Thomas Harriot (/ˈhæriət/;c. 1560 – 2 July 1621), also spelled Harriott, Hariot or Heriot, was an English astronomer, mathematician, ethnographer and translator to whom the theory of refraction is attributed. Thomas Harriot was also recognized for his contributions in navigational techniques, working closely with John White to create advanced maps for navigation. While Harriot worked extensively on numerous papers on the subjects of astronomy, mathematics and navigation, he remains obscure because he published little of it, namely only The Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588). This book includes descriptions of English settlements and financial issues in Virginia at the time. He is sometimes credited with the introduction of the potato to the British Isles. Harriot invented binary notation and arithmetic several decades before Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, but this remained unknown until the 1920s. He was also the first person to make a drawing of the Moon through a telescope, on 5 August 1609, about four months before Galileo Galilei.
Thomas Harriot | |
![]() Portrait often claimed to be Thomas Harriot (1602), which hangs in Trinity College, Oxford. The provenance of this portrait is not known, and there is little evidence to link it to Harriot. | |
Born | c. 1560 Oxford, England |
Died | 2 July 1621 London, England | (aged 60–61)
Alma mater | St Mary Hall, Oxford |
Scientific career | |
Fields | Astronomy, mathematics, ethnography |
After graduating from St Mary Hall, Oxford, Harriot travelled to the Americas, accompanying the 1585 expedition to Roanoke island funded by Sir Walter Raleigh and led by Sir Ralph Lane. He learned the Carolina Algonquian language from two Native Americans, Wanchese and Manteo, and could translate it, making him a vital member of the expedition. On his return to England, he worked for the 9th Earl of Northumberland.
Early life and education
Born in 1560 in Oxford, England, Thomas Harriot attended St Mary Hall, Oxford. His name appears in the hall's registry dating from 1577.
Harriot started to study navigation shortly after receiving a bachelor's degree from Oxford University. The study of navigation that Harriot studied concentrated on the idea of the open seas and how to cross to the New World from the Atlantic Ocean. He used instruments such as the astrolabe and sextants to aid his studies of navigation. After educating himself by incorporating ideals from his astronomic and nautical studies, Harriot taught other captains his navigational techniques in Raleigh. His findings were recorded in the Articon but were later never found.
After his graduation from Oxford in 1580, Harriot was first hired by Sir Walter Raleigh as a mathematics tutor; he used his knowledge of astronomy/astrology to provide navigational expertise, help design Raleigh's ships, and serve as his accountant. Prior to his expedition with Raleigh, Harriot wrote a treatise on navigation. He made efforts to communicate with Manteo and Wanchese, two Native Americans who had been brought to England. Harriot devised a phonetic alphabet to transcribe their Carolina Algonquian language.
Harriot and Manteo spent many days in one another's company; Harriot interrogated Manteo closely about life in the New World and learned much that was to the advantage of the English settlers. In addition, he recorded the sense of awe with which the Native Americans viewed European technology:
Many things they sawe with us...as mathematical instruments, sea compasses...[and] spring clocks that seemed to goe of themselves – and many other things we had – were so strange unto them, and so farre exceeded their capacities to comprehend the reason and meanes how they should be made and done, that they thought they were rather the works of gods than men.
He made only one expedition, around 1585–86, and spent some time in the New World visiting Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina, expanding his knowledge by improving his understanding of the Carolina Algonquian language. As the only Englishman who had learned Algonquin prior to the voyage, Harriot was vital to the success of the expedition.
His account of the voyage, named A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, was published in 1588 (probably written a year before). The True Report contains an early account of the Native American population encountered by the expedition; it proved very influential upon later English explorers and colonists. He wrote: "Whereby it may be hoped, if means of good government be used, that they may in short time be brought to civility and the embracing of true religion." At the same time, his views of Native Americans' industry and capacity to learn were later largely ignored in favor of the parts of the "True Report" about extractable minerals and resources.[citation needed]
As a scientific adviser during the voyage, Harriot was asked by Raleigh to find the most efficient way to stack cannonballs on the deck of the ship. His ensuing theory about the close-packing of spheres shows a striking resemblance to atomism and modern atomic theory, which he was later accused of believing. His correspondence about optics with Johannes Kepler, in which he described some of his ideas, later influenced Kepler's conjecture.[citation needed]
Later years
Harriot was employed for many years by Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, with whom he resided at Syon House, which was run by Henry Percy's cousin Thomas Percy.[citation needed]
The Duke was surrounded by many scholars and learned men and provided a more stable form of patronage than Raleigh. In 1595 the Duke of Northumberland made property in Durham over to Harriot, moving him up the social ladder into 'the landed gentry'. Not long after the Durham transactions, the Duke gave Harriot the use of one of the houses on the estate at Syon, to work on optics and the sine law of refraction.
Harriot's sponsors began to fall from favor: Raleigh was the first, and Harriot's other patron Henry Percy, the Earl of Northumberland, was imprisoned in 1605 in connection with the Gunpowder Plot as he was closely connected to one of the conspirators, Thomas Percy. Harriot himself was interrogated and briefly imprisoned but was soon released.Walter Warner, Robert Hues, William Lower, and other scientists were present around the Earl of Northumberland's mansion as they worked for him and assisted in the teaching of the family's children.
