Diplomatic history deals with the history of international relations between states. Diplomatic history can be different from international relations in that the former can concern itself with the foreign policy of one state while the latter deals with relations between two or more states. Diplomatic history tends to be more concerned with the history of diplomacy, but international relations concern more with current events and creating a model intended to shed explanatory light on international politics.
In the 5th century BCE the Greek historian Thucydides was highly concerned with the relations among states. However Leopold von Ranke (1795–1886), the leading German historian of the 19th century, codified the modern form of diplomatic history. Ranke wrote largely on the history of Early Modern Europe, using the diplomatic archives of the European powers (particularly the Republic of Venice) to construct a detailed understanding of the history of Europe wie es eigentlich gewesen ist ("as it actually happened"). Ranke saw diplomatic history as the most important kind of history to write because of his idea of the "Primacy of Foreign Affairs" (Primat der Aussenpolitik), arguing that the concerns of international relations drive the internal development of the state. Ranke's understanding of diplomatic history relied on using as sources the large number of official documents produced by modern western governments; he argued that historians should examine such sources in an objective and neutral spirit.
20th century scholars
Ranke's understanding of the dominance of foreign policy, and hence an emphasis on diplomatic history, remained the dominant paradigm in historical writing through the first half of the twentieth century. In the early 20th centuries, work by prominent diplomatic historians such as Charles Webster, Harold Temperley, and Bernadotte Everly Schmitt focused on great European events, especially wars and peace conferences. A notable breakthrough in diplomatic historiography occurred in 1910 when the French government start to publish all of the archives relating to the war of 1870.
Ranke's approach, combined with the effects of the War Guilt Clause in the Treaty of Versailles (1919) that blamed Germany, stimulated a massive outpouring in many languages on the origins of the war of 1914. The Bolsheviks in Russia published key secret papers from the Allies in 1918 and other governments commissioned carefully edited, multivolume collections of key documents in their possession. Numerous historians wrote multi-volume histories of the origins of the war. In the interwar period, most diplomatic historians tended to blame all of the Great Powers of 1914 for the First World War, arguing that the war was in effect everybody's responsibility. In general, the early works in this vein fit fairly comfortably into Ranke's emphasis on Aussenpolitik.
Historian Muriel Chamberlain notes that after the First World War:
- diplomatic history replaced constitutional history as the flagship of historical investigation, at once the most important, most exact and most sophisticated of historical studies.
She adds that after 1945, the trend reversed, allowing political, intellectual and social history to displace diplomatic history.
For the first half of the 20th century, most diplomatic history working within the narrow confines of the Primat der Aussenpolitik approach was very narrowly concerned with foreign-policy making elites with little reference to broader historical forces. The most notable exceptions to this tendency were A. J. P. Taylor and William Medlicott in Britain, Pierre Renouvin in France, and William L. Langer in the United States, who examined economic and domestic political forces.
Causes of World War Two
Sir Winston Churchill's multi-volume The Second World War, especially the first volume The Gathering Storm (1948) set the framework and the interpretation for much later historiography. His interpretation, echoing his own position before the war, that World War II was caused by the mad ambitions of Adolf Hitler; Churchill damned the cowardly and weak-willed British and French leaders who used appeasement in a futile effort to avoid the war. Churchill did not consider the argument that the alternative to appeasement was a premature war that Germany would win in 1938. The British historian A. J. P. Taylor's 1961 book The Origins of the Second World War challenged Churchill's viewpoint and argued that Hitler had no master-plan for conquering the world. Instead he was an ordinary statesman –-an opportunistic leader seizing whatever chances he had for expansionism. The fact that a world war started over Poland in 1939 was due to diplomatic miscalculation by all the countries concerned, instead of being a case of German aggression. British historians such as D.C. Watt, Paul Kennedy, George Peden and David Dilks argued that appeasement was not an aberration, and that it was an old British tradition which in this case flowed from numerous structural, economic and military factors. Historians such as Christopher Thorne and Harry Hinsley abandoned the previous focus on individual leaders to discuss the broader societal influences such as public opinion and narrower ones like intelligence on diplomatic relations. In recent years the debates regarding the 1930s have continued, but new approaches are in use, such as an analysis in terms of Britain's national identity.
French approaches
A group of French historians centered around Pierre Renouvin (1893–1974) and his protégés Jean-Baptiste Duroselle and [fr] started a new type of international history in the 1950s that included taking into account what Renouvin called forces profondes (profound forces) such as the influence of domestic politics on French foreign policy. However, Renouvin and his followers still followed the concept of la décadence with Renouvin arguing that French society under the Third Republic was “sorely lacking in initiative and dynamism” and Baumont arguing that French politicians had allowed "personal interests" to override "any sense of the general interest". In 1979, Duroselle's book La Décadence offered a total condemnation of the entire Third Republic as weak, cowardly and degenerate.
Fischer debate on World War One
At the same time, in 1961 when the German historian Fritz Fischer published Griff nach der Weltmacht, which established that Germany had caused the First World War led to the fierce "Fischer Controversy" that tore apart the West German historical profession. One result of Fischer's book was the rise in the Primat der Innenpolitik (Primacy of Domestic Politics) approach. As a result of the rise of the Primat der Innenpolitik school, diplomatic historians increasing started to pay attention to domestic politics. In the 1970s, the conservative German historian Andreas Hillgruber, together with his close associate Klaus Hildebrand, was involved in a very acrimonious debate with the leftish German historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler over the merits of the Primat der Aussenpolitik ("primacy of foreign politics") and Primat der Innenpolitik ("primacy of domestic politics") schools. Hillgruber and Hildebrand made a case for the traditional Primat der Aussenpolitik approach to diplomatic history with the stress on examining the records of the relevant foreign ministry and studies of the foreign policy decision-making elite. Wehler, who favored the Primat der Innenpolitik approach, for his part contended that diplomatic history should be treated as a sub-branch of social history, calling for theoretically based research, and argued that the real focus should be on the study of the society in question. Moreover, under the influence of the Primat der Innenpolitik approach, diplomatic historians in the 1960s, 70s and 80s start to borrow models from the social sciences.
