House of Bourbon

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House of Bourbon
House of Bourbon
House of Bourbon

The House of Bourbon (English: /ˈbʊərbən/, also UK: /ˈbɔːrbɒn/; French: [buʁbɔ̃]) is a dynasty that originated in the Kingdom of France as a branch of the Capetian dynasty, the royal House of France. Bourbon kings first ruled France and Navarre in the 16th century. A branch descended from the French Bourbons came to rule Spain in the 18th century and is the current Spanish royal family. Further branches, descended from the Spanish Bourbons, held thrones in Naples, Sicily, and Parma. Today, Spain and Luxembourg have monarchs of the House of Bourbon. The royal Bourbons originated in 1272, when Robert, the youngest son of King Louis IX of France, married the heiress of the lordship of Bourbon. The house continued for three centuries as a cadet branch, serving as nobles under the direct Capetian and Valois kings.

House of Bourbon
Parent houseCapetian dynasty
Founded1272; 753 years ago (1272)
FounderRobert, Count of Clermont, the sixth son of King Louis IX of France, married Beatrice of Bourbon
Current headPrince Louis, Duke of Anjou
Final ruler
  • France and Navarre: Charles X (1824–1830)
  • Of the French: Louis Philippe I (1830–1848)
  • Parma: Roberto I (1854–1859)
  • Two Sicilies: Francis II (1859–1861)
  • King of France and Navarre
  • King of Spain
    • King of Aragon and Castile
  • King of the Two Sicilies
  • King of Poland
  • Grand Duke of Lithuania
  • Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  • Dauphin of France
  • Duke of Bourbon
  • Duke of Calabria
  • Duke of Vendôme
  • Duke of Orléans
  • Duke of Anjou
  • Duke of Berry
  • Duke of Alençon
  • Duke of Angoulême
  • Duke of Parma
  • Duke of Lucca
  • Prince of Condé
  • Prince of Conti
  • Count of La Marche
  • Count of Soissons
  • Count of Provence
  • Count of Artois
  • Count of Barcelona
  • France
  • Navarre
  • Spain
  • Two Sicilies
  • Luxembourg
  • Parma
  • France (and Navarre until 1830):
    • 1830: July Revolution
    • 1848: February Revolution
  • Parma, 1859: Annexation by Kingdom of Sardinia
  • Two Sicilies, 1861: Italian unification
BranchesHouse of Bourbon-Anjou

House of Orléans

  • House of Orléans-Braganza
  • House of Orléans-Galliera
  • House of Bourbon-Montpensier

House of Condé (extinct)

  • House of Conti
  • House of Soissons

House of Bourbon-Bhopal (disputed)

Illegitimate branches

  • House of Bourbon-Busset
  • House of Bourbon-Maine
  • House of Bourbon-Penthièvre
  • House of Bourbon-Vendôme

The senior line of the House of Bourbon became extinct in the male line in 1527 with the death of Duke Charles III of Bourbon. This made the junior Bourbon-Vendôme branch the genealogically senior branch of the House of Bourbon. In 1589, at the death of Henry III of France, the House of Valois became extinct in the male line. Under the Salic law, the head of the House of Bourbon, as the senior representative of the senior-surviving branch of the Capetian dynasty (first prince of the blood), became King of France as Henry IV. Bourbon monarchs then united to France the part of the Kingdom of Navarre north of the Pyrenees, which Henry's father had acquired by marriage in 1555, ruling both until the 1792 overthrow of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Restored briefly in 1814, and definitively in 1815 after the fall of the First French Empire, the senior line of the Bourbons was finally overthrown in the July Revolution of 1830. A cadet Bourbon branch, the House of Orléans, then ruled for 18 years (1830–1848), until it too was overthrown during the French Revolution of 1848.

The princes of Condé was a cadet branch of the Bourbons descended from an uncle of Henry IV, and the princes of Conti was a cadet line of the Condé branch. Both houses, recognized as princes of the blood, were prominent French noble families, well known for their participation in French affairs, even during exile in the French Revolution, until their respective extinctions in 1830 and 1814. Consequently, since the extinction of the Capetian House of Courtenay in 1733, the Bourbons are the only extant legitimate branch of the House of Capet. Although illegitimate, the House of Braganza traces its line to the House of Capet via their descent from Robert II of France through the First House of Burgundy, then through the Portuguese House of Burgundy. Peter I of Portugal fathered an illegitimate son John I of Portugal, founder of the House of Aviz who in turn fathered an illegitimate son named Afonso, who in turn founded the extant House of Braganza.

In 1700, at the death of King Charles II of Spain, the Spanish Habsburgs became extinct in the male line. Under the will of the childless Charles II, the second grandson of King Louis XIV of France was named as his successor, to preclude the union of the thrones of France and Spain. The prince, then Duke of Anjou, became Philip V of Spain. Permanent separation of the French and Spanish thrones was secured when France and Spain ratified Philip's renunciation, for himself and his descendants, of the French throne in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, and similar arrangements later kept the Spanish throne separate from those of Naples, Sicily and Parma. The Spanish House of Bourbon (rendered in Spanish as Borbón [boɾˈβon]) has been overthrown and restored several times, reigning 1700–1808, 1813–1868, 1875–1931, and since 1975. Bourbons ruled in Naples from 1734 to 1806 and in Sicily from 1735 to 1816, and in a unified Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from 1816 to 1861. They also ruled in Parma from 1731 to 1735, 1748–1802 and 1847–1859, the Kingdom of Etruria 1802–1807 and Duchy of Lucca 1814–1847.

Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg married Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma, and thus her successors, who have reigned in Luxembourg since her abdication in 1964, have also been members of the House of Bourbon. Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil, regent for her father, Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, married a cadet of the Orléans line and thus their descendants, known as the Orléans-Braganza, were in the line of succession to the Brazilian throne and expected to ascend its throne had the monarchy not been abolished by a coup in 1889. All legitimate, living members of the House of Bourbon, including its cadet branches, are direct agnatic descendants of Henry IV through his son Louis XIII of France.


The castle of Bourbon-l'Archambault

The pre-Capetian House of Bourbon was a noble family, dating at least from the beginning of the 13th century, when the estate of Bourbon was ruled by the Sire de Bourbon who was a vassal of the King of France. The term House of Bourbon ("Maison de Bourbon") is sometimes used to refer to this first house and the House of Bourbon-Dampierre, the second family to rule the seigneury.

In 1272, Robert, Count of Clermont, sixth and youngest son of King Louis IX of France, married Beatrix of Bourbon, heiress to the lordship of Bourbon and member of the House of Bourbon-Dampierre. Their son Louis was made Duke of Bourbon in 1327. His descendant, the Constable of France Charles de Bourbon, was the last of the senior Bourbon line when he died in 1527. Because he chose to fight under the banner of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and lived in exile from France, his title was discontinued after his death.

The remaining line of Bourbons henceforth descended from James I, Count of La Marche, the younger son of Louis I, Duke of Bourbon. With the death of his grandson James II, Count of La Marche in 1438, the senior line of the Count of La Marche became extinct. All future Bourbons would descend from James II's younger brother, Louis, who became the Count of Vendôme through his mother's inheritance. In 1525, at the death of Charles IV, Duke of Alençon, all of the princes of the blood royal were Bourbons; all remaining members of the House of Valois were members of the king's immediate family.

In 1514, Charles, Count of Vendôme had his title raised to Duke of Vendôme. His son Antoine became King of Navarre, on the northern side of the Pyrenees, by marriage in 1555. Two of Antoine's younger brothers were Cardinal Archbishop Charles de Bourbon and the French and Huguenot general Louis de Bourbon, 1st Prince of Condé. Louis' male-line descendants, the Princes de Condé, survived until 1830. Finally, in 1589, the House of Valois died out and Antoine's son Henry III of Navarre became Henry IV of France.

List of Bourbons

Bourbon branches

  • House of Clermont, later called House of Bourbon
    • House of the Dukes of Bourbon (extinct 1521 in total; extinct 1503 in the male line)
      • House of Bourbon-Lavedan (illegitimate), extinct 1744
      • House of Bourbon-Busset (non-dynastic)
      • House of Bourbon-Roussillon (illegitimate), extinct 1510
      • House of Bourbon-Montpensier, Counts of Montpensier (extinct 1527)
    • House of Bourbon-La Marche (extinct 1438)
      • House of Bourbon-Vendôme
        • House of Bourbon, Kings of France
          • House of Artois (extinct 1883)
          • House of Bourbon, Kings of Spain
            • Carlists (extinct 1936)
            • Alfonsines
              • House of Bourbon-Anjou
              • House of Bourbon, Kings of Spain
            • House of Bourbon-Seville
              • House of Bourbon-Santa Elena
            • House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
            • House of Bourbon-Braganza (extinct 1979)
            • House of Bourbon-Parma
              • House of Luxembourg-Nassau
          • House of Bourbon-Maine (illegitimate), extinct 1775
          • House of Bourbon-Penthièvre (illegitimate), extinct 1793
          • House of Orléans
            • House of Orléans-Braganza
            • House of Orléans-Galliera
          • House of Bourbon-Vendôme (illegitimate), extinct 1727
        • House of Bourbon-Condé (extinct 1830)
          • House of Bourbon-Conti (extinct 1814)
          • House of Bourbon-Soissons (extinct 1692 in total; extinct 1641 in the male line)
        • House of Bourbon-Saint Pol (extinct 1601 in total; extinct 1546 in the male line)
        • House of Bourbon-Montpensier, Dukes of Montpensier (extinct 1693 in total; extinct 1608 in the male line)
      • House of Bourbon-Carency (extinct 1520)
        • House of Bourbon-Duisant (extinct 1530)
      • House of Bourbon-Préaux (extinct 1442)

Family from India's claim to be a branch and their claim to The "Throne of France"

  • Bourbons of India, claim to be descendants of Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, of the first House of Bourbon-Montpensier.

As per the latest research carried out by Prince Michael of Greece and incorporated in his historical novel, Le Rajah Bourbon,Balthazar Napoleon IV de Bourbon from India is the senior heir in line to the French throne.


French kings from House of Bourbon. Family tree

Rise of Henry IV

The first Bourbon king of France was Henry IV. He was born on 13 December 1553 in the Kingdom of Navarre. Antoine de Bourbon, his father, was a ninth-generation descendant of King Louis IX of France.Jeanne d'Albret, his mother, was the Queen of Navarre and niece of King Francis I of France. He was baptized Catholic, but raised Calvinist. After his father was killed in 1562, he became Duke of Vendôme at the age of 10, with Admiral Gaspard de Coligny (1519–1572) as his regent. Seven years later, the young duke became the nominal leader of the Huguenots after the death of his uncle the Prince de Condé in 1569.

Henry succeeded to Navarre as Henry III when his mother died in 1572. That same year Catherine de' Medici, mother of King Charles IX of France, arranged for the marriage of her daughter, Margaret of Valois, to Henry, ostensibly to advance peace between Catholics and Huguenots. Many Huguenots gathered in Paris for the wedding on 24 August, but were ambushed and slaughtered by Catholics in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Henry saved his own life by converting to Catholicism. He repudiated his conversion in 1576 and resumed his leadership of the Huguenots.

The period from 1576 to 1584 was relatively calm in France, with the Huguenots consolidating control of much of the south with only occasional interference from the royal government. Extended civil war erupted again in 1584, when François, Duke of Anjou, younger brother of King Henry III of France, died, leaving Navarre next in line for the throne. Thus began the War of the Three Henrys, as Henry of Navarre, Henry III, and the ultra-Catholic leader, Henry of Guise, fought a confusing three-cornered struggle for dominance. After Henry III was assassinated on 31 July 1589, Navarre claimed the throne as the first Bourbon king of France, Henry IV.

Much of Catholic France, organized into the Catholic League, refused to recognize a Protestant monarch and instead recognized Henry IV's uncle, Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, as rightful king, and the civil war continued. Henry won a crucial victory at Ivry on 14 March 1590 and, following the death of the Cardinal the same year, the forces of the League lacked an obvious Catholic candidate for the throne and divided into various factions. Nevertheless, as a Protestant, Henry IV was unable to take Paris, a Catholic stronghold, or to decisively defeat his enemies, now supported by the Spanish. He reconverted to Catholicism in 1593 and was crowned king retroactively to 1589 at the Cathedral of Chartres on 27 February 1594.

Early Bourbons in France

Henry granted the Edict of Nantes on 13 April 1598, establishing Catholicism as an official state religion but also granting the Huguenots a measure of religious tolerance and political freedom short of full equality with the practice of Catholicism. This compromise ended the religious wars in France. That same year the Treaty of Vervins ended the war with Spain, adjusted the Spanish-French border, and resulted in a belated recognition by Spain of Henry as king of France.

Ably assisted by Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully, Henry reduced the land tax known as the taille; promoted agriculture, public works, construction of highways, and the first French canal; started such important industries as the tapestry works of the Gobelins; and intervened in favor of Protestants in the duchies and earldoms along the German frontier. This last was to be the cause of his assassination.

Henry IV of France, the first Bourbon King of France

Henry's marriage to Margaret, which had produced no heir, was annulled in 1599 and he married Marie de' Medici, niece of the grand duke of Tuscany. A son, Louis, was born to them in 1601. Henry IV was assassinated on 14 May 1610 in Paris. Louis XIII was only nine years old when he succeeded his father. He was to prove a weak ruler; his reign was effectively a series of distinct regimes, depending who held the effective reins of power. At first, Marie de' Medici, his mother, served as regent and advanced a pro-Spanish policy. To deal with the financial troubles of France, Louis summoned the Estates General in 1614; this would be the last time that body met until the eve of the French Revolution. Marie arranged the 1615 marriage of Louis to Anne of Austria, the daughter of King Philip III of Spain.

In 1617, Louis conspired with Charles d'Albert, duc de Luynes to dispense with her influence, having her favorite Concino Concini assassinated on 26 April of that year. After some years of weak government by Louis's favorites, the King made Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu, a former protégé of his mother, the chief minister of France in 1624.

Richelieu advanced an anti-Habsburg policy. He arranged for Louis' sister, Henrietta Maria, to marry King Charles I of England, on 11 May 1625. Her pro-Catholic propaganda in England was one of the contributing factors to the English Civil War. Richelieu, as ambitious for France and the French monarchy as for himself, laid the ground for the absolute monarchy that would last in France until the Revolution. He wanted to establish a dominating position for France in Europe, and he wanted to unify France under the monarchy. He established the role of intendants, non-noble men whose arbitrary powers of administration were granted (and revocable) by the monarch, superseding many of the traditional duties and privileges of the noble governors.

Although it required a succession of internal military campaigns, he disarmed the fortified Huguenot towns that Henry had allowed. He involved France in the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) against the Habsburgs by concluding an alliance with Sweden in 1631 and, actively, in 1635. He died in 1642 before the conclusion of that conflict, having groomed Cardinal Jules Mazarin as a successor. Louis XIII outlived him but by one year, dying in 1643 at the age of forty-two. After a childless marriage for twenty-three years his queen, Anne, delivered a son on 5 September 1638, whom he named Louis after himself. In the mid-18th century, the Bourbon monarchy had a faulty system for finance and taxation. Their lacking a national bank led to them taking short-term loans, and ordering financial agents to make payments in advance or in excess of tax revenues collected.

Louis XIV and Louis XV

Royal Coat of arms of the Kingdom of France and Navarre.

Louis XIV succeeded his father at four years of age; he would go on to become the most powerful king in French history. His mother Anne served as his regent with her favorite Jules, Cardinal Mazarin, as chief minister. When Louis was age 7, Nicolas de Neufville de Villeroy became governor of the young king. The main childhood places of Louis XIV were the Palais-Royal and the nearby Hôtel de Villeroy. Mazarin continued the policies of Richelieu, bringing the Thirty Years' War to a successful conclusion in 1648 and defeating the nobility's challenge to royal absolutism in a series of civil wars known as the Frondes. He continued to war with Spain until 1659.

In that year the Treaty of the Pyrenees was signed signifying a major shift in power, France had replaced Spain as the dominant state in Europe. The treaty called for an arranged marriage between Louis and his cousin Maria Theresa, a daughter of King Philip IV of Spain by his first wife Elisabeth, the sister of Louis XIII. They were married in 1660 and had a son, Louis, in 1661. Mazarin died on 9 March 1661 and it was expected that Louis would appoint another chief minister, as had become the tradition, but instead he shocked the country by announcing he would rule alone.

For six years Louis reformed the finances of his state and built formidable armed forces. France fought a series of wars from 1667 onward and gained some territory on its northern and eastern borders. Maria Theresa died in 1683 and the next year he secretly married the devoutly Catholic Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon. Louis XIV began to persecute Protestants, undoing the religious tolerance established by his grandfather Henry IV, culminating in his revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.

The last war waged by Louis XIV proved to be one of the most important to dynastic Europe. In 1700, King Charles II of Spain, a Habsburg, died without a son. Louis's only legitimate son, the Grand Dauphin, as the late king's nephew, was the closest heir; and Charles willed the kingdom to the Dauphin's second son, the Duke of Anjou. Other powers, particularly the Austrian Habsburgs, who had the next closest claims, objected to such a vast increase in French power.

Initially, most of the other powers were willing to accept Anjou's reign as Philip V, but Louis's mishandling of their concerns soon drove the English, Dutch and other powers to join the Austrians in a coalition against France. The War of the Spanish Succession began in 1701 and raged for 12 years. In the end Louis's grandson was recognized as king of Spain, but he was obliged to agree to the forfeiture of succession rights in France, the Spanish Habsburgs' other European territories were largely ceded to Austria, and France was nearly bankrupted by the cost of the struggle. Louis died on 1 September 1715 ending his seventy-two-year reign, the longest in European history.

