This article needs to be updated. The reason given is: Entire article needs updating, with attention paid to sources. Some sources cited are over 50 years old, and academic thinking in this area has changed profoundly even in the past 25 years.(September 2024) |
Cult is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "A relatively small group of people having (esp. religious) beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister, or as exercising excessive control over members." The term is often applied to new religious movements and other social groups which have unusual, and often extreme, religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals. Extreme devotion to a particular person, object, or goal is another characteristic often ascribed to cults. The term has different, and often divergent or pejorative, definitions both in popular culture and academia, and has been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study.
Beginning in the 1930s, new religious movements became an object of sociological study within the context of the study of religious behavior. Since the 1940s, the Christian countercult movement has opposed some sects and new religious movements, labeling them cults because of their unorthodox beliefs. Since the 1970s, the secular anti-cult movement has opposed certain groups, which they call cults, accusing them of practicing brainwashing.
Groups labelled cults are found around the world and range in size from small localized groups to some international organizations with up to millions of members.
Definition and usage
The word "cult" is derived from the Latin term cultus, which means worship. In English the term cult usually carries derogatory connotations. The term is variously applied to abusive or coercive groups of many categories, including gangs, organized crime, and terrorist organizations.
An older sense of the word cult, which is not pejorative, indicates a set of religious devotional practices that is conventional within its culture, is related to a particular figure, and is frequently associated with a particular place, or generally the collective participation in rites of religion. References to the imperial cult of ancient Rome, for example, use the word in this sense. A derived sense of "excessive devotion" arose in the 19th century, and usage is not always strictly religious.
Sociological classifications of religious movements may identify a cult as a social group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices, although this is often unclear. Other researchers present a less-organized picture of cults, saying that they arise spontaneously around novel beliefs and practices. Cults have been compared to miniature totalitarian political systems. Such groups are typically perceived as being led by a charismatic leader who tightly controls its members. It is in some contexts a pejorative term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal. This sense of the term is weakly defined – having divergent definitions both in popular culture and academia – and has also been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study. According to Susannah Crockford, "[t]he word ‘cult’ is a shapeshifter, semantically morphing with the intentions of whoever uses it. As an analytical term, it resists rigorous definition." She argued that the least subjective definition of cult referred to a religion or religion-like group "self-consciously building a new form of society", but that the rest of society rejected as unacceptable. The term cult has been criticized as lacking "scholarly rigour"; Benjamin E. Zeller stated "[l]abelling any group with which one disagrees and considers deviant as a cult may be a common occurrence, but it is not scholarship". However, it has also been viewed as empowering for ex-members of groups that have experienced trauma. Religious scholar Catherine Wessinger argued the term was dehumanizing of the people within the group, as well as their children; following the Waco siege, it was argued by some scholars that the defining of the Branch Davidians as a cult by the media, government and former members is a significant factor as to what lead to the deaths. The term was noted to carry "considerable cultural legitimacy".
In the 1970s, with the rise of secular anti-cult movements, scholars (though not the general public) began to abandon the use of the term cult, regarding it as pejorative. By the end of the 1970s, the term cult was largely replaced in academia with the term "new religion" or "new religious movement". Other proposed alternative terms that have been used were "emergent religion", "alternative religious movement", or "marginal religious movement", though new religious movement is the most popular term. The anti-cult movement mostly regards the term "new religious movement" as a euphemism for "cult" that loses the implication that they are harmful.
Scholarly studies
Beginning in the 1930s, new religious movements perceived as cults became an object of sociological study within the context of the study of religious behavior. The term in this context saw its origins in the work of sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920). Weber is an important theorist in the academic study of cults, which often draws on his theorizations of charismatic authority, and of the distinction he drew between churches and sects. This concept of church-sect division was further elaborated upon by German theologian Ernst Troeltsch, who added a "mystical" categorization to define more personal religious experiences. American sociologist Howard P. Becker further bisected Troeltsch's first two categories: church was split into ecclesia and denomination; and sect into sect and cult. Like Troeltsch's "mystical religion", Becker's cult refers to small religious groups that lack in organization and emphasize the private nature of personal beliefs.
Later sociological formulations built on such characteristics, placing an additional emphasis on cults as deviant religious groups, "deriving their inspiration from outside of the predominant religious culture." This is often thought to lead to a high degree of tension between the group and the more mainstream culture surrounding it, a characteristic shared with religious sects. According to this sociological terminology, sects are products of religious schism and therefore maintain a continuity with traditional beliefs and practices, whereas cults arise spontaneously around novel beliefs and practices.
Scholars William Sims Bainbridge and Rodney Stark have argued for a further distinction between three kinds of cults: cult movements, client cults, and audience cults, all of which share a "compensator" or rewards for the things invested into the group. In their typology, a "cult movement" is an actual complete organization, differing from a "sect" in that it is not a splinter of a bigger religion, while "audience cults" are loosely organized, and propagated through media, and "client cults" offer services (i.e. psychic readings or meditation sessions). One type can turn into another, for example the Church of Scientology changing from audience to client cult. Sociologists who follow their definition tend to continue using the word "cult", unlike most other academics; however Bainbridge later stated he regretted having used the word at all. Stark and Bainbridge, in discussing the process by which individuals join new religious groups, have even questioned the utility of the concept of conversion, suggesting that affiliation is a more useful concept.
In the early 1960s, sociologist John Lofland studied the activities of Unification Church members in California in trying to promote their beliefs and win new members. Lofland noted that most of their efforts were ineffective and that most of the people who joined did so because of personal relationships with other members, often family relationships. Lofland published his findings in 1964 as a doctoral thesis entitled "The World Savers: A Field Study of Cult Processes", and in 1966 in book form by as Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization and Maintenance of Faith. It is considered to be one of the most important and widely cited studies of the process of religious conversion.
J. Gordon Melton stated that, in 1970, "one could count the number of active researchers on new religions on one's hands." However, James R. Lewis writes that the "meteoric growth" in this field of study can be attributed to the cult controversy of the early 1970s. Because of "a wave of nontraditional religiosity" in the late 1960s and early 1970s, academics perceived new religious movements as different phenomena from previous religious innovations.