Mason–Overy debate on internal pressures inside Nazi Germany
A notable example of the Primat der Innenpolitik approach was the claim by the British Marxist historian Timothy Mason who claimed that the launch of World War II in 1939 was best understood as a “barbaric variant of social imperialism”. Mason argued that “Nazi Germany was always bent at some time upon a major war of expansion”. However, Mason argued that the timing of such a war was determined by domestic political pressures, especially as relating to a failing economy, and had nothing to do with what Hitler wanted. In Mason's view in the period between 1936 and 1941, it was the state of the German economy, and not Hitler's "will" or "intentions" that was the most important determinate on German decision-making on foreign policy. Mason argued that the Nazi leaders were deeply haunted by the November Revolution of 1918, and was most unwilling to see any fall in working class living standards out of the fear that it might provoke another November Revolution. According to Mason, by 1939, the “overheating” of the German economy caused by rearmament, the failure of various rearmament plans produced by the shortages of skilled workers, industrial unrest caused by the breakdown of German social policies, and the sharp drop in living standards for the German working class forced Hitler into going to war at a time and place not of his choosing. Mason contended that when faced with the deep socio-economic crisis the Nazi leadership had decided to embark upon a ruthless “smash and grab” foreign policy of seizing territory in Eastern Europe which could be pitilessly plundered to support living standards in Germany. Mason's theory of a "Flight into war" being imposed on Hitler generated much controversy, and in the 1980s he conducted a series of debates with economic historian Richard Overy over this matter. Overy maintained the decision to attack Poland was not caused by structural economic problems, but rather was the result of Hitler wanting a localized war at that particular time in history. For Overy, a major problem with the Mason thesis was that it rested on the assumption that in a way unrecorded by the records, that information was passed on to Hitler about the Reich's economic problems. Overy argued that there was a major difference between economic pressures inducted by the problems of the Four Year Plan, and economic motives to seize raw materials, industry and foreign reserve of neighboring states as a way of accelerating the Four Year Plan. Moreover, Overy asserted that the repressive capacity of the German state as a way of dealing with domestic unhappiness was somewhat downplayed by Mason.
Japanese-American relations
In addition, because World War II was a global war, diplomatic historians start to focus on Japanese-American relations to understand why Japan had attacked the United States in 1941. This in turn led diplomatic historians to start to abandon the previous Euro-centric approach in favor of a more global approach. A sign of the changing times was the rise to prominence of such diplomatic historians such as the Japanese historian Chihiro Hosoya, the British historian Ian Nish, and the American historian Akira Iriye, which was the first time that Asian specialists became noted diplomatic historians.
Vietnam war and revisionism
The Cold War and decolonization greatly added the tendency to a more global diplomatic history. The Vietnam War led to the rise of a revisionist school in the United States, which led many American historians such as Gabriel Kolko and William Appleman Williams to reject traditional diplomatic history in favor of a Primat der Innenpolitik approach that saw a widespread examination of the influence of American domestic politics together with various social, economic and cultural forces on foreign-policy making. In general, the American Cold War revisionists tended to focus on American foreign policy decision-making with respect to the genesis of the Cold War in the 1940s and on how the United States became involved in Vietnam in the 1960s. Starting in the 1960s, a ferocious debate has taken place within Cold War historiography between the advocates of the “orthodox” school which saw the Cold War as a case of Soviet aggression such as Vojtech Mastny against the proponents of the “revisionist” school which saw the Cold War as a case of American aggression. Latterly, a third school known as "neo-orthodox" whose most prominent member is the American historian John Lewis Gaddis has emerged, which holds through the United States borne some responsibility for the Cold War, the lion's share of the responsibility goes to the Soviet Union.
Recent trends
In Europe diplomatic history fell out of favor in the late Cold War era. Since the collapse of communism in 1989–91, however, there has been a renaissance, led especially by historians of the early modern era, in the history of diplomacy. The new approach differs from previous perspectives by the wholesale incorporation of perspectives from political science, sociology, the history of mentalities, and cultural history.
In the U.S. since the 1980s, the discipline of diplomatic history has become more relevant to and better integrated with the mainstream of the academic history profession. It has taken the lead in internationalization of American historical studies. Since it explores the interaction of domestic and international forces, the field has become increasingly important for its study of culture and identity and the exploration of political ideologies as applied to foreign affairs. There have been major influences from other new approaches such as Orientalism and globalism, as well as gender and racial history. The history of human rights has become important as well. Despite all these innovations, however, the core endeavor of diplomatic history remains the study of the state interacting with other states, which is also a key to its broadening appeal, since considerations of America's superpower status is essential to understanding the world internationally.
In the early 1980s, historian Jeffrey Kimball surveyed the ideological preferences of 109 active diplomatic historians in the United States as well as 54 active military historians. He reports that:
- Of historians in the field of diplomatic history, 7% are Socialist, 19% are Other, 53% are Liberal, 11% are None and 10% Conservative. Of military historians, 0% are Socialist, 8% are Other, 35% are Liberal, 18% are None and 40% are Conservative.
Historical studies
In Europe, diplomatic history fell out of favor in the late Cold War era. Since the collapse of communism, there has been a renaissance, led especially by historians of the early modern era, in the history of diplomacy. The new approach differs from previous perspectives by the wholesale incorporation of perspectives from political science, sociology, the history of mentalities, and cultural history.
In the U.S. since 1980, the discipline of diplomatic history has become more relevant to and integrated with the mainstream of the historiographic profession, having been in the forefront of the internationalization of American historical studies. As a field that explores the meeting of domestic and international forces, the study of US foreign relations has become increasingly important for its examination of both the study of culture and identity and the exploration of political ideologies. Particularly shaped by the influence of studies of Orientalism and globalism, gender studies, race, and considerations of national identity, diplomatic history was often at the cutting edge of historical research. Despite such innovations, however, the core endeavor of diplomatic history remains the study of the state, which is also a key to its broadening appeal, since considerations of US state power are essential to understanding the world internationally.
Prominent diplomatic historians
- Henry Brooks Adams, (1838–1918), US 1800–1816
- Henry Adams, U.S.
- Charles A. Beard, (1874–1948), revisionist history of coming of World War II
- Michael Beschloss, (born 1955) World War II; Cold War
- Samuel Flagg Bemis, U.S.
- Charles Howard Carter (1927–1990), Western Europe 1590–1635
- Winston Churchill, World War I; World War II
- Gordon A. Craig, (1913–2005) Germany
- Robert Dallek, 1930s to 1960s U.S.
