In research of human subjects, a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via the internet, and also in person in public spaces. Surveys are used to gather or gain knowledge in fields such as social research and demography.
Survey research is often used to assess thoughts, opinions and feelings. Surveys can be specific and limited, or they can have more global, widespread goals. Psychologists and sociologists often use surveys to analyze behavior, while it is also used to meet the more pragmatic needs of the media, such as, in evaluating political candidates, public health officials, professional organizations, and advertising and marketing directors. Survey research has also been employed in various medical and surgical fields to gather information about healthcare personnel’s practice patterns and professional attitudes toward various clinical problems and diseases. Healthcare professionals that may be enrolled in survey studies include physicians,nurses, and physical therapists among others. A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample. With a representative sample, that is, one that is representative of the larger population of interest, one can describe the attitudes of the population from which the sample was drawn. Further, one can compare the attitudes of different populations as well as look for changes in attitudes over time. A good sample selection is key as it allows one to generalize the findings from the sample to the population, which is the whole purpose of survey research. In addition to this, it is important to ensure that survey questions are not biased such as using suggestive words. This prevents inaccurate results in a survey.
A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a specific given population. It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular population. The term is used mostly in connection with national population and housing censuses; other common censuses include agriculture, business, and traffic censuses. The United Nations defines the essential features of population and housing censuses as "individual enumeration, universality within a defined territory, simultaneity and defined periodicity", and recommends that population censuses be taken at least every 10 years
Other household surveys
Other surveys than the census may explore characteristics in households, such as fertility, family structure, and demographics.
Household surveys with at least 10,000 participants include:
- General Household Survey, conducted in private households in Great Britain. It is a repeated cross-sectional study, conducted annually, which uses a sample of 9,731 households in the 2006 survey.
- Generations and Gender Survey, conducted in several countries in Europe as well as Australia and Japan. The programme has collected least one wave of surveys in 19 countries, with an average of 9,000 respondents per country.
- Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, where the wave 1 panel consisted of 7,682 households and 19,914 individuals
- Integrated Household Survey, a survey made up of multiple other surveys in the UK. It includes about 340,000 respondents, making it the largest collection of social data in the UK after the census.
- National Survey of Family Growth, conducted in the United States by the National Center for Health Statistics division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to understand trends related to fertility, family structure, and demographics in the United States. The 2006-2010 NSFG surveyed 22,682 interviews.
- Panel Study of Income Dynamics in the United States, wherein data have been collected from the same families and their descendants since 1968. The study started with over 18,000 nationally representative individuals. It involved more than 9,000 individuals as of 2009.
- Socio-Economic Panel, a longitudinal panel dataset of the population in Germany. It is a household-based study that started in 1984 and which reinterviews adult household members annually. In 2007, the study involved about 12,000 households, with more than 20,000 adult persons sampled.
- UK households: a longitudinal study, now known as Understanding Society. Its sample size is 40,000 households from the United Kingdom or approx. 100,000 individuals.
Opinion poll
An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion from a particular sample. Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals.
Healthcare surveys
Medical or health-related survey research is particularly concerned with uncovering knowledge-practice gaps. That is to say to reveal any inconsistencies between the established international recommended guidelines and the real time medical practice regarding a certain disease or clinical problem. In other words, some medical surveys aim at exploring the difference between the proper practice and the actual practice reported by the healthcare professionals. Medical survey research has also been used to collect information from the patients, caregivers and even the public on relevant health issues. In turn the information gathered from survey results can be used to upgrade the professional performance of healthcare personnel including physicians, develop the quality of healthcare delivered to patients, mend existing deficiencies of the healthcare delivery system and professional health education. Furthermore, the results of survey research can inform the public health domain and help conduct health awareness campaigns in vulnerable populations and guide healthcare policy-makers. This is especially true when survey research deals with a wide spread disease that constitutes a nationwide or global health challenge.
