A statistical hypothesis test is a method of statistical inference used to decide whether the data sufficiently supports a particular hypothesis. A statistical hypothesis test typically involves a calculation of a test statistic. Then a decision is made, either by comparing the test statistic to a critical value or equivalently by evaluating a p-value computed from the test statistic. Roughly 100 specialized statistical tests have been defined.

While hypothesis testing was popularized early in the 20th century, early forms were used in the 1700s. The first use is credited to John Arbuthnot (1710), followed by Pierre-Simon Laplace (1770s), in analyzing the human sex ratio at birth; see § Human sex ratio.
Choice of null hypothesis
Paul Meehl has argued that the epistemological importance of the choice of null hypothesis has gone largely unacknowledged. When the null hypothesis is predicted by theory, a more precise experiment will be a more severe test of the underlying theory. When the null hypothesis defaults to "no difference" or "no effect", a more precise experiment is a less severe test of the theory that motivated performing the experiment. An examination of the origins of the latter practice may therefore be useful:
1778: Pierre Laplace compares the birthrates of boys and girls in multiple European cities. He states: "it is natural to conclude that these possibilities are very nearly in the same ratio". Thus, the null hypothesis in this case that the birthrates of boys and girls should be equal given "conventional wisdom".
1900: Karl Pearson develops the chi squared test to determine "whether a given form of frequency curve will effectively describe the samples drawn from a given population." Thus the null hypothesis is that a population is described by some distribution predicted by theory. He uses as an example the numbers of five and sixes in the Weldon dice throw data.
1904: Karl Pearson develops the concept of "contingency" in order to determine whether outcomes are independent of a given categorical factor. Here the null hypothesis is by default that two things are unrelated (e.g. scar formation and death rates from smallpox). The null hypothesis in this case is no longer predicted by theory or conventional wisdom, but is instead the principle of indifference that led Fisher and others to dismiss the use of "inverse probabilities".
Modern origins and early controversy
Modern significance testing is largely the product of Karl Pearson (p-value, Pearson's chi-squared test), William Sealy Gosset (Student's t-distribution), and Ronald Fisher ("null hypothesis", analysis of variance, "significance test"), while hypothesis testing was developed by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson (son of Karl). Ronald Fisher began his life in statistics as a Bayesian (Zabell 1992), but Fisher soon grew disenchanted with the subjectivity involved (namely use of the principle of indifference when determining prior probabilities), and sought to provide a more "objective" approach to inductive inference.
Fisher emphasized rigorous experimental design and methods to extract a result from few samples assuming Gaussian distributions. Neyman (who teamed with the younger Pearson) emphasized mathematical rigor and methods to obtain more results from many samples and a wider range of distributions. Modern hypothesis testing is an inconsistent hybrid of the Fisher vs Neyman/Pearson formulation, methods and terminology developed in the early 20th century.
Fisher popularized the "significance test". He required a null-hypothesis (corresponding to a population frequency distribution) and a sample. His (now familiar) calculations determined whether to reject the null-hypothesis or not. Significance testing did not utilize an alternative hypothesis so there was no concept of a Type II error (false negative).
The p-value was devised as an informal, but objective, index meant to help a researcher determine (based on other knowledge) whether to modify future experiments or strengthen one's faith in the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing (and Type I/II errors) was devised by Neyman and Pearson as a more objective alternative to Fisher's p-value, also meant to determine researcher behaviour, but without requiring any inductive inference by the researcher.
Neyman & Pearson considered a different problem to Fisher (which they called "hypothesis testing"). They initially considered two simple hypotheses (both with frequency distributions). They calculated two probabilities and typically selected the hypothesis associated with the higher probability (the hypothesis more likely to have generated the sample). Their method always selected a hypothesis. It also allowed the calculation of both types of error probabilities.
Fisher and Neyman/Pearson clashed bitterly. Neyman/Pearson considered their formulation to be an improved generalization of significance testing (the defining paper was abstract; Mathematicians have generalized and refined the theory for decades). Fisher thought that it was not applicable to scientific research because often, during the course of the experiment, it is discovered that the initial assumptions about the null hypothesis are questionable due to unexpected sources of error. He believed that the use of rigid reject/accept decisions based on models formulated before data is collected was incompatible with this common scenario faced by scientists and attempts to apply this method to scientific research would lead to mass confusion.
The dispute between Fisher and Neyman–Pearson was waged on philosophical grounds, characterized by a philosopher as a dispute over the proper role of models in statistical inference.
Events intervened: Neyman accepted a position in the University of California, Berkeley in 1938, breaking his partnership with Pearson and separating the disputants (who had occupied the same building). World War II provided an intermission in the debate. The dispute between Fisher and Neyman terminated (unresolved after 27 years) with Fisher's death in 1962. Neyman wrote a well-regarded eulogy. Some of Neyman's later publications reported p-values and significance levels.
The modern version of hypothesis testing is a hybrid of the two approaches that resulted from confusion by writers of statistical textbooks (as predicted by Fisher) beginning in the 1940s (but signal detection, for example, still uses the Neyman/Pearson formulation). Great conceptual differences and many caveats in addition to those mentioned above were ignored. Neyman and Pearson provided the stronger terminology, the more rigorous mathematics and the more consistent philosophy, but the subject taught today in introductory statistics has more similarities with Fisher's method than theirs.
Sometime around 1940, authors of statistical text books began combining the two approaches by using the p-value in place of the test statistic (or data) to test against the Neyman–Pearson "significance level".
# | Fisher's null hypothesis testing | Neyman–Pearson decision theory |
1 | Set up a statistical null hypothesis. The null need not be a nil hypothesis (i.e., zero difference). | Set up two statistical hypotheses, H1 and H2, and decide about α, β, and sample size before the experiment, based on subjective cost-benefit considerations. These define a rejection region for each hypothesis. |
2 | Report the exact level of significance (e.g. p = 0.051 or p = 0.049). Do not refer to "accepting" or "rejecting" hypotheses. If the result is "not significant", draw no conclusions and make no decisions, but suspend judgement until further data is available. | If the data falls into the rejection region of H1, accept H2; otherwise accept H1. Accepting a hypothesis does not mean that you believe in it, but only that you act as if it were true. |
3 | Use this procedure only if little is known about the problem at hand, and only to draw provisional conclusions in the context of an attempt to understand the experimental situation. | The usefulness of the procedure is limited among others to situations where you have a disjunction of hypotheses (e.g. either μ1 = 8 or μ2 = 10 is true) and where you can make meaningful cost-benefit trade-offs for choosing alpha and beta. |
Hypothesis testing and philosophy intersect. Inferential statistics, which includes hypothesis testing, is applied probability. Both probability and its application are intertwined with philosophy. Philosopher David Hume wrote, "All knowledge degenerates into probability." Competing practical definitions of probability reflect philosophical differences. The most common application of hypothesis testing is in the scientific interpretation of experimental data, which is naturally studied by the philosophy of science.
Fisher and Neyman opposed the subjectivity of probability. Their views contributed to the objective definitions. The core of their historical disagreement was philosophical.
Many of the philosophical criticisms of hypothesis testing are discussed by statisticians in other contexts, particularly correlation does not imply causation and the design of experiments. Hypothesis testing is of continuing interest to philosophers.
Statistics is increasingly being taught in schools with hypothesis testing being one of the elements taught. Many conclusions reported in the popular press (political opinion polls to medical studies) are based on statistics. Some writers have stated that statistical analysis of this kind allows for thinking clearly about problems involving mass data, as well as the effective reporting of trends and inferences from said data, but caution that writers for a broad public should have a solid understanding of the field in order to use the terms and concepts correctly. An introductory college statistics class places much emphasis on hypothesis testing – perhaps half of the course. Such fields as literature and divinity now include findings based on statistical analysis (see the Bible Analyzer). An introductory statistics class teaches hypothesis testing as a cookbook process. Hypothesis testing is also taught at the postgraduate level. Statisticians learn how to create good statistical test procedures (like z, Student's t, F and chi-squared). Statistical hypothesis testing is considered a mature area within statistics, but a limited amount of development continues.
An academic study states that the cookbook method of teaching introductory statistics leaves no time for history, philosophy or controversy. Hypothesis testing has been taught as received unified method. Surveys showed that graduates of the class were filled with philosophical misconceptions (on all aspects of statistical inference) that persisted among instructors. While the problem was addressed more than a decade ago, and calls for educational reform continue, students still graduate from statistics classes holding fundamental misconceptions about hypothesis testing. Ideas for improving the teaching of hypothesis testing include encouraging students to search for statistical errors in published papers, teaching the history of statistics and emphasizing the controversy in a generally dry subject.
Performing a frequentist hypothesis test in practice
The typical steps involved in performing a frequentist hypothesis test in practice are:
- Define a hypothesis (claim which is testable using data).
- Select a relevant statistical test with associated test statistic T.
- Derive the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis from the assumptions. In standard cases this will be a well-known result. For example, the test statistic might follow a Student's t distribution with known degrees of freedom, or a normal distribution with known mean and variance.
- Select a significance level (α), the maximum acceptable false positive rate. Common values are 5% and 1%.
- Compute from the observations the observed value tobs of the test statistic T.
- Decide to either reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative or not reject it. The Neyman-Pearson decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis H0 if the observed value tobs is in the critical region, and not to reject the null hypothesis otherwise.
Practical example
The difference in the two processes applied to the radioactive suitcase example (below):
- "The Geiger-counter reading is 10. The limit is 9. Check the suitcase."
- "The Geiger-counter reading is high; 97% of safe suitcases have lower readings. The limit is 95%. Check the suitcase."
The former report is adequate, the latter gives a more detailed explanation of the data and the reason why the suitcase is being checked.
Not rejecting the null hypothesis does not mean the null hypothesis is "accepted" per se (though Neyman and Pearson used that word in their original writings; see the Interpretation section).
The processes described here are perfectly adequate for computation. They seriously neglect the design of experiments considerations.
It is particularly critical that appropriate sample sizes be estimated before conducting the experiment.
The phrase "test of significance" was coined by statistician Ronald Fisher.
When the null hypothesis is true and statistical assumptions are met, the probability that the p-value will be less than or equal to the significance level is at most
. This ensures that the hypothesis test maintains its specified false positive rate (provided that statistical assumptions are met).
The p-value is the probability that a test statistic which is at least as extreme as the one obtained would occur under the null hypothesis. At a significance level of 0.05, a fair coin would be expected to (incorrectly) reject the null hypothesis (that it is fair) in 1 out of 20 tests on average. The p-value does not provide the probability that either the null hypothesis or its opposite is correct (a common source of confusion).
If the p-value is less than the chosen significance threshold (equivalently, if the observed test statistic is in the critical region), then we say the null hypothesis is rejected at the chosen level of significance. If the p-value is not less than the chosen significance threshold (equivalently, if the observed test statistic is outside the critical region), then the null hypothesis is not rejected at the chosen level of significance.