Destructive cults
Destructive cult is a term frequently used by the anti-cult movement. Members of the anti-cult movement typically define a destructive cult as a group that is unethical, deceptive, and one that uses "strong influence" or mind control techniques to affect critical thinking skills. This term is sometimes presented in contrast to a "benign cult", which implies that not all "cults" would be harmful, though others apply it to all cults.Psychologist Michael Langone, executive director of the anti-cult group International Cultic Studies Association, defines a destructive cult as "a highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and/or psychologically damages members and recruits."
In Cults and the Family, the authors cite Shapiro, who defines a destructive cultism as a sociopathic syndrome, whose distinctive qualities include: "behavioral and personality changes, loss of personal identity, cessation of scholastic activities, estrangement from family, disinterest in society and pronounced mental control and enslavement by cult leaders." Writing about Bruderhof communities in the book Misunderstanding Cults, Julius H. Rubin said that American religious innovation created an unending diversity of sects. These "new religious movements…gathered new converts and issued challenges to the wider society. Not infrequently, public controversy, contested narratives and litigation result." In his work Cults in Context author Lorne L. Dawson writes that although the Unification Church "has not been shown to be violent or volatile," it has been described as a destructive cult by "anticult crusaders." In 2002, the German government was held by the Federal Constitutional Court to have defamed the Osho movement by referring to it, among other things, as a "destructive cult" with no factual basis.
Some researchers have criticized the term destructive cult, writing that it is used to describe groups which are not necessarily harmful in nature to themselves or others. In his book Understanding New Religious Movements, John A. Saliba writes that the term is overgeneralized. Saliba sees the Peoples Temple as the "paradigm of a destructive cult", where those that use the term are implying that other groups will also commit mass suicide.
Doomsday cults
Doomsday cult is a term which is used to describe groups that believe in apocalypticism and millenarianism, and it can also be used to refer both to groups that predict disaster, and groups that attempt to bring it about. In the 1950s, American social psychologist Leon Festinger and his colleagues observed members of a small UFO religion called the Seekers for several months, and recorded their conversations both prior to and after a failed prophecy from their charismatic leader. Their work was later published in the book When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World.
In the late 1980s, doomsday cults were a major topic of news reports, with some reporters and commentators considering them a serious threat to society. A 1997 psychological study by Festinger, Riecken, and Schachter found that people turned to a cataclysmic world view after they had repeatedly failed to find meaning in mainstream movements.
Political cults
A political cult is a cult with a primary interest in political action and ideology. Groups that some have described as "political cults", mostly advocating far-left or far-right agendas, have received some attention from journalists and scholars. In their 2000 book On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left, Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth discuss about a dozen organizations in the United States and Great Britain that they characterize as cults.
Anti-cult movements
Christian countercult movement
In the 1940s, the long-held opposition by some established Christian denominations to non-Christian religions and heretical or counterfeit Christian sects crystallized into a more organized Christian countercult movement in the United States.[citation needed] For those belonging to the movement, all religious groups claiming to be Christian, but deemed outside of Christian orthodoxy, were considered cults. The countercult movement is mostly evangelical protestants. The Christian countercult movement asserts that Christian groups whose teachings deviate from the belief that the bible is inerrant, but also focuses on non-Christian religions like Hinduism. Christian countercult activist writers also emphasize the need for Christians to evangelize to followers of cults.
Secular anti-cult movement
Starting in the late 1960s, a different strand of anti-cult groups arose, with the formation of the secular anti-cult movement (ACM). This was in response to the rise of new religions in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly the events at Jonestown and the deaths of nearly 1000 people. The organizations that formed the secular anti-cult movement (ACM) often acted on behalf of relatives of "cult" converts who did not believe their loved ones could have altered their lives so drastically by their own free will. A few psychologists and sociologists working in this field suggested that brainwashing techniques were used to maintain the loyalty of cult members.
The belief that cults brainwashed their members became a unifying theme among cult critics and in the more extreme corners of the anti-cult movement techniques like the sometimes forceful "deprogramming" of cult members was practised. In the mass media, and among average citizens, "cult" gained an increasingly negative connotation, becoming associated with things like kidnapping, brainwashing, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and other criminal activity, and mass suicide. While most of these negative qualities usually have real documented precedents in the activities of a very small minority of new religious groups, mass culture often extends them to any religious group viewed as culturally deviant, however peaceful or law abiding it may be.
While some psychologists were receptive to these theories, sociologists were for the most part sceptical of their ability to explain conversion to NRMs. In the late 1980s, psychologists and sociologists started to abandon theories like brainwashing and mind control. While scholars may believe that various less dramatic coercive psychological mechanisms could influence group members, they came to see conversion to new religious movements principally as an act of a rational choice.
Governmental policies and actions
The application of the labels cult or sect to religious movements in government documents signifies the popular and negative use of the term cult in English and a functionally similar use of words translated as 'sect' in several European languages. Sociologists critical to this negative politicized use of the word cult argue that it may adversely impact the religious freedoms of group members. At the height of the counter-cult movement and ritual abuse scare of the 1990s, some governments published lists of cults. Groups labelled "cults" are found around the world and range in size from local groups with a few members to international organizations with millions.
While these documents utilize similar terminology, they do not necessarily include the same groups nor is their assessment of these groups based on agreed criteria. Other governments and world bodies also report on new religious movements but do not use these terms to describe the groups. Since the 2000s, some governments have again distanced themselves from such classifications of religious movements. While the official response to new religious groups has been mixed across the globe, some governments aligned more with the critics of these groups to the extent of distinguishing between "legitimate" religion and "dangerous", "unwanted" cults in public policy.
For centuries, governments in China have categorized certain religions as xiéjiào (邪教), translated as "evil cults" or "heterodox teachings". In imperial China, the classification of a religion as xiejiao did not necessarily mean that a religion's teachings were believed to be false or inauthentic; rather, the label was applied to religious groups that were not authorized by the state, or it was applied to religious groups that were believed to challenge the legitimacy of the state. Groups branded xiejiao face suppression and punishment by authorities.
