operations and German inability to do so alone the German Finnish effort in central and northern Finland came to an end Karelia Germany had pressured Finland to enlarge its offensive activities in Karelia to aid the Germans in their Leningrad operation Finnish attacks on Leningrad itself remained limited Finland stopped its advance just short of Leningrad and had no intentions to attack the city The situation was different in eastern Karelia The Finnish government agreed to restart its offensive into Soviet Karelia to reach Lake Onega and the Svir River On 4 September this new drive was launched on a broad front Albeit reinforced by fresh reserve troops heavy losses elsewhere on the front meant that the Soviet defenders of the 7th Army were not able to resist the Finnish advance Olonets was taken on 5 September On 7 September Finnish forward units reached the Svir River Petrozavodsk the capital city of the Karelo Finnish SSR fell on 1 October From there the Army of Karelia moved north along the shores of Lake Onega to secure the remaining area west of Lake Onega while simultaneously establishing a defensive position along the Svir River Slowed by winter s onset they nevertheless continued to advance slowly during the following weeks Medvezhyegorsk was captured on 5 December and Povenets fell the next day On 7 December Finland halted all offensive operations and went onto the defensive Battle of MoscowSoviet Ilyushin Il 2s flying over German positions near MoscowGerman soldier ready to throw a Stielhandgranate 24 1941 After Kiev the Red Army no longer outnumbered the Germans and there were no more trained reserves directly available To defend Moscow Stalin could field 800 000 men in 83 divisions but no more than 25 divisions were fully effective Operation Typhoon the drive to Moscow began on 30 September 1941 In front of Army Group Centre was a series of elaborate defence lines the first centred on Vyazma and the second on Mozhaysk Russian peasants began fleeing ahead of the advancing German units burning their harvested crops driving their cattle away and destroying buildings in their villages as part of a scorched earth policy designed to deny to the Nazi war machine needed supplies and foodstuffs The first blow took the Soviets completely by surprise when the 2nd Panzer Group returning from the south took Oryol just 121 km 75 mi south of the Soviet first main defence line Three days later the Panzers pushed on to Bryansk while the 2nd Army attacked from the west The Soviet 3rd and 13th Armies were now encircled To the north the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies attacked Vyazma trapping the 19th 20th 24th and 32nd Armies Moscow s first line of defence had been shattered The pocket eventually yielded over 500 000 Soviet prisoners bringing the tally since the start of the invasion to three million The Soviets now had only 90 000 men and 150 tanks left for the defence of Moscow The German government now publicly predicted the imminent capture of Moscow and convinced foreign correspondents of an impending Soviet collapse On 13 October the 3rd Panzer Group penetrated to within 140 km 87 mi of the capital Martial law was declared in Moscow Almost from the beginning of Operation Typhoon however the weather worsened Temperatures fell while there was continued rainfall This turned the unpaved road network into mud and slowed the German advance on Moscow Additional snows fell which were followed by more rain creating a glutinous mud that German tanks had difficulty traversing which the Soviet T 34 with its wider tread was better suited to navigate At the same time the supply situation for the Germans rapidly deteriorated On 31 October the German Army High Command ordered a halt to Operation Typhoon while the armies were reorganised The pause gave the Soviets far better supplied time to consolidate their positions and organise formations of newly activated reservists In little over a month the Soviets organised eleven new armies that included 30 divisions of Siberian troops These had been freed from the Soviet Far East after Soviet intelligence assured Stalin that there was no longer a threat from the Japanese During October and November 1941 over 1 