![Assemblage (archaeology)](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi82LzZkL01vemEtNDQ5LmpwZy8xNjAwcHgtTW96YS00NDkuanBn.jpg )
This page is a glossary of archaeology, the study of the human past from material remains.
- absolute age
- The age of an object with reference to a fixed and specific time scale, as determined by some method of absolute dating, e.g. 10,000 BP or 1.9 mya.[1]
- absolute dating
- Ascertaining the age of an object with reference to a fixed and specific time scale (e.g. calendar years or radiocarbon years), as opposed to relative dating.[2]
- aerial archaeology
- Archaeological investigations conducted from the air, e.g. using aerial photography or satellite imagery.
- alignment
- Co-linear arrangement of features or structures with external landmarks or, in archaeoastronomy, an astronomically significant point or axis.[3]
- antiquarian
- antiquary
- A person interested in the collection, curation and/or study of antiquities, particularly in reference to the intellectual tradition that developed in Europe in the 16th–17th centuries and is considered a precursor to modern archaeology.[4]
- antiquarianism
- An intellectual tradition of inquiry that developed in Europe in the 16th and early 17th centuries AD as a result of new interests in nature, antiquity, the Renaissance of learning, and the addition of time‐depth to people's view of the world.[5]
- antiquities
- Ancient artefacts, particularly in the context of their trade and collection.
- antiquity
- The ancient past, in particular the period of the earliest historic civilizations (see classical antiquity).
- archaeobotany
- Subdiscipline devoted to the analysis of plant remains in the archaeological record.
- archaeozoology
- See zooarchaeology.
- archaeologist
- A person engaged in the study or profession of archaeology.
- archaeology
- archeology
- The academic discipline concerned with the study of the human past through material remains.
- artefact
- artifact
- A physical object made by humans.
- assemblage
- A set of artefacts or ecofacts found together, from the same place and time. Can refer to the total assemblage from a site, or a specific type of artefact, e.g. lithic assemblage, zooarchaeological assemblage.
- association
- Two or more excavated objects that are thought to be related are said to be in association, e.g. artefacts discovered in close proximity within the same context, or architectural features thought to have been standing at the same time.
- avenue
- Type of prehistoric monument found in the British Isles, consisting of two parallel lines of standing stones. Examples include the Stonehenge Avenue, Beckhampton Avenue and West Kennet Avenue.
- backfill
- 1. To re-fill a trench once an excavation has been completed.
- 1A. To re-fill a cut and cover tunnels
- 1B. To re-fill unused canals
- 1C. To re-fill trenches for gas, water, power and communication lines
- 2. Material used for backfilling, usually spoil from the original excavation.
- baulk
- balk
- A wall of earth left in place between excavated areas in order to maintain the structural integrity of the trench and/or expose a section to aid in interpretation.
- bladelet
- Type of stone tool; a small blade characteristic of Upper Palaeolithic Europe.[10]
- box–grid method
- See Wheeler–Kenyon method.
- C14 dating
- See radiocarbon dating.
- context
- 1. Information relating to where an artefact or feature was found and what it was found in association with.
- 2. In single context excavation, a well-defined stratigraphic unit relating to a single depositional event, used as the primary unit for recording and analysis.
- culture
- An archaeological culture is a recurring assemblage of artifacts from a specific time and place that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society.
- diagnostic
- A term used for objects, particularly sherds of pottery, which can be dated to a particular chronological period, and so used to ascertain the date of a particular context.
- dig
- An informal term for an archaeological excavation.
- disturbance
- Any change to an archaeological site due to events which occurred after the site was laid down.
- dry sieving
- A method of sifting artefacts from excavated sediments by shaking it through sieves or meshes of varying sizes. As opposed to wet sieving, which uses water.[11]
- earthworks
- Earthworks are artificial changes in land level, typically made from piles of artificially placed or sculpted rocks and soil
- environmental archaeology
- Environmental archaeology is the science of reconstructing the relationships between past societies and the environments they lived in.
- evaluation
- See trial trenching.
- excavation
- Excavation is the exposure, processing and recording of archaeological remains.
- fieldwork
- Archaeological investigations taking place in the field, e.g. excavations or surveys.
- finds
- An informal term for artifacts, features and other things discovered by archaeologists.
