In chemistry, bond order is a formal measure of the multiplicity of a covalent bond between two atoms. As introduced by Gerhard Herzberg, building off of work by R. S. Mulliken and Friedrich Hund, bond order is defined as the difference between the numbers of electron pairs in bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.
Bond order gives a rough indication of the stability of a bond. Isoelectronic species have the same bond order.
The bond order itself is the number of electron pairs (covalent bonds) between two atoms. For example, in diatomic nitrogen N≡N, the bond order between the two nitrogen atoms is 3 (triple bond). In acetylene H–C≡C–H, the bond order between the two carbon atoms is also 3, and the C–H bond order is 1 (single bond). In carbon monoxide, −C≡O+, the bond order between carbon and oxygen is 3. In thiazyl trifluoride N≡SF3, the bond order between sulfur and nitrogen is 3, and between sulfur and fluorine is 1. In diatomic oxygen O=O the bond order is 2 (double bond). In ethylene H2C=CH2 the bond order between the two carbon atoms is also 2. The bond order between carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide O=C=O is also 2. In phosgene O=CCl2, the bond order between carbon and oxygen is 2, and between carbon and chlorine is 1.
In some molecules, bond orders can be 4 (quadruple bond), 5 (quintuple bond) or even 6 (sextuple bond). For example, potassium octachlorodimolybdate salt (K4[Mo2Cl8]) contains the [Cl4Mo≣MoCl4]4− anion, in which the two Mo atoms are linked to each other by a bond with order of 4. Each Mo atom is linked to four Cl− ligands by a bond with order of 1. The compound (terphenyl)–CrCr–(terphenyl) contains two chromium atoms linked to each other by a bond with order of 5, and each chromium atom is linked to one terphenyl ligand by a single bond. A bond of order 6 is detected in ditungsten molecules W2, which exist only in a gaseous phase.
Non-integer bond orders
In molecules which have resonance or nonclassical bonding, bond order may not be an integer. In benzene, the delocalized molecular orbitals contain 6 pi electrons over six carbons, essentially yielding half a pi bond together with the sigma bond for each pair of carbon atoms, giving a calculated bond order of 1.5 (one and a half bond). Furthermore, bond orders of 1.1 (eleven tenths bond), 4/3 (or 1.333333..., four thirds bond) or 0.5 (half bond), for example, can occur in some molecules and essentially refer to bond strength relative to bonds with order 1. In the nitrate anion (NO−3), the bond order for each bond between nitrogen and oxygen is 4/3 (or 1.333333...). Bonding in dihydrogen cation H+2 can be described as a covalent one-electron bond, thus the bonding between the two hydrogen atoms has bond order of 0.5.
Bond order in molecular orbital theory
In molecular orbital theory, bond order is defined as half the difference between the number of bonding electrons and the number of antibonding electrons as per the equation below. This often but not always yields similar results for bonds near their equilibrium lengths, but it does not work for stretched bonds. Bond order is also an index of bond strength and is also used extensively in valence bond theory.
- bond order = number of bonding electrons - number of antibonding electrons/2
Generally, the higher the bond order, the stronger the bond. Bond orders of one-half may be stable, as shown by the stability of H+2 (bond length 106 pm, bond energy 269 kJ/mol) and He+2 (bond length 108 pm, bond energy 251 kJ/mol).
Hückel molecular orbital theory offers another approach for defining bond orders based on molecular orbital coefficients, for planar molecules with delocalized π bonding. The theory divides bonding into a sigma framework and a pi system. The π-bond order between atoms r and s derived from Hückel theory was defined by Charles Coulson by using the orbital coefficients of the Hückel MOs:[clarification needed]
Here the sum extends over π molecular orbitals only, and ni is the number of electrons occupying orbital i with coefficients cri and csi on atoms r and s respectively. Assuming a bond order contribution of 1 from the sigma component this gives a total bond order (σ + π) of 5/3 = 1.67 for benzene, rather than the commonly cited bond order of 1.5, showing some degree of ambiguity in how the concept of bond order is defined.
For more elaborate forms of molecular orbital theory involving larger basis sets, still other definitions have been proposed. A standard quantum mechanical definition for bond order has been debated for a long time. A comprehensive method to compute bond orders from quantum chemistry calculations was published in 2017.