In the "lady tasting tea" example (below), Fisher required the lady to properly categorize all of the cups of tea to justify the conclusion that the result was unlikely to result from chance. His test revealed that if the lady was effectively guessing at random (the null hypothesis), there was a 1.4% chance that the observed results (perfectly ordered tea) would occur.
Use and importance
Statistics are helpful in analyzing most collections of data. This is equally true of hypothesis testing which can justify conclusions even when no scientific theory exists. In the Lady tasting tea example, it was "obvious" that no difference existed between (milk poured into tea) and (tea poured into milk). The data contradicted the "obvious".
Real world applications of hypothesis testing include:
- Testing whether more men than women suffer from nightmares
- Establishing authorship of documents
- Evaluating the effect of the full moon on behavior
- Determining the range at which a bat can detect an insect by echo
- Deciding whether hospital carpeting results in more infections
- Selecting the best means to stop smoking
- Checking whether bumper stickers reflect car owner behavior
- Testing the claims of handwriting analysts
Statistical hypothesis testing plays an important role in the whole of statistics and in statistical inference. For example, Lehmann (1992) in a review of the fundamental paper by Neyman and Pearson (1933) says: "Nevertheless, despite their shortcomings, the new paradigm formulated in the 1933 paper, and the many developments carried out within its framework continue to play a central role in both the theory and practice of statistics and can be expected to do so in the foreseeable future".
Significance testing has been the favored statistical tool in some experimental social sciences (over 90% of articles in the Journal of Applied Psychology during the early 1990s). Other fields have favored the estimation of parameters (e.g. effect size). Significance testing is used as a substitute for the traditional comparison of predicted value and experimental result at the core of the scientific method. When theory is only capable of predicting the sign of a relationship, a directional (one-sided) hypothesis test can be configured so that only a statistically significant result supports theory. This form of theory appraisal is the most heavily criticized application of hypothesis testing.
"If the government required statistical procedures to carry warning labels like those on drugs, most inference methods would have long labels indeed." This caution applies to hypothesis tests and alternatives to them.
The successful hypothesis test is associated with a probability and a type-I error rate. The conclusion might be wrong.
The conclusion of the test is only as solid as the sample upon which it is based. The design of the experiment is critical. A number of unexpected effects have been observed including:
- The clever Hans effect. A horse appeared to be capable of doing simple arithmetic.
- The Hawthorne effect. Industrial workers were more productive in better illumination, and most productive in worse.
- The placebo effect. Pills with no medically active ingredients were remarkably effective.
A statistical analysis of misleading data produces misleading conclusions. The issue of data quality can be more subtle. In forecasting for example, there is no agreement on a measure of forecast accuracy. In the absence of a consensus measurement, no decision based on measurements will be without controversy.
Publication bias: Statistically nonsignificant results may be less likely to be published, which can bias the literature.
Multiple testing: When multiple true null hypothesis tests are conducted at once without adjustment, the overall probability of Type I error is higher than the nominal alpha level.
Those making critical decisions based on the results of a hypothesis test are prudent to look at the details rather than the conclusion alone. In the physical sciences most results are fully accepted only when independently confirmed. The general advice concerning statistics is, "Figures never lie, but liars figure" (anonymous).
Definition of terms
The following definitions are mainly based on the exposition in the book by Lehmann and Romano:
- Statistical hypothesis: A statement about the parameters describing a population (not a sample).
- Test statistic: A value calculated from a sample without any unknown parameters, often to summarize the sample for comparison purposes.
- Simple hypothesis: Any hypothesis which specifies the population distribution completely.
- Composite hypothesis: Any hypothesis which does not specify the population distribution completely.
- Null hypothesis (H0)
- Positive data: Data that enable the investigator to reject a null hypothesis.
- Alternative hypothesis (H1)

- Critical values of a statistical test are the boundaries of the acceptance region of the test. The acceptance region is the set of values of the test statistic for which the null hypothesis is not rejected. Depending on the shape of the acceptance region, there can be one or more than one critical value.
- Region of rejection / Critical region: The set of values of the test statistic for which the null hypothesis is rejected.
- Power of a test (1 − β)
- Size: For simple hypotheses, this is the test's probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. The false positive rate. For composite hypotheses this is the supremum of the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis over all cases covered by the null hypothesis. The complement of the false positive rate is termed specificity in biostatistics. ("This is a specific test. Because the result is positive, we can confidently say that the patient has the condition.") See sensitivity and specificity and type I and type II errors for exhaustive definitions.
- Significance level of a test (α)
- p-value
- Statistical significance test: A predecessor to the statistical hypothesis test (see the Origins section). An experimental result was said to be statistically significant if a sample was sufficiently inconsistent with the (null) hypothesis. This was variously considered common sense, a pragmatic heuristic for identifying meaningful experimental results, a convention establishing a threshold of statistical evidence or a method for drawing conclusions from data. The statistical hypothesis test added mathematical rigor and philosophical consistency to the concept by making the alternative hypothesis explicit. The term is loosely used for the modern version which is now part of statistical hypothesis testing.
- Conservative test: A test is conservative if, when constructed for a given nominal significance level, the true probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis is never greater than the nominal level.
- Exact test
A statistical hypothesis test compares a test statistic (z or t for examples) to a threshold. The test statistic (the formula found in the table below) is based on optimality. For a fixed level of Type I error rate, use of these statistics minimizes Type II error rates (equivalent to maximizing power). The following terms describe tests in terms of such optimality:
- Most powerful test: For a given size or significance level, the test with the greatest power (probability of rejection) for a given value of the parameter(s) being tested, contained in the alternative hypothesis.
- Uniformly most powerful test (UMP)
Nonparametric bootstrap hypothesis testing
Bootstrap-based resampling methods can be used for null hypothesis testing. A bootstrap creates numerous simulated samples by randomly resampling (with replacement) the original, combined sample data, assuming the null hypothesis is correct. The bootstrap is very versatile as it is distribution-free and it does not rely on restrictive parametric assumptions, but rather on empirical approximate methods with asymptotic guarantees. Traditional parametric hypothesis tests are more computationally efficient but make stronger structural assumptions. In situations where computing the probability of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is hard or impossible (due to perhaps inconvenience or lack of knowledge of the underlying distribution), the bootstrap offers a viable method for statistical inference.
Human sex ratio
The earliest use of statistical hypothesis testing is generally credited to the question of whether male and female births are equally likely (null hypothesis), which was addressed in the 1700s by John Arbuthnot (1710), and later by Pierre-Simon Laplace (1770s).
Arbuthnot examined birth records in London for each of the 82 years from 1629 to 1710, and applied the sign test, a simple non-parametric test. In every year, the number of males born in London exceeded the number of females. Considering more male or more female births as equally likely, the probability of the observed outcome is 0.582, or about 1 in 4,836,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; in modern terms, this is the p-value. Arbuthnot concluded that this is too small to be due to chance and must instead be due to divine providence: "From whence it follows, that it is Art, not Chance, that governs." In modern terms, he rejected the null hypothesis of equally likely male and female births at the p = 1/282 significance level.
Laplace considered the statistics of almost half a million births. The statistics showed an excess of boys compared to girls. He concluded by calculation of a p-value that the excess was a real, but unexplained, effect.
Lady tasting tea
In a famous example of hypothesis testing, known as the Lady tasting tea, Dr. Muriel Bristol, a colleague of Fisher, claimed to be able to tell whether the tea or the milk was added first to a cup. Fisher proposed to give her eight cups, four of each variety, in random order. One could then ask what the probability was for her getting the number she got correct, but just by chance. The null hypothesis was that the Lady had no such ability. The test statistic was a simple count of the number of successes in selecting the 4 cups. The critical region was the single case of 4 successes of 4 possible based on a conventional probability criterion (< 5%). A pattern of 4 successes corresponds to 1 out of 70 possible combinations (p≈ 1.4%). Fisher asserted that no alternative hypothesis was (ever) required. The lady correctly identified every cup, which would be considered a statistically significant result.
Courtroom trial
A statistical test procedure is comparable to a criminal trial; a defendant is considered not guilty as long as his or her guilt is not proven. The prosecutor tries to prove the guilt of the defendant. Only when there is enough evidence for the prosecution is the defendant convicted.
In the start of the procedure, there are two hypotheses : "the defendant is not guilty", and
: "the defendant is guilty". The first one,
, is called the null hypothesis. The second one,
, is called the alternative hypothesis. It is the alternative hypothesis that one hopes to support.
The hypothesis of innocence is rejected only when an error is very unlikely, because one does not want to convict an innocent defendant. Such an error is called error of the first kind (i.e., the conviction of an innocent person), and the occurrence of this error is controlled to be rare. As a consequence of this asymmetric behaviour, an error of the second kind (acquitting a person who committed the crime), is more common.
H0 is true Truly not guilty | H1 is true Truly guilty | |
Do not reject the null hypothesis Acquittal | Right decision | Wrong decision Type II Error |
Reject null hypothesis Conviction | Wrong decision Type I Error | Right decision |
A criminal trial can be regarded as either or both of two decision processes: guilty vs not guilty or evidence vs a threshold ("beyond a reasonable doubt"). In one view, the defendant is judged; in the other view the performance of the prosecution (which bears the burden of proof) is judged. A hypothesis test can be regarded as either a judgment of a hypothesis or as a judgment of evidence.
Philosopher's beans
The following example was produced by a philosopher describing scientific methods generations before hypothesis testing was formalized and popularized.
Few beans of this handful are white.
Most beans in this bag are white.
Therefore: Probably, these beans were taken from another bag.
This is an hypothetical inference.
The beans in the bag are the population. The handful are the sample. The null hypothesis is that the sample originated from the population. The criterion for rejecting the null-hypothesis is the "obvious" difference in appearance (an informal difference in the mean). The interesting result is that consideration of a real population and a real sample produced an imaginary bag. The philosopher was considering logic rather than probability. To be a real statistical hypothesis test, this example requires the formalities of a probability calculation and a comparison of that probability to a standard.
A simple generalization of the example considers a mixed bag of beans and a handful that contain either very few or very many white beans. The generalization considers both extremes. It requires more calculations and more comparisons to arrive at a formal answer, but the core philosophy is unchanged; If the composition of the handful is greatly different from that of the bag, then the sample probably originated from another bag. The original example is termed a one-sided or a one-tailed test while the generalization is termed a two-sided or two-tailed test.
The statement also relies on the inference that the sampling was random. If someone had been picking through the bag to find white beans, then it would explain why the handful had so many white beans, and also explain why the number of white beans in the bag was depleted (although the bag is probably intended to be assumed much larger than one's hand).
Clairvoyant card game
A person (the subject) is tested for clairvoyance. They are shown the back face of a randomly chosen playing card 25 times and asked which of the four suits it belongs to. The number of hits, or correct answers, is called X.
As we try to find evidence of their clairvoyance, for the time being the null hypothesis is that the person is not clairvoyant. The alternative is: the person is (more or less) clairvoyant.
If the null hypothesis is valid, the only thing the test person can do is guess. For every card, the probability (relative frequency) of any single suit appearing is 1/4. If the alternative is valid, the test subject will predict the suit correctly with probability greater than 1/4. We will call the probability of guessing correctly p. The hypotheses, then, are:
- null hypothesis
(just guessing)
- alternative hypothesis
(true clairvoyant).