Dynastic group portrait of Louis XIV (seated) with his son the Louis the Grand Dauphin (to the left), his grandson Louis, Duke of Burgundy (to the right), his great-grandson the duc d'Anjou, later Louis XV, and Madame de Ventadour, his governess, who commissioned this painting some years later; busts of Henry IV and Louis XIII in the background.

The reign of Louis XIV was so long that he outlived both his son and eldest grandson. He was succeeded by his great-grandson Louis XV. Louis XV was born on 15 February 1710 and was thus aged only five at his ascension, the third Louis in a row to become king of France before the age of thirteen (Louis XIII became king at 9, Louis XIV at almost 5 and himself at 5). Initially, the regency was held by Philippe, Duke of Orléans, Louis XIV's nephew, as nearest adult male to the throne. This Régence was seen as a period of greater individual expression, manifested in secular, artistic, literary and colonial activity, in contrast to the austere latter years of Louis XIV's reign.

Following Orléans' death in 1723, the Duke of Bourbon, representative of the Bourbon-Condé cadet line, became prime minister. It was expected that Louis would marry his cousin, the daughter of King Philip V of Spain, but this engagement was broken by the duke in 1725 so that Louis could marry Marie Leszczyńska, the daughter of Stanislas, former king of Poland. Bourbon's motive appears to have been a desire to produce an heir as soon as possible so as to reduce the chances of a succession dispute between Philip V and the Duke of Orléans in the event of the sickly king's death. Maria was already an adult woman at the time of the marriage, while the infanta was still a young girl.

A posthumous painting commissioned around 1670 by Philippe de France. It shows the French Bourbon family around that time. It includes: Henrietta Maria of France (d. 1669), exiled Queen of England; Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, founder of the House of Orléans; his first wife Princess Henriette (d. 1670); the couple's first daughter Marie Louise d'Orléans (later Queen of Spain); Anne of Austria (d. 1666); the Orléans daughters of Gaston, Duke of Orléans; Louis XIV; the Dauphin of France with his wife Maria Theresa of Spain with her third daughter Marie-Thérèse, called Madame Royale (died 1672) and her second son Philippe-Charles de France, duc d'Anjou (d. 1671). The first daughter of Gaston stands on the far right: Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans. The picture frame with the two children are the other two daughters of Louis and Maria Theresa who died in 1662 and 1664.

Nevertheless, Bourbon's action brought a very negative response from Spain, and for his incompetence Bourbon was soon replaced by Cardinal André-Hercule de Fleury, the young king's tutor, in 1726. Fleury was a peace-loving man who intended to keep France out of war, but circumstances presented themselves that made this impossible. The first cause of these wars came in 1733 when Augustus II, the elector of Saxony and king of Poland died. With French support, Stanislas was again elected king. This brought France into conflict with Russia and Austria who supported Augustus III, Elector of Saxony and son of Augustus II.

Stanislas lost the Polish crown, but he was given the Duchy of Lorraine as compensation, which would pass to France after his death in 1766. Next came the War of the Austrian Succession in 1740 in which France supported King Frederick II of Prussia against Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary. Fleury died in 1743 before the conclusion of the war.

Shortly after Fleury's death in 1745 Louis was influenced by his mistress the Marquise de Pompadour to reverse the policy of France in 1756 by creating an alliance with Austria against Prussia in the Seven Years' War. The war was a disaster for France, which lost most of her overseas possessions to the British in the Treaty of Paris (1763). Maria, his wife, died in 1768 and Louis himself died on 10 May 1774.

French Revolution

Louis XVI had become the Dauphin of France upon the death of his father Louis, the son of Louis XV, in 1765. He married Marie Antoinette of Austria, a daughter of Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa, in 1770. Louis intervened in the American Revolution against Britain in 1778, but he is most remembered for his role in the French Revolution. France was in financial turmoil and Louis was forced to convene the Estates-General on 5 May 1789.

They formed the National Assembly and forced Louis to accept a constitution that limited his powers on 14 July 1789. He tried to flee France in June 1791, but was captured. The French monarchy was abolished on 21 September 1792 and a republic was proclaimed. The chain of Bourbon monarchs begun in 1589 was broken. Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.

Marie Antoinette and her son, Louis, were held as prisoners. Many French royalists proclaimed him Louis XVII, but he never reigned. She was executed on 16 October 1793. He died of tuberculosis on 8 June 1795 at the age of ten while in captivity.

The French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars spread nationalism and anti-absolutism throughout Europe, and the other Bourbon monarchs were threatened. Ferdinand IV was forced to flee from Naples in 1806 when Napoleon Bonaparte deposed him and installed his brother, Joseph, as king. Ferdinand continued to rule from Sicily until 1815.

Napoleon conquered Parma in 1800 and compensated the Bourbon duke with Etruria, a new kingdom he created from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. It was short-lived, counting only two monarchs, Louis and Louis II, as Napoleon annexed Etruria in 1807.

King Charles IV of Spain had been an ally of France. He succeeded his father, Charles III, in 1788. At first he declared war on France on 7 March 1793, but he made peace on 22 June 1795. This peace became an alliance on 19 August 1796. His chief minister, Manuel de Godoy convinced Charles that his son, Ferdinand, was plotting to overthrow him. Napoleon exploited the situation and invaded Spain in March 1808. This led to an uprising that forced Charles to abdicate on 19 March 1808 in favor of his son, who became Ferdinand VII. Napoleon forced Ferdinand to return the crown to Charles on 30 April and then convinced Charles to relinquish it to him on 10 May 1808. In turn, he gave it to his brother, Joseph, king of Naples on 6 June 1808. Joseph abandoned Naples to Joachim Murat, the husband of Napoleon's sister. This was very unpopular in Spain and resulted in the Peninsular War, a struggle that would contribute to the downfall of Napoleon.

Bourbon Restoration

The standard of the French royal family under the Ancien Régime and the restoration period.

With the abdication of Napoleon on 11 April 1814 the Bourbon dynasty was restored to the Kingdom of France in the person of Louis XVIII, brother of Louis XVI. Napoleon escaped from exile and Louis fled in March 1815. Louis was again restored after the Battle of Waterloo on 7 July 1815.

The conservative elements of Europe dominated the post-Napoleonic age, but the values of the French Revolution could not be easily swept aside. Louis granted a constitution on 14 June 1814 to appease the liberals, but the ultra-royalist party, led by his brother, Charles, continued to influence his reign. When he died in 1824 his brother became king as Charles X much to the dismay of French liberals. In a saying ascribed to Talleyrand, "they had learned nothing and forgotten nothing."


Charles passed several laws that appealed to the upper class, but angered the middle class. The situation came to a head when he appointed a new minister on 8 August 1829 who did not have the confidence of the Chamber of Deputies. The chamber censured the king on 18 March 1830 and in response Charles proclaimed the July Ordinances on 26 July 1830 intended to silence criticism against him.[citation needed] This resulted in the July Revolution.

Coat of arms of Louis Philippe of the Orléanist cadet branch, French king during the July Monarchy 1830–48 (with the revolutionary Tricolour flag and the Napoleonic Order of the Legion of Honour)

As a compromise the crown was offered to Louis Philippe, duke of Orléans, a descendant of the brother of Louis XIV, and the head of the Orléanist cadet branch of the Bourbons. Agreeing to reign constitutionally and under the tricolour, he was proclaimed King of the French on 7 August 1830. The resulting regime, known as the July Monarchy, lasted until the Revolution of 1848. The Bourbon monarchy in France ended on 24 February 1848, when Louis Philippe was forced to abdicate and the short-lived Second Republic was established.

Some Legitimists refused to recognize the Orléanist monarchy. After the death of Charles in 1836 his son was proclaimed Louis XIX, though this title was never formally recognized. Charles' grandson Henri, Count of Chambord, the last Bourbon claimant of the French crown, was proclaimed by some Henry V, but the French monarchy was never restored.

Following the 1870 collapse of the Second French Empire of Emperor Napoleon III, Henri was offered a restored throne. However Chambord refused to accept the throne unless France abandoned the revolution-inspired tricolour and accepted what he regarded as the true Bourbon flag of France, featuring the fleur-de-lis. The tricolour, originally associated with the French Revolution and the First Republic, had been used by the July Monarchy, the Second Republic and both Empires; the French National Assembly could not possibly agree.

A temporary Third Republic was established, while monarchists waited for the comte de Chambord to die and for the succession to pass to Prince Philippe, Count of Paris, who was willing to accept the tricolour. Henri lived until 1883, by which time public opinion had come to accept the republic as the "form of government that divides us least." His death without issue marked the extinction of the main line of the French Bourbons. Thus the head of the House of Bourbon became Juan, Count of Montizón of the Spanish line of the house who was also Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain, and had become the senior male of the dynasty by primogeniture. His heir as eldest Bourbon and head of the house is today Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou.

However the terms of the Peace of Utrecht forbade the descendants of Philip V of Spain from inheriting the throne of France, therefore many monarchists recognised the Orléans line as heirs to the French throne.

By an ordinance of Louis Philippe I of 13 August 1830, it was decided that the king's children (and his sister) would continue to bear the arms of Orléans, that Louis-Philippe's eldest son, as Prince Royal, would bear the title of Duke of Orléans, that the younger sons would continue to have their existing titles, and that the sister and daughters of the king would be styled Royal Highness and "d'Orléans," but the Orléans dynasts did not take the name "of France."

Bourbons of Spain and Italy

Spanish kings from the House of Bourbon

Philip V

Arms of the present King of Spain of the House of Bourbon

The Spanish branch of the House of Bourbon, also known as the House of Bourbon-Anjou, was founded by Philip V. He was born in 1683 at Versailles, the second son of the Grand Dauphin, who was eldest son of Louis XIV. He was Duke of Anjou and probably never expected to be raised to a rank higher than that. However, King Charles II of Spain, dying without issue, willed the throne to his grand-nephew the Duke of Anjou, who was the younger grandson of his eldest sister Marie-Thérèse, who had married Louis XIV.

The prospect of Bourbons on both the French and Spanish thrones was resisted as creating an imbalance of power in Europe by its powers and, upon Charles II's death on 1 November 1700, a Grand Alliance of European nations united against Philip. This was known as the War of the Spanish Succession. In the Treaty of Utrecht, signed on 11 April 1713, Philip was recognized as king of Spain but his renunciation of succession rights to France was affirmed and, of the Spanish Empire's other European territories, Sicily was ceded to Savoy, and the Spanish Netherlands, Milan, and Naples were allotted to the Austrian Habsburgs.

Philip had two sons by his first wife. After her death, he married Elisabeth Farnese, niece of Francesco Farnese, Duke of Parma, in 1714. She presented Philip with three sons, for whom she had ambitions of securing Italian crowns. She therefore induced Philip to occupy Sardinia and Sicily in 1717.

A Quadruple Alliance of Britain, France, Austria and the Netherlands was organized on 2 August 1718 to stop him. In the Treaty of The Hague, signed on 17 February 1720, Philip renounced his conquests of Sardinia and Sicily, but he assured the ascension of his eldest son by Elisabeth to the Duchy of Parma upon the reigning duke's death. Philip abdicated in January 1724 in favor of Louis I, his eldest son with his first wife, but Louis died in August and Philip resumed the crown.

When the War of the Polish Succession began in 1733, Philip and Elisabeth saw another opportunity to advance the claims of their sons and recover at least part of the former possessions of the Spanish crown on the Italian peninsula. Philip signed the Family Compact with Louis XV, his nephew and king of France. Charles, Duke of Parma since 1731, invaded Naples. At the conclusion of peace on 13 November 1738, control of Parma and Piacenza was ceded to Austria, which had occupied the duchies but was now forced to recognise Charles as king of Naples and Sicily. Philip also used the War of the Austrian Succession to win back control of Parma. He did not live to see it to its conclusion, however, dying in 1746.

Ferdinand VI and Charles III

Coat of arms of Ferdinand VI at the Omoa Fortress in Honduras.

Ferdinand VI, second son of Philip V and his first wife, succeeded his father. He was a peace-loving monarch who kept Spain out of the Seven Years' War. He died in 1759 in the midst of that conflict and was succeeded by his half-brother Charles III, already reigning as king in Naples and Sicily.

Following Spain's victory over the Austrians at the Battle of Bitonto, it proved inexpedient to reunite Naples and Sicily to Spain, so as a compromise Charles became King of Naples, as Charles IV and VII of Sicily. Following Charles' accession to the Spanish throne in 1759, he was required, by the Treaty of Naples of 3 October 1759, to abdicate Naples and Sicily to his third son, Ferdinand, thus initiating the branch known as the Neapolitan Bourbons.

Charles revived the Family Compact with France on 15 August 1761 and joined in the Seven Years' War against Britain in 1762; the reformist policies he had espoused in Naples were pursued with similar energy in Spain, where he completely overhauled the cumbersome bureaucracy of the state. As a French ally, he opposed Britain during the American Revolution in June 1779, supplying large quantities of weapons and munitions to the rebels and keeping one third of all the British forces in the Americas occupied defending Florida and what is now Alabama, which were ultimately recaptured by Spain. Charles died in 1788.

Bourbons of Parma

Elisabeth Farnese's ambitions were realized at the conclusion of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1748 when the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, already occupied by Spanish troops, were ceded by Austria to her second son, Philip, and combined with the former Duchy of Guastalla of the Gonzagas. Elisabeth died in 1766.

Later Bourbon monarchs outside France

Coat of Arms of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Coat of Arms of the House of Bourbon-Parma

Upon the fall of the French Empire, Ferdinand I was restored to his throne in Naples, forming the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1816 and founding the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. His subjects revolted in 1820 and he was forced to grant a constitution; Austria invaded in March 1821 at his request and revoked the constitution. He was succeeded by his son, Francis I, in 1825 and by his grandson, Ferdinand II, in 1830. A revolution in Sicily erupted in January 1848 and Ferdinand was also forced to grant a constitution. This constitution was revoked in 1849. Ferdinand was succeeded by his son, Francis II, in May 1859.

When Giuseppe Garibaldi captured Naples in 1860, Francis restored the constitution in an attempt to save his sovereignty. He fled to the fortress of Gaeta, which was besieged and captured by the Piedmontese troops in February 1861. His kingdom was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy on 17 March 1861, after the fall the fortress of Messina (surrendered on 12 March), although the Neapolitan troops in Civitella del Tronto resisted three days longer.

After the fall of Napoleon, Napoleon's wife, Maria Louisa, was made Duchess of Parma. As compensation, Charles Louis, the former king of Etruria, was made the Duke of Lucca. When Maria Louisa died in 1847 he was restored to Parma as Charles II. Lucca was incorporated into Tuscany. He was succeeded by his son, Charles III, and grandson, Robert I, in 1854. The people of Parma voted for a union with the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860. After Italian unification the next year, the Bourbon dynasty in Italy was no more.

Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne of Spain in March 1814. Like his Italian Bourbon counterpart, his subjects revolted against him in January 1820 and he was forced to grant a constitution. A French army invaded in 1823 and the constitution was revoked. Ferdinand married his fourth wife, Maria Christina, the daughter of Francis I, the Bourbon king of the Two Sicilies, in 1829. Despite his many marriages he did not have a son, so in 1833 he was influenced by his wife to abolish the Salic Law so that their daughter, Isabella, could become queen depriving his brother, Don Carlos, of the throne.

Isabella II succeeded her father when he died in 1833. She was only three years old and Maria Cristina, her mother, served as regent. Maria knew that she needed the support of the liberals to oppose Don Carlos so she granted a constitution in 1834. Don Carlos found his greatest support in Catalonia and the Basque country because the constitution centralized the provinces thus denying them the autonomy they sought. He was defeated and fled the country in 1839. Isabella was declared of age in 1843 and she married her cousin Francisco de Asís, the son of her father's brother, on 10 October 1846. A military revolution broke out against Isabella in 1868 and she was deposed on 29 September 1868. She abdicated in favor of her son, Alfonso, in 1870, but Spain was proclaimed a republic for a brief time.

When the First Spanish Republic failed the crown was offered to Isabella's son who accepted on 1 January 1875 as Alfonso XII. The Carlist pretender Don Carlos, who returned to Spain, was defeated and resumed his exile in February 1876. Alfonso granted a new constitution in July 1876 that was more liberal than the one granted by his grandmother. His reign was cut short when he died in 1885 at the age of twenty-eight.

Alfonso XIII was born on 17 May 1886 after the death of his father. His mother, Maria Christina, the second wife of Alfonso XII served as regent. Alfonso XIII was declared of age in 1902 and he married Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, the granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria on 31 May 1906. He remained neutral during World War I, but supported the military coup of Miguel Primo de Rivera on 13 September 1923. A movement towards the establishment of a republic began in 1930 and Alfonso fled the country on 14 April 1931. He never formally abdicated, but lived the rest of his life in exile. He died in 1941.

The Bourbon dynasty seemed finished in Spain as in the rest of the world, but it would be resurrected. The Second Spanish Republic was overthrown in the Spanish Civil War, leading to the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. He named Juan Carlos de Borbón, a grandson of Alfonso XIII, his successor in 1969. When Franco died six years later, Juan Carlos I took the throne to restore the Bourbon dynasty. The new king oversaw the Spanish transition to democracy, the Spanish Constitution of 1978 recognized the monarchy.