The use of novel human survey distribution methods has a significant impact on research outcomes. A study demonstrates the effectiveness of innovative strategies such as QR-coded posters and targeted email campaigns in boosting survey participation among healthcare professionals involved in antibiotics research. These hybrid approaches not only fulfill healthcare survey targets but also have broad potential across various research fields. Emphasizing collaborative, multidisciplinary methods, the study highlights the necessity for inventive tactics post-pandemic to enhance global public health efforts. By identifying discrepancies between recommended guidelines and actual clinical practices, these strategies are vital for enhancing healthcare delivery, influencing public health initiatives, and shaping policy to address major health challenges. This is particularly relevant in medical survey or health-related human survey research, which aims to uncover gaps in knowledge and practice, thereby improving professional performance, patient care quality, and addressing systemic healthcare deficiencies.
A single survey is made of at least a sample (or full population in the case of a census), a method of data collection (e.g., a questionnaire) and individual questions or items that become data that can be analyzed statistically. A single survey may focus on different types of topics such as preferences (e.g., for a presidential candidate), opinions (e.g., should abortion be legal?), behavior (smoking and alcohol use), or factual information (e.g., income), depending on its purpose. Since survey research is almost always based on a sample of the population, the success of the research is dependent on the representativeness of the sample with respect to a target population of interest to the researcher. That target population can range from the general population of a given country to specific groups of people within that country, to a membership list of a professional organization, or list of students enrolled in a school system (see also sampling (statistics) and survey sampling).
Correlation and causality
When two variables are related, or correlated, one can make predictions for these two variables. However, this does not mean causality. At this point, it is not possible to determine a causal relationship between the two variables; correlation does not imply causality. However, correlation evidence is significant because it can help identify potential causes of behavior. Path analysis is a statistical technique that can be used with correlational data. This involves the identification of mediator and moderator variables. A mediator variable is used to explain the correlation between two variables. A moderator variable affects the direction or strength of the correlation between two variables. A spurious relationship is a relationship in which the relation between two variables can be explained by a third variable.
Moreover, in survey research, correlation coefficients between two variables might be affected by measurement error, what can lead to wrongly estimated coefficients and biased substantive conclusions. Therefore, when using survey data, we need to correct correlation coefficients for measurement error.
Reported behavior versus actual behavior
The value of collected data completely depends upon how truthful respondents are in their answers on questionnaires. In general, survey researchers accept respondents’ answers as true. Survey researchers avoid reactive measurement by examining the accuracy of verbal reports, and directly observing respondents’ behavior in comparison with their verbal reports to determine what behaviors they really engage in or what attitudes they really uphold. Studies examining the association between self-reports (attitudes, intentions) and actual behavior show that the link between them—though positive—is not always strong—thus caution is needed when extrapolating self-reports to actual behaviors, Dishonesty is pronounced in some sex-related queries, with men often amplifying their number of sex partners, while women tend to downplay and slash their true number.
The Statistical Society of London pioneered the questionnaire in 1838. "Among the earliest acts of the Statistical Society of London ... was the appointment of committees to enquire into industrial and social conditions. One of these committees, in 1838, used the first written questionnaire of which I have any record. The committee-men prepared and printed a list of questions 'designed to elicit the complete and impartial history of strikes.'"
The most famous public survey in the United States of America is the national census. Held every ten years since 1790, the census attempts to count all persons, and also to obtain demographic data about factors such as age, ethnicity, and relationships within households.
Nielsen ratings (carried out since 1947) provide another example of public surveys in the United States. Nielsen rating track media-viewing habits (radio, television, internet, print) the results of which are used to make commissioning decisions. Some Nielsen ratings localize the data points to give marketing firms more specific information with which to target customers. Demographic data is also used to understand what influences work best to market consumer products, political campaigns, etc.
Following the invention of the telephone survey (used at least as early as the 1940s), the development of the Internet in the late-20th century fostered online surveys and web surveys.
See also
- Audience measurement
- Opinion poll
- Statistical survey
- Questionnaire
- Wiki survey
- Shaughnessy, J.; Zechmeister, E.; Jeanne, Z. (2011). Research methods in psychology (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. pp. 161–175. ISBN 9780078035180.
