In ordinary language, an average is a single number or value that best represents a set of data. The type of average taken as most typically representative of a list of numbers is the arithmetic mean – the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are in the list. For example, the mean or average of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 (summing to 25) is 5. Depending on the context, the most representative statistic to be taken as the average might be another measure of central tendency, such as the mid-range, median, mode or geometric mean. For example, the average personal income is often given as the median – the number below which are 50% of personal incomes and above which are 50% of personal incomes – because the mean would be higher by including personal incomes from a few billionaires.

General properties
If all numbers in a list are the same number, then their average is also equal to this number. This property is shared by each of the many types of average.
Another universal property is monotonicity: if two lists of numbers A and B have the same length, and each entry of list A is at least as large as the corresponding entry on list B, then the average of list A is at least that of list B. Also, all averages satisfy linear homogeneity: if all numbers of a list are multiplied by the same positive number, then its average changes by the same factor.
In some types of average, the items in the list are assigned different weights before the average is determined. These include the weighted arithmetic mean, the weighted geometric mean and the weighted median. Also, for some types of moving average, the weight of an item depends on its position in the list. Most types of average, however, satisfy permutation-insensitivity: all items count equally in determining their average value and their positions in the list are irrelevant; the average of (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) is the same as that of (3, 2, 6, 4, 1).
Pythagorean means
The arithmetic mean, the geometric mean and the harmonic mean are known collectively as the Pythagorean means.
Statistical location
The mode, the median, and the mid-range are often used in addition to the mean as estimates of central tendency in descriptive statistics. These can all be seen as minimizing variation by some measure; see Central tendency § Solutions to variational problems.
Type | Description | Example | Result |
Arithmetic mean | Sum of values of a data set divided by number of values: | (1+2+2+3+4+7+9) / 7 | 4 |
Median | Middle value separating the greater and lesser halves of a data set | 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 | 3 |
Mode | Most frequent value in a data set | 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 | 2 |
Mid-range | The arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest values of a set | (1+9) / 2 | 5 |
The most frequently occurring number in a list is called the mode. For example, the mode of the list (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4) is 3. It may happen that there are two or more numbers which occur equally often and more often than any other number. In this case there is no agreed definition of mode. Some authors say they are all modes and some say there is no mode.
The median is the middle number of the group when they are ranked in order. (If there are an even number of numbers, the mean of the middle two is taken.)
Thus to find the median, order the list according to its elements' magnitude and then repeatedly remove the pair consisting of the highest and lowest values until either one or two values are left. If exactly one value is left, it is the median; if two values, the median is the arithmetic mean of these two. This method takes the list 1, 7, 3, 13 and orders it to read 1, 3, 7, 13. Then the 1 and 13 are removed to obtain the list 3, 7. Since there are two elements in this remaining list, the median is their arithmetic mean, (3 + 7)/2 = 5.
The mid-range is the arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest values of a set.
Summary of types
Name | Equation or description | As solution to optimization problem |
Arithmetic mean | ||
Median | A middle value that separates the higher half from the lower half of the data set; may not be unique if the data set contains an even number of points | |
Geometric median | A rotation invariant extension of the median for points in | |
Tukey median | Another rotation invariant extension of the median for points in | |
Mode | The most frequent value in the data set | |
Geometric mean | ||
Harmonic mean | ||
Contraharmonic mean | ||
Lehmer mean | ||
Quadratic mean (or RMS) | ||
Cubic mean | ||
Generalized mean | ||
Quasi-arithmetic mean | ||
Weighted mean | ||
Truncated mean | The arithmetic mean of data values after a certain number or proportion of the highest and lowest data values have been discarded | |
Interquartile mean | A special case of the truncated mean, using the interquartile range. A special case of the inter-quantile truncated mean, which operates on quantiles (often deciles or percentiles) that are equidistant but on opposite sides of the median. | |
Midrange | ||
Winsorized mean | Similar to the truncated mean, but, rather than deleting the extreme values, they are set equal to the largest and smallest values that remain | |
Medoid | A representative object of a set |
Even though perhaps not an average, the th quantile (another summary statistic that generalizes the median) can similarly be expressed as a solution to the optimization problem
which aims to minimize the total tilted absolute value loss (or quantile loss or pinball loss).
The table of mathematical symbols explains the symbols used below.[further explanation needed]
Miscellaneous types
Other more sophisticated averages are: trimean, , and , with their generalizations.
One can create one's own average metric using the generalized f-mean:
where f is any invertible function. The harmonic mean is an example of this using f(x) = 1/x, and the geometric mean is another, using f(x) = log x.
