Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the head of state and government, known as an autocrat. It includes some forms of monarchy and all forms of dictatorship, while it is contrasted with democracy and feudalism. Various definitions of autocracy exist. They may restrict autocracy to cases where power is held by a single individual, or they may define autocracy in a way that includes a group of rulers who wield absolute power. The autocrat has total control over the exercise of civil liberties within the autocracy, choosing under what circumstances they may be exercised, if at all. Governments may also blend elements of autocracy and democracy, forming an anocracy. The concept of autocracy has been recognized in political philosophy since ancient history.
Autocrats maintain power through political repression of any opposition and co-optation of other influential or powerful members of society. The general public is controlled through indoctrination and propaganda, and an autocracy may attempt to legitimize itself in the eyes of the public through appeals to political ideology, religion, birthright, or foreign hostility. Some autocracies establish legislatures, unfair elections, or show trials to further exercise control while presenting the appearance of democracy. The only limits to autocratic rule are practical considerations in preserving the regime. Autocrats must retain control over the nation's elites and institutions for their will to be exercised, but they must also prevent any other individual or group from gaining significant power or influence. Internal challenges are the most significant threats faced by autocrats, as they may lead to a coup d'état.
Autocracy was among the earliest forms of government. It began as despotism, which existed throughout the ancient world in the form of chiefdoms, city-states, and empires. Monarchy was the predominant form of autocracy for most of history. Dictatorship became more common in the 19th century, beginning with the caudillos in Latin America and the empires of Napoleon and Napoleon III in Europe. Totalitarian dictatorships developed in the 20th century with the advent of fascist and communist states. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, most dictatorships have been characterized as authoritarian rather than totalitarian.
Etymology and use
Autocracy comes from the Ancient Greek auto (Greek: αὐτός; "self") and kratos (Greek: κράτος; "power, might"). This became the Hellenistic/Byzantine Greek word autocrator (Greek: αὐτοκράτωρ) and the Latin imperator, both of which were titles for the Roman emperor. This was adopted in Old Russian as samod′rž′c′ and then modern Russian as samoderžec. In the 18th century, the title for the Russian emperor was translated to authocrateur and then autocrateur in French, while it was translated to Autocrator and then Autokrator in German. These terms were eventually used to refer to autocratic rulers in general. The term has since developed a negative connotation.
Political structure
Many attempts have been made to define the political structure of autocracy. It traditionally entails a single unrestrained ruler, known as an autocrat, though unrestrained non-democratic rule by a group may also be defined as autocratic. Autocracy is distinguished from other forms of government by the power of the autocrat to unilaterally repress the civil liberties of the people and to choose what liberties they may exercise. It is distinct from democracy and feudalism, and modern autocracy is often defined as any non-democratic government. As with all forms of government, autocracy has no clearly defined boundaries, and it may intersect with other forms of government. Though autocracy usually encompasses an entire country, it can sometimes take place at subnational or local levels, even in countries with a more democratic government, if the national government has limited control over a specific area or its political conflicts.
Autocracies impose few to no limits on the power of the autocrat, and any formal institutions that exist create only limited accountability. To maintain power, an autocrat must have the support of elites that hold influence in the country and assist the autocrat in carrying out their will. The amount of direct control that an autocrat wields in practice may vary. As an autocratic government solidifies its rule, it develops stronger institutions to carry out the autocrat's will. These institutions are necessary for maintaining control and extracting value from the state, but they can also serve as checks on the autocrat. Autocrats must also balance the affiliation that regional elites have over their jurisdiction; too little can prevent effective rule, while too much may cause the elite to favor the region's interests over the autocrat's. Some autocracies incorporate an elected legislature that has a limited ability to check the power of the autocrat, though these are not usually formed through free and fair elections. These legislatures may also be prone to corruption and can be influenced by the autocrat in exchange for preferential treatment. Other institutions, such as an independent judiciary or an active civil society, may also limit the autocrat's power.
Some autocracies emphasize a ruling family rather than a single autocrat. This has been the case of most monarchies. Such arrangements allow for royal intermarriage, which can join autocracies together through dynastic unions.Personalist dictatorships may also give significance to the ruling family through a cult of personality, such as the Kim family of North Korea.
Origin and development
The earliest autocracies, such as chiefdoms, formed where there was previously no centralized government. The initial development of an autocracy is attributed to its efficiency over anarchy, as it provides security and negates internal divisions. Mancur Olson introduced the term "stationary bandits" to describe the method of control associated with autocracy, as opposed to the "roaming bandits" that dominate anarchic society. Under this definition, autocrats as stationary bandits see long-term investment in the society that they exploit through taxation and other seizure of resources, as opposed to the bandits in stateless societies that have no incentive to improve society. This creates a Pareto efficiency in which both the autocrat and the subjects benefit over the alternative.
Douglass North, John Joseph Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast describe autocracies as natural states that arise from this need to monopolize violence. In contrast to Olson, these scholars understand the early state not as a single ruler, but as an organization formed by many actors. They describe the process of autocratic state formation as a bargaining process among individuals with access to violence. For them, these individuals form a dominant coalition that grants each other privileges such as the access to resources. As violence reduces the economic rents, members of the dominant coalition have incentives to cooperate and to avoid fighting. A limited access to privileges is necessary to avoid competition among the members of the dominant coalition, who then will credibly commit to cooperate and will form the state.
There is great variance in the types of states that become autocratic. Neither a state's size, its military strength, its economic success, nor its cultural attributes significantly affect whether it is likely to be autocratic. Autocracy is more likely to form in heterogeneous populations, as there is greater inequality and less social cohesion. Autocracies formed under these conditions are often more volatile for the same reasons.
Stability and succession
Autocracies face challenges to their authority from several fronts, including the citizenry, political opposition, and internal disloyalty from elites. As autocrats must share their power with the state's elites to see their will carried out, these elites are the greatest threat to the autocrat. Most autocratic governments are overthrown by a coup, and historically most have been succeeded by another autocratic government, though a trend toward democracy developed in 20th century Europe. These new governments are commonly a different type of autocracy or a weaker variant of the same type.
While popular support for revolution is often necessary to overthrow an autocratic government, most revolts are accompanied by internal support from elites who believe that it is no longer in their interest to support the autocrat. Overthrow of an autocratic government purely through popular revolt is virtually nonexistent throughout history, but popular support for democracy is a significant indicator of challenges to autocratic rule. Modernization and increased wealth are often associated with stronger support for democracy, though failing to provide these things also reduces support for the autocratic regime. Popular revolt is most likely to occur during periods of reform. Government reform can provide an impetus for stronger opposition, especially when it does not meet expectations, and it can weaken the centralization of power through poor implementation. When revolt appears likely, an autocrat may grant civil rights, redistribute wealth, or abdicate from power entirely to avoid the threat of violence.
