In nuclear physics, beta decay (β-decay) is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a beta particle (fast energetic electron or positron), transforming into an isobar of that nuclide. For example, beta decay of a neutron transforms it into a proton by the emission of an electron accompanied by an antineutrino; or, conversely a proton is converted into a neutron by the emission of a positron with a neutrino in what is called positron emission. Neither the beta particle nor its associated (anti-)neutrino exist within the nucleus prior to beta decay, but are created in the decay process. By this process, unstable atoms obtain a more stable ratio of protons to neutrons. The probability of a nuclide decaying due to beta and other forms of decay is determined by its nuclear binding energy. The binding energies of all existing nuclides form what is called the nuclear band or valley of stability. For either electron or positron emission to be energetically possible, the energy release (see below) or Q value must be positive.

decay in an atomic nucleus (the accompanying antineutrino is omitted). The inset shows beta decay of a free neutron. Neither of these depictions shows the intermediate virtual
Beta decay is a consequence of the weak force, which is characterized by relatively long decay times. Nucleons are composed of up quarks and down quarks, and the weak force allows a quark to change its flavour by means of a virtual W boson leading to creation of an electron/antineutrino or positron/neutrino pair. For example, a neutron, composed of two down quarks and an up quark, decays to a proton composed of a down quark and two up quarks.
Electron capture is sometimes included as a type of beta decay, because the basic nuclear process, mediated by the weak force, is the same. In electron capture, an inner atomic electron is captured by a proton in the nucleus, transforming it into a neutron, and an electron neutrino is released.
The two types of beta decay are known as beta minus and beta plus. In beta minus (β−) decay, a neutron is converted to a proton, and the process creates an electron and an electron antineutrino; while in beta plus (β+) decay, a proton is converted to a neutron and the process creates a positron and an electron neutrino. β+ decay is also known as positron emission.
Beta decay conserves a quantum number known as the lepton number, or the number of electrons and their associated neutrinos (other leptons are the muon and tau particles). These particles have lepton number +1, while their antiparticles have lepton number −1. Since a proton or neutron has lepton number zero, β+ decay (a positron, or antielectron) must be accompanied with an electron neutrino, while β− decay (an electron) must be accompanied by an electron antineutrino.
An example of electron emission (β− decay) is the decay of carbon-14 into nitrogen-14 with a half-life of about 5,730 years:
- 14
→ 14
In this form of decay, the original element becomes a new chemical element in a process known as nuclear transmutation. This new element has an unchanged mass number A, but an atomic number Z that is increased by one. As in all nuclear decays, the decaying element (in this case 14
) is known as the parent nuclide while the resulting element (in this case 14
) is known as the daughter nuclide.
Another example is the decay of hydrogen-3 (tritium) into helium-3 with a half-life of about 12.3 years:
- 3
→ 3
An example of positron emission (β+ decay) is the decay of magnesium-23 into sodium-23 with a half-life of about 11.3 s:
- 23
→ 23
β+ decay also results in nuclear transmutation, with the daughter element having an atomic number that is decreased by one.
The beta spectrum, or distribution of energy values for the beta particles, is continuous. The total energy of the decay process is divided between the electron, the antineutrino, and the recoiling nuclide. In the figure to the right, an example of an electron with 0.40 MeV energy from the beta decay of 210Bi is shown. In this example, the total decay energy is 1.16 MeV, so the antineutrino has the remaining energy: 1.16 MeV − 0.40 MeV = 0.76 MeV. An electron at the far right of the curve would have the maximum possible kinetic energy, leaving the energy of the neutrino to be only its small rest mass.
Discovery and initial characterization
Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel in uranium, and subsequently observed by Marie and Pierre Curie in thorium and in the newly discovered elements polonium and radium. In 1899, Ernest Rutherford separated radioactive emissions into two types: alpha and beta (now beta minus), based on penetration of objects and ability to cause ionization. Alpha rays could be stopped by thin sheets of paper or aluminium, whereas beta rays could penetrate several millimetres of aluminium. In 1900, Paul Villard identified a still more penetrating type of radiation, which Rutherford identified as a fundamentally new type in 1903 and termed gamma rays. Alpha, beta, and gamma are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.
In 1900, Becquerel measured the mass-to-charge ratio (m/e) for beta particles by the method of J.J. Thomson used to study cathode rays and identify the electron. He found that m/e for a beta particle is the same as for Thomson's electron, and therefore suggested that the beta particle is in fact an electron.
In 1901, Rutherford and Frederick Soddy showed that alpha and beta radioactivity involves the transmutation of atoms into atoms of other chemical elements. In 1913, after the products of more radioactive decays were known, Soddy and Kazimierz Fajans independently proposed their radioactive displacement law, which states that beta (i.e.,
) emission from one element produces another element one place to the right in the periodic table, while alpha emission produces an element two places to the left.
The study of beta decay provided the first physical evidence for the existence of the neutrino. In both alpha and gamma decay, the resulting alpha or gamma particle has a narrow energy distribution, since the particle carries the energy from the difference between the initial and final nuclear states. However, the kinetic energy distribution, or spectrum, of beta particles measured by Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn in 1911 and by Jean Danysz in 1913 showed multiple lines on a diffuse background. These measurements offered the first hint that beta particles have a continuous spectrum. In 1914, James Chadwick used a magnetic spectrometer with one of Hans Geiger's new counters to make more accurate measurements which showed that the spectrum was continuous. The results, which appeared to be in contradiction to the law of conservation of energy, were validated by means of calorimetric measurements in 1929 by Lise Meitner and Wilhelm Orthmann. If beta decay were simply electron emission as assumed at the time, then the energy of the emitted electron should have a particular, well-defined value. For beta decay, however, the observed broad distribution of energies suggested that energy is lost in the beta decay process. This spectrum was puzzling for many years.
A second problem is related to the conservation of angular momentum. Molecular band spectra showed that the nuclear spin of nitrogen-14 is 1 (i.e., equal to the reduced Planck constant) and more generally that the spin is integral for nuclei of even mass number and half-integral for nuclei of odd mass number. This was later explained by the proton-neutron model of the nucleus. Beta decay leaves the mass number unchanged, so the change of nuclear spin must be an integer. However, the electron spin is 1/2, hence angular momentum would not be conserved if beta decay were simply electron emission.
From 1920 to 1927, Charles Drummond Ellis (along with Chadwick and colleagues) further established that the beta decay spectrum is continuous. In 1933, Ellis and Nevill Mott obtained strong evidence that the beta spectrum has an effective upper bound in energy. Niels Bohr had suggested that the beta spectrum could be explained if conservation of energy was true only in a statistical sense, thus this principle might be violated in any given decay.: 27 However, the upper bound in beta energies determined by Ellis and Mott ruled out that notion. Now, the problem of how to account for the variability of energy in known beta decay products, as well as for conservation of momentum and angular momentum in the process, became acute.
