A classical field theory is a physical theory that predicts how one or more fields in physics interact with matter through field equations, without considering effects of quantization; theories that incorporate quantum mechanics are called quantum field theories. In most contexts, 'classical field theory' is specifically intended to describe electromagnetism and gravitation, two of the fundamental forces of nature.
A physical field can be thought of as the assignment of a physical quantity at each point of space and time. For example, in a weather forecast, the wind velocity during a day over a country is described by assigning a vector to each point in space. Each vector represents the direction of the movement of air at that point, so the set of all wind vectors in an area at a given point in time constitutes a vector field. As the day progresses, the directions in which the vectors point change as the directions of the wind change.
The first field theories, Newtonian gravitation and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetic fields were developed in classical physics before the advent of relativity theory in 1905, and had to be revised to be consistent with that theory. Consequently, classical field theories are usually categorized as non-relativistic and relativistic. Modern field theories are usually expressed using the mathematics of tensor calculus. A more recent alternative mathematical formalism describes classical fields as sections of mathematical objects called fiber bundles.
Michael Faraday coined the term "field" and lines of forces to explain electric and magnetic phenomena. Lord Kelvin in 1851 formalized the concept of field in different areas of physics.
Non-relativistic field theories
Some of the simplest physical fields are vector force fields. Historically, the first time that fields were taken seriously was with Faraday's lines of force when describing the electric field. The gravitational field was then similarly described.
Newtonian gravitation
The first field theory of gravity was Newton's theory of gravitation in which the mutual interaction between two masses obeys an inverse square law. This was very useful for predicting the motion of planets around the Sun.
Any massive body M has a gravitational field g which describes its influence on other massive bodies. The gravitational field of M at a point r in space is found by determining the force F that M exerts on a small test mass m located at r, and then dividing by m: Stipulating that m is much smaller than M ensures that the presence of m has a negligible influence on the behavior of M.
According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, F(r) is given by where
is a unit vector pointing along the line from M to m, and G is Newton's gravitational constant. Therefore, the gravitational field of M is
The experimental observation that inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal to unprecedented levels of accuracy leads to the identification of the gravitational field strength as identical to the acceleration experienced by a particle. This is the starting point of the equivalence principle, which leads to general relativity.
For a discrete collection of masses, Mi, located at points, ri, the gravitational field at a point r due to the masses is
If we have a continuous mass distribution ρ instead, the sum is replaced by an integral,
Note that the direction of the field points from the position r to the position of the masses ri; this is ensured by the minus sign. In a nutshell, this means all masses attract.
In the integral form Gauss's law for gravity is while in differential form it is
Therefore, the gravitational field g can be written in terms of the gradient of a gravitational potential φ(r): This is a consequence of the gravitational force F being conservative.
A charged test particle with charge q experiences a force F based solely on its charge. We can similarly describe the electric field E generated by the source charge Q so that F = qE:
Using this and Coulomb's law the electric field due to a single charged particle is
The electric field is conservative, and hence is given by the gradient of a scalar potential, V(r)
Gauss's law for electricity is in integral form while in differential form
A steady current I flowing along a path ℓ will exert a force on nearby charged particles that is quantitatively different from the electric field force described above. The force exerted by I on a nearby charge q with velocity v is where B(r) is the magnetic field, which is determined from I by the Biot–Savart law:
The magnetic field is not conservative in general, and hence cannot usually be written in terms of a scalar potential. However, it can be written in terms of a vector potential, A(r):
Gauss's law for magnetism in integral form is while in differential form it is
The physical interpretation is that there are no magnetic monopoles.
In general, in the presence of both a charge density ρ(r, t) and current density J(r, t), there will be both an electric and a magnetic field, and both will vary in time. They are determined by Maxwell's equations, a set of differential equations which directly relate E and B to the electric charge density (charge per unit volume) ρ and current density (electric current per unit area) J.