Some autocracies use hereditary succession in which a set of rules determines who will be the next autocrat. Otherwise, a successor may be handpicked, either by the autocrat or by another governmental body. Pre-determined successors are incentivized to overthrow and replace the autocrat, creating a dilemma for autocrats wishing to choose a successor. The threat of overthrow is greater for appointed successors over hereditary successors, as hereditary successors are often younger and less influential. Other autocracies have no appointed successor, and a power struggle will take place upon the death or removal of the autocrat. These methods of succession are a common distinction between monarchical rule and dictatorial rule; monarchies use an established system of succession such as hereditary succession, while dictatorships do not. Autocratic rule is most unstable during succession from one autocrat to another. Orders of succession allow for more peaceful transition of power, but it prevents meaningful vetting of successors for competence or fortitude. When rule passes between autocrats, the incoming autocrat often inherits an established bureaucracy. This bureaucracy facilitates the transfer of power, as the new ruler gains immediate control over the nation without having to conquer its people or win their popular support.
Autocrats may claim that they have legitimacy under a legal framework, or they may exert influence purely through force. Opinion on whether an autocratic government is legitimate can vary, even among its own population. An autocracy's approach to legitimacy can be affected by recognition from other nations. Widely accepted autocratic governments are more able to convince their own populations of their legitimacy. Less widely accepted autocracies may rally internal support by attributing their lack of recognition to malevolent foreign efforts, such as American imperialism or Zionism.
Historically, the most common claim of legitimacy is birthright in an autocracy that uses hereditary succession. Theocratic governments appeal to religion to justify their rule, arguing that religious leaders must also be political leaders. Other autocrats may use similar claims of divine authority to justify their rule, often in absolute monarchy. This includes the Mandate of Heaven in ancient China and the divine right of kings in 17th century England and France. When an autocratic government has a state ideology, this may be used to justify the autocrat's rule. This is most common in communist or ethnonationalist governments. Autocracies with unfair elections will cite election results to prove that the autocrat has a mandate to rule. Some autocracies will use practical considerations to legitimise their rule, arguing that they are necessary to provide basic needs to the population.
Autocracy encompasses most non-democratic forms of government, including dictatorships, monarchies, and dominant-party regimes. Monarchies were common in medieval Europe, but in the modern era dictatorship is the most common form of government globally.
Autocratic governments are classified as totalitarian when they engage in direct control of citizens' lives, or as authoritarian when they do not. Totalitarian governments do not allow political or cultural pluralism. Instead, citizens are expected to devote themselves to a single ideological vision and demonstrate their support of the state ideology through political engagement. Totalitarian governments are revolutionary, seeking radically to reform society, and they often engage in terror against groups that do not comply with the state's vision. Totalitarianism is associated with communist states and Nazi Germany. Authoritarian governments maintain control of a nation purely through repression and controlled opposition rather than mandated adherence to a state ideology. These include most traditional monarchies, military dictatorships, theocracies, and dominant party states.
An absolute autocracy may be referred to as despotism, in which the autocrat rules purely through personal control without any meaningful institutions. These were most common in pre-industrial societies, when large bureaucracies had not yet become standard in government.Sultanism is a type of personalist dictatorship in which a ruling family directly integrates itself into the state through a cult of personality, where it maintains control purely through rewards for allies and force against enemies. In these regimes, there is no guiding ideology or legal system, and the state serves only to bring about the leader's own personal enrichment. Other descriptors, such as tyranny and absolutism, may also be associated with variations of autocracy.
Though autocracies often restrict civil and political rights, some may allow limited exercise of some rights. These autocracies grant moderate representation to political opponents and allow exercise of some civil rights, though less than those associated with democracy. These are contrasted with closed autocracies, which do not permit the exercise of these rights. Several forms of semi-autocratic government have been defined in which governments blend elements of democracy and autocracy. These include limited autocracy, semi-autocracy, liberal autocracy, semi-liberal autocracy,anocracy, and electoral autocracy. These governments may begin as democratic governments and then become autocratic as the elected leader seizes control over the nation's institutions and electoral process. Conversely, autocratic governments may transition to democracy through a period of semi-autocratic rule.
Early history
Autocracy has been the primary form of government for most of human history. One of the earliest forms of government was the chiefdom that developed in tribal societies, which date back to the Neolithic. Chiefdoms are regional collections of villages ruled over by tribal chief. They are an emergent form of governance, originating from societies that previously lacked a centralized authority. Historical chiefs often held only tenuous power over the chiefdom, but they trended towards autocracy as heterarchical governance was replaced with hierarchical governance.
Early states were formed by warlords ruling over conquered territory. The first states were the city-states of Mesopotamia, which first developed around the 35th century BCE. These early states were ruled by kings who were both political and religious leaders. These were followed by the first empire, the Akkadian Empire, when they were conquered by Sargon of Akkad in the 24th century BCE. The blending of autocratic rule with religious significance continued under the Akkadian Empire, as the king Naram-Sin of Akkad was the first of several kings to be recognized as a god over the following centuries.Ancient Egypt also existed as an autocratic government for most of its early history, first developing states at the end of the fourth millennium BCE.
China has been subject to autocratic rule almost without interruption since its ancient feudal society was replaced by the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE, and even its feudal government had stronger elements of autocracy than other instances of feudalism. The early Chinese philosophy of Confucianism emphasized the importance of benevolent autocratic rule to maintain order, and this philosophy heavily influenced future Chinese thought.
City-states in Ancient Greece and the Etruscan civilization were often ruled by tyrants, though myth and historical revisionism later re-imagined these tyrants as kings with hereditary succession. The Roman Republic introduced the concept of the Roman dictator who would be temporarily invested with unchecked power to restore stability during periods of crisis. This temporary dictatorship was eventually subverted by Julius Caesar when he became dictator for life in 44 BCE, ending the Roman Republic and ushering the creation of the autocratic Roman Empire.
Several early military dictatorships formed in East Asia during the post-classical era. These include the rule of the Goguryeo kingdom by Yeon Gaesomun in 642, the Goryeo military regime beginning in 1170, and the shogunate in Japan between the 12th and 19th centuries.
Parliamentary monarchies became common in the 13th century as monarchs sought larger advising bodies that were representative of the kingdom. European nations moved away from feudalism and towards centralized monarchy as the primary form of government in the 14th century.
