Chirality (/kaɪˈrælɪti/) is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. The word chirality is derived from the Greek χείρ (kheir), "hand", a familiar chiral object.

An object or a system is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image; that is, it cannot be superposed (not to be confused with superimposed) onto it. Conversely, a mirror image of an achiral object, such as a sphere, cannot be distinguished from the object. A chiral object and its mirror image are called enantiomorphs (Greek, "opposite forms") or, when referring to molecules, enantiomers. A non-chiral object is called achiral (sometimes also amphichiral) and can be superposed on its mirror image.
The term was first used by Lord Kelvin in 1893 in the second Robert Boyle Lecture at the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club which was published in 1894:
I call any geometrical figure, or group of points, 'chiral', and say that it has chirality if its image in a plane mirror, ideally realized, cannot be brought to coincide with itself.
Human hands are perhaps the most recognized example of chirality. The left hand is a non-superposable mirror image of the right hand; no matter how the two hands are oriented, it is impossible for all the major features of both hands to coincide across all axes. This difference in symmetry becomes obvious if someone attempts to shake the right hand of a person using their left hand, or if a left-handed glove is placed on a right hand. In mathematics, chirality is the property of a figure that is not identical to its mirror image.

In mathematics, a figure is chiral (and said to have chirality) if it cannot be mapped to its mirror image by rotations and translations alone. For example, a right shoe is different from a left shoe, and clockwise is different from anticlockwise. See for a full mathematical definition.
A chiral object and its mirror image are said to be enantiomorphs. The word enantiomorph stems from the Greek ἐναντίος (enantios) 'opposite' + μορφή (morphe) 'form'. A non-chiral figure is called achiral or amphichiral.
The helix (and by extension a spun string, a screw, a propeller, etc.) and Möbius strip are chiral two-dimensional objects in three-dimensional ambient space. The J, L, S and Z-shaped tetrominoes of the popular video game Tetris also exhibit chirality, but only in a two-dimensional space.
Many other familiar objects exhibit the same chiral symmetry of the human body, such as gloves, glasses (sometimes), and shoes. A similar notion of chirality is considered in knot theory, as explained below.
Some chiral three-dimensional objects, such as the helix, can be assigned a right or left handedness, according to the right-hand rule.
In geometry, a figure is achiral if and only if its symmetry group contains at least one orientation-reversing isometry. In two dimensions, every figure that possesses an axis of symmetry is achiral, and it can be shown that every bounded achiral figure must have an axis of symmetry. In three dimensions, every figure that possesses a plane of symmetry or a center of symmetry is achiral. There are, however, achiral figures lacking both plane and center of symmetry. In terms of point groups, all chiral figures lack an improper axis of rotation (Sn). This means that they cannot contain a center of inversion (i) or a mirror plane (σ). Only figures with a point group designation of C1, Cn, Dn, T, O, or I can be chiral.
Knot theory
A knot is called achiral if it can be continuously deformed into its mirror image, otherwise it is called chiral. For example, the unknot and the figure-eight knot are achiral, whereas the trefoil knot is chiral.

In physics, chirality may be found in the spin of a particle, where the handedness of the object is determined by the direction in which the particle spins. Not to be confused with helicity, which is the projection of the spin along the linear momentum of a subatomic particle, chirality is an intrinsic quantum mechanical property, like spin. Although both chirality and helicity can have left-handed or right-handed properties, only in the massless case are they identical. In particular for a massless particle the helicity is the same as the chirality while for an antiparticle they have opposite sign.
The handedness in both chirality and helicity relate to the rotation of a particle while it proceeds in linear motion with reference to the human hands. The thumb of the hand points towards the direction of linear motion whilst the fingers curl into the palm, representing the direction of rotation of the particle (i.e. clockwise and counterclockwise). Depending on the linear and rotational motion, the particle can either be defined by left-handedness or right-handedness. A symmetry transformation between the two is called parity. Invariance under parity by a Dirac fermion is called chiral symmetry.
Electromagnetic waves can have handedness associated with their polarization. Polarization of an electromagnetic wave is the property that describes the orientation, i.e., the time-varying direction and amplitude, of the electric field vector. For example, the electric field vectors of left-handed or right-handed circularly polarized waves form helices of opposite handedness in space.