However, this method for generating means is not general enough to capture all averages. A more general method[failed verification] for defining an average takes any function g(x1, x2, ..., xn) of a list of arguments that is continuous, strictly increasing in each argument, and symmetric (invariant under permutation of the arguments). The average y is then the value that, when replacing each member of the list, results in the same function value: g(y, y, ..., y) = g(x1, x2, ..., xn). This most general definition still captures the important property of all averages that the average of a list of identical elements is that element itself. The function g(x1, x2, ..., xn) = x1+x2+ ··· + xn provides the arithmetic mean. The function g(x1, x2, ..., xn) = x1x2···xn (where the list elements are positive numbers) provides the geometric mean. The function g(x1, x2, ..., xn) = (x1−1+x2−1+ ··· + xn−1)−1) (where the list elements are positive numbers) provides the harmonic mean.
Average percentage return and CAGR
A type of average used in finance is the average percentage return. It is an example of a geometric mean. When the returns are annual, it is called the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). For example, if we are considering a period of two years, and the investment return in the first year is −10% and the return in the second year is +60%, then the average percentage return or CAGR, R, can be obtained by solving the equation: (1 − 10%) × (1 + 60%) = (1 − 0.1) × (1 + 0.6) = (1 + R) × (1 + R). The value of R that makes this equation true is 0.2, or 20%. This means that the total return over the 2-year period is the same as if there had been 20% growth each year. The order of the years makes no difference – the average percentage returns of +60% and −10% is the same result as that for −10% and +60%.
This method can be generalized to examples in which the periods are not equal. For example, consider a period of a half of a year for which the return is −23% and a period of two and a half years for which the return is +13%. The average percentage return for the combined period is the single year return, R, that is the solution of the following equation: (1 − 0.23)0.5 × (1 + 0.13)2.5 = (1 + R)0.5+2.5, giving an average return R of 0.0600 or 6.00%.
Moving average
Given a time series, such as daily stock market prices or yearly temperatures, people often want to create a smoother series. This helps to show underlying trends or perhaps periodic behavior. An easy way to do this is the moving average: one chooses a number n and creates a new series by taking the arithmetic mean of the first n values, then moving forward one place by dropping the oldest value and introducing a new value at the other end of the list, and so on. This is the simplest form of moving average. More complicated forms involve using a weighted average. The weighting can be used to enhance or suppress various periodic behavior and there is very extensive analysis of what weightings to use in the literature on filtering. In digital signal processing the term "moving average" is used even when the sum of the weights is not 1.0 (so the output series is a scaled version of the averages). The reason for this is that the analyst is usually interested only in the trend or the periodic behavior.
The first recorded time that the arithmetic mean was extended from 2 to n cases for the use of estimation was in the sixteenth century. From the late sixteenth century onwards, it gradually became a common method to use for reducing errors of measurement in various areas. At the time, astronomers wanted to know a real value from noisy measurement, such as the position of a planet or the diameter of the moon. Using the mean of several measured values, scientists assumed that the errors add up to a relatively small number when compared to the total of all measured values. The method of taking the mean for reducing observation errors was indeed mainly developed in astronomy. A possible precursor to the arithmetic mean is the mid-range (the mean of the two extreme values), used for example in Arabian astronomy of the ninth to eleventh centuries, but also in metallurgy and navigation.
However, there are various older vague references to the use of the arithmetic mean (which are not as clear, but might reasonably have to do with our modern definition of the mean). In a text from the 4th century, it was written that (text in square brackets is a possible missing text that might clarify the meaning):
- In the first place, we must set out in a row the sequence of numbers from the monad up to nine: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Then we must add up the amount of all of them together, and since the row contains nine terms, we must look for the ninth part of the total to see if it is already naturally present among the numbers in the row; and we will find that the property of being [one] ninth [of the sum] only belongs to the [arithmetic] mean itself...
Even older potential references exist. There are records that from about 700 BC, merchants and shippers agreed that damage to the cargo and ship (their "contribution" in case of damage by the sea) should be shared equally among themselves. This might have been calculated using the average, although there seem to be no direct record of the calculation.