Modern era
Absolutism became more common in European monarchies at the onset of the 16th century as the continent struggled with weak leadership and religious conflict. Legislatures during this period were often tailored to enforce the king's will but not challenge it. This was sometimes justified through the divine right of kings, particularly in the kingdoms of England and France.
The French Revolution marked a significant shift in the perception of dictatorship as a form of tyrannical rule, as revolutionaries justified their actions as a means of combatting tyranny. In Europe, the original forms of dictatorship were Bonapartism, a form of monarchism that rejected feudalism, and Caesarism, imperial rule reminiscent of Julius Caesar. These were primarily used to define the First and Second French Empires. European monarchies moved away from autocracy in the 19th century as legislatures increased in power. In 19th century Latin America, regional rulers known as caudillos seized power in several nations as early examples of dictators.
The 19th and 20th centuries brought about the decline of traditional monarchies in favor of modern states, many of which developed as autocracies. The upheaval caused by World War I resulted in a broad shift of governance across Europe, and many nations moved away from traditional monarchies. Most European monarchs were stripped of their powers to become constitutional monarchs, or they were displaced entirely in favor of republics. Totalitarianism first developed as a form of autocracy during the interwar period. It seized power in many of these republics, particularly during the Great Depression. This saw the establishment of fascist, communist, and military dictatorships throughout Europe.
The communist state first developed as a new form of autocracy following the Russian Revolution. This type of autocratic government enforced totalitarian control over its citizens through a mass party said to represent the citizens. While other forms of European dictatorship were dissolved after World War II, communism was strengthened and became the basis of several dictatorships in Eastern Europe. Communist states became the primary model for autocratic government in the late-20th century, and many non-communist autocratic regimes replicated the communist style of government.
The decline in autocracy across Western Europe affected autocratic government elsewhere in the world through colonization. Societies without a state were readily colonized by European nations and subsequently adopted democracy and parliamentary government after it became common in Europe. Regions with historically strong autocratic states were able to resist European colonization or otherwise went unchanged, allowing autocracy to be preserved.
The strength of autocracy in global politics was significantly reduced at the end of the Cold War with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, but it saw a resurgence over the following decades through regional powers such as China, Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. The fall of totalitarian regimes led to authoritarianism becoming the predominant form of autocracy in the 21st century.
Political activity
Political repression is the primary method by which autocrats preserve the regime and prevent the loss of power. This repression may take place implicitly by coercing and intimidating potential opposition, or it may involve direct violence. Autocratic governments also engage in co-optation, in which influential figures are provided benefits by the regime in exchange for their support. Coercing these elites is usually more efficient for the autocrat than intimidating them through violence. Political parties are a common method of co-optation and coercion, as they provide a mechanism to control members of the government, initiate new members, and discourage a military coup. Autocratic governments controlled through a political party last longer on average than other autocratic governments.
Control over the public is maintained through indoctrination and propaganda. Autocratic governments enjoy similar levels of public support to democratic governments, and a state's status as autocratic is not a significant indicator in whether it is supported by its citizens. Autocrats often appeal to the people by supporting a specific political, ethnic, or religious movement.
The different forms of autocratic government create significant variance in their foreign policy. Overall, autocratic governments are more likely to go to war than democratic governments, as citizens are not part of the selectorate to which autocrats are accountable. Totalitarian autocracies have historically engaged in militarism and expansionism after consolidating power, particularly fascist governments. This allows the autocracy to spread its state ideology, and the existence of foreign adversaries allows the autocrat to rally internal support.
Autocratic regimes in the 21st century have departed from the historical precedent of direct rule in favor of institutions that resemble those of democratic governments. This may include controlled liberties for citizens such as the formation of opposition parties to participate in unfair elections. Elections provide several benefits to autocratic regimes, allowing for a venue to restrain or appease the opposition and creating a method to transfer power without violent conflict. Many autocrats also institute show trials to carry out political repression rather than carrying out direct purges. This may be done to more publicly discourage future dissidents. Prior to this trend, autocratic elections rarely invited public participation. They were instead used by elites to choose a leader amongst themselves, such as in an electoral monarchy. The creation of a constitution is another common measure used by autocrats to stay in power; as they are able to draft the constitution unilaterally, it can be tailored to suit their rule.
Study and evaluation
Liberal democracy Electoral democracy Electoral autocracy Closed autocracy |
Autocratic government has been central to political theory since the development of Ancient Greek political philosophy. Despite its historical prominence, autocracy has not been widely recognized as its own political theory in the way that democracy has. Autocratic government is generally considered to be less desirable than democratic government. Reasons for this include its proclivity for corruption and violence as well as its lack of efficiency and its weakness in promoting liberty and transparency.
Historically, data on the operation of autocratic government has been limited, preventing detailed study. Study of postcolonial autocracy in Africa has been particularly limited, as these governments were less likely to keep detailed records of their activities relative to other governments at the time, and they frequently destroyed the records that did exist. Study of citizen support for autocratic government relative to democratic government has also been infrequent, and most studies conducted in this area have been limited to East Asia. Collection of information on autocratic regimes has improved in the 21st century, allowing for more detailed analysis.
Autocratic government has been found to have effects on a country's politics, including its government's structure and bureaucracy, long after it democratizes. Comparisons between regions have found disparities in citizen attitudes, policy preferences, and political engagement depending on whether it had been subject to autocracy, even in different regions within the same country. Citizens of postcommunist nations are more likely to distrust government and free markets, directly hindering the long-term economic prosperity of these nations. Xenophobia is generally more common in post-autocratic nations, and voters in these nations are more likely to vote for far-right or far-left political parties.
Many democracy indices have been developed to measure how democratic or authoritarian countries are, such as the Polity data series, the Freedom in the World report, and the Varieties of Democracy indices. These indices measure various attributes of a government's actions and its citizens' rights to sort democracies and autocracies. These attributes might include enfranchisement, freedom of expression, freedom of information, separation of powers, or free and fair elections, among others. Both the choice in attributes and the method of measuring them are subjective, and they are defined individually be each index. Despite this, different democracy indices generally produce similar results. Most discrepancies come from the measurement of anocratic governments that blend democratic and autocratic traits.