- Kim, DY; Lee, YG; Kim, BS (July 2017). "Survey of Medical Oncology Status in Korea (SOMOS-K): A National Survey of Medical Oncologists in the Korean Association for Clinical Oncology (KACO)". Cancer Research and Treatment. 49 (3): 588–594. doi:10.4143/crt.2016.313. PMC 5512367. PMID 27658389.
- Gendy, S; ElGebeily, M; El-Sobky, TA; Khoshhal, KI; Jawadi, AH (2019). "Current practice and preferences to management of equinus in children with ambulatory cerebral palsy: A survey of orthopedic surgeons". SICOT-J. 5: 3. doi:10.1051/sicotj/2019003. PMC 6394235. PMID 30816087.
- Abu Ali, RM; Abed, MA; Khalil, AA; Al-Kloub, MI; Ashour, AF; Alnsour, IA (2017). "A Survey on Sexual Counseling for Patients With Cardiac Disease Among Nurses in Jordan". The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 33 (5): 467–473. doi:10.1097/JCN.0000000000000472. PMID 29601371. S2CID 4516071.
- Stephensen, D; de Kleijn, P; Matlary, RED; Katzerova, M; McLaughlin, P; Ryan, A; Lobet, S; EAHAD Physiotherapists, Committee. (May 2019). "Scope of practice of haemophilia physiotherapists: A European survey". Haemophilia. 25 (3): 514–520. doi:10.1111/hae.13727. PMID 30866150.
- Baffour, Bernard; King, Thomas; Valente, Paolo (2013). "The Modern Census: Evolution, Examples and Evaluation" (PDF). International Statistical Review. 81 (3): 407–425. doi:10.1111/insr.12036. ISSN 0306-7734. S2CID 120517126. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2020-04-14. Retrieved 2018-12-27.
- Demographic Research, Volume 17, Book 1. BoD – Books on Demand. 2008. ISBN 9783837031959.
- "About the Generations and Gender Programme". www.ggp-i.org. Archived from the original on 2016-02-06. Retrieved 2016-02-05.
- "Integrated Household Survey". Archived from the original on 2016-01-07. Retrieved 2016-05-17.
- "National Survey of Family Growth". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Archived from the original on January 6, 2020. Retrieved April 22, 2014.
- "PSID - Studies". University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research. Archived from the original on 2019-06-15. Retrieved 2016-09-13.
- "Understandingsociety.org.uk". Archived from the original on 2012-12-28. Retrieved 2016-05-17.
- Manasfi, H; Hanna-Wakim, R; Akel, I; Yazbeck, N (February 2017). "Questionnaire-based survey in a developing country showing noncompliance with paediatric gastro-oesophageal reflux practice guidelines". Acta Paediatrica. 106 (2): 316–321. doi:10.1111/apa.13648. PMID 27792252. S2CID 20185554.
- Salerno, S; Marchese, P; Magistrelli, A; Tomà, P; Matranga, D; Midiri, M; Ugazio, AG; Corsello, G (22 March 2015). "Radiation risks knowledge in resident and fellow in paediatrics: a questionnaire survey". Italian Journal of Pediatrics. 41: 21. doi:10.1186/s13052-015-0130-x. PMC 4391686. PMID 25881170.
- Petroze, RT; Calland, JF; Niyonkuru, F; Groen, RS; Kyamanywa, P; Li, Y; Guterbock, TM; Rodgers, BM; Rasmussen, SK (July 2014). "Estimating pediatric surgical need in developing countries: a household survey in Rwanda". Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 49 (7): 1092–8. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.01.059. PMID 24952795.
- Pfeifer, LI; Silva, DB; Lopes, PB; Matsukura, TS; Santos, JL; Pinto, MP (May 2014). "Social support provided to caregivers of children with cerebral palsy". Child: Care, Health and Development. 40 (3): 363–9. doi:10.1111/cch.12077. PMID 23734935.
- Abel, T; Hofmann, K; Ackermann, S; Bucher, S; Sakarya, S (September 2015). "Health literacy among young adults: a short survey tool for public health and health promotion research" (PDF). Health Promotion International. 30 (3): 725–35. doi:10.1093/heapro/dat096. PMID 24482542.