000 tanks and 1 000 aircraft arrived along with the Siberian forces to assist in defending the city With the ground hardening due to the cold weather the Germans resumed the attack on Moscow on 15 November Although the troops themselves were now able to advance again there had been no improvement in the supply situation only 135 000 of the 600 000 trucks that had been available on 22 June 1941 were available by 15 November 1941 Ammunition and fuel supplies were prioritised over food and winter clothing so many German troops looted supplies from local populations but could not fill their needs Facing the Germans were the 5th 16th 30th 43rd 49th and 50th Soviet Armies The Germans intended to move the 3rd and 4th Panzer Armies across the Moscow Canal and envelop Moscow from the northeast The 2nd Panzer Group would attack Tula and then close on Moscow from the south As the Soviets reacted to their flanks the 4th Army would attack the centre In two weeks of fighting lacking sufficient fuel and ammunition the Germans slowly crept towards Moscow In the south the 2nd Panzer Group was being blocked On 22 November Soviet Siberian units augmented by the 49th and 50th Soviet Armies attacked the 2nd Panzer Group and inflicted a defeat on the Germans The 4th Panzer Group pushed the Soviet 16th Army back however and succeeded in crossing the Moscow Canal in an attempt to encircle Moscow The German position of advances up to the end of Operation Typhoon 5 December 1941 On 2 December part of the 258th Infantry Division advanced to within 24 km 15 mi of Moscow They were so close that German officers claimed they could see the spires of the Kremlin but by then the first blizzards had begun A reconnaissance battalion managed to reach the town of Khimki only about 8 km 5 0 mi from the Soviet capital It captured the bridge over the Moscow Volga Canal as well as the railway station which marked the easternmost advance of German forces In spite of the progress made the Wehrmacht was not equipped for such severe winter warfare The Soviet army was better adapted to fighting in winter conditions but faced production shortages of winter clothing The German forces fared worse with deep snow further hindering equipment and mobility Weather conditions had largely grounded the Luftwaffe preventing large scale air operations Newly created Soviet units near Moscow now numbered over 500 000 men who despite their inexperience were able to halt the German offensive by 5 December due to superior defensive fortifications the presence of skilled and experienced leadership like Zhukov and the poor German situation On 5 December the Soviet defenders launched a massive counterattack as part of the Soviet winter counteroffensive The offensive halted on 7 January 1942 after having pushed the German armies back 100 250 km 62 155 mi from Moscow The Wehrmacht had lost the Battle for Moscow and the invasion had cost the German Army over 830 000 men AftermathWith the failure of the Battle of Moscow all German plans for a quick defeat of the Soviet Union had to be revised The Soviet counter offensives in December 1941 caused heavy casualties on both sides but ultimately eliminated the German threat to Moscow Attempting to explain matters Hitler issued Fuhrer Directive No 39 which cited the early onset of winter and the severe cold as the primary reasons for the failed campaign whereas the main reasons were German military unpreparedness poor intelligence of actual Soviet strength extensive logistical difficulties high levels of attrition and heavy casualties and overextension of German forces within the vast Soviet territories On 22 June 1941 the Heer as a whole had 209 divisions at its disposal 163 of which were offensively capable On 31 March 1942 less than one year after the invasion of the Soviet Union the army was reduced to fielding 58 offensively capable divisions The Red Army s tenacity and ability to counter attack effectively took the Germans as much by surprise as their own initial attack had the Soviets Spurred on by the successful defence and in an effort to imitate the Germans Stalin wanted to begin his own counteroffensive not just against the German forces around Moscow but against their armies in