The concepts of tyranny and despotism as distinct modes of government were abandoned in the 19th century in favor of more specific typologies. Modern typology of autocratic regimes originates from the work of Juan Linz in the mid-20th century, when his division of democracy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism became accepted. The first general theory of autocracy that defined it independently of other systems was created by Gordon Tullock in 1974 through applied public choice theory. At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama's theory of the end of history became popular among political scientists. This theory proposed that autocratic government was approaching a permanent decline to be replaced by liberal democracy. This theory was largely abandoned after the increase in autocratic government over the following decades. In the 2010s, the concept of "autocracy promotion" became influential in the study of autocracy, proposing that some governments have sought to establish autocratic rule in foreign nations, though subsequent studies have found little evidence to support that such efforts are as widespread or successful as originally thought.
See also
- Centralisation
- Democratic backsliding
- Kleptocracy
- Mafia state
- Monocracy
- Oligarchy
- Patrimonialism
- Statism
- Triumvirate
- Tsarist autocracy
- Fiala 2015, Glossary.
- Oxford English Dictionary 2023.
- Burnell 2006, p. 546.
- Siaroff 2013, p. 79.
- Gerschewski 2023, p. 30.
- Tullock 1987, p. 2.
- Mauk 2019, p. 24.
- Gerschewski 2023, p. 29.
- Mukherjee & Koren 2018, p. 5.
- Tullock 1987, pp. 7–8.
- Grzymala-Busse & Finkel 2022, How Autocracies Die.
- Gurr, Jaggers & Moore 1990, p. 85.
- Mauk 2019, pp. 26–27.
- Tullock 1987, p. 7.
- Grzymala-Busse & Finkel 2022, How Autocracies Emerge.
- Finer 1997, p. 67.
- Tullock 1987, p. 57.
- Grzymala-Busse & Finkel 2022, How Autocracies Are Sustained.
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Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the head of state and government known as an autocrat It includes some forms of monarchy and all forms of dictatorship while it is contrasted with democracy and feudalism Various definitions of autocracy exist They may restrict autocracy to cases where power is held by a single individual or they may define autocracy in a way that includes a group of rulers who wield absolute power The autocrat has total control over the exercise of civil liberties within the autocracy choosing under what circumstances they may be exercised if at all Governments may also blend elements of autocracy and democracy forming an anocracy The concept of autocracy has been recognized in political philosophy since ancient history Autocrats maintain power through political repression of any opposition and co optation of other influential or powerful members of society The general public is controlled through indoctrination and propaganda and an autocracy may attempt to legitimize itself in the eyes of the public through appeals to political ideology religion birthright or foreign hostility Some autocracies establish legislatures unfair elections or show trials to further exercise control while presenting the appearance of democracy The only limits to autocratic rule are practical considerations in preserving the regime Autocrats must retain control over the nation s elites and institutions for their will to be exercised but they must also prevent any other individual or group from gaining significant power or influence Internal challenges are the most significant threats faced by autocrats as they may lead to a coup d etat Autocracy was among the earliest forms of government It began as despotism which existed throughout the ancient world in the form of chiefdoms city states and empires Monarchy was the predominant form of autocracy for most of history Dictatorship became more common in the 19th century beginning with the caudillos in Latin America and the empires of Napoleon and Napoleon III in Europe Totalitarian dictatorships developed in the 20th century with the advent of fascist and communist states Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 most dictatorships have been characterized as authoritarian rather than totalitarian Etymology and useAutocracy comes from the Ancient Greek auto Greek aὐtos self and kratos Greek kratos power might This became the Hellenistic Byzantine Greek word autocrator Greek aὐtokratwr and the Latin imperator both of which were titles for the Roman emperor This was adopted in Old Russian as samod rz c and then modern Russian as samoderzec In the 18th century the title for the Russian emperor was translated to authocrateur and then autocrateur in French while it was translated to Autocrator and then Autokrator in German These terms were eventually used to refer to autocratic rulers in general The term has since developed a negative connotation Political structureThe coronation of Louis XVI of France Gabriel Francois Doyen 1775 Many attempts have been made to define the political structure of autocracy It traditionally entails a single unrestrained ruler known as an autocrat though unrestrained non democratic rule by a group may also be defined as autocratic Autocracy is distinguished from other forms of government by the power of the autocrat to unilaterally repress the civil liberties of the people and to choose what liberties they may exercise It is distinct from democracy and feudalism and modern autocracy is often defined as any non democratic government As with all forms of government autocracy has no clearly defined boundaries and it may intersect with other forms of government Though autocracy usually encompasses an entire country it can sometimes take place at subnational or local levels even in countries with a more democratic government if the national government has limited control over a specific area or its political conflicts Autocracies impose few to no limits on the power of the autocrat and any formal institutions that exist create only limited accountability To maintain power an autocrat must have the support of elites that hold influence in the country and assist the autocrat in carrying out their will The amount of direct control that an autocrat wields in practice may vary As an autocratic government solidifies its rule it develops stronger institutions to carry out the autocrat s will These institutions are necessary for maintaining control and extracting value from the state but they can also serve as checks on the autocrat Autocrats must also balance the affiliation that regional elites have over their jurisdiction too little can prevent effective rule while too much may cause the elite to favor the region s interests over the autocrat s Some autocracies incorporate an elected legislature that has a limited ability to check the power of the autocrat though these are not usually formed through free and fair elections These legislatures may also be prone to corruption and can be influenced by the autocrat in exchange for preferential treatment Other institutions such as an independent judiciary or an active civil society may also limit the autocrat s power Some autocracies emphasize a ruling family rather than a single autocrat This has been the case of most monarchies Such arrangements allow for royal intermarriage which can join autocracies together through dynastic unions Personalist dictatorships may also give significance to the ruling family through a cult of personality such as the Kim family of North Korea Origin and developmentFormation The earliest autocracies such as chiefdoms formed where there was previously no centralized government The initial development of an autocracy is attributed to its efficiency over anarchy as it provides security and negates internal divisions Mancur