- Alsous, M; Abdel Jalil, M; Odeh, M; Al Kurdi, R; Alnan, M (2019). "Public knowledge, attitudes and practices toward diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional study from Jordan". PLOS ONE. 14 (3): e0214479. Bibcode:2019PLoSO..1414479A. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214479. PMC 6440628. PMID 30925187.
- Scherdel, P; Hjelm, N; Salaün, JF; EBGM IV study, group.; Heude, B; Chalumeau, M (July 2018). "Survey highlights important discrepancies between definitions of paediatric abnormal growth taught to medical students in 23 European countries". Acta Paediatrica. 107 (7): 1218–1222. doi:10.1111/apa.14266. PMID 29421846.
- Prescott, GM; Vu, BN; Alsharif, NZ; Prescott WA, Jr (25 March 2017). "Global Health Education in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs in the United States". American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 81 (2): 28. doi:10.5688/ajpe81228. PMC 5374917. PMID 28381888.
- Elshenawy, Rasha Abdelsalam (23 April 2024). "Novel survey distribution methods: impact on antimicrobial resistance research outcomes". JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance. 6 (2). Retrieved 25 April 2024.
- Morwitz, Vicki G., and David Schmittlein. "Using segmentation to improve sales forecasts based on purchase intent: Which" intenders" actually buy?." Journal of Marketing Research (1992): 391–405.
- Chandon, Pierre, Vicki G. Morwitz, and Werner J. Reinartz. "Do intentions really predict behavior? Self-generated validity effects in survey research." Journal of Marketing 69.2 (2005): 1–14.
- Ajzen, Icek, and Martin Fishbein. "Factors influencing intentions and the intention-behavior relation." Human Relations 27.1 (1974): 1–15.
- Wiederman, Michael W. "The truth must be in here somewhere: Examining the gender discrepancy in self‐reported lifetime number of sex partners." Journal of Sex Research 34.4 (1997): 375–386.
- Gault, Robert H. (1907). "A History of the Questionnaire Method of Research in Psychology". The Pedagogical Seminary. 14 (3): 366–383. doi:10.1080/08919402.1907.10532551. Archived from the original on 2020-08-06. Retrieved 2019-12-11.
- Bethlehem, Jelke; Biffignandi, Silvia (2011). "The Road to Web Surveys". Handbook of Web Surveys. Wiley Handbooks in Survey Methodology. Vol. 567. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. p. 9. ISBN 9780470603567. Retrieved 2018-07-20.
The first telephone survey in the Netherlands [...] The first telephone survey was conducted in the Netherlands on June 11, 1946.
In research of human subjects a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people Surveys may be conducted by phone mail via the internet and also in person in public spaces Surveys are used to gather or gain knowledge in fields such as social research and demography Survey research is often used to assess thoughts opinions and feelings Surveys can be specific and limited or they can have more global widespread goals Psychologists and sociologists often use surveys to analyze behavior while it is also used to meet the more pragmatic needs of the media such as in evaluating political candidates public health officials professional organizations and advertising and marketing directors Survey research has also been employed in various medical and surgical fields to gather information about healthcare personnel s practice patterns and professional attitudes toward various clinical problems and diseases Healthcare professionals that may be enrolled in survey studies include physicians nurses and physical therapists among others A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample With a representative sample that is one that is representative of the larger population of interest one can describe the attitudes of the population from which the sample was drawn Further one can compare the attitudes of different populations as well as look for changes in attitudes over time A good sample selection is key as it allows one to generalize the findings from the sample to the population which is the whole purpose of survey research In addition to this it is important to ensure that survey questions are not biased such as using suggestive words This prevents inaccurate results in a survey TypesCensus A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a specific given population It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular population The term is used mostly in connection with national population and housing censuses other common censuses include agriculture business and traffic censuses The United Nations defines the essential features of population and housing censuses as individual enumeration universality within a defined territory simultaneity and defined periodicity and recommends that population censuses be taken at least every 10 years Other household surveys