While this was occurring, Harriot continued his work involving mainly astronomy, and in 1607 Harriot used his notes from the observations of Halley's Comet from Ilfracombe to elaborate on his understanding of its orbit. Soon after, in 1609 and 1610 respectively, Harriot turned his attention towards the physical aspects of the Moon and his observations of the first sightings of sunspots.
In early 1609, he bought a "Dutch trunke" (telescope), invented in 1608, and his observations were among the first uses of a telescope for astronomy. Harriot is now credited as the first astronomer to draw an astronomical object after viewing it through a telescope: he drew a map of the Moon on 5 August 1609 [O.S. 26 July 1609], preceding Galileo by several months. By 1613, Harriot had created two maps of the whole Moon, with many identifiable features such as lunar craters depicted in their correct relative positions that were not to be improved upon for several decades. He also observed sunspots in December 1610.
From 1614 Harriot was consulting Theodore de Mayerne, who was among James I's doctors, for an apparent cancer of the left nostril that was gradually eating away the septum and was apparently linked to a cancerous ulcer on his lip. This progressed until 1621, when he was living with a friend named Thomas Buckner on Threadneedle Street. There he died, apparently from skin cancer. It was suspected that Harriot's cancer was due to excessive tobacco consumption.
He died on 2 July 1621, three days after writing his will (discovered by Henry Stevens). His executors posthumously published his Artis Analyticae Praxis on algebra in 1631; Nathaniel Torporley was the intended executor of Harriot's wishes, but Walter Warner in the end pulled the book into shape. It may be a compendium of some of his works but does not represent all that he left unpublished (more than 400 sheets of annotated writing). It is not directed in a way that follows the manuscripts and it fails to give the full significance of Harriot's writings.
Thomas Harriot was buried in the church of St Christopher le Stocks in Threadneedle Street, near where he died. The church was subsequently damaged in the Great Fire of London, and demolished in 1781 to enable expansion of the Bank of England.
Harriott also studied optics and refraction, and apparently discovered Snell's law 20 years before Snellius did; like so many of his works, this remained unpublished. In Virginia he learned the local Algonquian language, which may have had some effect on his mathematical thinking.[citation needed] He founded the "English school" of algebra. Around 1600, he introduced an algebraic symbolism close to modern notation; thus, computation with unknowns became as easy as with numbers. He is also credited with discovering Girard's theorem, although the formula bears Girard's name as he was the first to publish it.
His algebra book Artis Analyticae Praxis (1631) was published posthumously in Latin. Unfortunately, the editors did not understand much of his reasoning and removed the parts they did not comprehend such as the negative and complex roots of equations. Because of the dispersion of Harriot's writings the full annotated English translation of the Praxis was not completed until 2007. A more complete manuscript, De numeris triangularibus et inde de progressionibus arithmeticis: Magisteria magna, was finally published in facsimile form with commentary by Janet Beery and Jackie Stedall in 2009.
The first biography of Harriot was written in 1876 by Henry Stevens of Vermont but not published until 1900 fourteen years after his death. The publication was limited to 167 copies and so the work was not widely known until 1972 when a reprint edition appeared. Prominent American poet, novelist and biographer Muriel Rukeyser wrote an extended literary inquiry into the life and significance of Hariot (her preferred spelling), The Traces of Thomas Hariot (1970, 1971). Interest in Harriot continued to revive with the convening of a symposium at the University of Delaware in April 1971 with the proceedings published by the Oxford University Press in 1974. John W. Shirley the editor (1908-1988) went on to publish A Sourcebook for the Study of Thomas Harriot and his Harriot biography (1983). The papers of John Shirley are held in Special Collections at the University of Delaware.
Harriot's accomplishments remain relatively obscure because he did not publish any of his results and also because many of his manuscripts have been lost; those that survive are in the British Museum and in the archives of the Percy family at Petworth House (Sussex) and Alnwick Castle (Northumberland). He was frequently accused of being an atheist, and it has been suggested that he deliberately refrained from publishing for fear of intensifying such attacks; as the literary historian Stephen Greenblatt writes "... he preferred life to fame. And who can blame him?"
An event was held at Syon House, West London, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Harriot's first observations of the Moon on 26 July 2009. This event, Telescope400, included the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate Harriot by Lord Egremont. The plaque can now be seen by visitors to Syon House, the location of Harriot's historic observations. His drawing made 400 years earlier is believed to be based on the first observations of the Moon through a telescope. The event (sponsored by the Royal Astronomical Society) was run as part of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA).
The original documents showing Harriot's Moon map of c. 1611, observations of Jupiter's satellites, and first observations of sunspots were on display at the Science Museum, London, from 23 July 2009 until the end of the IYA.
The observatory in the campus of the College of William & Mary is named in Harriot's honor. A crater on the Moon was named after him in 1970; it is on the Moon's far side and hence unobservable from Earth.[citation needed]
In July 2014 the International Astronomical Union launched NameExoWorlds, a process for giving proper names to certain exoplanets and their host stars. The process involved public nomination and voting for the new names. In December 2015, the IAU announced the winning name was Harriot for the exoplanet 55 Cancri f. The winning name was submitted by the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy of the Netherlands. It honors the astronomer.
The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC is named in recognition of this Harriot's scientific contributions to the New World such as his work A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.
In fiction
An alternate history short story, "Harriott Publishes", depicts the consequences of Harriott publishing his observations before Galileo. It appears in anthology of similar stories, Altered Times, pages 13–15. In Deborah Harkness' All Souls Trilogy, Diana Bishop persuades the clockmaker Nicholas Vallin to make and engrave a telescope for Harriot, recording his unpublished contribution to the science.