Olson introduced the term stationary bandits to describe the method of control associated with autocracy as opposed to the roaming bandits that dominate anarchic society Under this definition autocrats as stationary bandits see long term investment in the society that they exploit through taxation and other seizure of resources as opposed to the bandits in stateless societies that have no incentive to improve society This creates a Pareto efficiency in which both the autocrat and the subjects benefit over the alternative Douglass North John Joseph Wallis and Barry R Weingast describe autocracies as natural states that arise from this need to monopolize violence In contrast to Olson these scholars understand the early state not as a single ruler but as an organization formed by many actors They describe the process of autocratic state formation as a bargaining process among individuals with access to violence For them these individuals form a dominant coalition that grants each other privileges such as the access to resources As violence reduces the economic rents members of the dominant coalition have incentives to cooperate and to avoid fighting A limited access to privileges is necessary to avoid competition among the members of the dominant coalition who then will credibly commit to cooperate and will form the state There is great variance in the types of states that become autocratic Neither a state s size its military strength its economic success nor its cultural attributes significantly affect whether it is likely to be autocratic Autocracy is more likely to form in heterogeneous populations as there is greater inequality and less social cohesion Autocracies formed under these conditions are often more volatile for the same reasons Stability and succession The Russian Revolution led to the replacement of the autocratic Russian Empire with the autocratic Soviet Union Autocracies face challenges to their authority from several fronts including the citizenry political opposition and internal disloyalty from elites As autocrats must share their power with the state s elites to see their will carried out these elites are the greatest threat to the autocrat Most autocratic governments are overthrown by a coup and historically most have been succeeded by another autocratic government though a trend toward democracy developed in 20th century Europe These new governments are commonly a different type of autocracy or a weaker variant of the same type While popular support for revolution is often necessary to overthrow an autocratic government most revolts are accompanied by internal support from elites who believe that it is no longer in their interest to support the autocrat Overthrow of an autocratic government purely through popular revolt is virtually nonexistent throughout history but popular support for democracy is a significant indicator of challenges to autocratic rule Modernization and increased wealth are often associated with stronger support for democracy though failing to provide these things also reduces support for the autocratic regime Popular revolt is most likely to occur during periods of reform Government reform can provide an impetus for stronger opposition especially when it does not meet expectations and it can weaken the centralization of power through poor implementation When revolt appears likely an autocrat may grant civil rights redistribute wealth or abdicate from power entirely to avoid the threat of violence Some autocracies use hereditary succession in which a set of rules determines who will be the next autocrat Otherwise a successor may be handpicked either by the autocrat or by another governmental body Pre determined successors are incentivized to overthrow and replace the autocrat creating a dilemma for autocrats wishing to choose a successor The threat of overthrow is greater for appointed successors over hereditary successors as hereditary successors are often younger and less influential Other autocracies have no appointed successor and a power struggle will take place upon the death or removal of the autocrat These methods of succession are a common distinction between monarchical rule and dictatorial rule monarchies use an established system of succession such as hereditary succession while dictatorships do not Autocratic rule is most unstable during succession from one autocrat to another Orders of succession allow for more peaceful transition of power but it prevents meaningful vetting of successors for competence or fortitude When rule passes between autocrats the incoming autocrat often inherits an established bureaucracy This bureaucracy facilitates the transfer of power as the new ruler gains immediate control over the nation without having to conquer its people or win their popular support Legitimacy Autocrats may claim that they have legitimacy under a legal framework or they may exert influence purely through force Opinion on whether an autocratic government is legitimate can vary even among its own population An autocracy s approach to legitimacy can be affected by recognition from other nations Widely accepted autocratic governments are more able to convince their own populations of their legitimacy Less widely accepted autocracies may rally internal support by attributing their lack of recognition to malevolent foreign efforts such as American imperialism or Zionism Historically the most common claim of legitimacy is birthright in an autocracy that uses hereditary succession Theocratic governments appeal to religion to justify their rule arguing that religious leaders must also be political leaders Other autocrats may use similar claims of divine authority to justify their rule often in absolute monarchy This includes the Mandate of Heaven in ancient China and the divine right of kings in 17th century England and France When an autocratic government has a state ideology this may be used to justify the autocrat s rule This is most common in communist or ethnonationalist governments Autocracies with unfair elections will cite election results to prove that the autocrat has a mandate to rule Some autocracies will use practical considerations to legitimise their rule arguing that they are necessary to provide basic needs to the population TypesAutocracy encompasses most non democratic forms of government including dictatorships monarchies and dominant party regimes Monarchies were common in medieval Europe but in the modern era dictatorship is the most common form of government globally Autocratic governments are classified as totalitarian when they engage in direct control of citizens lives or as authoritarian when they do not Totalitarian governments do not allow political or cultural pluralism Instead citizens are expected to devote themselves to a single ideological vision and demonstrate their support of the state ideology through political engagement Totalitarian governments are revolutionary seeking radically to reform society and they often engage in terror against groups that do not comply with the state s vision Totalitarianism is associated with communist states and Nazi Germany Authoritarian governments maintain control of a nation purely through repression and controlled opposition rather than mandated adherence to a state ideology These include most traditional monarchies military dictatorships theocracies and dominant party states An absolute autocracy may be referred to as despotism in which the autocrat rules purely through personal control without any meaningful institutions These were most common in pre industrial societies when large bureaucracies had not yet become standard in government Sultanism is a type of personalist dictatorship in which a ruling family directly integrates itself into the state through a cult of personality where it maintains