In 2008 the Russian Interior Ministry prepared a list of "extremist groups". At the top of the list were Islamic groups outside of "traditional Islam", which is supervised by the Russian government. Next listed were "Pagan cults". In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice created a council which it named the "Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis." The new council listed 80 large sects which it considered potentially dangerous to Russian society, and it also mentioned that there were thousands of smaller ones. The large sects which were listed included: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and other sects which were loosely referred to as "neo-Pentecostals".
United States
In the 1970s, the scientific status of the "brainwashing theory" became a central topic in U.S. court cases where the theory was used to try to justify the use of the forceful deprogramming of cult members Meanwhile, sociologists who were critical of these theories assisted advocates of religious freedom in defending the legitimacy of new religious movements in court. In the United States the religious activities of cults are protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which prohibits governmental establishment of religion and protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly; however, no members of religious groups or cults are granted any special immunity from criminal prosecution.
In 1990, the court case of United States v. Fishman (1990) ended the usage of brainwashing theories by expert witnesses such as Margaret Singer and Richard Ofshe. In the case's ruling, the court cited the Frye standard, which states that the scientific theory which is utilized by expert witnesses must be generally accepted in their respective fields. The court deemed brainwashing to be inadmissible in expert testimonies, using supporting documents which were published by the APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and Control, literature from previous court cases in which brainwashing theories were used, and expert testimonies which were delivered by scholars such as Dick Anthony.
Western Europe
The governments of France and Belgium have taken policy positions which accept "brainwashing" theories uncritically, while the governments of other European nations, such as those of Sweden and Italy, are cautious with regard to brainwashing and as a result, they have responded more neutrally with regard to new religions. Scholars have suggested that the outrage which followed the mass murder/suicides perpetuated by the Solar Temple, have significantly contributed to European anti-cult positions. In the 1980s, clergymen and officials of the French government expressed concern that some orders and other groups within the Roman Catholic Church would be adversely affected by anti-cult laws which were then being considered.
See also
- Cabal
- Cargo cult
- Clique
- Cult of personality
- Cult following
- Fanaticism
- Magical organization
- New religious movements and cults in popular culture
- Secret society
- Sociological classifications of religious movements
- Western esotericism
Explanatory notes
- Compare the Oxford English Dictionary note for usage in 1875: "cult:...b. A relatively small group of people having (esp. religious) beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister, or as exercising excessive control over members.… 1875 Brit. Mail 30 Jan. 13/1 Buffaloism is, it would seem, a cult, a creed, a secret community, the members of which are bound together by strange and weird vows, and listen in hidden conclave to mysterious lore." "cult". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
- Or "sects" in German or French-speaking countries, the German term sekten and the French term sectes having assumed the same derogatory meaning as English "cult".
- Austria: Beginning in 2011, the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor's International Religious Freedom Report no longer distinguishes sects in Austria as a separate group. "International Religious Freedom Report for 2012". Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Retrieved 3 September 2013.
- Belgium: The Justice Commission of the Belgian House of Representatives published a report on cults in 1997. A Brussels Appeals Court in 2005 condemned the House of Representatives on the grounds that it had damaged the image of an organization listed.
- France: A parliamentary commission of the National Assembly compiled a list of purported cults in 1995. In 2005, the Prime Minister stated that the concerns addressed in the list "had become less pertinent" and that the government needed to balance its concern with cults with respect for public freedoms and laїcité.
- Germany: The legitimacy of a 1997 Berlin Senate report listing cults (sekten) was defended in a court decision of 2003 (Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin [OVG 5 B 26.00] 25 September 2003). The list is still maintained by Berlin city authorities: Sekten und Psychogruppen – Leitstelle Berlin.
- "cult". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/OED/4952842754. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.) 2.b
- Chryssides & Zeller 2014, p. 321.
- Dubrow-Marshall 2024, p. 103.
- Dubrow-Marshall 2024, p. 96.
- "cult". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.) – "2.a. A particular form or system of religious worship or veneration, esp. as expressed in ceremonies or rituals which are directed towards a specified figure or object. Chiefly in historical, archaeological, or anthropological contexts."
- Stark & Bainbridge 1996, p. 124.
- Stark & Bainbridge 1980, p. 1377.
- Olson 2006.
- Stark & Bainbridge 1987.
- Stein 2016.
- Bell, Kenton (2013). "cult". Open Education Sociology Dictionary. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
- "cult". Dictionary. Merriam-Webster.
- Rubin 2001, p. 473.
- Richardson 1993, pp. 348–356.
- Crockford 2024, p. 172.
- Thomas & Graham-Hyde 2024a, p. 4.
- Olson 2006, p. 97.
- Bromley & Melton 2002, p. 231.
- Chryssides & Zeller 2014, p. 322.
- Lewis 2004.
- Fahlbusch & Bromiley 1999, p. 897.
- Weber 1985.
- Swatos 1998a, pp. 90–93.
- Campbell 1998, pp. 122–123.
- Richardson 1993, p. 349.
- Stark & Bainbridge 1987, p. 25.
- Stark & Bainbridge 1987, p. 124.
- Bader & Demaris 1996.
- Richardson 1998.
- Barker 1998.
- Ashcraft 2006, p. 180.
- Chryssides 1999, p. 1.
- Shupe & Darnell 2006, p. 214.
- Turner, Bloch & Shor 1995, p. 1146.
- Kaslow & Sussman 1982, p. 34.
- Dawson 1998, p. 349.
- Seiwert 2003.
- Saliba 2003, p. 144.
- Jenkins 2000, pp. 216, 222.
- Stangor 2004, pp. 42–43.
- Newman 2006, p. 86.
- Petty & Cacioppo 1996, p. 139.
- Jenkins 2000, pp. 215–216.
- Pargament 1997, pp. 150–153, 340.
- Tourish & Wohlforth 2000.
- Cowan 2003, p. 20.
- Chryssides 2024, p. 41.
- Cowan 2003, p. 31.
- Cowan 2003, p. 25.
- Chryssides 2024, p. 46.
- Chryssides 2024, p. 47.
- Richardson & Introvigne 2001.
- Shupe & Bromley 1998a, p. 27.