Alternatively, one can describe the system in terms of its scalar and vector potentials V and A. A set of integral equations known as retarded potentials allow one to calculate V and A from ρ and J, and from there the electric and magnetic fields are determined via the relations
Continuum mechanics
Fluid dynamics
Fluid dynamics has fields of pressure, density, and flow rate that are connected by conservation laws for energy and momentum. The mass continuity equation is a continuity equation, representing the conservation of mass and the Navier–Stokes equations represent the conservation of momentum in the fluid, found from Newton's laws applied to the fluid,
if the density ρ, pressure p, deviatoric stress tensor τ of the fluid, as well as external body forces b, are all given. The velocity field u is the vector field to solve for.
Other examples
In 1839, James MacCullagh presented field equations to describe reflection and refraction in "An essay toward a dynamical theory of crystalline reflection and refraction".
Potential theory
The term "potential theory" arises from the fact that, in 19th century physics, the fundamental forces of nature were believed to be derived from scalar potentials which satisfied Laplace's equation. Poisson addressed the question of the stability of the planetary orbits, which had already been settled by Lagrange to the first degree of approximation from the perturbation forces, and derived the Poisson's equation, named after him. The general form of this equation is
where σ is a source function (as a density, a quantity per unit volume) and ø the scalar potential to solve for.
In Newtonian gravitation, masses are the sources of the field so that field lines terminate at objects that have mass. Similarly, charges are the sources and sinks of electrostatic fields: positive charges emanate electric field lines, and field lines terminate at negative charges. These field concepts are also illustrated in the general divergence theorem, specifically Gauss's law's for gravity and electricity. For the cases of time-independent gravity and electromagnetism, the fields are gradients of corresponding potentials so substituting these into Gauss' law for each case obtains
where ρg is the mass density, ρe the charge density, G the gravitational constant and ke = 1/4πε0 the electric force constant.
Incidentally, this similarity arises from the similarity between Newton's law of gravitation and Coulomb's law.
In the case where there is no source term (e.g. vacuum, or paired charges), these potentials obey Laplace's equation:
For a distribution of mass (or charge), the potential can be expanded in a series of spherical harmonics, and the nth term in the series can be viewed as a potential arising from the 2n-moments (see multipole expansion). For many purposes only the monopole, dipole, and quadrupole terms are needed in calculations.
Relativistic field theory
Modern formulations of classical field theories generally require Lorentz covariance as this is now recognised as a fundamental aspect of nature. A field theory tends to be expressed mathematically by using Lagrangians. This is a function that, when subjected to an action principle, gives rise to the field equations and a conservation law for the theory. The action is a Lorentz scalar, from which the field equations and symmetries can be readily derived.
Throughout we use units such that the speed of light in vacuum is 1, i.e. c = 1.
Lagrangian dynamics
Given a field tensor , a scalar called the Lagrangian density
can be constructed from
and its derivatives. From this density, the action functional can be constructed by integrating over spacetime,
Where is the volume form in curved spacetime.
Therefore, the Lagrangian itself is equal to the integral of the Lagrangian density over all space.
Then by enforcing the action principle, the Euler–Lagrange equations are obtained
Relativistic fields
Two of the most well-known Lorentz-covariant classical field theories are now described.
Historically, the first (classical) field theories were those describing the electric and magnetic fields (separately). After numerous experiments, it was found that these two fields were related, or, in fact, two aspects of the same field: the electromagnetic field. Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism describes the interaction of charged matter with the electromagnetic field. The first formulation of this field theory used vector fields to describe the electric and magnetic fields. With the advent of special relativity, a more complete formulation using tensor fields was found. Instead of using two vector fields describing the electric and magnetic fields, a tensor field representing these two fields together is used.