- fill
- Material that has accumulated, or been deposited, within a negative feature such as a cut, ditch, or a hollow in a building.
- finds processing
- The preparation of finds from an excavation for storage or further specialist analysis, typically including washing, labelling, sorting and listing in an inventory.
- finds specialist
- An archaeologist who specialises in the analysis of a particular type of find, e.g. medieval pottery or prehistoric worked flint.
- flotation
- Method of separating very small objects from excavated sediments using water. It is particularly important for the recovery of botanical remains and animal bones.
- forensic archaeology
- Forensic archaeologists employ their knowledge of archaeological techniques and theory in a legal context. This broad description is necessary as forensic archaeology is practiced in a variety of ways around the world.
- funerary archaeology
- Funerary archaeology is the study of the treatment and commemoration of the dead. It includes the study of human remains, associated artefacts and monuments.
- geoarchaeology
- The application of geology and other earth science techniques to archaeology.[14]
- geofact
- Rocks or other naturally occurring minerals found in an archaeological context and presumed to have been transported there by humans, but not sufficiently modified to qualify as an artefact.[15]
- geoglyph
- A form of rock art produced on the ground, either by arranging material on the surface (a positive geoglyph) or removing part of it (a negative geoglyph).[16]
- governance archaeology
- Governance archaeology seeks to understand the myriad combinations of ways in which people have governed themselves throughout time. A goal in this endeavor is to better understand the full range of options available to modern humans and, to the extent possible, some of the opportunities and pitfalls of different governance characteristics.
- henge
- A type of Neolithic earthwork that has a ring-shaped bank and ditch, with the ditch inside the bank.
- hillfort
- A type of earthwork used as a fortified refuge or defended settlement.
- homology
- homolog
- Similarity in style or form owing to a common origin, as opposed to an analog; see also homology (biology).
- industrial archaeology
- Subdiscipline devoted to the study of past industry and industrial heritage.
- industry
- A typological classification of stone tools, e.g. the Mousterian industry, the Acheulean industry.
- in situ
- Features, artefacts and other remains in their original depositional context, cf. unstratified.
- jar burial
- Inhumation of whole human remains in a ceramic vessel, as opposed to the more common urn burial, where only ashes from cremation are interred.[20]
- K–Ar dating
- Potassium–argon dating; a radiometric dating method useful for samples older than 100,000 years.[21]
- kerb
- kerbstone circle
- A circular retaining wall built around certain types of burial mound.[22]
- kill site
- A site where people slaughtered and/or butchered animals, especially in a Palaeolithic context, e.g. Naco Mammoth Kill Site, Cooper Bison Kill Site.[23]
- killed object
- An object which has been deliberately broken or damaged in such a way as to make it unusable.
- kiln site
- In Southeast Asian archaeology, a site that was the centre for manufacture of particular ceramic ware, e.g. , , , , Sukhothai.[25]
- locus
- See context.
- matrix
- 1. The physical material in which finds and other cultural remains are found, e.g. soil or rock.[26]
- 2. Harris matrix; a diagram showing the stratigraphic relations between contexts.
- megasite
- mega-site
- A site that is anomalously large in comparison to others from the same period and region, e.g. PPNB megasites, Trypillia megasites.
- negative geoglyph
- See geoglyph.
- occupation earth
- set of deposits believed to represent in-situ settlement at an archaeological site, containing pottery sherds, ashes, animal remains, etc.
- palaeoethnobotany
- paleoethnobotany
- See archaeobotany.
- plan
- Horizontal exposure of an excavated area, feature or artefact (as seen from above); a drawing or photograph of the same.
- ploughsoil
- The soil down to the level at which it will have been disturbed by ploughing.
- pollen diagram
- pollen profile
- pollen spectrum
- A series of side-by-side graphs, produced by archaeobotanists and palynologists, showing the frequency of different types (species) of pollen in a soil sample by depth. Usually presented vertically, with the shallowest samples at the top and the deepest at the bottom, to represent a pollen core or other stratified deposit. The depth of the sample corresponds roughly to how old it is, and therefore the vertical axis may also contain an estimate of its absolute age. Used to visualise the environmental history of the place where the sample was taken.
- positive geoglyph
- See geoglyph.