In a famous letter written in 1930, Wolfgang Pauli attempted to resolve the beta-particle energy conundrum by suggesting that, in addition to electrons and protons, atomic nuclei also contained an extremely light neutral particle, which he called the neutron. He suggested that this "neutron" was also emitted during beta decay (thus accounting for the known missing energy, momentum, and angular momentum), but it had simply not yet been observed. In 1931, Enrico Fermi renamed Pauli's "neutron" the "neutrino" ('little neutral one' in Italian). In 1933, Fermi published his landmark theory for beta decay, where he applied the principles of quantum mechanics to matter particles, supposing that they can be created and annihilated, just as the light quanta in atomic transitions. Thus, according to Fermi, neutrinos are created in the beta-decay process, rather than contained in the nucleus; the same happens to electrons. The neutrino interaction with matter was so weak that detecting it proved a severe experimental challenge. Further indirect evidence of the existence of the neutrino was obtained by observing the recoil of nuclei that emitted such a particle after absorbing an electron. Neutrinos were finally detected directly in 1956 by the American physicists Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines in the Cowan–Reines neutrino experiment. The properties of neutrinos were (with a few minor modifications) as predicted by Pauli and Fermi.
decay and electron capture
In 1934, Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie bombarded aluminium with alpha particles to effect the nuclear reaction 4
+ 27
→ 30
+ 1
, and observed that the product isotope 30
emits a positron identical to those found in cosmic rays (discovered by Carl David Anderson in 1932). This was the first example of
decay (positron emission), which they termed artificial radioactivity since 30
is a short-lived nuclide which does not exist in nature. In recognition of their discovery, the couple were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935.
The theory of electron capture was first discussed by Gian-Carlo Wick in a 1934 paper, and then developed by Hideki Yukawa and others. K-electron capture was first observed in 1937 by Luis Alvarez, in the nuclide 48V. Alvarez went on to study electron capture in 67Ga and other nuclides.
Non-conservation of parity
In 1956, Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang noticed that there was no evidence that parity was conserved in weak interactions, and so they postulated that this symmetry may not be preserved by the weak force. They sketched the design for an experiment for testing conservation of parity in the laboratory. Later that year, Chien-Shiung Wu and coworkers conducted the Wu experiment showing an asymmetrical beta decay of 60
at cold temperatures that proved that parity is not conserved in beta decay. This surprising result overturned long-held assumptions about parity and the weak force. In recognition of their theoretical work, Lee and Yang were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. However Wu, who was female, was not awarded the Nobel prize.
β− decay
decay of a neutron into a proton, electron, and electron antineutrino via a virtual
boson. For higher-order diagrams see
decay, the weak interaction converts an atomic nucleus into a nucleus with atomic number increased by one, while emitting an electron (
) and an electron antineutrino (
decay generally occurs in neutron-rich nuclei. The generic equation is:
- A
→ A
where A and Z are the mass number and atomic number of the decaying nucleus, and X and X′ are the initial and final elements, respectively.
Another example is when the free neutron (1
) decays by
decay into a proton (
At the fundamental level (as depicted in the Feynman diagram on the right), this is caused by the conversion of the negatively charged (−1/3 e) down quark to the positively charged (+2/3 e) up quark, which is promoted by a virtual
boson; the
boson subsequently decays into an electron and an electron antineutrino:
β+ decay
decay of a proton into a neutron, positron, and electron neutrino via an intermediate virtual
decay, or positron emission, the weak interaction converts an atomic nucleus into a nucleus with atomic number decreased by one, while emitting a positron (
) and an electron neutrino (
decay generally occurs in proton-rich nuclei. The generic equation is:
- A
→ A
This may be considered as the decay of a proton inside the nucleus to a neutron:
- p → n +
decay cannot occur in an isolated proton because it requires energy, due to the mass of the neutron being greater than the mass of the proton.
decay can only happen inside nuclei when the daughter nucleus has a greater binding energy (and therefore a lower total energy) than the mother nucleus. The difference between these energies goes into the reaction of converting a proton into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino and into the kinetic energy of these particles. This process is opposite to negative beta decay, in that the weak interaction converts a proton into a neutron by converting an up quark into a down quark resulting in the emission of a
or the absorption of a
. When a
boson is emitted, it decays into a positron and an electron neutrino:
Electron capture (K-capture/L-capture)
In all cases where
decay (positron emission) of a nucleus is allowed energetically, so too is electron capture allowed. This is a process during which a nucleus captures one of its atomic electrons, resulting in the emission of a neutrino:
- A
→ A
An example of electron capture is one of the decay modes of krypton-81 into bromine-81:
- 81
→ 81
All emitted neutrinos are of the same energy. In proton-rich nuclei where the energy difference between the initial and final states is less than 2mec2,
decay is not energetically possible, and electron capture is the sole decay mode.
If the captured electron comes from the innermost shell of the atom, the K-shell, which has the highest probability to interact with the nucleus, the process is called K-capture. If it comes from the L-shell, the process is called L-capture, etc.
Electron capture is a competing (simultaneous) decay process for all nuclei that can undergo β+ decay. The converse, however, is not true: electron capture is the only type of decay that is allowed in proton-rich nuclides that do not have sufficient energy to emit a positron and neutrino.
Nuclear transmutation
If the proton and neutron are part of an atomic nucleus, the above described decay processes transmute one chemical element into another. For example:
→ 137
e(beta minus decay) 22
→ 22
e(beta plus decay) 22
→ 22
e(electron capture)
Beta decay does not change the number (A) of nucleons in the nucleus, but changes only its charge Z. Thus the set of all nuclides with the same A can be introduced; these isobaric nuclides may turn into each other via beta decay. For a given A there is one that is most stable. It is said to be beta stable, because it presents a local minimum of the mass excess: if such a nucleus has (A, Z) numbers, the neighbour nuclei (A, Z−1) and (A, Z+1) have higher mass excess and can beta decay into (A, Z), but not vice versa. For all odd mass numbers A, there is only one known beta-stable isobar. For even A, there are up to three different beta-stable isobars experimentally known; for example, 124
, 124
, and 124
are all beta-stable. There are about 350 known beta-decay stable nuclides.