control purely through rewards for allies and force against enemies In these regimes there is no guiding ideology or legal system and the state serves only to bring about the leader s own personal enrichment Other descriptors such as tyranny and absolutism may also be associated with variations of autocracy Though autocracies often restrict civil and political rights some may allow limited exercise of some rights These autocracies grant moderate representation to political opponents and allow exercise of some civil rights though less than those associated with democracy These are contrasted with closed autocracies which do not permit the exercise of these rights Several forms of semi autocratic government have been defined in which governments blend elements of democracy and autocracy These include limited autocracy semi autocracy liberal autocracy semi liberal autocracy anocracy and electoral autocracy These governments may begin as democratic governments and then become autocratic as the elected leader seizes control over the nation s institutions and electoral process Conversely autocratic governments may transition to democracy through a period of semi autocratic rule HistoryEarly history Julius Caesar engraved c 1587 c 1589 Autocracy has been the primary form of government for most of human history One of the earliest forms of government was the chiefdom that developed in tribal societies which date back to the Neolithic Chiefdoms are regional collections of villages ruled over by tribal chief They are an emergent form of governance originating from societies that previously lacked a centralized authority Historical chiefs often held only tenuous power over the chiefdom but they trended towards autocracy as heterarchical governance was replaced with hierarchical governance Early states were formed by warlords ruling over conquered territory The first states were the city states of Mesopotamia which first developed around the 35th century BCE These early states were ruled by kings who were both political and religious leaders These were followed by the first empire the Akkadian Empire when they were conquered by Sargon of Akkad in the 24th century BCE The blending of autocratic rule with religious significance continued under the Akkadian Empire as the king Naram Sin of Akkad was the first of several kings to be recognized as a god over the following centuries Ancient Egypt also existed as an autocratic government for most of its early history first developing states at the end of the fourth millennium BCE China has been subject to autocratic rule almost without interruption since its ancient feudal society was replaced by the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE and even its feudal government had stronger elements of autocracy than other instances of feudalism The early Chinese philosophy of Confucianism emphasized the importance of benevolent autocratic rule to maintain order and this philosophy heavily influenced future Chinese thought City states in Ancient Greece and the Etruscan civilization were often ruled by tyrants though myth and historical revisionism later re imagined these tyrants as kings with hereditary succession The Roman Republic introduced the concept of the Roman dictator who would be temporarily invested with unchecked power to restore stability during periods of crisis This temporary dictatorship was eventually subverted by Julius Caesar when he became dictator for life in 44 BCE ending the Roman Republic and ushering the creation of the autocratic Roman Empire Several early military dictatorships formed in East Asia during the post classical era These include the rule of the Goguryeo kingdom by Yeon Gaesomun in 642 the Goryeo military regime beginning in 1170 and the shogunate in Japan between the 12th and 19th centuries Parliamentary monarchies became common in the 13th century as monarchs sought larger advising bodies that were representative of the kingdom European nations moved away from feudalism and towards centralized monarchy as the primary form of government in the 14th century Modern era Members of the Nazi Party salute Adolf Hitler in 1940 Absolutism became more common in European monarchies at the onset of the 16th century as the continent struggled with weak leadership and religious conflict Legislatures during this period were often tailored to enforce the king s will but not challenge it This was sometimes justified through the divine right of kings particularly in the kingdoms of England and France The French Revolution marked a significant shift in the perception of dictatorship as a form of tyrannical rule as revolutionaries justified their actions as a means of combatting tyranny In Europe the original forms of dictatorship were Bonapartism a form of monarchism that rejected feudalism and Caesarism imperial rule reminiscent of Julius Caesar These were primarily used to define the First and Second French Empires European monarchies moved away from autocracy in the 19th century as legislatures increased in power In 19th century Latin America regional rulers known as caudillos seized power in several nations as early examples of dictators The 19th and 20th centuries brought about the decline of traditional monarchies in favor of modern states many of which developed as autocracies The upheaval caused by World War I resulted in a broad shift of governance across Europe and many nations moved away from traditional monarchies Most European monarchs were stripped of their powers to become constitutional monarchs or they were displaced entirely in favor of republics Totalitarianism first developed as a form of autocracy during the interwar period It seized power in many of these republics particularly during the Great Depression This saw the establishment of fascist communist and military dictatorships throughout Europe The communist state first developed as a new form of autocracy following the Russian Revolution This type of autocratic government enforced totalitarian control over its citizens through a mass party said to represent the citizens While other forms of European dictatorship were dissolved after World War II communism was strengthened and became the basis of several dictatorships in Eastern Europe Communist states became the primary model for autocratic government in the late 20th century and many non communist autocratic regimes replicated the communist style of government The decline in autocracy across Western Europe affected autocratic government elsewhere in the world through colonization Societies without a state were readily colonized by European nations and subsequently adopted democracy and parliamentary government after it became common in Europe Regions with historically strong autocratic states were able to resist European colonization or otherwise went unchanged allowing autocracy to be preserved The strength of autocracy in global politics was significantly reduced at the end of the Cold War with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 but it saw a resurgence over the following decades through regional powers such as China Iran Russia and Saudi Arabia The fall of totalitarian regimes led to authoritarianism becoming the predominant form of autocracy in the 21st century Political activityThe Nagode Trial a 1947 show trial in Slovenia Political repression is the primary method by which autocrats preserve the regime and prevent the loss of power This repression may take place implicitly by coercing and intimidating potential opposition or it may involve direct violence Autocratic governments also engage in co optation in which influential figures are provided benefits by the regime in exchange for their support Coercing these elites is usually more efficient for the autocrat than intimidating them through violence