- posthole
- Cut feature that once held an upright timber or stone structural member, which can be recognised even after the (wooden) post has decayed because its fill differs from the sediment around it.[31]
- postpipe
- Remains of an upright timber placed in a posthole.[citation needed]
- potassium–argon dating
- See K–Ar dating.
- potsherd
- A fragment of pottery. In specialised usage sherd is preferred over the more common spelling shard, where sherd refers to ceramics and shard to glass.
- profile
- Vertical exposure of an excavated area, feature or artefact (as seen from the side), possibly also in section; a drawing or photograph of the same.
- quarter sectioning
- Sometimes called digging by quadrant, it is a procedure for excavating discrete features (especially those circular or ovoid in shape) where two diagonally opposite quadrants are removed, resulting in two complete cross-sections of a feature.
- radiocarbon dating
- absolute dating technique used to determine the age of organic materials less than 50,000 years old. Age is determined by examining the loss of the unstable carbon-14 isotope, which is absorbed by all living organisms during their lifespan. The rate of decay of this unstable isotope after the organism has died is assumed to be constant, and is measured in half-lives of 5730 + 40 years, meaning that the amount of carbon-14 is reduced to half the amount after about 5730 years. Dates generated by radiocarbon dating have to be calibrated using dates derived from other absolute dating methods, such as dendrochronology and ice cores.[citation needed]
- screening
- See sieving
- season
- A period of time spent working on a particular site or field project.
- section
- A section is a view of the archaeological sequence showing it in the vertical plane, as a cross section, showing the stratigraphy.
- sherd
- See potsherd
- shovel test pit
- test holes, usually dug out by a shovel, in order to determine whether the soil contains any cultural remains that are not visible on the surface.
- shovelbum
- A colloquial term for professional excavators working in cultural resources management in the United States.
- sieving
- The use of sieves, screens, and meshes to improve the recovery rate of artefacts from excavated sediments (spoil). Can be divided into dry sieving and wet sieving.[11]
- spoil
- Loose sediment excavated from a trench.
- spoil heap
- A pile of sediment from an excavation, usually located next to a trench.
- trial trenching
- A method of archaeological evaluation used to estimate the archaeological potential of a site.
- typology
- The classification of objects according to their physical characteristics.
- underwater archaeology
- Subdiscipline devoted to the study of archaeological remains submerged under seas, lakes, or rivers.[35]
- unenclosed
- See enclosure.
- uniface
- Stone tool or other artefact that has only been worked on one side, cf. biface.[36][37]
- unit
- 1. In stratigraphic excavation, a context.[38]
- 2. In British commercial archaeology, a company providing archaeological services, e.g. the Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit.[38]
- univallate
- Hillfort or other enclosed settlement surrounded by a single line of walls or ramparts, cf. multivallate.[39]
- unurned
- Cremation burial where the remains were not placed in a container (urn), typical of the Early to Middle Bronze Age in Northern Europe.[40]
- updraught kiln
- updraft kiln
- Type of ceramic kiln which works by drawing hot air from a fire placed adjacent to or below the material to be fired.[41]
- urban archaeology
- Subdiscipline devoted to the study of archaeology in major cities and towns.[42]
- urn
- Pottery vessel in which cremated remains were placed for interment; sometimes specially made, but often a repurposed domestic container.[43]
- urnfield
- Cemetery containing cremation burials in urns. Typical of Late Bronze Age Europe and the eponymous Urnfield culture.[44]
- use-wear
- Microscopic traces of wear, damage or residue left on the surface of an artefact from use. Use-wear analysis involves studying these traces to discern the function of a tool.[45]
- watching brief
- A formal programme of observation and investigation conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons.
- wet sieving
- The use of flowing water to force excavated sediment through a screen or mesh and recover small artefacts. It is more effective than dry sieving in heavier soils and, as part of the process of flotation, can be used to recover very small organic remains.[11]
- Wheeler–Kenyon method
- box–grid method
- Excavation strategy where an area is divided into a grid of square trenches and baulks are left between each square, exposing the site in both plan and profile. Developed by Mortimer Wheeler and Tessa Wheeler at Verulamium (1930–35) and refined by Kathleen Kenyon at Jericho (1952–58).