Since 1964 the Bourbon-Parma line has reigned agnatically though not officially in Luxembourg through Grand Dukes Jean and his son Henri. In June 2011, Luxembourg adopted absolute primogeniture, replacing the old Semi-Salic law that might have guaranteed the survival of Bourbon rule for generations. Although it is not as powerful as it once was and no longer reigns in its native country of France, the House of Bourbon is by no means extinct and has survived to the present-day world, predominantly composed of republics.

The House of Bourbon, in its surviving branches, is believed to be the oldest royal dynasty of Europe (and the oldest documented European family altogether) that is still existing in the direct male line today: The House of Capet's male ancestors, the Robertians, go back to Robert of Hesbaye (d. 807) as their first secured ancestor and he is believed to be a direct male descendant of Charibert de Haspengau (c. 555–636). Should this be true, only the Imperial House of Japan would outmatch the Bourbon's age, being reliably documented – as a ruling house already – from about 540. The House of Hesse traces its line back to 841, the House of Welf-Este and the House of Wettin are both emerging in the 10th century, and so do some Italian non-ruling houses like the Caetani or the Massimo family, whereas most of the other ruling families of Europe only turn up to the light of history after the year 1000.

List of Bourbon rulers


Monarchs of France and Navarre

Dates indicate reigns, not lifetimes.

  • Henry IV, the Great (1589–1610)
  • Louis XIII, the Just (1610–1643)
  • Louis XIV, the Sun King (1643–1715)
  • Louis XV, the Well-Beloved (1715–1774)
  • Louis XVI (1774–1792)

Claimants to the throne of France

Dates indicate claims, not lifetimes.

  • Louis XVI (1792–1793)
  • Louis XVII (1793–1795)
  • Louis XVIII, the Desired (1795–1814)

Monarchs of France

Dates indicate reigns, not lifetimes.

  • Louis XVIII (1814–1824)
  • Charles X (1824–1830)
  • Louis-Philippe I (House of Bourbon-Orléans) (1830–1848)

Legitimist claimants in France

Dates indicate claims, not lifetimes.

  • Charles X (1830–1836)
  • Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulême (Louis XIX) (1836–1844)
  • Henri, Count of Chambord (Henri V) (1844–1883)

Legitimist claimants in France (Spanish branch)

Dates indicate claims, not lifetimes.

  • Juan, Count of Montizón (Jean III) (1883–1887)
  • Carlos, Duke of Madrid (Charles XI) (1887–1909)
  • Jaime, Duke of Anjou and Madrid (Jacques I) (1909–1931)
  • Alfonso Carlos, Duke of San Jaime (Charles XII) (1931–1936)
  • Alfonso XIII of Spain (Alphonse I) (1936–1941) (did not claim the Throne of France)
  • Jaime, Duke of Segovia (Jacques II / Henri VI) (1941–1975)
  • Alfonso, Duke of Anjou and Cádiz (Alphonse II) (1975–1989)
  • Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou (Louis XX) (1989–present)

Orléanist and Unionist claimants in France

Dates indicate claims, not lifetimes.

  • Prince Philippe, Count of Paris (Philippe VII) (1883–1894)
  • Prince Philippe, Duke of Orléans (Philippe VIII) (1894–1926)
  • Prince Jean, Duke of Guise (Jean III) (1926–1940)
  • Prince Henri, Count of Paris (Henry VI) (1940–1999)
  • Prince Henri, Count of Paris (Henry VII) (1999–2019)
  • Prince Jean, Count of Paris (Jean IV) (2019–present)

Kingdom of Spain

Monarchs of Spain

Dates indicate seniority, not lifetimes. Where reign as king or queen of Spain is different, this is noted.

  • Philip V (1700–1746) [abdicated 1724, resumed throne on death of son]
  • Louis I [King 1724; ruled less than one year]
  • Ferdinand VI (1746–1759)
  • Charles III (1759–1788)
  • Charles IV (1788–1808)
  • Ferdinand VII (1808–1833) [King 1808, 1813–1833]
  • Isabella II (1833–1870) [Queen 1833–1868]
  • Alfonso XII (1870–1885) [King 1874–1885]
  • Alfonso XIII (1886–1941) [King 1886–1931]
  • Juan, Count of Barcelona (Juan III) (1941–1977) [did not become King]
  • Juan Carlos I (1977–2014) [King 1975–2014]
  • Felipe VI (2014–present)

"Carlist" claimants in Spain

Dates indicate claims, not lifetimes.

  • Infante Carlos, Count of Molina (Carlos V) (1833–1845)
  • Infante Carlos, Count of Montemolin (Carlos VI) (1845–1861)
  • Juan, Count of Montizón (Juan III) (1861–1868)
  • Carlos, Duke of Madrid (Carlos VII) (1868–1909)
  • Jaime, Duke of Madrid (Jaime III) (1909–1931)
  • Alfonso Carlos of Bourbon, Duke of San Jaime (Alfonso Carlos I) (1931–1936)
  • Xavier, Duke of Parma (Xavier I) (1936–1952–1977)
  • Carlos Hugo of Bourbon, Duke of Parma (Carlos Hugo I) (1977–1979)
  • Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma (Sixto Enrique I) (1979–present)

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Grand Dukes of Luxembourg

Dates indicate reigns, not lifetimes.

  • Jean (1964–2000)
  • Henri (2000–present)

Other significant Bourbon titles

  • Dukes of Bourbon, Montpensier, Vendôme, Anjou, Kings of the Two Sicilies, Dukes of Parma, Dukes of Orléans, Princes of Orléans and Braganza
  • Princes of Condé
  • Princes of Conti

Surnames used

Officially, the King of France had no family name. A prince with the rank of fils de France (Son of France) is surnamed "de France"; all the male-line descendants of each fils de France, however, took his main title (whether an appanage or a courtesy title) as their family or last name. However, when Louis XVI was put on trial and later "guillotined" (executed) by the revolutionaries National Convention in France in 1793, they somewhat contemptuously referred to him in written documents and spoken address as "Citizen Louis Capet" as if a "commoner" (referring back to the Medieval origins of the Bourbon Dynasty's name and referring to Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty).

Members of the House of Bourbon-Condé and its cadet branches, which never ascended to the throne, used the surname "de Bourbon" until their extinction in 1830.

The daughters of Gaston, Duke of Orléans, were the first members of the House of Bourbon since the accession of Henry IV to take their surname from the appanage of their father (d'Orléans). Gaston died without a male heir; his titles reverted to the crown. It was given to his nephew, Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, brother of Louis XIV, whose descendants still bear the surname.

When Philippe, grandson of Louis XIV, became King of Spain as Philip V, he gave up his French titles. As a Son of France, his actual surname was "de France". However, since that surname was not heritable for descendants of rank lower than Son of France, and since Philippe had already given up his French titles, his descendants simply took the name of their royal house as their surname ("de Bourbon", rendered in Spanish as "de Borbón").

The children of Philippe's brother, Charles, Duke of Berry (all of whom died in infancy), were given the surname "d'Alençon". He was Duke of Berry only in name, so the surname of his children was taken from his first substantial duchy.

The children of Charles Philippe, Count of Artois, brother of Louis XVI, were surnamed "d'Artois". When Charles succeeded to the throne as Charles X, his son Louis Antoine became a Son of France, with the corresponding change in surname. His grandson, Henri d'Artois, being merely a Grandson of France, would use the surname until his death.

  • Hugh Capet
    • Robert II of France
      • Henry I of France
        • Philip I of France
          • Louis VI of France
            • Louis VII of France
              • Philip II of France
                • Louis VIII of France
                  • Louis IX of France
                    • Philip III of France
                      • Philip IV of France
                      • image House of Valois
                      • image House of Évreux
                    • image House of Bourbon
                  • image House of Artois
                  • image House of Anjou
            • image House of Dreux
            • image House of Courtenay
        • image House of Vermandois
      • image House of Burgundy

The three dynasties of Bourbon

The first were the lords of Bourbon, who died out by the males in 1171, then by the women in 1216. Their coat of arms are: D'or au lion de gueules, et à l'orle de huit coquilles d'azur Nicolas Louis Achaintre, Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of Bourbon vol. 1, ed. Didot, 1825, p. 45.

The second family formed by the marriage of the last descendant of the first family, Mathilde of Bourbon with Guy II of Dampierre, this land passed to the house of Dampierre in 1196. The coat of arms of this family is: "De gueules à deux léopards d'or, avec couronne de baron", but they took the coat of arms of the previous ones. The son of Guy de Dampierre and Mahaut de Bourbon, Archambaud VIII, took the name and arms of his mother, "de Bourbon", the House of Bourbon-Dampierre. By the marriage of, Agnes of Dampierre (died around 1287), with John of Burgundy, this important lordship passed to their daughter Béatrice de Bourgogne (1257–1310), lady of Bourbon, then to her husband Robert, Count of Clermont (1256–1317), and penultimate child of Saint Louis, thus possessing the land of Bourbon by "the right of the woman (de iure uxoris).

The third house of Bourbon acceded to the throne of Navarre in 1555, then to the throne of France in 1589 by Henri IV. His coat of arms are: "D'azur, fleurs-de-lys d'or sans nombre, l'écu brisé d'un bâton ou cotice de gueules, brochant sur le tout, avec couronne de fils de France. The name House of Bourbon was then used to describe the entire House of France, officially since 29 June 1768, date of death of (1689–1768), with which was extinguished the Capetian House of Courtenay, extinction which made the House of France the only branch dynasty resulting from the dukes of Bourbon.

First House of Bourbon

The Lords of Bourbon, 9th century until 1196.

  • Knight , († v. 953)
    • , Lord of Bourbon († v. 959)
      • , Lord of Bourbon († v. 990)
        • , Lord of Bourbon († v. 1031)
          • , Lord of Bourbon († 1064)
            • , Lord of Bourbon († 1078)
              • , Lord of Bourbon († 1096)
                • , Lord of Bourbon († 1116)
                  • Cow-Coward, Lord of Bourbon († 1120)
                    • , Lord of Bourbon († 1171)
                      • [Bourbon Archambaud] († 1169)
                        • Mathilde Ire, Lady of Bourbon († 1218) x Guy II of Dampierre, Marshal of Champagne († 1216)
                          • | → see below

Second House of Bourbon (Bourbon-Dampierre)

Prince of Bourbon since 1196.

  • Mathilde (Mahaut), Lady of Bourbon († 1218), granddaughter of Archambault VII, Lord of Bourbon, married Guy II of Dampierre, Marshall of Champagne († 1216)
    • Archambaud VIII the Great, Lord of Bourbon († 1242)
      • Archambaud IX the Young, Lord of Bourbon († 1249), married Yolande of Châtillon, Countess of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre
        • Mahaut II, Lady of Bourbon († 1262) married Eudes of Burgundy († 1266)
          • Capetian House of Burgundy
        • Agnès, Countess of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre († 1288) married John of Burgundy, Lord of Charolais († 1268)
          • Beatrix of Burgundy married Robert, Count of Clermont

Third and current House of Bourbon

Princes and Dukes of Bourbon from 1327 to 1830.

