The examples and perspective in this article may not include all significant viewpoints.(August 2019) |
General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various media and sources. It excludes specialized learning that can only be obtained with extensive training and information confined to a single medium. General knowledge is an essential component of crystallized intelligence. It is strongly associated with general intelligence and with openness to experience.

Studies have found that people who are highly knowledgeable in a particular domain tend to be knowledgeable in many. General knowledge is thought to be supported by long-term semantic memory ability. General knowledge also supports schemata for textual understanding.
Individual differences
High scorers on tests of general knowledge tend to also score highly on intelligence tests. IQ has been found to robustly predict general knowledge scores even after accounting for differences in age, and five-factor model personality traits. However, many general knowledge tests are designed to create a normal distribution of answers, creating a bell-shaped curve.
General knowledge is also moderately associated with verbal ability, though only weakly or not at all with numerical and spatial ability. As with crystallized intelligence, general knowledge has been found to increase with age.
Long-term semantic memory
General knowledge is stored as semantic memory. Most semantic memory is preserved through old age, though there are deficits in retrieval of certain specific words correlated with aging. In addition, stress or various emotional levels can negatively affect semantic memory retrieval.
People high in general knowledge tend to be highly open to new experiences and in typical intellectual engagement. The relationship between openness to experience and general knowledge remains robust even when IQ is taken into account. People high in openness may be more motivated to engage in intellectual pursuits that increase their knowledge. Relationships between general knowledge and other five factor model traits tend to be weak and inconsistent. Though one study found that extraversion and neuroticism were negatively correlated with general knowledge, others found that they were unrelated. Inconsistent results have also been found for conscientiousness.
Predictor of achievement
This section needs additional citations for verification.(April 2021) |
A number of studies have assessed whether performance on a general knowledge test can predict achievement in particular areas, namely in academics, proofreading, and creativity.
Academic achievement
General knowledge helps to perform well on government exams The study examined cognitive ability and personality predictors of exam performance and found that general knowledge was positively correlated with GCSE English, mathematics, Grammar, History, Science and overall exam results. General knowledge test scores predicted exam results, even after controlling for IQ, five-factor model personality traits, and learning styles.
General knowledge has been found to robustly predict proofreading skills in university students. A study found that proofreading had a larger correlation with general knowledge than with general intelligence, verbal reasoning, or openness to experience. In a multiple regression analysis using general knowledge, general intelligence, verbal reasoning, five factor personality traits, and learning styles as predictors, only general knowledge was a significant predictor.
General knowledge has been found to have weak associations with measures of creativity. In a study examining contributions of personality and intelligence to creativity, general knowledge was positively correlated with divergent thinking tests, but was unrelated to a biographical measure of creative achievement, self-rated creativity, or a composite measure of creativity. The relationship between general knowledge and divergent thinking became non-significant when controlling for fluid intelligence.
Game shows and quizzes
This section does not cite any sources.(April 2021) |
Many game shows use general knowledge questions for entertainment purposes. Game shows such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and Fifteen to One centre their questions on general knowledge, while other shows focus questions more on specific subjects. Some shows ask questions both on specific subjects and on general knowledge, including Eggheads and Mastermind. In Mastermind, contestants choose their own "specialist subject" before answering general knowledge questions, whereas in Eggheads the subjects are chosen at random. The game show Jeopardy! tests contestants' knowledge.
See also
- IQ
- Intelligence
- High culture
- Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory
- Cultural literacy
- Core Knowledge Foundation
- Upper ontology – Ontology applicable across domains of knowledge
- Furnham et al. found positive correlations with general knowledge in his first and third studies, but no significant relationship in his second. Studies by others have found no significant relationship.
- "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE". Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved 2019-08-24.
- T. C. Bates and A. Shieles. (2003). Crystallized Intelligence is a product of Speed and Drive for Experience: The Relationship of Inspection Time and Openness to g and Gc. Intelligence, 31, 275-287
- Rolfhus, Eric L.; Ackerman, Phillip L. (1999). "Assessing individual differences in knowledge: Knowledge, intelligence, and related traits" (PDF). Journal of Educational Psychology. 91 (3): 511–526. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.91.3.511. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-15. Retrieved 2019-12-25.
- Ackerman, Phillip L.; Bowen, Kristy R.; Beier, Margaret E.; Kanfer, Ruth (2001). "Determinants of individual differences and gender differences in knowledge". Journal of Educational Psychology. 93 (4): 797–825. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.93.4.797. Archived from the original on 2016-04-05. Retrieved 2011-12-04.
- Smith, Amy M.; Hughes, Gregory I.; Davis, F. Caroline; Thomas, Ayanna K. (March 2019). "Acute stress enhances general-knowledge semantic memory". Hormones and Behavior. 109: 38–43. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.02.003. PMID 30742829. S2CID 72334918.
- An, Shuying (2013-01-01). "Schema Theory in Reading". Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 3 (1). doi:10.4304/tpls.3.1.130-134. ISSN 1799-2591. S2CID 26167875.