The root is found in Arabic as عوار ʿawār, a defect, or anything defective or damaged, including partially spoiled merchandise; and عواري ʿawārī (also عوارة ʿawāra) = "of or relating to ʿawār, a state of partial damage". Within the Western languages the word's history begins in medieval sea-commerce on the Mediterranean. 12th and 13th century Genoa Latin avaria meant "damage, loss and non-normal expenses arising in connection with a merchant sea voyage"; and the same meaning for avaria is in Marseille in 1210, Barcelona in 1258 and Florence in the late 13th. 15th-century French avarie had the same meaning, and it begot English "averay" (1491) and English "average" (1502) with the same meaning. Today, Italian avaria, Catalan avaria and French avarie still have the primary meaning of "damage". The huge transformation of the meaning in English began with the practice in later medieval and early modern Western merchant-marine law contracts under which if the ship met a bad storm and some of the goods had to be thrown overboard to make the ship lighter and safer, then all merchants whose goods were on the ship were to suffer proportionately (and not whoever's goods were thrown overboard); and more generally there was to be proportionate distribution of any avaria. From there the word was adopted by British insurers, creditors, and merchants for talking about their losses as being spread across their whole portfolio of assets and having a mean proportion. Today's meaning developed out of that, and started in the mid-18th century, and started in English.
Marine damage is either particular average, which is borne only by the owner of the damaged property, or general average, where the owner can claim a proportional contribution from all the parties to the marine venture. The type of calculations used in adjusting general average gave rise to the use of "average" to mean "arithmetic mean".
A second English usage, documented as early as 1674 and sometimes spelled "averish", is as the residue and second growth of field crops, which were considered suited to consumption by draught animals ("avers").
There is earlier (from at least the 11th century), unrelated use of the word. It appears to be an old legal term for a tenant's day labour obligation to a sheriff, probably anglicised from "avera" found in the English Domesday Book (1085).
The Oxford English Dictionary, however, says that derivations from German hafen haven, and Arabic ʿawâr loss, damage, have been "quite disposed of" and the word has a Romance origin.
Averages as a rhetorical tool
Due to the aforementioned colloquial nature of the term "average", the term can be used to obfuscate the true meaning of data and suggest varying answers to questions based on the averaging method (most frequently arithmetic mean, median, or mode) used. In his article "Framed for Lying: Statistics as In/Artistic Proof", University of Pittsburgh faculty member Daniel Libertz comments that statistical information is frequently dismissed from rhetorical arguments for this reason. However, due to their persuasive power, averages and other statistical values should not be discarded completely, but instead used and interpreted with caution. Libertz invites us to engage critically not only with statistical information such as averages, but also with the language used to describe the data and its uses, saying: "If statistics rely on interpretation, rhetors should invite their audience to interpret rather than insist on an interpretation." In many cases, data and specific calculations are provided to help facilitate this audience-based interpretation.
See also
- Average absolute deviation
- Central limit theorem
- Expected value
- Law of averages
- Population mean
- Sample mean
- Medieval Arabic had عور ʿawr meaning "blind in one eye" and عوار ʿawār meant "any defect, or anything defective or damaged". Some medieval Arabic dictionaries are at Baheth.info Archived 2013-10-29 at the Wayback Machine, and some translation to English of what's in the medieval Arabic dictionaries is in Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, pages 2193 and 2195. The medieval dictionaries do not list the word-form عوارية ʿawārīa. ʿAwārīa can be naturally formed in Arabic grammar to refer to things that have ʿawār, but in practice in medieval Arabic texts ʿawārīa is a rarity or non-existent, while the forms عواري ʿawārī and عوارة ʿawāra are frequently used when referring to things that have ʿawār or damage – this can be seen in the searchable collection of medieval texts at AlWaraq.net (book links are clickable on righthand side).
- The Arabic origin of avaria was first reported by Reinhart Dozy in the 19th century. Dozy's original summary is in his 1869 book Glossaire. Summary information about the word's early records in Italian-Latin, Italian, Catalan, and French is at avarie @ CNRTL.fr Archived 2019-01-06 at the Wayback Machine. The seaport of Genoa is the location of the earliest-known record in European languages, year 1157. A set of medieval Latin records of avaria at Genoa is in the downloadable lexicon Vocabolario Ligure, by Sergio Aprosio, year 2001, avaria in Volume 1 pages 115-116. Many more records in medieval Latin at Genoa are at StoriaPatriaGenova.it, usually in the plurals avariis and avarias. At the port of Marseille in the 1st half of the 13th century notarized commercial contracts have dozens of instances of Latin avariis (ablative plural of avaria), as published in Blancard year 1884. Some information about the English word over the centuries is at NED (year 1888). See also the definition of English "average" in English dictionaries published in the early 18th century, i.e., in the time period just before the big transformation of the meaning: Kersey-Phillips' dictionary (1706), Blount's dictionary (1707 edition), Hatton's dictionary (1712), Bailey's dictionary (1726), Martin's dictionary (1749). Some complexities surrounding the English word's history are discussed in Hensleigh Wedgwood year 1882 page 11 and Walter Skeat year 1888 page 781. Today there is consensus that: (#1) today's English "average" descends from medieval Italian avaria, Catalan avaria, and (#2) among the Latins the word avaria started in the 12th century and it started as a term of Mediterranean sea-commerce, and (#3) there is no root for avaria to be found in Latin, and (#4) a substantial number of Arabic words entered Italian, Catalan and Provençal in the 12th and 13th centuries starting as terms of Mediterranean sea-commerce, and (#5) the Arabic ʿawār | ʿawārī is phonetically a good match for avaria, as conversion of w to v was regular in Latin and Italian, and -ia is a suffix in Italian, and the Western word's earliest records are in Italian-speaking locales (writing in Latin). And most commentators agree that (#6) the Arabic ʿawār | ʿawārī = "damage | relating to damage" is semantically a good match for avaria = "damage or damage expenses". A minority of commentators have been dubious about this on the grounds that the early records of Italian-Latin avaria have, in some cases, a meaning of "an expense" in a more general sense – see TLIO (in Italian). The majority view is that the meaning of "an expense" was an expansion from "damage and damage expense", and the chronological order of the meanings in the records supports this view, and the broad meaning "an expense" was never the most commonly used meaning. On the basis of the above points, the inferential step is made that the Latinate word came or probably came from the Arabic word.