When the test subject correctly predicts all 25 cards, we will consider them clairvoyant, and reject the null hypothesis. Thus also with 24 or 23 hits. With only 5 or 6 hits, on the other hand, there is no cause to consider them so. But what about 12 hits, or 17 hits? What is the critical number, c, of hits, at which point we consider the subject to be clairvoyant? How do we determine the critical value c? With the choice c=25 (i.e. we only accept clairvoyance when all cards are predicted correctly) we're more critical than with c=10. In the first case almost no test subjects will be recognized to be clairvoyant, in the second case, a certain number will pass the test. In practice, one decides how critical one will be. That is, one decides how often one accepts an error of the first kind – a false positive, or Type I error. With c = 25 the probability of such an error is:
and hence, very small. The probability of a false positive is the probability of randomly guessing correctly all 25 times.
Being less critical, with c = 10, gives:
Thus, c = 10 yields a much greater probability of false positive.
Before the test is actually performed, the maximum acceptable probability of a Type I error (α) is determined. Typically, values in the range of 1% to 5% are selected. (If the maximum acceptable error rate is zero, an infinite number of correct guesses is required.) Depending on this Type 1 error rate, the critical value c is calculated. For example, if we select an error rate of 1%, c is calculated thus:
From all the numbers c, with this property, we choose the smallest, in order to minimize the probability of a Type II error, a false negative. For the above example, we select: .
Variations and sub-classes
Statistical hypothesis testing is a key technique of both frequentist inference and Bayesian inference, although the two types of inference have notable differences. Statistical hypothesis tests define a procedure that controls (fixes) the probability of incorrectly deciding that a default position (null hypothesis) is incorrect. The procedure is based on how likely it would be for a set of observations to occur if the null hypothesis were true. This probability of making an incorrect decision is not the probability that the null hypothesis is true, nor whether any specific alternative hypothesis is true. This contrasts with other possible techniques of decision theory in which the null and alternative hypothesis are treated on a more equal basis.
One naïve Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing is to base decisions on the posterior probability, but this fails when comparing point and continuous hypotheses. Other approaches to decision making, such as Bayesian decision theory, attempt to balance the consequences of incorrect decisions across all possibilities, rather than concentrating on a single null hypothesis. A number of other approaches to reaching a decision based on data are available via decision theory and optimal decisions, some of which have desirable properties. Hypothesis testing, though, is a dominant approach to data analysis in many fields of science. Extensions to the theory of hypothesis testing include the study of the power of tests, i.e. the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis given that it is false. Such considerations can be used for the purpose of sample size determination prior to the collection of data.
Neyman–Pearson hypothesis testing
An example of Neyman–Pearson hypothesis testing (or null hypothesis statistical significance testing) can be made by a change to the radioactive suitcase example. If the "suitcase" is actually a shielded container for the transportation of radioactive material, then a test might be used to select among three hypotheses: no radioactive source present, one present, two (all) present. The test could be required for safety, with actions required in each case. The Neyman–Pearson lemma of hypothesis testing says that a good criterion for the selection of hypotheses is the ratio of their probabilities (a likelihood ratio). A simple method of solution is to select the hypothesis with the highest probability for the Geiger counts observed. The typical result matches intuition: few counts imply no source, many counts imply two sources and intermediate counts imply one source. Notice also that usually there are problems for proving a negative. Null hypotheses should be at least falsifiable.
Neyman–Pearson theory can accommodate both prior probabilities and the costs of actions resulting from decisions. The former allows each test to consider the results of earlier tests (unlike Fisher's significance tests). The latter allows the consideration of economic issues (for example) as well as probabilities. A likelihood ratio remains a good criterion for selecting among hypotheses.
The two forms of hypothesis testing are based on different problem formulations. The original test is analogous to a true/false question; the Neyman–Pearson test is more like multiple choice. In the view of Tukey the former produces a conclusion on the basis of only strong evidence while the latter produces a decision on the basis of available evidence. While the two tests seem quite different both mathematically and philosophically, later developments lead to the opposite claim. Consider many tiny radioactive sources. The hypotheses become 0,1,2,3... grains of radioactive sand. There is little distinction between none or some radiation (Fisher) and 0 grains of radioactive sand versus all of the alternatives (Neyman–Pearson). The major Neyman–Pearson paper of 1933 also considered composite hypotheses (ones whose distribution includes an unknown parameter). An example proved the optimality of the (Student's) t-test, "there can be no better test for the hypothesis under consideration" (p 321). Neyman–Pearson theory was proving the optimality of Fisherian methods from its inception.
Fisher's significance testing has proven a popular flexible statistical tool in application with little mathematical growth potential. Neyman–Pearson hypothesis testing is claimed as a pillar of mathematical statistics, creating a new paradigm for the field. It also stimulated new applications in statistical process control, detection theory, decision theory and game theory. Both formulations have been successful, but the successes have been of a different character.
The dispute over formulations is unresolved. Science primarily uses Fisher's (slightly modified) formulation as taught in introductory statistics. Statisticians study Neyman–Pearson theory in graduate school. Mathematicians are proud of uniting the formulations. Philosophers consider them separately. Learned opinions deem the formulations variously competitive (Fisher vs Neyman), incompatible or complementary. The dispute has become more complex since Bayesian inference has achieved respectability.
The terminology is inconsistent. Hypothesis testing can mean any mixture of two formulations that both changed with time. Any discussion of significance testing vs hypothesis testing is doubly vulnerable to confusion.
Fisher thought that hypothesis testing was a useful strategy for performing industrial quality control, however, he strongly disagreed that hypothesis testing could be useful for scientists. Hypothesis testing provides a means of finding test statistics used in significance testing. The concept of power is useful in explaining the consequences of adjusting the significance level and is heavily used in sample size determination. The two methods remain philosophically distinct. They usually (but not always) produce the same mathematical answer. The preferred answer is context dependent. While the existing merger of Fisher and Neyman–Pearson theories has been heavily criticized, modifying the merger to achieve Bayesian goals has been considered.
Criticism of statistical hypothesis testing fills volumes. Much of the criticism can be summarized by the following issues:
- The interpretation of a p-value is dependent upon stopping rule and definition of multiple comparison. The former often changes during the course of a study and the latter is unavoidably ambiguous. (i.e. "p values depend on both the (data) observed and on the other possible (data) that might have been observed but weren't").
- Confusion resulting (in part) from combining the methods of Fisher and Neyman–Pearson which are conceptually distinct.
- Emphasis on statistical significance to the exclusion of estimation and confirmation by repeated experiments.
- Rigidly requiring statistical significance as a criterion for publication, resulting in publication bias. Most of the criticism is indirect. Rather than being wrong, statistical hypothesis testing is misunderstood, overused and misused.
- When used to detect whether a difference exists between groups, a paradox arises. As improvements are made to experimental design (e.g. increased precision of measurement and sample size), the test becomes more lenient. Unless one accepts the absurd assumption that all sources of noise in the data cancel out completely, the chance of finding statistical significance in either direction approaches 100%. However, this absurd assumption that the mean difference between two groups cannot be zero implies that the data cannot be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) because the expected difference between any two subgroups of i.i.d. random variates is zero; therefore, the i.i.d. assumption is also absurd.
- Layers of philosophical concerns. The probability of statistical significance is a function of decisions made by experimenters/analysts. If the decisions are based on convention they are termed arbitrary or mindless while those not so based may be termed subjective. To minimize type II errors, large samples are recommended. In psychology practically all null hypotheses are claimed to be false for sufficiently large samples so "...it is usually nonsensical to perform an experiment with the sole aim of rejecting the null hypothesis." "Statistically significant findings are often misleading" in psychology. Statistical significance does not imply practical significance, and correlation does not imply causation. Casting doubt on the null hypothesis is thus far from directly supporting the research hypothesis.
- "[I]t does not tell us what we want to know". Lists of dozens of complaints are available.
Critics and supporters are largely in factual agreement regarding the characteristics of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST): While it can provide critical information, it is inadequate as the sole tool for statistical analysis. Successfully rejecting the null hypothesis may offer no support for the research hypothesis. The continuing controversy concerns the selection of the best statistical practices for the near-term future given the existing practices. However, adequate research design can minimize this issue. Critics would prefer to ban NHST completely, forcing a complete departure from those practices, while supporters suggest a less absolute change.[citation needed]
Controversy over significance testing, and its effects on publication bias in particular, has produced several results. The American Psychological Association has strengthened its statistical reporting requirements after review,medical journal publishers have recognized the obligation to publish some results that are not statistically significant to combat publication bias, and a journal (Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis) has been created to publish such results exclusively. Textbooks have added some cautions, and increased coverage of the tools necessary to estimate the size of the sample required to produce significant results. Few major organizations have abandoned use of significance tests although some have discussed doing so. For instance, in 2023, the editors of the Journal of Physiology "strongly recommend the use of estimation methods for those publishing in The Journal" (meaning the magnitude of the effect size (to allow readers to judge whether a finding has practical, physiological, or clinical relevance) and confidence intervals to convey the precision of that estimate), saying "Ultimately, it is the physiological importance of the data that those publishing in The Journal of Physiology should be most concerned with, rather than the statistical significance."
A unifying position of critics is that statistics should not lead to an accept-reject conclusion or decision, but to an estimated value with an interval estimate; this data-analysis philosophy is broadly referred to as estimation statistics. Estimation statistics can be accomplished with either frequentist [1] or Bayesian methods.
Critics of significance testing have advocated basing inference less on p-values and more on confidence intervals for effect sizes for importance, prediction intervals for confidence, replications and extensions for replicability, meta-analyses for generality :. But none of these suggested alternatives inherently produces a decision. Lehmann said that hypothesis testing theory can be presented in terms of conclusions/decisions, probabilities, or confidence intervals: "The distinction between the ... approaches is largely one of reporting and interpretation."
Bayesian inference is one proposed alternative to significance testing. (Nickerson cited 10 sources suggesting it, including Rozeboom (1960)). For example, Bayesian parameter estimation can provide rich information about the data from which researchers can draw inferences, while using uncertain priors that exert only minimal influence on the results when enough data is available. Psychologist John K. Kruschke has suggested Bayesian estimation as an alternative for the t-test and has also contrasted Bayesian estimation for assessing null values with Bayesian model comparison for hypothesis testing. Two competing models/hypotheses can be compared using Bayes factors. Bayesian methods could be criticized for requiring information that is seldom available in the cases where significance testing is most heavily used. Neither the prior probabilities nor the probability distribution of the test statistic under the alternative hypothesis are often available in the social sciences.
Advocates of a Bayesian approach sometimes claim that the goal of a researcher is most often to objectively assess the probability that a hypothesis is true based on the data they have collected. Neither Fisher's significance testing, nor Neyman–Pearson hypothesis testing can provide this information, and do not claim to. The probability a hypothesis is true can only be derived from use of Bayes' Theorem, which was unsatisfactory to both the Fisher and Neyman–Pearson camps due to the explicit use of subjectivity in the form of the prior probability. Fisher's strategy is to sidestep this with the p-value (an objective index based on the data alone) followed by inductive inference, while Neyman–Pearson devised their approach of inductive behaviour.