Circularly polarized waves of opposite handedness propagate through chiral media at different speeds (circular birefringence) and with different losses (circular dichroism). Both phenomena are jointly known as optical activity. Circular birefringence causes rotation of the polarization state of electromagnetic waves in chiral media and can cause a negative index of refraction for waves of one handedness when the effect is sufficiently large.
While optical activity occurs in structures that are chiral in three dimensions (such as helices), the concept of chirality can also be applied in two dimensions. 2D-chiral patterns, such as flat spirals, cannot be superposed with their mirror image by translation or rotation in two-dimensional space (a plane). 2D chirality is associated with directionally asymmetric transmission (reflection and absorption) of circularly polarized waves. 2D-chiral materials, which are also anisotropic and lossy exhibit different total transmission (reflection and absorption) levels for the same circularly polarized wave incident on their front and back. The asymmetric transmission phenomenon arises from different, e.g. left-to-right, circular polarization conversion efficiencies for opposite propagation directions of the incident wave and therefore the effect is referred to as circular conversion dichroism. Like the twist of a 2d-chiral pattern appears reversed for opposite directions of observation, 2d-chiral materials have interchanged properties for left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized waves that are incident on their front and back. In particular left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized waves experience opposite directional transmission (reflection and absorption) asymmetries.
While optical activity is associated with 3d chirality and circular conversion is associated with 2d chirality, both effects have also been observed in structures that are not chiral by themselves. For the observation of these chiral electromagnetic effects, chirality does not have to be an intrinsic property of the material that interacts with the electromagnetic wave. Instead, both effects can also occur when the propagation direction of the electromagnetic wave together with the structure of an (achiral) material form a chiral experimental arrangement. This case, where the mutual arrangement of achiral components forms a chiral (experimental) arrangement, is known as extrinsic chirality.
Chiral mirrors are a class of metamaterials that reflect circularly polarized light of a certain helicity in a handedness-preserving manner, while absorbing circular polarization of the opposite handedness. However, most absorbing chiral mirrors operate only in a narrow frequency band, as limited by the causality principle. Employing a different design methodology that allows undesired waves to pass through instead of absorbing the undesired waveform, chiral mirrors are able to show good broadband performance.

A chiral molecule is a type of molecule that has a non-superposable mirror image. The feature that is most often the cause of chirality in molecules is the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom.
The term "chiral" in general is used to describe the object that is non-superposable on its mirror image.
In chemistry, chirality usually refers to molecules. Two mirror images of a chiral molecule are called enantiomers or optical isomers. Pairs of enantiomers are often designated as "right-", "left-handed" or, if they have no bias, "achiral". As polarized light passes through a chiral molecule, the plane of polarization, when viewed along the axis toward the source, will be rotated clockwise (to the right) or anticlockwise (to the left). A right handed rotation is dextrorotary (d); that to the left is levorotary (l). The d- and l-isomers are the same compound but are called enantiomers. An equimolar mixture of the two optical isomers, which is called a racemic mixture, will produce no net rotation of polarized light as it passes through. Left handed molecules have l- prefixed to their names; d- is prefixed to right handed molecules. However, this d- and l- notation of distinguishing enantiomers does not say anything about the actual spatial arrangement of the ligands/substituents around the stereogenic center, which is defined as configuration. Another nomenclature system employed to specify configuration is Fischer convention. This is also referred to as the D- and L-system. Here the relative configuration is assigned with reference to D-(+)-Glyceraldehyde and L-(−)-Glyceraldehyde, being taken as standard. Fischer convention is widely used in sugar chemistry and for α-amino acids. Due to the drawbacks of Fischer convention, it is almost entirely replaced by Cahn-Ingold-Prelog convention, also known as the sequence rule or R and S nomenclature. This was further extended to assign absolute configuration to cis-trans isomers with the E-Z notation.
Molecular chirality is of interest because of its application to stereochemistry in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and supramolecular chemistry.
More recent developments in chiral chemistry include the development of chiral inorganic nanoparticles that may have the similar tetrahedral geometry as chiral centers associated with sp3 carbon atoms traditionally associated with chiral compounds, but at larger scale. Helical and other symmetries of chiral nanomaterials were also obtained.