- Merigo, Jose M.; Cananovas, Montserrat (2009). "The Generalized Hybrid Averaging Operator and its Application in Decision Making". Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration. 9: 69–84. ISSN 1886-516X.
- Bibby, John (1974). "Axiomatisations of the average and a further generalisation of monotonic sequences". Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 15: 63–65. doi:10.1017/s0017089500002135.
- Box, George E.P.; Jenkins, Gwilym M. (1976). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (revised ed.). Holden-Day. ISBN 0816211043.
- Haykin, Simon (1986). Adaptive Filter Theory. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0130040525.
- Plackett, R. L. (1958). "Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics: VII. The Principle of the Arithmetic Mean". Biometrika. 45 (1/2): 130–135. doi:10.2307/2333051. JSTOR 2333051.
- Eisenhart, Churchill. "The development of the concept of the best mean of a set of measurements from antiquity to the present day." Unpublished presidential address, American Statistical Association, 131st Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1971.
- "Bakker, Arthur. "The early history of average values and implications for education." Journal of Statistics Education 11.1 (2003): 17-26". Archived from the original on 2015-12-04. Retrieved 2015-10-22.
- "Waterfield, Robin. "The theology of arithmetic." On the Mystical, mathematical and Cosmological Symbolism of the First Ten Number (1988). page 70" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2018-11-27.
- "average". Dictionary.com Unabridged (Online). n.d. Retrieved 2023-05-25.
- Ray, John (1674). A Collection of English Words not Generally Used. London: H. Bruges. Retrieved 18 May 2015.
- "average, n.2". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. September 2019. Retrieved September 5, 2019. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
- Libertz, Daniel (2018-12-31). "Framed for Lying: Statistics as In/Artistic Proof". Res Rhetorica. 5 (4). doi:10.29107/rr2018.4.1. ISSN 2392-3113.
External links
- Calculations and comparison between arithmetic and geometric mean of two values
In ordinary language an average is a single number or value that best represents a set of data The type of average taken as most typically representative of a list of numbers is the arithmetic mean the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are in the list For example the mean or average of the numbers 2 3 4 7 and 9 summing to 25 is 5 Depending on the context the most representative statistic to be taken as the average might be another measure of central tendency such as the mid range median mode or geometric mean For example the average personal income is often given as the median the number below which are 50 of personal incomes and above which are 50 of personal incomes because the mean would be higher by including personal incomes from a few billionaires Average of chordsGeneral propertiesIf all numbers in a list are the same number then their average is also equal to this number This property is shared by each of the many types of average Another universal property is monotonicity if two lists of numbers A and B have the same length and each entry of list A is at least as large as the corresponding entry on list B then the average of list A is at least that of list B Also all averages satisfy linear homogeneity if all numbers of a list are multiplied by the same positive number then its average changes by the same factor In some types of average the items in the list are assigned different weights before the average is determined These include the weighted arithmetic mean the weighted geometric mean and the weighted median Also for some types of moving average the weight of an item depends on its position in the list Most types of average however satisfy permutation insensitivity all items count equally in determining their average value and their positions in the list are irrelevant the average of 1 2 3 4 6 is the same as that of 3 2 6 4 1 Pythagorean meansThe arithmetic mean the geometric mean and the harmonic mean are known collectively as the Pythagorean means Statistical locationThe mode the median and the mid range are often used in addition to the mean as estimates of central tendency in descriptive statistics These can all be seen as minimizing variation by some measure see Central tendency Solutions to variational problems Comparison of common averages of values 1 2 2 3 4 7 9 Type Description Example ResultArithmetic mean Sum of values of a data set divided by number of values x 1n i 1nxi displaystyle scriptstyle bar x frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i 1 2 2 3 4 7 9 7 4Median Middle value separating the greater and lesser halves of a data set 1 2 2 3 4 7 9 3Mode Most frequent value in a data set 1 2 2 3 4 7 9 2Mid range The arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest values of a set 1 9 2 5Mode Comparison of arithmetic mean median and mode of two log normal distributions with different skewness The most frequently occurring number in a list is called the mode For example the mode of the list 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 is 3 It may happen that there are two or more numbers which occur