Competition of beta decay types
Usually unstable nuclides are clearly either "neutron rich" or "proton rich", with the former undergoing beta decay and the latter undergoing electron capture (or more rarely, due to the higher energy requirements, positron decay). However, in a few cases of odd-proton, odd-neutron radionuclides, it may be energetically favorable for the radionuclide to decay to an even-proton, even-neutron isobar either by undergoing beta-positive or beta-negative decay. An often-cited example is the single isotope 64
(29 protons, 35 neutrons), which illustrates three types of beta decay in competition. Copper-64 has a half-life of about 12.7 hours. This isotope has one unpaired proton and one unpaired neutron, so either the proton or the neutron can decay. This particular nuclide (though not all nuclides in this situation) is almost equally likely to decay through proton decay by positron emission (18%) or electron capture (43%) to 64
, as it is through neutron decay by electron emission (39%) to 64
Stability of naturally occurring nuclides
Most naturally occurring nuclides on earth are beta stable. Nuclides that are not beta stable have half-lives ranging from under a second to periods of time significantly greater than the age of the universe. One common example of a long-lived isotope is the odd-proton odd-neutron nuclide 40
, which undergoes all three types of beta decay (
and electron capture) with a half-life of 1.277×109 years.
Conservation rules for beta decay
Baryon number is conserved
is the number of constituent quarks, and
is the number of constituent antiquarks.
Beta decay just changes neutron to proton or, in the case of positive beta decay (electron capture) proton to neutron so the number of individual quarks doesn't change. It is only the baryon flavor that changes, here labelled as the isospin.
Up and down quarks have total isospin and isospin projections
All other quarks have I = 0.
In general
Lepton number is conserved
so all leptons have assigned a value of +1, antileptons −1, and non-leptonic particles 0.
Angular momentum
For allowed decays, the net orbital angular momentum is zero, hence only spin quantum numbers are considered.
The electron and antineutrino are fermions, spin-1/2 objects, therefore they may couple to total (parallel) or
For forbidden decays, orbital angular momentum must also be taken into consideration.
Energy release
The Q value is defined as the total energy released in a given nuclear decay. In beta decay, Q is therefore also the sum of the kinetic energies of the emitted beta particle, neutrino, and recoiling nucleus. (Because of the large mass of the nucleus compared to that of the beta particle and neutrino, the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus can generally be neglected.) Beta particles can therefore be emitted with any kinetic energy ranging from 0 to Q. A typical Q is around 1 MeV, but can range from a few keV to a few tens of MeV.
Since the rest mass of the electron is 511 keV, the most energetic beta particles are ultrarelativistic, with speeds very close to the speed of light. In the case of 187Re, the maximum speed of the beta particle is only 9.8% of the speed of light.
The following table gives some examples:
Isotope | Energy (keV) | Decay mode | Comments |
free Neutron | 782.33 | β− | |
(Tritium) | 3H18.59 | β− | Second lowest known β− energy, being used in the KATRIN experiment. |
11C | 1982.4 | 960.4β+ ε | |
14C | 156.475 | β− | |
20F | 5390.86 | β− | |
37K | 5125.48 6147.48 | β+ ε | |
163Ho | 2.555 | ε | |
187Re | 2.467 | β− | Lowest known β− energy, being used in the experiment |
210Bi | 1162.2 | β− |
β− decay
Consider the generic equation for beta decay
- A
→ A
The Q value for this decay is
where is the mass of the nucleus of the A
atom, is the mass of the electron, and
is the mass of the electron antineutrino. In other words, the total energy released is the mass energy of the initial nucleus, minus the mass energy of the final nucleus, electron, and antineutrino. The mass of the nucleus mN is related to the standard atomic mass m by
That is, the total atomic mass is the mass of the nucleus, plus the mass of the electrons, minus the sum of all electron binding energies Bi for the atom. This equation is rearranged to find
, and
is found similarly. Substituting these nuclear masses into the Q-value equation, while neglecting the nearly-zero antineutrino mass and the difference in electron binding energies, which is very small for high-Z atoms, we have
This energy is carried away as kinetic energy by the electron and antineutrino.
Because the reaction will proceed only when the Q value is positive, β− decay can occur when the mass of atom A
is greater than the mass of atom A
β+ decay
The equations for β+ decay are similar, with the generic equation
- A
→ A
giving However, in this equation, the electron masses do not cancel, and we are left with
Because the reaction will proceed only when the Q value is positive, β+ decay can occur when the mass of atom A
exceeds that of A
by at least twice the mass of the electron.
Electron capture
The analogous calculation for electron capture must take into account the binding energy of the electrons. This is because the atom will be left in an excited state after capturing the electron, and the binding energy of the captured innermost electron is significant. Using the generic equation for electron capture
- A
→ A
we have which simplifies to
where Bn is the binding energy of the captured electron.
Because the binding energy of the electron is much less than the mass of the electron, nuclei that can undergo β+ decay can always also undergo electron capture, but the reverse is not true.
Beta emission spectrum
Beta decay can be considered as a perturbation as described in quantum mechanics, and thus Fermi's Golden Rule can be applied. This leads to an expression for the kinetic energy spectrum N(T) of emitted betas as follows:
where T is the kinetic energy, CL is a shape function that depends on the forbiddenness of the decay (it is constant for allowed decays), F(Z, T) is the Fermi Function (see below) with Z the charge of the final-state nucleus, E = T + mc2 is the total energy, is the momentum, and Q is the Q value of the decay. The kinetic energy of the emitted neutrino is given approximately by Q minus the kinetic energy of the beta.
As an example, the beta decay spectrum of 210Bi (originally called RaE) is shown to the right.
Fermi function
The Fermi function that appears in the beta spectrum formula accounts for the Coulomb attraction / repulsion between the emitted beta and the final state nucleus. Approximating the associated wavefunctions to be spherically symmetric, the Fermi function can be analytically calculated to be:
where p is the final momentum, Γ the Gamma function, and (if α is the fine-structure constant and rN the radius of the final state nucleus) ,
(+ for electrons, − for positrons), and
For non-relativistic betas (Q ≪ mec2), this expression can be approximated by:
Other approximations can be found in the literature.
Kurie plot
A Kurie plot (also known as a Fermi–Kurie plot) is a graph used in studying beta decay developed by Franz N. D. Kurie, in which the square root of the number of beta particles whose momenta (or energy) lie within a certain narrow range, divided by the Fermi function, is plotted against beta-particle energy. It is a straight line for allowed transitions and some forbidden transitions, in accord with the Fermi beta-decay theory. The energy-axis (x-axis) intercept of a Kurie plot corresponds to the maximum energy imparted to the electron/positron (the decay's Q value). With a Kurie plot one can find the limit on the effective mass of a neutrino.
Helicity (polarization) of neutrinos, electrons and positrons emitted in beta decay
After the discovery of parity non-conservation (see History), it was found that, in beta decay, electrons are emitted mostly with negative helicity, i.e., they move, naively speaking, like left-handed screws driven into a material (they have negative longitudinal polarization). Conversely, positrons have mostly positive helicity, i.e., they move like right-handed screws. Neutrinos (emitted in positron decay) have negative helicity, while antineutrinos (emitted in electron decay) have positive helicity.
The higher the energy of the particles, the higher their polarization.
