![Emotional appeal](https://www.english.nina.az/image-resize/1600/900/web/wikipedia.jpg)
Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones (meaning the same in Latin) is an informal fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence. This kind of appeal to emotion is irrelevant to or distracting from the facts of the argument (a so-called "red herring") and encompasses several logical fallacies, including appeal to consequences, appeal to fear, appeal to flattery, appeal to pity, appeal to ridicule, appeal to spite, and wishful thinking.
Appeal to emotion is an application of social psychology. It is only fallacious when the emotions that are elicited are irrelevant to evaluating the truth of the conclusion and serve to distract from rational consideration of relevant premises or information. For instance, if a student says "If I get a failing grade for this paper I will lose my scholarship. It's not plagiarized." the emotions elicited by the first statement are not relevant to establishing whether the paper was plagiarized. Also, the statement "Look at the suffering children. We must do more for refugees." is fallacious, because the suffering of the children and our emotional perception of the badness of suffering is not relevant to the conclusion (to be sure, the proper role, if any, for emotion in moral reasoning is a contested issue in ethics).
Appeals to emotion are intended to cause the recipient of the information to experience feelings such as fear, pity, or joy, with the end goal of convincing the person that the statements being presented by the fallacious argument are true or false, respectively.
Classical times
The power of emotions to influence judgment, including political attitudes, has been recognized since classical antiquity. Aristotle, in his treatise Rhetoric, described emotional arousal as critical to persuasion, "The orator persuades by means of his hearers, when they are roused to emotion by his speech; for the judgments we deliver are not the same when we are influenced by joy or sorrow, love or hate." Aristotle warned that emotions may create beliefs where none existed, or change existing beliefs, and may enhance or decrease the strength with which a belief is held. Seneca similarly warned that "Reason herself, to whom the reins of power have been entrusted, remains mistress only so long as she is kept apart from the passions."
Centuries later, French scientist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal wrote that "People [...] arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof, but on the basis of what they find attractive."Baruch Spinoza characterized emotions as having the power to "make the mind inclined to think one thing rather than another." Disagreeing with Seneca the Younger that emotion destroys reason, the 18th century Scottish philosopher George Campbell argued, instead, that emotions were allies of reason, and that they aid in the assimilation of knowledge. However, Campbell warned of the malleability of emotion and the consequent risk in terms of suggestibility:
- [Emotions] are not supplanters of reason, or even rivals in her sway; they are her handmaids, by whose ministry she is enabled to usher truth into the heart, and procure it to favorable reception. As handmaids, they are liable to be seduced by sophistry in the garb of reason, and sometimes are made ignorantly to lend their aid in the introduction of falsehood.
Propaganda theorist Edward Bernays asserted confidently that "in certain cases we can effect some change in public opinion with a fair degree of accuracy by operating a certain mechanism, just as a motorist can regulate the speed of his car by manipulating the flow of gasoline." Bernays advised that to change the attitudes of the masses, a propagandist should target its "impulses, habits and emotions" and make "emotional currents" work to achieve the goal.
Indeed, some contemporary authors have attributed the popularity of the most destructive political forces in modern history to the ability of their propagandists to enchant (rather than convince) publics and to oppose "the heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor" to "naked self interest" and individualism.
Similarly, Drew Westen, professor of psychology psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University, using current psychiatric and psychological research to demonstrate the power of emotions in affecting political cognition and preferences, wrote that, "when reason and emotion collide, emotion invariably wins". Westen, an advisor to Democratic political campaigns, believes that evolution has equipped people to process information by emotions and that people respond to emotional cues more than to rational arguments. Accordingly, Westen believes that emotion is vital for effective persuasion and that appeals to emotion will always be more effective appeals to reason:
- A central aspect of the art of political persuasion is creating, solidifying, and activating networks that create primarily positive feelings toward your candidate or party and negative feelings toward the opponent …
- You can slog it for those few millimeters of cerebral turf that process facts, figures and policy statements. Or you can … target different emotional states with messages designed to maximize their appeal.