- X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
- Method of analysing the chemical composition of an object by exposing it to X-rays and examining the resulting secondary (fluorescent) X-rays emitted.[48]
- yield
- Information important in prehistory or history.
- zooarchaeology
- Subdiscipline devoted to the analysis of animal remains in the archaeological record.
See also
- Outline of archaeology
- Table of years in archaeology
- Glossary of history
- Kipfer 2000, p. 2, "absolute age".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 2, "absolute dating".
- Shaw & Jameson 1999, "alignment".
- Darvill 2009, "antiquarian".
- Darvill 2009, "antiquarianism".
- Renfrew & Bahn 2008, p. 578.
- Kipfer, Barbara Ann. "Assemblage". Archaeology Wordsmith. Retrieved 2 February 2019.
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- Robb 1998, note 6.
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- Kipfer 2000, p. 514, "sieving".
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- Groen, W.J. Mike; Márquez-Grant, Nicholas; Janaway, Robert C. (2015). Forensic archaeology: A global perspective. ISBN 9781118745977.
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- Kipfer 2000, p. 205, "geofact".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 205, "geoglyph".
- Carugati, Federica; Schneider, Nathan (February 28, 2023). "Governance Archaeology: Research as Ancestry". Daedalus. 152 (1): 245–257. doi:10.1162/daed_a_01985 – via MIT Press Direct.
- (2001). "Culture historical and biological approaches to identifying homologous traits". In Hurt, Teresa D.; Rakita, Gordon F. M. (eds.). Style and function: Conceptual issues in evolutionary archaeology. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 69–89. ISBN 978-0897897327.
- ; O'Brien, Michael J. (2001). "The Direct Historical Approach, Analogical Reasoning, and Theory in Americanist Archaeology". Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 8 (4): 303–342. doi:10.1023/A:1013736416067. JSTOR 20177446.
- Bray & Trump 1970, p. 117, "jar burial".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 271, "K–Ar dating".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 275, "kerb".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 279, "kill site".
- Adams, Jenny L. (2008). "Beyond the Broken". In Rowan, Yorke M.; Ebling, Jennie R. (eds.). New Approaches to Old Stones. Sheffield: Equinox. p. 217.
- Kipfer 2000, p. 279, "kiln site".
- Kipfer 2000, p. 339, "matrix".
- "What to Do with "Megasites" in Prehistory? Further Exploring the "Megasite" Conundrum". The Digital Archaeological Record. Digital Antiquity.
- Barker, Philip (1993). Techniques of archaeological excavation (3rd ed.). B. T. Batsford. p. 138. ISBN 978-0-7134-7169-4.
- Kipfer, Barbara Ann (2010). "pollen diagram". Archaeology Wordsmith. Retrieved 2017-01-31.
- "How To Read A Pollen Diagram". Maryland Archeobotany. Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. Retrieved 2017-01-31.
- Bray & Trump 1970, p. 185, "post hole".
- Kipfer, Barbara A. (2002). "sherd". Archaeology Wordsmith. Archived from the original on April 8, 2014. Retrieved April 6, 2014.
- "shard". Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2019-10-10.
- Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) (2020). Standard and guidance for archaeological field evaluation (PDF).
- Darvill 2009, "underwater archaeology".
- Darvill 2009, "unifacial flaking".
- Darvill 2009, "unifacial tool".
- Darvill 2009, "unit".
- Darvill 2009, "univallate hillfort".
- Darvill 2009, "unurned cremation".
- Darvill 2009, "updraught kiln".
- Darvill 2009, "urban archaeology".
- Darvill 2009, "urn".
- Darvill 2009, "urnfield".
- Darvill 2009, "use-wear (microwear) analysis".
- "Educational & Virtual Tours Resources List". archaeological.org. Archaeological Institute of America. Retrieved 2 December 2024.
- Dever, William G.; Lance, H. Darrell (1982). Manual of Field Excavation: Handbook for Field Archaeologists. New York: Jewish Institute of Religion. pp. 50–51. ISBN 9780878203031.
- Bray & Trump 1970, p. 258, "X-ray fluorescence".
- "Determining which archaeological sites are significant: Evaluation". achp.gov. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Retrieved 3 December 2024.
- Bray, Warwick; Trump, David (1970). A Dictionary of Archaeology. Allen Lane. ISBN 0713901373.