the north and south Anger over the failed German offensives caused Hitler to relieve Brauchitsch of command and in his place Hitler assumed personal control of the German Army on 19 December 1941 a decision that would progressively prove fatal to Germany s war effort and contribute to its eventual defeat The Soviet Union had suffered heavily from the conflict losing huge tracts of territory and vast losses in men and materiel Nonetheless the Red Army proved capable of countering the German offensives particularly as the Germans began experiencing irreplaceable shortages in manpower armaments provisions and fuel Subsequent German offensives Despite the rapid relocation of Red Army armaments production east of the Urals and a dramatic increase of production in 1942 especially of armour new aircraft types and artillery the Heer German army was able to mount another large scale offensive in June 1942 although on a much reduced front than the previous summer Hitler having realised that Germany s oil supply was severely depleted attempted to utilise Army Group South to capture the oil fields of Baku in the new offensive codenamed Case Blue Again the Germans quickly overran great expanses of Soviet territory but they failed to achieve their ultimate goal of the oil fields of Baku culminating in their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943 and withdrawal from the Caucasus By 1943 Soviet armaments production was fully operational and increasingly outproducing the German war economy The final major German offensive in the Eastern theatre of World War II took place during July August 1943 with the launch of Operation Citadel an assault on the Kursk salient Approximately one million German troops confronted a Soviet force over 2 5 million strong The Soviets well aware of the attack in advance and fully prepared for it prevailed in the Battle of Kursk Following the German defeat the Soviets launched Operation Kutuzov a counter offensive employing six million men along a 2 400 kilometre 1 500 mi front towards the Dnieper River as they drove the Germans westwards Employing increasingly ambitious and tactically sophisticated offensives along with making operational improvements in secrecy and deception by the summer of 1944 the Red Army was eventually able to regain much of the area previously conquered by the Germans The destruction of Army Group Centre the outcome of Operation Bagration in 1944 proved to be a decisive success and additional Soviet offensives against the German Army Groups North and South in the autumn of 1944 put the German war machine into further retreat By January 1945 what had been the Eastern Front was now controlled by the Soviets whose military might was aimed at the German capital of Berlin Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945 in order to avoid capture by the Soviets and the war in Europe finally ended with the total defeat and capitulation of Nazi Germany in May 1945 War crimes Masha Bruskina a nurse with the Soviet resistance before her execution by hanging The placard reads We are the partisans who shot German troops Minsk 26 October 1941 While the Soviet Union had not signed the Geneva Convention Germany had signed the treaty and was thus obligated to offer Soviet POWs humane treatment according to its provisions as they generally did with other Allied POWs According to the Soviets they had not signed the Geneva Conventions in 1929 due to Article 9 which by imposing racial segregation of POWs into different camps contravened the Soviet constitution Article 82 of the convention specified that In case in time of war one of the belligerents is not a party to the Convention its provisions shall nevertheless remain in force as between the belligerents who are parties thereto Despite such mandates Hitler called for the battle against the Soviet Union to be a struggle for existence and emphasized that the Soviet armies were to be annihilated a mindset that contributed to war crimes against Soviet prisoners of war A memorandum from 16 July 1941 recorded by Martin Bormann quotes Hitler saying The giant occupied area must naturally be pacified as quickly as possible this will happen at best if anyone who just looks funny