equally often and more often than any other number In this case there is no agreed definition of mode Some authors say they are all modes and some say there is no mode Median The median is the middle number of the group when they are ranked in order If there are an even number of numbers the mean of the middle two is taken Thus to find the median order the list according to its elements magnitude and then repeatedly remove the pair consisting of the highest and lowest values until either one or two values are left If exactly one value is left it is the median if two values the median is the arithmetic mean of these two This method takes the list 1 7 3 13 and orders it to read 1 3 7 13 Then the 1 and 13 are removed to obtain the list 3 7 Since there are two elements in this remaining list the median is their arithmetic mean 3 7 2 5 Mid range The mid range is the arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest values of a set Summary of typesName Equation or description As solution to optimization problemArithmetic mean x 1n i 1nxi 1n x1 xn displaystyle bar x frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i frac 1 n x 1 cdots x n argminx R i 1n x xi 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x x i 2 Median A middle value that separates the higher half from the lower half of the data set may not be unique if the data set contains an even number of points argminx R i 1n x xi displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x x i Geometric median A rotation invariant extension of the median for points in Rd displaystyle mathbb R d argminx Rd i 1n x x i 2 displaystyle underset vec x in mathbb R d operatorname argmin sum i 1 n vec x vec x i 2 Tukey median Another rotation invariant extension of the median for points in Rd displaystyle mathbb R d a point that maximizes the Tukey depth argmaxx Rdminu Rd i 1n 1 if x i x u 00 otherwise displaystyle underset vec x in mathbb R d operatorname argmax underset vec u in mathbb R d operatorname min sum i 1 n left begin cases 1 text if vec x i vec x cdot vec u geq 0 0 text otherwise end cases right Mode The most frequent value in the data set argmaxx R i 1n 1 if x xi0 if x xi displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmax sum i 1 n left begin cases 1 text if x x i 0 text if x neq x i end cases right Geometric mean i 1nxin x1 x2 xnn displaystyle sqrt n prod i 1 n x i sqrt n x 1 cdot x 2 dotsb x n argminx R gt 0 i 1n ln x ln xi 2 if xi gt 0 i 1 n displaystyle underset x in mathbb R gt 0 operatorname argmin sum i 1 n ln x ln x i 2 qquad text if x i gt 0 forall i in 1 dots n Harmonic mean n1x1 1x2 1xn displaystyle frac n frac 1 x 1 frac 1 x 2 cdots frac 1 x n argminx R 0 i 1n 1x 1xi 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R neq 0 operatorname argmin sum i 1 n left frac 1 x frac 1 x i right 2 Contraharmonic mean x12 x22 xn2x1 x2 xn displaystyle frac x 1 2 x 2 2 cdots x n 2 x 1 x 2 cdots x n argminx R i 1nxi x xi 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x i x x i 2 Lehmer mean i 1nxip i 1nxip 1 displaystyle frac sum i 1 n x i p sum i 1 n x i p 1 argminx R i 1nxip 1 x xi 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x i p 1 x x i 2 Quadratic mean or RMS 1n i 1nxi2 1n x12 x22 xn2 displaystyle sqrt frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i 2 sqrt frac 1 n left x 1 2 x 2 2 cdots x n 2 right argminx R 0 i 1n x2 xi2 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R geq 0 operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x 2 x i 2 2 Cubic mean 1n i 1nxi33 1n x13 x23 xn3 3 displaystyle sqrt 3 frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i 3 sqrt 3 frac 1 n left x 1 3 x 2 3 cdots x n 3 right argminx R 0 i 1n x3 xi3 2 if xi 0 i 1 n displaystyle underset x in mathbb R geq 0 operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x 3 x i 3 2 qquad text if x i geq 0 forall i in 1 dots n Generalized mean 1n i 1nxipp displaystyle sqrt p frac 1 n cdot sum i 1 n x i p argminx R 0 i 1n xp xip 2 if xi 0 i 1 n displaystyle underset x in mathbb R geq 0 operatorname argmin sum i 1 n x p x i p 2 qquad text if x i geq 0 forall i in 1 dots n Quasi arithmetic mean f 1 1n k 1nf xk displaystyle f 1 left frac 1 n sum k 1 n f x k right argminx dom f i 1n f x f xi 2 if f displaystyle underset x in operatorname dom f operatorname argmin sum i 1 n f x f x i 2 qquad text if f is monotonicWeighted mean i 1nwixi i 1nwi w1x1 w2x2 wnxnw1 w2 wn displaystyle frac sum i 1 n w i x i sum i 1 n w i frac w 1 x 1 w 2 x 2 cdots w n x n w 1 w 2 cdots w n argminx R i 1nwi x xi 2 displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n w i x x i 2 Truncated mean The arithmetic mean of data values after a certain number or proportion of the highest and lowest data values have been discardedInterquartile mean A special case of the truncated mean using the interquartile range A special case of the inter quantile truncated mean which operates on quantiles often deciles or percentiles that are equidistant but on opposite sides of the median Midrange 12 maxx minx displaystyle frac 1 2 left max x min x right argminx Rmaxi 1 n x xi displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin underset i in 1 dots n operatorname max x x i Winsorized mean Similar to the truncated mean but rather than