Other surveys than the census may explore characteristics in households such as fertility family structure and demographics Household surveys with at least 10 000 participants include General Household Survey conducted in private households in Great Britain It is a repeated cross sectional study conducted annually which uses a sample of 9 731 households in the 2006 survey Generations and Gender Survey conducted in several countries in Europe as well as Australia and Japan The programme has collected least one wave of surveys in 19 countries with an average of 9 000 respondents per country Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey where the wave 1 panel consisted of 7 682 households and 19 914 individuals Integrated Household Survey a survey made up of multiple other surveys in the UK It includes about 340 000 respondents making it the largest collection of social data in the UK after the census National Survey of Family Growth conducted in the United States by the National Center for Health Statistics division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to understand trends related to fertility family structure and demographics in the United States The 2006 2010 NSFG surveyed 22 682 interviews Panel Study of Income Dynamics in the United States wherein data have been collected from the same families and their descendants since 1968 The study started with over 18 000 nationally representative individuals It involved more than 9 000 individuals as of 2009 Socio Economic Panel a longitudinal panel dataset of the population in Germany It is a household based study that started in 1984 and which reinterviews adult household members annually In 2007 the study involved about 12 000 households with more than 20 000 adult persons sampled UK households a longitudinal study now known as Understanding Society Its sample size is 40 000 households from the United Kingdom or approx 100 000 individuals Opinion poll An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion from a particular sample Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals Healthcare surveys Medical or health related survey research is particularly concerned with uncovering knowledge practice gaps That is to say to reveal any inconsistencies between the established international recommended guidelines and the real time medical practice regarding a certain disease or clinical problem In other words some medical surveys aim at exploring the difference between the proper practice and the actual practice reported by the healthcare professionals Medical survey research has also been used to collect information from the patients caregivers and even the public on relevant health issues In turn the information gathered from survey results can be used to upgrade the professional performance of healthcare personnel including physicians develop the quality of healthcare delivered to patients mend existing deficiencies of the healthcare delivery system and professional health education Furthermore the results of survey research can inform the public health domain and help conduct health awareness campaigns in vulnerable populations and guide healthcare policy makers This is especially true when survey research deals with a wide spread disease that constitutes a nationwide or global health challenge The use of novel human survey distribution methods has a significant impact on research outcomes A study demonstrates the effectiveness of innovative strategies such as QR coded posters and targeted email campaigns in boosting survey participation among healthcare professionals involved in antibiotics research These hybrid approaches not only fulfill healthcare survey targets but also have broad potential across various research fields Emphasizing collaborative multidisciplinary methods the study highlights the necessity for inventive tactics post pandemic to enhance global public health efforts By identifying discrepancies between recommended guidelines and actual clinical practices these strategies are vital for enhancing healthcare delivery influencing public health initiatives and shaping policy to address major health challenges This is particularly relevant in medical survey or health related human survey research which aims to uncover gaps in knowledge and practice thereby improving professional performance patient care quality and addressing systemic healthcare deficiencies MethodologyA single survey is made of at least a sample or full population in the case of a census a method of data collection e g a questionnaire and individual questions or items that become data that can be analyzed statistically A single survey may focus on different types of topics such as preferences e g for a presidential candidate opinions e g should abortion be legal behavior smoking and alcohol use or factual information