should be shot Conveniently for Germany the fact that the Soviets failed to sign the convention played into their hands as they justified their behavior accordingly Even if the Soviets had signed it is highly unlikely that this would have stopped the Nazis genocidal policies towards combatants civilians and prisoners of war Himmler inspecting a prisoner of war camp Before the war Hitler had issued the notorious Commissar Order which called for all Soviet political commissars taken prisoner at the front to be shot immediately without trial German soldiers participated in these mass killings along with members of the SS Einsatzgruppen sometimes reluctantly claiming military necessity On the eve of the invasion German soldiers were informed that their battle demands ruthless and vigorous measures against Bolshevik inciters guerrillas saboteurs Jews and the complete elimination of all active and passive resistance Collective punishment was authorised against partisan attacks if a perpetrator could not be quickly identified burning villages and mass executions were considered acceptable reprisals Although the majority of German soldiers accepted these crimes as justified due to Nazi propaganda which depicted the Red Army as Untermenschen a few prominent German officers openly protested against them An estimated two million Soviet prisoners of war died of starvation during Barbarossa alone By the end of the war 58 percent of all Soviet prisoners of war had died in German captivity Organised crimes against civilians including women and children were carried out on a huge scale by the German police and military forces as well as the local collaborators Under the command of the Reich Security Main Office the Einsatzgruppen killing squads conducted large scale massacres of Jews and communists in conquered Soviet territories Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg puts the number of Jews murdered by mobile killing operations at 1 400 000 The original instructions to kill Jews in party and state positions were broadened to include all male Jews of military age and then expanded once more to all male Jews regardless of age By the end of July the Germans were regularly killing women and children On 18 December 1941 Himmler and Hitler discussed the Jewish question and Himmler noted the meeting s result in his appointment book To be annihilated as partisans According to Christopher Browning annihilating Jews and solving the so called Jewish question under the cover of killing partisans was the agreed upon convention between Hitler and Himmler In accordance with Nazi policies against inferior Asian peoples Turkmens were also persecuted According to a post war report by Prince Veli Kajum Khan they were imprisoned in concentration camps in terrible conditions where those deemed to have Mongolian features were murdered daily Asians were also targeted by the Einsatzgruppen and were the subjects of lethal medical experiments and murder at a pathological institute in Kiev Hitler received reports of the mass killings conducted by the Einsatzgruppen which were first conveyed to the RSHA where they were aggregated into a summary report by Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller General Erich Hoepner right with commander of SS Polizei Division Walter Kruger in October 1941 Burning houses suspected of being partisan meeting places and poisoning water wells became common practice for soldiers of the German 9th Army At Kharkov the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union food was provided only to the small number of civilians who worked for the Germans with the rest designated to slowly starve Thousands of Soviets were deported to Germany for use as slave labour beginning in 1942 The citizens of Leningrad were subjected to heavy bombardment and a siege that would last 872 days and starve more than a million people to death of whom approximately 400 000 were children below the age of 14 The German Finnish blockade cut off access to food fuel and raw materials and rations reached a low for the non working population of 4 ounces 110 g five thin slices of bread and a little watery soup per day Starving Soviet civilians began to eat their domestic animals