All of the known life-forms show specific chiral properties in chemical structures as well as macroscopic anatomy, development and behavior. In any specific organism or evolutionarily related set thereof, individual compounds, organs, or behavior are found in the same single enantiomorphic form. Deviation (having the opposite form) could be found in a small number of chemical compounds, or certain organ or behavior but that variation strictly depends upon the genetic make up of the organism. From chemical level (molecular scale), biological systems show extreme stereospecificity in synthesis, uptake, sensing, metabolic processing. A living system usually deals with two enantiomers of the same compound in drastically different ways.
In biology, homochirality is a common property of amino acids and carbohydrates. The chiral protein-making amino acids, which are translated through the ribosome from genetic coding, occur in the L form. However, D-amino acids are also found in nature. The monosaccharides (carbohydrate-units) are commonly found in D-configuration. DNA double helix is chiral (as any kind of helix is chiral), and B-form of DNA shows a right-handed turn.
Sometimes, when two enantiomers of a compound are found in organisms, they significantly differ in their taste, smell and other biological actions. For example,(+)-Carvone is responsible for the smell of caraway seed oil, whereas (–)-carvone is responsible for smell of spearmint oil. However, it is a commonly held misconception that (+)-limonene is found in oranges (causing its smell), and (–)-limonene is found in lemons (causing its smell). In 2021, after rigorous experimentation, it was found that all citrus fruits contain only (+)-limonene and the odor difference is because of other contributing factors.
Also, for artificial compounds, including medicines, in case of chiral drugs, the two enantiomers sometimes show remarkable difference in effect of their biological actions. Darvon (dextropropoxyphene) is a painkiller, whereas its enantiomer, Novrad (levopropoxyphene) is an anti-cough agent. In case of penicillamine, the (S-isomer is used in the treatment of primary chronic arthritis, whereas the (R)-isomer has no therapeutic effect, as well as being highly toxic. In some cases, the less therapeutically active enantiomer can cause side effects. For example, (S-naproxen is an analgesic but the (R-isomer causes renal problems. In such situations where one of the enantiomers of a racemic drug is active and the other partner has undesirable or toxic effect one may switch from racemate to a single enantiomer drug for a better therapeutic value.[1] Such a switching from a racemic drug to an enantiopure drug is called a chiral switch.
The naturally occurring plant form of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is RRR-α-tocopherol whereas the synthetic form (all-racemic vitamin E, or dl-tocopherol) is equal parts of the stereoisomers RRR, RRS, RSS, SSS, RSR, SRS, SRR, and SSR with progressively decreasing biological equivalency, so that 1.36 mg of dl-tocopherol is considered equivalent to 1.0 mg of d-tocopherol.

Macroscopic examples of chirality are found in the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom and all other groups of organisms. A simple example is the coiling direction of any climber plant, which can grow to form either a left- or right-handed helix.
In anatomy, chirality is found in the imperfect mirror image symmetry of many kinds of animal bodies. Organisms such as gastropods exhibit chirality in their coiled shells, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance. Over 90% of gastropod species have dextral (right-handed) shells in their coiling, but a small minority of species and genera are virtually always sinistral (left-handed). A very few species (for example Amphidromus perversus) show an equal mixture of dextral and sinistral individuals.
In humans, chirality (also referred to as handedness or laterality) is an attribute of humans defined by their unequal distribution of fine motor skill between the left and right hands. An individual who is more dexterous with the right hand is called right-handed, and one who is more skilled with the left is said to be left-handed. Chirality is also seen in the study of facial asymmetry and is known as aurofacial asymmetry.

According to the Axial Twist theory, vertebrate animals develop into a left-handed chirality. Due to this, the brain is turned around and the heart and bowels are turned by 90°.
In the case of the health condition situs inversus totalis, in which all the internal organs are flipped horizontally (i.e. the heart placed slightly to the right instead of the left), chirality poses some problems should the patient require a liver or heart transplant, as these organs are chiral, thus meaning that the blood vessels which supply these organs would need to be rearranged should a normal, non situs inversus (situs solitus) organ be required.