- Jean-Baptiste Duroselle (1917–1994), 20th century Europe
- Herbert Feis (1893 – 1972), World War II; International trade
- Orlando Figes, (born 1957), Russian
- John Lewis Gaddis, Cold War
- Lloyd Gardner, 20th century U.S.
- Felix Gilbert, Renaissance
- George Peabody Gooch, (1873–1968), English historian of Modern Diplomacy
- Andreas Hillgruber, 20c Germany
- Akira Iriye (b. 1934) U.S. - Japan
- George F. Kennan, Russia
- Paul Kennedy, 19th and 20th century
- Henry Kissinger, (1923–2023); Nineteenth and twentieth century
- Walter LaFeber, 20th century U.S.
- William L. Langer, (1896–1977), US historian, World and diplomatic history
- John Lukacs, World War II
- Thomas J. McCormick, U.S.
- Walter A. McDougall, U.S. and European diplomatic history.
- Margaret MacMillan 20th century
- Charles S. Maier, 20th-century Europe
- William McNeill, world history
- Garrett Mattingly, Early modern Europe
- Arno J. Mayer, World War I
- Lewis Bernstein Namier, coming of World War II
- Geoffrey Parker, (born 1943) early modern
- Bradford Perkins, (1925–2008) Anglo-American relationships
- Leopold von Ranke, (1795–1886), European
- Pierre Renouvin, (1893–1974), 1815 to 1945
- Paul W. Schroeder, modern Europe
- Jean Edward Smith, Cold War
- Justin Harvey Smith, Mexican–American War
- Hew Strachan, World War I
- David Tal (historian), Israel
- A.J.P. Taylor, (1906–1990), Modern Europe, World Wars
- Harold Temperley, (1879–1939), British
- Arnold J. Toynbee, (1889–1975), 20th century
- Voltaire, (1694–1778), European
- Charles Webster, (1886–1961) British
- Gerhard Weinberg, World War Two, Germany
- John Wheeler-Bennett, British and German
- William Appleman Williams, American
- Randall Woods, 20th century U.S.
- Ernest Llewellyn Woodward, (1890–1971), British
- Karl W. Schweizer (1946-)18th century Britain/Europe
- Sergio Romano (writer) (1929), Italy and Russia
See also
- British foreign policy in the Middle East
- Byzantine diplomacy
- Cold War
- Diplomacy
- Diplomatic history of Australia
- Diplomatic history of World War I
- Diplomatic history of World War II
- Eastern Question, regarding Eastern Europe and Middle East
- Foreign relations of imperial China
- Historiography of the Cold War
- Historiography of the Ottoman Empire
- Historiography of World War II
- History of espionage
- History of French foreign relations
- History of German foreign policy
- History of Japanese foreign relations
- Foreign policy of the Russian Empire
- History of the foreign relations of the United Kingdom
- History of U.S. foreign policy
- Office of the Historian of the U.S. Department of State
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
- International relations 1648-1814
- International relations of the Great Powers (1814–1919)
- International relations (1919–1939)
- International relations since 1989
- Military history
- United States foreign policy in the Middle East
- Timeline of British diplomatic history
- Timeline of United States diplomatic history
- Matusumoto, Saho "Diplomatic History" pages 314-316 in Kelly Boyd, ed., The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing (1999) p. 314.
- Philipp Müller, "Doing historical research in the early nineteenth century. Leopold Ranke, the archive policy, and the relazioni of the Venetian Republic." Storia della storiografia 56 (2009): 81–103. online
- M. H. Cochran, "Historiography and war guilt." Political Science Quarterly 43.1 (1928): 76-89 online
- Christoph Cornelissen and Arndt Weinrich, eds. Writing the Great War: The Historiography of World War I from 1918 to the Present (2021) online
- Muriel E Chamberlain, Pax Britannica'? British Foreign Policy 1789-1914 (1988) p 1
- Wilsford, David, ed. (1995). Political leaders of contemporary Western Europe: a biographical dictionary. Greenwood. pp. 347–352.
- Patrick Finney, "The romance of decline: The historiography of appeasement and British national identity." Electronic Journal of International History 1 (2000) Online.
- Donald C. Watt, "The historiography of appeasement." in Alan Sked and Chris Cook, eds. Crisis and controversy: Essays in honour of AJP Taylor (1976) pp 100+.
- Peter Jackson, “Post-War Politics and the Historiography of French Strategy and Diplomacy Before the Second World War" History Compass, Volume 4/5, 2006 pp 870-95
- S. W. Helprin, Some Twentieth-Century Historians (1961) pp 143-70
- Matusumoto, Saho "Diplomatic History" pages 314-316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing page 315.
- Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship, London, Arnold, 2000, pp. 9-11.
- Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship, London, Arnold, 2000, pp. 9-10.
- Kershaw (2000), pp. 9-10.
- Kaillis, Aristotle Fascist Ideology, London: Routledge, 2000 page 7
- Kaillis, Aristotle Fascist Ideology, London: Routledge, 2000 page 165
- Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship London : Arnold 2000 page 88.
- Kaillis, Aristotle Fascist Ideology, London: Routledge, 2000 pages 165-166
- Kaillis, Aristotle Fascist Ideology, London: Routledge, 2000 page 166
- Mason, Tim & Overy, R.J. “Debate: Germany, `domestic crisis’ and the war in 1939” from The Origins of The Second World War edited by Patrick Finney, Edward Arnold: London, United Kingdom, 1997 page 102
- Overy, Richard “Germany, ‘Domestic Crisis’ and War in 1939” from The Third Reich edited by Christian Leitz, Blackwell: Oxford, 1999 pages 117-118
- Saho Matusumoto, "Diplomatic History" in Kelly Boyd, ed., The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing (1999) pp 314-165
- Thomas W. Zeiler, “The Diplomatic History Bandwagon: A State of the Field,” Journal of American History (March 2009), v 95#4 pp 1053-73
- Micheline R. Ishay, The history of human rights: From ancient times to the globalization era (2008) excerpt.