along with hair tonic and Vaseline Some desperate citizens resorted to cannibalism Soviet records list 2 000 people arrested for the use of human meat as food during the siege 886 of them during the first winter of 1941 42 The Wehrmacht planned to seal off Leningrad starve out the population and then demolish the city entirely Sexual violence Rape was a widespread phenomenon in the East as German soldiers regularly committed violent sexual acts against Soviet women Whole units were occasionally involved in the crime with upwards of one third of the instances being gang rape Historian Hannes Heer relates that in the world of the eastern front where the German army equated Russia with Communism everything was fair game thus rape went unreported unless entire units were involved Frequently in the case of Jewish women they were murdered immediately after acts of sexual violence Historian Birgit Beck emphasizes that military decrees which served to authorise wholesale brutality on many levels essentially destroyed the basis for any prosecution of sexual offenses committed by German soldiers in the East She also contends that detection of such instances was limited by the fact that sexual violence was often inflicted in the context of billets in civilian housing Nazi plunder of Eastern Europe After the initiation of Operation Barbarossa Eastern Europe was relentlessly plundered by Nazi German forces In 1943 alone 9 000 000 tons of cereals 2 000 000 t 2 000 000 long tons 2 200 000 short tons of fodder 3 000 000 t 3 000 000 long tons 3 300 000 short tons of potatoes and 662 000 t 652 000 long tons 730 000 short tons of meats were sent back to Germany During the course of the German occupation some 12 million pigs and 13 million sheep were seized by Nazi forces The value of this plunder is estimated at 4 billion Reichsmarks This relatively low number in comparison to the occupied nations of Western Europe can be attributed to the indiscriminate scorched earth policy pursued by Nazi Germany in the Eastern Front Historical significanceBarbarossa was the largest military operation in history more men tanks guns and aircraft were deployed than in any other offensive The invasion opened the Eastern Front the war s largest theatre which saw clashes of unprecedented violence and destruction for four years and killed over 26 million Soviet people including about 8 6 million Red Army soldiers More died fighting on the Eastern Front than in all other fighting across the globe during World War II Damage to both the economy and landscape was enormous as approximately 1 710 Soviet towns and 70 000 villages were razed Barbarossa and the subsequent German defeat changed the political landscape of Europe dividing it into Eastern and Western blocs The political vacuum left in the eastern half of the continent was filled by the USSR when Stalin secured his territorial prizes of 1944 1945 and firmly placed the Red Army in Bulgaria Romania Hungary Poland Czechoslovakia and the eastern half of Germany Stalin s fear of resurgent German power and his distrust of his erstwhile allies contributed to Soviet pan Slavic initiatives and a subsequent alliance of Slavic states The historians David Glantz and Jonathan House assert that Barbarossa influenced not only Stalin but subsequent Soviet leaders claiming it colored their strategic mindsets for the next four decades As a result the Soviets instigated the creation of an elaborate system of buffer and client states designed to insulate the Soviet Union from any possible future attack In the ensuing Cold War Eastern Europe became a Soviet sphere of influence and Western Europe aligned itself with the United States See alsoA A line Black Sea campaigns Romanian Navy during World War II Kantokuen Lend Lease Operation Silver Fox Order No 270 Timeline of the Eastern Front of World War II Final Solution Satellite state Post World War IIPortals GermanySoviet UnionReferencesNotes Germany s allies in total provided a significant number of troops and material to the front There were also numerous units under German command recruited in German occupied Europe and sympathetic puppet or neutral states including the Spanish Blue Division