See also
- Statistics
- Behrens–Fisher problem
- Bootstrapping (statistics)
- Checking if a coin is fair
- Comparing means test decision tree
- Complete spatial randomness
- Counternull
- Falsifiability
- Fisher's method for combining independent tests of significance
- Granger causality
- Look-elsewhere effect
- Modifiable areal unit problem
- Modifiable temporal unit problem
- Multivariate hypothesis testing
- Omnibus test
- Dichotomous thinking
- Almost sure hypothesis testing
- Akaike information criterion
- Bayesian information criterion
- E-values
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We are quite in danger of sending highly trained and highly intelligent young men out into the world with tables of erroneous numbers under their arms, and with a dense fog in the place where their brains ought to be. In this century, of course, they will be working on guided missiles and advising the medical profession on the control of disease, and there is no limit to the extent to which they could impede every sort of national effort.
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- Nickerson, Raymond S. (2000). "Null Hypothesis Significance Tests: A Review of an Old and Continuing Controversy". Psychological Methods. 5 (2): 241–301. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.5.2.241. PMID 10937333. S2CID 28340967.
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- Hunter, John E. (January 1997). "Needed: A Ban on the Significance Test". Psychological Science. 8 (1): 3–7. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.1997.tb00534.x. S2CID 145422959.
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- "ICMJE: Obligation to Publish Negative Studies". Archived from the original on July 16, 2012. Retrieved September 3, 2012.
Editors should seriously consider for publication any carefully done study of an important question, relevant to their readers, whether the results for the primary or any additional outcome are statistically significant. Failure to submit or publish findings because of lack of statistical significance is an important cause of publication bias.
- Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis website: JASNH homepage. Volume 1 number 1 was published in 2002, and all articles are on psychology-related subjects.
- Howell, David (2002). Statistical Methods for Psychology (5 ed.). Duxbury. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-534-37770-0.
- Williams S, Carson R, Tóth K (October 10, 2023). "Moving beyond P values in The Journal of Physiology: A primer on the value of effect sizes and confidence intervals". J Physiol. 601 (23): 5131–5133. doi:10.1113/JP285575. PMID 37815959. S2CID 263827430.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - Kruschke, J K (July 9, 2012). "Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the T Test" (PDF). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 142 (2): 573–603. doi:10.1037/a0029146. PMID 22774788. S2CID 5610231.
- Kruschke, J K (May 8, 2018). "Rejecting or Accepting Parameter Values in Bayesian Estimation" (PDF). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 1 (2): 270–280. doi:10.1177/2515245918771304. S2CID 125788648.
- Armstrong, J. Scott (2007). "Significance tests harm progress in forecasting". International Journal of Forecasting. 23 (2): 321–327. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2007.03.004. S2CID 1550979.
- Kass, R. E. (1993). Bayes factors and model uncertainty (PDF) (Report). Department of Statistics, University of Washington.
- Rozeboom, William W (1960). "The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance test" (PDF). Psychological Bulletin. 57 (5): 416–428. CiteSeerX doi:10.1037/h0042040. PMID 13744252. "...the proper application of statistics to scientific inference is irrevocably committed to extensive consideration of inverse [AKA Bayesian] probabilities..." It was acknowledged, with regret, that a priori probability distributions were available "only as a subjective feel, differing from one person to the next" "in the more immediate future, at least".
- Berger, James (2006). "The Case for Objective Bayesian Analysis". Bayesian Analysis. 1 (3): 385–402. doi:10.1214/06-ba115. In listing the competing definitions of "objective" Bayesian analysis, "A major goal of statistics (indeed science) is to find a completely coherent objective Bayesian methodology for learning from data." The author expressed the view that this goal "is not attainable".
- Aldrich, J (2008). "R. A. Fisher on Bayes and Bayes' theorem". Bayesian Analysis. 3 (1): 161–170. doi:10.1214/08-BA306.
Further reading
- Lehmann E.L. (1992) "Introduction to Neyman and Pearson (1933) On the Problem of the Most Efficient Tests of Statistical Hypotheses". In: Breakthroughs in Statistics, Volume 1, (Eds Kotz, S., Johnson, N.L.), Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-94037-5 (followed by reprinting of the paper)
- Neyman, J.; Pearson, E.S. (1933). "On the Problem of the Most Efficient Tests of Statistical Hypotheses". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 231 (694–706): 289–337. Bibcode:1933RSPTA.231..289N. doi:10.1098/rsta.1933.0009.
External links

- "Statistical hypotheses, verification of", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
- Bayesian critique of classical hypothesis testing
- Critique of classical hypothesis testing highlighting long-standing qualms of statisticians
- Statistical Tests Overview: How to choose the correct statistical test
- [2] Statistical Analysis based Hypothesis Testing Method in Biological Knowledge Discovery; Md. Naseef-Ur-Rahman Chowdhury, Suvankar Paul, Kazi Zakia Sultana
Online calculators
- Some p-value and hypothesis test calculators.
A statistical hypothesis test is a method of statistical inference used to decide whether the data sufficiently supports a particular hypothesis A statistical hypothesis test typically involves a calculation of a test statistic Then a decision is made either by comparing the test statistic to a critical value or equivalently by evaluating a p value computed from the test statistic Roughly 100 specialized statistical tests have been defined The above image shows a table with some of the most common test statistics and their corresponding tests or models HistoryWhile hypothesis testing was popularized early in the 20th century early forms were used in the 1700s The first use is credited to John Arbuthnot 1710 followed by Pierre Simon Laplace 1770s in analyzing the human sex ratio at birth see Human sex ratio Choice of null hypothesis Paul Meehl has argued that the epistemological importance of the choice of null hypothesis has gone largely unacknowledged When the null hypothesis is predicted by theory a more precise experiment will be a more severe test of the underlying theory When the null hypothesis defaults to no difference or no effect a more precise experiment is a less severe test of the theory that motivated performing the experiment An examination of the origins of the latter practice may therefore be useful 1778 Pierre Laplace compares the birthrates of boys and girls in multiple European cities He states it is natural to conclude that these possibilities are very nearly in the same ratio Thus the null hypothesis in this case that the birthrates of boys and girls should be equal given conventional wisdom 1900 Karl Pearson develops the chi squared test to determine whether a given form of frequency curve will effectively describe the samples drawn from a given population Thus the null hypothesis is that a population is described by some distribution predicted by theory He uses as an example the numbers of five and sixes in the Weldon dice throw data 1904 Karl Pearson develops the concept of contingency in order to determine whether outcomes are independent of a given categorical factor Here the null hypothesis is by default that two things are unrelated e g scar formation and death rates from smallpox The null hypothesis in this case is no longer predicted by theory or conventional wisdom but is instead the principle of indifference that led Fisher and others to dismiss the use of inverse probabilities Modern origins and early controversyModern significance testing is largely the product of Karl Pearson p value Pearson s chi squared test William Sealy Gosset Student s t distribution and Ronald Fisher null hypothesis analysis of variance significance test while hypothesis testing was developed by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson son of Karl Ronald Fisher began his life in statistics as a Bayesian Zabell 1992 but Fisher soon grew disenchanted with the subjectivity involved namely use of the principle of indifference when determining prior probabilities and sought to provide a more objective approach to inductive inference Fisher emphasized rigorous experimental design and methods to extract a result from few samples assuming Gaussian distributions Neyman who teamed with the younger Pearson emphasized mathematical rigor and methods to obtain more results from many samples and a wider range of distributions Modern hypothesis testing is an inconsistent hybrid of the Fisher vs Neyman Pearson formulation methods and terminology developed in the early 20th century Fisher popularized the significance test He required a null hypothesis corresponding to a population frequency distribution and a sample His now familiar calculations determined whether to reject the null hypothesis or not Significance testing did not utilize an alternative hypothesis so there was no concept of a Type II error false negative The p value was devised as an informal but objective index meant to help a researcher determine based on other knowledge whether to modify future experiments or strengthen one s faith in the null hypothesis Hypothesis testing and Type I II errors was devised by Neyman and Pearson as a more objective alternative to Fisher s p value also meant to determine researcher behaviour but without requiring any inductive inference by the researcher Neyman amp Pearson considered a different problem to Fisher which they called hypothesis testing They initially considered two simple hypotheses both with frequency distributions They calculated two probabilities and typically selected the hypothesis associated with the higher probability the hypothesis more likely to have generated the sample Their method always selected a hypothesis It also allowed the calculation of both types of error probabilities Fisher and Neyman Pearson clashed bitterly Neyman Pearson considered their formulation to be an improved generalization of significance testing the defining paper was abstract Mathematicians have generalized and refined the theory for decades Fisher thought that it was not applicable to scientific research because often during the course of the experiment it is discovered that the initial assumptions about the null hypothesis are questionable due to unexpected sources of error He believed that the use of rigid reject accept decisions based on models formulated before data is collected was incompatible with this common scenario faced by scientists and attempts to apply this method to scientific research would lead to mass confusion The dispute between Fisher and Neyman Pearson was waged on philosophical grounds characterized by a philosopher as a dispute over the proper role of models in statistical inference Events intervened Neyman accepted a position in the University of California Berkeley in 1938 breaking his partnership with Pearson and separating the disputants who had occupied the same building World War II provided an intermission in the debate The dispute between Fisher and Neyman terminated unresolved after 27 years with Fisher s death in 1962 Neyman wrote a well regarded eulogy Some of Neyman s later publications reported p values and significance levels The modern version of hypothesis testing is a hybrid of the two approaches that resulted from confusion by writers of statistical textbooks as predicted by Fisher beginning in the 1940s but signal detection for example still uses the Neyman Pearson formulation Great conceptual differences and many caveats in addition to those mentioned above were ignored Neyman and Pearson provided the stronger terminology the more rigorous mathematics and the more consistent philosophy but the subject taught today in introductory statistics has more similarities with Fisher s method than theirs Sometime around 1940 authors of statistical text books began combining the two approaches by using the p value in place of the test statistic or data to test against the Neyman Pearson significance level A comparison between Fisherian frequentist Neyman Pearson Fisher s null hypothesis testing Neyman Pearson decision theory1 Set up a statistical null hypothesis The null need not be a nil hypothesis i e zero difference Set up two statistical hypotheses H1 and H2 and decide about a b and sample size before the experiment based on subjective cost benefit considerations These define a rejection region for each hypothesis 2 Report the exact level of significance e g p 0 051 or p 0 049 Do not refer to accepting or rejecting hypotheses If the result is not significant draw no conclusions and make no decisions but suspend judgement until further data is available If the data falls into the rejection region of H1 accept H2 otherwise accept H1 Accepting a hypothesis does not mean that you believe in it but only that you act as if it were true 3 Use this procedure only if little is known about the problem at hand and only to draw provisional conclusions in the context of an attempt to understand the experimental situation The usefulness of the procedure is limited among others to situations where you have a