Types of beta decay transitions
Beta decays can be classified according to the angular momentum (L value) and total spin (S value) of the emitted radiation. Since total angular momentum must be conserved, including orbital and spin angular momentum, beta decay occurs by a variety of quantum state transitions to various nuclear angular momentum or spin states, known as "Fermi" or "Gamow–Teller" transitions. When beta decay particles carry no angular momentum (L = 0), the decay is referred to as "allowed", otherwise it is "forbidden".
Other decay modes, which are rare, are known as bound state decay and double beta decay.
Fermi transitions
A Fermi transition is a beta decay in which the spins of the emitted electron (positron) and anti-neutrino (neutrino) couple to total spin , leading to an angular momentum change
between the initial and final states of the nucleus (assuming an allowed transition). In the non-relativistic limit, the nuclear part of the operator for a Fermi transition is given by
the weak vector coupling constant,
the isospin raising and lowering operators, and
running over all protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Gamow–Teller transitions
A Gamow–Teller transition is a beta decay in which the spins of the emitted electron (positron) and anti-neutrino (neutrino) couple to total spin , leading to an angular momentum change
between the initial and final states of the nucleus (assuming an allowed transition). In this case, the nuclear part of the operator is given by
the weak axial-vector coupling constant, and
the spin Pauli matrices, which can produce a spin-flip in the decaying nucleon.
Forbidden transitions
When L > 0, the decay is referred to as "forbidden". Nuclear selection rules require high L values to be accompanied by changes in nuclear spin (J) and parity (π). The selection rules for the Lth forbidden transitions are: where Δπ = 1 or −1 corresponds to no parity change or parity change, respectively. The special case of a transition between isobaric analogue states, where the structure of the final state is very similar to the structure of the initial state, is referred to as "superallowed" for beta decay, and proceeds very quickly. The following table lists the ΔJ and Δπ values for the first few values of L:
Forbiddenness | ΔJ | Δπ |
Superallowed | 0 | No |
Allowed | 0, 1 | No |
First forbidden | 0, 1, 2 | Yes |
Second forbidden | 1, 2, 3 | No |
Third forbidden | 2, 3, 4 | Yes |
Rare decay modes
Bound-state β− decay
A very small minority of free neutron decays (about four per million) are "two-body decays": the proton, electron and antineutrino are produced, but the electron fails to gain the 13.6 eV energy necessary to escape the proton, and therefore simply remains bound to it, as a neutral hydrogen atom. In this type of beta decay, in essence all of the neutron decay energy is carried off by the antineutrino.
For fully ionized atoms (bare nuclei), it is possible in likewise manner for electrons to fail to escape the atom, and to be emitted from the nucleus into low-lying atomic bound states (orbitals). This cannot occur for neutral atoms with low-lying bound states which are already filled by electrons.
Bound-state β− decays were predicted by Daudel, Jean, and Lecoin in 1947, and the phenomenon in fully ionized atoms was first observed for 163Dy66+ in 1992 by Jung et al. of the Darmstadt Heavy-Ion Research Center. Though neutral 163Dy is stable, fully ionized 163Dy66+ undergoes β− decay into the K and L shells with a half-life of 47 days. The resulting nucleus – 163Ho66+ – is stable only in this almost fully ionized state and will decay via electron capture into 163Dy in the neutral state. Likewise, while being stable in the neutral state, the fully ionized 205Tl81+ undergoes bound-state β− decay to 205Pb81+ with a half-life of 291+33
−27 days. The half-lives of neutral 163Ho and 205Pb are respectively 4570 years and 1.73×107 years. In addition, it is estimated that β− decay is energetically impossible for natural atoms but theoretically possible when fully ionized also for 193Ir, 194Au, 202Tl, 215At, 243Am, and 246Bk.
Another possibility is that a fully ionized atom undergoes greatly accelerated β decay, as observed for 187Re by Bosch et al., also at Darmstadt. Neutral 187Re does undergo β− decay, with half-life 4.12×1010 years, but for fully ionized 187Re75+ this is shortened to only 32.9 years. This is because 187Re75+ is energetically allowed to undergo β− decay to the first-excited state in 187Os75+, a process energetically disallowed for natural 187Re. Similarly, neutral 241Pu undergoes β− decay with a half-life of 14.3 years, but in its fully ionized state the beta-decay half-life of 241Pu94+ decreases to 4.2 days. For comparison, the variation of decay rates of other nuclear processes due to chemical environment is less than 1%. Moreover, current mass determinations cannot decisively determine whether 222Rn is energetically possible to undergo β− decay (the decay energy given in AME2020 is (−6 ± 8) keV), but in either case it is predicted that β− will be greatly accelerated for fully ionized 222Rn86+.
Double beta decay
Some nuclei can undergo double beta decay (2β) where the charge of the nucleus changes by two units. Double beta decay is difficult to study, as it has an extremely long half-life. In nuclei for which both β decay and 2β are possible, the rarer 2β process is effectively impossible to observe. However, in nuclei where β decay is forbidden but 2β is allowed, the process can be seen and a half-life measured. Thus, 2β is usually studied only for beta stable nuclei. Like single beta decay, double beta decay does not change A; thus, at least one of the nuclides with some given A has to be stable with regard to both single and double beta decay.
"Ordinary" 2β results in the emission of two electrons and two antineutrinos. If neutrinos are Majorana particles (i.e., they are their own antiparticles), then a decay known as neutrinoless double beta decay will occur. Most neutrino physicists believe that neutrinoless 2β has never been observed.