- Furnham, Adrian; Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas (2006). "Personality, intelligence, and general knowledge". Learning and Individual Differences. 16: 79–90. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2005.07.002.
- Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Furnham, Adrian; Ackerman, Phillip L. (2006). "Ability and personality correlates of general knowledge" (PDF). Personality and Individual Differences. 41 (3): 419–429. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2005.11.036. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-26.
- Furnham, Adrian; Swami, Viren; Arteche, Adriane; Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas (2008). "Cognitive ability, learning approaches and personality correlates of general knowledge". Educational Psychology. 28 (4): 427–437. doi:10.1080/01443410701727376. S2CID 144132702.
- Stuart-Hamilton, Ian (6 April 2014). "What Constitutes General Knowledge?". Psychology Today. Retrieved 2019-08-24.
- Furnham, Adrian; Christopher, Andrew N.; Garwood, Jeanette; Martin, G. Neil (2007). "Approaches to learning and the acquisition of general knowledge". Personality and Individual Differences. 43 (6): 1563–1571. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2007.04.013.
- Glisky, Elizabeth L. (2007), Riddle, David R. (ed.), "Changes in Cognitive Function in Human Aging", Brain Aging: Models, Methods, and Mechanisms, Frontiers in Neuroscience, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, ISBN 9780849338182, PMID 21204355, retrieved 2019-08-24
- Furnham, Adrian; Monsen, J. & Ahmetoglu (2009). "Typical intellectual engagement, Big Five personality traits, approaches to learning and cognitive ability predictors of academic performance". British Journal of Educational Psychology. 79 (4): 769–782. doi:10.1348/978185409X412147. PMID 19245744.
- Furnham, Adrian (2010). "Proofreading as an index of crystallised intelligence". Educational Psychology. 30 (6): 735–754. doi:10.1080/01443410.2010.506005. S2CID 145775446.
- Batey, Mark; Furnham, Adrian; Safiullina, Xeniya (2010). "Intelligence, general knowledge and personality as predictors of creativity". Learning and Individual Differences. 20 (5): 532–535. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2010.04.008.
- Achary, K ram (3 April 2024). "30+ GK Questions and Answers in English | General Awareness Questions". Just Know. Retrieved 10 April 2024.
- Dijksterhuis, A.; van Knippenberg, A. (1998). "The relation between perception and behavior, or how to win a game of trivial pursuit" (PDF). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 74 (4): 865–77. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.74.4.865. PMID 9569649. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-06-14.
- Dijksterhuis, A. (October 1998). "Seeing one thing and doing another: Contrast effects in automatic behavior". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 75 (4): 862–871. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.75.4.862.
The examples and perspective in this article may not include all significant viewpoints Please improve the article or discuss the issue August 2019 Learn how and when to remove this message General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various media and sources It excludes specialized learning that can only be obtained with extensive training and information confined to a single medium General knowledge is an essential component of crystallized intelligence It is strongly associated with general intelligence and with openness to experience An encyclopedia is a repository of general knowledge Studies have found that people who are highly knowledgeable in a particular domain tend to be knowledgeable in many General knowledge is thought to be supported by long term semantic memory ability General knowledge also supports schemata for textual understanding Individual differencesIntelligence High scorers on tests of general knowledge tend to also score highly on intelligence tests IQ has been found to robustly predict general knowledge scores even after accounting for differences in age and five factor model personality traits However many general knowledge tests are designed to create a normal distribution of answers creating a bell shaped curve General knowledge is also moderately associated with verbal ability though only weakly or not at all with numerical and spatial ability As with crystallized intelligence general knowledge has been found to increase with age Long term semantic memory General knowledge is stored as semantic memory Most semantic memory is preserved through old age though there are deficits in retrieval of certain specific words correlated with aging In addition stress or various emotional levels can negatively affect semantic memory retrieval Personality People high in general knowledge tend to be highly open to new experiences and in typical intellectual engagement The relationship between openness to experience and general knowledge remains robust even when IQ is taken into account People high in openness may be more motivated to engage in intellectual pursuits that increase their knowledge Relationships between general knowledge and other five factor model traits tend to be weak and inconsistent Though one study found that extraversion and neuroticism were negatively correlated with general knowledge others found that they were unrelated Inconsistent results have also been found for conscientiousness Predictor of achievementThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2021 Learn how and when to remove this message A number of studies have assessed whether performance on a general knowledge test can predict achievement in particular areas namely in academics proofreading and creativity Academic achievement General knowledge helps to perform well on government exams The study examined cognitive ability and personality predictors of exam performance and found that general knowledge was positively correlated with GCSE English mathematics Grammar History