- Wright 1997.
- van Driel & Richardson 1988.
- Hill, Hickman & McLendon 2001.
- Barker 1986.
- Ayella 1990.
- Cowan 2003, p. ix.
- Richardson & Introvigne 2001, pp. 143–168.
- Davis 1996.
- Barker 1999.
- Edelman & Richardson 2003.
- Penny 2012.
- Zhu 2010, p. 487.
- Heggie 2020, p. 257.
- Zhu 2010.
- Soldatov & Borogan 2010, pp. 65–66.
- Marshall 2013.
- Ogloff & Pfeifer 1992.
- Introvigne 2014, pp. 313–316.
- Richardson & Introvigne 2001, pp. 144–146.
- Richardson & Introvigne 2001, p. 144.
- Robbins 2002, p. 174.
- Richardson 2004, p. 48.
- Books
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- Olson, Paul J. (2006). "The Public Perception of "Cults" and "New Religious Movements"". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 45 (1): 97–106. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5906.2006.00008.x. ISSN 0021-8294. JSTOR 3590620.
- Richardson, James T.; Introvigne, Massimo (2001). "'Brainwashing' Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on 'Cults' and 'Sects'". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 40 (2): 143–168. doi:10.1111/0021-8294.00046.
- Richardson, James T. (1993). "Definitions of Cult: From Sociological-Technical to Popular-Negative". Review of Religious Research. 34 (4): 348–356. doi:10.2307/3511972. JSTOR 3511972.
- Seiwert, Hubert (2003). "Freedom and Control in the Unified Germany: Governmental Approaches to Alternative Religions Since 1989". Sociology of Religion. 64 (3): 367–375. doi:10.2307/3712490. ISSN 1069-4404. JSTOR 3712490.
- Robbins, Thomas (2002). "Combating 'Cults' and 'Brainwashing' in the United States and Europe: A Comment on Richardson and Introvigne's Report". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 40 (2): 169–176. doi:10.1111/0021-8294.00047.
- Stark, Rodney; Bainbridge, William Sims (1980). "Networks of Faith: Interpersonal Bonds and Recruitment to Cults and Sects". American Journal of Sociology. 85 (6): 1376–1395. doi:10.1086/227169. ISSN 0002-9602. JSTOR 2778383.
- Weber, Max (Spring 1985). ""Churches" and "Sects" in North America: An Ecclesiastical Socio-Political Sketch". Sociological Theory. 3 (1): 7–13. doi:10.2307/202166. JSTOR 202166.
- Wright, Stuart A. (1997). "Media Coverage of Unconventional Religion: Any "Good News" for Minority Faiths?". Review of Religious Research. 39 (2): 101–115. doi:10.2307/3512176. ISSN 0034-673X. JSTOR 3512176.
- Zhu, Guobin (2010). "Prosecuting "Evil Cults:" A Critical Examination of Law Regarding Freedom of Religious Belief in Mainland China". Human Rights Quarterly. 32 (3): 471–501. doi:10.1353/hrq.2010.0004. ISSN 0275-0392. JSTOR 40784053.
External links
- The dictionary definition of cult at Wiktionary
- Quotations related to Cult at Wikiquote
This article needs to be updated The reason given is Entire article needs updating with attention paid to sources Some sources cited are over 50 years old and academic thinking in this area has changed profoundly even in the past 25 years Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information September 2024 Cult is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as A relatively small group of people having esp religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister or as exercising excessive control over members The term is often applied to new religious movements and other social groups which have unusual and often extreme religious spiritual or philosophical beliefs and rituals Extreme devotion to a particular person object or goal is another characteristic often ascribed to cults The term has different and often divergent or pejorative definitions both in popular culture and academia and has been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study Beginning in the 1930s new religious movements became an object of sociological study within the context of the study of religious behavior Since the 1940s the Christian countercult movement has opposed some sects and new religious movements labeling them cults because of their unorthodox beliefs Since the 1970s the secular anti cult movement has opposed certain groups which they call cults accusing them of practicing brainwashing Groups labelled cults are found around the world and range in size from small localized groups to some international organizations with up to millions of members Definition and usageThe word cult is derived from the Latin term cultus which means worship In English the term cult usually carries derogatory connotations The term is variously applied to abusive or coercive groups of many categories including gangs organized crime and terrorist organizations An older sense of the word cult which is not pejorative indicates a set of religious devotional practices that is conventional within its culture is related to a particular figure and is frequently associated with a particular place or generally the collective participation in rites of religion References to the imperial cult of ancient Rome for example use the word in this sense A derived sense of excessive devotion arose in the 19th century and usage is not always strictly religious Sociological classifications of religious movements may identify a cult as a social group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices although this is often unclear Other researchers present a less organized picture of cults saying that they arise spontaneously around novel beliefs and practices Cults have been compared to miniature totalitarian political systems Such groups are typically perceived as being led by a charismatic leader who tightly controls its members It is in some contexts a pejorative term also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious spiritual or philosophical beliefs and rituals or their common interest in a particular person object or goal This sense of the term is weakly defined having divergent definitions both in popular culture and academia and has also been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study According to Susannah Crockford t he word cult is a shapeshifter semantically morphing with the intentions of whoever uses it As an analytical term it resists rigorous definition She argued that the least subjective definition of cult referred to a religion or religion like group self consciously building a new form of society but that the rest of society rejected as unacceptable The term cult has been criticized as lacking scholarly rigour Benjamin E Zeller stated l abelling any group with which one disagrees and considers deviant as a cult may be a common occurrence but it is not scholarship However it has also been viewed as empowering for ex members of groups that have experienced trauma Religious scholar Catherine Wessinger argued the term was dehumanizing of the people within the group as well as their children following the Waco siege it was argued by some scholars that the defining of the Branch Davidians as a cult by the media government and former members is a significant factor as to what lead to the deaths The term was noted to carry considerable cultural legitimacy In the 1970s with the rise of secular anti cult movements scholars though not the general public began to abandon the use of the term cult