In the monocot bloodroot family, the species of the genera Wachendorfia and Barberetta have only individuals that either have the style points to the right or the style pointed to the left, with both morphs appearing within the same populations. This is thought to increase outcrossing and so boost genetic diversity, which in turn may help to survive in a changing environment. Remarkably, the related genus Dilatris also has chirally dimorphic flowers, but here both morphs occur on the same plant. In flatfish, the summer flounder or fluke are left-eyed, while halibut are right-eyed.
Resources and Research
- Chirality- a scientific journal focused on chirality in chemistry and biochemistry in respect to biological, chemical, materials, pharmacological, spectroscopic and physical properties.
Selected Books
- Creutz, Michael (2018). From quarks to pions: chiral symmetry and confinement. New Jersey London Singapore Beijing , Shanghai Hong Kong Taipei Chennai Tokyo: World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-322-923-5
- Wolf, Christian (2008). Dynamic stereochemistry of chiral compounds: principles and applications. Cambridge: RSC Publ. ISBN 978-0-85404-246-3
- Beesley, Thomas E.; Scott, Raymond P. W. (1998). Chiral chromatography. Separation science series. Chichester Weinheim: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-97427-7
See also
- Handedness
- Chiral drugs
- Chiral switch
- Chiral inversion
- Metachirality
- Orientation (space)
- Sinistral and dextral
- Tendril perversion
- Chirality (physics)
- Sir William Thomson Lord Kelvin (1894). The Molecular Tactics of a Crystal. Clarendon Press. p. 27.
- Georges Henry Wagnière, On Chirality and the Universal Asymmetry: Reflections on Image and Mirror Image (2007).
- Petitjean, M. (2020). "Chirality in metric spaces. In memoriam Michel Deza". Optimization Letters. 14 (2): 329–338. doi:10.1007/s11590-017-1189-7.
- "Looking for the right hand". Discover magazine. November 1995. Retrieved 23 March 2018.
- "Helicity, chirality, mass, and the Higgs". Quantum Diaries. 19 June 2016. Retrieved 23 March 2018.
- Plum, E.; Zhou, J.; Dong, J.; Fedotov, V.A.; Koschny, T.; Soukoulis, C.M.; Zheludev, N.I. (2009). "Metamaterial with negative index due to chirality" (PDF). Physical Review B. 79 (3): 035407. arXiv:0806.0823. Bibcode:2009PhRvB..79c5407P. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.035407. S2CID 119259753.
- Zhang, S.; Park, Y.-S.; Li, J.; Lu, X.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, X. (2009). "Negative refractive index in chiral metamaterials". Physical Review Letters. 102 (2): 023901. Bibcode:2009PhRvL.102b3901Z. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.023901. PMID 19257274.
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External links
- Hegstrom, Roger A.; Kondepudi, Dilip K. "The Handedness of the Universe" (PDF).

Chirality k aɪ ˈ r ae l ɪ t i is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science The word chirality is derived from the Greek xeir kheir hand a familiar chiral object Two enantiomers of a generic amino acid that is chiral An object or a system is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image that is it cannot be superposed not to be confused with superimposed onto it Conversely a mirror image of an achiral object such as a sphere cannot be distinguished from the object A chiral object and its mirror image are called enantiomorphs Greek opposite forms or when referring to molecules enantiomers A non chiral object is called achiral sometimes also amphichiral and can be superposed on its mirror image The term was first used by Lord Kelvin in 1893 in the second Robert Boyle Lecture at the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club which was published in 1894 I call any geometrical figure or group of points chiral and say that it has chirality if its image in a plane mirror ideally realized cannot be brought to coincide with itself Human hands are perhaps the most recognized example of chirality The left hand is a non superposable mirror image of the right hand no matter how the two hands are oriented it is impossible for all the major features of both hands to coincide across all axes This difference in symmetry becomes obvious if someone attempts to shake the right hand of a person using their left hand or if a left handed glove is placed on a right hand In mathematics chirality is the property of a figure that is not identical to its mirror image MathematicsAn achiral 3D object without central symmetry or a plane of symmetryA table of all prime knots with seven crossings or fewer not including mirror images In mathematics a figure is chiral and said to have chirality if it cannot be mapped to its mirror image by rotations and translations alone For example a right shoe is different from a left shoe and clockwise is different from anticlockwise See for a full mathematical definition