See also
- Common beta emitters
- Neutrino
- Betavoltaics
- Particle radiation
- Radionuclide
- Tritium illumination, a form of fluorescent lighting powered by beta decay
- Pandemonium effect
- Total absorption spectroscopy
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The Live Chart of Nuclides - IAEA with filter on decay type
- Beta decay simulation [1]
In nuclear physics beta decay b decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a beta particle fast energetic electron or positron transforming into an isobar of that nuclide For example beta decay of a neutron transforms it into a proton by the emission of an electron accompanied by an antineutrino or conversely a proton is converted into a neutron by the emission of a positron with a neutrino in what is called positron emission Neither the beta particle nor its associated anti neutrino exist within the nucleus prior to beta decay but are created in the decay process By this process unstable atoms obtain a more stable ratio of protons to neutrons The probability of a nuclide decaying due to beta and other forms of decay is determined by its nuclear binding energy The binding energies of all existing nuclides form what is called the nuclear band or valley of stability For either electron or positron emission to be energetically possible the energy release see below or Q value must be positive b decay in an atomic nucleus the accompanying antineutrino is omitted The inset shows beta decay of a free neutron Neither of these depictions shows the intermediate virtual W boson Beta decay is a consequence of the weak force which is characterized by relatively long decay times Nucleons are composed of up quarks and down quarks and the weak force allows a quark to change its flavour by means of a virtual W boson leading to creation of an electron antineutrino or positron neutrino pair For example a neutron composed of two down quarks and an up quark decays to a proton composed of a down quark and two up quarks Electron capture is sometimes included as a type of beta decay because the basic nuclear process mediated by the weak force is the same In electron capture an inner atomic electron is captured by a proton in the nucleus transforming it into a neutron and an electron neutrino is released DescriptionThe two types of beta decay are known as beta minus and beta plus In beta minus b decay a neutron is converted to a proton and the process creates an electron and an electron antineutrino while in beta plus b decay a proton is converted to a neutron and the process creates a positron and an electron neutrino b decay is also known as positron emission Beta decay conserves a quantum number known as the lepton number or the number of electrons and their associated neutrinos other leptons are the muon and tau particles These particles have lepton number 1 while their antiparticles have lepton number 1 Since a proton or neutron has lepton number zero b decay a positron or antielectron must be accompanied with an electron neutrino while b decay an electron must be accompanied by an electron antineutrino An example of electron emission b decay is the decay of carbon 14 into nitrogen 14 with a half life of about 5 730 years 14 6 C 14 7 N e n e In this form of decay the original element becomes a new chemical element in a process known as nuclear transmutation This new element has an unchanged mass number A but an atomic number Z that is increased by one As in all nuclear decays the decaying element in this case 14 6 C is known as the parent nuclide while the resulting element in this case 14 7 N is known as the daughter nuclide Another example is the decay of hydrogen 3 tritium into helium 3 with a half life of about 12 3 years 3 1 H 3 2 He e n e An example of positron emission b decay is the decay of magnesium 23 into sodium 23 with a half life of about 11 3 s 23 12 Mg 23 11 Na e ne b decay also results in nuclear transmutation with the daughter element having an atomic number that is decreased by one A beta spectrum showing a typical division of energy between electron and antineutrino The beta spectrum or distribution of energy values for the beta particles is continuous The total energy of the decay process is divided between the electron the antineutrino and the recoiling nuclide In the figure to the right an example of an electron with 0 40 MeV energy from the beta decay of 210Bi is shown In this example the total decay energy is 1 16 MeV so the antineutrino has the remaining energy 1 16 MeV 0 40 MeV 0 76 MeV An electron at the far right of the curve would have the maximum possible kinetic energy leaving the energy of the neutrino to be only its small rest mass HistoryDiscovery and initial characterization Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel in uranium and subsequently observed by Marie and Pierre Curie in thorium and in the newly discovered elements polonium and radium In 1899 Ernest Rutherford separated radioactive emissions into two types alpha and beta now beta minus based on penetration of objects and ability to cause ionization Alpha rays could be stopped by thin sheets of paper or aluminium whereas beta rays could penetrate several millimetres of aluminium In 1900 Paul Villard identified a still more penetrating type of radiation which Rutherford identified as a fundamentally new type in 1903 and termed gamma rays Alpha beta and gamma are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet In 1900 Becquerel measured the mass to charge ratio m e for beta particles by the method of J J Thomson used to study cathode rays and identify the electron He found that m e for a beta particle is the same as for Thomson s electron and therefore suggested that the beta particle is in fact an electron In 1901 Rutherford and Frederick Soddy showed that alpha and beta radioactivity involves the transmutation of atoms into atoms of other chemical elements In 1913 after the products of more radioactive decays were known Soddy and Kazimierz Fajans independently proposed their radioactive displacement law which states that beta i e b emission from one element produces another element one place to the right in the periodic table while alpha emission produces an element two places to the left Neutrinos The study of beta decay provided the first physical evidence for the existence of the neutrino In both alpha and gamma decay the resulting alpha or gamma particle has a narrow energy distribution since the particle carries the energy from the difference between the initial and final nuclear states However the kinetic energy distribution or spectrum of beta particles measured by Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn in 1911 and by Jean Danysz in 1913 showed multiple lines on a diffuse background These measurements offered the first hint that beta particles have a continuous spectrum In 1914 James Chadwick used a magnetic spectrometer with one of Hans Geiger s new counters to make more accurate measurements which showed that the spectrum was continuous The results which appeared to be in contradiction to the law of conservation of energy were validated by means of calorimetric measurements in 1929 by Lise Meitner and Wilhelm Orthmann If beta decay were simply electron emission as assumed at the time then the energy of the emitted electron should have a particular well defined value For beta decay however the observed broad distribution of energies suggested that energy is lost in the beta decay process This spectrum was puzzling for many years A second problem is related to the conservation of angular momentum Molecular band spectra showed that the nuclear spin of nitrogen 14 is 1 i e equal to the reduced Planck constant and more generally that the spin is integral for nuclei of even mass number and half integral for nuclei of odd mass number This was later explained by the proton neutron model of the nucleus Beta decay leaves the mass number unchanged so the change of nuclear spin must be an integer However the electron spin is 1 2 hence angular momentum would not be conserved if beta decay were simply electron emission From 1920 to 1927 Charles Drummond Ellis along with Chadwick and colleagues further established that the beta decay spectrum is continuous In 1933 Ellis and Nevill Mott obtained strong evidence that the beta spectrum has an effective upper bound in energy Niels Bohr had suggested that the beta spectrum could be explained if conservation of energy was true only in a statistical sense thus this principle might be violated in any given decay 27 However the upper bound in beta energies determined by Ellis and Mott