- Darvill, Timothy (2009). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199534043.001.0001. ISBN 9780191727139.
- Feder, Kenneth (2008). Linking to the Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology (2nd updated ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-533117-2.
- Kipfer, Barbara Ann (2000). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. ISBN 978-0-306-46158-3.
- Pearsall, Deborah M., ed. (2008). Encyclopedia of Archaeology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN 9780123739629.
- Renfrew, Colin; Bahn, Paul (2008). Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice (5th updated ed.). London: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-28719-4. OCLC 441377624.
- Robb, John G. (1998). "The 'ritual landscape' concept in archaeology: a heritage construction". Landscape Research. 23 (2): 159–174. doi:10.1080/01426399808706533. ISSN 0142-6397.
- Shaw, Ian; Jameson, Robert, eds. (1999). A Dictionary of Archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell. doi:10.1002/9780470753446. ISBN 9780470753446.
- Smith, Clare, ed. (2014). Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0465-2. ISBN 978-1-4419-0465-2. S2CID 220616743.
External links
- About.com Archaeology Glossary Archived 2016-12-03 at the Wayback Machine
This page is a glossary of archaeology the study of the human past from material remains Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also Notes References External linksAabsolute age The age of an object with reference to a fixed and specific time scale as determined by some method of absolute dating e g 10 000 BP or 1 9 mya 1 absolute dating Ascertaining the age of an object with reference to a fixed and specific time scale e g calendar years or radiocarbon years as opposed to relative dating 2 aerial archaeology Archaeological investigations conducted from the air e g using aerial photography or satellite imagery alignment Co linear arrangement of features or structures with external landmarks or in archaeoastronomy an astronomically significant point or axis 3 antiquarian antiquary A person interested in the collection curation and or study of antiquities particularly in reference to the intellectual tradition that developed in Europe in the 16th 17th centuries and is considered a precursor to modern archaeology 4 antiquarianism An intellectual tradition of inquiry that developed in Europe in the 16th and early 17th centuries AD as a result of new interests in nature antiquity the Renaissance of learning and the addition of time depth to people s view of the world 5 antiquities Ancient artefacts particularly in the context of their trade and collection antiquity The ancient past in particular the period of the earliest historic civilizations see classical antiquity archaeobotany Subdiscipline devoted to the analysis of plant remains in the archaeological record archaeozoology See zooarchaeology archaeologist A person engaged in the study or profession of archaeology archaeology archeology The academic discipline concerned with the study of the human past through material remains artefact artifact A physical object made by humans assemblage A set of artefacts or ecofacts found together from the same place and time Can refer to the total assemblage from a site or a specific type of artefact e g lithic assemblage zooarchaeological assemblage association Two or more excavated objects that are thought to be related are said to be in association e g artefacts discovered in close proximity within the same context or architectural features thought to have been standing at the same time avenue Type of prehistoric monument found in the British Isles consisting of two parallel lines of standing stones Examples include the Stonehenge Avenue Beckhampton Avenue and West Kennet Avenue BThe Wheeler Kenyon method is characterised by intact baulks pictured here topped with white sandbags between each excavation unit backfill 1 To re fill a trench once an excavation has been completed 1A To re fill a cut and cover tunnels 1B To re fill unused canals 1C To re fill trenches for gas water power and communication lines 2 Material used for backfilling usually spoil from the original excavation baulk balk A wall of earth left in place between excavated areas in order to maintain the structural integrity of the trench and or expose a section to aid in interpretation bladelet Type of stone tool a small blade characteristic of Upper Palaeolithic Europe 10 box grid method See Wheeler Kenyon method CC14 dating See radiocarbon dating context 1 Information relating to where an artefact or feature was found and what it was found in association with 2 In single context excavation a well defined stratigraphic unit relating to a single depositional event used as the primary unit for recording and analysis culture An archaeological culture is a recurring assemblage of artifacts from a specific time and place that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society Ddiagnostic A term used for objects particularly sherds of pottery which can be dated to a particular chronological period and so used to ascertain the date of a particular context dig An informal term for an archaeological excavation disturbance Any change to an archaeological site due to events which occurred after the site was laid down dry sieving A method of sifting artefacts from excavated sediments by