regarding it as pejorative By the end of the 1970s the term cult was largely replaced in academia with the term new religion or new religious movement Other proposed alternative terms that have been used were emergent religion alternative religious movement or marginal religious movement though new religious movement is the most popular term The anti cult movement mostly regards the term new religious movement as a euphemism for cult that loses the implication that they are harmful Scholarly studiesHoward P Becker s church sect typology based on Ernst Troeltsch s original theory and providing the basis for the modern concepts of cults sects and new religious movements Beginning in the 1930s new religious movements perceived as cults became an object of sociological study within the context of the study of religious behavior The term in this context saw its origins in the work of sociologist Max Weber 1864 1920 Weber is an important theorist in the academic study of cults which often draws on his theorizations of charismatic authority and of the distinction he drew between churches and sects This concept of church sect division was further elaborated upon by German theologian Ernst Troeltsch who added a mystical categorization to define more personal religious experiences American sociologist Howard P Becker further bisected Troeltsch s first two categories church was split into ecclesia and denomination and sect into sect and cult Like Troeltsch s mystical religion Becker s cult refers to small religious groups that lack in organization and emphasize the private nature of personal beliefs Max Weber 1864 1920 an important theorist in the study of cults Later sociological formulations built on such characteristics placing an additional emphasis on cults as deviant religious groups deriving their inspiration from outside of the predominant religious culture This is often thought to lead to a high degree of tension between the group and the more mainstream culture surrounding it a characteristic shared with religious sects According to this sociological terminology sects are products of religious schism and therefore maintain a continuity with traditional beliefs and practices whereas cults arise spontaneously around novel beliefs and practices Scholars William Sims Bainbridge and Rodney Stark have argued for a further distinction between three kinds of cults cult movements client cults and audience cults all of which share a compensator or rewards for the things invested into the group In their typology a cult movement is an actual complete organization differing from a sect in that it is not a splinter of a bigger religion while audience cults are loosely organized and propagated through media and client cults offer services i e psychic readings or meditation sessions One type can turn into another for example the Church of Scientology changing from audience to client cult Sociologists who follow their definition tend to continue using the word cult unlike most other academics however Bainbridge later stated he regretted having used the word at all Stark and Bainbridge in discussing the process by which individuals join new religious groups have even questioned the utility of the concept of conversion suggesting that affiliation is a more useful concept In the early 1960s sociologist John Lofland studied the activities of Unification Church members in California in trying to promote their beliefs and win new members Lofland noted that most of their efforts were ineffective and that most of the people who joined did so because of personal relationships with other members often family relationships Lofland published his findings in 1964 as a doctoral thesis entitled The World Savers A Field Study of Cult Processes and in 1966 in book form by as Doomsday Cult A Study of Conversion Proselytization and Maintenance of Faith It is considered to be one of the most important and widely cited studies of the process of religious conversion J Gordon Melton stated that in 1970 one could count the number of active researchers on new religions on one s hands However James R Lewis writes that the meteoric growth in this field of study can be attributed to the cult controversy of the early 1970s Because of a wave of nontraditional religiosity in the late 1960s and early 1970s academics perceived new religious movements as different phenomena from previous religious innovations TypesDestructive cults Destructive cult is a term frequently used by the anti cult movement Members of the anti cult movement typically define a destructive cult as a group that is unethical deceptive and one that uses strong influence or mind control techniques to affect critical thinking skills This term is sometimes presented in contrast to a benign cult which implies that not all cults would be harmful though others apply it to all cults Psychologist Michael Langone executive director of the anti cult group International Cultic Studies Association defines a destructive cult as a highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and or psychologically damages members and recruits In Cults and the Family the authors cite Shapiro who defines a destructive cultism as a sociopathic syndrome whose distinctive qualities include behavioral and personality changes loss of personal identity cessation of scholastic activities estrangement from family disinterest in society and pronounced mental control and enslavement by cult leaders Writing about Bruderhof communities in the book Misunderstanding Cults Julius H Rubin said that American religious innovation created an unending diversity of sects These new religious movements gathered new converts and issued challenges to the wider society Not infrequently public controversy contested narratives and litigation result In his work Cults in Context author Lorne L Dawson writes that although the Unification Church has not been shown to be violent or volatile it has been described as a destructive cult by anticult crusaders In 2002 the German government was held by the Federal Constitutional Court to have defamed the Osho movement by referring to it among other things as a destructive cult with no factual basis Some researchers have criticized the term destructive cult writing that it is used to describe groups which are not necessarily harmful in nature to themselves or others In his book Understanding New Religious Movements John A Saliba writes that the term is overgeneralized Saliba sees the Peoples Temple as the paradigm of a destructive cult where those that use the term are implying that other groups will also commit mass suicide Doomsday cults Doomsday cult is a term which is used to describe groups that believe in apocalypticism and millenarianism and it can also be used to refer both to groups that predict disaster and groups that attempt to bring it about In the 1950s American social psychologist Leon Festinger and his colleagues observed members of a small UFO religion called the Seekers for several months and recorded their conversations both prior to and after a failed prophecy from their charismatic leader Their work was later published in the book When Prophecy Fails