the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism the 369th Croatian Infantry Regiment the Croatian Air Force Legion and the Croatian Naval Legion The Light Transport Brigade from Croatia was attached to the 3rd Cavalry Division Principe Amedeo Duca d Aosta Of the AFVs Askey reports there were 301 assault guns 257 tank destroyers and self propelled guns 1 055 armoured half tracks 1 367 armoured cars 92 combat engineer and ammunition transport vehicles 881 788 of which are German Excludes an additional 395 799 who were deemed unfit for service due to non combat causes transported out of their Army Group sectors for treatment and treated in divisional local medical facilities 98 of those 395 799 eventually returned to active duty service usually after relatively short treatment meaning about 8 000 became permanent losses Askey 2014 p 178 855 killed 2 288 wounded in action 277 missing and captured 1 000 sick and injured German Unternehmen Barbarossa Russian Operaciya Barbarossa romanized Operatsiya Barbarossa See for instance the involvement of Latvian and Ukrainian forces in killing Jews cited by historian Raul Hilberg It is additionally important that considerable portions of the German General Staff thought of Russia as a colossus of clay which was politically unstable filled with discontented minorities ineffectively ruled and militarily weak Concerning this strategic mistake historian David Stone asserts that If Hitler s decision to invade Russia in 1941 was his greatest single error of judgement then his subsequent decision not to strike hard and fast against Moscow was surely a close second Flooding was so bad that Guderian wrote The Balkans Campaign had been concluded with all the speed desired and the troops there engaged which were now needed for Russia were withdrawn according to plan and very fast But all the same there was a definite delay in the opening of our Russian Campaign Furthermore we had had a very wet spring the Bug and its tributaries were at flood level until well into May and the nearby ground was swampy and almost impassable Guderian wrote A delay was almost certainly inevitable given that the late spring thaw had swelled and in some cases flooded the major waterways impeding mobile operations over the sodden ground Blumentritt the ground was soft and boggy and the roads were covered with mud Normally May brought a change of conditions the water receded and movement was less hampered But 1941 was an exceptional year and at the end of June the Bug a Polish river near Brest Litovsk was still overflowing its banks For the Finnish President Risto Ryti the attack against the Soviet Union was part of the struggle against Bolshevism and one of Finland s traditional enemies The four Soviet military districts facing the Axis the Baltic Military District the Western Special Military District the Kiev Special Military District and the Odessa Military District at the outbreak of the war were renamed the Northwestern Front the Western Front the Southwestern Front and the Southern Front respectively A fifth military district the Leningrad military district became the Northern Front Historian Victor Davis Hanson reports that before the war came to its conclusion the Soviets had an artillery advantage over the Germans of seven to one and that artillery production was the only area where they doubled U S and British manufacturing output The NKGB learned about Liskow only at 03 00 on 22 June Significant planning for Finnish participation in the campaign against the Soviet Union was conducted well before the plan s actual implementation On 12 November 1941 the temperature around Moscow was 12 C 10 F Glantz and House use the expression The Great Patriotic War the Soviet name for World War II but this term represents by and large the contest between the U S S R and Nazi Germany Citations Clark 2012 p 73 Glantz 2001 p 9 Glantz 2010a p 20 Liedtke 2016 p 220 Askey 2014 p 80 Liedtke 2016 p 220 of which 259 assault guns Bergstrom 2007 p 129 Glantz amp House 2015 p 384 Glantz 2001 p 9 states 2 68 million Glantz 1998 pp 10 11 101 293 states 2 9 million Mercatante 2012 p 64 Clark 2012 p 76 Glantz 2010a p 28 states 7 133 aircraft Mercatante 2012 p 64 states 9 100 aircraft Clark 2012 