disjunction of hypotheses e g either m1 8 or m2 10 is true and where you can make meaningful cost benefit trade offs for choosing alpha and beta PhilosophyHypothesis testing and philosophy intersect Inferential statistics which includes hypothesis testing is applied probability Both probability and its application are intertwined with philosophy Philosopher David Hume wrote All knowledge degenerates into probability Competing practical definitions of probability reflect philosophical differences The most common application of hypothesis testing is in the scientific interpretation of experimental data which is naturally studied by the philosophy of science Fisher and Neyman opposed the subjectivity of probability Their views contributed to the objective definitions The core of their historical disagreement was philosophical Many of the philosophical criticisms of hypothesis testing are discussed by statisticians in other contexts particularly correlation does not imply causation and the design of experiments Hypothesis testing is of continuing interest to philosophers EducationStatistics is increasingly being taught in schools with hypothesis testing being one of the elements taught Many conclusions reported in the popular press political opinion polls to medical studies are based on statistics Some writers have stated that statistical analysis of this kind allows for thinking clearly about problems involving mass data as well as the effective reporting of trends and inferences from said data but caution that writers for a broad public should have a solid understanding of the field in order to use the terms and concepts correctly An introductory college statistics class places much emphasis on hypothesis testing perhaps half of the course Such fields as literature and divinity now include findings based on statistical analysis see the Bible Analyzer An introductory statistics class teaches hypothesis testing as a cookbook process Hypothesis testing is also taught at the postgraduate level Statisticians learn how to create good statistical test procedures like z Student s t F and chi squared Statistical hypothesis testing is considered a mature area within statistics but a limited amount of development continues An academic study states that the cookbook method of teaching introductory statistics leaves no time for history philosophy or controversy Hypothesis testing has been taught as received unified method Surveys showed that graduates of the class were filled with philosophical misconceptions on all aspects of statistical inference that persisted among instructors While the problem was addressed more than a decade ago and calls for educational reform continue students still graduate from statistics classes holding fundamental misconceptions about hypothesis testing Ideas for improving the teaching of hypothesis testing include encouraging students to search for statistical errors in published papers teaching the history of statistics and emphasizing the controversy in a generally dry subject Performing a frequentist hypothesis test in practiceThe typical steps involved in performing a frequentist hypothesis test in practice are Define a hypothesis claim which is testable using data Select a relevant statistical test with associated test statistic T Derive the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis from the assumptions In standard cases this will be a well known result For example the test statistic might follow a Student s t distribution with known degrees of freedom or a normal distribution with known mean and variance Select a significance level a the maximum acceptable false positive rate Common values are 5 and 1 Compute from the observations the observed value tobs of the test statistic T Decide to either reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative or not reject it The Neyman Pearson decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis H0 if the observed value tobs is in the critical region and not to reject the null hypothesis otherwise Practical example The difference in the two processes applied to the radioactive suitcase example below The Geiger counter reading is 10 The limit is 9 Check the suitcase The Geiger counter reading is high 97 of safe suitcases have lower readings The limit is 95 Check the suitcase The former report is adequate the latter gives a more detailed explanation of the data and the reason why the suitcase is being checked Not rejecting the null hypothesis does not mean the null hypothesis is accepted per se though Neyman and Pearson used that word in their original writings see the Interpretation section The processes described here are perfectly adequate for computation They seriously neglect the design of experiments considerations It is particularly critical that appropriate sample sizes be estimated before conducting the experiment The phrase test of significance was coined by statistician Ronald Fisher Interpretation When the null hypothesis is true and statistical assumptions are met the probability that the p value will be less than or equal to the significance level a displaystyle alpha is at most a displaystyle alpha This ensures that the hypothesis test maintains its specified false positive rate provided that statistical assumptions are met The p value is the probability that a test statistic which is at least as extreme as the one obtained would occur under the null hypothesis At a significance level of 0 05 a fair coin would be expected to incorrectly reject the null hypothesis that it is fair in 1 out of 20 tests on average The p value does not provide the probability that either the null hypothesis or its opposite is correct a common source of confusion If the p value is less than the chosen significance threshold equivalently if the observed test statistic is in the critical region then we say the null hypothesis is rejected at the chosen level of significance If the p value is not less than the chosen significance threshold equivalently if the observed test statistic is outside the critical region then the null hypothesis is not rejected at the chosen level of significance In the lady tasting tea example below Fisher required the lady to properly categorize all of the cups of tea to justify the conclusion that the result was unlikely to result from chance His test revealed that if the lady was effectively guessing at random the null hypothesis there was a 1 4 chance that the observed results perfectly ordered tea would occur Use and importance Statistics are helpful in analyzing most collections of data This is equally true of hypothesis testing which can justify conclusions even when no scientific theory exists In the Lady tasting tea example it was obvious that no difference existed between milk poured into tea and tea poured into milk The data contradicted the obvious Real world applications of hypothesis testing include Testing whether more men than women suffer from nightmares Establishing authorship of documents Evaluating the effect of the full moon on behavior Determining the range at which a bat can detect an insect by echo Deciding whether hospital carpeting results in more infections Selecting the best means to stop smoking Checking whether bumper stickers reflect car owner behavior Testing the claims of handwriting analysts Statistical hypothesis testing plays an important role in the whole of statistics and in statistical inference For example Lehmann 1992 in a review of the fundamental paper by Neyman and Pearson 1933 says Nevertheless despite their shortcomings the new paradigm formulated in the 1933 paper and the many developments carried out within its framework continue to play a central role in both the theory and practice of statistics and can be expected to do so in the foreseeable future Significance testing has been the favored statistical tool in some experimental social sciences over 90 of articles in the Journal of Applied Psychology during the early 1990s Other fields have favored the estimation of parameters e g effect size Significance testing is used as a substitute for the traditional comparison of predicted value and experimental result at the core of the scientific method When theory is only capable of predicting the sign of a relationship a directional one sided hypothesis test can be configured so that only a statistically significant result supports theory This form of theory appraisal is the most heavily criticized application of hypothesis testing Cautions If the government required statistical procedures to carry warning labels like those on drugs most inference methods would have long labels indeed This caution applies to hypothesis tests and alternatives to them The successful hypothesis test is associated with a probability and a type I error rate The conclusion might be wrong The conclusion of the test is only as solid as the sample upon which it is based The design of the experiment is critical A number of unexpected effects have been observed including The clever Hans effect A horse appeared to be capable of doing simple arithmetic The Hawthorne effect Industrial workers were more productive in better illumination and most productive in worse The placebo effect Pills with no medically active ingredients were remarkably effective A statistical analysis of misleading data produces misleading conclusions The issue of data quality can be more subtle In forecasting for example there is no agreement on a measure of forecast accuracy In the absence of a consensus measurement no decision based on measurements will be without controversy Publication bias Statistically nonsignificant results may be less likely to be published which can bias the literature Multiple testing When multiple true null hypothesis tests are conducted at once without adjustment the overall probability of Type I error is higher than the nominal alpha level Those making critical decisions based on the results of a hypothesis test are prudent to look at the details rather than the conclusion alone In the physical sciences most results are fully accepted only when independently confirmed The general advice concerning statistics is Figures never lie but liars figure anonymous Definition of termsThe following definitions are mainly based on the exposition in the book by Lehmann and Romano Statistical hypothesis A statement about the parameters describing a population not a sample Test statistic A value calculated from a sample without any unknown parameters often to summarize the sample for comparison purposes Simple hypothesis Any hypothesis which specifies the population distribution completely Composite hypothesis Any hypothesis which does not specify the population distribution completely Null hypothesis H0 Positive data Data that enable the investigator to reject a null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis H1 Suppose the data can be realized from an N 0 1 distribution For example with a chosen significance level a 0 05 from the Z table a one tailed critical value of approximately 1 645 can be obtained The one tailed critical value Ca 1 645 corresponds to the chosen significance level The critical region Ca is realized as the tail of the standard normal distribution Critical value s of a statistical test are the boundaries of the acceptance region of the test The acceptance region is the set of values of the test statistic for which the null hypothesis is not rejected Depending on the shape of the acceptance region there can be one or more than one critical value Region of rejection Critical region The set of values of the test statistic for which the null hypothesis is rejected Power of a test 1 b Size For simple hypotheses this is the test s probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis The false positive rate For composite hypotheses this is the supremum of the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis over all cases covered by the null hypothesis The complement of the false positive rate is termed specificity in biostatistics This is a specific test Because the result is positive we can confidently say that the patient has the condition See sensitivity and specificity and type I and type II errors for exhaustive definitions Significance level of a test a p value Statistical significance test A predecessor to the statistical hypothesis test see the Origins section An experimental result was said to be statistically significant if a sample was sufficiently inconsistent with the null hypothesis This was variously considered common sense a pragmatic heuristic for identifying meaningful experimental results a convention establishing a threshold of statistical evidence or a method for drawing conclusions from data The statistical hypothesis test added mathematical rigor and philosophical consistency to the concept by making the alternative hypothesis explicit The term is loosely used for the modern version which is now part of statistical hypothesis testing Conservative test A test is conservative if when constructed for a given nominal significance level the true probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis is never greater than the nominal level Exact test A statistical hypothesis test compares a test statistic z or t for examples to a threshold The test statistic the formula found in the table below is based on optimality For a fixed level of Type I error rate use of these statistics minimizes Type II error rates equivalent to maximizing power The following terms describe tests in terms of such optimality Most powerful test For a given size or significance level the test with the greatest power probability of rejection for a given value of the parameter s being tested contained in the alternative hypothesis Uniformly