A cell type is a classification used to identify cells that share morphological or phenotypical features. A multicellular organism may contain cells of a number of widely differing and specialized cell types, such as muscle cells and skin cells, that differ both in appearance and function yet have identical genomic sequences. Cells may have the same genotype, but belong to different cell types due to the differential regulation of the genes they contain. Classification of a specific cell type is often done through the use of microscopy (such as those from the cluster of differentiation family that are commonly used for this purpose in immunology). Recent developments in single cell RNA sequencing facilitated classification of cell types based on shared gene expression patterns. This has led to the discovery of many new cell types in e.g. mouse cortex, hippocampus,dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord.
Animals have evolved a greater diversity of cell types in a multicellular body (100–150 different cell types), compared with 10–20 in plants, fungi, and protists. The exact number of cell types is, however, undefined, and the Cell Ontology, as of 2021, lists over 2,300 different cell types.
Multicellular organisms
All higher multicellular organisms contain cells specialised for different functions. Most distinct cell types arise from a single totipotent cell that differentiates into hundreds of different cell types during the course of development. Differentiation of cells is driven by different environmental cues (such as cell–cell interaction) and intrinsic differences (such as those caused by the uneven distribution of molecules during division). Multicellular organisms are composed of cells that fall into two fundamental types: germ cells and somatic cells. During development, somatic cells will become more specialized and form the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. After formation of the three germ layers, cells will continue to specialize until they reach a terminally differentiated state that is much more resistant to changes in cell type than its progenitors.
The simplest organism considered to have well defined cell types are some volvoceans, such as Volvox carteri, in which each organism is composed of distinct and interdependent cell populations, some somatic and some reproductive.
Conceptual definition
Even though the concept of cell type is widely used, specialists still discuss the exact definition of what constitutes a cell type.
A list of cell types in the human body may include several hundred distinct types depending on the source.
A 2006 peer-reviewed article by Vickaryous and Hall listed 411 distinct human cell types.
See also
- List of distinct cell types in the adult human body
- List of human cell types derived from the germ layers
- Stem cell
- Types of plant cells
- Zeng, Hongkui (2022). "What is a cell type and how to define it?". Cell. 185 (15): 2739–2755. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.06.031. ISSN 0092-8674. PMC 9342916. PMID 35868277.
- Zeisel A, Muñoz-Manchado AB, Codeluppi S, Lönnerberg P, La Manno G, Juréus A, Marques S, Munguba H, He L, Betsholtz C, Rolny C, Castelo-Branco G, Hjerling-Leffler J, Linnarsson S (March 2015). "Brain structure. Cell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq". Science. 347 (6226): 1138–42. doi:10.1126/science.aaa1934. PMID 25700174. S2CID 29506785.
- Usoskin D, Furlan A, Islam S, Abdo H, Lönnerberg P, Lou D, Hjerling-Leffler J, Haeggström J, Kharchenko O, Kharchenko PV, Linnarsson S, Ernfors P (January 2015). "Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing". Nature Neuroscience. 18 (1): 145–53. doi:10.1038/nn.3881. PMID 25420068. S2CID 205437148.
- Häring M, Zeisel A, Hochgerner H, Rinwa P, Jakobsson JE, Lönnerberg P, La Manno G, Sharma N, Borgius L, Kiehn O, Lagerström MC, Linnarsson S, Ernfors P (June 2018). "Neuronal atlas of the dorsal horn defines its architecture and links sensory input to transcriptional cell types". Nature Neuroscience. 21 (6): 869–880. doi:10.1038/s41593-018-0141-1. PMID 29686262. S2CID 5057143.
- Margulis L; Chapman MJ (2009). Kingdoms and Domains: An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth (4th ed.). Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier. p. 116.
- Osumi-Sutherland, David; Xu, Chuan; Keays, Maria; Kharchenko, Peter V.; Regev, Aviv; Lein, Ed; Teichmann, Sarah A. (2021-06-28). "Cell type ontologies of the Human Cell Atlas". Nature Cell Biology. 23 (11): 1129–1135. arXiv:2106.14443. doi:10.1038/s41556-021-00787-7. PMID 34750578. S2CID 235658396.
- Gilbert, Scott F. (1997). Developmental biology (5th ed.). Sunderland (Mass.): Sinauer. p. 17. ISBN 978-0-87893-244-3.
- "What Is Your Conceptual Definition of "Cell Type" in the Context of a Mature Organism?". Cell Systems. 4 (3): 255–259. 22 March 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cels.2017.03.006. ISSN 2405-4712. PMID 28334573.
- Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Morgan D, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. Molecular Biology of the Cell (Sixth ed.). p. 1217.
- "COPE database".
- Vickaryous, Matthew K.; Hall, Brian K. (August 2006). "Human cell type diversity, evolution, development, and classification with special reference to cells derived from the neural crest". Biological Reviews. 81 (3): 425–455. doi:10.1017/S1464793106007068. ISSN 1464-7931. PMID 16790079. S2CID 41969112.
Further reading
- Arendt D (November 2008). "The evolution of cell types in animals: emerging principles from molecular studies". Nature Reviews. Genetics. 9 (11): 868–82. doi:10.1038/nrg2416. PMID 18927580. S2CID 28467737.