A chiral object and its mirror image are said to be enantiomorphs The word enantiomorph stems from the Greek ἐnantios enantios opposite morfh morphe form A non chiral figure is called achiral or amphichiral The helix and by extension a spun string a screw a propeller etc and Mobius strip are chiral two dimensional objects in three dimensional ambient space The J L S and Z shaped tetrominoes of the popular video game Tetris also exhibit chirality but only in a two dimensional space Many other familiar objects exhibit the same chiral symmetry of the human body such as gloves glasses sometimes and shoes A similar notion of chirality is considered in knot theory as explained below Some chiral three dimensional objects such as the helix can be assigned a right or left handedness according to the right hand rule Geometry In geometry a figure is achiral if and only if its symmetry group contains at least one orientation reversing isometry In two dimensions every figure that possesses an axis of symmetry is achiral and it can be shown that every bounded achiral figure must have an axis of symmetry In three dimensions every figure that possesses a plane of symmetry or a center of symmetry is achiral There are however achiral figures lacking both plane and center of symmetry In terms of point groups all chiral figures lack an improper axis of rotation Sn This means that they cannot contain a center of inversion i or a mirror plane s Only figures with a point group designation of C1 Cn Dn T O or I can be chiral Knot theory A knot is called achiral if it can be continuously deformed into its mirror image otherwise it is called chiral For example the unknot and the figure eight knot are achiral whereas the trefoil knot is chiral PhysicsAnimation of right handed clockwise circularly polarized light as defined from the point of view of a receiver in agreement with optics conventions In physics chirality may be found in the spin of a particle where the handedness of the object is determined by the direction in which the particle spins Not to be confused with helicity which is the projection of the spin along the linear momentum of a subatomic particle chirality is an intrinsic quantum mechanical property like spin Although both chirality and helicity can have left handed or right handed properties only in the massless case are they identical In particular for a massless particle the helicity is the same as the chirality while for an antiparticle they have opposite sign The handedness in both chirality and helicity relate to the rotation of a particle while it proceeds in linear motion with reference to the human hands The thumb of the hand points towards the direction of linear motion whilst the fingers curl into the palm representing the direction of rotation of the particle i e clockwise and counterclockwise Depending on the linear and rotational motion the particle can either be defined by left handedness or right handedness A symmetry transformation between the two is called parity Invariance under parity by a Dirac fermion is called chiral symmetry Electromagnetism Electromagnetic waves can have handedness associated with their polarization Polarization of an electromagnetic wave is the property that describes the orientation i e the time varying direction and amplitude of the electric field vector For example the electric field vectors of left handed or right handed circularly polarized waves form helices of opposite handedness in space Circularly polarized waves of opposite handedness propagate through chiral media at different speeds circular birefringence and with different losses circular dichroism Both phenomena are jointly known as optical activity Circular birefringence causes rotation of the polarization state of electromagnetic waves in chiral media and can cause a negative index of refraction for waves of one handedness when the effect is sufficiently large While optical activity occurs in structures that are chiral in three dimensions such as helices the concept of chirality can also be applied in two dimensions 2D chiral patterns such as flat spirals cannot be superposed with their mirror image by translation or rotation in two dimensional space a plane 2D chirality is associated with directionally asymmetric transmission reflection and absorption of circularly polarized waves 2D chiral materials which are also anisotropic and lossy exhibit different total transmission reflection and absorption levels for the same circularly polarized wave incident on their front and back The asymmetric transmission phenomenon arises from different e g left to right circular polarization conversion efficiencies for opposite propagation directions of the incident wave and therefore the effect is referred to as circular conversion dichroism Like the twist of a 2d chiral pattern appears reversed for opposite directions of observation 2d chiral