The electromagnetic four-potential is defined to be Aa = (−φ, A), and the electromagnetic four-current ja = (−ρ, j). The electromagnetic field at any point in spacetime is described by the antisymmetric (0,2)-rank electromagnetic field tensor
The Lagrangian
To obtain the dynamics for this field, we try and construct a scalar from the field. In the vacuum, we have
We can use gauge field theory to get the interaction term, and this gives us
The equations
To obtain the field equations, the electromagnetic tensor in the Lagrangian density needs to be replaced by its definition in terms of the 4-potential A, and it's this potential which enters the Euler-Lagrange equations. The EM field F is not varied in the EL equations. Therefore,
Evaluating the derivative of the Lagrangian density with respect to the field components and the derivatives of the field components
obtains Maxwell's equations in vacuum. The source equations (Gauss' law for electricity and the Maxwell-Ampère law) are
while the other two (Gauss' law for magnetism and Faraday's law) are obtained from the fact that F is the 4-curl of A, or, in other words, from the fact that the Bianchi identity holds for the electromagnetic field tensor.
where the comma indicates a partial derivative.
After Newtonian gravitation was found to be inconsistent with special relativity, Albert Einstein formulated a new theory of gravitation called general relativity. This treats gravitation as a geometric phenomenon ('curved spacetime') caused by masses and represents the gravitational field mathematically by a tensor field called the metric tensor. The Einstein field equations describe how this curvature is produced. Newtonian gravitation is now superseded by Einstein's theory of general relativity, in which gravitation is thought of as being due to a curved spacetime, caused by masses. The Einstein field equations, describe how this curvature is produced by matter and radiation, where Gab is the Einstein tensor,
written in terms of the Ricci tensor Rab and Ricci scalar R = Rabgab, Tab is the stress–energy tensor and κ = 8πG/c4 is a constant. In the absence of matter and radiation (including sources) the 'vacuum field equations,
can be derived by varying the Einstein–Hilbert action,
with respect to the metric, where g is the determinant of the metric tensor gab. Solutions of the vacuum field equations are called vacuum solutions. An alternative interpretation, due to Arthur Eddington, is that
is fundamental,
is merely one aspect of
, and
is forced by the choice of units.
Further examples
Further examples of Lorentz-covariant classical field theories are
- Klein-Gordon theory for real or complex scalar fields
- Dirac theory for a Dirac spinor field
- Yang–Mills theory for a non-abelian gauge field
Unification attempts
Attempts to create a unified field theory based on classical physics are classical unified field theories. During the years between the two World Wars, the idea of unification of gravity with electromagnetism was actively pursued by several mathematicians and physicists like Albert Einstein, Theodor Kaluza,Hermann Weyl,Arthur Eddington,Gustav Mie and Ernst Reichenbacher.
Early attempts to create such theory were based on incorporation of electromagnetic fields into the geometry of general relativity. In 1918, the case for the first geometrization of the electromagnetic field was proposed in 1918 by Hermann Weyl. In 1919, the idea of a five-dimensional approach was suggested by Theodor Kaluza. From that, a theory called Kaluza-Klein Theory was developed. It attempts to unify gravitation and electromagnetism, in a five-dimensional space-time. There are several ways of extending the representational framework for a unified field theory which have been considered by Einstein and other researchers. These extensions in general are based in two options. The first option is based in relaxing the conditions imposed on the original formulation, and the second is based in introducing other mathematical objects into the theory. An example of the first option is relaxing the restrictions to four-dimensional space-time by considering higher-dimensional representations. That is used in Kaluza-Klein Theory. For the second, the most prominent example arises from the concept of the affine connection that was introduced into the theory of general relativity mainly through the work of Tullio Levi-Civita and Hermann Weyl.
Further development of quantum field theory changed the focus of searching for unified field theory from classical to quantum description. Because of that, many theoretical physicists gave up looking for a classical unified field theory. Quantum field theory would include unification of two other fundamental forces of nature, the strong and weak nuclear force which act on the subatomic level.