Modern theories
A social psychology theory suggests that attitudes have three components — affect, cognition and behavior. The cognitive dimension refers "to beliefs that one holds about the attitude object, and behavior has been used to describe overt actions and responses to the attitude object". Affect, meanwhile, describes "the positive and negative feelings that one holds toward an attitude object", that is, the emotional dimension of an attitude. Modern theorists have modified the tripartite theory to argue that an attitude "does not consist of these elements, but is instead a general evaluative summary of the information derived from these bases."
Political scientist George Marcus (writing with Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen) identifies two mental systems through which reason and emotion interact in managing and processing political stimuli:
- First, the disposition system "provides people with an understanding, an emotional report card, about actions that are already in their repertoire of habits." That is, the first system is that which monitors the casual processing of political information through habit, through which most of our information processing is done.
The second system, the surveillance system, "acts to scan the environment for novelty and sudden intrusion of threat." In other words, the second system monitors the environment for any signs of threat. If a threat is found, that system takes people out of habitual, casual processing and puts them in a state of alertness and receptivity to new information:
- "what is interesting about this second emotional system is that the onset of increased anxiety stops ongoing activity and orients attention to the threatening appearance so that learning can take place. [...] when the system detects unexpected of threatening stimuli, however, it evokes increased anxiety, it interrupts ongoing activity, and it shifts attention away from the previous focus and toward the intrusive stimuli."
Marcus further argues that "emotional engagement will motivate people toward making more deeply reasoned decisions about politics than those who remain dispassionate". Other people have argued that "when an emotion is aroused and experienced, it can involve a number of psychological processes that can then be used as a platform for promoting and securing influence and compliance".
Regardless, it would stand to reason, then, that affecting a subject's emotional state, in conjunction with a political message, could affect that subject's attitudes.
In modern philosophy, there are two main types of appeal to emotion. One is the appeal to force (known as ad baculum), the other is the appeal to sympathy, known as ad misericordiam. These are only considered fallacies when used for doxastic systems.
Accepted wisdom[who?] is that, "[w]hen it comes to issues of emotional importance, convincing someone to change his or her existing beliefs appears to be a virtually hopeless undertaking." And yet, manipulating emotions may help change attitudes:
- "[t]he use of emotions to instill beliefs is prevalent in political propaganda. Depicting individuals, groups, or issues from an emotional perspective, or as actors in emotional events, evokes emotion. It thereby slips the belief that the emotion is about into the listener's mind. Presumably, it slips the beliefs into the listener's mind more easily, smoothly and unquestioned than would happen when the information alone was transmitted."
Though it is still an underdeveloped topic of research, a number of scholars are demonstrating that manipulating emotions concerning a persuasive message does affect that message's effectiveness. It has been shown, for example, that people tend to adjust their beliefs to conform with their emotions, since feelings are treated by people as evidence, and when feelings match beliefs, that is considered as validation of the beliefs. Other research shows that "emotional stimuli can influence judgment without a judge's awareness of having seen or felt anything (e.g., Bargh, 1997; Murphy & Zajonc, 1993)."
Indeed, "recent studies have confirmed that affect does play a general role in attitude change, whether due to persuasive communication, or to cognitive dissonance processes (Petty et al., 2001)".
Psychologists Petty & Cacioppo found that there are two ways of processing persuasive messages: (1) to emphasize the content and quality of the message (central processing), or (2) to emphasize instead external cues (such as the source of the message) and to disregard its content (peripheral processing). "When participants use the central/systematic route of responding to message content, they tend to be persuaded more by strong arguments, and less by weak arguments. However, the strength of the argument matters less when the peripheral route is chosen. In that case, other "peripheral" factors, such as the credibility of the source of the message or the intention of the communicator become important in the persuasive process." Petty and Cacioppo suggest that negative affect should result in more central processing and positive affect to more peripheral processing. That is, "In happy moods, people tend to be persuaded equally by strong and weak arguments, whereas in sad moods, people are persuaded only by strong arguments and reject weak arguments." Said otherwise, positive moods encourage easy acceptance of arguments, while negative moods encourage the changing of beliefs due to significant data.