deleting the extreme values they are set equal to the largest and smallest values that remainMedoid A representative object of a set X displaystyle mathcal X of objects with minimal sum of dissimilarities to all the objects in the set according to some dissimilarity function d displaystyle d argminy X i 1nd y xi displaystyle underset y in mathcal X operatorname argmin sum i 1 n d y x i Even though perhaps not an average the t displaystyle tau th quantile another summary statistic that generalizes the median can similarly be expressed as a solution to the optimization problem argminx R i 1nmax 1 t xi x t x xi argminx R i 1n x xi 1 2t x displaystyle underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n max big 1 tau x i x tau x x i big underset x in mathbb R operatorname argmin sum i 1 n big x x i 1 2 tau x big which aims to minimize the total tilted absolute value loss or quantile loss or pinball loss The table of mathematical symbols explains the symbols used below further explanation needed Miscellaneous typesOther more sophisticated averages are trimean and with their generalizations One can create one s own average metric using the generalized f mean y f 1 1n f x1 f x2 f xn displaystyle y f 1 left frac 1 n left f x 1 f x 2 cdots f x n right right where f is any invertible function The harmonic mean is an example of this using f x 1 x and the geometric mean is another using f x log x However this method for generating means is not general enough to capture all averages A more general method failed verification for defining an average takes any function g x1 x2 xn of a list of arguments that is continuous strictly increasing in each argument and symmetric invariant under permutation of the arguments The average y is then the value that when replacing each member of the list results in the same function value g y y y g x1 x2 xn This most general definition still captures the important property of all averages that the average of a list of identical elements is that element itself The function g x1 x2 xn x1 x2 xn provides the arithmetic mean The function g x1 x2 xn x1x2 xn where the list elements are positive numbers provides the geometric mean The function g x1 x2 xn x1 1 x2 1 xn 1 1 where the list elements are positive numbers provides the harmonic mean Average percentage return and CAGR A type of average used in finance is the average percentage return It is an example of a geometric mean When the returns are annual it is called the Compound Annual Growth Rate CAGR For example if we are considering a period of two years and the investment return in the first year is 10 and the return in the second year is 60 then the average percentage return or CAGR R can be obtained by solving the equation 1 10 1 60 1 0 1 1 0 6 1 R 1 R The value of R that makes this equation true is 0 2 or 20 This means that the total return over the 2 year period is the same as if there had been 20 growth each year The order of the years makes no difference the average percentage returns of 60 and 10 is the same result as that for 10 and 60 This method can be generalized to examples in which the periods are not equal For example consider a period of a half of a year for which the return is 23 and a period of two and a half years for which the return is 13 The average percentage return for the combined period is the single year return R that is the solution of the following equation 1 0 23 0 5 1 0 13 2 5 1 R 0 5 2 5 giving an average return R of 0 0600 or 6 00 Moving averageGiven a time series such as daily stock market prices or yearly temperatures people often want to create a smoother series This helps to show underlying trends or perhaps periodic behavior An easy way to do this is the moving average one chooses a number n and creates a new series by taking the arithmetic mean of the first n values then moving forward one place by dropping the oldest value and introducing a new value at the other end of the list and so on This is the simplest form of moving average More complicated forms involve using a weighted average The weighting can be used to enhance or suppress various periodic behavior and there is very extensive analysis of what weightings to use in the literature on filtering In digital signal processing the term moving average is used even when the sum of the weights is not 1 0 so the output series is a scaled version of the averages The reason for this is that the analyst is usually interested only in the trend or the periodic behavior HistoryOrigin The first recorded time that the arithmetic mean was extended from 2 to n cases for the use of estimation was in the sixteenth century From the late sixteenth century onwards it gradually became a common method to use for reducing errors of measurement in various areas At the time astronomers wanted to know a real value from noisy measurement such as the position of a planet or the diameter of the moon Using the mean of several measured values scientists assumed that the errors add up to a relatively small number when compared to the total of all measured values The method of taking the mean for reducing observation errors was indeed mainly developed in astronomy A possible precursor to the arithmetic mean is the mid range the mean of the two extreme values