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In public relations and communication science, publics are groups of individual people, and the public (a.k.a. the general public) is the totality of such groupings. This is a different concept to the sociological concept of the Öffentlichkeit or public sphere. The concept of a public has also been defined in political science, psychology, marketing, and advertising. In public relations and communication science, it is one of the more ambiguous concepts in the field. Although it has definitions in the theory of the field that have been formulated from the early 20th century onwards, and suffered more recent years from being blurred, as a result of conflation of the idea of a public with the notions of audience, market segment, community, constituency, and stakeholder.

Etymology and definitions
The name "public" originates with the Latin publicus (also poplicus), from populus, to the English word 'populace', and in general denotes some mass population ("the people") in association with some matter of common interest. So in political science and history, a public is a population of individuals in association with civic affairs, or affairs of office or state. In social psychology, marketing, and public relations, a public has a more situational definition.John Dewey defined (Dewey 1927) public as a group of people who, in facing a similar problem, recognize it and organize themselves to address it. Dewey's definition of a public is thus situational: people organized about a situation. Built upon this situational definition of a public is the situational theory of publics by James E. Grunig (Grunig 1983), which talks of nonpublics (who have no problem), latent publics (who have a problem), aware publics (who recognize that they have a problem), and active publics (who do something about their problem).
In public relations and communication theory, a public is distinct from a stakeholder or a market. A public is a subset of the set of stakeholders for an organization, that comprises those people concerned with a specific issue. Whilst a market has an exchange relationship with an organization, and is usually a passive entity that is created by the organization, public does not necessarily have an exchange relationship, and is both self-creating and self-organizing. Publics are targeted by public relations efforts. In this, target publics are those publics whose involvement is necessary for achieving organization goals; intervening publics are opinion formers and mediators, who pass information to the target publics; and influentials are publics that the target publics turn to for consultation, whose value judgements are influential upon how a target public will judge any public relations material. The public is often targeted especially in regard to political agendas as their vote is necessary in order to further the progression of the cause. As seen in Massachusetts between 2003 and 2004, it was necessary to "win a critical mass of states and a critical mass of public support" in order to get same-sex marriage passed in the commonwealth.
Public relations theory perspectives on publics are situational, per Dewey and Grunig; mass, where a public is simply viewed as a population of individuals; agenda-building, where a public is viewed as a condition of political involvement that is not transitory; and "homo narrans", where a public is (in the words of Gabriel M. Vasquez, assistant professor in the School of Communication at the University of Houston) a collection of "individuals that develop a group consciousness around a problematic situation and act to solve the problematic situations" (Vasquez 1993, pp. 209). Public schools are often under controversy for their "agenda-building," especially in debates over whether to teach a religious or secular curriculum. The promotion of an agenda is commonplace whenever one is in a public environment, but schools have exceptional power in that regard.
One non-situational concept of a public is that of Kirk Hallahan, professor at Colorado State University, who defines a public as "a group of people who relate to an organization, who demonstrate varying degrees of activity—passivity, and who might (or might not) interact with others concerning their relationship with the organization".
Samuel Mateus's 2011 paper "Public as Social Experience"[undue weight? – discuss] considered to view the concept by an alternative point of view: the public "is neither a simple audience constituted by media consumers nor just a rational-critical agency of a Public Sphere". He argued "the concept should also be seen in the light of a publicness principle, beyond a critic and manipulative publicity (...). In accordance, the public may be regarded as the result of the social activities made by individuals sharing symbolic representations and common emotions in publicness. Seen with lower-case, the concept is a set of subjectivities who look publicly for a feeling of belonging. So, in this perspective, the public is still a fundamental notion to social life although in a different manner in comparison to 18th century Public Sphere's Public. He means above all the social textures and configurations where successive layers of social experience are built up."
Social publics
Social publics are groups of people united by common ideas, ideology, or hobbies. Networked publics are social publics which have been socially restructured by the networking of technologies. As such, they are simultaneously both (1) the space constructed through networked technologies and (2) the imagined collective which consequently emerges as a result of the intersection of human persons, shared technologies, and their practices.
See also
- Community
- Nation
- People
- Public sphere
- Res publica
- Volk
- Heath 2005, pp. 707.
- Rawlins & Bowen 2005, pp. 718.
- Vasquez & Taylor 2001, pp. 139.
- Jahanzsoozi 2006, pp. 65.
- Vasquez & Taylor 2001, pp. 140.
- Rawlins & Bowen 2005, pp. 720–721.
- Toth 2006, pp. 506–507.
- Rawlins & Bowen 2005, pp. 721.
- Denise Lavote (November 16, 2013). "A Decade After Massachusetts' Landmark Gay Marriage Ruling, The Gains Are Clear". Huff Post Politics. Archived from the original on 2013-11-19. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
- Shorto, Russell (February 11, 2010). "How Christian Were the Founders?". The New York Times Magazine. Archived from the original on December 30, 2017. Retrieved May 6, 2018 – via NYTimes.com.
- Mateus, Samuel (2011). "The Public as Social Experience". Comunicação e Sociedade. 19: 275–286. doi:10.17231/comsoc.19(2011).911. hdl:10400.13/2917.