- Jeffrey Kimball, "The Influence of Ideology on Interpretive Disagreement: A Report on a Survey of Diplomatic, Military and Peace Historians on the Causes of 20th Century U. S. Wars," The History Teacher (May, 1984) 17#3 pp. 355-384 in JSTOR
- Matusumoto, Saho "Diplomatic History" pages 314-316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing page 315
- Zeiler (2009)
Works cited
- Matusumoto, Saho "Diplomatic History/International Relations" pages 314–316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing ed. Kelly Boyd, Volume 1, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999, ISBN 1-884964-33-8.
Further reading
World view
- Anderson, M.S. The Rise of Modern Diplomacy 1450 - 1919 (1993) excerpt how diplomats operated
- Black, Jeremy. A History of Diplomacy (2010)
- Boia, Lucian, ed. Great Historians of the Modern Age: An International Dictionary (Greenwood, 1991), 868 pp.
- Crean, Jeffrey. The Fear of Chinese Power: An International History (Bloomsbury, 2023).
- Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy (1994), historical studies of diplomatic crises
- Stearns, Peter N. An Encyclopedia of World History (6th ed. 2001) 1244pp; very detailed outline; see also previous editions edited by William L. Langer, which have even more detail.
- Woolf, Daniel R., ed. A global encyclopedia of historical writing (2 vol. Routledge, 2014) vol 2 online.
European diplomacy
- Albrecht-Carrié, René. A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna (1958), 736pp; a basic introduction, online free to borrow
- Black, Jeremy. European International Relations, 1648-1815 (2002) excerpt and text search
- Hill, David Jayne. A history of diplomacy in the international development of Europe (3 vol. 1914) online v 3, 1648-1775; also online; vol 2 online 1313-1648
- Langer, William. European Alliances and Alignments 1870-1890 (2nd ed. 1950); advanced coverage of Bismarckian system
- Langer, William L. The Diplomacy of Imperialism 1890-1902 (2 vol, 1935); advanced analysis
- Leira, Halvard. "Diplomacy: The world of states and beyond." in Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations (Routledge, 2021). 302–310. [
- Mowat, R. B. A History of European Diplomacy 1815-1914 (1922), basic introduction
- Mowat, R. B. History of European Diplomacy, 1451–1789 (1928) 324 pp online free
- Petrie, Charles. Earlier diplomatic history, 1492–1713 (1949), covers all of Europe; online
- Petrie, Charles. Diplomatic History, 1713–1933 (1946), broad summary online
- Roosen. William J. "The functioning of ambassadors under Louis XIV." French Historical Studies 6.3 (1970): 311–332. online
- Roosen, William James (1976). The Age of Louis XIV: The Rise of Modern Diplomacy. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 9781412816670.
- Schroeder, Paul. The Transformation of European Politics 1763–1848 (1994) online; advanced diplomatic history
- Schweizer, Karl W., and Matt Schuman. The Seven Years War (2010)
- Sowerby, Tracey A., and Jan Hennings, eds. Practices of diplomacy in the early modern world c. 1410-1800 (Taylor & Francis, 2017) online.
- Steiner, Zara. The Lights that Failed: European International History 1919-1933 (2007) excerpt and text search
- Steiner, Zara. The Triumph of the Dark: European International History 1933-1939 (2011) excerpt and text search
- Taylor, A. J. P. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe: 1848–1918 (1957) excerpt and text search, advanced coverage of all major powers
United States
- Dietrich, Christopher RW, ed. A Companion to US Foreign Relations: Colonial Era to the Present (Wiley, 2020) online
- Dobson, Alan and Steve Marsh. US Foreign Policy Since 1945 (2nd ed. 2006)
- Gleijeses, Piero. America's road to empire: foreign policy from independence to World War One (Bloomsbury, 2021)
- McMahon, Robert J., and Thomas W. Zeiler, eds. Guide to US foreign policy: A diplomatic history (CQ Press, 2012).
- Pauly, Robert J., ed. The Ashgate research companion to US foreign policy (2010) online.
- Reeder, Tyson, ed. The Routledge History of U.S. Foreign Relations (2021) online
- Cannon, John Ashton et al. eds. The Blackwell dictionary of historians (1988).short biographies of hundreds of historians from many countries. 495pp
- Carrió-Invernizzi, Diana. "A New Diplomatic History and the Networks of Spanish Diplomacy in the Baroque Era." International History Review 36.4 (2014): 603–618.
- Carvalho, Benjamin de et al. eds. Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations (2021) online
- Crapol, Edward P. "Coming to Terms with Empire: The Historiography of Late-Nineteenth-Century American Foreign Relations." Diplomatic History (1992) 16#4 pp: 573–598.
- Elman, Colin, and Miriam Fendius Elman. "Diplomatic history and international relations theory: respecting difference and crossing boundaries." International Security (1997) 22#1: 5-21. Online
- Forrest, Alan, and Peter Hicks, eds. The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars: Volume 3, Experience, Culture and Memory (2022)
- Gaddis, John Lewis. "New conceptual approaches to the study of American Foreign Relations: interdisciplinary perspectives." Diplomatic History (1990) 14#3 pp: 405–424.
- Giudici, Giacomo. "From new diplomatic history to new political history: The rise of the holistic approach." European History Quarterly 48.2 (2018): 314–324.
- Hogan, Michael J. and Thomas G. Paterson, eds. Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, (2004), articles originally appeared in Diplomatic History and cover all main fields of American diplomatic history
- Koshiro, Yukiko (2001). "Japan's World and World War II". Diplomatic History. 25 (3): 425–441. doi:10.1111/0145-2096.00276.
- Plummer, Brenda Gayle. “The Changing Face of Diplomatic History: A Literature Review.” History Teacher 38#3 (2005), pp. 385–400. online. focus on United States
- Schweizer, K.W. and M.J. Schumann. “The Revitalisation of Diplomatic History: Renewed Reflections,” Diplomacy and Statecraft 19 (2008): 149–186
- Sowerby, Tracey A. "Early Modern Diplomatic History" History Compass (2016) 14#9 pp 441–456 DOI: 10.1111/hic3.12329; Europe 1600–1790
- Watkins, John. "Toward a new diplomatic history of medieval and early modern Europe." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 38.1 (2008): 1–14.
- Xia, Yafeng (2007). "New Scholarship And Directions in the Study of the Diplomatic History of the People's Republic of China". Chinese Historical Review. 14 (1): 114–140. doi:10.1179/tcr.2007.14.1.114. S2CID 143834216.