Political parties are a common method of co optation and coercion as they provide a mechanism to control members of the government initiate new members and discourage a military coup Autocratic governments controlled through a political party last longer on average than other autocratic governments Control over the public is maintained through indoctrination and propaganda Autocratic governments enjoy similar levels of public support to democratic governments and a state s status as autocratic is not a significant indicator in whether it is supported by its citizens Autocrats often appeal to the people by supporting a specific political ethnic or religious movement The different forms of autocratic government create significant variance in their foreign policy Overall autocratic governments are more likely to go to war than democratic governments as citizens are not part of the selectorate to which autocrats are accountable Totalitarian autocracies have historically engaged in militarism and expansionism after consolidating power particularly fascist governments This allows the autocracy to spread its state ideology and the existence of foreign adversaries allows the autocrat to rally internal support Autocratic regimes in the 21st century have departed from the historical precedent of direct rule in favor of institutions that resemble those of democratic governments This may include controlled liberties for citizens such as the formation of opposition parties to participate in unfair elections Elections provide several benefits to autocratic regimes allowing for a venue to restrain or appease the opposition and creating a method to transfer power without violent conflict Many autocrats also institute show trials to carry out political repression rather than carrying out direct purges This may be done to more publicly discourage future dissidents Prior to this trend autocratic elections rarely invited public participation They were instead used by elites to choose a leader amongst themselves such as in an electoral monarchy The creation of a constitution is another common measure used by autocrats to stay in power as they are able to draft the constitution unilaterally it can be tailored to suit their rule Study and evaluationThe 2022 Economist Democracy Index authoritarian regimes are designated in orange and red Global Political Regimes 2023 Liberal democracy Electoral democracy Electoral autocracy Closed autocracyFamines since 1850 by political regime Autocratic countries have experienced significantly more famines than democratic countries Autocratic government has been central to political theory since the development of Ancient Greek political philosophy Despite its historical prominence autocracy has not been widely recognized as its own political theory in the way that democracy has Autocratic government is generally considered to be less desirable than democratic government Reasons for this include its proclivity for corruption and violence as well as its lack of efficiency and its weakness in promoting liberty and transparency Historically data on the operation of autocratic government has been limited preventing detailed study Study of postcolonial autocracy in Africa has been particularly limited as these governments were less likely to keep detailed records of their activities relative to other governments at the time and they frequently destroyed the records that did exist Study of citizen support for autocratic government relative to democratic government has also been infrequent and most studies conducted in this area have been limited to East Asia Collection of information on autocratic regimes has improved in the 21st century allowing for more detailed analysis Autocratic government has been found to have effects on a country s politics including its government s structure and bureaucracy long after it democratizes Comparisons between regions have found disparities in citizen attitudes policy preferences and political engagement depending on whether it had been subject to autocracy even in different regions within the same country Citizens of postcommunist nations are more likely to distrust government and free markets directly hindering the long term economic prosperity of these nations Xenophobia is generally more common in post autocratic nations and voters in these nations are more likely to vote for far right or far left political parties Many democracy indices have been developed to measure how democratic or authoritarian countries are such as the Polity data series the Freedom in the World report and the Varieties of Democracy indices These indices measure various attributes of a government s actions and its citizens rights to sort democracies and autocracies These attributes might include enfranchisement freedom of expression freedom of information separation of powers or free and fair elections among others Both the choice in attributes and the method of measuring them are subjective and they are defined individually be each index Despite this different democracy indices generally produce similar results Most discrepancies come from the measurement of anocratic governments that blend democratic and autocratic traits The concepts of tyranny and despotism as distinct modes of government were abandoned in the 19th century in favor of more specific typologies Modern typology of autocratic regimes originates from the work of Juan Linz in the mid 20th century when his division of democracy authoritarianism and totalitarianism became accepted The first general theory of autocracy that defined it independently of other systems was created by Gordon Tullock in 1974 through applied public choice theory At the end of the Cold War Francis Fukuyama s theory of the end of history became popular among political scientists This theory proposed that autocratic government was approaching a permanent decline to be replaced by liberal democracy This theory was largely abandoned after the increase in autocratic government over the following decades In the 2010s the concept of autocracy promotion became influential in the study of autocracy proposing that some governments have sought to establish autocratic rule in foreign nations though subsequent studies have found little evidence to support that such efforts are as widespread or successful as originally thought See alsoCentralisation Democratic backsliding Kleptocracy Mafia state Monocracy Oligarchy Patrimonialism Statism Triumvirate Tsarist autocracyNotesFiala 2015 Glossary Oxford English Dictionary 2023 Burnell 2006 p 546 Siaroff 2013 p 79 Gerschewski 2023 p 30 Tullock 1987 p 2 Mauk 2019 p 24 Gerschewski 2023 p 29 Mukherjee amp Koren 2018 p 5 Tullock 1987 pp 7 8 Grzymala Busse amp Finkel 2022 How Autocracies Die Gurr Jaggers amp Moore 1990 p 85 Mauk 2019 pp 26 27 Tullock 1987 p 7 Grzymala Busse amp Finkel 2022 How Autocracies Emerge Finer 1997 p 67 Tullock 1987 p 57 Grzymala Busse amp Finkel 2022 How Autocracies Are Sustained Siaroff 2013 pp 237 238 Earle 1997 p 14 North Wallis amp Weingast 2008 Burnell 2006 p 547 Gerschewski 2023 p 17 Gerschewski 2023 p 13 Tullock 1987 p 178 Burnell 2006 p 549 Tullock 1987 p 20 Mauk 2019 p 34 Mauk 2019 p 7 Kurrild Klitgaard 2000 pp 68 70 Kurrild Klitgaard 2000 p 66 Tullock 1987 p 18 Gerschewski 2023 p 32 Burnell 2006 p 548 Murphy 2014 Golosov 2021 pp 10 11 Tullock 1987 pp 5 6 Siaroff 2013 pp 232 233 Siaroff 2013 pp 229 232 Siaroff 2013 pp 239 240 Siaroff 2013 pp 240 242 243 245 Finer 1997 p 70 Finer 1997 p 66 Siaroff 2013 p 90 Wong amp Or 2020 Miller 2012 Siaroff 2013 p 91 Tullock 1987 p 8 Earle 1997 p 15 Beliaev Bondarenko amp Korotayev 2001 p 373 Beliaev Bondarenko amp Korotayev 2001 p 377 Beliaev Bondarenko amp Korotayev 2001 p 381 Finer 1997 p 104 Brisch 2013 p 38 Schrakamp 2016 Brisch 2013 p 40 Finer 1997 p 136 