Science and overall exam results General knowledge test scores predicted exam results even after controlling for IQ five factor model personality traits and learning styles Proofreading General knowledge has been found to robustly predict proofreading skills in university students A study found that proofreading had a larger correlation with general knowledge than with general intelligence verbal reasoning or openness to experience In a multiple regression analysis using general knowledge general intelligence verbal reasoning five factor personality traits and learning styles as predictors only general knowledge was a significant predictor Creativity General knowledge has been found to have weak associations with measures of creativity In a study examining contributions of personality and intelligence to creativity general knowledge was positively correlated with divergent thinking tests but was unrelated to a biographical measure of creative achievement self rated creativity or a composite measure of creativity The relationship between general knowledge and divergent thinking became non significant when controlling for fluid intelligence 1 Game shows and quizzesThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2021 Learn how and when to remove this message Many game shows use general knowledge questions for entertainment purposes Game shows such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and Fifteen to One centre their questions on general knowledge while other shows focus questions more on specific subjects Some shows ask questions both on specific subjects and on general knowledge including Eggheads and Mastermind In Mastermind contestants choose their own specialist subject before answering general knowledge questions whereas in Eggheads the subjects are chosen at random The game show Jeopardy tests contestants knowledge Questions drawn from the game Trivial Pursuit have been used in a number of psychological experiments concerning general knowledge See alsoIQ Intelligence High culture Cattell Horn Carroll theory Cultural literacy Core Knowledge Foundation Upper ontology Ontology applicable across domains of knowledgeNotesFurnham et al found positive correlations with general knowledge in his first and third studies but no significant relationship in his second Studies by others have found no significant relationship References GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Cambridge English Dictionary Retrieved 2019 08 24 T C Bates and A Shieles 2003 Crystallized Intelligence is a product of Speed and Drive for Experience The Relationship of Inspection Time and Openness to g and Gc Intelligence 31 275 287 Rolfhus Eric L Ackerman Phillip L 1999 Assessing individual differences in knowledge Knowledge intelligence and related traits PDF Journal of Educational Psychology 91 3 511 526 doi 10 1037 0022 0663 91 3 511 Archived from the original PDF on 2012 04 15 Retrieved 2019 12 25 Ackerman Phillip L Bowen Kristy R Beier Margaret E Kanfer Ruth 2001 Determinants of individual differences and gender differences in knowledge Journal of Educational Psychology 93 4 797 825 doi 10 1037 0022 0663 93 4 797 Archived from the original on 2016 04 05 Retrieved 2011 12 04 Smith Amy M Hughes Gregory I Davis F Caroline Thomas Ayanna K March 2019 Acute stress enhances general knowledge semantic memory Hormones and Behavior 109 38 43 doi 10 1016 j yhbeh 2019 02 003 PMID 30742829 S2CID 72334918 An Shuying 2013 01 01 Schema Theory in Reading Theory and Practice in Language Studies 3 1 doi 10 4304 tpls 3 1 130 134 ISSN 1799 2591 S2CID 26167875 Furnham Adrian Chamorro Premuzic Tomas 2006 Personality intelligence and general knowledge Learning and Individual Differences 16 79 90 doi 10 1016 j lindif 2005 07 002 Chamorro Premuzic Tomas Furnham Adrian Ackerman Phillip L 2006 Ability and personality correlates of general knowledge PDF Personality and Individual Differences 41 3 419 429 doi 10 1016 j paid 2005 11 036 Archived from the original PDF on 2012 04 26 Furnham Adrian Swami Viren Arteche Adriane Chamorro Premuzic Tomas 2008 Cognitive ability learning approaches and personality correlates of general knowledge Educational Psychology 28 4 427 437 doi 10 1080 01443410701727376 S2CID 144132702 Stuart Hamilton Ian 6 April 2014 What Constitutes General Knowledge Psychology Today Retrieved 2019 08 24 Furnham Adrian Christopher Andrew N Garwood Jeanette Martin G Neil 2007 Approaches to learning and the acquisition of general knowledge Personality and Individual Differences 43 6 1563 1571 doi 10 1016 j paid 2007 04 013 Glisky Elizabeth L 2007 Riddle David R ed Changes in Cognitive Function in Human Aging Brain Aging Models Methods and Mechanisms Frontiers in Neuroscience CRC Press Taylor amp Francis ISBN 9780849338182 PMID 21204355 retrieved 2019 08 24 Furnham Adrian Monsen J amp Ahmetoglu 2009 Typical intellectual engagement Big Five personality traits approaches to learning and cognitive ability predictors of academic performance British Journal of Educational Psychology 79 4 769 782 doi 10 1348 978185409X412147 PMID 19245744 Furnham Adrian 2010 Proofreading as an index of crystallised intelligence Educational Psychology 30 6 735 754 doi 10 1080 01443410 2010 506005 S2CID 145775446 Batey Mark Furnham Adrian Safiullina Xeniya 2010 Intelligence general knowledge and personality as predictors of creativity Learning and Individual Differences 20 5 532 535 doi 10 1016 j lindif 2010 04 008 Achary K ram 3 April 2024 30 GK Questions and Answers in English General Awareness Questions Just Know Retrieved 10 April 2024 Dijksterhuis A van Knippenberg A 1998 The relation between perception and behavior or how to win a game of trivial pursuit PDF Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 4 865 77 doi 10 1037 0022 3514 74 4 865 PMID 9569649 Archived from the original PDF on 2010 06 14 Dijksterhuis A October 1998 Seeing one thing and doing another Contrast effects in automatic behavior Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75 4 862 871 doi 10 1037 0022 3514 75 4 862