- Zeiler, Thomas W. (2009). "The Diplomatic History Bandwagon: A State of the Field". Journal of American History. 95 (4): 1053–1073. doi:10.2307/27694560. JSTOR 27694560.
- Zeiler, Thomas W. ed. American Foreign Relations since 1600: A Guide to the Literature (2007), online
- Zelikow, Philip, Niall Ferguson, Francis J. Gavin, Anne Karalekas, and Daniel Sargent. "Forum 31 on the Importance of the Scholarship of Ernest May" H-DIPLO Dec. 17, 2021 online
External links
- History of Diplomacy and Technology, DiploFoundation
- - H-DIPLO free daily discussion group for scholars and students; dedicated to diplomatic history and international affairs, with book reviews, Q&A, discussions
- Pella, John & Erik Ringmar, History of International Relations Open Textbook Project, Cambridge: Open Book, forthcoming.
- scholarly journal Diplomatic History
- Documents of Diplomatic History Archived 2010-12-28 at the Wayback Machine
- Official Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) website
- “U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index", sponsored by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). The index has been recommended by The Washington Post, Oct. 8, 1998
Diplomatic history deals with the history of international relations between states Diplomatic history can be different from international relations in that the former can concern itself with the foreign policy of one state while the latter deals with relations between two or more states Diplomatic history tends to be more concerned with the history of diplomacy but international relations concern more with current events and creating a model intended to shed explanatory light on international politics HistoryHistoriographyRanke In the 5th century BCE the Greek historian Thucydides was highly concerned with the relations among states However Leopold von Ranke 1795 1886 the leading German historian of the 19th century codified the modern form of diplomatic history Ranke wrote largely on the history of Early Modern Europe using the diplomatic archives of the European powers particularly the Republic of Venice to construct a detailed understanding of the history of Europe wie es eigentlich gewesen ist as it actually happened Ranke saw diplomatic history as the most important kind of history to write because of his idea of the Primacy of Foreign Affairs Primat der Aussenpolitik arguing that the concerns of international relations drive the internal development of the state Ranke s understanding of diplomatic history relied on using as sources the large number of official documents produced by modern western governments he argued that historians should examine such sources in an objective and neutral spirit 20th century scholars Ranke s understanding of the dominance of foreign policy and hence an emphasis on diplomatic history remained the dominant paradigm in historical writing through the first half of the twentieth century In the early 20th centuries work by prominent diplomatic historians such as Charles Webster Harold Temperley and Bernadotte Everly Schmitt focused on great European events especially wars and peace conferences A notable breakthrough in diplomatic historiography occurred in 1910 when the French government start to publish all of the archives relating to the war of 1870 Ranke s approach combined with the effects of the War Guilt Clause in the Treaty of Versailles 1919 that blamed Germany stimulated a massive outpouring in many languages on the origins of the war of 1914 The Bolsheviks in Russia published key secret papers from the Allies in 1918 and other governments commissioned carefully edited multivolume collections of key documents in their possession Numerous historians wrote multi volume histories of the origins of the war In the interwar period most diplomatic historians tended to blame all of the Great Powers of 1914 for the First World War arguing that the war was in effect everybody s responsibility In general the early works in this vein fit fairly comfortably into Ranke s emphasis on Aussenpolitik Historian Muriel Chamberlain notes that after the First World War diplomatic history replaced constitutional history as the flagship of historical investigation at once the most important most exact and most sophisticated of historical studies She adds that after 1945 the trend reversed allowing political intellectual and social history to displace diplomatic history For the first half of the 20th century most diplomatic history working within the narrow confines of the Primat der Aussenpolitik approach was very narrowly concerned with foreign policy making elites with little reference to broader historical forces The most notable exceptions to this tendency were A J P Taylor and William Medlicott in Britain Pierre Renouvin in France and William L Langer in the United States who examined economic and domestic political forces Causes of World War Two After the Second World War J K Paasikivi in the middle the 7th President of the Republic of Finland was remembered as a main architect of Finland s foreign policy especially with the Soviet Union which was at that time the war enemy of Finland Sir Winston Churchill s multi volume The Second World War especially the first volume The Gathering Storm 1948 set the framework and the interpretation for much later historiography His interpretation echoing his own position before the war that World War II was caused by the mad ambitions of Adolf Hitler Churchill damned the cowardly and weak willed British and French leaders who used appeasement in a futile effort to avoid the war Churchill did not consider the argument that the alternative to appeasement was a premature war that Germany would win in 1938 The British historian A J P Taylor s 1961 book The Origins of the Second World War challenged Churchill s viewpoint and argued that Hitler had no master plan for conquering the world Instead he was an ordinary statesman an opportunistic leader seizing whatever chances he had for expansionism The fact that a world war started over Poland in 1939 was due to diplomatic miscalculation by all the countries concerned instead of being a case of German aggression British historians such as D C Watt Paul Kennedy George Peden and David Dilks argued that appeasement was not an aberration and that it was an old British tradition which in this case flowed from numerous structural economic and military factors Historians such as Christopher Thorne and Harry Hinsley abandoned the previous focus on individual leaders to discuss the broader societal influences such as public opinion and narrower ones like intelligence on diplomatic relations In recent years the debates regarding the 1930s have continued but new approaches are in use such as an analysis in terms of Britain s national identity French approaches A group of French historians centered around Pierre Renouvin 1893 1974 and his proteges Jean Baptiste Duroselle and fr started a new type of international history in the 1950s that included taking into account what Renouvin called forces profondes profound forces such as the influence of domestic politics on French foreign policy However Renouvin and his followers still followed the concept of la decadence with Renouvin arguing that French society under the Third Republic was sorely lacking in initiative and dynamism and Baumont arguing that French politicians had allowed personal interests to override any sense of the