Other definitions
The bond order concept is used in molecular dynamics and bond order potentials. The magnitude of the bond order is associated with the bond length. According to Linus Pauling in 1947, the bond order between atoms i and j is experimentally described as
where d1 is the single bond length, dij is the bond length experimentally measured, and b is a constant, depending on the atoms. Pauling suggested a value of 0.353 Å for b, for carbon-carbon bonds in the original equation:
The value of the constant b depends on the atoms. This definition of bond order is somewhat ad hoc and only easy to apply for diatomic molecules.
- Herzberg, Gerhard (1929) "Zum Aufbau der zweiatomigen Moleküle" Zeitschrift für Physik 57: 601-630
- Dr. S.P. Jauhar. Modern's abc Chemistry.
- IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "Bond number". doi:10.1351/goldbook.B00705
- Clark R. Landis; Frank Weinhold (2005). Valency and bonding: a natural bond orbital donor-acceptor perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 91–92. ISBN 978-0-521-83128-4.
- Jonathan Clayden; Greeves, Nick; Stuart Warren (2012). Organic Chemistry (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 91. ISBN 978-0-19-927029-3.
- Housecroft, C. E.; Sharpe, A. G. (2012). Inorganic Chemistry (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. pp. 35–37. ISBN 978-0-273-74275-3.
- T. A. Manz (2017). "Introducing DDEC6 atomic population analysis: part 3. Comprehensive method to compute bond orders". RSC Adv. 7 (72): 45552–45581. Bibcode:2017RSCAd...745552M. doi:10.1039/c7ra07400j.
- Bruce Averill and Patricia Eldredge, Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications (Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007), 409.
- Levine, Ira N. (1991). Quantum Chemistry (4th ed.). Prentice-Hall. p. 567. ISBN 0-205-12770-3.
- Coulson, Charles Alfred (7 February 1939). "The electronic structure of some polyenes and aromatic molecules. VII. Bonds of fractional order by the molecular orbital method". Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 169 (938): 413–428. Bibcode:1939RSPSA.169..413C. doi:10.1098/rspa.1939.0006.
- Sannigrahi, A. B.; Kar, Tapas (August 1988). "Molecular orbital theory of bond order and valency". Journal of Chemical Education. 65 (8): 674–676. Bibcode:1988JChEd..65..674S. doi:10.1021/ed065p674. Retrieved 5 December 2020.
- IUPAC Gold Book bond order
- Pauling, Linus (March 1, 1947). "Atomic Radii and Interatomic Distances in Metals". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 69 (3): 542–553. doi:10.1021/ja01195a024.
In chemistry bond order is a formal measure of the multiplicity of a covalent bond between two atoms As introduced by Gerhard Herzberg building off of work by R S Mulliken and Friedrich Hund bond order is defined as the difference between the numbers of electron pairs in bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals Bond order gives a rough indication of the stability of a bond Isoelectronic species have the same bond order ExamplesThe bond order itself is the number of electron pairs covalent bonds between two atoms For example in diatomic nitrogen N N the bond order between the two nitrogen atoms is 3 triple bond In acetylene H C C H the bond order between the two carbon atoms is also 3 and the C H bond order is 1 single bond In carbon monoxide C O the bond order between carbon and oxygen is 3 In thiazyl trifluoride N SF3 the bond order between sulfur and nitrogen is 3 and between sulfur and fluorine is 1 In diatomic oxygen O O the bond order is 2 double bond In ethylene H2C CH2 the bond order between the two carbon atoms is also 2 The bond order between carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide O C O is also 2 In phosgene O CCl2 the bond order between carbon and oxygen is 2 and between carbon and chlorine is 1 In some molecules bond orders can be 4 quadruple bond 5 quintuple bond or even 6 sextuple bond For example potassium octachlorodimolybdate salt K4 Mo2Cl8 contains the Cl4Mo MoCl4 4 anion in which the two Mo atoms are linked to each other by a bond with order of 4 Each Mo atom is linked to four Cl ligands by a bond with order of 1 The compound terphenyl CrCr terphenyl contains two chromium atoms linked to each other by a bond with order of 5 and each chromium atom is linked to one terphenyl ligand by a single bond A bond of order 6 is detected in ditungsten molecules W2 which exist only in a gaseous phase Non integer bond orders In molecules which have resonance or nonclassical bonding bond order may not be an integer In benzene the delocalized molecular orbitals contain 6 pi electrons over six carbons essentially yielding half a pi bond together with the sigma bond for each pair of carbon atoms giving a calculated bond order of 1 5 one and a half bond Furthermore