used for example in Arabian astronomy of the ninth to eleventh centuries but also in metallurgy and navigation However there are various older vague references to the use of the arithmetic mean which are not as clear but might reasonably have to do with our modern definition of the mean In a text from the 4th century it was written that text in square brackets is a possible missing text that might clarify the meaning In the first place we must set out in a row the sequence of numbers from the monad up to nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Then we must add up the amount of all of them together and since the row contains nine terms we must look for the ninth part of the total to see if it is already naturally present among the numbers in the row and we will find that the property of being one ninth of the sum only belongs to the arithmetic mean itself Even older potential references exist There are records that from about 700 BC merchants and shippers agreed that damage to the cargo and ship their contribution in case of damage by the sea should be shared equally among themselves This might have been calculated using the average although there seem to be no direct record of the calculation Etymology The root is found in Arabic as عوار ʿawar a defect or anything defective or damaged including partially spoiled merchandise and عواري ʿawari also عوارة ʿawara of or relating to ʿawar a state of partial damage Within the Western languages the word s history begins in medieval sea commerce on the Mediterranean 12th and 13th century Genoa Latin avaria meant damage loss and non normal expenses arising in connection with a merchant sea voyage and the same meaning for avaria is in Marseille in 1210 Barcelona in 1258 and Florence in the late 13th 15th century French avarie had the same meaning and it begot English averay 1491 and English average 1502 with the same meaning Today Italian avaria Catalan avaria and French avarie still have the primary meaning of damage The huge transformation of the meaning in English began with the practice in later medieval and early modern Western merchant marine law contracts under which if the ship met a bad storm and some of the goods had to be thrown overboard to make the ship lighter and safer then all merchants whose goods were on the ship were to suffer proportionately and not whoever s goods were thrown overboard and more generally there was to be proportionate distribution of any avaria From there the word was adopted by British insurers creditors and merchants for talking about their losses as being spread across their whole portfolio of assets and having a mean proportion Today s meaning developed out of that and started in the mid 18th century and started in English Marine damage is either particular average which is borne only by the owner of the damaged property or general average where the owner can claim a proportional contribution from all the parties to the marine venture The type of calculations used in adjusting general average gave rise to the use of average to mean arithmetic mean A second English usage documented as early as 1674 and sometimes spelled averish is as the residue and second growth of field crops which were considered suited to consumption by draught animals avers There is earlier from at least the 11th century unrelated use of the word It appears to be an old legal term for a tenant s day labour obligation to a sheriff probably anglicised from avera found in the English Domesday Book 1085 The Oxford English Dictionary however says that derivations from German hafen haven and Arabic ʿawar loss damage have been quite disposed of and the word has a Romance origin Averages as a rhetorical toolDue to the aforementioned colloquial nature of the term average the term can be used to obfuscate the true meaning of data and suggest varying answers to questions based on the averaging method most frequently arithmetic mean median or mode used In his article Framed for Lying Statistics as In Artistic Proof University of Pittsburgh faculty member Daniel Libertz comments that statistical information is frequently dismissed from rhetorical arguments for this reason However due to their persuasive power averages and other statistical values should not be discarded completely but instead used and interpreted with caution Libertz invites us to engage critically not only with statistical information such as averages but also with the language used to describe the data and its uses saying If statistics rely on interpretation rhetors should invite their audience to interpret rather than insist on an interpretation In many cases data and specific calculations are provided to help facilitate this audience based interpretation See alsoMathematics portalAverage absolute deviation Central limit theorem Expected value Law of averages Population mean Sample meanNotesMedieval Arabic had عور ʿawr meaning blind in one eye and عوار ʿawar meant any defect or anything defective or damaged Some medieval Arabic dictionaries are at Baheth info Archived 2013 10 29 at the Wayback Machine and some translation to English of what s in the medieval Arabic dictionaries is in Lane s Arabic English Lexicon pages 2193 and 2195 The medieval dictionaries do not list