general interest In 1979 Duroselle s book La Decadence offered a total condemnation of the entire Third Republic as weak cowardly and degenerate Fischer debate on World War One At the same time in 1961 when the German historian Fritz Fischer published Griff nach der Weltmacht which established that Germany had caused the First World War led to the fierce Fischer Controversy that tore apart the West German historical profession One result of Fischer s book was the rise in the Primat der Innenpolitik Primacy of Domestic Politics approach As a result of the rise of the Primat der Innenpolitik school diplomatic historians increasing started to pay attention to domestic politics In the 1970s the conservative German historian Andreas Hillgruber together with his close associate Klaus Hildebrand was involved in a very acrimonious debate with the leftish German historian Hans Ulrich Wehler over the merits of the Primat der Aussenpolitik primacy of foreign politics and Primat der Innenpolitik primacy of domestic politics schools Hillgruber and Hildebrand made a case for the traditional Primat der Aussenpolitik approach to diplomatic history with the stress on examining the records of the relevant foreign ministry and studies of the foreign policy decision making elite Wehler who favored the Primat der Innenpolitik approach for his part contended that diplomatic history should be treated as a sub branch of social history calling for theoretically based research and argued that the real focus should be on the study of the society in question Moreover under the influence of the Primat der Innenpolitik approach diplomatic historians in the 1960s 70s and 80s start to borrow models from the social sciences Mason Overy debate on internal pressures inside Nazi Germany A notable example of the Primat der Innenpolitik approach was the claim by the British Marxist historian Timothy Mason who claimed that the launch of World War II in 1939 was best understood as a barbaric variant of social imperialism Mason argued that Nazi Germany was always bent at some time upon a major war of expansion However Mason argued that the timing of such a war was determined by domestic political pressures especially as relating to a failing economy and had nothing to do with what Hitler wanted In Mason s view in the period between 1936 and 1941 it was the state of the German economy and not Hitler s will or intentions that was the most important determinate on German decision making on foreign policy Mason argued that the Nazi leaders were deeply haunted by the November Revolution of 1918 and was most unwilling to see any fall in working class living standards out of the fear that it might provoke another November Revolution According to Mason by 1939 the overheating of the German economy caused by rearmament the failure of various rearmament plans produced by the shortages of skilled workers industrial unrest caused by the breakdown of German social policies and the sharp drop in living standards for the German working class forced Hitler into going to war at a time and place not of his choosing Mason contended that when faced with the deep socio economic crisis the Nazi leadership had decided to embark upon a ruthless smash and grab foreign policy of seizing territory in Eastern Europe which could be pitilessly plundered to support living standards in Germany Mason s theory of a Flight into war being imposed on Hitler generated much controversy and in the 1980s he conducted a series of debates with economic historian Richard Overy over this matter Overy maintained the decision to attack Poland was not caused by structural economic problems but rather was the result of Hitler wanting a localized war at that particular time in history For Overy a major problem with the Mason thesis was that it rested on the assumption that in a way unrecorded by the records that information was passed on to Hitler about the Reich s economic problems Overy argued that there was a major difference between economic pressures inducted by the problems of the Four Year Plan and economic motives to seize raw materials industry and foreign reserve of neighboring states as a way of accelerating the Four Year Plan Moreover Overy asserted that the repressive capacity of the German state as a way of dealing with domestic unhappiness was somewhat downplayed by Mason Japanese American relations In addition because World War II was a global war diplomatic historians start to focus on Japanese American relations to understand why Japan had attacked the United States in 1941 This in turn led diplomatic historians to start to abandon the previous Euro centric approach in favor of a more global approach A sign of the changing times was the rise to prominence of such diplomatic historians such as the Japanese historian Chihiro Hosoya the British historian Ian Nish and the American historian Akira Iriye which was the first time that Asian specialists became noted diplomatic historians Vietnam war and revisionism The Cold War and decolonization greatly added the tendency to a more global diplomatic history The Vietnam War led to the rise of a revisionist school in the United States which led many American historians such as Gabriel Kolko and William Appleman Williams to reject traditional diplomatic history in favor of a Primat der Innenpolitik approach that saw a widespread examination of the influence of American domestic politics together with various social economic and cultural forces on foreign policy making In general the American Cold War revisionists tended to focus on American foreign policy decision making with respect to the genesis of the Cold War in the 1940s and on how the United States became involved in Vietnam in the 1960s Starting in the 1960s a ferocious debate has taken place within Cold War historiography between the advocates of the orthodox school which saw the Cold War as a case of Soviet aggression such as Vojtech Mastny against the proponents of the revisionist school which saw the Cold War as a case of American aggression Latterly a third school known as neo orthodox whose most prominent member is the American historian John Lewis Gaddis has emerged which holds through the United States borne some responsibility for the Cold War the lion s share of the responsibility goes to the Soviet Union Recent trends In Europe diplomatic history fell out of favor in the late Cold War era Since the collapse of communism in 1989 91 however there has been a renaissance led especially by historians of the early modern era in the history of diplomacy The new approach differs from previous perspectives by the wholesale incorporation of perspectives from political science sociology the history of mentalities and cultural history In the U S since the 1980s the discipline of diplomatic history has become more relevant to and better integrated with the mainstream of the academic history profession It has taken the lead in internationalization of American historical studies Since it explores the interaction of domestic and international forces the field has become increasingly important for its study of culture and identity and the exploration of political ideologies as applied to foreign affairs There have been major influences from other new approaches such as Orientalism and globalism as well as gender and racial history The history of human rights has become important as well Despite all these innovations however