See also
- Relativistic wave equations
- Quantum field theory
- Classical unified field theories
- Variational methods in general relativity
- Higgs field (classical)
- Lagrangian (field theory)
- Hamiltonian field theory
- Covariant Hamiltonian field theory
- This is contingent on the correct choice of gauge. φ and A are not uniquely determined by ρ and J; rather, they are only determined up to some scalar function f(r, t) known as the gauge. The retarded potential formalism requires one to choose the Lorenz gauge.
- This is equivalent to choosing units of distance and time as light-seconds and seconds or light-years and years. Choosing c = 1 allows us to simplify the equations. For instance, E = mc2 reduces to E = m (since c2 = 1, without keeping track of units). This reduces complexity of the expressions while keeping focus on the underlying principles. This "trick" must be taken into account when performing actual numerical calculations.
- Kleppner, David; Kolenkow, Robert. An Introduction to Mechanics. p. 85.
- Griffiths, David. Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd ed.). p. 326.
- Wangsness, Roald. Electromagnetic Fields (2nd ed.). p. 469.
- James MacCullagh (1839) An essay toward a dynamical theory of crystalline reflection and refraction, Transactions, Royal Irish Academy 21
- "Bianchi Identities".
- Kaluza, Theodor (1921). "Zum Unitätsproblem in der Physik". Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. (Math. Phys.): 966–972. Bibcode:1921SPAW.......966K.
- Weyl, H. (1918). "Gravitation und Elektrizität". Sitz. Preuss. Akad. Wiss.: 465.
- Eddington, A. S. (1924). The Mathematical Theory of Relativity, 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Mie, G. (1912). "Grundlagen einer Theorie der Materie". Annalen der Physik. 37 (3): 511–534. Bibcode:1912AnP...342..511M. doi:10.1002/andp.19123420306.
- Reichenbächer, E. (1917). "Grundzüge zu einer Theorie der Elektrizität und der Gravitation". Annalen der Physik. 52 (2): 134–173. Bibcode:1917AnP...357..134R. doi:10.1002/andp.19173570203.
- (May 2014), "Einstein's Unified Field Theory Program", in Janssen, Michel; Lehner, Christoph (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Einstein, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9781139024525
- Gadzirayi Nyambuya, Golden (October 2007). "Unified Field Theory – Paper I, Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Weak & the Strong Force" (PDF). Apeiron. 14 (4): 321. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
- De Boer, W. (1994). "Grand unified theories and supersymmetry in particle physics and cosmology" (PDF). Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 33: 201–301. arXiv:hep-ph/9402266. Bibcode:1994PrPNP..33..201D. doi:10.1016/0146-6410(94)90045-0. S2CID 119353300. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
- Truesdell, C.; (1960). "The Classical Field Theories". In Flügge, Siegfried (ed.). Principles of Classical Mechanics and Field Theory/Prinzipien der Klassischen Mechanik und Feldtheorie. Handbuch der Physik (Encyclopedia of Physics). Vol. III/1. Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 226–793. Zbl 0118.39702.
External links
- Thidé, Bo. "Electromagnetic Field Theory" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on September 17, 2003. Retrieved February 14, 2006.
- Carroll, Sean M. (1997). "Lecture Notes on General Relativity". arXiv:gr-qc/9712019. Bibcode:1997gr.qc....12019C.
{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal requires|journal=
(help) - Binney, James J. "Lecture Notes on Classical Fields" (PDF). Retrieved April 30, 2007.
- Sardanashvily, G. (November 2008). "Advanced Classical Field Theory". International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 5 (7): 1163–1189. arXiv:0811.0331. Bibcode:2008IJGMM..05.1163S. doi:10.1142/S0219887808003247. ISBN 978-981-283-895-7. S2CID 13884729.