Referring to the work of Marcus, political scientist Tom Brader says that, "by appealing to specific emotions, [communicators] can change the way citizens respond to political messages".
Influence of emotion on persuasion
Negative emotions
Fear and anxiety
The only widely studied emotion, with respect to persuasion, is fear. Fear has been found to force individuals "to break from routine and pay close attention to the external world," including persuasive messages. Moreover, fear has been found to encourage political engagement:
- "people are demonstrably more likely to engage in the political realm when they are anxious about the candidates. Uneasiness about the available political choices leads people to pay closer attention to the political environment. [...] people learn more about the candidates (that is they acquire new and accurate knowledge) when they are anxious but not when they are enthusiastic about those candidates who dominate the political field."
More generally, "fear is associated with both attitude and behavior change." However, "four variables that may interact to influence processing depth of a fear-inducing message: (a) type of fear (chronic vs. acute), (b) expectation of a message containing reassuring information, (c) type of behavior advocated (e.g., disease detection vs. health promotion), and (d) issue familiarity."
Guilt is the emotion that is experienced when an individual violates an internalized moral, ethical or religious belief. Guilt's effect on persuasion has been studied only cursorily. Not unlike fear appeals, the literature suggests that guilt can enhance attainment of persuasive goals if evoked to a moderate degree. However, messages designed to evoke excessive levels of guilt may instead arouse anger that may impede persuasive success.
Anger's effect on persuasion has also seldom been studied. A couple of studies, however, "suggest that a positive relationship exists between anger and attitude change". Specifically, researchers found that "anger evoked in response to issues of juvenile crime and domestic terrorism correlated with acceptance of legislative initiatives proposed to address those issues". Not unlike fear, anger was associated with close (central) information processing including of persuasive messages. However, "unintentionally induced anger in response to supposed guilt and fear appeals has been shown to correlate negatively with attitudes". The persuasive uses of anger have also been studied in political campaigns, since anger can be evoked strategically by politicians to increase the motivation and engagement of their sympathizers, although the historian Nicole Hemmer has noted that the potential for an American candidate to use anger effectively is contingent on their identity.
Sadness arousal has been associated with attitude change in the context of AIDS, illicit drugs, and juvenile crime.
Disgust, in the context of messages opposing animal experimentation, is correlated negatively with attitude change. This is consistent with the idea that disgust results in a rejection of its source.
Positive emotions
Empathy and compassion
A number of recent studies support the role of compassion in skewing moral judgment. The researchers' findings show there is a major relationship between moral judgment and empathic concern in particular, specifically feelings of warmth and compassion in response to someone in distress.
Images of suffering children are the ideal triggers of this instinctive compassion.
Once triggered, compassion causes individuals to favor the few they see suffering over the many who they know to be suffering but in the abstract: "People who feel similar to another person in need have been shown to experience more empathic compassion for that person than do those not manipulated to feel similar to another."
Dan Ariely notes that appeals that, through visual cues or otherwise, make us focus on specific, individual victims affect our attitudes and cause us to take action whereas, "when many people are involved, we don't. A cold calculation does not increase our concern for large problems; instead, it suppresses our compassion."
- "In many ways, it is very sad that the only effective way to get people to respond to suffering is through an emotional appeal, rather than through an objective reading of massive need. The upside is that when our emotions are awakened, we can be tremendously caring. Once we attach an individual face to suffering, we're much more willing to help, and we go far beyond what economists would expect from rational, selfish, maximizing agents." Empathy also influences our prosocial behaviors. Prosocial behaviors are actions that are concerned with helping others. For example, people are much more likely to donate money to find a cure for a disease when they know someone personally who has that illness. The empathy and compassion that we feel towards that person is what encourages us to donate. An empathy study was conducted by Fowler, Law, and Gaesser. The goal of this study was to determine how the empathy we feel varies throughout different people in our lives. Participants were asked to make a list of one hundred people. The people at the top of the list were parents, family, loved ones, etc. Towards the bottom of the list were strangers. Participants were then asked to imagine these people in various scenarios and describe the degree of empathy that they had towards each person. Results showed that the closer a person was the more empathy they felt, and for those at the bottom of the list there was not much empathy felt in comparison.