materials have interchanged properties for left handed and right handed circularly polarized waves that are incident on their front and back In particular left handed and right handed circularly polarized waves experience opposite directional transmission reflection and absorption asymmetries While optical activity is associated with 3d chirality and circular conversion is associated with 2d chirality both effects have also been observed in structures that are not chiral by themselves For the observation of these chiral electromagnetic effects chirality does not have to be an intrinsic property of the material that interacts with the electromagnetic wave Instead both effects can also occur when the propagation direction of the electromagnetic wave together with the structure of an achiral material form a chiral experimental arrangement This case where the mutual arrangement of achiral components forms a chiral experimental arrangement is known as extrinsic chirality Chiral mirrors are a class of metamaterials that reflect circularly polarized light of a certain helicity in a handedness preserving manner while absorbing circular polarization of the opposite handedness However most absorbing chiral mirrors operate only in a narrow frequency band as limited by the causality principle Employing a different design methodology that allows undesired waves to pass through instead of absorbing the undesired waveform chiral mirrors are able to show good broadband performance Chemistry S Alanine left and R alanine right in zwitterionic form at neutral pH A chiral molecule is a type of molecule that has a non superposable mirror image The feature that is most often the cause of chirality in molecules is the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom The term chiral in general is used to describe the object that is non superposable on its mirror image In chemistry chirality usually refers to molecules Two mirror images of a chiral molecule are called enantiomers or optical isomers Pairs of enantiomers are often designated as right left handed or if they have no bias achiral As polarized light passes through a chiral molecule the plane of polarization when viewed along the axis toward the source will be rotated clockwise to the right or anticlockwise to the left A right handed rotation is dextrorotary d that to the left is levorotary l The d and l isomers are the same compound but are called enantiomers An equimolar mixture of the two optical isomers which is called a racemic mixture will produce no net rotation of polarized light as it passes through Left handed molecules have l prefixed to their names d is prefixed to right handed molecules However this d and l notation of distinguishing enantiomers does not say anything about the actual spatial arrangement of the ligands substituents around the stereogenic center which is defined as configuration Another nomenclature system employed to specify configuration is Fischer convention This is also referred to as the D and L system Here the relative configuration is assigned with reference to D Glyceraldehyde and L Glyceraldehyde being taken as standard Fischer convention is widely used in sugar chemistry and for a amino acids Due to the drawbacks of Fischer convention it is almost entirely replaced by Cahn Ingold Prelog convention also known as the sequence rule or R and S nomenclature This was further extended to assign absolute configuration to cis trans isomers with the E Z notation Molecular chirality is of interest because of its application to stereochemistry in inorganic chemistry organic chemistry physical chemistry biochemistry and supramolecular chemistry More recent developments in chiral chemistry include the development of chiral inorganic nanoparticles that may have the similar tetrahedral geometry as chiral centers associated with sp3 carbon atoms traditionally associated with chiral compounds but at larger scale Helical and other symmetries of chiral nanomaterials were also obtained BiologyR Limonene found in all citrus fruitsS Limonene found in only trace amounts in lemongrass and citronella S Carvone occurs in caraway seed oil and R carvone occurs in spearmint Dextropropoxyphene or Darvon a painkillerLevopropoxyphene or Novrad an anticough agent All of the known life forms show specific chiral properties in chemical structures as well as macroscopic anatomy development and behavior In any specific organism or evolutionarily related set thereof individual compounds organs or behavior are found in the same single enantiomorphic form Deviation having the opposite form could be found in a small number of chemical compounds or certain organ or behavior but that variation strictly depends upon the genetic make up of the organism From chemical level molecular scale biological systems show extreme stereospecificity in synthesis uptake sensing metabolic processing A living system usually