most powerful test UMP Nonparametric bootstrap hypothesis testingBootstrap based resampling methods can be used for null hypothesis testing A bootstrap creates numerous simulated samples by randomly resampling with replacement the original combined sample data assuming the null hypothesis is correct The bootstrap is very versatile as it is distribution free and it does not rely on restrictive parametric assumptions but rather on empirical approximate methods with asymptotic guarantees Traditional parametric hypothesis tests are more computationally efficient but make stronger structural assumptions In situations where computing the probability of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is hard or impossible due to perhaps inconvenience or lack of knowledge of the underlying distribution the bootstrap offers a viable method for statistical inference ExamplesHuman sex ratio The earliest use of statistical hypothesis testing is generally credited to the question of whether male and female births are equally likely null hypothesis which was addressed in the 1700s by John Arbuthnot 1710 and later by Pierre Simon Laplace 1770s Arbuthnot examined birth records in London for each of the 82 years from 1629 to 1710 and applied the sign test a simple non parametric test In every year the number of males born in London exceeded the number of females Considering more male or more female births as equally likely the probability of the observed outcome is 0 582 or about 1 in 4 836 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 in modern terms this is the p value Arbuthnot concluded that this is too small to be due to chance and must instead be due to divine providence From whence it follows that it is Art not Chance that governs In modern terms he rejected the null hypothesis of equally likely male and female births at the p 1 282 significance level Laplace considered the statistics of almost half a million births The statistics showed an excess of boys compared to girls He concluded by calculation of a p value that the excess was a real but unexplained effect Lady tasting tea In a famous example of hypothesis testing known as the Lady tasting tea Dr Muriel Bristol a colleague of Fisher claimed to be able to tell whether the tea or the milk was added first to a cup Fisher proposed to give her eight cups four of each variety in random order One could then ask what the probability was for her getting the number she got correct but just by chance The null hypothesis was that the Lady had no such ability The test statistic was a simple count of the number of successes in selecting the 4 cups The critical region was the single case of 4 successes of 4 possible based on a conventional probability criterion lt 5 A pattern of 4 successes corresponds to 1 out of 70 possible combinations p 1 4 Fisher asserted that no alternative hypothesis was ever required The lady correctly identified every cup which would be considered a statistically significant result Courtroom trial A statistical test procedure is comparable to a criminal trial a defendant is considered not guilty as long as his or her guilt is not proven The prosecutor tries to prove the guilt of the defendant Only when there is enough evidence for the prosecution is the defendant convicted In the start of the procedure there are two hypotheses H0 displaystyle H 0 the defendant is not guilty and H1 displaystyle H 1 the defendant is guilty The first one H0 displaystyle H 0 is called the null hypothesis The second one H1 displaystyle H 1 is called the alternative hypothesis It is the alternative hypothesis that one hopes to support The hypothesis of innocence is rejected only when an error is very unlikely because one does not want to convict an innocent defendant Such an error is called error of the first kind i e the conviction of an innocent person and the occurrence of this error is controlled to be rare As a consequence of this asymmetric behaviour an error of the second kind acquitting a person who committed the crime is more common H0 is true Truly not guilty H1 is true Truly guiltyDo not reject the null hypothesis Acquittal Right decision Wrong decision Type II ErrorReject null hypothesis Conviction Wrong decision Type I Error Right decision A criminal trial can be regarded as either or both of two decision processes guilty vs not guilty or evidence vs a threshold beyond a reasonable doubt In one view the defendant is judged in the other view the performance of the prosecution which bears the burden of proof is judged A hypothesis test can be regarded as either a judgment of a hypothesis or as a judgment of evidence Philosopher s beans The following example was produced by a philosopher describing scientific methods generations before hypothesis testing was formalized and popularized Few beans of this handful are white Most beans in this bag are white Therefore Probably these beans were taken from another bag This is an hypothetical inference The beans in the bag are the population The handful are the sample The null hypothesis is that the sample originated from the population The criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis is the obvious difference in appearance an informal difference in the mean The interesting result is that consideration of a real population and a real sample produced an imaginary bag The philosopher was considering logic rather than probability To be a real statistical hypothesis test this example requires the formalities of a probability calculation and a comparison of that probability to a standard A simple generalization of the example considers a mixed bag of beans and a handful that contain either very few or very many white beans The generalization considers both extremes It requires more calculations and more comparisons to arrive at a formal answer but the core philosophy is unchanged If the composition of the handful is greatly different from that of the bag then the sample probably originated from another bag The original example is termed a one sided or a one tailed test while the generalization is termed a two sided or two tailed test The statement also relies on the inference that the sampling was random If someone had been picking through the bag to find white beans then it would explain why the handful had so many white beans and also explain why the number of white beans in the bag was depleted although the bag is probably intended to be assumed much larger than one s hand Clairvoyant card game A person the subject is tested for clairvoyance They are shown the back face of a randomly chosen playing card 25 times and asked which of the four suits it belongs to The number of hits or correct answers is called X As we try to find evidence of their clairvoyance for the time being the null hypothesis is that the person is not clairvoyant The alternative is the person is more or less clairvoyant If the null hypothesis is valid the only thing the test person can do is guess For every card the probability relative frequency of any single suit appearing is 1 4 If the alternative is valid the test subject will predict the suit correctly with probability greater than 1 4 We will call the probability of guessing correctly p The hypotheses then are null hypothesis H0 p 14 displaystyle text qquad H 0 p tfrac 1 4 just guessing and alternative hypothesis H1 p gt 14 displaystyle text H 1 p gt tfrac 1 4 true clairvoyant When the test subject correctly predicts all 25 cards we will consider them clairvoyant and reject the null hypothesis Thus also with 24 or 23 hits With only 5 or 6 hits on the other hand there is no cause to consider them so But what about 12 hits or 17 hits What is the critical number c of hits at which point we consider the subject to be clairvoyant How do we determine the critical value c With the choice c 25 i e we only accept clairvoyance when all cards are predicted correctly we re more critical than with c 10 In the first case almost no test subjects will be recognized to be clairvoyant in the second case a certain number will pass the test In practice one decides how critical one will be That is one decides how often one accepts an error of the first kind a false positive or Type I error With c 25 the probability of such an error is P reject H0 H0 is valid P X 25 p 14 14 25 10 15 displaystyle P text reject H 0 mid H 0 text is valid P left X 25 mid p frac 1 4 right left frac 1 4 right 25 approx 10 15 and hence very small The probability of a false positive is the probability of randomly guessing correctly all 25 times Being less critical with c 10 gives P reject H0 H0 is valid P X 10 p 14 k 1025P X k p 14 k 1025 25k 1 14 25 k 14 k 0 0713 displaystyle P text reject H 0 mid H 0 text is valid P left X geq 10 mid p frac 1 4 right sum k 10 25 P left X k mid p frac 1 4 right sum k 10 25 binom 25 k left 1 frac 1 4 right 25 k left frac 1 4 right k approx 0 0713 Thus c 10 yields a much greater probability of false positive Before the test is actually performed the maximum acceptable probability of a Type I error a is determined Typically values in the range of 1 to 5 are selected If the maximum acceptable error rate is zero an infinite number of correct guesses is required Depending on this Type 1 error rate the critical value c is calculated For example if we select an error rate of 1 c is calculated thus P reject H0 H0 is valid P X c p 14 0 01 displaystyle P text reject H 0 mid H 0 text is valid P left X geq c mid p frac 1 4 right leq 0 01 From all the numbers c with this property we choose the smallest in order to minimize the probability of a Type II error a false negative For the above example we select c 13 displaystyle c 13 Variations and sub classesStatistical hypothesis testing is a key technique of both frequentist inference and Bayesian inference although the two types of inference have notable differences Statistical hypothesis tests define a procedure that controls fixes the probability of incorrectly deciding that a default position null hypothesis is incorrect The procedure is based on how likely it would be for a set of observations to occur if the null hypothesis were true This probability of making an incorrect decision is not the probability that the null hypothesis is true nor whether any specific alternative hypothesis is true This contrasts with other possible techniques of decision theory in which the null and alternative hypothesis are treated on a more equal basis One naive Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing is to base decisions on the posterior probability but this fails when comparing point and continuous hypotheses Other approaches to decision making such as Bayesian decision theory attempt to balance the consequences of incorrect decisions across all possibilities rather than concentrating on a single null hypothesis A number of other approaches to reaching a decision based on data are available via decision theory and optimal decisions some of which have desirable properties Hypothesis testing though is a dominant approach to data analysis in many fields of science Extensions to the theory of hypothesis testing include the study of the power of tests i e the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis given that it is false Such considerations can be used for the purpose of sample size determination prior to the collection of data Neyman Pearson hypothesis testingAn example of Neyman Pearson hypothesis testing or null hypothesis statistical significance testing can be made by a change to the radioactive suitcase example If the suitcase is actually a shielded container for the transportation of radioactive material then a test might be used to select among three hypotheses no radioactive source present one present two all present The test could be required for safety with actions required in each case The Neyman Pearson lemma of hypothesis testing says that a good criterion for the selection of hypotheses is the ratio of their probabilities a likelihood ratio A simple method of solution is to select the hypothesis with the highest probability for the Geiger counts observed The typical result matches intuition few counts imply no source many counts imply two sources and intermediate counts imply one source Notice also that usually there are problems for proving a negative Null hypotheses should be at least falsifiable Neyman Pearson theory can accommodate both prior probabilities and the costs of actions resulting from decisions The former allows each test to consider the results of earlier tests unlike Fisher s significance tests The latter allows the consideration of economic issues for example as well as probabilities A likelihood ratio remains a good criterion for selecting among hypotheses The two forms of hypothesis testing are based on different problem formulations The original test is analogous to a true false question the Neyman Pearson test is more like multiple choice In the view of Tukey the former produces a conclusion on the basis of only strong evidence while the latter produces a decision on the basis of available evidence While the two tests seem quite different both mathematically and philosophically later developments lead to the opposite claim Consider many tiny radioactive sources The hypotheses become 0 1 2 3 grains of radioactive sand There is little distinction between none or some radiation Fisher and 0 grains of radioactive sand versus all of the alternatives Neyman Pearson The major Neyman Pearson paper of 1933 also considered composite hypotheses ones whose distribution includes an unknown parameter An example proved the optimality of the Student s t test there can be no better test for the hypothesis under consideration p 321 Neyman Pearson theory was proving the optimality