|→ Beatrice of Burgundy, Lady of Bourbon

 x Robert de France (1256–1317), Count of Clermont (son of Louis IX of France (1215–1270) and of Marguerite de Provence) ├─>Louis (1280–1342), Duke of Bourbon │ X Marie d'Avesnes (1280–1354) │ │ │ ├─>Pierre (1311–1356), Duke of Bourbon │ │ X Isabella of Valois (1313–1383) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1338–1378) │ │ │ x Charles V of France │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis II (1337–1410), Duke of Bourbon │ │ │ X Anne of Auvergne (1358–1417), Comtess de Forez │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean (1381–1434), Duke of Bourbon │ │ │ │ X Marie, Duchess of Auvergne (1367–1434) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles (1401–1456), Duke de Bourbon │ │ │ │ │ X Agnes of Burgundy, Duchess of Bourbon (1407–1476) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean II (1426–1488), Duke de Bourbon │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Jeanne de France (1430–1482) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Catherine d'Armagnac (+1487) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 3) Jeanne de Bourbon-Vendôme (1465–1512) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Jean (1487–1487), Comte de Clermont │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └3>Louis (1488–1488), Comte de Clermont │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i> (+1505), Prince de Bothéon en Forez () │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Hector, (+1502), Archbishop of Toulouse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Pierre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Marie (+1482) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jacques de Sainte-Colombe │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Marguerite (1445–1482) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean de Ferrieres (+1497) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Maison illégitime de  │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Charles (+1502), vicomte de Lavedan │ │ │ │ │ │ X Louise du Lion, vicomtesse de Lavedan │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marie (1428–1448) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean II, Duke of Lorraine (1425–1470) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Philippe, prince de Beaujeu (1430–1440) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles II (1434–1488), cardinal, archevêque de Lyon, duc de Bourbon │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Isabelle-Paris (+1497) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Gilbert de Chantelot │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Isabelle (1436–1465) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Charles the Bold (+1477) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1438–1482), évêque de Liege │ │ │ │ │ │ X inconnue │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Maison illégitime de Bourbon-Busset │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>i>Pierre de Bourbon (1464–1529), baron de Busset │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Marguerite de Tourzel, dame de Busset (+1531) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>branche illégitime des Bourbon-Busset │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1465–1500) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Jacques (1466–1537) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Pierre II de Beaujeu (1438–1503), Duke of Bourbon │ │ │ │ │ │ x Anne of France (1462–1522) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles, Comte de Clermont (1476–1498) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Suzanne (1491–1521) │ │ │ │ │ │ x Charles III, Duke of Bourbon (1490–1527) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine (1440–1469) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Adolphe de Gueldres (1438–1477) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1442–1493) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean II de Chalon, Prince d'Orange (+1502) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite (1444–1483) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Philip II, Duke of Savoy (1438–1497) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Jacques (1445–1468) │ │ │ │ │ │ Maison illégitime de  │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Louis (+1487), comte de Roussillon-en-Dauphine et de Ligny │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jeanne de France (+1519) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles (+1510), comte de Roussillon et de Ligny │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Anne de La Tour (+1530) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Suzanne (1466–1531), comtesse de Roussillon et de Ligny │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean de Chabannes, comte de Dammartin │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Charles, seigneur de Boulainvilliers (+1529) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Anne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean II, baron d'Arpajon │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jean, abbé de Senilly │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Renaud (+1483), archevêque de Narbonne 1483 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Charles (1461–1504), évêque de Clermont │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Suzanne │ │ │ │ │ │ X Louis de Coustaves, seigneur de Chazelles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Pierre (+1490), prêtre, seigneur du Bois-d'Yoin-en-Lyonnais │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Antoinette │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Pierre Dyenne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Catherine │ │ │ │ │ │ X Pierre Holiflant │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Jeanne │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean du Fay, seigneur de Bray-en-Touraine │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Charlotte │ │ │ │ │ │ X Odilles de Senay │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Sidoine │ │ │ │ │ │ X Rene, prince de Bus │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Catherine, abbesse de Sainte-Claire-d'Aigueperse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis, comte de Forez (1403–1412) │ │ │ │ │ Maison de  │ │ │ │ └─>Louis I, Count of Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ X 1) (+1436) │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Gabrielle de La Tour (+1486) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Gilbert (1443–1496), comte de Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ X Claire Gonzaga (1464–1503) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louise (1482–1561), duchesse de Montpensier, dauphine d'Auvergne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Andre III de Chauvigny (+1503) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Louis de Bourbon, prince of la Roche-sur-Yon (1473–1520) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis II (1483–1501), comte de Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles III, Duke of Bourbon (1490–1527), duc de Bourbon (1490–1527), le "connétable de Bourbon" │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon (1491–1521) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François, comte de Clermont (1517–1518) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>deux jumeaux (1518–1518) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Catherine │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Bertrand Salmart, seigneur of Ressis │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François (1492–1515), duc de Chatellerault │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Renée, dame de Mercœur (1494–1539) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Antoine, Duke of Lorraine (1489–1544) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Anne (1495–1510) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Jean (1445–1485) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Gabrielle (1447–1516) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Louis de la Tremoille, prince de Talmond (+1525) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └2>Charlotte (1449–1478) │ │ │ │ │ X Wolfart van Borsselen, comte de Grandpré (+1487) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Jean, comte de Velay, évêque de Puy-Rembert-en-Forez 1485 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Alexandre, prêtre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Guy (+1442) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Marguerite │ │ │ │ │ X Rodrigo de Villandrando, comte de Ribadeo │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Edmée │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis, prince de Beaujolais (1388–1404) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine (1378-jeune) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Isabelle (1384-ap.1451) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Hector, prince de Dampierre-en-Champagne (1391–1414) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Perceval (1402–1415) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Pierre, chevalier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Jacques, moine │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jean, prince de Tanry │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1339 – Paris 1378) │ │ │ X Charles V of France (1337–1380) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Blanche (1339–1361) │ │ │ X Peter of Castile │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Bonne (1341–1402) │ │ │ X Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy (+1383) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine (1342–1427) │ │ │ X John VI, Count of Harcourt (+1388) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite ((1344) │ │ │ X Arnaud Amanieu d'Albret (1338–1401) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Isabelle (1345–) │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marie (1347–1401), prieure de Poissy │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1312–1402) │ │ X (1299–1357) │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite (1313–1362) │ │ X 1)Jean II de Sully (+1343) │ │ X 2)Hutin de Vermeilles │ │ │ ├─>Marie (1315–1387) │ │ X 1) Guy de Lusignan (1315–1343) │ │ X 2) (+1364) │ │ │ ├─>Philippe (1316–c.1233) │ │ │ ├─>Jacques (1318–1318) │ │ Maison de  │ ├─>Jacques (1319–1362), Count of la Marche and Count of Ponthieu │ │ X Jeanne de Chatillon, dame de Condé et Carency(1320–1371) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Isabelle (1340–1371) │ │ │ X 1) Louis II de Brienne, vicomte de Beaumont (+1364) │ │ │ X Bouchard VII, Count of Vendôme (+1371) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Pierre de la Marche (1342–1362) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean de Bourbon (1344–1393), et de la Marche │ │ │ x Catherine of Vendôme (+1412) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques II (1370–1438), comte de La Marche │ │ │ │ x 1) Béatrice d'Évreux │ │ │ │ x 2) Joanna II of Naples │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├1>Isabelle (1408–c. 1445), nonne à Besançon │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├1>Marie (1410–c. 1445), nonne à Amiens │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └1> (1412–c.1464) │ │ │ │ │ x (+1462) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Claude d'Aix, moine à Dole │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Anne (+1408) │ │ │ │ X 1) Jean II de Berry (+1401), comte de Montpensier │ │ │ │ X 2) Louis VII (+1447), duc de Bavière-Ingolstadt │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Isabelle (1373–), nonne à Poissy │ │ │ │ Maison de Bourbon-Vendôme │ │ │ ├─>Louis de Bourbon (1376–1446), comte de Vendôme │ │ │ │ X 1) Blanche de Roucy (+1421) │ │ │ │ X 2) Jeanne de Laval (1406–1468) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Catherine (1425–jeune) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Gabrielle (1426–jeune) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └2>Jean VIII de Bourbon (1428–1478), comte de Vendôme │ │ │ │ │ X Isabelle de Beauvau │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne, dame de Rochefort (1460–1487) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Louis de Joyeuse, comte de Grandpre (+1498) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine (1462–) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Gilbert de Chabannes, baron de Rochefort │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1465–1511) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Jean II de Bourbon (+1488) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Jean de la Tour, comte d'Auvergne et de Boulogne (1467–1501) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 3) François de la Pause, baron de la Garde │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Renée (1468–1534), abbess of Fontevraud │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François de Bourbon (1470–1495), comte de Vendôme │ │ │ │ │ │ X Marie of Luxembourg (+1546) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles IV, Duke of Bourbon (1489–1537), duc de Vendôme │ │ │ │ │ │ │ x Françoise d'Alençon (1491–1550) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1514–1516), comte de Marle │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marie (1515–1538) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Antoine of Navarre (1518–1562), duc de Vendôme │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ x Jeanne III d'Albret (1529–1572), reine de Navarre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Henri (1551–1553), duc de Beaumont │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Kings of France │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Henri IV of France (1553–1610)/Henri III de Navarre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Bourbon dynasty │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis, comte de Marle (1555–1557) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Madeleine (1556–1556) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Catherine (1559–1604) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X (1563–1624) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Charles (1554–1610), Archbishop of Rouen │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jacquinne d'Artigulouve │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X N de Navailles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite (1516–1589) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Francois I de Clèves, duc de Nevers (+1561) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Madeleine (1521–1561), abbesse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François, comte d'Enghien (1519–1546) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1522–1525) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles (1523–1590), cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Poullain │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine, abbesse (1525–1594) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean (1528–1557), comte de Soissons et d'Enghien, duc d'Estouteville │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Marie (1539–1601), duchesse d'Estouteville │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>N de Valency (+1562) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Renée, abbesse de Chelles (1527–1583) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Maison de Bourbon-Condé │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1530–1569), prince de Condé │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>House of Condé │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Eléonore, abbess of Fontevraud (1532–1611) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Nicolas Charles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jeanne de Bordeix et de Ramers │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Michel Charles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Nicolas │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Christophe │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Jeanne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques (1490–1491) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François I (1491–1545), comte de Saint-Pol, duc d'Estouteville │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Adrienne, duchesse d'Estouteville (1512–1560) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François II (1536–1546), duc d'Estouteville │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marie, duchesse d'Estouteville, (1539–1601) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Jean de Bourbon, comte de Soissons │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) François de Clèves, duc de Nevers (+1562) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 3) Léonor, duc de Longueville (1540–1573) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1493–1557), cardinal, archevêque de Sens │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Antoinette (1493–1583) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Claude, Duke of Guise (1496–1550) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Louise (1495–1575), abbess of Fontevraud │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jacques (1495–) │ │ │ │ │ │ Maison de  │ │ │ │ │ ├─> (1473–1520), prince of La Roche-sur-Yon │ │ │ │ │ │ X (1482–1561) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Suzanne (1508–1570) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Claude de Rieux, comte d'Harcourt et d'Aumale (+1532) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis (1513–1582), Duke of Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Jacqueline de Longwy (+1561) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Catherine de Lorraine (1552–1596) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├1>Françoise (1539–1587) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Henri-Robert de La Marck, duke of Bouillon, prince of Sedan (+1574) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├1>Anne (1540–1572) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X François de Clèves, duc de Nevers (+1562) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne (1541–1620), abbesse de Jouarre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├1>François (1542–1592), duc de Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Renée (1550–1590), marquise de Mezieres │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Henri (1573–1608), duc de Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Henriette-Catherine (1585–1656), duchesse de Joyeuse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marie (1605–1627), Duchess of Montpensier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ x Gaston de France │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charlotte (1547–1582) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Guillaume de Orange-Nassau (+1584) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Louise (1548–1586), abbesse de Faremoutier │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Charles (1515–1565), prince de la Roche sur Yon │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Philippe de Montespedon, dame de Beaupreau (+1578) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Henri, marquis de Beaupreau (154?–1560) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Jeanne (1547–1548) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Louis dit Helvis, évêque de Langres (+1565) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charlotte (1474–1520) │ │ │ │ │ │ X Engelbert de Clèves, comte de Nevers (+1506) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Isabelle (1475–1531), abbesse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├i>Jacques de Vendôme (1455–1524), baron de Ligny │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jeanne, dame de Rubempré │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Claude de Bourbon-Vendôme (1514–1595) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Antoinette de Bours, vicomtesse de Lambercourt (+1585) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Antoine (+1594), vicomte de Lambercourt │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Claude (+1620), vicomtesse de Lambercourt │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean, seigneur de Rambures │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Anne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Claude de Crequi, seigneur d'Hemond │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jacques (+1632), seigneur de Ligny et de Courcelles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Marie de Bommy │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Louise de Gouy │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François Claude (+1658) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Louise de Belleval │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François, seigneur de Bretencourt │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jacqueline Tillette d'Achery │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>une fille mariée à un seigneur des Lyons │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>une fille mariée à un Fortel des Essarts │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles, seigneur de Brétencourt │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Jacques de Monchy, seigneur d'Amerval (+1640) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Antoine de Postel, seigneur de la Grange │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marie Gabrielle (+1629) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Antoinette │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Alexandre de Touzin │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>André, seigneur de Rubempré │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Anne de Busserade │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Anne de Roncherolles │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean (+jeune) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles, seigneur de Rubempré (+1595) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis, seigneur de Rubempré (1574–1598) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marguerite, dame de Rubempré │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean de Monchy, seigneur de Montcavrel │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Madeleine │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean, seigneur de Gonnelieu │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne Marie, abbesse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marguerite, nonne │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean (+1571), abbé de Cuisey │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques, moine │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Catherine (+1530) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ X Jean d'Estrées, seigneur de Cœuvres │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jeanne, abbesse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Madeleine (+ 1588), abbesse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Louis de Vendôme (+1510), évêque d'Avranches │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jean de Vendôme, seigneur de Preaux (1420–1496) │ │ │ │ X 1) Jeanne d'Illiers │ │ │ │ X 2) Gillette Perdrielle │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean, prêtre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>François (+1540), prêtre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Mathurine │ │ │ │ │ X Pierre de Montigny, seigneur de la Boisse │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louise │ │ │ │ │ X Jean, seigneur des Loges │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marie │ │ │ │ X 1) seigneur de La Velette en Limousin │ │ │ │ X 2) Jacques de Gaudebert, seigneur des Forges │ │ │ │ Maison de  │ │ │ ├─>Jean (1378–1457), seigneur de Carency │ │ │ │ X 1) Catherine d'Artois (1397–1420) │ │ │ │ X 2) Jeanne de Vendomois │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Louis(1417–1457) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Jean (1418–) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Jeanne (1419–) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Catherine (1421–) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Pierre (1424–1481), seigneur de Carency │ │ │ │ │ X Philipotte de Plaines │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Jacques (1425–1494), seigneur de Carency │ │ │ │ │ X Antoinette de la Tour (+1450) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles, prince de Carency (1444–1504) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 1) Didere de Vergy │ │ │ │ │ │ X 2) Antoinette de Chabannes (+1490) │ │ │ │ │ │ X 3) Catherine de Tourzel │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├3>Bertrand, prince de Carency (1494–1515) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├3>Jean (1500–1520), prince de Carency │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├3>Louise, princesse de Carency │ │ │ │ │ │ X François de Perusse des Cars (+1550) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └3>Jean (1446–), seigneur de Rochefort │ │ │ │ │ X Jeanne de Lille │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Eleonore (1426–) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├2>Andriette (1427–) │ │ │ │ │ Maison de  │ │ │ │ └2>Philippe, seigneur de Duisant (1429–1492) │ │ │ │ X Catherine de Lalaing (+1475) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Antoine, seigneur de Duisant │ │ │ │ │ X Jeanne de Habart │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Pierre │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Philippe II, seigneur de Duisant (+1530) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Jeanne de Bourbon Duisant │ │ │ │ X François Rolin, seigneur d'Aymerie │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Marie, dame de Bréthencourt ((1386) │ │ │ │ X Jean de Baynes, seigneur des Croix │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─>Charlotte (1388–1422) │ │ │ │ X Janus of Cyprus (1378–1432) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └i>Jean, batard de la Marche–1435 │ │ │ Maison de  │ │ └─>Jacques, seigneur de Preaux (1346–1417) │ │ X Marguerite de Preaux (+1417) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Louis, seigneur de Preaux (1389–1415) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Pierre, seigneur de Preaux (1390–1422) │ │ │Elizabeth de Montagu (1397–1429) │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jacques II, seigneur de Preaux, baron de Thury (1391–1429) │ │ │ X Jeanne de Montagu │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Charles, seigneur de Combles │ │ │ │ │ ├─>Jean (1394–) │ │ │ │ │ └─>Marie, dame de Preaux (1387–1442) │ │ │ └─>Béatrice (1320–1383) │ │ X 1) Jean de Luxembourg (+1346), king of Bohemia │ │ X 2) Eudes II de Grancey (+1389) │ │ │ ├i>Jean, batard de Bourbon (+1375) │ │ X 2) Laure de Bordeaux │ │ X 3) Agnes de Chaleu │ │ │ │ │ └─>Gérard de Bourbon │ │ │ ├i>Jeannette │ │ X Guichard de Chastellux │ │ │ └i>Guy de Bourbon, seigneur de Cluys │ X 2) Jeanne de Chastel-Perron │ │ │ └─>Gérard de Bourbon, seigneur de Clessy │ X 1) Jeanne de Chastillon │ X 2) Alix de Bourbon-Montperoux │ │ │ └─>Isabelle, Dame de Clessy │ X 1) Bernard de Montaigu-Listenois │ X 2) Guillaume de Mello, seigneur d'Epoisses │ ├─>Blanche (1281–1304) │ X Robert VII, Count of Auvergne (+1325) │ ├─>Jean (1283–1316), baron de Charolais │ X Jeanne d'Argies │ │ │ ├─>Béatrice (1310–1364), dame de Charolais │ │ X Jean d'Armagnac (+1373) │ │ │ └─>Jeanne (1312–1383) │ X John I, Count of Auvergne (+1386) │ ├─>Pierre (1287–c.1330) prêtre │ ├─>Marie(1285–1372), prieure de Poissy │ └─>Marguerite (1289–1309) X Jean (1267–1330), margrave of Namur 

Family trees

Simplified family trees showing the relationships between the Bourbons and the other branches of the Royal House of France.

From Louis IX to Louis XIV

Direct Capetians
Louis IX
King of France
r. 1226–1270
of Provence
House of Bourbon
Philip III
King of France
r. 1270–1285
Count of Clermont
r. 1268–1317
of Burgundy
House of Valois
Count of Valois
r. 1284–1325
Louis I
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1327–1341
of Avesnes
Philip VI
King of France
r. 1328–1350
John II
King of France
r. 1350–1364
of Valois
Peter I
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1342–1356
James I
Count of La Marche
r. 1356–1362
of Châtillon
Charles V
King of France
r. 1364–1380
of Bourbon
Louis II
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1356–1410
Peter II
Count of La Marche
r. 1362
John I
Count of La Marche
r. 1362–1393
of Vendôme
Charles VI
King of France
r. 1380–1422
John I
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1410–1434
Louis I
Duke of Orléans
r. 1392–1407
James II
Count of La Marche
r. 1393–1438
Count of Vendôme
r. 1393–1446
Lord of Carency
r. 1393–1458
Charles VII
King of France
r. 1422–1461
Charles I
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1434–1456
Louis I
Count of Montpensier
r. 1428–1486
Count of Angoulême
of Bourbon-La Marche
Lords of Carency
Louis XI
King of France
r. 1461–1483
of France
John II
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1456–1488
Charles II
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1488
Bishop of Liège
r. 1456–1482
Count of Montpensier
r. 1486–1496
Count of Angoulême
r. 1467–1496
Dukes of NemoursJohn VIII
Count of Vendôme
r. 1446–1477
of France
Peter II
Count of La Marche
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1488–1503
of Bourbon-Busset
Count of Vendôme
r. 1477–1495
Prince of La Roche-sur-Yon
Duchess of Montpensier
r. 1538–1561
Duchess of Bourbon
r. 1503–1521
Charles III
Count of La Marche
Duke of Bourbon
r. 1521–1527
of Bourbon-Busset
Francis I
King of France
r. 1515–1547
Duke of Vendôme
r. 1514–1537
Duke of Montpensier
r. 1561–1582
illegitimate male-line
Henry II
King of France
r. 1547–1559
Jeanne III

Queen of Navarre
r. 1555–1572
Duke of Vendôme
King of Navarre
r. 1555–1562
Prince of Condé
r. 1546–1569
Dukes of Montpensier
of France
Henry IV
of Bourbon

King of France
r. 1589–1610
de' Medici

Henri I
Prince of Condé
r. 1569–1588
Louis XIII
King of France
r. 1610–1643
Henri II
Prince of Condé
r. 1588–1646
Louis XIV
King of France
r. 1643–1715
Louis II
Grand Condé

Prince of Condé
r. 1646–1686
Prince of Conti
r. 1629–1666
Henri Jules
Prince of Condé
r. 1686–1709
Louis III
Prince of Condé
r. 1709–1710
Louise Françoise
of Bourbon
Marie Thérèse
de Bourbon
François Louis
Grand Conti

Prince of Conti
r. 1685–1709
Louis Armand I
Prince of Conti
r. 1666–1685
Marie Anne
de Bourbon
Louis IV Henri
Prince de Condé
r. 1710–1740
Marie Anne
de Bourbon
Louise Élisabeth
de Bourbon
Louis Armand II
Prince of Conti
r. 1709–1727
Louis V

Prince of Condé
r. 1740–1818
Louis François
Prince of Conti
r. 1727–1776
Louis VI Henri
Prince of Condé
r. 1818–1830
Louis François Joseph
Prince of Conti
r. 1776–1814
Louis Antoine
Duke of Enghien

Descent from Henry IV

Henry IV
image King of France
Louis XIII
image King of France
Louis XIV
image King of France
Philippe I
Duke of Orléans
"Le Grand Dauphin" of France
Philippe II
Duke of Orléans
Regent of France

image image
"Le Petit Dauphin" of France
Philip V
image King of Spain
Duke of Orléans
Louis XV
image King of France
Louis I
image King of Spain
Ferdinand VI
image King of Spain
Charles III
image King of Spain
image Duke of Parma
Louis Philippe I
Duke of Orléans
Dauphin of France
Charles IV
image King of Spain
image Duke of Parma
Louis Philippe II
(Philippe Égalité)

Duke of Orléans
Louis XVI
image King of France
image King of the French

Titular King of France
image Titular King of France

Legitimist pretender
image King of France
Charles X
image King of France

Legitimist pretender
Ferdinand VII
image King of Spain
(1808; 1813–1833)
Francisco de PaulaCarlos
Count of Molina Carlos V
image Carlist pretender
Louis I
image King of Etruria
Louis-Philippe I
image King of the French