Telescope and Moon mapping
Harriot's 5 August [O.S. 26 July] 1609 drawings of his observations of the Moon have been noted as the first recorded telescopic observations ever made, predating Galileo Galilei's 30 November 1609 observation by almost four months. Galileo's drawings, which were the first such observations to be published, contained greater detail such as identifying previously unknown features including mountains and craters. Harriot inaccurately drew how far the crescent Moon would be illuminated around its limb, inaccurately drew the position of the craters, and did not draw the relief details that one would see along the Moon's light/dark terminator. Critics, such as Terrie Bloom, accused Harriot of plagiarizing depictions directly from Galileo's works and argued that Harriot's representation of the Moon was an inadequate representation that needed to be improved. However, both descriptions were also deemed valuable due to the scientists focusing on different specific observations. Galileo describes the arrangement in a topographical way while Harriot used cartographical concepts to illustrate his views of the Moon. Harriot used a 6X Dutch telescope for his observations of the Moon. Harriot's recordings and descriptions were very simple with minimal detail causing his sketches to be difficult to analyze by later scientists. Galileo's astronomical observations regarding the Moon were published in his book Sidereus Nuncius in 1610 and Harriot's observations were published in 1784 with some not coming to light until 1965. Harriot's lack of publication is presumed to be connected to the issues with the Ninth Earl of Northumberland and the Gunpowder Plot. Harriot was also known to have read and admired the work of Galileo in Sidereus Nuncius. Harriot continued his observations of the Moon until 1612.
Thomas Harriot is recognized as the first person to observe sunspots in 1610 with the use of a telescope. Harriot observed the sunspot with the use of a telescope in a direct and hazardous way. Even though Harriot observed the Sun directly through his telescope, there were no recorded injuries to his eyes. Harriot's depiction of the sunspots were documented in 199 drawings that provided details about the solar rotation and its acceleration. Like many of Harriot's other notes, depictions of the sunspots were not published. Similar to the early observation of the Moon, Galileo was also known to contribute his observations of sunspots and published his findings in 1613. The specifics as to how Harriot's telescope was set up remains largely unknown. However, it is known that Harriot used different magnifications of telescopes with 10X and 20X power being used most often. Harriot chose to observe the sunspots after sunrise because it made the vertical easier to analyze. According to Harriot's notes there was a total of 690 observations of sunspots recorded. Harriot's findings challenged the idea of the unchanging heavens by explaining the Sun's axial rotation and provided further support for the heliocentric theory.
Around 1620, Harriot's unpublished papers include the early basis of continuous compounding. Harriot uses modern mathematical concepts to explain the process behind continuous compounding. The concept of compounded interest occurs when the more times interest is added within the year assuming the rate stays the same then the final interest will be larger. Based on this observation, Harriot created mathematical equations that included logarithms and series calculations to illustrate his concepts.
See also
- The School of Night
- "A Tale of Two Portraits. A Note on Two Alleged Images of Thomas Harriot". April 2000.
- "Pronunciation Guide for Mathematics". ceadserv1.nku.edu. Archived from the original on 4 September 2019. Retrieved 17 July 2022.
- Moran, Michael (2014). "Thomas Hariot (ca. 1560–1621)". Encyclopedia Virginia. Retrieved 28 November 2018.
- Chapman, A. (2008). "Thomas Harriot: the first telescopic astronomer". Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 118: 315–325. Bibcode:2008JBAA..118..315C.
- "Sir Walter Raleigh – American colonies". Archived from the original on 26 May 2012.
- Strickland, Lloyd (2023). "Why Did Thomas Harriot Invent Binary?". The Mathematical Intelligencer. 46: 57–62. doi:10.1007/s00283-023-10271-9.
- "Celebrating Thomas Harriot, the world's first telescopic astronomer (RAS PN 09/47)". Royal Astronomical Society. 2011. Archived from the original on 27 June 2013. Retrieved 4 March 2011.
- Boyle 2024, pp. 183–191.
- Stedall, Jacqueline (2003) The Greate Invention of Algebra, Oxford University Press. p.3, ISBN 0-19-852602-4.
- Jehlen, Myra; Warner, Michael (1997). The English Literatures of America, 1500–1800. Routledge. p. 64. ISBN 0-415-91903-7.
- Milton 2000, p. 73.
- Milton 2000, p. 89.
- Hariot, Thomas (1588). A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588). University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- "Thomas Harriot - Biography". Maths History. Retrieved 3 November 2022.
- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page%3ADictionary_of_National_Biography_volume_24.djvu/453
- McGourty, Christine (14 January 2009). "English Galileo' maps on display". BBC.
- Van Helden, Al (1995). "Thomas Harriot's Moon Drawings". The Galileo Project. Retrieved 14 May 2019.
- Van Helden, Al (1995). "Thomas Harriot (1560–1621)". The Galileo Project. Retrieved 14 May 2019.
- H. R. Trevor-Roper; Blair Worden, ed., Europe's physician: the various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006) pp. 206-207 and note 1
- Stevens, Henry (1900). Thomas Hariot, the Mathematician, the Philosopher and the Scholar. London: Privately printed at the Chiswick press. p. 142.