A classical field theory is a physical theory that predicts how one or more fields in physics interact with matter through field equations without considering effects of quantization theories that incorporate quantum mechanics are called quantum field theories In most contexts classical field theory is specifically intended to describe electromagnetism and gravitation two of the fundamental forces of nature A physical field can be thought of as the assignment of a physical quantity at each point of space and time For example in a weather forecast the wind velocity during a day over a country is described by assigning a vector to each point in space Each vector represents the direction of the movement of air at that point so the set of all wind vectors in an area at a given point in time constitutes a vector field As the day progresses the directions in which the vectors point change as the directions of the wind change The first field theories Newtonian gravitation and Maxwell s equations of electromagnetic fields were developed in classical physics before the advent of relativity theory in 1905 and had to be revised to be consistent with that theory Consequently classical field theories are usually categorized as non relativistic and relativistic Modern field theories are usually expressed using the mathematics of tensor calculus A more recent alternative mathematical formalism describes classical fields as sections of mathematical objects called fiber bundles HistoryMichael Faraday coined the term field and lines of forces to explain electric and magnetic phenomena Lord Kelvin in 1851 formalized the concept of field in different areas of physics Non relativistic field theoriesSome of the simplest physical fields are vector force fields Historically the first time that fields were taken seriously was with Faraday s lines of force when describing the electric field The gravitational field was then similarly described Newtonian gravitation The first field theory of gravity was Newton s theory of gravitation in which the mutual interaction between two masses obeys an inverse square law This was very useful for predicting the motion of planets around the Sun Any massive body M has a gravitational field g which describes its influence on other massive bodies The gravitational field of M at a point r in space is found by determining the force F that M exerts on a small test mass m located at r and then dividing by m g r F r m displaystyle mathbf g mathbf r frac mathbf F mathbf r m Stipulating that m is much smaller than M ensures that the presence of m has a negligible influence on the behavior of M According to Newton s law of universal gravitation F r is given byF r GMmr2r displaystyle mathbf F mathbf r frac GMm r 2 hat mathbf r where r displaystyle hat mathbf r is a unit vector pointing along the line from M to m and G is Newton s gravitational constant Therefore the gravitational field of M isg r F r m GMr2r displaystyle mathbf g mathbf r frac mathbf F mathbf r m frac GM r 2 hat mathbf r The experimental observation that inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal to unprecedented levels of accuracy leads to the identification of the gravitational field strength as identical to the acceleration experienced by a particle This is the starting point of the equivalence principle which leads to general relativity For a discrete collection of masses Mi located at points ri the gravitational field at a point r due to the masses is g r G iMi r ri r ri 3 displaystyle mathbf g mathbf r G sum i frac M i mathbf r mathbf r i mathbf r mathbf r i 3 If we have a continuous mass distribution r instead the sum is replaced by an integral g r G Vr x d3x r x r x 3 displaystyle mathbf g mathbf r G iiint V frac rho mathbf x d 3 mathbf x mathbf r mathbf x mathbf r mathbf x 3 Note that the direction of the field points from the position r to the position of the masses ri this is ensured by the minus sign In a nutshell this means all masses attract In the integral form Gauss s law for gravity is g dS 4pGM displaystyle iint mathbf g cdot d mathbf S 4 pi GM while in differential form it is g 4pGrm displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf g 4 pi G rho m Therefore the gravitational field g can be written in terms of the gradient of a gravitational potential f r g r ϕ r displaystyle mathbf g mathbf r nabla phi mathbf r This is a consequence of the gravitational force F being conservative Electromagnetism Electrostatics A charged test particle with charge q experiences a force F based solely on its charge We can similarly describe the electric field E generated by the source charge Q so that F qE E r F r q displaystyle mathbf E mathbf r frac mathbf F mathbf r q Using this and Coulomb s