Orléanist pretender
image image
Dauphin of France
image as Louis XVII
image Titular King of France
Duke of Angoulême Dauphin of France
image as Louis XIX
image Legitimist pretender
Charles Ferdinand
Duke of Berry
Isabella II
image Queen of Spain
Duke of Cádiz
King consort of Spain
Count of Montemolin Carlos VI
image Carlist pretender
Count of Montizón Juan III
image Carlist pretender

image as Jean III
image Legitimist pretender
Louis II
image King of Etruria
Charles I
image Duke of Lucca
Charles II
image Duke of Parma
Ferdinand Philippe
Duke of Orléans
Count of Chambord
image as Henri V
image Legitimist pretender
Alfonso XII
image King of Spain
Duke of Madrid Carlos VII
image Carlist pretender

image as Charles XI
image Legitimist pretender
Alfonso Carlos
Duke of San Jaime Alfonso Carlos I
image Carlist pretender

image as Charles XII
image Legitimist pretender
Charles III
image Duke of Parma
Count of Paris
image as Philippe VII
image Orléanist pretender
Duke of Chartres
Alfonso XIII
image King of Spain

image as Alphonse I
image Legitimist pretender
Duke of Madrid Jaime III
image Carlist pretender

image as Jacques I
image Legitimist pretender
Robert I
image Duke of Parma
Duke of Orléans
image as Philippe VIII
image Orléanist pretender
Duke of Guise
image as Jean III
image Orléanist pretender
Duke of Segovia Jaime IV
image Carlist pretender

image as Jacques II or
Henri VI
image Legitimist pretender
Count of Barcelona
Duke of Parma
image Carlist regent
Javier I
image Carlist pretender
Prince of Luxembourg
Count of Paris
image as Henri VI
image Orléanist pretender
Duke of Anjou and Cádiz
image as Alphonse II
image Legitimist pretender
Juan Carlos I
image King of Spain
Carlos Hugo
Duke of Parma Carlos Hugo I
image Carlist pretender
Sixtus Henry
Prince of Parma Enrique V
image Carlist pretender
image Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Count of Paris
Duke of France

image as Henri VII
image Orléanist pretender
Duke of Anjou
image as Louis XX
image Legitimist pretender
Felipe VI
image King of Spain
Duke of Parma Carlos Xavier II
image Carlist pretender
image Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Count of Paris
image as Jean IV

