Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies, is a specialization in anthropology and sister sciences such as sociology, psychology, economics, political science that uses field data from many societies through comparative research to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture.
Cross-cultural studies is the third form of cross-cultural comparisons. The first is comparison of case studies, the second is controlled comparison among variants of a common derivation, and the third is comparison within a sample of cases. Unlike comparative studies, which examines similar characteristics of a few societies, cross-cultural studies uses a sufficiently large sample so that statistical analysis can be made to show relationships or lack of relationships between the traits in question. These studies are surveys of ethnographic data, or involve qualitative data collection.
Cross-cultural studies are applied widely in the social sciences, particularly in cultural anthropology and psychology.
The first cross-cultural studies were carried out by 19th-century anthropologists such as Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis H. Morgan. One of Edward Tylor's first studies gave rise to the central statistical issue of cross-cultural studies: phylogenetic autocorrelation also known as Galton's problem. In the recent decades[when?] historians and particularly historians of science started looking at the mechanism and networks by which knowledge, ideas, skills, instruments and books moved across cultures, generating new and fresh concepts concerning the order of things in nature. In Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean 1560–1660 Avner Ben-Zaken has argued that cross-cultural exchanges take place at a cultural hazy locus where the margins of one culture overlaps the other, creating a "mutually embraced zone" where exchanges take place on mundane ways. From such a stimulating zone, ideas, styles, instruments and practices move onward to the cultural centers, urging them to renew and update cultural notions.
Modern era
The modern era of cross-cultural studies began with George Murdock (1949), who set up a number of foundational data sets, including the Human Relations Area Files, and the Ethnographic Atlas. Together with Douglas R. White, he developed the widely-used Standard Cross-Cultural Sample, which is currently maintained by the open access electronic journal World Cultures.
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede in the 1970s. It describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed: individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance (strength of social hierarchy) and masculinity-femininity (task-orientation versus person-orientation). It has been refined several times since then.
With the widespread access of people to the Internet and the high influence of online social networks on daily life, users behavior in these websites have become a new resource to perform cross-cultural and comparative studies. A study on Twitter examined the usage of emoticons from users of 78 countries and found a positive correlation between individualism-collectivism dimension of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and people's use of mouth-oriented emoticons. Another user experience study on the usage of smileys from users of 12 countries showed that emoji-based scales may ease the challenges related to translation and implementation for brief cross-cultural surveys.
See also
- Comparative cultural studies
- Cross-cultural
- Cross-cultural capital
- Cross-cultural communication
- Cross-cultural psychiatry
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Cultural bias
- Cultural relativism
- Ethnocentrism
- Human Relations Area Files
- Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's values orientation theory
- Standard cross-cultural sample
- Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
- van de Vijver, Fons J. R. (2009-03-01). "Types of Comparative Studies in Cross-Cultural Psychology". Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 2 (2). doi:10.9707/2307-0919.1017. ISSN 2307-0919.
- Brislin, Richard W. (January 1976). "Comparative Research Methodology: Cross-Cultural Studies". International Journal of Psychology. 11 (3): 215–229. doi:10.1080/00207597608247359. ISSN 0020-7594.
- Sha, Mandy (2020-04-30). Sha, Mandy (ed.). Cross-Cultural Comparison of Focus Groups as a Research Method (Chapter 8) in The Essential Role of Language in Survey Research. RTI Press. pp. 151–179. doi:10.3768/rtipress.bk.0023.2004. ISBN 978-1-934831-24-3.
- "Galton Difference Problem", Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004-07-15, doi:10.1002/0471667196.ess0843, ISBN 0471667196
- Avner Ben-Zaken, "From "Incommensurability of Cultures" to Mutually Embraced Zones" in Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges In the Eastern Mediterranean 1560–1660 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010)], pp. 163–167. ISBN 9780801894763
- Whiting (1986:305)
- Adeoye, Blessing; Tomei, Lawrence (2014). Effects of information capitalism and globalisation on teaching and learning. Pennsylvania: Information Science Reference. ISBN 9781466661639. Retrieved 2015-10-21.
- Hofstede, Geert (2011-12-01). "Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context". Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 2 (1). doi:10.9707/2307-0919.1014. ISSN 2307-0919.
- Park, Jaram; Baek, Young Min; Cha, Meeyoung (2014-03-19). "Cross-Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Cues in Emoticons on Twitter: Evidence from Big Data Analysis". Journal of Communication. 64 (2): 333–354. doi:10.1111/jcom.12086. ISSN 0021-9916.