"Little studied in the social influence context, the one clearly identifiable study of pride and persuasion considered the role of culture in response to advertising, finding that members of a collectivist culture (China) responded more favorably to a pride-based appeal, whereas members of an individualist culture (the United States) responded more favorably to an empathy-based appeal."
Some researchers have argued that anxiety which is followed by relief results in greater compliance to a request than fear, because the relief causes a temporary state of disorientation, leaving individuals vulnerable to suggestion. The suggestion is that relief-based persuasion is a function of less careful information processing.
Experiments have shown that appeals to hope are successful mainly with subjects who self-report as being predisposed to experiencing fear. While hope is often seen and understood as an abstract concept, Adrienne Martin proves otherwise in their book How We Hope. In this book it is explained how hope is a two-part emotion. First, we feel hope, then we experience it. For example, when we have a desired goal, we hope that we can reach it, but that hope is what motivates us as individuals to work towards that goal. Hope also changes how we perceive others. Martin explains how once we can relate to someone, we are then feeling some degree of hope for them: hope for success, change or growth.
- Think of the children
- Checkers speech
- Reductio ad Hitlerum
See also
- Bread and circuses
- Fake news
- Post-truth politics
- Argumentum ad lazarum
- Labossiere, Michael C. "Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion". Nizkor Project. Archived from the original on 18 October 2014. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
- Aristotle, Rhetorica I, II.5.
- "The Influence of Emotions on Beliefs", Nico Frijda, Antony Manstead and Sasha Bem in Emotions and Beliefs, Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 1.
- "Beliefs through Emotions", Nico H. Frijda and Batja Mesquita in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 45.
- Seneca, De Ira, I, viii.1.
- Blaise Pascal, "On the Art of Persuasion," 1658.
- George Campbell, 1776, cited by James Price Dillar and Anneloes Meijnders in "Persuasion and the Structure of Affect", The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 309.
- Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928, 2005 ed., p. 72.
- Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928, 2005 ed., p. 73.
- Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928, 2005 ed., p. 77.
- Barry A. Sanders, American Avatar: The United States in the Global Imagination, (Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2011), pp. 102, 115.
- Drew Westen, The Political Brain, Public Affairs Books, 2007, p. 35
- Drew Westen, The Political Brain, Public Affairs Books, 2007, pp. 85, 88
- This theory is known as the "tripartite theory." For a summary of the theory and a list of its developers, see, e.g., Leandre Fabrigar, Tara MacDonald and Duane Wegener, "The Structure of Attitudes" in Dolores Albarracin et al., The Handbook of Attitudes, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2005, p. 82.
- Leandre Fabrigar, Tara MacDonald and Duane Wegener, "The Structure of Attitudes" in Dolores Albarracin et al., The Handbook of Attitudes, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2005, p. 82., citing Cacioppo et al., 1989; Crites, Fabrigar & Petty, 1994; Zanna & Rempel, 1988
- George Marcus, Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 9.
- George Marcus, Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 10.
- George Marcus, Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 10–11.
- George Marcus, Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 95, see also p. 129.
- Anthony R. Pratkanis, "Social Influence Analysis: An Index of Tactics" in The Science of Social Influence, A. Pratkanis, ed., Psychology Press, 2007, p. 149
- Hansen, Hans (September 26, 2019). Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University – via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- "The Influence of Emotions on Beliefs", Nico Frijda, Antony Manstead and Sasha Bem in Emotions and Beliefs, Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 3.
- "Beliefs through Emotions", Nico H. Frijda and Batja Mesquita in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 47.
- "Feeling is believing: Some affective influences on belief", Gerald L. Clore and Karen Gasper in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 25, 26.
- "Feeling is believing: Some affective influences on belief", Gerald L. Clore and Karen Gasper in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 13.
- Joseph P. Forgas, "The Role Of Affect In Attitudes And Attitude Change," in Attitudes and Attitude Change, William Crano & Radmila Prislin, Ed, Psychology Press, 2008, p. 145.