- Pycior, Helena M. (1997). Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglements: British Algebra Through the Commentaries on Newton's Universal Arithmetick. Cambridge University Press. pp. 55–56. ISBN 978-0-521-02740-3.
- Katz, Victor J.; Parshall, Karen Hunger (2014). Taming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century. Princeton University Press. p. 248. ISBN 978-1-4008-5052-5.
- Richeson, David (2008). Euler's gem : the polyhedron formula and the birth of topology. Princeton University Press. p. 91. ISBN 9780691126777. LCCN 2008062108.
- Harrriot, Thomas (1631). Artis analyticae praxis. LCCN 43022232.
- Harriot, Thomas (2007). Seltman, Muriel; Goulding, Robert (eds.). Thomas Harriot's Artis Analyticae Praxis: An English Translation with Commentary. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-49511-8. LCCN 2006938536.
- Schemmel, Matthias (September 2010). "Before calculus". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 64 (3): 303–304. doi:10.1098/rsnr.2010.0016. JSTOR 20753908. S2CID 202575019.
- Stevens, Henry (1972) [1900]. Thomas Hariot, the mathematician, the philosopher and the scholar: developed chiefly from dormant materials, with notices of his associates, including biographical and bibliographical disquisitions upon the materials of the history of 'Ould Virginia'. New York: B. Franklin. LCCN 72082483.
- Shirley, John W., ed. (1974). Thomas Harriot; Renaissance scientist. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198581408. LCCN 74176704.
- Shirley, John W. (1981). A Sourcebook for the Study of Thomas Harriot. New York: Arno Press. ISBN 0405138318. LCCN 80002111.
- Shirley, John W. (1983). Thomas Harriot, a Biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LCCN 83003961.
- Guide to the John Shirley papers related to Thomas Harriot, Special Collections, University of Delaware Library, Newark, Delaware. Retrieved 10 May 2020.
- — (2011). The Swerve: How the World Became Modern. New York: W. W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-06447-6.
- "Telescope400 – celebrating Thomas Harriot's first ever use of the Telescope in Astronomy".
- Devlin, Hannah (24 July 2009). "Galileo was beaten to the Moon by a shy Englishman". The Times.[dead link ]
- "Approved names 2015 | IAU100 Name ExoWorlds - An IAU100 Global Event". NameExoworlds. Retrieved 27 November 2024.
- Pumfrey, Stephen (2009). "Harriot's Maps of the Moon: New Interpretations". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 63 (2): 163–168. doi:10.1098/rsnr.2008.0062. JSTOR 40647255.
- Bloom, Terrie F. (2016). "Borrowed Perceptions: Harriot's Maps of the Moon". Journal for the History of Astronomy. 9 (2): 117–122. doi:10.1177/002182867800900203. ISSN 0021-8286. S2CID 125625494.
- Alexander, Amir (1998). "Lunar Maps and Coastal Outlines: Thomas Hariot's Mapping of the Moon". Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. 29 (3): 345–368. Bibcode:1998SHPSA..29..345A. doi:10.1016/S0039-3681(98)00011-9.
- Voss, David (2015). "March 9, 1611: Dutch astronomer Johannes Fabricius observes sunspots". APS News. 24.
- Herr, Richard B. (1978). "Solar Rotation Determined from Thomas Harriot's Sunspot Observations of 1611 to 1613". Science. New Series. 202 (4372): 1079–1081. Bibcode:1978Sci...202.1079H. doi:10.1126/science.202.4372.1079. JSTOR 1747843. PMID 17777957. S2CID 39401037.
- Biggs, Norman (2013). "Thomas Harriot on continuous compounding". Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. 28 (2): 66–74. doi:10.1080/17498430.2013.721331. ISSN 1749-8430. S2CID 53586313.
- Boyle, Rebecca (2024). Our Moon: A Human History. Sceptre. ISBN 9781529342789.
- Kupperman, Karen Ordahl (2000). Indians and English: Facing Off in Early America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801482828.
- Mancall, Peter C. (2007). Hakluyt's Promise: An Elizabethan's Obsession for an English America. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300164220.
- Milton, Giles (2000). Big Chief Elizabeth – How England's Adventurers Gambled and Won the New World'. London: Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 9780312420185.
- Rukeyser, Muriel (1971). The Traces of Thomas Hariot. NY: Random House.
- Vaughan, Alden T. (2002). "Sir Walter Ralegh's Indian Interpreters, 1584–1618". The William and Mary Quarterly. 59 (2): 341–376. doi:10.2307/3491741. ISSN 0043-5597. JSTOR 3491741.
External links
Thomas Harriot
- Thomas Harriot: Trumpeter of Roanoke
- Thomas Harriot
- John Shirley papers related to Thomas Harriot, Special Collections, University of Delaware Library, Newark, Delaware.
Works by Thomas Harriot
- Works by Thomas Harriot at Project Gutenberg
- Works by or about Thomas Harriot at the Internet Archive
- A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot; Reproduced in Facsimile from the First Edition of 1688; with an Introduction by Luther S. Livingston. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1903. Retrieved 30 April 2018 – via Internet Archive.
- A Brief and True Report online pdf text edition
- A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia from American Studies at the University of Virginia.