bond orders of 1 1 eleven tenths bond 4 3 or 1 333333 four thirds bond or 0 5 half bond for example can occur in some molecules and essentially refer to bond strength relative to bonds with order 1 In the nitrate anion NO 3 the bond order for each bond between nitrogen and oxygen is 4 3 or 1 333333 Bonding in dihydrogen cation H 2 can be described as a covalent one electron bond thus the bonding between the two hydrogen atoms has bond order of 0 5 Bond order in molecular orbital theoryIn molecular orbital theory bond order is defined as half the difference between the number of bonding electrons and the number of antibonding electrons as per the equation below This often but not always yields similar results for bonds near their equilibrium lengths but it does not work for stretched bonds Bond order is also an index of bond strength and is also used extensively in valence bond theory bond order number of bonding electrons number of antibonding electrons 2 Generally the higher the bond order the stronger the bond Bond orders of one half may be stable as shown by the stability of H 2 bond length 106 pm bond energy 269 kJ mol and He 2 bond length 108 pm bond energy 251 kJ mol Huckel molecular orbital theory offers another approach for defining bond orders based on molecular orbital coefficients for planar molecules with delocalized p bonding The theory divides bonding into a sigma framework and a pi system The p bond order between atoms r and s derived from Huckel theory was defined by Charles Coulson by using the orbital coefficients of the Huckel MOs clarification needed prs inicricsi displaystyle p rs sum i n i c ri c si Here the sum extends over p molecular orbitals only and ni is the number of electrons occupying orbital i with coefficients cri and csi on atoms r and s respectively Assuming a bond order contribution of 1 from the sigma component this gives a total bond order s p of 5 3 1 67 for benzene rather than the commonly cited bond order of 1 5 showing some degree of ambiguity in how the concept of bond order is defined For more elaborate forms of molecular orbital theory involving larger basis sets still other definitions have been proposed A standard quantum mechanical definition for bond order has been debated for a long time A comprehensive method to compute bond orders from quantum chemistry calculations was published in 2017 Other definitionsThe bond order concept is used in molecular dynamics and bond order potentials The magnitude of the bond order is associated with the bond length According to Linus Pauling in 1947 the bond order between atoms i and j is experimentally described as sij exp d1 dijb displaystyle s ij exp left frac d 1 d ij b right where d1 is the single bond length dij is the bond length experimentally measured and b is a constant depending on the atoms Pauling suggested a value of 0 353 A for b for carbon carbon bonds in the original equation d1 dij 0 353 ln sij displaystyle d 1 d ij 0 353 text ln s ij The value of the constant b depends on the atoms This definition of bond order is somewhat ad hoc and only easy to apply for diatomic molecules ReferencesHerzberg Gerhard 1929 Zum Aufbau der zweiatomigen Molekule Zeitschrift fur Physik 57 601 630 Dr S P Jauhar Modern s abc Chemistry IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 Bond number doi 10 1351 goldbook B00705 Clark R Landis Frank Weinhold 2005 Valency and bonding a natural bond orbital donor acceptor perspective Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press pp 91 92 ISBN 978 0 521 83128 4 Jonathan Clayden Greeves Nick Stuart Warren 2012 Organic Chemistry 2nd ed Oxford University Press p 91 ISBN 978 0 19 927029 3 Housecroft C E Sharpe A G 2012 Inorganic Chemistry 4th ed Prentice Hall pp 35 37 ISBN 978 0 273 74275 3 T A Manz 2017 Introducing DDEC6 atomic population analysis part 3 Comprehensive method to compute bond orders RSC Adv 7 72 45552 45581 Bibcode 2017RSCAd 745552M doi 10 1039 c7ra07400j Bruce Averill and Patricia Eldredge Chemistry Principles Patterns and Applications Pearson Prentice Hall 2007 409 Levine Ira N 1991 Quantum Chemistry 4th ed Prentice Hall p 567 ISBN 0 205 12770 3 Coulson Charles Alfred 7 February 1939 The electronic structure of some polyenes and aromatic molecules VII Bonds of fractional order by the molecular orbital method Proceedings of the Royal Society A 169 938 413 428 Bibcode 1939RSPSA 169 413C doi 10 1098 rspa 1939 0006 Sannigrahi A B Kar Tapas August 1988 Molecular orbital theory of bond order and valency Journal of Chemical Education 65 8 674 676 Bibcode 1988JChEd 65 674S doi 10 1021 ed065p674 Retrieved 5 December 2020 IUPAC Gold Book bond order Pauling Linus March 1 1947 Atomic Radii and Interatomic Distances in Metals Journal of the American Chemical Society 69 3 542 553 doi 10 1021 ja01195a024