the core endeavor of diplomatic history remains the study of the state interacting with other states which is also a key to its broadening appeal since considerations of America s superpower status is essential to understanding the world internationally In the early 1980s historian Jeffrey Kimball surveyed the ideological preferences of 109 active diplomatic historians in the United States as well as 54 active military historians He reports that Of historians in the field of diplomatic history 7 are Socialist 19 are Other 53 are Liberal 11 are None and 10 Conservative Of military historians 0 are Socialist 8 are Other 35 are Liberal 18 are None and 40 are Conservative Historical studiesIn Europe diplomatic history fell out of favor in the late Cold War era Since the collapse of communism there has been a renaissance led especially by historians of the early modern era in the history of diplomacy The new approach differs from previous perspectives by the wholesale incorporation of perspectives from political science sociology the history of mentalities and cultural history In the U S since 1980 the discipline of diplomatic history has become more relevant to and integrated with the mainstream of the historiographic profession having been in the forefront of the internationalization of American historical studies As a field that explores the meeting of domestic and international forces the study of US foreign relations has become increasingly important for its examination of both the study of culture and identity and the exploration of political ideologies Particularly shaped by the influence of studies of Orientalism and globalism gender studies race and considerations of national identity diplomatic history was often at the cutting edge of historical research Despite such innovations however the core endeavor of diplomatic history remains the study of the state which is also a key to its broadening appeal since considerations of US state power are essential to understanding the world internationally Prominent diplomatic historiansHenry Brooks Adams 1838 1918 US 1800 1816 Henry Adams U S Charles A Beard 1874 1948 revisionist history of coming of World War II Michael Beschloss born 1955 World War II Cold War Samuel Flagg Bemis U S Charles Howard Carter 1927 1990 Western Europe 1590 1635 Winston Churchill World War I World War II Gordon A Craig 1913 2005 Germany Robert Dallek 1930s to 1960s U S Jean Baptiste Duroselle 1917 1994 20th century Europe Herbert Feis 1893 1972 World War II International trade Orlando Figes born 1957 Russian John Lewis Gaddis Cold War Lloyd Gardner 20th century U S Felix Gilbert Renaissance George Peabody Gooch 1873 1968 English historian of Modern Diplomacy Andreas Hillgruber 20c Germany Akira Iriye b 1934 U S Japan George F Kennan Russia Paul Kennedy 19th and 20th century Henry Kissinger 1923 2023 Nineteenth and twentieth century Walter LaFeber 20th century U S William L Langer 1896 1977 US historian World and diplomatic history John Lukacs World War II Thomas J McCormick U S Walter A McDougall U S and European diplomatic history Margaret MacMillan 20th century Charles S Maier 20th century Europe William McNeill world history Garrett Mattingly Early modern Europe Arno J Mayer World War I Lewis Bernstein Namier coming of World War II Geoffrey Parker born 1943 early modern Bradford Perkins 1925 2008 Anglo American relationships Leopold von Ranke 1795 1886 European Pierre Renouvin 1893 1974 1815 to 1945 Paul W Schroeder modern Europe Jean Edward Smith Cold War Justin Harvey Smith Mexican American War Hew Strachan World War I David Tal historian Israel A J P Taylor 1906 1990 Modern Europe World Wars Harold Temperley 1879 1939 British Arnold J Toynbee 1889 1975 20th century Voltaire 1694 1778 European Charles Webster 1886 1961 British Gerhard Weinberg World War Two Germany John Wheeler Bennett British and German William Appleman Williams American Randall Woods 20th century U S Ernest Llewellyn Woodward 1890 1971 British Karl W Schweizer 1946 18th century Britain Europe Sergio Romano writer 1929 Italy and RussiaSee alsoPolitics portalHistory portalBritish foreign policy in the Middle East Byzantine diplomacy Cold War Diplomacy Diplomatic history of Australia Diplomatic history of World War I Diplomatic history of World War II Eastern Question regarding Eastern Europe and Middle East Foreign relations of imperial China Historiography of the Cold War Historiography of the Ottoman Empire Historiography of World War II History of espionage History of French foreign relations History of German foreign policy History of Japanese foreign relations Foreign policy of the Russian Empire History of the foreign relations of the United Kingdom History of U S foreign policy Office of the Historian of the U S Department of State Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations International relations 1648 1814 International relations of the Great Powers 1814 1919 International relations 1919 1939 International relations since 1989 Military history United States foreign policy in the Middle East Timelines Timeline of British diplomatic history Timeline of United States diplomatic historyReferencesCitations Matusumoto Saho Diplomatic History pages 314 316 in Kelly Boyd ed The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing 1999 p 314 Philipp Muller Doing historical research in the early nineteenth century Leopold Ranke the archive policy and the relazioni of the Venetian Republic Storia della storiografia 56 2009 81 103 online M H Cochran Historiography and war guilt Political Science Quarterly 43 1 1928 76 89 online Christoph Cornelissen and Arndt Weinrich eds Writing the Great War The Historiography of World War I from 1918 to the Present 2021 online Muriel E Chamberlain Pax Britannica British Foreign Policy 1789 1914 1988 p 1 Wilsford David ed 1995 Political leaders of contemporary Western Europe a biographical dictionary Greenwood pp 347 352 Patrick Finney The romance of decline The historiography of appeasement and British national identity Electronic Journal of International History 1 2000 Online Donald C Watt The historiography of appeasement in Alan Sked and Chris Cook eds Crisis and controversy Essays in honour of AJP Taylor 1976 pp 100 Peter Jackson Post War Politics and the Historiography of French Strategy and Diplomacy Before the Second World War History Compass Volume 4 5 2006 pp 870 95 S W Helprin Some Twentieth Century Historians 1961 pp 143 70 Matusumoto Saho Diplomatic History pages 314 316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing page 315 Kershaw Ian The Nazi Dictatorship London Arnold 2000 pp 9 11 Kershaw Ian The Nazi Dictatorship London Arnold 2000 pp 9 10 Kershaw 2000 pp 9 10 Kaillis Aristotle Fascist Ideology London Routledge 2000 page 7 Kaillis Aristotle Fascist Ideology London Routledge 2000 page 165 Kershaw IanThe Nazi Dictatorship London Arnold 2000 page 88 Kaillis Aristotle Fascist Ideology London Routledge 2000 pages 165 166 Kaillis Aristotle Fascist Ideology London Routledge 2000 page 166 Mason Tim amp Overy R J Debate Germany domestic crisis and the war in 1939 from The Origins of The Second World War edited by Patrick Finney Edward Arnold London United Kingdom 1997 page 102 Overy Richard Germany Domestic Crisis and War in 1939 from The Third Reich edited by Christian Leitz Blackwell Oxford 1999 pages 117 118 Saho Matusumoto Diplomatic History in Kelly Boyd ed