- Annotated Translation of Harriot's Praxis by Ian Bruce
Works or sites about Thomas Harriot
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Thomas Harriot", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
- Harriot, Thomas
- The Englishman who beat Galileo Archived 16 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine
- The Soft Logic of Thomas Harriot
- The Thomas Harriot Seminar
- Searching for the Lost Colony Blog
- The Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series at East Carolina University Archived 20 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine
- The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
- Thomas Harriot Quintessential Renaissance Scholar
- Account of the Roanoke settlements Retrieved April 2011
Thomas Harriot ˈ h aer i e t c 1560 2 July 1621 also spelled Harriott Hariot or Heriot was an English astronomer mathematician ethnographer and translator to whom the theory of refraction is attributed Thomas Harriot was also recognized for his contributions in navigational techniques working closely with John White to create advanced maps for navigation While Harriot worked extensively on numerous papers on the subjects of astronomy mathematics and navigation he remains obscure because he published little of it namely only The Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia 1588 This book includes descriptions of English settlements and financial issues in Virginia at the time He is sometimes credited with the introduction of the potato to the British Isles Harriot invented binary notation and arithmetic several decades before Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz but this remained unknown until the 1920s He was also the first person to make a drawing of the Moon through a telescope on 5 August 1609 about four months before Galileo Galilei Thomas HarriotPortrait often claimed to be Thomas Harriot 1602 which hangs in Trinity College Oxford The provenance of this portrait is not known and there is little evidence to link it to Harriot Bornc 1560 Oxford EnglandDied2 July 1621 1621 07 02 aged 60 61 London EnglandAlma materSt Mary Hall OxfordScientific careerFieldsAstronomy mathematics ethnographyThomas Harriot observing the Moon through his telescope from the roof of Syon House After graduating from St Mary Hall Oxford Harriot travelled to the Americas accompanying the 1585 expedition to Roanoke island funded by Sir Walter Raleigh and led by Sir Ralph Lane He learned the Carolina Algonquian language from two Native Americans Wanchese and Manteo and could translate it making him a vital member of the expedition On his return to England he worked for the 9th Earl of Northumberland BiographyEarly life and education Born in 1560 in Oxford England Thomas Harriot attended St Mary Hall Oxford His name appears in the hall s registry dating from 1577 Harriot started to study navigation shortly after receiving a bachelor s degree from Oxford University The study of navigation that Harriot studied concentrated on the idea of the open seas and how to cross to the New World from the Atlantic Ocean He used instruments such as the astrolabe and sextants to aid his studies of navigation After educating himself by incorporating ideals from his astronomic and nautical studies Harriot taught other captains his navigational techniques in Raleigh His findings were recorded in the Articon but were later never found Roanoke Title page of A Briefe and True Report of the Newfound Land of VirginiaWatercolour by John White of Roanoke Indians After his graduation from Oxford in 1580 Harriot was first hired by Sir Walter Raleigh as a mathematics tutor he used his knowledge of astronomy astrology to provide navigational expertise help design Raleigh s ships and serve as his accountant Prior to his expedition with Raleigh Harriot wrote a treatise on navigation He made efforts to communicate with Manteo and Wanchese two Native Americans who had been brought to England Harriot devised a phonetic alphabet to transcribe their Carolina Algonquian language Harriot and Manteo spent many days in one another s company Harriot interrogated Manteo closely about life in the New World and learned much that was to the advantage of the English settlers In addition he recorded the sense of awe with which the Native Americans viewed European technology Many things they sawe with us as mathematical instruments sea compasses and spring clocks that seemed to goe of themselves and many other things we had were so strange unto them and so farre exceeded their capacities to comprehend the reason and meanes how they should be made and done that they thought they were rather the works of gods than men He made only one expedition around 1585 86 and spent some time in the New World visiting Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina expanding his knowledge by improving his understanding of the Carolina Algonquian language As the only Englishman who had learned Algonquin prior to the voyage Harriot was vital to the success of the expedition His account of the voyage named A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia was published in 1588 probably written a year before The True Report contains an early account of the Native American population encountered by the expedition it proved very influential upon later English explorers and colonists He wrote Whereby it may be hoped if means of good government be used that they may in short time be brought to civility and the embracing of true religion At the same time his views of Native Americans industry and capacity to learn were later largely ignored in favor of the parts of the True Report about extractable minerals and resources citation needed As a scientific adviser during the voyage Harriot was asked by Raleigh to find the most efficient way to stack cannonballs on the deck of the ship His ensuing theory about the close packing of spheres shows a striking resemblance to atomism and modern atomic theory which he was later accused of believing His correspondence about optics with Johannes Kepler in which he described some of his ideas later influenced Kepler s conjecture citation needed Later years Harriot was employed for many years by Henry Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland with whom he resided at Syon House which was run by Henry Percy s cousin Thomas Percy