- Sedley, Aaron; Yang, Yongwei (2020-04-30). Sha, Mandy (ed.). Scaling the Smileys: A Multicountry Investigation in The Essential Role of Language in Survey Research. RTI Press. doi:10.3768/rtipress.bk.0023.2004. ISBN 978-1-934831-24-3.
- Ember, Carol R., and Melvin Ember. 1998. Cross-Cultural Research. Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology / Ed. by H. R. Bernard, pp. 647–90. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
- Ember, Carol R., and Melvin Ember. 2001. Cross-Cultural Research Methods. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
- Korotayev, Andrey, World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. ISBN 0-7734-6310-0
- Franco, F.M., and D. Narasimhan. 2009. Plant names and uses as indicators of traditional knowledge. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. [1]
- Franco, F.M., D. Narasimhan and W. Stanley. 2008. Relationship between four tribal communities and their natural resources in the Koraput region. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, Vol. 6.
- Levinson, David, and Martin J. Malone. 1980. Toward Explaining Human Culture: A Critical Review of the Findings of Worldwide Cross-Cultural Research. New Haven, CT: HRAF Press.
- Macfarlane, Alan. 2004. To Contrast and Compare, pp. 94–111, in Methodology and Fieldwork, edited by Vinay Kumar Srivastava. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
- de Munck V. Cultural Units in Cross-Cultural Research Archived 2013-07-22 at the Wayback Machine // Ethnology 39/4 (2000): 335–348.
- Murdock, George P. 1949. Social Structure. New York: Macmillan.
- Murdock, George P. 1967. Ethnographic Atlas: A Summary. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Prsrtjh sdxthgn fdty a45tesjtukcn bess.
- Murdock, George P. 1970. Kin Term Patterns and their Distribution. Ethnology 9: 165–207.
- Murdock, George P. 1981. Atlas of World Cultures. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Murdock, George P., and Douglas R. White. 1969. Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. Ethnology 8:329–369.
- Whiting, John W.M. 1986. George Peter Murdock, (1897–1985). American Anthropologist. 88(3): 682–686.
External links
- Cross-Cultural Research
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
- World Cultures
- Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of the Anthropological and Related Sciences
- Transtext(e)sTranscultures: Trilingual Journal of Global Cultural Studies
- Social Evolution & History
- Society for Cross-Cultural Research
- Institut d'études Transtextuelles et Transculturelles (IETT), Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies, Lyons, France.
Cross cultural studies sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies is a specialization in anthropology and sister sciences such as sociology psychology economics political science that uses field data from many societies through comparative research to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture Cross cultural studies is the third form of cross cultural comparisons The first is comparison of case studies the second is controlled comparison among variants of a common derivation and the third is comparison within a sample of cases Unlike comparative studies which examines similar characteristics of a few societies cross cultural studies uses a sufficiently large sample so that statistical analysis can be made to show relationships or lack of relationships between the traits in question These studies are surveys of ethnographic data or involve qualitative data collection Cross cultural studies are applied widely in the social sciences particularly in cultural anthropology and psychology HistoryThe first cross cultural studies were carried out by 19th century anthropologists such as Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis H Morgan One of Edward Tylor s first studies gave rise to the central statistical issue of cross cultural studies phylogenetic autocorrelation also known as Galton s problem In the recent decades when historians and particularly historians of science started looking at the mechanism and networks by which knowledge ideas skills instruments and books moved across cultures generating new and fresh concepts concerning the order of things in nature In Cross Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean 1560 1660 Avner Ben Zaken has argued that cross cultural exchanges take place at a cultural hazy locus where the margins of one culture overlaps the other creating a mutually embraced zone where exchanges take place on mundane ways From such a stimulating zone ideas styles instruments and practices move onward to the cultural centers urging them to renew and update cultural notions Modern eraThe modern era of cross cultural studies began with George Murdock 1949 who set up a number of foundational data sets including the Human Relations Area Files and the Ethnographic Atlas Together with Douglas R White he developed the widely used Standard Cross Cultural Sample which is currently maintained by the open access electronic journal World Cultures Hofstede s cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross cultural communication developed by Geert Hofstede in the 1970s It describes the effects of a society s culture on the values of its members and how these values relate to behavior using a structure derived from factor analysis The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed individualism collectivism uncertainty avoidance power distance strength of social hierarchy and masculinity femininity task orientation versus person orientation It has been refined several times since then With the widespread access of people to the Internet and the high influence of online social networks on daily life users behavior in these websites have become a new resource to perform cross cultural and comparative studies A study on Twitter examined the usage of emoticons from users of 78 countries and found a positive correlation between individualism collectivism dimension of Hofstede s cultural dimensions theory and people s use of mouth oriented emoticons Another user experience study on the usage of smileys from users of 12 countries showed that emoji based scales may ease the challenges related to translation and implementation for brief cross cultural surveys See alsoComparative cultural studies Cross cultural Cross cultural capital Cross cultural communication Cross cultural psychiatry Cross cultural psychology Cultural bias Cultural relativism Ethnocentrism Human Relations Area Files Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck s values orientation theory Standard cross cultural sample Hofstede s cultural dimensions theoryReferencesvan de Vijver Fons J R 2009 03 01 Types of Comparative Studies in Cross Cultural Psychology Online Readings in Psychology and Culture 2 2 doi 10 9707 2307 0919 1017 ISSN 2307 0919 Brislin Richard W January 1976 Comparative Research Methodology Cross Cultural Studies International Journal of Psychology 11 3 215 229 doi 10 1080 00207597608247359 ISSN 0020 7594 Sha Mandy 2020 04 30 Sha Mandy ed Cross Cultural Comparison of Focus Groups as a Research Method Chapter 8 in The Essential Role of Language in Survey Research RTI Press pp 151 179 doi 10 3768 rtipress bk 0023 2004 ISBN 978 1 934831 24 3 Galton Difference Problem Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences John Wiley amp Sons Inc 2004 07 15 doi 10 1002 0471667196 ess0843 ISBN 0471667196 Avner Ben Zaken From Incommensurability of Cultures to Mutually Embraced Zones in Cross Cultural Scientific Exchanges In the Eastern Mediterranean 1560 1660 Johns Hopkins University Press 2010 pp 163 167 ISBN 9780801894763 Whiting 1986 305 Adeoye Blessing Tomei Lawrence 2014 Effects of information capitalism and globalisation on teaching and learning Pennsylvania Information Science Reference ISBN 9781466661639 Retrieved 2015 10 21 Hofstede Geert 2011 12 01 Dimensionalizing Cultures The Hofstede Model in Context Online Readings in Psychology and Culture 2 1 doi 10 9707 2307 0919 1014 ISSN 2307 0919 Park Jaram Baek Young Min Cha Meeyoung 2014 03 19 Cross Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Cues in Emoticons on Twitter Evidence from Big Data Analysis Journal of Communication 64 2 333 354 doi 10 1111 jcom 12086 ISSN 0021 9916 Sedley Aaron Yang Yongwei 2020 04 30 Sha Mandy ed Scaling the Smileys A Multicountry Investigation in The Essential Role of Language in Survey Research RTI Press doi 10 3768 rtipress bk 0023 2004 ISBN 978 1 934831 24 3 BibliographyEmber Carol R and Melvin Ember 1998 Cross Cultural Research Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology Ed by H R Bernard pp 647 90 Walnut Creek CA AltaMira Press Ember Carol R and Melvin Ember 2001 Cross Cultural Research Methods Lanham MD AltaMira Press Korotayev Andrey World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations A Cross Cultural Perspective Lewiston NY Edwin Mellen Press ISBN 0 7734 6310 0 Franco F M and D Narasimhan 2009 Plant names and uses as indicators of traditional knowledge Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 1 Franco F M D Narasimhan and W Stanley 2008 Relationship between four tribal communities and their natural resources in the Koraput region Ethnobotany Research and Applications Vol 6 Levinson David and Martin J Malone 1980 Toward Explaining Human Culture A Critical Review of the Findings of Worldwide Cross Cultural Research New Haven CT HRAF Press Macfarlane Alan 2004 To Contrast and Compare pp 94 111 in Methodology and Fieldwork edited by Vinay Kumar Srivastava Delhi Oxford University Press de Munck V Cultural Units in Cross Cultural Research Archived 2013 07 22 at the Wayback Machine Ethnology 39 4 2000 335 348 Murdock George P 1949 Social Structure New York Macmillan Murdock George P 1967 Ethnographic Atlas A Summary Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh Prsrtjh sdxthgn fdty a45tesjtukcn bess Murdock George P 1970 Kin Term Patterns and their Distribution Ethnology 9 165 207 Murdock George P 1981 Atlas of World Cultures Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh Press Murdock George P and Douglas R White 1969 Standard Cross Cultural Sample Ethnology 8 329 369 Whiting John W M 1986 George Peter Murdock 1897 1985 American Anthropologist 88 3 682 686 External linksWikisource has original text related to this article Body Ritual among the Nacirema Journals Cross Cultural Research Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology World Cultures Structure and Dynamics eJournal of the Anthropological and Related Sciences Transtext e sTranscultures Trilingual Journal of Global Cultural Studies Social Evolution amp HistoryAssociations Society for Cross Cultural Research Institut d etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles IETT Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies Lyons France