A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World In the late 1980s doomsday cults were a major topic of news reports with some reporters and commentators considering them a serious threat to society A 1997 psychological study by Festinger Riecken and Schachter found that people turned to a cataclysmic world view after they had repeatedly failed to find meaning in mainstream movements Political cults A political cult is a cult with a primary interest in political action and ideology Groups that some have described as political cults mostly advocating far left or far right agendas have received some attention from journalists and scholars In their 2000 book On the Edge Political Cults Right and Left Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth discuss about a dozen organizations in the United States and Great Britain that they characterize as cults Anti cult movementsChristian countercult movement In the 1940s the long held opposition by some established Christian denominations to non Christian religions and heretical or counterfeit Christian sects crystallized into a more organized Christian countercult movement in the United States citation needed For those belonging to the movement all religious groups claiming to be Christian but deemed outside of Christian orthodoxy were considered cults The countercult movement is mostly evangelical protestants The Christian countercult movement asserts that Christian groups whose teachings deviate from the belief that the bible is inerrant but also focuses on non Christian religions like Hinduism Christian countercult activist writers also emphasize the need for Christians to evangelize to followers of cults Secular anti cult movement An anti Aum Shinrikyo protest in Japan 2009 Starting in the late 1960s a different strand of anti cult groups arose with the formation of the secular anti cult movement ACM This was in response to the rise of new religions in the 1960s and 1970s particularly the events at Jonestown and the deaths of nearly 1000 people The organizations that formed the secular anti cult movement ACM often acted on behalf of relatives of cult converts who did not believe their loved ones could have altered their lives so drastically by their own free will A few psychologists and sociologists working in this field suggested that brainwashing techniques were used to maintain the loyalty of cult members The belief that cults brainwashed their members became a unifying theme among cult critics and in the more extreme corners of the anti cult movement techniques like the sometimes forceful deprogramming of cult members was practised In the mass media and among average citizens cult gained an increasingly negative connotation becoming associated with things like kidnapping brainwashing psychological abuse sexual abuse and other criminal activity and mass suicide While most of these negative qualities usually have real documented precedents in the activities of a very small minority of new religious groups mass culture often extends them to any religious group viewed as culturally deviant however peaceful or law abiding it may be While some psychologists were receptive to these theories sociologists were for the most part sceptical of their ability to explain conversion to NRMs In the late 1980s psychologists and sociologists started to abandon theories like brainwashing and mind control While scholars may believe that various less dramatic coercive psychological mechanisms could influence group members they came to see conversion to new religious movements principally as an act of a rational choice Governmental policies and actionsThe application of the labels cult or sect to religious movements in government documents signifies the popular and negative use of the term cult in English and a functionally similar use of words translated as sect in several European languages Sociologists critical to this negative politicized use of the word cult argue that it may adversely impact the religious freedoms of group members At the height of the counter cult movement and ritual abuse scare of the 1990s some governments published lists of cults Groups labelled cults are found around the world and range in size from local groups with a few members to international organizations with millions While these documents utilize similar terminology they do not necessarily include the same groups nor is their assessment of these groups based on agreed criteria Other governments and world bodies also report on new religious movements but do not use these terms to describe the groups Since the 2000s some governments have again distanced themselves from such classifications of religious movements While the official response to new religious groups has been mixed across the globe some governments aligned more with the critics of these groups to the extent of distinguishing between legitimate religion and dangerous unwanted cults in public policy China Falun Gong books being symbolically destroyed by the Chinese government For centuries governments in China have categorized certain religions as xiejiao 邪教 translated as evil cults or heterodox teachings In imperial China the classification of a religion as xiejiao did not necessarily mean that a religion s teachings were believed to be false or inauthentic rather the label was applied to religious groups that were not authorized by the state or it was applied to religious groups that were believed to challenge the legitimacy of the state Groups branded xiejiao face suppression and punishment by authorities Russia In 2008 the Russian Interior Ministry prepared a list of extremist groups At the top of the list were Islamic groups outside of traditional Islam which is supervised by the Russian government Next listed were Pagan cults In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice created a council which it named the Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis The new council listed 80 large sects which it considered potentially dangerous to Russian society and it also mentioned that there were thousands of smaller ones The large sects which were listed included The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints the Jehovah s Witnesses and other sects which were loosely referred to as neo Pentecostals United States In the 1970s the scientific status of the brainwashing theory became a central topic in U S court cases where the theory was used to try to justify the use of the forceful deprogramming of cult members Meanwhile sociologists who were critical of these theories assisted advocates of religious freedom in defending the legitimacy of new religious movements in court In the United States the religious activities of cults are protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution which prohibits governmental establishment of religion and protects freedom of religion freedom of speech freedom of the press and freedom of assembly however no members of religious groups or cults are granted any special immunity from criminal prosecution In 1990 the court case of United States v Fishman 1990 ended the usage of brainwashing theories by expert witnesses such as Margaret Singer and