ruled out that notion Now the problem of how to account for the variability of energy in known beta decay products as well as for conservation of momentum and angular momentum in the process became acute In a famous letter written in 1930 Wolfgang Pauli attempted to resolve the beta particle energy conundrum by suggesting that in addition to electrons and protons atomic nuclei also contained an extremely light neutral particle which he called the neutron He suggested that this neutron was also emitted during beta decay thus accounting for the known missing energy momentum and angular momentum but it had simply not yet been observed In 1931 Enrico Fermi renamed Pauli s neutron the neutrino little neutral one in Italian In 1933 Fermi published his landmark theory for beta decay where he applied the principles of quantum mechanics to matter particles supposing that they can be created and annihilated just as the light quanta in atomic transitions Thus according to Fermi neutrinos are created in the beta decay process rather than contained in the nucleus the same happens to electrons The neutrino interaction with matter was so weak that detecting it proved a severe experimental challenge Further indirect evidence of the existence of the neutrino was obtained by observing the recoil of nuclei that emitted such a particle after absorbing an electron Neutrinos were finally detected directly in 1956 by the American physicists Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines in the Cowan Reines neutrino experiment The properties of neutrinos were with a few minor modifications as predicted by Pauli and Fermi b decay and electron capture In 1934 Frederic and Irene Joliot Curie bombarded aluminium with alpha particles to effect the nuclear reaction 4 2 He 27 13 Al 30 15 P 1 0 n and observed that the product isotope 30 15 P emits a positron identical to those found in cosmic rays discovered by Carl David Anderson in 1932 This was the first example of b decay positron emission which they termed artificial radioactivity since 30 15 P is a short lived nuclide which does not exist in nature In recognition of their discovery the couple were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 The theory of electron capture was first discussed by Gian Carlo Wick in a 1934 paper and then developed by Hideki Yukawa and others K electron capture was first observed in 1937 by Luis Alvarez in the nuclide 48V Alvarez went on to study electron capture in 67Ga and other nuclides Non conservation of parity In 1956 Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang noticed that there was no evidence that parity was conserved in weak interactions and so they postulated that this symmetry may not be preserved by the weak force They sketched the design for an experiment for testing conservation of parity in the laboratory Later that year Chien Shiung Wu and coworkers conducted the Wu experiment showing an asymmetrical beta decay of 60 Co at cold temperatures that proved that parity is not conserved in beta decay This surprising result overturned long held assumptions about parity and the weak force In recognition of their theoretical work Lee and Yang were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 However Wu who was female was not awarded the Nobel prize b decayThe leading order Feynman diagram for b decay of a neutron into a proton electron and electron antineutrino via a virtual W boson For higher order diagrams see In b decay the weak interaction converts an atomic nucleus into a nucleus with atomic number increased by one while emitting an electron e and an electron antineutrino n e b decay generally occurs in neutron rich nuclei The generic equation is A Z X A Z 1 X e n e where A and Z are the mass number and atomic number of the decaying nucleus and X and X are the initial and final elements respectively Another example is when the free neutron 1 0 n decays by b decay into a proton p n p e n e At the fundamental level as depicted in the Feynman diagram on the right this is caused by the conversion of the negatively charged 1 3 e down quark to the positively charged 2 3 e up quark which is promoted by a virtual W boson the W boson subsequently decays into an electron and an electron antineutrino d u e n e b decayThe leading order Feynman diagram for b decay of a proton into a neutron positron and electron neutrino via an intermediate virtual W boson In b decay or positron emission the weak interaction converts an atomic nucleus into a nucleus with atomic number decreased by one while emitting a positron e and an electron neutrino ne b decay generally occurs in proton rich nuclei The generic equation is A Z X A Z 1 X e ne This may be considered as the decay of a proton inside the nucleus to a neutron p n e ne However b decay cannot occur in an isolated proton because it requires energy due to the mass of the neutron being greater than the mass of the proton b decay can only happen inside nuclei when the daughter nucleus has a greater binding energy and therefore a lower total energy than the mother nucleus The difference between these energies goes into the reaction of converting a proton into a neutron a positron and a neutrino and into the kinetic energy of these particles This process is opposite to negative beta decay in that the weak interaction converts a proton into a neutron by converting an up quark into a down quark resulting in the emission of a W or the absorption of a W When a W boson is emitted it decays into a positron and an electron neutrino u d e ne Electron capture K capture L capture The leading order Feynman diagrams for electron capture decay An electron interacts with an up quark in the nucleus via a W boson to create a down quark and electron neutrino Two diagrams comprise the leading second order though as a virtual particle the type and charge of the W boson is indistinguishable In all cases where b decay positron emission of a nucleus is allowed energetically so too is electron capture allowed This is a process during which a nucleus captures one of its atomic electrons resulting in the emission of a neutrino A Z X e A Z 1 X ne An example of electron capture is one of the decay modes of krypton 81 into bromine 81 81 36 Kr e 81 35 Br ne All emitted neutrinos are of the same energy In proton rich nuclei where the energy difference between the initial and final states is less than 2mec2 b decay is not energetically possible and electron capture is the sole decay mode If the captured electron comes from the innermost shell of the atom the K shell which has the highest probability to interact with the nucleus the process is called K capture If it comes from the L shell the process is called L capture etc Electron capture is a competing simultaneous decay process for all nuclei that can undergo b decay The converse however is not true electron capture is the only type of decay that is allowed in proton rich nuclides that do not have sufficient energy to emit a positron and neutrino Nuclear transmutationGraph of isotopes by type of nuclear decay Orange and blue nuclides are unstable with the black squares between these regions representing stable nuclides The unbroken line passing below many of the nuclides represents the theoretical position on the graph of nuclides for which proton number is the same as neutron number The graph shows that elements with more than 20 protons must have more neutrons than protons in order to be stable If the proton and neutron are part of an atomic nucleus the above described decay processes transmute one chemical element into another For example 137 55 Cs 137 56 Ba e n e beta minus decay 22 11 Na 22 10 Ne e ne beta plus decay 22 11 Na e 22 10 Ne ne electron capture Beta decay does not change the number A of nucleons in the nucleus but changes only its charge Z Thus the set of all nuclides with the same A can be introduced these isobaric nuclides may turn into each other via beta decay For a given A there is one that is most stable It is said to be beta stable because it presents a local minimum of the mass excess if such a nucleus has A Z numbers the neighbour nuclei A Z 1 and A Z 1 have higher mass excess and can beta decay into A Z but not vice versa For all odd mass numbers A there is only one known beta stable isobar For even A there are up to three different beta stable isobars experimentally known for example 124 50 Sn 124 52 Te and 124 54 Xe are all beta stable There are about 350 known beta decay stable nuclides Competition of beta decay types Usually unstable nuclides are clearly either neutron rich or proton rich with the former undergoing beta