law the electric field due to a single charged particle is E 14pe0Qr2r displaystyle mathbf E frac 1 4 pi varepsilon 0 frac Q r 2 hat mathbf r The electric field is conservative and hence is given by the gradient of a scalar potential V r E r V r displaystyle mathbf E mathbf r nabla V mathbf r Gauss s law for electricity is in integral form E dS Qe0 displaystyle iint mathbf E cdot d mathbf S frac Q varepsilon 0 while in differential form E ree0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf E frac rho e varepsilon 0 Magnetostatics A steady current I flowing along a path ℓ will exert a force on nearby charged particles that is quantitatively different from the electric field force described above The force exerted by I on a nearby charge q with velocity v is F r qv B r displaystyle mathbf F mathbf r q mathbf v times mathbf B mathbf r where B r is the magnetic field which is determined from I by the Biot Savart law B r m0I4p dℓ dr r2 displaystyle mathbf B mathbf r frac mu 0 I 4 pi int frac d boldsymbol ell times d hat mathbf r r 2 The magnetic field is not conservative in general and hence cannot usually be written in terms of a scalar potential However it can be written in terms of a vector potential A r B r A r displaystyle mathbf B mathbf r nabla times mathbf A mathbf r Gauss s law for magnetism in integral form is B dS 0 displaystyle iint mathbf B cdot d mathbf S 0 while in differential form it is B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 The physical interpretation is that there are no magnetic monopoles Electrodynamics In general in the presence of both a charge density r r t and current density J r t there will be both an electric and a magnetic field and both will vary in time They are determined by Maxwell s equations a set of differential equations which directly relate E and B to the electric charge density charge per unit volume r and current density electric current per unit area J Alternatively one can describe the system in terms of its scalar and vector potentials V and A A set of integral equations known as retarded potentials allow one to calculate V and A from r and J and from there the electric and magnetic fields are determined via the relationsE V A t displaystyle mathbf E nabla V frac partial mathbf A partial t B A displaystyle mathbf B nabla times mathbf A Continuum mechanics Fluid dynamics Fluid dynamics has fields of pressure density and flow rate that are connected by conservation laws for energy and momentum The mass continuity equation is a continuity equation representing the conservation of mass r t ru 0 displaystyle frac partial rho partial t nabla cdot rho mathbf u 0 and the Navier Stokes equations represent the conservation of momentum in the fluid found from Newton s laws applied to the fluid t ru ru u pI t rb displaystyle frac partial partial t rho mathbf u nabla cdot rho mathbf u otimes mathbf u p mathbf I nabla cdot boldsymbol tau rho mathbf b if the density r pressure p deviatoric stress tensor t of the fluid as well as external body forces b are all given The velocity field u is the vector field to solve for Other examples In 1839 James MacCullagh presented field equations to describe reflection and refraction in An essay toward a dynamical theory of crystalline reflection and refraction Potential theoryThe term potential theory arises from the fact that in 19th century physics the fundamental forces of nature were believed to be derived from scalar potentials which satisfied Laplace s equation Poisson addressed the question of the stability of the planetary orbits which had already been settled by Lagrange to the first degree of approximation from the perturbation forces and derived the Poisson s equation named after him The general form of this equation is 2ϕ s displaystyle nabla 2 phi sigma where s is a source function as a density a quantity per unit volume and o the scalar potential to solve for In Newtonian gravitation masses are the sources of the field so that field lines terminate at objects that have mass Similarly charges are the sources and sinks of electrostatic fields positive charges emanate electric field lines and field lines terminate at negative charges These field concepts are also illustrated in the general divergence theorem specifically Gauss s law s for gravity and electricity For the cases of time independent gravity and electromagnetism the fields are gradients of corresponding potentials g ϕg E ϕe displaystyle mathbf g nabla phi g quad mathbf E nabla phi e so substituting these into Gauss law for each case obtains 2ϕg 4pGrg 2ϕe 4pkere ree0 displaystyle nabla 2 phi g 4 pi G rho g quad nabla 2 phi e 4 pi k e rho e rho e over varepsilon 0 where rg is the mass density re the charge density G the gravitational