Richard Ofshe In the case s ruling the court cited the Frye standard which states that the scientific theory which is utilized by expert witnesses must be generally accepted in their respective fields The court deemed brainwashing to be inadmissible in expert testimonies using supporting documents which were published by the APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and Control literature from previous court cases in which brainwashing theories were used and expert testimonies which were delivered by scholars such as Dick Anthony Western Europe The governments of France and Belgium have taken policy positions which accept brainwashing theories uncritically while the governments of other European nations such as those of Sweden and Italy are cautious with regard to brainwashing and as a result they have responded more neutrally with regard to new religions Scholars have suggested that the outrage which followed the mass murder suicides perpetuated by the Solar Temple have significantly contributed to European anti cult positions In the 1980s clergymen and officials of the French government expressed concern that some orders and other groups within the Roman Catholic Church would be adversely affected by anti cult laws which were then being considered See alsoCabal Cargo cult Clique Cult of personality Cult following Fanaticism Magical organization New religious movements and cults in popular culture Secret society Sociological classifications of religious movements Western esotericismReferencesExplanatory notes Compare the Oxford English Dictionary note for usage in 1875 cult b A relatively small group of people having esp religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister or as exercising excessive control over members 1875 Brit Mail 30 Jan 13 1 Buffaloism is it would seem a cult a creed a secret community the members of which are bound together by strange and weird vows and listen in hidden conclave to mysterious lore cult Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required Or sects in German or French speaking countries the German term sekten and the French term sectes having assumed the same derogatory meaning as English cult Austria Beginning in 2011 the Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor s International Religious Freedom Report no longer distinguishes sects in Austria as a separate group International Religious Freedom Report for 2012 Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor Retrieved 3 September 2013 Belgium The Justice Commission of the Belgian House of Representatives published a report on cults in 1997 A Brussels Appeals Court in 2005 condemned the House of Representatives on the grounds that it had damaged the image of an organization listed France A parliamentary commission of the National Assembly compiled a list of purported cults in 1995 In 2005 the Prime Minister stated that the concerns addressed in the list had become less pertinent and that the government needed to balance its concern with cults with respect for public freedoms and layicite Germany The legitimacy of a 1997 Berlin Senate report listing cults sekten was defended in a court decision of 2003 Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin OVG 5 B 26 00 25 September 2003 The list is still maintained by Berlin city authorities Sekten und Psychogruppen Leitstelle Berlin Citations cult Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 OED 4952842754 Subscription or participating institution membership required 2 b Chryssides amp Zeller 2014 p 321 Dubrow Marshall 2024 p 103 Dubrow Marshall 2024 p 96 cult Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required 2 a A particular form or system of religious worship or veneration esp as expressed in ceremonies or rituals which are directed towards a specified figure or object Chiefly in historical archaeological or anthropological contexts Stark amp Bainbridge 1996 p 124 Stark amp Bainbridge 1980 p 1377 Olson 2006 Stark amp Bainbridge 1987 Stein 2016 Bell Kenton 2013 cult Open Education Sociology Dictionary Retrieved 17 March 2023 cult Merriam Webster com Dictionary Merriam Webster Rubin 2001 p 473 Richardson 1993 pp 348 356 Crockford 2024 p 172 Thomas amp Graham Hyde 2024a p 4 Olson 2006 p 97 Bromley amp Melton 2002 p 231 Chryssides amp Zeller 2014 p 322 Lewis 2004 Fahlbusch amp Bromiley 1999 p 897 Weber 1985 Swatos 1998a pp 90 93 Campbell 1998 pp 122 123 Richardson 1993 p 349 Stark amp Bainbridge 1987 p 25 Stark amp Bainbridge 1987 p 124 Bader amp Demaris 1996 Richardson 1998 Barker 1998 Ashcraft 2006 p 180 Chryssides 1999 p 1 Shupe amp Darnell 2006 p 214 Turner Bloch amp Shor 1995 p 1146 Kaslow amp Sussman 1982 p 34 Dawson 1998 p 349 Seiwert 2003 Saliba 2003 p 144 Jenkins 2000 pp 216 222 Stangor 2004 pp 42 43 Newman 2006 p 86 Petty amp Cacioppo 1996 p 139 Jenkins 2000 pp 215 216 Pargament 1997 pp 150 153 340 Tourish amp Wohlforth 2000 Cowan 2003 p 20 Chryssides 2024 p 41 Cowan 2003 p 31 Cowan 2003 p 25 Chryssides 2024 p 46 Chryssides 2024 p 47 Richardson amp Introvigne 2001 Shupe amp Bromley 1998a p 27 Wright 1997 van Driel amp Richardson 1988 Hill Hickman amp McLendon 2001 Barker 1986 Ayella 1990 Cowan 2003 p ix Richardson amp Introvigne 2001 pp 143 168 Davis 1996 Barker 1999 Edelman amp Richardson 2003 Penny 2012 Zhu 2010 p 487 Heggie 2020 p 257 Zhu 2010 Soldatov amp Borogan 2010 pp 65 66 Marshall 2013 Ogloff amp Pfeifer 1992 Introvigne 2014 pp 313 316 Richardson amp Introvigne 2001 pp 144 146 Richardson amp Introvigne 2001 p 144 Robbins 2002 p 174 Richardson 2004 p 48 BooksAshcraft W Michael 2006 African Diaspora Traditions and Other American Innovations In Gallagher Eugene V ed Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 275 98717 6 Barker Eileen 1999 New Religious Movements their incidence and significance In Wilson Bryan Cresswell Jamie eds New Religious Movements Challenge and Response Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 20050 9 Bromley David G Melton J Gordon eds 2002 Cults Religion and Violence Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 66064 8 Chryssides George D 1999 Exploring New Religions Issues in Contemporary Religion London New York Cassell ISBN 978 0 304 33652 4 Chryssides George D Zeller Benjamin E eds 2014 Resources A Z The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements Bloomsbury Companions London Bloomsbury ISBN 978 1 4411 9005 5 Cowan Douglas E 2003 Bearing False Witness An Introduction to the Christian Countercult Westport CT Praeger ISBN 978 0 275 97459 6 Dawson Lorne L 1998 Cults in Context Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements Transaction Publishers ISBN 978 0 7658 0478 5 Fahlbusch Erwin Bromiley Geoffrey W eds 1999 Sect The Encyclopedia of Christianity Vol 4 p 897 ISBN 978 90 04 14595 5 Retrieved 21 March 2013 via Google Books Jenkins Phillip 2000 Mystics and Messiahs Cults and New Religions in American History Oxford University Press US ISBN 978 0 19 514596 0 Kaslow Florence Whiteman Sussman Marvin B 1982 Cults and the Family Haworth Press ISBN 978 0 917724 55 8 Lewis James R 2004 The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements US Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 