decay and the latter undergoing electron capture or more rarely due to the higher energy requirements positron decay However in a few cases of odd proton odd neutron radionuclides it may be energetically favorable for the radionuclide to decay to an even proton even neutron isobar either by undergoing beta positive or beta negative decay An often cited example is the single isotope 64 29 Cu 29 protons 35 neutrons which illustrates three types of beta decay in competition Copper 64 has a half life of about 12 7 hours This isotope has one unpaired proton and one unpaired neutron so either the proton or the neutron can decay This particular nuclide though not all nuclides in this situation is almost equally likely to decay through proton decay by positron emission 18 or electron capture 43 to 64 28 Ni as it is through neutron decay by electron emission 39 to 64 30 Zn Stability of naturally occurring nuclides Most naturally occurring nuclides on earth are beta stable Nuclides that are not beta stable have half lives ranging from under a second to periods of time significantly greater than the age of the universe One common example of a long lived isotope is the odd proton odd neutron nuclide 40 19 K which undergoes all three types of beta decay b b and electron capture with a half life of 1 277 109 years Conservation rules for beta decayBaryon number is conserved B nq nq 3 displaystyle B frac n q n bar q 3 where nq displaystyle n q is the number of constituent quarks and nq displaystyle n overline q is the number of constituent antiquarks Beta decay just changes neutron to proton or in the case of positive beta decay electron capture proton to neutron so the number of individual quarks doesn t change It is only the baryon flavor that changes here labelled as the isospin Up and down quarks have total isospin I 12 textstyle I frac 1 2 and isospin projections Iz 12up quark 12down quark displaystyle I text z begin cases frac 1 2 amp text up quark frac 1 2 amp text down quark end cases All other quarks have I 0 In general Iz 12 nu nd displaystyle I text z frac 1 2 n text u n text d Lepton number is conserved L nℓ nℓ displaystyle L equiv n ell n bar ell so all leptons have assigned a value of 1 antileptons 1 and non leptonic particles 0 n p e n eL 0 0 1 1 displaystyle begin matrix amp text n amp rightarrow amp text p amp amp text e amp amp bar nu text e L amp 0 amp amp 0 amp amp 1 amp amp 1 end matrix Angular momentum For allowed decays the net orbital angular momentum is zero hence only spin quantum numbers are considered The electron and antineutrino are fermions spin 1 2 objects therefore they may couple to total S 1 displaystyle S 1 parallel or S 0 displaystyle S 0 anti parallel For forbidden decays orbital angular momentum must also be taken into consideration Energy releaseThe Q value is defined as the total energy released in a given nuclear decay In beta decay Q is therefore also the sum of the kinetic energies of the emitted beta particle neutrino and recoiling nucleus Because of the large mass of the nucleus compared to that of the beta particle and neutrino the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus can generally be neglected Beta particles can therefore be emitted with any kinetic energy ranging from 0 to Q A typical Q is around 1 MeV but can range from a few keV to a few tens of MeV Since the rest mass of the electron is 511 keV the most energetic beta particles are ultrarelativistic with speeds very close to the speed of light In the case of 187Re the maximum speed of the beta particle is only 9 8 of the speed of light The following table gives some examples Examples of beta decay energies Isotope Energy keV Decay mode Commentsfree Neutron 0 782 33 b 00 3H Tritium 00 18 59 b Second lowest known b energy being used in the KATRIN experiment 0 11C 0 960 4 1982 4 b e 0 14C 0 156 475 b 0 20F 5390 86 b 0 37K 5125 48 6147 48 b e 163Ho 000 2 555 e 187Re 000 2 467 b Lowest known b energy being used in the experiment210Bi 1162 2 b b decay Consider the generic equation for beta decay A Z X A Z 1 X e n e The Q value for this decay is Q mN XZA mN XZ 1A me mn e c2 displaystyle Q left m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m N left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right m e m overline nu e right c 2 where mN XZA displaystyle m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right is the mass of the nucleus of the A Z X atom me displaystyle m e is the mass of the electron and mn e displaystyle m overline nu e is the mass of the electron antineutrino In other words the total energy released is the mass energy of the initial nucleus minus the mass energy of the final nucleus electron and antineutrino The mass of the nucleus mN is related to the standard atomic mass m by m XZA c2 mN XZA c2 Zmec2 i 1ZBi displaystyle m left ce mathit A mathit Z X right c 2 m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right c 2 Zm e c 2 sum i 1 Z B i That is the total atomic mass is the mass of the nucleus plus the mass of the electrons minus the sum of all electron binding energies Bi for the atom This equation is rearranged to find mN XZA displaystyle m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right and mN XZ 1A displaystyle m N left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right is found similarly Substituting these nuclear masses into the Q value equation while neglecting the nearly zero antineutrino mass and the difference in electron binding energies which is very small for high Z atoms we have Q m XZA m XZ 1A c2 displaystyle Q left m left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right right c 2 This energy is carried away as kinetic energy by the electron and antineutrino Because the reaction will proceed only when the Q value is positive b decay can occur when the mass of atom A Z X is greater than the mass of atom A Z 1 X b decay The equations for b decay are similar with the generic equation A Z X A Z 1 X e ne giving Q mN XZA mN XZ 1A me mne c2 displaystyle Q left m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m N left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right m e m nu e right c 2 However in this equation the electron masses do not cancel and we are left with Q m XZA m XZ 1A 2me c2 displaystyle Q left m left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right 2m e right c 2 Because the reaction will proceed only when the Q value is positive b decay can occur when the mass of atom A Z X exceeds that of A Z 1 X by at least twice the mass of the electron Electron capture The analogous calculation for electron capture must take into account the binding energy of the electrons This is because the atom will be left in an excited state after capturing the electron and the binding energy of the captured innermost electron is significant Using the generic equation for electron capture A Z X e A Z 1 X ne we have Q mN XZA me mN XZ 1A mne c2 displaystyle Q left m N left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m e m N left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right m nu e right c 2 which simplifies to Q m XZA m XZ 1A c2 Bn displaystyle Q left m left ce mathit A mathit Z X right m left ce mathit A mathit Z 1 X right right c 2 B n where Bn is the binding energy of the captured electron Because the binding energy of the electron is much less than the mass of the electron nuclei that can undergo b decay can always also undergo electron capture but the reverse is not true Beta emission spectrumBeta spectrum of 210Bi Emax Q 1 16 MeV is the maximum energy Beta decay can be considered as a perturbation as described in quantum mechanics and thus Fermi s Golden Rule can be applied This leads to an expression for the kinetic energy spectrum N T of emitted betas as follows N T CL T F Z T pE Q T 2 displaystyle N T C L T F Z T pE Q T 2 where T is the kinetic energy CL is a shape function that depends on the forbiddenness of the decay it is constant for allowed decays F Z T is the Fermi Function see below with Z the charge of the final state nucleus E T mc2 is the total energy p E c 2 mc 2 displaystyle p sqrt E c 2 mc 2 is the momentum and Q is the Q value of the decay The kinetic energy of the emitted neutrino is given approximately by Q minus the kinetic energy of the beta As an example the beta decay spectrum of 210Bi originally called RaE is shown to the right Fermi function The Fermi function that appears in the beta spectrum formula accounts for the Coulomb attraction repulsion between the emitted beta and the final state nucleus Approximating the associated wavefunctions to be spherically symmetric