The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing 1999 pp 314 165 Thomas W Zeiler The Diplomatic History Bandwagon A State of the Field Journal of American History March 2009 v 95 4 pp 1053 73 Micheline R Ishay The history of human rights From ancient times to the globalization era 2008 excerpt Jeffrey Kimball The Influence of Ideology on Interpretive Disagreement A Report on a Survey of Diplomatic Military and Peace Historians on the Causes of 20th Century U S Wars The History Teacher May 1984 17 3 pp 355 384 in JSTOR Matusumoto Saho Diplomatic History pages 314 316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing page 315 Zeiler 2009 Works cited Matusumoto Saho Diplomatic History International Relations pages 314 316 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing ed Kelly Boyd Volume 1 Chicago Fitzroy Dearborn 1999 ISBN 1 884964 33 8 Further readingWorld view Anderson M S The Rise of Modern Diplomacy 1450 1919 1993 excerpt how diplomats operated Black Jeremy A History of Diplomacy 2010 Boia Lucian ed Great Historians of the Modern Age An International Dictionary Greenwood 1991 868 pp Crean Jeffrey The Fear of Chinese Power An International History Bloomsbury 2023 Kissinger Henry Diplomacy 1994 historical studies of diplomatic crises Stearns Peter N An Encyclopedia of World History 6th ed 2001 1244pp very detailed outline see also previous editions edited by William L Langer which have even more detail Woolf Daniel R ed A global encyclopedia of historical writing 2 vol Routledge 2014 vol 2 online European diplomacy Albrecht Carrie Rene A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna 1958 736pp a basic introduction online free to borrow Black Jeremy European International Relations 1648 1815 2002 excerpt and text search Hill David Jayne A history of diplomacy in the international development of Europe 3 vol 1914 online v 3 1648 1775 also online vol 2 online 1313 1648 Langer William European Alliances and Alignments 1870 1890 2nd ed 1950 advanced coverage of Bismarckian system Langer William L The Diplomacy of Imperialism 1890 1902 2 vol 1935 advanced analysis Leira Halvard Diplomacy The world of states and beyond in Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations Routledge 2021 302 310 Mowat R B A History of European Diplomacy 1815 1914 1922 basic introduction Mowat R B History of European Diplomacy 1451 1789 1928 324 pp online free Petrie Charles Earlier diplomatic history 1492 1713 1949 covers all of Europe online Petrie Charles Diplomatic History 1713 1933 1946 broad summary online Roosen William J The functioning of ambassadors under Louis XIV French Historical Studies 6 3 1970 311 332 online Roosen William James 1976 The Age of Louis XIV The Rise of Modern Diplomacy Transaction Publishers ISBN 9781412816670 Schroeder Paul The Transformation of European Politics 1763 1848 1994 online advanced diplomatic history Schweizer Karl W and Matt Schuman The Seven Years War 2010 Sowerby Tracey A and Jan Hennings eds Practices of diplomacy in the early modern world c 1410 1800 Taylor amp Francis 2017 online Steiner Zara The Lights that Failed European International History 1919 1933 2007 excerpt and text search Steiner Zara The Triumph of the Dark European International History 1933 1939 2011 excerpt and text search Taylor A J P The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848 1918 1957 excerpt and text search advanced coverage of all major powersUnited States Dietrich Christopher RW ed A Companion to US Foreign Relations Colonial Era to the Present Wiley 2020 online Dobson Alan and Steve Marsh US Foreign Policy Since 1945 2nd ed 2006 Gleijeses Piero America s road to empire foreign policy from independence to World War One Bloomsbury 2021 McMahon Robert J and Thomas W Zeiler eds Guide to US foreign policy A diplomatic history CQ Press 2012 Pauly Robert J ed The Ashgate research companion to US foreign policy 2010 online Reeder Tyson ed The Routledge History of U S Foreign Relations 2021 onlineHistoriography Cannon John Ashton et al eds The Blackwell dictionary of historians 1988 short biographies of hundreds of historians from many countries 495pp Carrio Invernizzi Diana A New Diplomatic History and the Networks of Spanish Diplomacy in the Baroque Era International History Review 36 4 2014 603 618 Carvalho Benjamin de et al eds Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations 2021 online Crapol Edward P Coming to Terms with Empire The Historiography of Late Nineteenth Century American Foreign Relations Diplomatic History 1992 16 4 pp 573 598 Elman Colin and Miriam Fendius Elman Diplomatic history and international relations theory respecting difference and crossing boundaries International Security 1997 22 1 5 21 Online Forrest Alan and Peter Hicks eds The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars Volume 3 Experience Culture and Memory 2022 Gaddis John Lewis New conceptual approaches to the study of American Foreign Relations interdisciplinary perspectives Diplomatic History 1990 14 3 pp 405 424 Giudici Giacomo From new diplomatic history to new political history The rise of the holistic approach European History Quarterly 48 2 2018 314 324 Hogan Michael J and Thomas G Paterson eds Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations 2004 articles originally appeared in Diplomatic History and cover all main fields of American diplomatic history Koshiro Yukiko 2001 Japan s World and World War II Diplomatic History 25 3 425 441 doi 10 1111 0145 2096 00276 Plummer Brenda Gayle The Changing Face of Diplomatic History A Literature Review History Teacher 38 3 2005 pp 385 400 online focus on United States Schweizer K W and M J Schumann The Revitalisation of Diplomatic History Renewed Reflections Diplomacy and Statecraft 19 2008 149 186 Sowerby Tracey A Early Modern Diplomatic History History Compass 2016 14 9 pp 441 456 DOI 10 1111 hic3 12329 Europe 1600 1790 Watkins John Toward a new diplomatic history of medieval and early modern Europe Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 38 1 2008 1 14 Xia Yafeng 2007 New Scholarship And Directions in the Study of the Diplomatic History of the People s Republic of China Chinese Historical Review 14 1 114 140 doi 10 1179 tcr 2007 14 1 114 S2CID 143834216 Zeiler Thomas W 2009 The Diplomatic History Bandwagon A State of the Field Journal of American History 95 4 1053 1073 doi 10 2307 27694560 JSTOR 27694560 Zeiler Thomas W ed American Foreign Relations since 1600 A Guide to the Literature 2007 online Zelikow Philip Niall Ferguson Francis J Gavin Anne Karalekas and Daniel Sargent Forum 31 on the Importance of the Scholarship of Ernest May H DIPLO Dec 17 2021 onlineExternal linksWikiversity has learning resources about Introduction to Diplomatic History History of Diplomacy and Technology DiploFoundation H DIPLO free daily discussion group for scholars and students dedicated to diplomatic history and international affairs with book reviews Q amp A discussions Pella John amp Erik Ringmar History of International Relations Open Textbook Project Cambridge Open Book forthcoming scholarly journal Diplomatic History Documents of Diplomatic History Archived 2010 12 28 at the Wayback Machine Official Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations SHAFR website U S Diplomatic History Resources Index sponsored by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations SHAFR The index has been recommended by The Washington Post Oct 8 1998