e g income depending on its purpose Since survey research is almost always based on a sample of the population the success of the research is dependent on the representativeness of the sample with respect to a target population of interest to the researcher That target population can range from the general population of a given country to specific groups of people within that country to a membership list of a professional organization or list of students enrolled in a school system see also sampling statistics and survey sampling InterpretationCorrelation and causality When two variables are related or correlated one can make predictions for these two variables However this does not mean causality At this point it is not possible to determine a causal relationship between the two variables correlation does not imply causality However correlation evidence is significant because it can help identify potential causes of behavior Path analysis is a statistical technique that can be used with correlational data This involves the identification of mediator and moderator variables A mediator variable is used to explain the correlation between two variables A moderator variable affects the direction or strength of the correlation between two variables A spurious relationship is a relationship in which the relation between two variables can be explained by a third variable Moreover in survey research correlation coefficients between two variables might be affected by measurement error what can lead to wrongly estimated coefficients and biased substantive conclusions Therefore when using survey data we need to correct correlation coefficients for measurement error Reported behavior versus actual behavior The value of collected data completely depends upon how truthful respondents are in their answers on questionnaires In general survey researchers accept respondents answers as true Survey researchers avoid reactive measurement by examining the accuracy of verbal reports and directly observing respondents behavior in comparison with their verbal reports to determine what behaviors they really engage in or what attitudes they really uphold Studies examining the association between self reports attitudes intentions and actual behavior show that the link between them though positive is not always strong thus caution is needed when extrapolating self reports to actual behaviors Dishonesty is pronounced in some sex related queries with men often amplifying their number of sex partners while women tend to downplay and slash their true number HistoryThe Statistical Society of London pioneered the questionnaire in 1838 Among the earliest acts of the Statistical Society of London was the appointment of committees to enquire into industrial and social conditions One of these committees in 1838 used the first written questionnaire of which I have any record The committee men prepared and printed a list of questions designed to elicit the complete and impartial history of strikes The most famous public survey in the United States of America is the national census Held every ten years since 1790 the census attempts to count all persons and also to obtain demographic data about factors such as age ethnicity and relationships within households Nielsen ratings carried out since 1947 provide another example of public surveys in the United States Nielsen rating track media viewing habits radio television internet print the results of which are used to make commissioning decisions Some Nielsen ratings localize the data points to give marketing firms more specific information with which to target customers Demographic data is also used to understand what influences work best to market consumer products political campaigns etc Following the invention of the telephone survey used at least as early as the 1940s the development of the Internet in the late 20th century fostered online surveys and web surveys See alsoAudience measurement Opinion poll Statistical survey Questionnaire Wiki surveyReferencesShaughnessy J Zechmeister E Jeanne Z 2011 Research methods in psychology 9th ed New York NY McGraw Hill pp 161 175 ISBN 9780078035180 Kim DY Lee YG Kim BS July 2017 Survey of Medical Oncology Status in Korea SOMOS K A National Survey of Medical Oncologists in the Korean Association for Clinical Oncology KACO Cancer Research and Treatment 49 3 588 594 doi 10 4143 crt 2016 313 PMC 5512367 PMID 27658389 Gendy S ElGebeily M El Sobky TA Khoshhal KI Jawadi AH 2019 Current practice and preferences to management of equinus in children with ambulatory cerebral palsy A survey of orthopedic surgeons SICOT J 5 3 doi 10 1051 sicotj 2019003 PMC 6394235 PMID 30816087 Abu Ali RM Abed MA Khalil AA Al Kloub MI Ashour AF Alnsour IA 2017 A Survey on Sexual Counseling for Patients With Cardiac Disease Among Nurses in Jordan