shaking it through sieves or meshes of varying sizes As opposed to wet sieving which uses water 11 Eearthworks Earthworks are artificial changes in land level typically made from piles of artificially placed or sculpted rocks and soil environmental archaeology Environmental archaeology is the science of reconstructing the relationships between past societies and the environments they lived in evaluation See trial trenching excavation Excavation is the exposure processing and recording of archaeological remains Ffieldwork Archaeological investigations taking place in the field e g excavations or surveys finds An informal term for artifacts features and other things discovered by archaeologists fill Material that has accumulated or been deposited within a negative feature such as a cut ditch or a hollow in a building finds processing The preparation of finds from an excavation for storage or further specialist analysis typically including washing labelling sorting and listing in an inventory finds specialist An archaeologist who specialises in the analysis of a particular type of find e g medieval pottery or prehistoric worked flint flotation Method of separating very small objects from excavated sediments using water It is particularly important for the recovery of botanical remains and animal bones forensic archaeology Forensic archaeologists employ their knowledge of archaeological techniques and theory in a legal context This broad description is necessary as forensic archaeology is practiced in a variety of ways around the world funerary archaeology Funerary archaeology is the study of the treatment and commemoration of the dead It includes the study of human remains associated artefacts and monuments Ggeoarchaeology The application of geology and other earth science techniques to archaeology 14 geofact Rocks or other naturally occurring minerals found in an archaeological context and presumed to have been transported there by humans but not sufficiently modified to qualify as an artefact 15 geoglyph A form of rock art produced on the ground either by arranging material on the surface a positive geoglyph or removing part of it a negative geoglyph 16 governance archaeologyGovernance archaeology seeks to understand the myriad combinations of ways in which people have governed themselves throughout time A goal in this endeavor is to better understand the full range of options available to modern humans and to the extent possible some of the opportunities and pitfalls of different governance characteristics HMaiden Castle in Dorset is one of the largest hillforts in Europehenge A type of Neolithic earthwork that has a ring shaped bank and ditch with the ditch inside the bank hillfort A type of earthwork used as a fortified refuge or defended settlement homology homolog Similarity in style or form owing to a common origin as opposed to an analog see also homology biology Iindustrial archaeology Subdiscipline devoted to the study of past industry and industrial heritage industry A typological classification of stone tools e g the Mousterian industry the Acheulean industry in situ Features artefacts and other remains in their original depositional context cf unstratified Jjar burial Inhumation of whole human remains in a ceramic vessel as opposed to the more common urn burial where only ashes from cremation are interred 20 KK Ar dating Potassium argon dating a radiometric dating method useful for samples older than 100 000 years 21 kerb kerbstone circle A circular retaining wall built around certain types of burial mound 22 kill site A site where people slaughtered and or butchered animals especially in a Palaeolithic context e g Naco Mammoth Kill Site Cooper Bison Kill Site 23 killed object An object which has been deliberately broken or damaged in such a way as to make it unusable kiln site In Southeast Asian archaeology a site that was the centre for manufacture of particular ceramic ware e g Sukhothai 25 Llocus See context Mmatrix 1 The physical material in which finds and other cultural remains are found e g soil or rock 26 2 Harris matrix a diagram showing the stratigraphic relations between contexts megasite mega site A site that is anomalously large in comparison to others from the same period and region e g PPNB megasites Trypillia megasites Nnegative geoglyph See geoglyph Ooccupation earth set of deposits believed to represent in situ settlement at an archaeological site containing pottery sherds ashes animal remains etc PProfile photograph of a posthole that has been half sectionedpalaeoethnobotany paleoethnobotany See archaeobotany plan Horizontal exposure of an excavated area feature or artefact as seen from above a drawing or photograph of the same ploughsoil The soil down to the level at which it will have been disturbed by ploughing pollen diagram pollen profile pollen spectrum A series of side by side graphs produced by archaeobotanists and palynologists showing the frequency of different types species of pollen in a soil sample by depth Usually presented vertically with the shallowest samples at the top and the deepest at the bottom to represent a pollen core or other stratified deposit The depth of the sample corresponds roughly to how old it is and therefore the vertical axis may also contain an estimate of its absolute age Used to visualise the environmental history of the place where the sample was taken