- Varnelis, Kazys (October 31, 2008). "Networked Publics". MIT Press. Archived from the original on June 10, 2017.
- Heath, Robert Lawrence, ed. (2005). "Public sphere (Öffentlichkeit)". Encyclopedia of public relations. Vol. 2. SAGE. ISBN 978-0-7619-2733-4.
- Jahanzsoozi, Julia (2006). "Relationships, Transparency, and Evaluation: The Implications for Public Relations". In L'Etang, Jacquie; Pieczka, Magda (eds.). Public relations: critical debates and contemporary practice. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-8058-4618-8.
- Rawlins, Brad L.; Bowen, Shannon A. (2005). "Publics". In Heath, Robert Lawrence (ed.). Encyclopedia of public relations. Vol. 2. SAGE. ISBN 978-0-7619-2733-4.
- Toth, Elizabeth L. (2006). "Building Public Affairs Theory". In Botan, Carl H.; Hazleton, Vincent (eds.). Public relations theory II. LEA's communication series. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-8058-3384-3.
- Vasquez, Gabriel M.; Taylor, Maureen (2001). "Research perspectives on "the Public"". In Heath, Robert Lawrence; Vasquez, Gabriel M. (eds.). Handbook of public relations. SAGE. ISBN 978-0-7619-1286-6.
Further reading

- Dewey, John (1927). The Public and Its Problems. Chicago: Swallow Press.
- Grunig, James E. (1983). Communications behaviours and attitudes of environmental publics: Two studies. Journalism Monographs. Vol. 81. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Publications.
- Vasquez, Gabriel M. (1993). "A Homo Narrans Paradigm for Public Relations: Combining Bormann's Symbolic Convergence Theory and Grunig's Situational Theory of Publics". Journal of Public Relations Research. 5 (3): 201–216. doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr0503_03.
- Hannay, Alastair (2005) On the Public Routledge ISBN 0-415-32792-X
- Kierkegaard, Søren (2002) A Literary Review; Alastair Hannay (trans.) London: Penguin ISBN 0-14-044801-2
- Lippmann, Walter. The Phantom Public (Library of Conservative Thought), Transaction Publishers; Reprint edition, January 1, 1993, ISBN 1-56000-677-3.
- Mayhew, Leon H. The New Public: Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence, (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies), Cambridge University Press, September 28, 1997, ISBN 0-521-48493-6.
- Sennett, Richard. The Fall of Public Man. W. W. Norton & Company; Reissue edition, June 1992, ISBN 0-393-30879-0.
- Schrape, Jan-Felix (2021). Platformization, Pluralization, Synthetization: Public Communication in the Digital Age (PDF). Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies. Vol. 21–02. ISSN 2191-4990.
This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these messages This article may be confusing or unclear to readers Please help clarify the article There might be a discussion about this on the talk page March 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message The neutrality of this article is disputed Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met September 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message Learn how and when to remove this message In public relations and communication science publics are groups of individual people and the public a k a the general public is the totality of such groupings This is a different concept to the sociological concept of the Offentlichkeit or public sphere The concept of a public has also been defined in political science psychology marketing and advertising In public relations and communication science it is one of the more ambiguous concepts in the field Although it has definitions in the theory of the field that have been formulated from the early 20th century onwards and suffered more recent years from being blurred as a result of conflation of the idea of a public with the notions of audience market segment community constituency and stakeholder The diverse public is symbolized in this sculpture situated in Montreal Canada named fr Etymology and definitionsThe name public originates with the Latin publicus also poplicus from populus to the English word populace and in general denotes some mass population the people in association with some matter of common interest So in political science and history a public is a population of individuals in association with civic affairs or affairs of office or state In social psychology marketing and public relations a public has a more situational definition John Dewey defined Dewey 1927 public as a group of people who in facing a similar problem recognize it and organize themselves to address it Dewey s definition of a public is thus situational people organized about a situation Built upon this situational definition of a public is the situational theory of publics by James E Grunig Grunig 1983 which talks of nonpublics who have no problem latent publics who have a problem aware publics who recognize that they have a problem and active publics who do something about their problem In public relations and communication theory a public is distinct from a stakeholder or a market A public is a subset of the set of stakeholders for an organization that comprises those people concerned with a specific issue Whilst a market has an exchange relationship with an organization and is usually a passive entity that is created by the organization public does not necessarily have an exchange relationship and is both self creating and self organizing Publics are targeted by public relations efforts In this target publics are those publics whose involvement is necessary for achieving organization goals intervening publics are opinion formers and mediators who pass information to the target publics and influentials are publics that the target publics turn to for consultation whose value judgements are influential upon how a target public will judge any public relations material The public is often targeted especially in regard to political agendas as their vote is necessary in order to