citation needed The Duke was surrounded by many scholars and learned men and provided a more stable form of patronage than Raleigh In 1595 the Duke of Northumberland made property in Durham over to Harriot moving him up the social ladder into the landed gentry Not long after the Durham transactions the Duke gave Harriot the use of one of the houses on the estate at Syon to work on optics and the sine law of refraction Harriot s sponsors began to fall from favor Raleigh was the first and Harriot s other patron Henry Percy the Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned in 1605 in connection with the Gunpowder Plot as he was closely connected to one of the conspirators Thomas Percy Harriot himself was interrogated and briefly imprisoned but was soon released Walter Warner Robert Hues William Lower and other scientists were present around the Earl of Northumberland s mansion as they worked for him and assisted in the teaching of the family s children While this was occurring Harriot continued his work involving mainly astronomy and in 1607 Harriot used his notes from the observations of Halley s Comet from Ilfracombe to elaborate on his understanding of its orbit Soon after in 1609 and 1610 respectively Harriot turned his attention towards the physical aspects of the Moon and his observations of the first sightings of sunspots In early 1609 he bought a Dutch trunke telescope invented in 1608 and his observations were among the first uses of a telescope for astronomy Harriot is now credited as the first astronomer to draw an astronomical object after viewing it through a telescope he drew a map of the Moon on 5 August 1609 O S 26 July 1609 preceding Galileo by several months By 1613 Harriot had created two maps of the whole Moon with many identifiable features such as lunar craters depicted in their correct relative positions that were not to be improved upon for several decades He also observed sunspots in December 1610 Death From 1614 Harriot was consulting Theodore de Mayerne who was among James I s doctors for an apparent cancer of the left nostril that was gradually eating away the septum and was apparently linked to a cancerous ulcer on his lip This progressed until 1621 when he was living with a friend named Thomas Buckner on Threadneedle Street There he died apparently from skin cancer It was suspected that Harriot s cancer was due to excessive tobacco consumption He died on 2 July 1621 three days after writing his will discovered by Henry Stevens His executors posthumously published his Artis Analyticae Praxis on algebra in 1631 Nathaniel Torporley was the intended executor of Harriot s wishes but Walter Warner in the end pulled the book into shape It may be a compendium of some of his works but does not represent all that he left unpublished more than 400 sheets of annotated writing It is not directed in a way that follows the manuscripts and it fails to give the full significance of Harriot s writings Thomas Harriot was buried in the church of St Christopher le Stocks in Threadneedle Street near where he died The church was subsequently damaged in the Great Fire of London and demolished in 1781 to enable expansion of the Bank of England LegacyHarriott also studied optics and refraction and apparently discovered Snell s law 20 years before Snellius did like so many of his works this remained unpublished In Virginia he learned the local Algonquian language which may have had some effect on his mathematical thinking citation needed He founded the English school of algebra Around 1600 he introduced an algebraic symbolism close to modern notation thus computation with unknowns became as easy as with numbers He is also credited with discovering Girard s theorem although the formula bears Girard s name as he was the first to publish it Lord Egremont unveils a plaque commemorating Thomas Harriot at Syon House West London July 2009 His algebra book Artis Analyticae Praxis 1631 was published posthumously in Latin Unfortunately the editors did not understand much of his reasoning and removed the parts they did not comprehend such as the negative and complex roots of equations Because of the dispersion of Harriot s writings the full annotated English translation of the Praxis was not completed until 2007 A more complete manuscript De numeris triangularibus et inde de progressionibus arithmeticis Magisteria magna was finally published in facsimile form with commentary by Janet Beery and Jackie Stedall in 2009 The first biography of Harriot was written in 1876 by Henry Stevens of Vermont but not published until 1900 fourteen years after his death The publication was limited to 167 copies and so the work was not widely known until 1972 when a reprint edition appeared Prominent American poet novelist and biographer Muriel Rukeyser wrote an extended literary inquiry into the life and significance of Hariot her preferred spelling The Traces of Thomas Hariot 1970 1971 Interest in Harriot continued to revive with the convening of a symposium at the University of Delaware in April 1971 with the proceedings published by the Oxford University Press in 1974 John W Shirley the editor 1908 1988 went on to publish A Sourcebook for the Study of Thomas Harriot and his Harriot biography 1983 The papers of John Shirley are held in Special Collections at the University of Delaware Harriot s accomplishments remain relatively obscure because he did not publish any of his results and also because many of his manuscripts have been lost those that survive are in the British Museum and in the archives of the Percy family at Petworth House Sussex and Alnwick Castle Northumberland He was frequently accused of being an atheist and it has been suggested that he deliberately refrained from publishing for fear of intensifying such attacks as the literary historian Stephen Greenblatt writes he preferred life to fame And who can blame him The Thomas Harriot plaque in the grounds of Syon House W London An event was held at Syon House West London to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Harriot s first observations of the Moon on 26 July 2009 This event Telescope400 included the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate Harriot by Lord Egremont The plaque can now be seen by visitors to Syon House the location of Harriot s historic observations His drawing made 400 years