p 76 states 9 100 aircraft Askey 2014 p 178 Bergstrom 2007 p 117 Askey 2014 p 185 Axworthy 1995 pp 58 286 Vehvilainen 2002 p 96 Ziemke 1959 p 184 Kirchubel 2013 chpt Opposing Armies Andahazi Szeghy 2016 pp 151 152 181 Krivosheev 1997 pp 95 98 Sharp 2010 p 89 Citino 2021 Anderson Clark amp Walsh 2018 pp 67 Dimbleby 2021 p xxxvii xxxviii Rich 1973 pp 204 221 Snyder 2010 p 416 Chapoutot 2018 p 272 Snyder 2010 pp 175 186 Hilberg 1992 pp 58 61 199 202 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1996 pp 50 51 Rees 2010 Childers 2017 pp 470 471 Riche 1993 pp 267 269 Kershaw 2001 p 335 Mayer 1989 p 340 Stackelberg 2002 p 188 Forster 1988 p 21 Hillgruber 1972 p 140 Shirer 1990 p 716 Stackelberg 2007 p 271 Fahlbusch 1999 pp 241 264 Evans 1989 p 59 Breitman 1990 pp 340 341 Evans 1989 pp 59 60 Burleigh 2000 p 512 Burleigh amp Wippermann 1991 p 100 Lewy 2017 p 24 Kershaw 2001 p 466 Kershaw 2001 p 467 Forster 1988 p 28 Forster 2005 p 127 Majer 2003 p 180 Gellately 1990 p 224 Himmler 1940 pp 147 150 Mazower 2009 p 181 Rossler amp Schleiermacher 1996 pp 270 274 Ingrao 2013 p 140 Forster 1988 p 23 Ingrao 2013 pp 138 142 Dimbleby 2021 pp 73 74 Kirby 1980 p 120 Hildebrand 1973 p 89 Roberts 2006 p 30 Bellamy 2007 pp 56 59 Shirer 1990 pp 668 669 Brackman 2001 p 341 Roberts 2006 p 57 Weinberg 1994 p 199 Service 2005 p 259 Service 2005 pp 259 260 Weeks 2002 p 98 Uldricks 1999 p 629 Hartmann 2013 pp 9 24 Ericson 1999 p 127 Ericson 1999 pp 129 130 Kay 2006 p 31 Roberts 2011 pp 147 148 Hildebrand 1973 p 105 Overy 1996 p 60 Hardesty 2012 p 6 Fritz 2011 p 51 Stackelberg 2007 p 258 Beck 2005 pp 328 330 Megargee 2000 p 110 Wette 2007 pp 21 22 Gorodetsky 2001 pp 69 70 Ericson 1999 p 162 Palmer 2010 pp 187 188 Patterson 2003 p 562 Handrack 1981 p 40 Klemann amp Kudryashov 2012 p 33 Rich 1973 p 212 Megargee 2000 pp 131 134 Seaton 1972 pp 59 63 Higgins 1966 pp 11 59 Glantz 2010a p 18 Stone 2011 p 195 Glantz 2010b pp 19 60 Clark 2012 p 72 Glantz 2010b pp 55 60 Seaton 1972 pp 32 36 Shirer 1990 p 822 Muller 2016 p 175 Bergstrom 2007 p 12 Hastings 2012 p 141 Overy 2006 pp 490 491 Ziemke 1959 p 138 Middleton 1981 Bradley amp Buell 2002 p page 101 Guderian 2002 p 145 Bradley amp Buell 2002 pp 35 40 Hillgruber 1965 pp 506 507 Vogel 1995 p 483 Stahel 2009 p 140 Blumentritt 1952 p 101 Shirer 1990 pp 829 830 Bradley amp Buell 2002 pp 35 40 Forczyk 2006 p 44 Stockings amp Hancock 2013 pp 581 84 Hooker 1999 Beevor 2012 p 158 Menger 1997 p 532 Glantz 2010a pp 20 34 Glantz 2010a pp 20 25 Clark 2012 pp 73 74 Glantz 2011 p 36 Glantz 2011 p 14 Glantz 2011 p 40 Breitman 1991 p 434 Hilberg 1961 pp 177 183 Glantz 2010a p 21 Clark 2012 p 56 Clark 2012 p 55 Glantz 1998 p 26 Glantz 2011 p 55 Clark 2012 p 57 Rayfield 2004 p 315 Glantz 2011 p 22 Clark 2012 p 58 Glantz 2011 p 15 Glantz 2010a pp 21 22 Berthon amp Potts 2007 p 47 Waller 1996 p 192 Budiansky 2001 Chapter 6 Roberts 1995 p 1293 Faligot 2019 p 38 Waller 1996 pp 196 198 Roberts 2011 p 155 Hastings 2016 pp 110 113 Waller 1996 p 202 Glantz 2011 pp 16 219 Glantz 1998 pp 10 11 101 293 Glantz 2010a pp 22 23 51 Glantz 1998 p 293 Glantz 1998 p 107 Glantz amp House 1995 p 68 Sakwa 2005 pp 225 227 Hanson 2017 p 386 Hanson 2017 pp 386 387 Kirshin 1997 p 385 Macksey 1989 p 456 Seaton 1972 pp 91 93 Hastings 2012 p 140 Glantz 2011 p 23 Seaton 1972 p 93 Glantz 1998 p 109 Dunnigan 1978 p 82 Glantz 2010a p 28 Glantz 1998 p 13 Meltyukhov 2000 Uldricks 1999 pp 626 627 Smelser amp Davies 2008 p 243 Uldricks 1999 pp 631 633 636 Bar Joseph amp Levy 2009 p 476 Uldricks 1999 p 630 Humpert 2005 p 72 Roberts 1995 p 1326 Mawdsley 2003 pp 819 820 Bar Joseph amp Levy 2009 p 477 Kshyk 2015 Kirchubel 2005 p 26 29 Kirchubel 2003 p 31 Kirchubel 2007 p 31 Glantz 2011 pp 290 303 Kirchubel 2005 p 26 Kirchubel 2005 p 29 Kirchubel 2007 p 30 Kirchubel 2005 p 31 Glantz 2011 pp 302 303 Glantz amp House 2015 p 365 Glantz amp House 2015 p 367 Clark 2012 p 81 Glantz 2011 p 287 Czak 2014 pp 1 120 Erickson 1972 pp 526 527 Kirchubel 2013 p 136 Kirchubel 2007 pp 33 34 Seaton 1972 p 98 Pohl 2018 p 246 Clark 2012 p 70 Braithwaite 2010 p 74 Seaton 1972 p 99 Clark 2012 p 92 Clark 2012 p 82 Hitler 1941 Ueberschar amp Muller 2008 p 244 Glantz 2011 pp 31 33 Roberts 2011 p 156 Clark 2012 p 83 Glantz 2010a