This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources House of Bourbon news newspapers books scholar JSTOR August 2023 Learn how and when to remove this message The House of Bourbon English ˈ b ʊer b en also UK ˈ b ɔːr b ɒ n French buʁbɔ is a dynasty that originated in the Kingdom of France as a branch of the Capetian dynasty the royal House of France Bourbon kings first ruled France and Navarre in the 16th century A branch descended from the French Bourbons came to rule Spain in the 18th century and is the current Spanish royal family Further branches descended from the Spanish Bourbons held thrones in Naples Sicily and Parma Today Spain and Luxembourg have monarchs of the House of Bourbon The royal Bourbons originated in 1272 when Robert the youngest son of King Louis IX of France married the heiress of the lordship of Bourbon The house continued for three centuries as a cadet branch serving as nobles under the direct Capetian and Valois kings House of BourbonParent houseCapetian dynastyCountryFranceSpainLuxembourgTwo SiciliesParmaEtymologyBourbonFounded1272 753 years ago 1272 FounderRobert Count of Clermont the sixth son of King Louis IX of France married Beatrice of BourbonCurrent headPrince Louis Duke of AnjouFinal rulerFrance and Navarre Charles X 1824 1830 Of the French Louis Philippe I 1830 1848 Parma Roberto I 1854 1859 Two Sicilies Francis II 1859 1861 TitlesList King of France and NavarreKing of Spain King of Aragon and CastileKing of the Two SiciliesKing of PolandGrand Duke of LithuaniaGrand Duke of LuxembourgDauphin of FranceDuke of BourbonDuke of CalabriaDuke of VendomeDuke of OrleansDuke of AnjouDuke of BerryDuke of AlenconDuke of AngoulemeDuke of ParmaDuke of LuccaPrince of CondePrince of ContiCount of La MarcheCount of SoissonsCount of ProvenceCount of ArtoisCount of BarcelonaEstate s FranceNavarreSpainTwo SiciliesLuxembourgParmaDepositionFrance and Navarre until 1830 1830 July Revolution1848 February RevolutionParma 1859 Annexation by Kingdom of SardiniaTwo Sicilies 1861 Italian unificationBranchesHouse of Bourbon Anjou House of Bourbon Braganza extinct House of Bourbon Parma House of Bourbon Two Sicilies House of Orleans House of Orleans Braganza House of Orleans Galliera House of Bourbon Montpensier House of Conde extinct House of Conti House of Soissons House of Bourbon Bhopal disputed Illegitimate branches House of Bourbon Busset House of Bourbon Maine House of Bourbon Penthievre House of Bourbon Vendome The senior line of the House of Bourbon became extinct in the male line in 1527 with the death of Duke Charles III of Bourbon This made the junior Bourbon Vendome branch the genealogically senior branch of the House of Bourbon In 1589 at the death of Henry III of France the House of Valois became extinct in the male line Under the Salic law the head of the House of Bourbon as the senior representative of the senior surviving branch of the Capetian dynasty first prince of the blood became King of France as Henry IV Bourbon monarchs then united to France the part of the Kingdom of Navarre north of the Pyrenees which Henry s father had acquired by marriage in 1555 ruling both until the 1792 overthrow of the monarchy during the French Revolution Restored briefly in 1814 and definitively in 1815 after the fall of the First French Empire the senior line of the Bourbons was finally overthrown in the July Revolution of 1830 A cadet Bourbon branch the House of Orleans then ruled for 18 years 1830 1848 until it too was overthrown during the French Revolution of 1848 The princes of Conde was a cadet branch of the Bourbons descended from an uncle of Henry IV and the princes of Conti was a cadet line of the Conde branch Both houses recognized as princes of the blood were prominent French noble families well known for their participation in French affairs even during exile in the French Revolution until their respective extinctions in 1830 and 1814 Consequently since the extinction of the Capetian House of Courtenay in 1733 the Bourbons are the only extant legitimate branch of the House of Capet Although illegitimate the House of Braganza traces its line to the House of Capet via their descent from Robert II of France through the First House of Burgundy then through the Portuguese House of Burgundy Peter I of Portugal fathered an illegitimate son John I of Portugal founder of the House of Aviz who in turn fathered an illegitimate son named Afonso who in turn founded the extant House of Braganza In 1700 at the death of King Charles II of Spain the Spanish Habsburgs became extinct in the male line Under the will of the childless Charles II the second grandson of King Louis XIV of France was named as his successor to preclude the union of the thrones of France and Spain The prince then Duke of Anjou became Philip V of Spain Permanent separation of the French and Spanish thrones was secured when France and Spain ratified Philip s renunciation for himself and his descendants of the French throne in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 and similar arrangements later kept the Spanish throne separate from those of Naples Sicily and Parma The Spanish House of Bourbon rendered in Spanish as Borbon boɾˈbon has been overthrown and restored several times reigning 1700 1808 1813 1868 1875 1931 and since 1975 Bourbons ruled in Naples from 1734 to 1806 and in Sicily from 1735 to 1816 and in a unified Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from 1816 to 1861 They also ruled in Parma from 1731 to 1735 1748 1802 and 1847 1859 the Kingdom of Etruria 1802 1807 and Duchy of Lucca 1814 1847 Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg married Prince Felix of Bourbon Parma and thus her successors who have reigned in Luxembourg since her abdication in 1964 have also been members of the House of Bourbon Isabel Princess Imperial of Brazil regent for her father Emperor Pedro II of Brazil married a cadet of the Orleans line and thus their descendants known as the Orleans Braganza were in the line of succession to the Brazilian throne and expected to ascend its throne had the monarchy not been abolished by a coup in 1889 All legitimate living members of the House of Bourbon including its cadet branches are direct agnatic descendants of Henry IV through his son Louis XIII of France OriginsThe castle of Bourbon l Archambault The pre Capetian House of Bourbon was a noble family dating at least from the beginning of the 13th century when the estate of Bourbon was ruled by the Sire de Bourbon who was a vassal of the King of France The term House of Bourbon Maison de Bourbon is sometimes used to refer to this first house and the House of Bourbon Dampierre the second family to rule the seigneury In 1272 Robert Count of Clermont sixth and youngest son of King Louis IX of France married Beatrix of Bourbon heiress to the lordship of Bourbon and member of the House of Bourbon Dampierre Their son Louis was made Duke of Bourbon in 1327 His descendant the Constable of France Charles de Bourbon was the last of the senior Bourbon line when he died in 1527 Because he chose to fight under the banner of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and lived in exile from France his title was discontinued after his death The remaining line of Bourbons henceforth descended from James I Count of La Marche the younger son of Louis I Duke of Bourbon With the death of his grandson James II Count of La Marche in 1438 the senior line of the Count of La Marche became extinct All future Bourbons would descend from James II s younger brother Louis who became the Count of Vendome through his mother s inheritance In 1525 at the death of Charles IV Duke of Alencon all of the princes of the blood royal were Bourbons all remaining members of the House of Valois were members of the king s immediate family In 1514 Charles Count of Vendome had his title raised to Duke of Vendome His son Antoine became King of Navarre on the northern side of the Pyrenees by marriage in 1555 Two of Antoine s younger brothers were Cardinal Archbishop Charles de Bourbon and the French and Huguenot general Louis de Bourbon 1st Prince of Conde Louis male line descendants the Princes de Conde survived until 1830 Finally in 1589 the House of Valois died out and Antoine s son Henry III of Navarre became Henry IV of France List of BourbonsDukes of Bourbon Counts of La Marche Counts of Vendome Dukes of Vendome Bourbon Kings of Navarre to 1589 Henry IV Bourbon Kings of Navarre and France to 1789 Princes of Conde Dukes of Orleans Dukes of Anjou House of Bourbon Anjou House of Bourbon Parma Bourbon branches House of Clermont later called House of Bourbon House of the Dukes of Bourbon extinct 1521 in total extinct 1503 in the male line House of Bourbon Lavedan illegitimate extinct 1744 House of Bourbon Busset non dynastic House of Bourbon Roussillon illegitimate extinct 1510 House of Bourbon Montpensier Counts of Montpensier extinct 1527 House of Bourbon La Marche extinct 1438 House of Bourbon Vendome House of Bourbon Kings of France House of Artois extinct 1883 House of Bourbon Kings of Spain Carlists extinct 1936 Alfonsines House of Bourbon Anjou House of Bourbon Kings of Spain House of Bourbon Seville House of Bourbon Santa Elena House of Bourbon Two Sicilies House of Bourbon Braganza extinct 1979 House of Bourbon Parma House of Luxembourg Nassau House of Bourbon Maine illegitimate extinct 1775 House of Bourbon Penthievre illegitimate extinct 1793 House of Orleans House of Orleans Braganza House of Orleans Galliera House of Bourbon Vendome illegitimate extinct 1727 House of Bourbon Conde extinct 1830 House of Bourbon Conti extinct 1814 House of Bourbon Soissons extinct 1692 in total extinct 1641 in the male line House of Bourbon Saint Pol extinct 1601 in total extinct 1546 in the male line House of Bourbon Montpensier Dukes of Montpensier extinct 1693 in total extinct 1608 in the male line House of Bourbon Carency extinct 1520 House of Bourbon Duisant extinct 1530 House of Bourbon Preaux extinct 1442 Family from India s claim to be a branch and their claim to The Throne of France Bourbons of India claim to be descendants of Charles III Duke of Bourbon of the first House of Bourbon Montpensier As per the latest research carried out by Prince Michael of Greece and incorporated in his historical novel Le Rajah Bourbon Balthazar Napoleon IV de Bourbon from India is the senior heir in line to the French throne FranceFrench kings from House of Bourbon Family treeRise of Henry IV The first Bourbon king of France was Henry IV He was born on 13 December 1553 in the Kingdom of Navarre Antoine de Bourbon his father was a ninth generation descendant of King Louis IX of France Jeanne d Albret his mother was the Queen of Navarre and niece of King Francis I of France He was baptized Catholic but raised Calvinist After his father was killed in 1562 he became Duke of Vendome at the age of 10 with Admiral Gaspard de Coligny 1519 1572 as his regent Seven years later the young duke became the nominal leader of the Huguenots after the death of his uncle the Prince de Conde in 1569 Henry succeeded to Navarre as Henry III when his mother died in 1572 That same year Catherine de Medici mother of King Charles IX of France arranged for the marriage of her daughter Margaret of Valois to Henry ostensibly to advance peace between Catholics and Huguenots Many Huguenots gathered in Paris for the wedding on 24 August but were ambushed and slaughtered by Catholics in the St Bartholomew s Day Massacre Henry saved his own life by converting to Catholicism He repudiated his conversion in 1576 and resumed his leadership of the Huguenots The period from 1576 to 1584 was relatively calm in France with the Huguenots consolidating control of much of the south with only occasional interference from the royal government Extended civil war erupted again in 1584 when Francois Duke of Anjou younger brother of King Henry III of France died leaving Navarre next in line for the throne Thus began the War of the Three Henrys as Henry of Navarre Henry III and the ultra Catholic leader Henry of Guise fought a confusing three cornered struggle for dominance After Henry III was assassinated on 31 July 1589 Navarre claimed the throne as the first Bourbon king of France Henry IV Much of Catholic France organized into the Catholic League refused to recognize a Protestant monarch and instead recognized Henry IV s uncle Charles Cardinal de Bourbon as rightful king and the civil war continued Henry won a crucial victory at Ivry on 14 March 1590 and following the death of the Cardinal the same year the forces of the League lacked an obvious Catholic candidate for the throne and divided into various factions Nevertheless as a Protestant Henry IV was unable to take Paris a Catholic stronghold or to decisively defeat his enemies now supported by the Spanish He reconverted to Catholicism in 1593 and was crowned king retroactively to 1589 at the Cathedral of Chartres on 27 February 1594 Early Bourbons in France Henry granted the Edict of Nantes on 13 April 1598 establishing Catholicism as an official state religion but also granting the Huguenots a measure of religious tolerance and political freedom short of full equality with the practice of Catholicism This compromise ended the religious wars in France That same year the Treaty of Vervins ended the war with Spain adjusted the Spanish French border and resulted in a belated recognition by Spain of Henry as king of France Ably assisted by Maximilien de Bethune duc de Sully Henry reduced the land tax known as the taille promoted agriculture public works construction of highways and the first French canal started such important industries as the tapestry works of the Gobelins and intervened in favor of Protestants in the duchies and earldoms along the German frontier This last was to be the cause of his assassination Henry IV of France the first Bourbon King of France Henry s marriage to Margaret which had produced no heir was annulled in 1599 and he married Marie de Medici niece of the grand duke of Tuscany A son Louis was born to them in 1601 Henry IV was assassinated on 14 May 1610 in Paris Louis XIII was only nine years old when he succeeded his father He was to prove a weak ruler his reign was effectively a series of distinct regimes depending who held the effective reins of power At first Marie de Medici his mother served as regent and advanced a pro Spanish policy To deal with the financial troubles of France Louis summoned the Estates General in 1614 this would be the last time that body met until the eve of the French Revolution Marie arranged the 1615 marriage of Louis to Anne of Austria the daughter of King Philip III of Spain In 1617 Louis conspired with Charles d Albert duc de Luynes to dispense with her influence having her favorite Concino Concini assassinated on 26 April of that year After some years of weak government by Louis s favorites the King made Armand Jean du Plessis Cardinal Richelieu a former protege of his mother the chief minister of France in 1624 Richelieu advanced an anti Habsburg policy He arranged for Louis sister Henrietta Maria to marry King Charles I of England on 11 May 1625 Her pro Catholic propaganda in England was one of the contributing factors to the English Civil War Richelieu as ambitious for France and the French monarchy as for himself laid the ground for the absolute monarchy that would last in France until the Revolution He wanted to establish a dominating position for France in Europe and he wanted to unify France under the monarchy He established the role of intendants non noble men whose arbitrary powers of administration were granted and revocable by the monarch superseding many of the traditional duties and privileges of the noble governors Although it required a succession of internal military campaigns he disarmed the fortified Huguenot towns that Henry had allowed He involved France in the Thirty Years War 1618 1648 against the Habsburgs by concluding an alliance with Sweden in 1631 and actively in 1635 He died in 1642 before the conclusion of that conflict having groomed Cardinal Jules Mazarin as a successor Louis XIII outlived him but by one year dying in 1643 at the age of forty two After a childless marriage for twenty three years his queen Anne delivered a son on 5 September 1638 whom he named Louis after himself In the mid 18th century the Bourbon monarchy had a faulty system for finance and taxation Their lacking a national bank led to them taking short term loans and ordering financial agents to make payments in advance or in excess of tax revenues collected Louis XIV and Louis XV Royal Coat of arms of the Kingdom of France and Navarre Louis XIV succeeded his father at four years of age he would go on to become the most powerful king in French history His mother Anne served as his regent with her favorite Jules Cardinal Mazarin as chief minister When Louis was age 7 Nicolas de Neufville de Villeroy became governor of the young king The main childhood places of Louis XIV were the Palais Royal and the nearby Hotel de Villeroy Mazarin continued the policies of Richelieu bringing the Thirty Years War to a successful conclusion in 1648 and defeating the nobility s challenge to royal absolutism in a series of civil wars known as the Frondes He continued to war with Spain until 1659 In that year the Treaty of the Pyrenees was signed signifying a major shift in power France had replaced Spain as the dominant state in Europe The treaty called for an arranged marriage between Louis and his cousin Maria Theresa a daughter of King Philip IV of Spain by his first wife Elisabeth the sister of Louis XIII They were married in 1660 and had a son Louis in 1661 Mazarin died on 9 March 1661 and it was expected that Louis would appoint another chief minister as had become the tradition but instead he shocked the country by announcing he would rule alone For six years Louis reformed the finances of his state and built formidable armed forces France fought a series of wars from 1667 onward and gained some territory on its northern and eastern borders Maria Theresa died in 1683 and the next year he secretly married the devoutly Catholic Francoise d Aubigne Marquise de Maintenon Louis XIV began to persecute Protestants undoing the religious tolerance established by his grandfather Henry IV culminating in his revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 The last war waged by Louis XIV proved to be one of the most important to dynastic Europe In 1700 King Charles II of Spain a Habsburg died without a son Louis s only legitimate son the Grand Dauphin as the late king s nephew was the closest heir and Charles willed the kingdom to the Dauphin s second son the Duke of Anjou Other powers particularly the Austrian Habsburgs who had the next closest claims objected to such a vast increase in French power Initially most of the other powers were willing to accept Anjou s reign as Philip V but Louis s mishandling of their concerns soon drove the English Dutch and other powers to join the Austrians in a coalition against France The War of the Spanish Succession began in 1701 and raged for 12 years In the end Louis s grandson was recognized as king of Spain but he was obliged to agree to the forfeiture of succession rights in France the Spanish Habsburgs other European territories were largely ceded to Austria and France was nearly bankrupted by the cost of the struggle Louis died on 1 September 1715 ending his seventy two year reign the longest in European history Dynastic group portrait of Louis XIV seated with his son the Louis the Grand Dauphin to the left his grandson Louis Duke of Burgundy to the right his great grandson the duc d Anjou later Louis XV and Madame de Ventadour his governess who commissioned this painting some years later busts of Henry IV and Louis XIII in the background The reign of Louis XIV was so long that he outlived both his son and eldest grandson He was succeeded by his great grandson Louis XV Louis XV was born on 15 February 1710 and was thus aged only five at his ascension the third Louis in a row to become king of France before the age of thirteen Louis XIII became king at 9 Louis XIV at almost 5 and himself at 5 Initially the regency was held by Philippe Duke of Orleans Louis XIV s nephew as nearest adult male to the throne This Regence was seen as a period of greater individual expression manifested in secular artistic literary and colonial activity in contrast to the austere latter years of Louis XIV s reign Following Orleans death in 1723 the Duke of Bourbon representative of the Bourbon Conde cadet line became prime minister It was expected that Louis would marry his cousin the daughter of King Philip V of Spain but this engagement was broken by the duke in 1725 so that Louis could marry Marie Leszczynska the daughter of Stanislas former king of Poland Bourbon s motive appears to have been a desire to produce an heir as soon as possible so as to reduce the chances of a succession dispute between Philip V and the Duke of Orleans in the event of the sickly king s death Maria was already an adult woman at the time of the marriage while the infanta was still a young girl A posthumous painting commissioned around 1670 by Philippe de France It shows the French Bourbon family around that time It includes Henrietta Maria of France d 1669 exiled Queen of England Philippe I Duke of Orleans founder of the House of Orleans his first wife Princess Henriette d 1670 the couple s first daughter Marie Louise d Orleans later Queen of Spain Anne of Austria d 1666 the Orleans daughters of Gaston Duke of Orleans Louis XIV the Dauphin of France with his wife Maria Theresa of Spain with her third daughter Marie Therese called Madame Royale died 1672 and her second son Philippe Charles de France duc d Anjou d 1671 The first daughter of Gaston stands on the far right Anne Marie Louise d Orleans The picture frame with the two children are the other two daughters of Louis and Maria Theresa who died in 1662 and 1664 Nevertheless Bourbon s action brought a very negative response from Spain and for his incompetence Bourbon was soon replaced by Cardinal Andre Hercule de Fleury the young king s tutor in 1726 Fleury was a peace loving man who intended to keep France out of war but circumstances presented themselves that made this impossible The first cause of these wars came in 1733 when Augustus II the elector of Saxony and king of Poland died With French support Stanislas was again elected king This brought France into conflict with Russia and Austria who supported Augustus III Elector of Saxony and son of Augustus II Stanislas lost the Polish crown but he was given the Duchy of Lorraine as compensation which would pass to France after his death in 1766 Next came the War of the Austrian Succession in 1740 in which France supported King Frederick II of Prussia against Maria Theresa Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary Fleury died in 1743 before the conclusion of the war Shortly after Fleury s death in 1745 Louis was influenced by his mistress the Marquise de Pompadour to reverse the policy of