earlier is believed to be based on the first observations of the Moon through a telescope The event sponsored by the Royal Astronomical Society was run as part of the International Year of Astronomy IYA The original documents showing Harriot s Moon map of c 1611 observations of Jupiter s satellites and first observations of sunspots were on display at the Science Museum London from 23 July 2009 until the end of the IYA The observatory in the campus of the College of William amp Mary is named in Harriot s honor A crater on the Moon was named after him in 1970 it is on the Moon s far side and hence unobservable from Earth citation needed In July 2014 the International Astronomical Union launched NameExoWorlds a process for giving proper names to certain exoplanets and their host stars The process involved public nomination and voting for the new names In December 2015 the IAU announced the winning name was Harriot for the exoplanet 55 Cancri f The winning name was submitted by the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy of the Netherlands It honors the astronomer The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University in Greenville NC is named in recognition of this Harriot s scientific contributions to the New World such as his work A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia In fictionAn alternate history short story Harriott Publishes depicts the consequences of Harriott publishing his observations before Galileo It appears in anthology of similar stories Altered Times pages 13 15 In Deborah Harkness All Souls Trilogy Diana Bishop persuades the clockmaker Nicholas Vallin to make and engrave a telescope for Harriot recording his unpublished contribution to the science Telescope and Moon mappingHarriot s illustration of the Moon from 1609 Harriot s 5 August O S 26 July 1609 drawings of his observations of the Moon have been noted as the first recorded telescopic observations ever made predating Galileo Galilei s 30 November 1609 observation by almost four months Galileo s drawings which were the first such observations to be published contained greater detail such as identifying previously unknown features including mountains and craters Harriot inaccurately drew how far the crescent Moon would be illuminated around its limb inaccurately drew the position of the craters and did not draw the relief details that one would see along the Moon s light dark terminator Critics such as Terrie Bloom accused Harriot of plagiarizing depictions directly from Galileo s works and argued that Harriot s representation of the Moon was an inadequate representation that needed to be improved However both descriptions were also deemed valuable due to the scientists focusing on different specific observations Galileo describes the arrangement in a topographical way while Harriot used cartographical concepts to illustrate his views of the Moon Harriot used a 6X Dutch telescope for his observations of the Moon Harriot s recordings and descriptions were very simple with minimal detail causing his sketches to be difficult to analyze by later scientists Galileo s astronomical observations regarding the Moon were published in his book Sidereus Nuncius in 1610 and Harriot s observations were published in 1784 with some not coming to light until 1965 Harriot s lack of publication is presumed to be connected to the issues with the Ninth Earl of Northumberland and the Gunpowder Plot Harriot was also known to have read and admired the work of Galileo in Sidereus Nuncius Harriot continued his observations of the Moon until 1612 SunspotsThomas Harriot is recognized as the first person to observe sunspots in 1610 with the use of a telescope Harriot observed the sunspot with the use of a telescope in a direct and hazardous way Even though Harriot observed the Sun directly through his telescope there were no recorded injuries to his eyes Harriot s depiction of the sunspots were documented in 199 drawings that provided details about the solar rotation and its acceleration Like many of Harriot s other notes depictions of the sunspots were not published Similar to the early observation of the Moon Galileo was also known to contribute his observations of sunspots and published his findings in 1613 The specifics as to how Harriot s telescope was set up remains largely unknown However it is known that Harriot used different magnifications of telescopes with 10X and 20X power being used most often Harriot chose to observe the sunspots after sunrise because it made the vertical easier to analyze According to Harriot s notes there was a total of 690 observations of sunspots recorded Harriot s findings challenged the idea of the unchanging heavens by explaining the Sun s axial rotation and provided further support for the heliocentric theory CompoundingAround 1620 Harriot s unpublished papers include the early basis of continuous compounding Harriot uses modern mathematical concepts to explain the process behind continuous compounding The concept of compounded interest occurs when the more times interest is added within the year assuming the rate stays the same then the final interest will be larger Based on this observation Harriot created mathematical equations that included logarithms and series calculations to illustrate his concepts See alsoThe School of NightReferences A Tale of Two Portraits A Note on Two Alleged Images of Thomas Harriot April 2000 Pronunciation Guide for Mathematics ceadserv1 nku edu Archived from the original on 4 September 2019 Retrieved 17 July 2022 Moran Michael 2014 Thomas Hariot ca 1560 1621 Encyclopedia Virginia Retrieved 28 November 2018 Chapman A 2008 Thomas Harriot the first telescopic astronomer Journal of the British Astronomical Association 118 315 325 Bibcode 2008JBAA 118 315C Sir Walter Raleigh American colonies Archived from the original on 26 May 2012 Strickland Lloyd 2023 Why Did Thomas Harriot Invent Binary The Mathematical Intelligencer 46 57 62 doi 10 1007 s00283 023 10271 9 Celebrating Thomas Harriot the world s first telescopic astronomer RAS PN 09 47 Royal Astronomical Society 2011 Archived from the original on 27 June 2013 Retrieved 4 March 2011 Boyle 2024 pp 183 191 Stedall Jacqueline 2003 The Greate Invention of Algebra Oxford University Press p 3 ISBN 0 19 852602 4 Jehlen Myra Warner Michael 1997 The English Literatures of America 