p 31 Askey 2014 p 253 Fritz 2011 p 85 Glantz 2011 p 51 Fritz 2011 pp 85 86 Bergstrom 2007 p 20 Bergstrom 2007 p 23 Hardesty 2012 p 9 Hardesty 2012 pp 8 390 Glantz 2011 p 19 Hardesty 2012 p 54 Glantz 2010a p 54 Glantz 2011 p 37 Glantz 2011 p 38 Glantz 2011 p 93 Fritz 2011 pp 89 140 Glantz 2011 p 41 Glantz 2011 p 42 Glantz 2011 pp 43 44 225 Glantz 2011 pp 21 43 44 Glantz 2011 p 45 Glantz 2011 pp 45 112 Glantz 2010a pp 29 33 Seaton 1972 pp 119 125 Glantz 2010a pp 29 33 56 Murray amp Millett 2000 pp 122 123 Fritz 2011 pp 88 509 Seaton 1972 p 111 Glantz 2010a pp 56 57 Forczyk 2014 p 253 Glantz 2010a pp 54 56 Glantz 2010a pp 60 62 Nenye et al 2016 pp 36 39 41 Mann amp Jorgensen 2002 pp 74 76 Ueberschar 1998 pp 941 944 974 980 Nenye et al 2016 pp 38 41 Glantz 2010a p 63 Glantz amp House 2015 p 70 Bellamy 2007 p 240 Murray amp Millett 2000 pp 123 124 Dear amp Foot 1995 p 88 Keegan 1989 p 189 Battle for Russia 1996 Glantz amp House 2015 p 86 Keegan 1989 p 195 Keegan 1989 pp 192 194 Wright 1968 p 38 Seaton 1982 pp 177 178 Seaton 1982 p 178 Mann amp Jorgensen 2002 pp 81 87 Ueberschar 1998 pp 941 944 Ueberschar 1998 pp 941 951 Mann amp Jorgensen 2002 pp 87 93 Nenye et al 2016 pp 67 86 Ueberschar 1998 pp 970 974 Enkenberg 2021 p 70 Nenye et al 2016 pp 87 109 Thomas 2012 p 13 Thomas 2012 pp 12 14 Hardesty 2012 p 84 Hardesty 2012 p 83 85 Hardesty 2012 p 103 Ueberschar 1998 pp 455 470 Klink 1998 pp 631 641 Werth 1964 p 199 Miller amp Commager 2001 pp 68 69 Beevor 2012 p 204 Hitler Strikes East 2009 Forczyk 2009 p 11 Werth 1964 pp 189 190 195 197 Muller 2016 p 180 Cooper 1984 pp 328 330 Glantz amp House 1995 p 77 Glantz amp House 2015 p 94 Fritz 2011 p 145 Liedtke 2016 p 149 Ziemke 1959 pp 170 172 Ziemke 1959 pp 174 178 Ueberschar 1998 pp 941 953 Mann amp Jorgensen 2002 pp 93 97 Menger 1997 p 533 Ueberschar 1998 pp 974 980 Nenye et al 2016 pp 109 132 Stone 2011 p 215 Stahel 2009 p 440 Gilbert 1989 pp 241 242 Gilbert 1989 p 242 Glantz amp House 1995 p 343 Smith 2000 pp 83 91 Hill 2016 pp 250 255 Gilbert 1989 p 244 Shepherd 2016 pp 178 179 Gilbert 1989 pp 245 246 Hill 2016 pp 255 265 Gilbert 1989 p 245 Keegan 1989 p 203 Gilbert 1989 p 255 Roberts 2011 pp 174 175 Lopez et al 2019 p 98 Roberts 2011 pp 175 176 Glantz amp House 2015 pp 104 108 Glantz amp House 2015 p 106 Shirer 1990 p 1032 Commager 1991 p 144 Glantz amp House 1995 pp 85 87 Glantz amp House 1995 p 87 Hill 2016 pp 301 305 Mosier 2006 p 184 Glantz amp House 1995 p 86 Glantz amp House 1995 pp 91 97 Fritz 2011 p 209 Muller 2016 pp 181 182 Baker 2009 pp 50 56 Baker 2009 p 54 Shepherd 2016 p 536 Wegner 1990 p 792 Muller 2016 p 181 Baudot et al 1989 p 482 Baudot et al 1989 pp 482 483 Hayward 2000 p 769 Symonds 2014 p 70 Baker 2009 pp 57 68 Dunn 1995 pp 44 45 Baudot et al 1989 p 483 Glantz 2002 pp 36 41 Shepherd 2016 pp 444 450 463 467 Baker 2009 pp 87 97 Baker 2009 p 98 Burleigh 2000 pp 794 812 Bellamy 2007 pp 16 20 23 Bellamy 2007 p 20 Geneva Convention Article 82 Kershaw 2001 pp 355 389 Browning 1998 p 10 Forster 1988 p 31 Bellamy 2007 pp 20 21 Kershaw 2001 pp 357 359 Wette 2007 pp 198 199 Forster 1998 pp 507 513 Forster 1988 p 26 Ueberschar amp Muller 2008 p 246 Hartmann 2013 pp 89 94 Glantz 2011 p 48 Glantz amp House 1995 pp 56 57 Browning 1998 pp 10 12 Hilberg 1961 p 767 Beevor 2012 p 213 Browning 2000 Breitman 1990 pp 341 343 Langerbein 2003 pp 33 34 Moskoff 2002 pp 54 57 Glantz amp House 1995 p 57 Siege of Leningrad 2011 Miller amp Commager 2001 p 69 Beevor 2012 p 289 Miller amp Commager 2001 p 68 Muhlhauser 2010 p 74 Shepherd 2016 p 285 Heer 2000 p 110 Muhlhauser 2010 p 134 Beck 2004 p 327 Beck 2004 p 328 Shirer 1990 p 944 Shirer 1990 pp 943 944 Overy 1996 p 68 Anderson Clark amp Walsh 2018 p 7 Moskoff 2002 p 236 Weinberg 1994 p 264 Hartmann 2013 p 160 Hartmann 2013 pp 152 153 Hartmann 2013 p 153 Roberts 2014 pp 258 260 Glantz amp House 2015 p 364 Hartmann 2013 pp 154 155 Glantz 2011 pp 11 16 208 Bibliography Aly Gotz Heim Susanne 2002 Architects of Annihilation Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction Princeton and Oxford Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 08938 6 Andahazi Szeghy Viktor 2016 A Magyar Kiralyi Honvedseg reszvetele a 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