the word form عوارية ʿawaria ʿAwaria can be naturally formed in Arabic grammar to refer to things that have ʿawar but in practice in medieval Arabic texts ʿawaria is a rarity or non existent while the forms عواري ʿawari and عوارة ʿawara are frequently used when referring to things that have ʿawar or damage this can be seen in the searchable collection of medieval texts at AlWaraq net book links are clickable on righthand side The Arabic origin of avaria was first reported by Reinhart Dozy in the 19th century Dozy s original summary is in his 1869 book Glossaire Summary information about the word s early records in Italian Latin Italian Catalan and French is at avarie CNRTL fr Archived 2019 01 06 at the Wayback Machine The seaport of Genoa is the location of the earliest known record in European languages year 1157 A set of medieval Latin records of avaria at Genoa is in the downloadable lexicon Vocabolario Ligure by Sergio Aprosio year 2001 avaria in Volume 1 pages 115 116 Many more records in medieval Latin at Genoa are at StoriaPatriaGenova it usually in the plurals avariis and avarias At the port of Marseille in the 1st half of the 13th century notarized commercial contracts have dozens of instances of Latin avariis ablative plural of avaria as published in Blancard year 1884 Some information about the English word over the centuries is at NED year 1888 See also the definition of English average in English dictionaries published in the early 18th century i e in the time period just before the big transformation of the meaning Kersey Phillips dictionary 1706 Blount s dictionary 1707 edition Hatton s dictionary 1712 Bailey s dictionary 1726 Martin s dictionary 1749 Some complexities surrounding the English word s history are discussed in Hensleigh Wedgwood year 1882 page 11 and Walter Skeat year 1888 page 781 Today there is consensus that 1 today s English average descends from medieval Italian avaria Catalan avaria and 2 among the Latins the word avaria started in the 12th century and it started as a term of Mediterranean sea commerce and 3 there is no root for avaria to be found in Latin and 4 a substantial number of Arabic words entered Italian Catalan and Provencal in the 12th and 13th centuries starting as terms of Mediterranean sea commerce and 5 the Arabic ʿawar ʿawari is phonetically a good match for avaria as conversion of w to v was regular in Latin and Italian and ia is a suffix in Italian and the Western word s earliest records are in Italian speaking locales writing in Latin And most commentators agree that 6 the Arabic ʿawar ʿawari damage relating to damage is semantically a good match for avaria damage or damage expenses A minority of commentators have been dubious about this on the grounds that the early records of Italian Latin avaria have in some cases a meaning of an expense in a more general sense see TLIO in Italian The majority view is that the meaning of an expense was an expansion from damage and damage expense and the chronological order of the meanings in the records supports this view and the broad meaning an expense was never the most commonly used meaning On the basis of the above points the inferential step is made that the Latinate word came or probably came from the Arabic word ReferencesMerigo Jose M Cananovas Montserrat 2009 The Generalized Hybrid Averaging Operator and its Application in Decision Making Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration 9 69 84 ISSN 1886 516X Bibby John 1974 Axiomatisations of the average and a further generalisation of monotonic sequences Glasgow Mathematical Journal 15 63 65 doi 10 1017 s0017089500002135 Box George E P Jenkins Gwilym M 1976 Time Series Analysis Forecasting and Control revised ed Holden Day ISBN 0816211043 Haykin Simon 1986 Adaptive Filter Theory Prentice Hall ISBN 0130040525 Plackett R L 1958 Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics VII The Principle of the Arithmetic Mean Biometrika 45 1 2 130 135 doi 10 2307 2333051 JSTOR 2333051 Eisenhart Churchill The development of the concept of the best mean of a set of measurements from antiquity to the present day Unpublished presidential address American Statistical Association 131st Annual Meeting Fort Collins Colorado 1971 Bakker Arthur The early history of average values and implications for education Journal of Statistics Education 11 1 2003 17 26 Archived from the original on 2015 12 04 Retrieved 2015 10 22 Waterfield Robin The theology of arithmetic On the Mystical mathematical and Cosmological Symbolism of the First Ten Number 1988 page 70 PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2016 03 04 Retrieved 2018 11 27 average Dictionary com Unabridged Online n d Retrieved 2023 05 25 Ray John 1674 A Collection of English Words not Generally Used London H Bruges Retrieved 18 May 2015 average n 2 Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press September 2019 Retrieved September 5 2019 Subscription or participating institution membership required Libertz Daniel 2018 12 31 Framed for Lying Statistics as In Artistic Proof Res Rhetorica 5 4 doi 10 29107 rr2018 4 1 ISSN 2392 3113 External linksLook up average in Wiktionary the free dictionary Calculations and comparison between arithmetic and geometric mean of two values