France in 1756 by creating an alliance with Austria against Prussia in the Seven Years War The war was a disaster for France which lost most of her overseas possessions to the British in the Treaty of Paris 1763 Maria his wife died in 1768 and Louis himself died on 10 May 1774 French Revolution Louis XVI had become the Dauphin of France upon the death of his father Louis the son of Louis XV in 1765 He married Marie Antoinette of Austria a daughter of Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa in 1770 Louis intervened in the American Revolution against Britain in 1778 but he is most remembered for his role in the French Revolution France was in financial turmoil and Louis was forced to convene the Estates General on 5 May 1789 They formed the National Assembly and forced Louis to accept a constitution that limited his powers on 14 July 1789 He tried to flee France in June 1791 but was captured The French monarchy was abolished on 21 September 1792 and a republic was proclaimed The chain of Bourbon monarchs begun in 1589 was broken Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793 Marie Antoinette and her son Louis were held as prisoners Many French royalists proclaimed him Louis XVII but he never reigned She was executed on 16 October 1793 He died of tuberculosis on 8 June 1795 at the age of ten while in captivity The French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars spread nationalism and anti absolutism throughout Europe and the other Bourbon monarchs were threatened Ferdinand IV was forced to flee from Naples in 1806 when Napoleon Bonaparte deposed him and installed his brother Joseph as king Ferdinand continued to rule from Sicily until 1815 Napoleon conquered Parma in 1800 and compensated the Bourbon duke with Etruria a new kingdom he created from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany It was short lived counting only two monarchs Louis and Louis II as Napoleon annexed Etruria in 1807 King Charles IV of Spain had been an ally of France He succeeded his father Charles III in 1788 At first he declared war on France on 7 March 1793 but he made peace on 22 June 1795 This peace became an alliance on 19 August 1796 His chief minister Manuel de Godoy convinced Charles that his son Ferdinand was plotting to overthrow him Napoleon exploited the situation and invaded Spain in March 1808 This led to an uprising that forced Charles to abdicate on 19 March 1808 in favor of his son who became Ferdinand VII Napoleon forced Ferdinand to return the crown to Charles on 30 April and then convinced Charles to relinquish it to him on 10 May 1808 In turn he gave it to his brother Joseph king of Naples on 6 June 1808 Joseph abandoned Naples to Joachim Murat the husband of Napoleon s sister This was very unpopular in Spain and resulted in the Peninsular War a struggle that would contribute to the downfall of Napoleon Bourbon Restoration The standard of the French royal family under the Ancien Regime and the restoration period With the abdication of Napoleon on 11 April 1814 the Bourbon dynasty was restored to the Kingdom of France in the person of Louis XVIII brother of Louis XVI Napoleon escaped from exile and Louis fled in March 1815 Louis was again restored after the Battle of Waterloo on 7 July 1815 The conservative elements of Europe dominated the post Napoleonic age but the values of the French Revolution could not be easily swept aside Louis granted a constitution on 14 June 1814 to appease the liberals but the ultra royalist party led by his brother Charles continued to influence his reign When he died in 1824 his brother became king as Charles X much to the dismay of French liberals In a saying ascribed to Talleyrand they had learned nothing and forgotten nothing Aftermath Charles passed several laws that appealed to the upper class but angered the middle class The situation came to a head when he appointed a new minister on 8 August 1829 who did not have the confidence of the Chamber of Deputies The chamber censured the king on 18 March 1830 and in response Charles proclaimed the July Ordinances on 26 July 1830 intended to silence criticism against him citation needed This resulted in the July Revolution Coat of arms of Louis Philippe of the Orleanist cadet branch French king during the July Monarchy 1830 48 with the revolutionary Tricolour flag and the Napoleonic Order of the Legion of Honour As a compromise the crown was offered to Louis Philippe duke of Orleans a descendant of the brother of Louis XIV and the head of the Orleanist cadet branch of the Bourbons Agreeing to reign constitutionally and under the tricolour he was proclaimed King of the French on 7 August 1830 The resulting regime known as the July Monarchy lasted until the Revolution of 1848 The Bourbon monarchy in France ended on 24 February 1848 when Louis Philippe was forced to abdicate and the short lived Second Republic was established Some Legitimists refused to recognize the Orleanist monarchy After the death of Charles in 1836 his son was proclaimed Louis XIX though this title was never formally recognized Charles grandson Henri Count of Chambord the last Bourbon claimant of the French crown was proclaimed by some Henry V but the French monarchy was never restored Following the 1870 collapse of the Second French Empire of Emperor Napoleon III Henri was offered a restored throne However Chambord refused to accept the throne unless France abandoned the revolution inspired tricolour and accepted what he regarded as the true Bourbon flag of France featuring the fleur de lis The tricolour originally associated with the French Revolution and the First Republic had been used by the July Monarchy the Second Republic and both Empires the French National Assembly could not possibly agree A temporary Third Republic was established while monarchists waited for the comte de Chambord to die and for the succession to pass to Prince Philippe Count of Paris who was willing to accept the tricolour Henri lived until 1883 by which time public opinion had come to accept the republic as the form of government that divides us least His death without issue marked the extinction of the main line of the French Bourbons Thus the head of the House of Bourbon became Juan Count of Montizon of the Spanish line of the house who was also Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain and had become the senior male of the dynasty by primogeniture His heir as eldest Bourbon and head of the house is today Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou However the terms of the Peace of Utrecht forbade the descendants of Philip V of Spain from inheriting the throne of France therefore many monarchists recognised the Orleans line as heirs to the French throne By an ordinance of Louis Philippe I of 13 August 1830 it was decided that the king s children and his sister would continue to bear the arms of Orleans that Louis Philippe s eldest son as Prince Royal would bear the title of Duke of Orleans that the younger sons would continue to have their existing titles and that the sister and daughters of the king would be styled Royal Highness and d Orleans but the Orleans dynasts did not take the name of France Bourbons of Spain and ItalySpanish kings from the House of Bourbon Philip V Arms of the present King of Spain of the House of Bourbon The Spanish branch of the House of Bourbon also known as the House of Bourbon Anjou was founded by Philip V He was born in 1683 at Versailles the second son of the Grand Dauphin who was eldest son of Louis XIV He was Duke of Anjou and probably never expected to be raised to a rank higher than that However King Charles II of Spain dying without issue willed the throne to his grand nephew the Duke of Anjou who was the younger grandson of his eldest sister Marie Therese who had married Louis XIV The prospect of Bourbons on both the French and Spanish thrones was resisted as creating an imbalance of power in Europe by its powers and upon Charles II s death on 1 November 1700 a Grand Alliance of European nations united against Philip This was known as the War of the Spanish Succession In the Treaty of Utrecht signed on 11 April 1713 Philip was recognized as king of Spain but his renunciation of succession rights to France was affirmed and of the Spanish Empire s other European territories Sicily was ceded to Savoy and the Spanish Netherlands Milan and Naples were allotted to the Austrian Habsburgs Philip had two sons by his first wife After her death he married Elisabeth Farnese niece of Francesco Farnese Duke of Parma in 1714 She presented Philip with three sons for whom she had ambitions of securing Italian crowns She therefore induced Philip to occupy Sardinia and Sicily in 1717 A Quadruple Alliance of Britain France Austria and the Netherlands was organized on 2 August 1718 to stop him In the Treaty of The Hague signed on 17 February 1720 Philip renounced his conquests of Sardinia and Sicily but he assured the ascension of his eldest son by Elisabeth to the Duchy of Parma upon the reigning duke s death Philip abdicated in January 1724 in favor of Louis I his eldest son with his first wife but Louis died in August and Philip resumed the crown When the War of the Polish Succession began in 1733 Philip and Elisabeth saw another opportunity to advance the claims of their sons and recover at least part of the former possessions of the Spanish crown on the Italian peninsula Philip signed the Family Compact with Louis XV his nephew and king of France Charles Duke of Parma since 1731 invaded Naples At the conclusion of peace on 13 November 1738 control of Parma and Piacenza was ceded to Austria which had occupied the duchies but was now forced to recognise Charles as king of Naples and Sicily Philip also used the War of the Austrian Succession to win back control of Parma He did not live to see it to its conclusion however dying in 1746 Ferdinand VI and Charles III Coat of arms of Ferdinand VI at the Omoa Fortress in Honduras Ferdinand VI second son of Philip V and his first wife succeeded his father He was a peace loving monarch who kept Spain out of the Seven Years War He died in 1759 in the midst of that conflict and was succeeded by his half brother Charles III already reigning as king in Naples and Sicily Following Spain s victory over the Austrians at the Battle of Bitonto it proved inexpedient to reunite Naples and Sicily to Spain so as a compromise Charles became King of Naples as Charles IV and VII of Sicily Following Charles accession to the Spanish throne in 1759 he was required by the Treaty of Naples of 3 October 1759 to abdicate Naples and Sicily to his third son Ferdinand thus initiating the branch known as the Neapolitan Bourbons Charles revived the Family Compact with France on 15 August 1761 and joined in the Seven Years War against Britain in 1762 the reformist policies he had espoused in Naples were pursued with similar energy in Spain where he completely overhauled the cumbersome bureaucracy of the state As a French ally he opposed Britain during the American Revolution in June 1779 supplying large quantities of weapons and munitions to the rebels and keeping one third of all the British forces in the Americas occupied defending Florida and what is now Alabama which were ultimately recaptured by Spain Charles died in 1788 Bourbons of Parma Elisabeth Farnese s ambitions were realized at the conclusion of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1748 when the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza already occupied by Spanish troops were ceded by Austria to her second son Philip and combined with the former Duchy of Guastalla of the Gonzagas Elisabeth died in 1766 Later Bourbon monarchs outside FranceThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed October 2011 Learn how and when to remove this message Coat of Arms of the Royal House of Bourbon Two SiciliesCoat of Arms of the House of Bourbon Parma Upon the fall of the French Empire Ferdinand I was restored to his throne in Naples forming the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1816 and founding the House of Bourbon Two Sicilies His subjects revolted in 1820 and he was forced to grant a constitution Austria invaded in March 1821 at his request and revoked the constitution He was succeeded by his son Francis I in 1825 and by his grandson Ferdinand II in 1830 A revolution in Sicily erupted in January 1848 and Ferdinand was also forced to grant a constitution This constitution was revoked in 1849 Ferdinand was succeeded by his son Francis II in May 1859 When Giuseppe Garibaldi captured Naples in 1860 Francis restored the constitution in an attempt to save his sovereignty He fled to the fortress of Gaeta which was besieged and captured by the Piedmontese troops in February 1861 His kingdom was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy on 17 March 1861 after the fall the fortress of Messina surrendered on 12 March although the Neapolitan troops in Civitella del Tronto resisted three days longer After the fall of Napoleon Napoleon s wife Maria Louisa was made Duchess of Parma As compensation Charles Louis the former king of Etruria was made the Duke of Lucca When Maria Louisa died in 1847 he was restored to Parma as Charles II Lucca was incorporated into Tuscany He was succeeded by his son Charles III and grandson Robert I in 1854 The people of Parma voted for a union with the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860 After Italian unification the next year the Bourbon dynasty in Italy was no more Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne of Spain in March 1814 Like his Italian Bourbon counterpart his subjects revolted against him in January 1820 and he was forced to grant a constitution A French army invaded in 1823 and the constitution was revoked Ferdinand married his fourth wife Maria Christina the daughter of Francis I the Bourbon king of the Two Sicilies in 1829 Despite his many marriages he did not have a son so in 1833 he was influenced by his wife to abolish the Salic Law so that their daughter Isabella could become queen depriving his brother Don Carlos of the throne Isabella II succeeded her father when he died in 1833 She was only three years old and Maria Cristina her mother served as regent Maria knew that she needed the support of the liberals to oppose Don Carlos so she granted a constitution in 1834 Don Carlos found his greatest support in Catalonia and the Basque country because the constitution centralized the provinces thus denying them the autonomy they sought He was defeated and fled the country in 1839 Isabella was declared of age in 1843 and she married her cousin Francisco de Asis the son of her father s brother on 10 October 1846 A military revolution broke out against Isabella in 1868 and she was deposed on 29 September 1868 She abdicated in favor of her son Alfonso in 1870 but Spain was proclaimed a republic for a brief time When the First Spanish Republic failed the crown was offered to Isabella s son who accepted on 1 January 1875 as Alfonso XII The Carlist pretender Don Carlos who returned to Spain was defeated and resumed his exile in February 1876 Alfonso granted a new constitution in July 1876 that was more liberal than the one granted by his grandmother His reign was cut short when he died in 1885 at the age of twenty eight Alfonso XIII was born on 17 May 1886 after the death of his father His mother Maria Christina the second wife of Alfonso XII served as regent Alfonso XIII was declared of age in 1902 and he married Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg the granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria on 31 May 1906 He remained neutral during World War I but supported the military coup of Miguel Primo de Rivera on 13 September 1923 A movement towards the establishment of a republic began in 1930 and Alfonso fled the country on 14 April 1931 He never formally abdicated but lived the rest of his life in exile He died in 1941 The Bourbon dynasty seemed finished in Spain as in the rest of the world but it would be resurrected The Second Spanish Republic was overthrown in the Spanish Civil War leading to the dictatorship of Francisco Franco He named Juan Carlos de Borbon a grandson of Alfonso XIII his successor in 1969 When Franco died six years later Juan Carlos I took the throne to restore the Bourbon dynasty The new king oversaw the Spanish transition to democracy the Spanish Constitution of 1978 recognized the monarchy Since 1964 the Bourbon Parma line has reigned agnatically though not officially in Luxembourg through Grand Dukes Jean and his son Henri In June 2011 Luxembourg adopted absolute primogeniture replacing the old Semi Salic law that might have guaranteed the survival of Bourbon rule for generations Although it is not as powerful as it once was and no longer reigns in its native country of France the House of Bourbon is by no means extinct and has survived to the present day world predominantly composed of republics The House of Bourbon in its surviving branches is believed to be the oldest royal dynasty of Europe and the oldest documented European family altogether that is still existing in the direct male line today The House of Capet s male ancestors the Robertians go back to Robert of Hesbaye d 807 as their first secured ancestor and he is believed to be a direct male descendant of Charibert de Haspengau c 555 636 Should this be true only the Imperial House of Japan would outmatch the Bourbon s age being reliably documented as a ruling house already from about 540 The House of Hesse traces its line back to 841 the House of Welf Este and the House of Wettin are both emerging in the 10th century and so do some Italian non ruling houses like the Caetani or the Massimo family whereas most of the other ruling families of Europe only turn up to the light of history after the year 1000 List of Bourbon rulersFrance Monarchs of France and Navarre Dates indicate reigns not lifetimes Henry IV the Great 1589 1610 Louis XIII the Just 1610 1643 Louis XIV the Sun King 1643 1715 Louis XV the Well Beloved 1715 1774 Louis XVI 1774 1792 Claimants to the throne of France Dates indicate claims not lifetimes Louis XVI 1792 1793 Louis XVII 1793 1795 Louis XVIII the Desired 1795 1814 Monarchs of France Dates indicate reigns not lifetimes Louis XVIII 1814 1824 Charles X 1824 1830 Louis Philippe I House of Bourbon Orleans 1830 1848 Legitimist claimants in France Dates indicate claims not lifetimes Charles X 1830 1836 Louis Antoine Duke of Angouleme Louis XIX 1836 1844 Henri Count of Chambord Henri V 1844 1883 Legitimist claimants in France Spanish branch Dates indicate claims not lifetimes Juan Count of Montizon Jean III 1883 1887 Carlos Duke of Madrid Charles XI 1887 1909 Jaime Duke of Anjou and Madrid Jacques I 1909 1931 Alfonso Carlos Duke of San Jaime Charles XII 1931 1936 Alfonso XIII of Spain Alphonse I 1936 1941 did not claim the Throne of France Jaime Duke of Segovia Jacques II Henri VI 1941 1975 Alfonso Duke of Anjou and Cadiz Alphonse II 1975 1989 Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou Louis XX 1989 present Orleanist and Unionist claimants in France Dates indicate claims not lifetimes Prince Philippe Count of Paris Philippe VII 1883 1894 Prince Philippe Duke of Orleans Philippe VIII 1894 1926 Prince Jean Duke of Guise Jean III 1926 1940 Prince Henri Count of Paris Henry VI 1940 1999 Prince Henri Count of Paris Henry VII 1999 2019 Prince Jean Count of Paris Jean IV 2019 present Kingdom of Spain Monarchs of Spain Dates indicate seniority not lifetimes Where reign as king or queen of Spain is different this is noted Philip V 1700 1746 abdicated 1724 resumed throne on death of son Louis I King 1724 ruled less than one year Ferdinand VI 1746 1759 Charles III 1759 1788 Charles IV 1788 1808 Ferdinand VII 1808 1833 King 1808 1813 1833 Isabella II 1833 1870 Queen 1833 1868 Alfonso XII 1870 1885 King 1874 1885 Alfonso XIII 1886 1941 King 1886 1931 Juan Count of Barcelona Juan III 1941 1977 did not become King Juan Carlos I 1977 2014 King 1975 2014 Felipe VI 2014 present Carlist claimants in Spain Dates indicate claims not lifetimes Infante Carlos Count of Molina Carlos V 1833 1845 Infante Carlos Count of Montemolin Carlos VI 1845 1861 Juan Count of Montizon Juan III 1861 1868 Carlos Duke of Madrid Carlos VII 1868 1909 Jaime Duke of Madrid Jaime III 1909 1931 Alfonso Carlos of Bourbon Duke of San Jaime Alfonso Carlos I 1931 1936 Xavier Duke of Parma Xavier I 1936 1952 1977 Carlos Hugo of Bourbon Duke of Parma Carlos Hugo I 1977 1979 Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon Parma Sixto Enrique I 1979 present Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Grand Dukes of Luxembourg Dates indicate reigns not lifetimes Jean 1964 2000 Henri 2000 present Other significant Bourbon titles Dukes of Bourbon Montpensier Vendome Anjou Kings of the Two Sicilies Dukes of Parma Dukes of Orleans Princes of Orleans and Braganza Princes of Conde Princes of ContiSurnames usedOfficially the King of France had no family name A prince with the rank of fils de France Son of France is surnamed de France all the male line descendants of each fils de France however took his main title whether an appanage or a courtesy title as their family or last name However when Louis XVI was put on trial and later guillotined executed by the revolutionaries National Convention in France in 1793 they somewhat contemptuously referred to him in written documents and spoken address as Citizen Louis Capet as if a commoner referring back to the Medieval origins of the Bourbon Dynasty s name and referring to Hugh Capet founder of the Capetian dynasty Members of the House of Bourbon Conde and its cadet branches which never ascended to the throne used the surname de Bourbon until their extinction in 1830 The daughters of Gaston Duke of Orleans were the first members of the House of Bourbon since the accession of Henry IV to take their surname from the appanage of their father d Orleans Gaston died without a male heir his titles reverted to the crown It was given to his nephew Philippe I Duke of Orleans brother of Louis XIV whose descendants still bear the surname When Philippe grandson of Louis XIV became King of Spain as Philip V he gave up his French titles As a Son of France his actual surname was de France However since that surname was not heritable for descendants of rank lower than Son of France and since Philippe had already given up his French titles his descendants simply took the name of their royal house as their surname de Bourbon rendered in Spanish as de Borbon The children of Philippe s brother Charles Duke of Berry all of whom died in infancy were given the surname d Alencon He was Duke of Berry only in name so the surname of his children was taken from his first substantial duchy The children of Charles Philippe Count of Artois brother of Louis XVI were surnamed d Artois When Charles succeeded to the throne as Charles X his son Louis Antoine became a Son of France with the corresponding change in surname His grandson Henri d Artois being merely a Grandson of France would use the surname