constant and ke 1 4pe0 the electric force constant Incidentally this similarity arises from the similarity between Newton s law of gravitation and Coulomb s law In the case where there is no source term e g vacuum or paired charges these potentials obey Laplace s equation 2ϕ 0 displaystyle nabla 2 phi 0 For a distribution of mass or charge the potential can be expanded in a series of spherical harmonics and the nth term in the series can be viewed as a potential arising from the 2n moments see multipole expansion For many purposes only the monopole dipole and quadrupole terms are needed in calculations Relativistic field theoryModern formulations of classical field theories generally require Lorentz covariance as this is now recognised as a fundamental aspect of nature A field theory tends to be expressed mathematically by using Lagrangians This is a function that when subjected to an action principle gives rise to the field equations and a conservation law for the theory The action is a Lorentz scalar from which the field equations and symmetries can be readily derived Throughout we use units such that the speed of light in vacuum is 1 i e c 1 Lagrangian dynamics Given a field tensor ϕ displaystyle phi a scalar called the Lagrangian density L ϕ ϕ ϕ x displaystyle mathcal L phi partial phi partial partial phi ldots x can be constructed from ϕ displaystyle phi and its derivatives From this density the action functional can be constructed by integrating over spacetime S L gd4x displaystyle mathcal S int mathcal L sqrt g mathrm d 4 x Where gd4x displaystyle sqrt g mathrm d 4 x is the volume form in curved spacetime g det gmn displaystyle g equiv det g mu nu Therefore the Lagrangian itself is equal to the integral of the Lagrangian density over all space Then by enforcing the action principle the Euler Lagrange equations are obtained dSdϕ L ϕ m L mϕ 1 m m1 m2 mm 1 mm L m1 m2 mm 1 mmϕ 0 displaystyle frac delta mathcal S delta phi frac partial mathcal L partial phi partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi right cdots 1 m partial mu 1 partial mu 2 cdots partial mu m 1 partial mu m left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu 1 partial mu 2 cdots partial mu m 1 partial mu m phi right 0 Relativistic fieldsTwo of the most well known Lorentz covariant classical field theories are now described Electromagnetism Historically the first classical field theories were those describing the electric and magnetic fields separately After numerous experiments it was found that these two fields were related or in fact two aspects of the same field the electromagnetic field Maxwell s theory of electromagnetism describes the interaction of charged matter with the electromagnetic field The first formulation of this field theory used vector fields to describe the electric and magnetic fields With the advent of special relativity a more complete formulation using tensor fields was found Instead of using two vector fields describing the electric and magnetic fields a tensor field representing these two fields together is used The electromagnetic four potential is defined to be Aa f A and the electromagnetic four current ja r j The electromagnetic field at any point in spacetime is described by the antisymmetric 0 2 rank electromagnetic field tensor Fab aAb bAa displaystyle F ab partial a A b partial b A a The Lagrangian To obtain the dynamics for this field we try and construct a scalar from the field In the vacuum we have L 14m0FabFab displaystyle mathcal L frac 1 4 mu 0 F ab F ab We can use gauge field theory to get the interaction term and this gives us L 14m0FabFab jaAa displaystyle mathcal L frac 1 4 mu 0 F ab F ab j a A a The equations To obtain the field equations the electromagnetic tensor in the Lagrangian density needs to be replaced by its definition in terms of the 4 potential A and it s this potential which enters the Euler Lagrange equations The EM field F is not varied in the EL equations Therefore b L bAa L Aa displaystyle partial b left frac partial mathcal L partial left partial b A a right right frac partial mathcal L partial A a Evaluating the derivative of the Lagrangian density with respect to the field components L Aa m0ja displaystyle frac partial mathcal L partial A a mu 0 j a and the derivatives of the field components L bAa Fab displaystyle frac partial mathcal L partial partial b A a F ab obtains Maxwell s equations in vacuum The source equations Gauss law for electricity and the Maxwell Ampere law are bFab m0ja displaystyle partial b F ab mu 0 j a while the other two Gauss law for magnetism and Faraday s law are obtained from the fact that F is the 4 curl of A or in other words from the fact that the Bianchi identity holds for the electromagnetic field