further the progression of the cause As seen in Massachusetts between 2003 and 2004 it was necessary to win a critical mass of states and a critical mass of public support in order to get same sex marriage passed in the commonwealth Public relations theory perspectives on publics are situational per Dewey and Grunig mass where a public is simply viewed as a population of individuals agenda building where a public is viewed as a condition of political involvement that is not transitory and homo narrans where a public is in the words of Gabriel M Vasquez assistant professor in the School of Communication at the University of Houston a collection of individuals that develop a group consciousness around a problematic situation and act to solve the problematic situations Vasquez 1993 pp 209 Public schools are often under controversy for their agenda building especially in debates over whether to teach a religious or secular curriculum The promotion of an agenda is commonplace whenever one is in a public environment but schools have exceptional power in that regard One non situational concept of a public is that of Kirk Hallahan professor at Colorado State University who defines a public as a group of people who relate to an organization who demonstrate varying degrees of activity passivity and who might or might not interact with others concerning their relationship with the organization Samuel Mateus s 2011 paper Public as Social Experience undue weight discuss considered to view the concept by an alternative point of view the public is neither a simple audience constituted by media consumers nor just a rational critical agency of a Public Sphere He argued the concept should also be seen in the light of a publicness principle beyond a critic and manipulative publicity In accordance the public may be regarded as the result of the social activities made by individuals sharing symbolic representations and common emotions in publicness Seen with lower case the concept is a set of subjectivities who look publicly for a feeling of belonging So in this perspective the public is still a fundamental notion to social life although in a different manner in comparison to 18th century Public Sphere s Public He means above all the social textures and configurations where successive layers of social experience are built up Social publicsSocial publics are groups of people united by common ideas ideology or hobbies Networked publics are social publics which have been socially restructured by the networking of technologies As such they are simultaneously both 1 the space constructed through networked technologies and 2 the imagined collective which consequently emerges as a result of the intersection of human persons shared technologies and their practices See alsoCommunity Nation People Public sphere Res publica VolkReferencesHeath 2005 pp 707 Rawlins amp Bowen 2005 pp 718 Vasquez amp Taylor 2001 pp 139 Jahanzsoozi 2006 pp 65 Vasquez amp Taylor 2001 pp 140 Rawlins amp Bowen 2005 pp 720 721 Toth 2006 pp 506 507 Rawlins amp Bowen 2005 pp 721 Denise Lavote November 16 2013 A Decade After Massachusetts Landmark Gay Marriage Ruling The Gains Are Clear Huff Post Politics Archived from the original on 2013 11 19 Retrieved 2013 11 17 Shorto Russell February 11 2010 How Christian Were the Founders The New York Times Magazine Archived from the original on December 30 2017 Retrieved May 6 2018 via NYTimes com Mateus Samuel 2011 The Public as Social Experience Comunicacao e Sociedade 19 275 286 doi 10 17231 comsoc 19 2011 911 hdl 10400 13 2917 Varnelis Kazys October 31 2008 Networked Publics MIT Press Archived from the original on June 10 2017 Bibliography Heath Robert Lawrence ed 2005 Public sphere Offentlichkeit Encyclopedia of public relations Vol 2 SAGE ISBN 978 0 7619 2733 4 Jahanzsoozi Julia 2006 Relationships Transparency and Evaluation The Implications for Public Relations In L Etang Jacquie Pieczka Magda eds Public relations critical debates and contemporary practice Routledge ISBN 978 0 8058 4618 8 Rawlins Brad L Bowen Shannon A 2005 Publics In Heath Robert Lawrence ed Encyclopedia of public relations Vol 2 SAGE ISBN 978 0 7619 2733 4 Toth Elizabeth L 2006 Building Public Affairs Theory In Botan Carl H Hazleton Vincent eds Public relations theory II LEA s communication series Routledge ISBN 978 0 8058 3384 3 Vasquez Gabriel M Taylor Maureen 2001 Research perspectives on the Public In Heath Robert Lawrence Vasquez Gabriel M eds Handbook of public relations SAGE ISBN 978 0 7619 1286 6 Further readingWikiquote has quotations related to The Public Look up public or general public in Wiktionary the free dictionary Dewey John 1927 The Public and Its Problems Chicago Swallow Press Grunig James E 1983 Communications behaviours and attitudes of environmental publics Two studies Journalism Monographs Vol 81 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Publications Vasquez Gabriel M 1993 A Homo Narrans Paradigm for Public Relations Combining Bormann s Symbolic Convergence Theory and Grunig s Situational Theory of Publics Journal of Public Relations Research 5 3 201 216 doi 10 1207 s1532754xjprr0503 03 Hannay Alastair 2005 On the Public Routledge ISBN 0 415 32792 X Kierkegaard Soren 2002 A Literary Review Alastair Hannay trans London Penguin ISBN 0 14 044801 2 Lippmann Walter The Phantom Public Library of Conservative Thought Transaction Publishers Reprint edition January 1 1993 ISBN 1 56000 677 3 Mayhew Leon H The New Public Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence Cambridge Cultural Social Studies Cambridge University Press September 28 1997 ISBN 0 521 48493 6 Sennett Richard The Fall of Public Man W W Norton amp Company Reissue edition June 1992 ISBN 0 393 30879 0 Schrape Jan Felix 2021 Platformization Pluralization Synthetization Public Communication in the Digital Age PDF Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies Vol 21 02 ISSN 2191 4990