of Fisherian methods from its inception Fisher s significance testing has proven a popular flexible statistical tool in application with little mathematical growth potential Neyman Pearson hypothesis testing is claimed as a pillar of mathematical statistics creating a new paradigm for the field It also stimulated new applications in statistical process control detection theory decision theory and game theory Both formulations have been successful but the successes have been of a different character The dispute over formulations is unresolved Science primarily uses Fisher s slightly modified formulation as taught in introductory statistics Statisticians study Neyman Pearson theory in graduate school Mathematicians are proud of uniting the formulations Philosophers consider them separately Learned opinions deem the formulations variously competitive Fisher vs Neyman incompatible or complementary The dispute has become more complex since Bayesian inference has achieved respectability The terminology is inconsistent Hypothesis testing can mean any mixture of two formulations that both changed with time Any discussion of significance testing vs hypothesis testing is doubly vulnerable to confusion Fisher thought that hypothesis testing was a useful strategy for performing industrial quality control however he strongly disagreed that hypothesis testing could be useful for scientists Hypothesis testing provides a means of finding test statistics used in significance testing The concept of power is useful in explaining the consequences of adjusting the significance level and is heavily used in sample size determination The two methods remain philosophically distinct They usually but not always produce the same mathematical answer The preferred answer is context dependent While the existing merger of Fisher and Neyman Pearson theories has been heavily criticized modifying the merger to achieve Bayesian goals has been considered CriticismCriticism of statistical hypothesis testing fills volumes Much of the criticism can be summarized by the following issues The interpretation of a p value is dependent upon stopping rule and definition of multiple comparison The former often changes during the course of a study and the latter is unavoidably ambiguous i e p values depend on both the data observed and on the other possible data that might have been observed but weren t Confusion resulting in part from combining the methods of Fisher and Neyman Pearson which are conceptually distinct Emphasis on statistical significance to the exclusion of estimation and confirmation by repeated experiments Rigidly requiring statistical significance as a criterion for publication resulting in publication bias Most of the criticism is indirect Rather than being wrong statistical hypothesis testing is misunderstood overused and misused When used to detect whether a difference exists between groups a paradox arises As improvements are made to experimental design e g increased precision of measurement and sample size the test becomes more lenient Unless one accepts the absurd assumption that all sources of noise in the data cancel out completely the chance of finding statistical significance in either direction approaches 100 However this absurd assumption that the mean difference between two groups cannot be zero implies that the data cannot be independent and identically distributed i i d because the expected difference between any two subgroups of i i d random variates is zero therefore the i i d assumption is also absurd Layers of philosophical concerns The probability of statistical significance is a function of decisions made by experimenters analysts If the decisions are based on convention they are termed arbitrary or mindless while those not so based may be termed subjective To minimize type II errors large samples are recommended In psychology practically all null hypotheses are claimed to be false for sufficiently large samples so it is usually nonsensical to perform an experiment with the sole aim of rejecting the null hypothesis Statistically significant findings are often misleading in psychology Statistical significance does not imply practical significance and correlation does not imply causation Casting doubt on the null hypothesis is thus far from directly supporting the research hypothesis I t does not tell us what we want to know Lists of dozens of complaints are available Critics and supporters are largely in factual agreement regarding the characteristics of null hypothesis significance testing NHST While it can provide critical information it is inadequate as the sole tool for statistical analysis Successfully rejecting the null hypothesis may offer no support for the research hypothesis The continuing controversy concerns the selection of the best statistical practices for the near term future given the existing practices However adequate research design can minimize this issue Critics would prefer to ban NHST completely forcing a complete departure from those practices while supporters suggest a less absolute change citation needed Controversy over significance testing and its effects on publication bias in particular has produced several results The American Psychological Association has strengthened its statistical reporting requirements after review medical journal publishers have recognized the obligation to publish some results that are not statistically significant to combat publication bias and a journal Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis has been created to publish such results exclusively Textbooks have added some cautions and increased coverage of the tools necessary to estimate the size of the sample required to produce significant results Few major organizations have abandoned use of significance tests although some have discussed doing so For instance in 2023 the editors of the Journal of Physiology strongly recommend the use of estimation methods for those publishing in The Journal meaning the magnitude of the effect size to allow readers to judge whether a finding has practical physiological or clinical relevance and confidence intervals to convey the precision of that estimate saying Ultimately it is the physiological importance of the data that those publishing in The Journal of Physiology should be most concerned with rather than the statistical significance AlternativesA unifying position of critics is that statistics should not lead to an accept reject conclusion or decision but to an estimated value with an interval estimate this data analysis philosophy is broadly referred to as estimation statistics Estimation statistics can be accomplished with either frequentist 1 or Bayesian methods Critics of significance testing have advocated basing inference less on p values and more on confidence intervals for effect sizes for importance prediction intervals for confidence replications and extensions for replicability meta analyses for generality But none of these suggested alternatives inherently produces a decision Lehmann said that hypothesis testing theory can be presented in terms of conclusions decisions probabilities or confidence intervals The distinction between the approaches is largely one of reporting and interpretation Bayesian inference is one proposed alternative to significance testing Nickerson cited 10 sources suggesting it including Rozeboom 1960 For example Bayesian parameter estimation can provide rich information about the data from which researchers can draw inferences while using uncertain priors that exert only minimal influence on the results when enough data is available Psychologist John K Kruschke has suggested Bayesian estimation as an alternative for the t test and has also contrasted Bayesian estimation for assessing null values with Bayesian model comparison for hypothesis testing Two competing models hypotheses can be compared using Bayes factors Bayesian methods could be criticized for requiring information that is seldom available in the cases where significance testing is most heavily used Neither the prior probabilities nor the probability distribution of the test statistic under the alternative hypothesis are often available in the social sciences Advocates of a Bayesian approach sometimes claim that the goal of a researcher is most often to objectively assess the probability that a hypothesis is true based on the data they have collected Neither Fisher s significance testing nor Neyman Pearson hypothesis testing can provide this information and do not claim to The probability a hypothesis is true can only be derived from use of Bayes Theorem which was unsatisfactory to both the Fisher and Neyman Pearson camps due to the explicit use of subjectivity in the form of the prior probability Fisher s strategy is to sidestep this with the p value an objective index based on the data alone followed by inductive inference while Neyman Pearson devised their approach of inductive behaviour See alsoMathematics portalStatistics Behrens Fisher problem Bootstrapping statistics Checking if a coin is fair Comparing means test decision tree Complete spatial randomness Counternull Falsifiability Fisher s method for combining independent tests of significance Granger causality Look elsewhere effect Modifiable areal unit problem Modifiable temporal unit problem Multivariate hypothesis testing Omnibus test Dichotomous thinking Almost sure hypothesis testing Akaike information criterion Bayesian information criterion E valuesReferencesLewis Nancy D Lewis Nigel Da Costa Lewis N D 2013 100 Statistical Tests in R What to Choose how to Easily Calculate with Over 300 Illustrations and Examples Heather Hills Press ISBN 978 1 4840 5299 0 Kanji Gopal K 18 July 2006 100 Statistical Tests SAGE ISBN 978 1 4462 2250 8 Bellhouse P 2001 John Arbuthnot in Statisticians of the Centuries by C C Heyde and E Seneta Springer pp 39 42 ISBN 978 0 387 95329 8 Meehl P 1990 Appraising and Amending Theories The Strategy of Lakatosian Defense and Two Principles That Warrant It PDF Psychological Inquiry 1 2 108 141 doi 10 1207 s15327965pli0102 1 Laplace P 1778 Memoire sur les probabilites Memoires de l Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris 227 332 Reprinted in Laplace P 1878 1912 Memoire sur les probabilites XIX XX Oeuvres completes de Laplace Vol 9 Gauthier Villars pp 383 488 English translation Laplace P August 21 2010 Memoire sur les probabilites PDF Translated by Pulskam Richard J Archived from the original PDF on April 27 2015 Pearson K 1900 On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling PDF The London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 5 50 157 175 doi 10 1080 14786440009463897 Pearson K 1904 On the Theory of Contingency and Its Relation to Association and Normal Correlation Drapers Company Research Memoirs Biometric Series 1 1 35 Zabell S 1989 R A Fisher on the History of Inverse Probability Statistical Science 4 3 247 256 doi 10 1214 ss 1177012488 JSTOR 2245634 Raymond Hubbard M J Bayarri P Values are not Error Probabilities Archived September 4 2013 at the Wayback Machine A working 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quite in danger of sending highly trained and highly intelligent young men out into the world with tables of erroneous numbers under their arms and with a dense fog in the place where their brains ought to be In this century of course they will be working on guided missiles and advising the medical profession on the control of disease and there is no limit to the extent to which they could impede every sort of national effort Lenhard Johannes 2006 Models and Statistical Inference The Controversy between Fisher and Neyman Pearson Br J Philos Sci 57 69 91 doi 10 1093 bjps axi152 S2CID 14136146 Neyman Jerzy 1967 RA Fisher 1890 1962 An Appreciation Science 156 3781 1456 1460 Bibcode 1967Sci 156 1456N doi 10 1126 science 156 3781 1456 PMID 17741062 S2CID 44708120 Losavich J L Neyman J Scott E L Wells M A 1971 Hypothetical explanations of the negative apparent effects of cloud seeding in the Whitetop Experiment Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 68 11 2643 2646 Bibcode 1971PNAS 68 2643L doi 10 1073 pnas 68 11 2643 PMC 389491 PMID 16591951 Halpin P F Stam HJ Winter 2006 Inductive Inference or Inductive Behavior Fisher and Neyman Pearson Approaches to Statistical Testing in Psychological Research 1940 1960 The American Journal of Psychology 119 4 625 653 doi 10 2307 20445367 JSTOR 20445367 PMID 17286092 Gigerenzer Gerd Zeno Swijtink Theodore Porter Lorraine Daston John Beatty Lorenz Kruger 1989 Part 3 The Inference Experts The Empire of Chance How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life Cambridge University Press pp 70 122 ISBN 978 0 521 39838 1 Mayo D G Spanos A 2006 Severe Testing as a Basic Concept in a Neyman Pearson Philosophy of Induction The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 2 323 357 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 130 8131 doi 10 1093 bjps axl003 S2CID 7176653 Mathematics gt High School Statistics amp Probability gt Introduction Archived July 28 2012 at archive today Common Core State Standards Initiative relates to USA students College Board Tests gt AP Subjects gt Statistics The College Board relates to USA students Huff Darrell 1993 How to lie with statistics New York Norton p 8 ISBN 978 0 393 31072 6 Statistical methods and statistical terms are necessary in reporting the mass data of social and economic trends business conditions opinion polls the census But without writers who use the words with honesty and readers who know what they mean the result can only be semantic nonsense Snedecor George W Cochran William G 1967 Statistical Methods 6 ed Ames Iowa Iowa State University Press p 3 the