tensor 6F ab c Fab c Fca b Fbc a 0 displaystyle 6F ab c F ab c F ca b F bc a 0 where the comma indicates a partial derivative Gravitation After Newtonian gravitation was found to be inconsistent with special relativity Albert Einstein formulated a new theory of gravitation called general relativity This treats gravitation as a geometric phenomenon curved spacetime caused by masses and represents the gravitational field mathematically by a tensor field called the metric tensor The Einstein field equations describe how this curvature is produced Newtonian gravitation is now superseded by Einstein s theory of general relativity in which gravitation is thought of as being due to a curved spacetime caused by masses The Einstein field equations Gab kTab displaystyle G ab kappa T ab describe how this curvature is produced by matter and radiation where Gab is the Einstein tensor Gab Rab 12Rgab displaystyle G ab R ab frac 1 2 Rg ab written in terms of the Ricci tensor Rab and Ricci scalar R Rabgab Tab is the stress energy tensor and k 8pG c4 is a constant In the absence of matter and radiation including sources the vacuum field equations Gab 0 displaystyle G ab 0 can be derived by varying the Einstein Hilbert action S R gd4x displaystyle S int R sqrt g d 4 x with respect to the metric where g is the determinant of the metric tensor gab Solutions of the vacuum field equations are called vacuum solutions An alternative interpretation due to Arthur Eddington is that R displaystyle R is fundamental T displaystyle T is merely one aspect of R displaystyle R and k displaystyle kappa is forced by the choice of units Further examples Further examples of Lorentz covariant classical field theories are Klein Gordon theory for real or complex scalar fields Dirac theory for a Dirac spinor field Yang Mills theory for a non abelian gauge fieldUnification attemptsAttempts to create a unified field theory based on classical physics are classical unified field theories During the years between the two World Wars the idea of unification of gravity with electromagnetism was actively pursued by several mathematicians and physicists like Albert Einstein Theodor Kaluza Hermann Weyl Arthur Eddington Gustav Mie and Ernst Reichenbacher Early attempts to create such theory were based on incorporation of electromagnetic fields into the geometry of general relativity In 1918 the case for the first geometrization of the electromagnetic field was proposed in 1918 by Hermann Weyl In 1919 the idea of a five dimensional approach was suggested by Theodor Kaluza From that a theory called Kaluza Klein Theory was developed It attempts to unify gravitation and electromagnetism in a five dimensional space time There are several ways of extending the representational framework for a unified field theory which have been considered by Einstein and other researchers These extensions in general are based in two options The first option is based in relaxing the conditions imposed on the original formulation and the second is based in introducing other mathematical objects into the theory An example of the first option is relaxing the restrictions to four dimensional space time by considering higher dimensional representations That is used in Kaluza Klein Theory For the second the most prominent example arises from the concept of the affine connection that was introduced into the theory of general relativity mainly through the work of Tullio Levi Civita and Hermann Weyl Further development of quantum field theory changed the focus of searching for unified field theory from classical to quantum description Because of that many theoretical physicists gave up looking for a classical unified field theory Quantum field theory would include unification of two other fundamental forces of nature the strong and weak nuclear force which act on the subatomic level See alsoRelativistic wave equations Quantum field theory Classical unified field theories Variational methods in general relativity Higgs field classical Lagrangian field theory Hamiltonian field theory Covariant Hamiltonian field theoryNotesThis is contingent on the correct choice of gauge f and A are not uniquely determined by r and J rather they are only determined up to some scalar function f r t known as the gauge The retarded potential formalism requires one to choose the Lorenz gauge This is equivalent to choosing units of distance and time as light seconds and seconds or light years and years Choosing c 1 allows us to simplify the equations For instance E mc2 reduces to E m since c2 1 without keeping track of units This reduces complexity of the expressions while keeping focus on the underlying principles This trick must be taken 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