1500 1800 Routledge p 64 ISBN 0 415 91903 7 Milton 2000 p 73 Milton 2000 p 89 Hariot Thomas 1588 A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia 1588 University of Nebraska Lincoln Thomas Harriot Biography Maths History Retrieved 3 November 2022 https en wikisource org wiki Page 3ADictionary of National Biography volume 24 djvu 453 McGourty Christine 14 January 2009 English Galileo maps on display BBC Van Helden Al 1995 Thomas Harriot s Moon Drawings The Galileo Project Retrieved 14 May 2019 Van Helden Al 1995 Thomas Harriot 1560 1621 The Galileo Project Retrieved 14 May 2019 H R Trevor Roper Blair Worden ed Europe s physician the various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne New Haven Yale University Press 2006 pp 206 207 and note 1 Stevens Henry 1900 Thomas Hariot the Mathematician the Philosopher and the Scholar London Privately printed at the Chiswick press p 142 Pycior Helena M 1997 Symbols Impossible Numbers and Geometric Entanglements British Algebra Through the Commentaries on Newton s Universal Arithmetick Cambridge University Press pp 55 56 ISBN 978 0 521 02740 3 Katz Victor J Parshall Karen Hunger 2014 Taming the Unknown A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century Princeton University Press p 248 ISBN 978 1 4008 5052 5 Richeson David 2008 Euler s gem the polyhedron formula and the birth of topology Princeton University Press p 91 ISBN 9780691126777 LCCN 2008062108 Harrriot Thomas 1631 Artis analyticae praxis LCCN 43022232 Harriot Thomas 2007 Seltman Muriel Goulding Robert eds Thomas Harriot s Artis Analyticae Praxis An English Translation with Commentary Springer ISBN 978 0 387 49511 8 LCCN 2006938536 Schemmel Matthias September 2010 Before calculus Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 64 3 303 304 doi 10 1098 rsnr 2010 0016 JSTOR 20753908 S2CID 202575019 Stevens Henry 1972 1900 Thomas Hariot the mathematician the philosopher and the scholar developed chiefly from dormant materials with notices of his associates including biographical and bibliographical disquisitions upon the materials of the history of Ould Virginia New York B Franklin LCCN 72082483 Shirley John W ed 1974 Thomas Harriot Renaissance scientist Oxford Clarendon Press ISBN 0198581408 LCCN 74176704 Shirley John W 1981 A Sourcebook for the Study of Thomas Harriot New York Arno Press ISBN 0405138318 LCCN 80002111 Shirley John W 1983 Thomas Harriot a Biography Oxford Clarendon Press LCCN 83003961 Guide to the John Shirley papers related to Thomas Harriot Special Collections University of Delaware Library Newark Delaware Retrieved 10 May 2020 2011 The Swerve How the World Became Modern New York W W Norton ISBN 978 0 393 06447 6 Telescope400 celebrating Thomas Harriot s first ever use of the Telescope in Astronomy Devlin Hannah 24 July 2009 Galileo was beaten to the Moon by a shy Englishman The Times dead link Approved names 2015 IAU100 Name ExoWorlds An IAU100 Global Event NameExoworlds Retrieved 27 November 2024 Pumfrey Stephen 2009 Harriot s Maps of the Moon New Interpretations Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 63 2 163 168 doi 10 1098 rsnr 2008 0062 JSTOR 40647255 Bloom Terrie F 2016 Borrowed Perceptions Harriot s Maps of the Moon Journal for the History of Astronomy 9 2 117 122 doi 10 1177 002182867800900203 ISSN 0021 8286 S2CID 125625494 Alexander Amir 1998 Lunar Maps and Coastal Outlines Thomas Hariot s Mapping of the Moon Stud Hist Philos Sci 29 3 345 368 Bibcode 1998SHPSA 29 345A doi 10 1016 S0039 3681 98 00011 9 Voss David 2015 March 9 1611 Dutch astronomer Johannes Fabricius observes sunspots APS News 24 Herr Richard B 1978 Solar Rotation Determined from Thomas Harriot s Sunspot Observations of 1611 to 1613 Science New Series 202 4372 1079 1081 Bibcode 1978Sci 202 1079H doi 10 1126 science 202 4372 1079 JSTOR 1747843 PMID 17777957 S2CID 39401037 Biggs Norman 2013 Thomas Harriot on continuous compounding Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 28 2 66 74 doi 10 1080 17498430 2013 721331 ISSN 1749 8430 S2CID 53586313 SourcesBoyle Rebecca 2024 Our Moon A Human History Sceptre ISBN 9781529342789 Kupperman Karen Ordahl 2000 Indians and English Facing Off in Early America Ithaca Cornell University Press ISBN 0801482828 Mancall Peter C 2007 Hakluyt s Promise An Elizabethan s Obsession for an English America New Haven Yale University Press ISBN 9780300164220 Milton Giles 2000 Big Chief Elizabeth How England s Adventurers Gambled and Won the New World London Hodder amp Stoughton ISBN 9780312420185 Rukeyser Muriel 1971 The Traces of Thomas Hariot NY Random House Vaughan Alden T 2002 Sir Walter Ralegh s Indian Interpreters 1584 1618 The William and Mary Quarterly 59 2 341 376 doi 10 2307 3491741 ISSN 0043 5597 JSTOR 3491741 External linksWikisource has original works by or about Thomas Harriot Wikiquote has quotations related to Thomas Harriot Thomas Harriot Trumpeter of Roanoke Thomas Harriot John Shirley papers related to Thomas Harriot Special Collections University of Delaware Library Newark Delaware Works by Thomas Harriot Works by Thomas Harriot at Project Gutenberg Works by or about Thomas Harriot at the Internet Archive A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot Reproduced in Facsimile from the First Edition of 1688 with an Introduction by Luther S Livingston New York Dodd Mead amp Company 1903 Retrieved 30 April 2018 via Internet Archive A Brief and True Report online pdf text edition A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia from American Studies at the University of Virginia Annotated Translation of Harriot s Praxis by Ian BruceWorks or sites about Thomas Harriot O Connor John J Robertson Edmund F Thomas Harriot MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive University of St Andrews Harriot Thomas The Englishman who beat Galileo Archived 16 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine The Soft Logic of Thomas Harriot The Thomas Harriot Seminar Searching for the Lost Colony Blog The Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series at East Carolina University Archived 20 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University Greenville NC Thomas Harriot Quintessential Renaissance Scholar Account of the Roanoke settlements Retrieved April 2011Portals BiographyEnglandMathematicsAstronomyStarsSpaceflightOuter spaceSolar SystemScience