basic ideas in statistics assist us in thinking clearly about the problem provide some guidance about the conditions that must be satisfied if sound inferences are to be made and enable us to detect many inferences that have no good logical foundation E L Lehmann 1997 Testing Statistical Hypotheses The Story of a Book Statistical Science 12 1 48 52 doi 10 1214 ss 1029963261 Sotos Ana Elisa Castro Vanhoof Stijn Noortgate Wim Van den Onghena Patrick 2007 Students Misconceptions of Statistical Inference A Review of the Empirical Evidence from Research on Statistics Education PDF Educational Research Review 2 2 98 113 doi 10 1016 j edurev 2007 04 001 Moore David S 1997 New Pedagogy and New Content The Case of Statistics PDF International Statistical Review 65 2 123 165 doi 10 2307 1403333 JSTOR 1403333 Hubbard Raymond Armstrong J Scott 2006 Why We Don t Really Know What Statistical Significance Means Implications for Educators Journal of Marketing Education 28 2 114 120 doi 10 1177 0273475306288399 hdl 2092 413 S2CID 34729227 Sotos Ana Elisa Castro Vanhoof Stijn Noortgate Wim Van den Onghena Patrick 2009 How Confident Are Students in Their Misconceptions about Hypothesis Tests Journal of Statistics Education 17 2 doi 10 1080 10691898 2009 11889514 Gigerenzer G 2004 The Null Ritual What You Always Wanted to Know About Significant Testing but Were Afraid to Ask PDF The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences pp 391 408 doi 10 4135 9781412986311 ISBN 9780761923596 Testing Statistical Hypotheses Springer Texts in Statistics 2005 doi 10 1007 0 387 27605 x ISBN 978 0 387 98864 1 ISSN 1431 875X Hinkelmann Klaus Kempthorne Oscar 2008 Design and Analysis of Experiments Vol I and II Second ed Wiley ISBN 978 0 470 38551 7 Montgomery Douglas 2009 Design and analysis of experiments Hoboken N J Wiley ISBN 978 0 470 12866 4 R A Fisher 1925 Statistical Methods for Research Workers Edinburgh Oliver and Boyd 1925 p 43 Lehmann E L Romano Joseph P 2005 Testing Statistical Hypotheses 3E ed New York Springer ISBN 978 0 387 98864 1 Nuzzo Regina 2014 Scientific method Statistical errors Nature 506 7487 150 152 Bibcode 2014Natur 506 150N doi 10 1038 506150a PMID 24522584 Richard J Larsen Donna Fox Stroup 1976 Statistics in the Real World a book of examples Macmillan ISBN 978 0023677205 Hubbard R Parsa A R Luthy M R 1997 The Spread of Statistical Significance 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6321 6342 Horowitz J L 2019 Bootstrap methods in econometrics Annual Review of Economics 11 pp 193 224 I m John Arbuthnot 1710 An argument for Divine Providence taken from the constant regularity observed in the births of both sexes PDF Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 27 325 336 186 190 doi 10 1098 rstl 1710 0011 S2CID 186209819 Brian Eric Jaisson Marie 2007 Physico Theology and Mathematics 1710 1794 The Descent of Human Sex Ratio at Birth Springer Science amp Business Media pp 1 25 ISBN 978 1 4020 6036 6 Conover W J 1999 Chapter 3 4 The Sign Test Practical Nonparametric Statistics Third ed Wiley pp 157 176 ISBN 978 0 471 16068 7 Sprent P 1989 Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods Second ed Chapman amp Hall ISBN 978 0 412 44980 2 Stigler Stephen M 1986 The History of Statistics The Measurement of Uncertainty Before 1900 Harvard University Press pp 225 226 ISBN 978 0 67440341 3 Stigler Stephen M 1986 The History of Statistics The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900 Cambridge Mass Belknap Press of Harvard University Press p 134 ISBN 978 0 674 40340 6 Fisher Sir Ronald A 1956 1935 Mathematics of a Lady Tasting Tea In James Roy Newman ed The World of Mathematics volume 3 Design of Experiments Courier Dover Publications ISBN 978 0 486 41151 4 Originally from Fisher s book Design of Experiments Box Joan Fisher 1978 R A Fisher The Life of a Scientist New York Wiley p 134 ISBN 978 0 471 09300 8 C S Peirce August 1878 Illustrations of the Logic of Science VI Deduction Induction and Hypothesis Popular Science Monthly 13 Retrieved March 30 2012 Jaynes E T 2007 Probability theory the logic of science 5 print ed Cambridge u a Cambridge Univ Press ISBN 978 0 521 59271 0 Schervish M 1996 Theory of Statistics p 218 Springer ISBN 0 387 94546 6 Kaye David H Freedman David A 2011 Reference Guide on Statistics Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence 3rd ed Eagan MN Washington D C West National Academies Press p 259 ISBN 978 0 309 21421 6 Ash Robert 1970 Basic probability theory New York Wiley ISBN 978 0471034506 Section 8 2 Tukey John W 1960 Conclusions vs decisions Technometrics 26 4 423 433 doi 10 1080 00401706 1960 10489909 Until we go through the accounts of testing hypotheses separating Neyman Pearson decision elements from Fisher conclusion elements the intimate mixture of disparate elements will be a continual source of confusion There is a place for both doing one s best and saying only what is certain but it is important to know in each instance both which one is being done and which one ought to be done Stigler Stephen M August 1996 The History of Statistics in 1933 Statistical Science 11 3 244 252 doi 10 1214 ss 1032280216 JSTOR 2246117 Berger James O 2003 Could Fisher Jeffreys and Neyman Have Agreed on Testing Statistical Science 18 1 1 32 doi 10 1214 ss 1056397485 Morrison Denton Henkel Ramon eds 2006 1970 The Significance Test Controversy Aldine Transaction ISBN 978 0 202 30879 1 Oakes Michael 1986 Statistical Inference A Commentary for the Social and Behavioural Sciences Chichester New York Wiley ISBN 978 0471104438 Chow Siu L 1997 Statistical Significance Rationale Validity and Utility SAGE Publications ISBN 978 0 7619 5205 3 Harlow Lisa Lavoie Stanley A Mulaik James H Steiger eds 1997 What If There Were No Significance Tests Lawrence Erlbaum Associates ISBN 978 0 8058 2634 0 Kline Rex 2004 Beyond Significance Testing Reforming Data Analysis Methods in Behavioral Research Washington D C American Psychological Association ISBN 9781591471189 McCloskey Deirdre N Stephen T Ziliak 2008 The Cult of Statistical Significance How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs Justice and Lives University of Michigan Press ISBN 978 0 472 05007 9 Cornfield Jerome 1976 Recent Methodological Contributions to Clinical Trials PDF American Journal of Epidemiology 104 4 408 421 doi 10 1093 oxfordjournals aje a112313 PMID 788503 Yates Frank 1951 The Influence of Statistical Methods for Research Workers on the Development of the Science of Statistics Journal of the American Statistical Association 46 253 19 34 doi 10 1080 01621459 1951 10500764 The emphasis given to formal tests of significance throughout R A Fisher s Statistical Methods has caused scientific research workers to pay undue attention to the results of the tests of significance they perform on their data particularly data derived from experiments and too little to the estimates of the magnitude of the effects they are investigating The emphasis on tests of significance and the consideration of the results of each experiment in isolation have had the unfortunate consequence that scientific workers have often regarded the execution of a test of significance on an experiment as the ultimate objective Begg Colin B Berlin Jesse A 1988 Publication bias a problem in interpreting medical data Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 151 3 419 463 doi 10 2307 2982993 JSTOR 2982993 S2CID 121054702 Meehl Paul E 1967 Theory Testing in Psychology and Physics A Methodological Paradox PDF Philosophy of Science 34 2 103 115 doi 10 1086 288135 S2CID 96422880 Archived from the original PDF on December 3 2013 Thirty years later Meehl acknowledged statistical significance theory to be mathematically sound while continuing to question the default choice of null hypothesis blaming instead the social scientists poor understanding of the logical relation between theory and fact in The Problem Is Epistemology Not Statistics Replace Significance Tests by Confidence Intervals and Quantify Accuracy of Risky Numerical Predictions Chapter 14 in Harlow 1997 Bakan David 1966 The test of significance in psychological research Psychological Bulletin 66 6 423 437 doi 10 1037 h0020412 PMID 5974619 Gigerenzer G November 2004 Mindless statistics The Journal of Socio Economics 33 5 587 606 doi 10 1016 j socec 2004 09 033 Nunnally Jum 1960 The place of statistics in psychology Educational and Psychological Measurement 20 4 641 650 doi 10 1177 001316446002000401 S2CID 144813784 Lykken David T 1991 What s wrong with psychology anyway Thinking Clearly About Psychology 1 3 39 Jacob Cohen December 1994 The Earth Is Round p lt 05 American Psychologist 49 12 997 1003 doi 10 1037 0003 066X 49 12 997 S2CID 380942 This paper lead to the review of statistical practices by the APA Cohen was a member of the Task Force that did the review Nickerson Raymond S 2000 Null Hypothesis Significance Tests A Review of an Old and Continuing Controversy Psychological Methods 5 2 241 301 doi 10 1037 1082 989X 5 2 241 PMID 10937333 S2CID 28340967 Branch Mark 2014 Malignant side effects of null hypothesis significance testing Theory amp Psychology 24 2 256 277 doi 10 1177 0959354314525282 S2CID 40712136 Hunter John E January 1997 Needed A Ban on the Significance Test Psychological Science 8 1 3 7 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9280 1997 tb00534 x S2CID 145422959 Wilkinson Leland 1999 Statistical Methods in Psychology Journals Guidelines and Explanations American Psychologist 54 8 594 604 doi 10 1037 0003 066X 54 8 594 S2CID 428023 Hypothesis tests It is hard to imagine a situation in which a dichotomous accept reject decision is better than reporting an actual p value or better still a confidence interval p 599 The committee used the cautionary term forbearance in describing its decision against a ban of hypothesis testing in psychology reporting p 603 ICMJE Obligation to Publish Negative Studies Archived from the original on July 16 2012 Retrieved September 3 2012 Editors should seriously consider for publication any carefully done study of an important question relevant to their readers whether the results for the primary or any additional outcome are statistically significant Failure to submit or publish findings because of lack of statistical significance is an important cause of publication bias Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis website JASNH homepage Volume 1 number 1 was published in 2002 and all articles are on psychology related subjects Howell David 2002 Statistical Methods for Psychology 5 ed Duxbury p 94 ISBN 978 0 534 37770 0 Williams S Carson R Toth K October 10 2023 Moving beyond P values in The Journal of Physiology A primer on the value of effect sizes and confidence intervals J Physiol 601 23 5131 5133 doi 10 1113 JP285575 PMID 37815959 S2CID 263827430 a href wiki Template Cite journal title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Kruschke J K July 9 2012 Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the T Test PDF Journal of Experimental Psychology General 142 2 573 603 doi 10 1037 a0029146 PMID 22774788 S2CID 5610231 Kruschke J K May 8 2018 Rejecting or Accepting Parameter Values in Bayesian Estimation PDF Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 2 270 280 doi 10 1177 2515245918771304 S2CID 125788648 Armstrong J Scott 2007 Significance tests harm progress in forecasting International Journal of Forecasting 23 2 321 327 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 343 9516 doi 10 1016 j ijforecast 2007 03 004 S2CID 1550979 Kass R E 1993 Bayes factors and model uncertainty PDF Report Department of Statistics University of Washington Rozeboom William W 1960 The fallacy of the null hypothesis significance test PDF Psychological Bulletin 57 5 416 428 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 398 9002 doi 10 1037 h0042040 PMID 13744252 the proper application of statistics to scientific inference is irrevocably committed to extensive consideration of inverse AKA Bayesian probabilities It was acknowledged with regret that a priori probability distributions were available only as a subjective feel differing from one person to the next in the more immediate future at least Berger James 2006 The Case for Objective Bayesian Analysis Bayesian Analysis 1 3 385 402 doi 10 1214 06 ba115 In listing the competing definitions of objective Bayesian analysis A major goal of statistics indeed science is to find a completely coherent objective Bayesian methodology for learning from data The author expressed the view that this goal is not attainable Aldrich J 2008 R A Fisher on Bayes and Bayes theorem Bayesian Analysis 3 1 161 170 doi 10 1214 08 BA306 Further readingLehmann E L 1992 Introduction to Neyman and Pearson 1933 On the Problem of the Most Efficient Tests of Statistical Hypotheses In Breakthroughs in Statistics Volume 1 Eds Kotz S Johnson N L Springer Verlag ISBN 0 387 94037 5 followed by reprinting of the paper Neyman J Pearson E S 1933 On the Problem of the Most Efficient Tests of Statistical Hypotheses Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 231 694 706 289 337 Bibcode 1933RSPTA 231 289N doi 10 1098 rsta 1933 0009 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Hypothesis testing Statistical hypotheses verification of Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Bayesian critique of classical hypothesis testing Critique of classical hypothesis testing highlighting long standing qualms of statisticians Statistical Tests Overview How to choose the correct statistical test 2 Statistical Analysis based Hypothesis Testing Method in Biological Knowledge Discovery Md Naseef Ur Rahman Chowdhury Suvankar Paul Kazi Zakia SultanaOnline calculators Some p value and hypothesis test calculators