the Fermi function can be analytically calculated to be F Z T 2 1 S G 1 2S 2 2pr 2S 2eph G S ih 2 displaystyle F Z T frac 2 1 S Gamma 1 2S 2 2p rho 2S 2 e pi eta Gamma S i eta 2 where p is the final momentum G the Gamma function and if a is the fine structure constant and rN the radius of the final state nucleus S 1 a2Z2 displaystyle S sqrt 1 alpha 2 Z 2 h Ze2E ℏcp displaystyle eta pm Ze 2 E hbar cp for electrons for positrons and r rN ℏ displaystyle rho r N hbar For non relativistic betas Q mec2 this expression can be approximated by F Z T 2ph1 e 2ph displaystyle F Z T approx frac 2 pi eta 1 e 2 pi eta Other approximations can be found in the literature Kurie plot A Kurie plot also known as a Fermi Kurie plot is a graph used in studying beta decay developed by Franz N D Kurie in which the square root of the number of beta particles whose momenta or energy lie within a certain narrow range divided by the Fermi function is plotted against beta particle energy It is a straight line for allowed transitions and some forbidden transitions in accord with the Fermi beta decay theory The energy axis x axis intercept of a Kurie plot corresponds to the maximum energy imparted to the electron positron the decay s Q value With a Kurie plot one can find the limit on the effective mass of a neutrino Helicity polarization of neutrinos electrons and positrons emitted in beta decayAfter the discovery of parity non conservation see History it was found that in beta decay electrons are emitted mostly with negative helicity i e they move naively speaking like left handed screws driven into a material they have negative longitudinal polarization Conversely positrons have mostly positive helicity i e they move like right handed screws Neutrinos emitted in positron decay have negative helicity while antineutrinos emitted in electron decay have positive helicity The higher the energy of the particles the higher their polarization Types of beta decay transitionsBeta decays can be classified according to the angular momentum L value and total spin S value of the emitted radiation Since total angular momentum must be conserved including orbital and spin angular momentum beta decay occurs by a variety of quantum state transitions to various nuclear angular momentum or spin states known as Fermi or Gamow Teller transitions When beta decay particles carry no angular momentum L 0 the decay is referred to as allowed otherwise it is forbidden Other decay modes which are rare are known as bound state decay and double beta decay Fermi transitions A Fermi transition is a beta decay in which the spins of the emitted electron positron and anti neutrino neutrino couple to total spin S 0 displaystyle S 0 leading to an angular momentum change DJ 0 displaystyle Delta J 0 between the initial and final states of the nucleus assuming an allowed transition In the non relativistic limit the nuclear part of the operator for a Fermi transition is given by OF GV at a displaystyle mathcal O F G V sum a hat tau a pm with GV displaystyle G V the weak vector coupling constant t displaystyle tau pm the isospin raising and lowering operators and a displaystyle a running over all protons and neutrons in the nucleus Gamow Teller transitions A Gamow Teller transition is a beta decay in which the spins of the emitted electron positron and anti neutrino neutrino couple to total spin S 1 displaystyle S 1 leading to an angular momentum change DJ 0 1 displaystyle Delta J 0 pm 1 between the initial and final states of the nucleus assuming an allowed transition In this case the nuclear part of the operator is given by OGT GA as at a displaystyle mathcal O GT G A sum a hat sigma a hat tau a pm with GA displaystyle G A the weak axial vector coupling constant and s displaystyle sigma the spin Pauli matrices which can produce a spin flip in the decaying nucleon Forbidden transitions When L gt 0 the decay is referred to as forbidden Nuclear selection rules require high L values to be accompanied by changes in nuclear spin J and parity p The selection rules for the L th forbidden transitions are DJ L 1 L L 1 Dp 1 L displaystyle Delta J L 1 L L 1 Delta pi 1 L where Dp 1 or 1 corresponds to no parity change or parity change respectively The special case of a transition between isobaric analogue states where the structure of the final state is very similar to the structure of the initial state is referred to as superallowed for beta decay and proceeds very quickly The following table lists the DJ and Dp values for the first few values of L Forbiddenness DJ DpSuperallowed 0 NoAllowed 0 1 NoFirst forbidden 0 1 2 YesSecond forbidden 1 2 3 NoThird forbidden 2 3 4 YesRare decay modesBound state b decay A very small minority of free neutron decays about four per million are two body decays the proton electron and antineutrino are produced but the electron fails to gain the 13 6 eV energy necessary to escape the proton and therefore simply remains bound to it as a neutral hydrogen atom In this type of beta decay in essence all of the neutron decay energy is carried off by the antineutrino For fully ionized atoms bare nuclei it is possible in likewise manner for electrons to fail to escape the atom and to be emitted from the nucleus into low lying atomic bound states orbitals This cannot occur for neutral atoms with low lying bound states which are already filled by electrons Bound state b decays were predicted by Daudel Jean and Lecoin in 1947 and the phenomenon in fully ionized atoms was first observed for 163Dy66 in 1992 by Jung et al of the Darmstadt Heavy Ion Research Center Though neutral 163Dy is stable fully ionized 163Dy66 undergoes b decay into the K and L shells with a half life of 47 days The resulting nucleus 163Ho66 is stable only in this almost fully ionized state and will decay via electron capture into 163Dy in the neutral state Likewise while being stable in the neutral state the fully ionized 205Tl81 undergoes bound state b decay to 205Pb81 with a half life of 291 33 27 days The half lives of neutral 163Ho and 205Pb are respectively 4570 years and 1 73 107 years In addition it is estimated that b decay is energetically impossible for natural atoms but theoretically possible when fully ionized also for 193Ir 194Au 202Tl 215At 243Am and 246Bk Another possibility is that a fully ionized atom undergoes greatly accelerated b decay as observed for 187Re by Bosch et al also at Darmstadt Neutral 187Re does undergo b decay with half life 4 12 1010 years but for fully ionized 187Re75 this is shortened to only 32 9 years This is because 187Re75 is energetically allowed to undergo b decay to the first excited state in 187Os75 a process energetically disallowed for natural 187Re Similarly neutral 241Pu undergoes b decay with a half life of 14 3 years but in its fully ionized state the beta decay half life of 241Pu94 decreases to 4 2 days For comparison the variation of decay rates of other nuclear processes due to chemical environment is less than 1 Moreover current mass determinations cannot decisively determine whether 222Rn is energetically possible to undergo b decay the decay energy given in AME2020 is 6 8 keV but in either case it is predicted that b will be greatly accelerated for fully ionized 222Rn86 Double beta decay Some nuclei can undergo double beta decay 2b where the charge of the nucleus changes by two units Double beta decay is difficult to study as it has an extremely long half life In nuclei for which both b decay and 2b are possible the rarer 2b process is effectively impossible to observe However in nuclei where b decay is forbidden but 2b is allowed the process can be seen and a half life measured Thus 2b is usually studied only for beta stable nuclei Like single beta decay double beta decay does not change A thus at least one of the nuclides with some given A has to be stable with regard to both single and double beta decay Ordinary 2b results in the emission of two electrons and two antineutrinos If neutrinos are Majorana particles i e they are their own antiparticles then a decay known as neutrinoless double beta decay will occur Most neutrino physicists believe that neutrinoless 2b has never been observed See alsoCommon beta emitters Neutrino Betavoltaics Particle radiation Radionuclide Tritium illumination a form of fluorescent lighting powered by beta decay Pandemonium effect Total absorption spectroscopyReferencesKonya J Nagy N M 2012 Nuclear and Radio chemistry Elsevier pp 74 75 ISBN 978 0 12 391487 3 Bijker R Santopinto E 2015 Valence and sea quarks in the nucleon Journal of Physics Conference 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