Fu 1993 pp 1 2 Fu 1993 p 16 Fu 1993 pp 31 33 Fu 1993 pp 33 34 Morris 2003 pp 1 2 Kalyvas 2007 p 413 Zeev 1996 p 251 253 Lee 1984 p 48 Shultz 2000 pp 1 2 Gordon 2003 p 58 Grigg 2014 Hulliung 2014 Richter 2005 pp 233 234 Richter 2005 pp 238 239 Tullock 1987 p 179 Lynch 1992 Gurr Jaggers amp Moore 1990 p 74 Gurr Jaggers amp Moore 1990 p 90 Siaroff 2013 p 233 Gurr Jaggers amp Moore 1990 pp 74 75 Golosov 2021 p 13 Hariri 2012 p 489 Mauk 2019 p 1 Gerschewski 2023 p 31 Gerschewski 2023 p 3 Mauk 2019 p 32 Mauk 2019 p 37 Mauk 2019 p 161 Gerschewski 2023 p 11 Kinne 2005 p 126 Tangeras 2009 pp 100 101 Kinne 2005 p 119 Kneuer 2017 Golosov 2021 p 1 Mauk 2019 p 6 Golosov 2021 p 2 Shen Bayh 2022 p 28 V Dem 2024 processed by Our World in Data Political regime dataset V Dem V Dem Country Year Full Others v14 original data Our World in Data Retrieved 9 October 2024 Gerschewski 2023 p 28 Mauk 2019 p 3 Gerschewski 2023 p 7 Shen Bayh 2022 p 22 Mauk 2019 pp 12 15 Grzymala Busse amp Finkel 2022 The Legacies Autocracies Leave Behind Schmidt 2016 p 111 Boese 2019 p 95 Schmidt 2016 pp 112 115 116 Boese 2019 p 96 Schmidt 2016 pp 122 123 Schmidt 2016 p 123 Richter 2005 p 222 235 Kurrild Klitgaard 2000 p 63 Tansey 2015 pp 155 156 Way 2016 pp 64 65 ReferencesBooks Earle Timothy K 1997 How Chiefs Come to Power The Political Economy in Prehistory Stanford University Press ISBN 978 0 8047 2856 0 Fiala Andrew ed 2015 The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN 978 1 4411 1434 1 Finer Samuel Edward 1997 The History of Government from the Earliest Times Vol 1 Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 820664 4 Fu Zhengyuan 1993 Autocratic Tradition and Chinese Politics Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 52144 228 2 Gerschewski Johannes 2023 The Two Logics of Autocratic Rule Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 009 19941 4 Gibbons Michael T Coole Diana H Ellis Elisabeth Ferguson Kennan eds 2014 The Encyclopedia of Political Thought Wiley Blackwell doi 10 1002 9781118474396 ISBN 978 1 118 47439 6 Grigg Julianna Monarchy In Gibbons et al 2014 Hulliung Mark Absolutism In Gibbons et al 2014 Murphy Andrew R Divine Right of Kings In Gibbons et al 2014 Golosov Grigorii V 2021 Authoritarian Party Systems Party Politics in Autocratic Regimes 1945 2019 World Scientific ISBN 978 1 80061 116 0 Gordon Andrew 2003 A Modern History of Japan From Tokugawa Times to the Present Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 092055 5 Grzymala Busse Anna Finkel Eugene 2022 Historical Political Economy of Autocracy In Jenkins Jeffrey A Rubin Jared eds The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780197618608 013 9 ISBN 978 0 19 761860 8 Kneuer Marianne 2017 Autocratic Regimes and Foreign Policy Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics doi 10 1177 0090591707302208 ISBN 978 0 19 022863 7 S2CID 144115904 Lee Ki Baik 1984 A New History of Korea Translated by Wagner Edward W Shultz Edward J Harvard University Press ISBN 9780674615762 Lynch John 1992 Caudillos in Spanish America 1800 1850 Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780198211358 001 0001 ISBN 978 0 19 821135 8 Mauk Marlene 2019 Citizen Support for Democratic and Autocratic Regimes Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 885485 2 Morris Sarah 2003 Imaginary Kings Alternatives to Monarchy in Early Greece In Morgan Kathryn A ed Popular Tyranny Sovereignty and Its Discontents in Ancient Greece University of Texas Press doi 10 7560 752764 ISBN 978 0 29279 782 6 Mukherjee Bumba Koren Ore 2018 The Politics of Mass Killing in Autocratic Regimes Springer doi 10 1007 978 3 319 91758 0 ISBN 978 3 319 91758 0 Schmidt Manfred G 2016 Regime Types Measuring Democracy and Autocracy In Keman Hans Woldendorp Jaap eds Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science Edward Elgar Publishing pp 111 126 ISBN 978 2 01 694428 8 Schrakamp Ingo 2016 Akkadian Empire In MacKenzie John ed The Encyclopedia of Empire John Wiley amp Sons doi 10 1002 9781118455074 ISBN 978 1 118 45507 4 Siaroff Alan 2013 Comparing Political Regimes A Thematic Introduction to Comparative Politics Third Edition University of Toronto Press ISBN 978 1 4426 0702 6 Shen Bayh Fiona Feiang 2022 Undue Process Persecution and Punishment in Autocratic Courts Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 009 19713 7 Shultz Edward J 2000 Generals and Scholars Military Rule in Medieval Korea University of Hawaii Press ISBN 978 0 8248 2324 5 Tullock Gordon 1987 Autocracy Springer ISBN 978 90 247 3398 9 Journals Beliaev Dmitri D Bondarenko Dmitri M Korotayev Audrey V 2001 Origins and evolution of chiefdoms Reviews in Anthropology 30 4 373 395 doi 10 1080 00988157 2001 9978293 ISSN 0093 8157 S2CID 162365014 Boese Vanessa A 2019 How not to measure democracy International Area Studies Review 22 2 95 127 doi 10 1177 2233865918815571 ISSN 2233 8659 S2CID 191935546 Brisch Nicole 2013 Of Gods and Kings Divine Kingship in Ancient Mesopotamia Divine Kingship in Ancient Mesopotamia Religion Compass 7 2 37 46 doi 10 1111 rec3 12031 Burnell Peter 2006 Autocratic opening to democracy why legitimacy matters Third World Quarterly 27 4 545 562 doi 10 1080 01436590600720710 ISSN 0143 6597 S2CID 153419534 Gurr Ted Robert Jaggers Keith Moore Will H 1990 The Transformation of the Western State The Growth of Democracy Autocracy and State Power Since 1800 Studies in Comparative International Development 25 1 73 108 doi 10 1007 BF02716906 ISSN 0039 3606 S2CID 154432421 Hariri Jacob Gerner 2012 The Autocratic Legacy of Early Statehood American Political Science Review 106 3 471 494 doi 10 1017 S0003055412000238 ISSN 0003 0554 S2CID 54222556 Kalyvas Andreas 2007 The Tyranny of Dictatorship When the Greek Tyrant Met the Roman Dictator Political Theory 35 4 412 442 doi 10 1177 0090591707302208 ISSN 0090 5917 S2CID 144115904 Kinne Brandon J 2005 Decision Making in Autocratic Regimes A Poliheuristic Perspective International Studies Perspectives 6 1 114 128 doi 10 1111 j 1528 3577 2005 00197 x ISSN 1528 3577 Kurrild Klitgaard Peter 2000 The Constitutional Economics of Autocratic Succession Public Choice 103 1 63 84 doi 10 1023 A 1005078532251 S2CID 154097838 Miller Michael K 5 November 2012 Electoral authoritarianism and democracy A formal model of regime transitions Journal of Theoretical Politics 25 2 153 181 doi 10 1177 0951629812460122 ISSN 0951 6298 S2CID 153751930 North Douglass C Wallis John Joseph Weingast Barry R 2008 Violence and the Rise of Open Access Orders Journal of Democracy 20 1 55 68 doi 10 1353 jod 0 0060 S2CID 153774943 Richter Melvin 2005 A Family of Political Concepts Tyranny Despotism Bonapartism Caesarism Dictatorship 1750 1917 European Journal of Political Theory 4 3 221 248 doi 10 1177 1474885105052703 ISSN 1474 8851 S2CID 143577539 Tangeras Thomas P 2009 Democracy autocracy and the likelihood of international conflict PDF Economics of Governance 10 2 99 117 doi 10 1007 s10101 008 0055 6 hdl 10419 81362 ISSN 1435 6104 Tansey Oisin 2015 The problem with autocracy promotion Democratization 23 1 141 163 doi 10 1080 13510347 2015 1095736 ISSN 1351 0347 S2CID 146222778 Way Lucan 2016 Weaknesses of Autocracy Promotion Journal of Democracy 27 1 64 75 doi 10 1353 jod 2016 0009 ISSN 1086 3214 S2CID 155187881 Wong Stan Hok Wui Or Nick H K 1 December 2020 To Compete or to Cooperate Communist and Post Communist Studies 53 4 91 117 doi 10 1525 j postcomstud 2020 53 4 91 ISSN 0967 067X S2CID 234556117 Zeev Miriam Pucci Ben 1996 When was the title Dictator perpetuus given to Caesar L Antiquite Classique 65 251 253 doi 10 3406 antiq 1996 1259 ISSN 0770 2817 JSTOR 41658953 Web Autocrator n Etymology Oxford English Dictionary Oxford University Press 2023 doi 10 1093 OED 2280847239 External linksWikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article Autocracy