514986 9 Marshall Paul 2013 Persecuted The Global Assault on Christians Thomas Nelson Inc Newman Dr David M 2006 Sociology Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Pine Forge Press ISBN 978 1 4129 2814 4 Pargament Kenneth I 1997 The Psychology of Religion and Coping Theory Research Practice Guilford Press ISBN 978 1 57230 664 6 Penny Benjamin 2012 The Religion of Falun Gong University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 65501 7 Petty Richard E Cacioppo John T 1996 Attitudes and Persuasion Classic and Contemporary Approaches Westview Press ISBN 0 8133 3005 X Saliba John A 2003 Understanding New Religious Movements 2nd ed Walnut Creek Altamira Press ISBN 978 0 7591 0356 6 Stark Rodney Bainbridge William Sims 1987 The Future of Religion Secularization Revival and Cult Formation Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 05731 9 Stark Rodney Bainbridge William Sims 1996 A Theory of Religion Peter Lang Publishing ISBN 978 0 8135 2330 9 Swatos William H Jr ed 1998 Encyclopedia of Religion and Society Walnut Creek CA AltaMira pp 90 93 ISBN 978 0 7619 8956 1 Shupe Anson Bromley David G 1998a Anti Cult Movement In Swatos 1998 Swatos William H Jr 1998a Church Sect Theory In Swatos 1998 Campbell Colin Cult In Swatos 1998 Barker Eileen Conversion In Swatos 1998 Richardson James T Unification Church In Swatos 1998 Richardson James T ed 2004 Regulating Religion Case Studies from Around the Globe Critical Issues in Social Justice New York Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers ISBN 978 0 306 47887 1 Shupe Anson Darnell Susan 2006 Agents of Discord Deprogramming Pseudo science and the American Anti cult Movement Transaction Publishers ISBN 978 0 7658 0323 8 Soldatov Andreĭ Borogan I 2010 The new nobility the restoration of Russia s security state and the enduring legacy of the KGB New York PublicAffairs ISBN 978 1 61039 055 2 Stangor Charles 2004 Social Groups in Action and Interaction Psychology Press ISBN 978 1 84169 407 8 Stein Alexandra 2016 Terror Love and Brainwashing Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems Taylor and Francis ISBN 9781138677951 Thomas Aled Graham Hyde Edward eds 2024 Cult Rhetoric in the 21st Century Deconstructing the Study of New Religious Movements Religion at the boundaries London Bloomsbury Academic ISBN 978 1 350 33323 9 Thomas Aled Graham Hyde Edward 2024a Cult rhetoric in the twenty first century The disconnect between popular discourse and the ivory tower In Thomas amp Graham Hyde 2024 Chryssides George D A history of anticult rhetoric In Thomas amp Graham Hyde 2024 Dubrow Marshall Roderick P The recognition of cults In Thomas amp Graham Hyde 2024 Crockford Susannah There is no QAnon Cult accusations in contemporary American political and online discourse In Thomas amp Graham Hyde 2024 Tourish Dennis Wohlforth Tim 2000 On the Edge Political Cults Right and Left Armonk M E Sharpe ISBN 978 0 7656 0639 6 Turner Francis J Bloch Arnold Shanon Shor Ron 1995 105 From Consultation to Therapy in Group Work With Parents of Cultists Differential Diagnosis amp Treatment in Social Work 4th ed Free Press p 1146 ISBN 978 0 02 874007 2 Zablocki Benjamin Robbins Thomas eds 2001 Misunderstanding Cults Searching for Objectivity in a Controversial Field University of Toronto Press ISBN 978 0 8020 8188 9 Rubin Julius H Contested Narratives A Case Study of the Conflict between a New Religious Movement and Its Critics In Zablocki amp Robbins 2001 ArticlesAyella Marybeth 1990 They Must Be Crazy Some of the Difficulties in Researching Cults American Behavioral Scientist 33 5 562 577 doi 10 1177 0002764290033005005 S2CID 144181163 Bader Chris Demaris Alfred 1996 A Test of the Stark Bainbridge Theory of Affiliation with Religious Cults and Sects Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 35 3 285 303 doi 10 2307 1386560 ISSN 0021 8294 JSTOR 1386560 Barker Eileen 1986 Religious Movements Cult and Anti Cult Since Jonestown Annual Review of Sociology 12 329 346 doi 10 1146 annurev so 12 080186 001553 Davis Dena S 1996 Joining a Cult Religious Choice or Psychological Aberration Journal of Law and Health 11 1 145 172 van Driel Barend Richardson James T 1988 Categorization of New Religious Movements in American Print Media Sociological Analysis 49 2 171 183 doi 10 2307 3711011 ISSN 0038 0210 JSTOR 3711011 Edelman Bryan Richardson James T 2003 Falun Gong and the Law Development of Legal Social Control in China Nova Religio 6 2 312 331 doi 10 1525 nr 2003 6 2 312 Heggie Rachel 2020 When Violence Happens The McDonald s Murder and Religious Violence in the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party Journal of Religion and Violence 8 3 253 280 doi 10 5840 jrv202131682 ISSN 2159 6808 JSTOR 27212326 Hill Harvey Hickman John McLendon Joel 2001 Cults and Sects and Doomsday Groups Oh My Media Treatment of Religion on the Eve of the Millennium Review of Religious Research 43 1 24 38 doi 10 2307 3512241 ISSN 0034 673X JSTOR 3512241 Introvigne Massimo 2014 Advocacy brainwashing theories and new religious movements Religion 44 2 303 319 doi 10 1080 0048721X 2014 888021 S2CID 144440076 Ogloff J R Pfeifer J E 1992 Cults and the law A discussion of the legality of alleged cult activities Behavioral Sciences amp the Law 10 1 117 140 doi 10 1002 bsl 2370100111 Olson Paul J 2006 The Public Perception of Cults and New Religious Movements Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45 1 97 106 doi 10 1111 j 1468 5906 2006 00008 x ISSN 0021 8294 JSTOR 3590620 Richardson James T Introvigne Massimo 2001 Brainwashing Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on Cults and Sects Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40 2 143 168 doi 10 1111 0021 8294 00046 Richardson James T 1993 Definitions of Cult From Sociological Technical to Popular Negative Review of Religious Research 34 4 348 356 doi 10 2307 3511972 JSTOR 3511972 Seiwert Hubert 2003 Freedom and Control in the Unified Germany Governmental Approaches to Alternative Religions Since 1989 Sociology of Religion 64 3 367 375 doi 10 2307 3712490 ISSN 1069 4404 JSTOR 3712490 Robbins Thomas 2002 Combating Cults and Brainwashing in the United States and Europe A Comment on Richardson and Introvigne s Report Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40 2 169 176 doi 10 1111 0021 8294 00047 Stark Rodney Bainbridge William Sims 1980 Networks of Faith Interpersonal Bonds and Recruitment to Cults and Sects American Journal of Sociology 85 6 1376 1395 doi 10 1086 227169 ISSN 0002 9602 JSTOR 2778383 Weber Max Spring 1985 Churches and Sects in North America An Ecclesiastical Socio Political Sketch Sociological Theory 3 1 7 13 doi 10 2307 202166 JSTOR 202166 Wright Stuart A 1997 Media Coverage of Unconventional Religion Any Good News for Minority Faiths Review of Religious Research 39 2 101 115 doi 10 2307 3512176 ISSN 0034 673X JSTOR 3512176 Zhu Guobin 2010 Prosecuting Evil Cults A Critical Examination of Law Regarding Freedom of Religious Belief in Mainland China Human Rights Quarterly 32 3 471 501 doi 10 1353 hrq 2010 0004 ISSN 0275 0392 JSTOR 40784053 External linksThe dictionary definition of cult at Wiktionary Quotations related to Cult at Wikiquote