deals with two enantiomers of the same compound in drastically different ways In biology homochirality is a common property of amino acids and carbohydrates The chiral protein making amino acids which are translated through the ribosome from genetic coding occur in the L form However D amino acids are also found in nature The monosaccharides carbohydrate units are commonly found in D configuration DNA double helix is chiral as any kind of helix is chiral and B form of DNA shows a right handed turn Sometimes when two enantiomers of a compound are found in organisms they significantly differ in their taste smell and other biological actions For example Carvone is responsible for the smell of caraway seed oil whereas carvone is responsible for smell of spearmint oil However it is a commonly held misconception that limonene is found in oranges causing its smell and limonene is found in lemons causing its smell In 2021 after rigorous experimentation it was found that all citrus fruits contain only limonene and the odor difference is because of other contributing factors Also for artificial compounds including medicines in case of chiral drugs the two enantiomers sometimes show remarkable difference in effect of their biological actions Darvon dextropropoxyphene is a painkiller whereas its enantiomer Novrad levopropoxyphene is an anti cough agent In case of penicillamine the S isomer is used in the treatment of primary chronic arthritis whereas the R isomer has no therapeutic effect as well as being highly toxic In some cases the less therapeutically active enantiomer can cause side effects For example S naproxen is an analgesic but the R isomer causes renal problems In such situations where one of the enantiomers of a racemic drug is active and the other partner has undesirable or toxic effect one may switch from racemate to a single enantiomer drug for a better therapeutic value 1 Such a switching from a racemic drug to an enantiopure drug is called a chiral switch The naturally occurring plant form of alpha tocopherol vitamin E is RRR a tocopherol whereas the synthetic form all racemic vitamin E or dl tocopherol is equal parts of the stereoisomers RRR RRS RSS SSS RSR SRS SRR and SSR with progressively decreasing biological equivalency so that 1 36 mg of dl tocopherol is considered equivalent to 1 0 mg of d tocopherol A natural left handed helix made by a certain climber plant s tendrilShells of two different species of sea snail on the left is the normally sinistral left handed shell of Neptunea angulata on the right is the normally dextral right handed shell of Neptunea despectaWachendorfia paniculata flower with style left Macroscopic examples of chirality are found in the plant kingdom the animal kingdom and all other groups of organisms A simple example is the coiling direction of any climber plant which can grow to form either a left or right handed helix In anatomy chirality is found in the imperfect mirror image symmetry of many kinds of animal bodies Organisms such as gastropods exhibit chirality in their coiled shells resulting in an asymmetrical appearance Over 90 of gastropod species have dextral right handed shells in their coiling but a small minority of species and genera are virtually always sinistral left handed A very few species for example Amphidromus perversus show an equal mixture of dextral and sinistral individuals In humans chirality also referred to as handedness or laterality is an attribute of humans defined by their unequal distribution of fine motor skill between the left and right hands An individual who is more dexterous with the right hand is called right handed and one who is more skilled with the left is said to be left handed Chirality is also seen in the study of facial asymmetry and is known as aurofacial asymmetry Schema of the development of the axial twist in vertebrates According to the Axial Twist theory vertebrate animals develop into a left handed chirality Due to this the brain is turned around and the heart and bowels are turned by 90 In the case of the health condition situs inversus totalis in which all the internal organs are flipped horizontally i e the heart placed slightly to the right instead of the left chirality poses some problems should the patient require a liver or heart transplant as these organs are chiral thus meaning that the blood vessels which supply these organs would need to be rearranged should a normal non situs inversus situs solitus organ be required In the monocot bloodroot family the species of the genera Wachendorfia and Barberetta have only individuals that either have the style points to the right or the style pointed to the left with both morphs appearing within the same populations This is thought to increase outcrossing and so boost genetic diversity which in turn may help to survive in a changing environment Remarkably the related genus Dilatris also has