until his death Capetian related branchesHugh Capet Robert II of France Henry I of France Philip I of France Louis VI of France Louis VII of France Philip II of France Louis VIII of France Louis IX of France Philip III of France Philip IV of France House of Valois House of Evreux House of Bourbon House of Artois House of Anjou House of Dreux House of Courtenay House of Vermandois House of BurgundyThe three dynasties of BourbonThe first were the lords of Bourbon who died out by the males in 1171 then by the women in 1216 Their coat of arms are D or au lion de gueules et a l orle de huit coquilles d azur Nicolas Louis Achaintre Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of Bourbon vol 1 ed Didot 1825 p 45 The second family formed by the marriage of the last descendant of the first family Mathilde of Bourbon with Guy II of Dampierre this land passed to the house of Dampierre in 1196 The coat of arms of this family is De gueules a deux leopards d or avec couronne de baron but they took the coat of arms of the previous ones The son of Guy de Dampierre and Mahaut de Bourbon Archambaud VIII took the name and arms of his mother de Bourbon the House of Bourbon Dampierre By the marriage of Agnes of Dampierre died around 1287 with John of Burgundy this important lordship passed to their daughter Beatrice de Bourgogne 1257 1310 lady of Bourbon then to her husband Robert Count of Clermont 1256 1317 and penultimate child of Saint Louis thus possessing the land of Bourbon by the right of the woman de iure uxoris The third house of Bourbon acceded to the throne of Navarre in 1555 then to the throne of France in 1589 by Henri IV His coat of arms are D azur fleurs de lys d or sans nombre l ecu brise d un baton ou cotice de gueules brochant sur le tout avec couronne de fils de France The name House of Bourbon was then used to describe the entire House of France officially since 29 June 1768 date of death of 1689 1768 with which was extinguished the Capetian House of Courtenay extinction which made the House of France the only branch dynasty resulting from the dukes of Bourbon First House of BourbonThe Lords of Bourbon 9th century until 1196 Knight v 953 Lord of Bourbon v 959 Lord of Bourbon v 990 Lord of Bourbon v 1031 Lord of Bourbon 1064 Lord of Bourbon 1078 Lord of Bourbon 1096 Lord of Bourbon 1116 Cow Coward Lord of Bourbon 1120 Lord of Bourbon 1171 Bourbon Archambaud 1169 Mathilde Ire Lady of Bourbon 1218 x Guy II of Dampierre Marshal of Champagne 1216 see belowSecond House of Bourbon Bourbon Dampierre Prince of Bourbon since 1196 Mathilde Mahaut Lady of Bourbon 1218 granddaughter of Archambault VII Lord of Bourbon married Guy II of Dampierre Marshall of Champagne 1216 Archambaud VIII the Great Lord of Bourbon 1242 Archambaud IX the Young Lord of Bourbon 1249 married Yolande of Chatillon Countess of Nevers Auxerre and Tonnerre Mahaut II Lady of Bourbon 1262 married Eudes of Burgundy 1266 Capetian House of Burgundy Agnes Countess of Nevers Auxerre and Tonnerre 1288 married John of Burgundy Lord of Charolais 1268 Beatrix of Burgundy married Robert Count of ClermontThird and current House of BourbonPrinces and Dukes of Bourbon from 1327 to 1830 Beatrice of Burgundy Lady of Bourbon x Robert de France 1256 1317 Count of Clermont son of Louis IX of France 1215 1270 and of Marguerite de Provence gt Louis 1280 1342 Duke of Bourbon X Marie d Avesnes 1280 1354 gt Pierre 1311 1356 Duke of Bourbon X Isabella of Valois 1313 1383 gt Jeanne 1338 1378 x Charles V of France gt Louis II 1337 1410 Duke of Bourbon X Anne of Auvergne 1358 1417 Comtess de Forez gt Jean 1381 1434 Duke of Bourbon X Marie Duchess of Auvergne 1367 1434 gt Charles 1401 1456 Duke de Bourbon X Agnes of Burgundy Duchess of Bourbon 1407 1476 gt Jean II 1426 1488 Duke de Bourbon X 1 Jeanne de France 1430 1482 X 2 Catherine d Armagnac 1487 X 3 Jeanne de Bourbon Vendome 1465 1512 2 gt Jean 1487 1487 Comte de Clermont 3 gt Louis 1488 1488 Comte de Clermont i gt 1505 Prince de Botheon en Forez i gt Hector 1502 Archbishop of Toulouse i gt Pierre i gt Marie 1482 X Jacques de Sainte Colombe i gt Marguerite 1445 1482 X Jean de Ferrieres 1497 Maison illegitime de i gt Charles 1502 vicomte de Lavedan X Louise du Lion vicomtesse de Lavedan gt gt Marie 1428 1448 X Jean II Duke of Lorraine 1425 1470 gt Philippe prince de Beaujeu 1430 1440 gt Charles II 1434 1488 cardinal archeveque de Lyon duc de Bourbon i gt Isabelle Paris 1497 X Gilbert de Chantelot gt Isabelle 1436 1465 X Charles the Bold 1477 gt Louis 1438 1482 eveque de Liege X inconnue Maison illegitime de Bourbon Busset gt i gt Pierre de Bourbon 1464 1529 baron de Busset X Marguerite de Tourzel dame de Busset 1531 gt branche illegitime des Bourbon Busset gt Louis 1465 1500 gt Jacques 1466 1537 gt Pierre II de Beaujeu 1438 1503 Duke of Bourbon x Anne of France 1462 1522 gt Charles Comte de Clermont 1476 1498 gt Suzanne 1491 1521 x Charles III Duke of Bourbon 1490 1527 gt Catherine 1440 1469 X Adolphe de Gueldres 1438 1477 gt Jeanne 1442 1493 X Jean II de Chalon Prince d Orange 1502 gt Marguerite 1444 1483 X Philip II Duke of Savoy 1438 1497 gt Jacques 1445 1468 Maison illegitime de i gt Louis 1487 comte de Roussillon en Dauphine et de Ligny X Jeanne de France 1519 gt Charles 1510 comte de Roussillon et de Ligny X Anne de La Tour 1530 gt Suzanne 1466 1531 comtesse de Roussillon et de Ligny X Jean de Chabannes comte de Dammartin X 2 Charles seigneur de Boulainvilliers 1529 gt Anne X Jean II baron d Arpajon i gt Jean abbe de Senilly i gt Renaud 1483 archeveque de Narbonne 1483 i gt Charles 1461 1504 eveque de Clermont i gt Suzanne X Louis de Coustaves seigneur de Chazelles i gt Pierre 1490 pretre seigneur du Bois d Yoin en Lyonnais i gt Antoinette X Pierre Dyenne i gt Catherine X Pierre Holiflant i gt Jeanne X Jean du Fay seigneur de Bray en Touraine i gt Charlotte X Odilles de Senay i gt Sidoine X Rene prince de Bus i gt Catherine abbesse de Sainte Claire d Aigueperse gt Louis comte de Forez 1403 1412 Maison de gt Louis I Count of Montpensier X 1 1436 X 2 Gabrielle de La Tour 1486 2 gt Gilbert 1443 1496 comte de Montpensier X Claire Gonzaga 1464 1503 gt Louise 1482 1561 duchesse de Montpensier dauphine d Auvergne X 1 Andre III de Chauvigny 1503 X 2 Louis de Bourbon prince of la Roche sur Yon 1473 1520 gt Louis II 1483 1501 comte de Montpensier gt Charles III Duke of Bourbon 1490 1527 duc de Bourbon 1490 1527 le connetable de Bourbon X Suzanne Duchess of Bourbon 1491 1521 gt Francois comte de Clermont 1517 1518 gt deux jumeaux 1518 1518 i gt Catherine X Bertrand Salmart seigneur of Ressis gt Francois 1492 1515 duc de Chatellerault gt Renee dame de Mercœur 1494 1539 X Antoine Duke of Lorraine 1489 1544 gt Anne 1495 1510 2 gt Jean 1445 1485 2 gt Gabrielle 1447 1516 X Louis de la Tremoille prince de Talmond 1525 2 gt Charlotte 1449 1478 X Wolfart van Borsselen comte de Grandpre 1487 i gt Jean comte de Velay eveque de Puy Rembert en Forez 1485 i gt Alexandre pretre i gt Guy 1442 i gt Marguerite X Rodrigo de Villandrando comte de Ribadeo i gt Edmee gt Louis prince de Beaujolais 1388 1404 gt Catherine 1378 jeune gt Isabelle 1384 ap 1451 i gt Hector prince de Dampierre en Champagne 1391 1414 i gt Perceval 1402 1415 i gt Pierre chevalier i gt Jacques moine i gt Jean prince de Tanry gt Jeanne 1339 Paris 1378 X Charles V of France 1337 1380 gt Blanche 1339 1361 X Peter of Castile gt Bonne 1341 1402 X Amadeus VIII Duke of Savoy 1383 gt Catherine 1342 1427 X John VI Count of Harcourt 1388 gt Marguerite 1344 X Arnaud Amanieu d Albret 1338 1401 gt Isabelle 1345 gt Marie 1347 1401 prieure de Poissy gt Jeanne 1312 1402 X 1299 1357 gt Marguerite 1313 1362 X 1 Jean II de Sully 1343 X 2 Hutin de Vermeilles gt Marie 1315 1387 X 1 Guy de Lusignan 1315 1343 X 2 1364 gt Philippe 1316 c 1233 gt Jacques 1318 1318 Maison de gt Jacques 1319 1362 Count of la Marche and Count of Ponthieu X Jeanne de Chatillon dame de Conde et Carency 1320 1371 gt Isabelle 1340 1371 X 1 Louis II de Brienne vicomte de Beaumont 1364 X Bouchard VII Count of Vendome 1371 gt Pierre de la Marche 1342 1362 gt Jean de Bourbon 1344 1393 et de la Marche x Catherine of Vendome 1412 gt Jacques II 1370 1438 comte de La Marche x 1 Beatrice d Evreux x 2 Joanna II of Naples 1 gt Isabelle 1408 c 1445 nonne a Besancon 1 gt Marie 1410 c 1445 nonne a Amiens 1 gt 1412 c 1464 x 1462 i gt Claude d Aix moine a Dole gt Anne 1408 X 1 Jean II de Berry 1401 comte de Montpensier X 2 Louis VII 1447 duc de Baviere Ingolstadt gt Isabelle 1373 nonne a Poissy Maison de Bourbon Vendome gt Louis de Bourbon 1376 1446 comte de Vendome X 1 Blanche de Roucy 1421 X 2 Jeanne de Laval 1406 1468 2 gt Catherine 1425 jeune 2 gt Gabrielle 1426 jeune 2 gt Jean VIII de Bourbon 1428 1478 comte de Vendome X Isabelle de Beauvau gt Jeanne dame de Rochefort 1460 1487 X Louis de Joyeuse comte de Grandpre 1498 gt Catherine 1462 X Gilbert de Chabannes baron de Rochefort gt Jeanne 1465 1511 X 1 Jean II de Bourbon 1488 X 2 Jean de la Tour comte d Auvergne et de Boulogne 1467 1501 X 3 Francois de la Pause baron de la Garde gt Renee 1468 1534 abbess of Fontevraud gt Francois de Bourbon 1470 1495 comte de Vendome X Marie of Luxembourg 1546 gt Charles IV Duke of Bourbon 1489 1537 duc de Vendome x Francoise d Alencon 1491 1550 gt Louis 1514 1516 comte de Marle gt Marie 1515 1538 gt Antoine of Navarre 1518 1562 duc de Vendome x Jeanne III d Albret 1529 1572 reine de Navarre gt Henri 1551 1553 duc de Beaumont Kings of France gt Henri IV of France 1553 1610 Henri III de Navarre gt Bourbon dynasty gt Louis comte de Marle 1555 1557 gt Madeleine 1556 1556 gt Catherine 1559 1604 X 1563 1624 i gt Charles 1554 1610 Archbishop of Rouen i gt Jacquinne d Artigulouve X N de Navailles gt Marguerite 1516 1589 X Francois I de Cleves duc de Nevers 1561 gt Madeleine 1521 1561 abbesse gt Francois comte d Enghien 1519 1546 gt Louis 1522 1525 gt Charles 1523 1590 cardinal Archbishop of Rouen i gt Poullain gt Catherine abbesse 1525 1594 gt Jean 1528 1557 comte de Soissons et d Enghien duc d Estouteville X Marie 1539 1601 duchesse d Estouteville i gt N de Valency 1562 gt Renee abbesse de Chelles 1527 1583 Maison de Bourbon Conde gt Louis 1530 1569 prince de Conde gt House of Conde gt Eleonore abbess of Fontevraud 1532 1611 i gt Nicolas Charles X Jeanne de Bordeix et de Ramers gt Jacques gt Michel Charles gt Nicolas gt Christophe gt Marguerite gt Jeanne gt Jacques 1490 1491 gt Francois I 1491 1545 comte de Saint Pol duc d Estouteville X Adrienne duchesse d Estouteville 1512 1560 gt Francois II 1536 1546 duc d Estouteville gt Marie duchesse d Estouteville 1539 1601 X 1 Jean de Bourbon comte de Soissons X 2 Francois de Cleves duc de Nevers 1562 X 3 Leonor duc de Longueville 1540 1573 gt Louis 1493 1557 cardinal archeveque de Sens gt Antoinette 1493 1583 X Claude Duke of Guise 1496 1550 gt Louise 1495 1575 abbess of Fontevraud i gt Jacques 1495 Maison de gt 1473 1520 prince of La Roche sur Yon X 1482 1561 gt Suzanne 1508 1570 Claude de Rieux comte d Harcourt et d Aumale 1532 gt Louis 1513 1582 Duke of Montpensier X 1 Jacqueline de Longwy 1561 X 2 Catherine de Lorraine 1552 1596 1 gt Francoise 1539 1587 X Henri Robert de La Marck duke of Bouillon prince of Sedan 1574 1 gt Anne 1540 1572 X Francois de Cleves duc de Nevers 1562 gt Jeanne 1541 1620 abbesse de Jouarre 1 gt Francois 1542 1592 duc de Montpensier X Renee 1550 1590 marquise de Mezieres gt Henri 1573 1608 duc de Montpensier X Henriette Catherine 1585 1656 duchesse de Joyeuse gt Marie 1605 1627 Duchess of Montpensier x Gaston de France gt Charlotte 1547 1582 X Guillaume de Orange Nassau 1584 gt Louise 1548 1586 abbesse de Faremoutier gt Charles 1515 1565 prince de la Roche sur Yon X Philippe de Montespedon dame de Beaupreau 1578 gt Henri marquis de Beaupreau 154 1560 gt Jeanne 1547 1548 i gt Louis dit Helvis eveque de Langres 1565 gt Charlotte 1474 1520 X Engelbert de Cleves comte de Nevers 1506 gt Isabelle 1475 1531 abbesse i gt Jacques de Vendome 1455 1524 baron de Ligny X Jeanne dame de Rubempre gt Claude de Bourbon Vendome 1514 1595 X Antoinette de Bours vicomtesse de Lambercourt 1585 gt Antoine 1594 vicomte de Lambercourt gt Claude 1620 vicomtesse de Lambercourt X Jean seigneur de Rambures gt Anne X Claude de Crequi seigneur d Hemond i gt Jacques 1632 seigneur de Ligny et de Courcelles X 1 Marie de Bommy X 2 Louise de Gouy gt Francois Claude 1658 X Louise de Belleval gt Francois seigneur de Bretencourt X Jacqueline Tillette d Achery gt une fille mariee a un seigneur des Lyons gt une fille mariee a un Fortel des Essarts gt Charles seigneur de Bretencourt gt Marguerite X 1 Jacques de Monchy seigneur d Amerval 1640 X 2 Antoine de Postel seigneur de la Grange gt Marie Gabrielle 1629 gt Antoinette X Alexandre de Touzin gt Andre seigneur de Rubempre X 1 Anne de Busserade X 2 Anne de Roncherolles gt Jean jeune gt Charles seigneur de Rubempre 1595 gt Louis seigneur de Rubempre 1574 1598 gt Marguerite dame de Rubempre X Jean de Monchy seigneur de Montcavrel gt Madeleine X Jean seigneur de Gonnelieu gt Jeanne Marie abbesse gt Marguerite nonne gt Jean 1571 abbe de Cuisey gt Jacques moine gt Catherine 1530 X Jean d Estrees seigneur de Cœuvres gt Jeanne abbesse gt Madeleine 1588 abbesse i gt Louis de Vendome 1510 eveque d Avranches i gt Jean de Vendome seigneur de Preaux 1420 1496 X 1 Jeanne d Illiers X 2 Gillette Perdrielle gt Jean pretre gt Francois 1540 pretre gt Jacques gt Mathurine X Pierre de Montigny seigneur de la Boisse gt Louise X Jean seigneur des Loges gt Marie X 1 seigneur de La Velette en Limousin X 2 Jacques de Gaudebert seigneur des Forges Maison de gt Jean 1378 1457 seigneur de Carency X 1 Catherine d Artois 1397 1420 X 2 Jeanne de Vendomois 2 gt Louis 1417 1457 2 gt Jean 1418 2 gt Jeanne 1419 2 gt Catherine 1421 2 gt Pierre 1424 1481 seigneur de Carency X Philipotte de Plaines 2 gt Jacques 1425 1494 seigneur de Carency X Antoinette de la Tour 1450 gt Charles prince de Carency 1444 1504 X 1 Didere de Vergy X 2 Antoinette de Chabannes 1490 X 3 Catherine de Tourzel 3 gt Bertrand prince de Carency 1494 1515 3 gt Jean 1500 1520 prince de Carency 3 gt Louise princesse de Carency X Francois de Perusse des Cars 1550 3 gt Jean 1446 seigneur de Rochefort X Jeanne de Lille 2 gt Eleonore 1426 2 gt Andriette 1427 Maison de 2 gt Philippe seigneur de Duisant 1429 1492 X Catherine de Lalaing 1475 gt Antoine seigneur de Duisant X Jeanne de Habart gt Pierre gt Philippe II seigneur de Duisant 1530 gt Jeanne de Bourbon Duisant X Francois Rolin seigneur d Aymerie gt Marie dame de Brethencourt 1386 X Jean de Baynes seigneur des Croix gt Charlotte 1388 1422 X Janus of Cyprus 1378 1432 i gt Jean batard de la Marche 1435 Maison de gt Jacques seigneur de Preaux 1346 1417 X Marguerite de Preaux 1417 gt Louis seigneur de Preaux 1389 1415 gt Pierre seigneur de Preaux 1390 1422 Elizabeth de Montagu 1397 1429 gt Jacques II seigneur de Preaux baron de Thury 1391 1429 X Jeanne de Montagu gt Charles seigneur de Combles gt Jean 1394 gt Marie dame de Preaux 1387 1442 gt Beatrice 1320 1383 X 1 Jean de Luxembourg 1346 king of Bohemia X 2 Eudes II de Grancey 1389 i gt Jean batard de Bourbon 1375 X 2 Laure de Bordeaux X 3 Agnes de Chaleu gt Gerard de Bourbon i gt Jeannette X Guichard de Chastellux i gt Guy de Bourbon seigneur de Cluys X 2 Jeanne de Chastel Perron gt Gerard de Bourbon seigneur de Clessy X 1 Jeanne de Chastillon X 2 Alix de Bourbon Montperoux gt Isabelle Dame de Clessy X 1 Bernard de Montaigu Listenois X 2 Guillaume de Mello seigneur d Epoisses gt Blanche 1281 1304 X Robert VII Count of Auvergne 1325 gt Jean 1283 1316 baron de Charolais X Jeanne d Argies gt Beatrice 1310 1364 dame de Charolais X Jean d Armagnac 1373 gt Jeanne 1312 1383 X John I Count of Auvergne 1386 gt Pierre 1287 c 1330 pretre gt Marie 1285 1372 prieure de Poissy gt Marguerite 1289 1309 X Jean 1267 1330 margrave of NamurFamily treesSimplified family trees showing the relationships between the Bourbons and the other branches of the Royal House of France From Louis IX to Louis XIV Direct CapetiansLouis IX King of France 1214 1270 r 1226 1270Margaret of Provence 1221 1295House of BourbonPhilip III King of France 1245 1285 r 1270 1285Robert Count of Clermont 1256 1317 r 1268 1317Beatrice of Burgundy 1257 1310House of ValoisCharles Count of Valois 1270 1325 r 1284 1325Louis I Duke of Bourbon 1279 1341 r 1327 1341Mary of Avesnes 1280 1354Philip VI King of France 1293 1350 r 1328 1350John II King of France 1319 1364 r 1350 1364Isabella of Valois 1313 1383Peter I Duke of Bourbon 1311 1356 r 1342 1356James I Count of La Marche 1319 1362 r 1356 1362Jeanne of Chatillon 1320 1371Charles V King of France 1338 1380 r 1364 1380Joanna of Bourbon 1338 1378Louis II Duke of Bourbon 1337 1410 r 1356 1410Peter II Count of La Marche 1342 1362 r 1362John I Count of La Marche 1344 1393 r 1362 1393Catherine of Vendome 1354 1412Charles VI King of France 1368 1422 r 1380 1422John I Duke of Bourbon 1381 1434 r 1410 1434Louis I Duke of Orleans 1372 1407 r 1392 1407James II Count of La Marche 1370 1438 r 1393 1438Louis Count of Vendome 1376 1446 r 1393 1446John Lord of Carency 1378 1458 r 1393 1458Charles VII King of France 1403 1461 r 1422 1461Charles I Duke of Bourbon 1401 1456 r 1434 1456Louis I Count of Montpensier 1405 1486 r 1428 1486John Count of Angouleme 1399 1467Eleanor of Bourbon La Marche 1407 aft 1464Lords of CarencyLouis XI King of France 1423 1483 r 1461 1483Joan of France 1435 1482John II Duke of Bourbon 1426 1488 r 1456 1488Charles II Duke of Bourbon 1434 1488 r 1488Louis Bishop of Liege 1438 1482 r 1456 1482Gilbert Count of Montpensier 1443 1496 r 1486 1496Charles Count of Angouleme 1459 1496 r 1467 1496Dukes of NemoursJohn VIII Count of Vendome 1425 1477 r 1446 1477Anne of France 1461 1522Peter II Count of La Marche Duke of Bourbon 1438 1503 r 1488 1503Peter of Bourbon Busset 1464 1529Francis Count of Vendome 1470 1495 r 1477 1495Louis Prince of La Roche sur Yon 1473 1520Louise Duchess of Montpensier 1482 1561 r 1538 1561Suzanne Duchess of Bourbon 1491 1521 r 1503 1521Charles III Count of La Marche Duke of Bourbon 1490 1527 r 1521 1527Philip of Bourbon Busset 1494 1557Francis I King of France 1494 1547 r 1515 1547Charles Duke of Vendome 1489 1537 r 1514 1537Louis Duke of Montpensier 1513 1582 r 1561 1582Bourbon Busset illegitimate male lineHenry II King of France 1519 1559 r 1547 1559Jeanne III d Albret Queen of Navarre 1528 1572 r 1555 1572Antoine Duke of Vendome King of Navarre 1518 1562 r 1555 1562Louis Prince of Conde 1530 1569 r 1546 1569Dukes of MontpensierMargaret of France 1553 1615Henry IV of Bourbon King of France 1553 1610 r 1589 1610Marie de Medici 1575 1642Henri I Prince of Conde 1552 1588 r 1569 1588Louis XIII King of France 1601 1643 r 1610 1643Henri II Prince of Conde 1588 1646 r 1588 1646Louis XIV King of France 1638 1715 r 1643 1715Louis II Grand Conde Prince of Conde 1621 1686 r 1646 1686Armand Prince of Conti 1629 1666 r 1629 1666Henri Jules Prince of Conde 1643 1709 r 1686 1709Louis III Prince of Conde 1668 1710 r 1709 1710Louise Francoise of Bourbon 1673 1743Marie Therese de Bourbon 1666 1732Francois Louis Grand Conti Prince of Conti 1664 1709 r 1685 1709Louis Armand I Prince of Conti 1661 1685 r 1666 1685Marie Anne de Bourbon 1666 1739Louis IV Henri Prince de Conde 1692 1740 r 1710 1740Marie Anne de Bourbon 1689 1720Louise Elisabeth de Bourbon 1693 1775Louis Armand II Prince of Conti 1695 1727 r 1709 1727Louis V Joseph Prince of Conde 1736 1818 r 1740 1818Louis Francois Prince of Conti 1717 1776 r 1727 1776Louis VI Henri Prince of Conde 1756 1830 r 1818 1830Louis Francois Joseph Prince of Conti 1734 1814 r 1776 1814Louis Antoine Duke of Enghien 1772 1804Descent from Henry IV Henry IV King of France 1589 1610 Louis XIII King of France 1610 1643 Louis XIV King of France 1643 1715 Philippe I Duke of OrleansLouis Le Grand Dauphin of FrancePhilippe II Duke of Orleans Regent of FranceLouis Le Petit Dauphin of FrancePhilip V King of Spain 1700 1746 Louis Duke of OrleansLouis XV King of France 1715 1774 Louis I King of Spain 1724 Ferdinand VI King of Spain 1746 1759 Charles III King of Spain 1759 1788 Philip Duke of Parma 1748 1765 Louis Philippe I Duke of OrleansLouis Dauphin of FranceCharles IV King of Spain 1788 1808 Ferdinand Duke of Parma 1765 1802 Louis Philippe II Philippe Egalite Duke of OrleansLouis XVI King of France 1774 1791 King of the French 1791 1792 Titular King of France 1792 1793 Louis XVIII Titular King of France 1795 1804 Legitimist pretender 1804 1814 King of France 1814 1824 Charles X King of France 1824 1830 Legitimist pretender 1830 1836 Ferdinand VII King of Spain 1808 1813 1833 Francisco de PaulaCarlos Count of Molina Carlos V Carlist pretender 1833 1845 Louis I King of Etruria 1801 1803 Louis Philippe I King of the French 1830 1848 Orleanist pretender 1848 1850 Louis Dauphin of France as Louis XVII Titular King of France 1793 1795 Louis Antoine Duke of Angouleme Dauphin of France as Louis XIX Legitimist pretender 1836 1844 Charles Ferdinand Duke of BerryIsabella II Queen of Spain 1833 1868 Francis Duke of Cadiz King consort of SpainCarlos Count of Montemolin Carlos VI Carlist pretender 1845 1861 Juan Count of Montizon Juan III Carlist pretender 1861 1868 as Jean III Legitimist pretender 1883 1887 Louis II King of Etruria 1803 1807 Charles I Duke of Lucca 1824 1847 Charles II Duke of Parma 1847 1849 Ferdinand Philippe Duke of OrleansHenri Count of Chambord as Henri V Legitimist pretender 1844 1883 Alfonso XII King of Spain 1874 1885 Carlos Duke of Madrid Carlos VII Carlist pretender 1868 1909 as Charles XI Legitimist pretender 1887 1909 Alfonso Carlos Duke of San Jaime Alfonso Carlos I Carlist pretender 1931 1936 as Charles XII Legitimist pretender 1931 1936 Charles III Duke of Parma 1849 1854 Philippe Count of Paris as Philippe VII Orleanist pretender 1850 1894 Robert Duke of ChartresAlfonso XIII King of Spain 1886 1931 as Alphonse I Legitimist pretender 1936 1941 Jaime Duke of Madrid Jaime III Carlist pretender 1909 1931 as Jacques I Legitimist pretender 1909 1931 Robert I Duke of Parma 1854 1859 Philippe Duke of Orleans as Philippe VIII Orleanist pretender 1894 1926 Jean Duke of Guise as Jean III Orleanist pretender 1926 1940 Jaime Duke of Segovia Jaime IV Carlist pretender 1941 1969 as Jacques II or Henri VI Legitimist pretender 1941 1975 Juan Count of BarcelonaXavier Duke of Parma Carlist regent 1936 1952 Javier I Carlist pretender 1952 1977 Felix Prince of LuxembourgHenri Count of Paris as Henri VI Orleanist pretender 1940 1999 Alfonso Duke of Anjou and Cadiz as Alphonse II Legitimist pretender 1975 1989 Juan Carlos I King of Spain 1975 2014 Carlos Hugo Duke of Parma Carlos Hugo I Carlist pretender 1977 1979 Sixtus Henry Prince of Parma Enrique V Carlist pretender 1979 present Jean Grand Duke of Luxembourg 1964 2000 Henri Count of Paris Duke of France as Henri VII Orleanist pretender 1999 2019 Louis Duke of Anjou as Louis XX Legitimist pretender 1989 present Felipe VI King of Spain 2014 present Carlos Duke of Parma Carlos Xavier II Carlist pretender 2011 present Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg 2000 present Jean Count of Paris as Jean IV

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