The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 33 5 467 473 doi 10 1097 JCN 0000000000000472 PMID 29601371 S2CID 4516071 Stephensen D de Kleijn P Matlary RED Katzerova M McLaughlin P Ryan A Lobet S EAHAD Physiotherapists Committee May 2019 Scope of practice of haemophilia physiotherapists A European survey Haemophilia 25 3 514 520 doi 10 1111 hae 13727 PMID 30866150 Baffour Bernard King Thomas Valente Paolo 2013 The Modern Census Evolution Examples and Evaluation PDF International Statistical Review 81 3 407 425 doi 10 1111 insr 12036 ISSN 0306 7734 S2CID 120517126 Archived PDF from the original on 2020 04 14 Retrieved 2018 12 27 Demographic Research Volume 17 Book 1 BoD Books on Demand 2008 ISBN 9783837031959 About the Generations and Gender Programme www ggp i org Archived from the original on 2016 02 06 Retrieved 2016 02 05 Integrated Household Survey Archived from the original on 2016 01 07 Retrieved 2016 05 17 National Survey of Family Growth Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Archived from the original on January 6 2020 Retrieved April 22 2014 PSID Studies University of Michigan Institute for Social Research Archived from the original on 2019 06 15 Retrieved 2016 09 13 Understandingsociety org uk Archived from the original on 2012 12 28 Retrieved 2016 05 17 Manasfi H Hanna Wakim R Akel I Yazbeck N February 2017 Questionnaire based survey in a developing country showing noncompliance with paediatric gastro oesophageal reflux practice guidelines Acta Paediatrica 106 2 316 321 doi 10 1111 apa 13648 PMID 27792252 S2CID 20185554 Salerno S Marchese P Magistrelli A Toma P Matranga D Midiri M Ugazio AG Corsello G 22 March 2015 Radiation risks knowledge in resident and fellow in paediatrics a questionnaire survey Italian Journal of Pediatrics 41 21 doi 10 1186 s13052 015 0130 x PMC 4391686 PMID 25881170 Petroze RT Calland JF Niyonkuru F Groen RS Kyamanywa P Li Y Guterbock TM Rodgers BM Rasmussen SK July 2014 Estimating pediatric surgical need in developing countries a household survey in Rwanda Journal of Pediatric Surgery 49 7 1092 8 doi 10 1016 j jpedsurg 2014 01 059 PMID 24952795 Pfeifer LI Silva DB Lopes PB Matsukura TS Santos JL Pinto MP May 2014 Social support provided to caregivers of children with cerebral palsy Child Care Health and Development 40 3 363 9 doi 10 1111 cch 12077 PMID 23734935 Abel T Hofmann K Ackermann S Bucher S Sakarya S September 2015 Health literacy among young adults a short survey tool for public health and health promotion research PDF Health Promotion International 30 3 725 35 doi 10 1093 heapro dat096 PMID 24482542 Alsous M Abdel Jalil M Odeh M Al Kurdi R Alnan M 2019 Public knowledge attitudes and practices toward diabetes mellitus A cross sectional study from Jordan PLOS ONE 14 3 e0214479 Bibcode 2019PLoSO 1414479A doi 10 1371 journal pone 0214479 PMC 6440628 PMID 30925187 Scherdel P Hjelm N Salaun JF EBGM IV study group Heude B Chalumeau M July 2018 Survey highlights important discrepancies between definitions of paediatric abnormal growth taught to medical students in 23 European countries Acta Paediatrica 107 7 1218 1222 doi 10 1111 apa 14266 PMID 29421846 Prescott GM Vu BN Alsharif NZ Prescott WA Jr 25 March 2017 Global Health Education in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs in the United States American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 81 2 28 doi 10 5688 ajpe81228 PMC 5374917 PMID 28381888 Elshenawy Rasha Abdelsalam 23 April 2024 Novel survey distribution methods impact on antimicrobial resistance research outcomes JAC Antimicrobial Resistance 6 2 Retrieved 25 April 2024 Morwitz Vicki G and David Schmittlein Using segmentation to improve sales forecasts based on purchase intent Which intenders actually buy Journal of Marketing Research 1992 391 405 Chandon Pierre Vicki G Morwitz and Werner J Reinartz Do intentions really predict behavior Self generated validity effects in survey research Journal of Marketing 69 2 2005 1 14 Ajzen Icek and Martin Fishbein Factors influencing intentions and the intention behavior relation Human Relations 27 1 1974 1 15 Wiederman Michael W The truth must be in here somewhere Examining the gender discrepancy in self reported lifetime number of sex partners Journal of Sex Research 34 4 1997 375 386 Gault Robert H 1907 A History of the Questionnaire Method of Research in Psychology The Pedagogical Seminary 14 3 366 383 doi 10 1080 08919402 1907 10532551 Archived from the original on 2020 08 06 Retrieved 2019 12 11 Bethlehem Jelke Biffignandi Silvia 2011 The Road to Web Surveys Handbook of Web Surveys Wiley Handbooks in Survey Methodology Vol 567 Hoboken New Jersey John Wiley amp Sons p 9 ISBN 9780470603567 Retrieved 2018 07 20 The first telephone survey in the Netherlands The first telephone survey was conducted in the Netherlands on June 11 1946