positive geoglyph See geoglyph posthole Cut feature that once held an upright timber or stone structural member which can be recognised even after the wooden post has decayed because its fill differs from the sediment around it 31 postpipe Remains of an upright timber placed in a posthole citation needed potassium argon dating See K Ar dating potsherd A fragment of pottery In specialised usage sherd is preferred over the more common spelling shard where sherd refers to ceramics and shard to glass profile Vertical exposure of an excavated area feature or artefact as seen from the side possibly also in section a drawing or photograph of the same Qquarter sectioning Sometimes called digging by quadrant it is a procedure for excavating discrete features especially those circular or ovoid in shape where two diagonally opposite quadrants are removed resulting in two complete cross sections of a feature Rradiocarbon dating absolute dating technique used to determine the age of organic materials less than 50 000 years old Age is determined by examining the loss of the unstable carbon 14 isotope which is absorbed by all living organisms during their lifespan The rate of decay of this unstable isotope after the organism has died is assumed to be constant and is measured in half lives of 5730 40 years meaning that the amount of carbon 14 is reduced to half the amount after about 5730 years Dates generated by radiocarbon dating have to be calibrated using dates derived from other absolute dating methods such as dendrochronology and ice cores citation needed Sscreening See sieving season A period of time spent working on a particular site or field project section A section is a view of the archaeological sequence showing it in the vertical plane as a cross section showing the stratigraphy sherd See potsherd shovel test pit test holes usually dug out by a shovel in order to determine whether the soil contains any cultural remains that are not visible on the surface shovelbum A colloquial term for professional excavators working in cultural resources management in the United States sieving The use of sieves screens and meshes to improve the recovery rate of artefacts from excavated sediments spoil Can be divided into dry sieving and wet sieving 11 spoil Loose sediment excavated from a trench spoil heap A pile of sediment from an excavation usually located next to a trench Ttrial trenching A method of archaeological evaluation used to estimate the archaeological potential of a site typology The classification of objects according to their physical characteristics UAn underwater archaeologist recording a feature in planunderwater archaeology Subdiscipline devoted to the study of archaeological remains submerged under seas lakes or rivers 35 unenclosed See enclosure uniface Stone tool or other artefact that has only been worked on one side cf biface 36 37 unit 1 In stratigraphic excavation a context 38 2 In British commercial archaeology a company providing archaeological services e g the Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit 38 univallate Hillfort or other enclosed settlement surrounded by a single line of walls or ramparts cf multivallate 39 unurned Cremation burial where the remains were not placed in a container urn typical of the Early to Middle Bronze Age in Northern Europe 40 updraught kiln updraft kiln Type of ceramic kiln which works by drawing hot air from a fire placed adjacent to or below the material to be fired 41 urban archaeology Subdiscipline devoted to the study of archaeology in major cities and towns 42 urn Pottery vessel in which cremated remains were placed for interment sometimes specially made but often a repurposed domestic container 43 urnfield Cemetery containing cremation burials in urns Typical of Late Bronze Age Europe and the eponymous Urnfield culture 44 use wear Microscopic traces of wear damage or residue left on the surface of an artefact from use Use wear analysis involves studying these traces to discern the function of a tool 45 Vvirtual archaeology A subfield of digital archeology that creates and use virtual models and simulations of archaeological sites artifacts and processes WWet sievingwatching brief A formal programme of observation and investigation conducted during any operation carried out for non archaeological reasons wet sieving The use of flowing water to force excavated sediment through a screen or mesh and recover small artefacts It is more effective than dry sieving in heavier soils and as part of the process of flotation can be used to recover very small organic remains 11 Wheeler Kenyon method box grid method Excavation strategy where an area is divided into a grid of square trenches and baulks are left between each square exposing the site in both plan and profile Developed by Mortimer Wheeler and Tessa Wheeler at Verulamium 1930 35 and refined by Kathleen Kenyon at Jericho 1952 58 XX ray fluorescence XRF Method of analysing the chemical composition of an object by exposing it to X rays and examining the resulting secondary fluorescent X rays emitted 48 Yyield Information important in prehistory or history Zzooarchaeology Subdiscipline devoted to the analysis of animal remains in the archaeological record See alsoOutline of archaeology Table of years in archaeology Glossary of historyReferencesKipfer 2000 p 2 absolute age 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