External links
Media related to Cell types at Wikimedia Commons
A cell type is a classification used to identify cells that share morphological or phenotypical features A multicellular organism may contain cells of a number of widely differing and specialized cell types such as muscle cells and skin cells that differ both in appearance and function yet have identical genomic sequences Cells may have the same genotype but belong to different cell types due to the differential regulation of the genes they contain Classification of a specific cell type is often done through the use of microscopy such as those from the cluster of differentiation family that are commonly used for this purpose in immunology Recent developments in single cell RNA sequencing facilitated classification of cell types based on shared gene expression patterns This has led to the discovery of many new cell types in e g mouse cortex hippocampus dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord Animals have evolved a greater diversity of cell types in a multicellular body 100 150 different cell types compared with 10 20 in plants fungi and protists The exact number of cell types is however undefined and the Cell Ontology as of 2021 lists over 2 300 different cell types Multicellular organismsAll higher multicellular organisms contain cells specialised for different functions Most distinct cell types arise from a single totipotent cell that differentiates into hundreds of different cell types during the course of development Differentiation of cells is driven by different environmental cues such as cell cell interaction and intrinsic differences such as those caused by the uneven distribution of molecules during division Multicellular organisms are composed of cells that fall into two fundamental types germ cells and somatic cells During development somatic cells will become more specialized and form the three primary germ layers ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm After formation of the three germ layers cells will continue to specialize until they reach a terminally differentiated state that is much more resistant to changes in cell type than its progenitors The simplest organism considered to have well defined cell types are some volvoceans such as Volvox carteri in which each organism is composed of distinct and interdependent cell populations some somatic and some reproductive Conceptual definitionEven though the concept of cell type is widely used specialists still discuss the exact definition of what constitutes a cell type HumansA list of cell types in the human body may include several hundred distinct types depending on the source A 2006 peer reviewed article by Vickaryous and Hall listed 411 distinct human cell types See alsoList of distinct cell types in the adult human body List of human cell types derived from the germ layers Stem cell Types of plant cellsReferencesZeng Hongkui 2022 What is a cell type and how to define it Cell 185 15 2739 2755 doi 10 1016 j cell 2022 06 031 ISSN 0092 8674 PMC 9342916 PMID 35868277 Zeisel A Munoz Manchado AB Codeluppi S Lonnerberg P La Manno G Jureus A Marques S Munguba H He L Betsholtz C Rolny C Castelo Branco G Hjerling Leffler J Linnarsson S March 2015 Brain structure Cell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single cell RNA seq Science 347 6226 1138 42 doi 10 1126 science aaa1934 PMID 25700174 S2CID 29506785 Usoskin D Furlan A Islam S Abdo H Lonnerberg P Lou D Hjerling Leffler J Haeggstrom J Kharchenko O Kharchenko PV Linnarsson S Ernfors P January 2015 Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large scale single cell RNA sequencing Nature Neuroscience 18 1 145 53 doi 10 1038 nn 3881 PMID 25420068 S2CID 205437148 Haring M Zeisel A Hochgerner H Rinwa P Jakobsson JE Lonnerberg P La Manno G Sharma N Borgius L Kiehn O Lagerstrom MC Linnarsson S Ernfors P June 2018 Neuronal atlas of the dorsal horn defines its architecture and links sensory input to transcriptional cell types Nature Neuroscience 21 6 869 880 doi 10 1038 s41593 018 0141 1 PMID 29686262 S2CID 5057143 Margulis L Chapman MJ 2009 Kingdoms and Domains An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth 4th ed Amsterdam Academic Press Elsevier p 116 Osumi Sutherland David Xu Chuan Keays Maria Kharchenko Peter V Regev Aviv Lein Ed Teichmann Sarah A 2021 06 28 Cell type ontologies of the Human Cell Atlas Nature Cell Biology 23 11 1129 1135 arXiv 2106 14443 doi 10 1038 s41556 021 00787 7 PMID 34750578 S2CID 235658396 Gilbert Scott F 1997 Developmental biology 5th ed Sunderland Mass Sinauer p 17 ISBN 978 0 87893 244 3 What Is Your Conceptual Definition of Cell Type in the Context of a Mature Organism Cell Systems 4 3 255 259 22 March 2017 doi 10 1016 j cels 2017 03 006 ISSN 2405 4712 PMID 28334573 Alberts B Johnson A Lewis J Morgan D Raff M Roberts K Walter P Molecular Biology of the Cell Sixth ed p 1217 COPE database Vickaryous Matthew K Hall Brian K August 2006 Human cell type diversity evolution development and classification with special reference to cells derived from the neural crest Biological Reviews 81 3 425 455 doi 10 1017 S1464793106007068 ISSN 1464 7931 PMID 16790079 S2CID 41969112 Further readingArendt D November 2008 The evolution of cell types in animals emerging principles from molecular studies Nature Reviews Genetics 9 11 868 82 doi 10 1038 nrg2416 PMID 18927580 S2CID 28467737 External linksMedia related to Cell types at Wikimedia Commons