chirally dimorphic flowers but here both morphs occur on the same plant In flatfish the summer flounder or fluke are left eyed while halibut are right eyed Resources and ResearchJournal Chirality a scientific journal focused on chirality in chemistry and biochemistry in respect to biological chemical materials pharmacological spectroscopic and physical properties Selected Books Creutz Michael 2018 From quarks to pions chiral symmetry and confinement New Jersey London Singapore Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong Taipei Chennai Tokyo World Scientific ISBN 978 981 322 923 5 Wolf Christian 2008 Dynamic stereochemistry of chiral compounds principles and applications Cambridge RSC Publ ISBN 978 0 85404 246 3 Beesley Thomas E Scott Raymond P W 1998 Chiral chromatography Separation science series Chichester Weinheim Wiley ISBN 978 0 471 97427 7See alsoHandedness Chiral drugs Chiral switch Chiral inversion Metachirality Orientation space Sinistral and dextral Tendril perversion Chirality physics ReferencesSir William Thomson Lord Kelvin 1894 The Molecular Tactics of a Crystal Clarendon Press p 27 Georges Henry Wagniere On Chirality and the Universal Asymmetry Reflections on Image and Mirror Image 2007 Petitjean M 2020 Chirality in metric spaces In memoriam Michel Deza Optimization Letters 14 2 329 338 doi 10 1007 s11590 017 1189 7 Looking for the right hand Discover magazine November 1995 Retrieved 23 March 2018 Helicity chirality mass and the Higgs Quantum Diaries 19 June 2016 Retrieved 23 March 2018 Plum E Zhou J Dong J Fedotov V A Koschny T Soukoulis C M Zheludev N I 2009 Metamaterial with negative index due to chirality PDF Physical Review B 79 3 035407 arXiv 0806 0823 Bibcode 2009PhRvB 79c5407P doi 10 1103 PhysRevB 79 035407 S2CID 119259753 Zhang S Park Y S Li J Lu X Zhang W Zhang X 2009 Negative refractive index in chiral metamaterials Physical Review Letters 102 2 023901 Bibcode 2009PhRvL 102b3901Z doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 102 023901 PMID 19257274 Fedotov V A Mladyonov P L Prosvirnin S L Rogacheva A V Chen Y Zheludev N I 2006 Asymmetric propagation of electromagnetic waves through a planar chiral structure Physical Review 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1002 cber 189102401311 ISSN 0365 9496 Cahn R S Ingold Christopher Prelog V 1966 Specification of Molecular Chirality Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 5 4 385 415 doi 10 1002 anie 196603851 ISSN 0570 0833 Cahn R S Ingold C K Prelog V 1956 The specification of asymmetric configuration in organic chemistry Experientia 12 3 81 94 doi 10 1007 bf02157171 ISSN 0014 4754 S2CID 43026989 Moloney Micheal P Gun ko Yurii K Kelly John M 2007 09 26 Chiral highly luminescent CdS quantum dots Chemical Communications 38 3900 2 doi 10 1039 b704636g ISSN 1364 548X PMID 17896026 Schaaff T Gregory Knight Grady Shafigullin Marat N Borkman Raymond F Whetten Robert L 1998 12 01 Isolation and Selected Properties of a 10 4 kDa Gold Glutathione Cluster Compound The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 52 10643 10646 doi 10 1021 jp9830528 ISSN 1520 6106 Ma Wei Xu Liguang de Moura Andre F Wu Xiaoling Kuang Hua Xu Chuanlai Kotov Nicholas A 2017 06 28 Chiral Inorganic Nanostructures Chemical Reviews 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Wiley Students edition Chapter 5 Stereochemistry section 5 11 chiral drugs Suzuki Toshinari Kosugi Yuki Hosaka Mitsugu Nishimura Tetsuji Nakae Dai 2014 10 08 Occurrence and behavior of the chiral anti inflammatory drug naproxen in an aquatic environment Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33 12 2671 2678 Bibcode 2014EnvTC 33 2671S doi 10 1002 etc 2741 ISSN 0730 7268 PMID 25234664 S2CID 45537639 Manolescu B Atanasiu V Cercasov C Stoian I Oprea E Busu C 2008 So many options but one choice the human body prefers alpha tocopherol A matter of stereochemistry J Med Life 1 4 376 382 PMC 5654212 PMID 20108516 Schilthuizen M Davison A 2005 The convoluted evolution of snail chirality Naturwissenschaften 92 11 504 515 Bibcode 2005NW 92 504S doi 10 1007 s00114 05 0045 2 PMID 16217668 S2CID 18464322 Amphidromus perversus Linnaeus 1758 www jaxshells org Retrieved 23 March 2018 de Lussanet M H E 2019 Opposite asymmetries of face and trunk and of kissing and hugging as predicted by the axial twist hypothesis PeerJ 7 e7096 doi 10 7717 peerj 7096 PMC 6557252 PMID 31211022 de Lussanet M H E Osse J W M 2012 An ancestral axial twist explains the contralateral forebain and the optic chiasm in vertebrates Animal Biology 62 2 193 216 arXiv 1003 1872 doi 10 1163 157075611X617102 S2CID 7399128 Helme N A Linder H P 1992 Morphology evolution and taxonomy of Wachendorfia Haemodoraceae PDF Bothalia 22 1 59 75 doi 10 4102 abc v22i1 826 hdl 11427 34374 External linksHegstrom Roger A Kondepudi Dilip K The Handedness of the Universe PDF Look up chirality in Wiktionary the free dictionary