- "The Influence of Affect on Attitude, Gerald Clore and Simone Schnall, in Dolores Albarracin et al., The Handbook of Attitudes, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2005, pp. 465–471
- Klaus Fiedler and Herbert Bless, "The formation of beliefs at the interface of affective and cognitive processes," in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 165
- Ted Brader, Campaigning for Hearts and Minds," University of Chicago Press, 2006, p. 18
- George Marcus, Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 128.
- Robin L. Nabi, "Discrete Emotions and Persuasion," in "Persuasion and the Structure of Affect", The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 292.
- Robin L. Nabi, "Discrete Emotions and Persuasion," in "Persuasion and the Structure of Affect", The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 293.
- Hemmer, Nicole (7 March 2020). "Only one kind of anger counts in the 2020 race". CNN. Retrieved 18 July 2020.
- Robin L. Nabi, "Discrete Emotions and Persuasion," in "Persuasion and the Structure of Affect", The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 294.
- "Empathy a Key Factor in Moral Judgment". Archived from the original on 2014-06-25. citing Gleichgerrcht, E.; Young, L. (2013). "Low Levels of Empathic Concern Predict Utilitarian Moral Judgment". PLOS ONE. 8 (4): e60418. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...860418G. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060418. PMC 3617220. PMID 23593213.
- [(Psychol. Bull. 2010, supra, at 15–16. In fact, we will favor those we see as being in distress even to the detriment of more numerous but faceless potential victims. See also http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/~jgreene/GreeneWJH/Greene-CogNeuroIV-09.pdf.) ]
- Margaret S. Clark and Ian Brissette, "Relationship beliefs and emotion: Reciprocal effects," in Emotions and Beliefs, N. Frijda, A. Manstead and S. Bem, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 220.
- Dan Ariely, "The Irrational Bundle". iBooks. "Archived copy". iTunes. Archived from the original on 2014-12-30. Retrieved 2014-11-28.
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- Fowler, Zoe; Law, Kyle Fiore; Gaesser, Brendan (2020-02-25). "Against Empathy Bias: The Moral Value of Equitable Empathy". doi:10.31219/osf.io/uxnre. Retrieved 2022-11-19.
{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal requires|journal=
(help) - Robin L. Nabi, "Discrete Emotions and Persuasion," in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect, The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 296.
- Robin L. Nabi, "Discrete Emotions and Persuasion," in "Persuasion and the Structure of Affect", The Persuasion Handbook, Sage Publishing, p. 297.
- Martin, Adrienne M. (2013-12-22), "What Is Hope?", How We Hope, Princeton University Press, doi:10.23943/princeton/9780691151526.003.0001, ISBN 9780691151526, retrieved 2022-11-19
Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones meaning the same in Latin is an informal fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient s emotions in order to win an argument especially in the absence of factual evidence This kind of appeal to emotion is irrelevant to or distracting from the facts of the argument a so called red herring and encompasses several logical fallacies including appeal to consequences appeal to fear appeal to flattery appeal to pity appeal to ridicule appeal to spite and wishful thinking Appeal to emotion is an application of social psychology It is only fallacious when the emotions that are elicited are irrelevant to evaluating the truth of the conclusion and serve to distract from rational consideration of relevant premises or information For instance if a student says If I get a failing grade for this paper I will lose my scholarship It s not plagiarized the emotions elicited by the first statement are not relevant to establishing whether the paper was plagiarized Also the statement Look at the suffering children We must do more for refugees is fallacious because the suffering of the children and our emotional perception of the badness of suffering is not relevant to the conclusion to be sure the proper role if any for emotion in moral reasoning is a contested issue in ethics Appeals to emotion are intended to cause the recipient of the information to experience feelings such as fear pity or joy with the end goal of convincing the person that the statements being presented by the fallacious argument are true or false respectively Classical timesThe power of emotions to influence judgment including political attitudes has been recognized since classical antiquity Aristotle in his treatise Rhetoric described emotional arousal as critical to persuasion The orator persuades by means of his hearers when they are roused to emotion by his speech for the judgments we deliver are not the same when we are influenced by joy or sorrow love or hate Aristotle warned that emotions may create beliefs where none existed or change existing beliefs and may enhance or decrease the strength with which a belief is held Seneca similarly warned that Reason herself to whom the reins of power have been entrusted remains mistress only so long as she is kept apart from the passions Centuries later French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote that People arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive Baruch Spinoza characterized emotions as having the power to make the mind inclined to think one thing rather than another Disagreeing with Seneca the Younger that emotion destroys reason the 18th century Scottish philosopher George Campbell argued instead that emotions were allies of reason and that they aid in the assimilation of knowledge However Campbell warned of the malleability of emotion and the consequent risk in terms of suggestibility Emotions are not supplanters of reason or even rivals in her sway they are her handmaids by whose ministry she is enabled to usher truth into the heart and procure it to favorable reception As handmaids they are liable to be seduced by sophistry in the garb of reason and sometimes are made ignorantly to lend their aid in the introduction of falsehood dd Propaganda theorist Edward Bernays asserted confidently that in certain cases we can effect some change in public opinion with a fair degree of accuracy by operating a certain mechanism just as a motorist can regulate the speed of his car by manipulating the flow of gasoline Bernays advised that to change the attitudes of the masses a propagandist should target its impulses habits and emotions and make emotional currents work to achieve the goal Indeed some contemporary authors have attributed the popularity of the most destructive political forces in modern history to the ability of their propagandists to enchant rather than convince publics and to oppose the heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor to naked self interest and individualism Similarly Drew Westen professor of psychology psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University using current psychiatric and psychological research to demonstrate the power of emotions in affecting political cognition and preferences wrote that when reason and emotion collide emotion invariably wins Westen an advisor to Democratic political campaigns believes that evolution has equipped people to process information by emotions and that people respond to emotional cues more than to rational arguments Accordingly Westen believes that emotion is vital for effective persuasion and that appeals to emotion will always be more effective appeals to reason A central aspect of the art of political persuasion is creating solidifying and activating networks that create primarily positive feelings toward your candidate or party and negative feelings toward the opponent dd You can slog it for those few millimeters of cerebral turf that process facts figures and policy statements Or you can target different emotional states with messages designed to maximize their appeal dd Modern theoriesA social psychology theory suggests that attitudes have three components affect cognition and behavior The cognitive dimension refers to beliefs that one holds about the attitude object and behavior has been used to describe overt actions and responses to the attitude object Affect meanwhile describes the positive and negative feelings that one holds toward an attitude object that is the emotional dimension of an attitude Modern theorists have modified the tripartite theory to argue that an attitude does not consist of these elements but is instead a general evaluative summary of the information derived from these bases Political scientist George Marcus writing with Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen identifies two mental systems through which reason and emotion interact in managing and processing political stimuli First the disposition system provides people with an understanding an emotional report card about actions that are already in their repertoire of habits That is the first system is that which monitors the casual processing of political information through habit through which most of our information processing is done dd The second system the surveillance system acts to scan the environment for novelty and sudden intrusion of threat In other words the second system monitors the environment for any signs of threat If a threat is found that system takes people out of habitual casual processing and puts them in a state of alertness and receptivity to new information what is interesting about this second emotional system is that the onset of increased anxiety stops ongoing activity and orients attention to the threatening appearance so that learning can take place when the system detects unexpected of threatening stimuli however it evokes increased anxiety it interrupts ongoing activity and it shifts attention away from the previous focus and toward the intrusive stimuli dd Marcus further argues that emotional engagement will motivate people toward making more deeply reasoned decisions about politics than those who remain dispassionate Other people have argued that when an emotion is aroused and experienced it can involve a number of psychological processes that can then be used as a platform for promoting and securing influence and compliance Regardless it would stand to reason then that affecting a subject s emotional state in conjunction with a political message could affect that subject s attitudes In modern philosophy there are two main types of appeal to emotion One is the appeal to force known as ad baculum the other is the appeal to sympathy known as ad misericordiam These are only considered fallacies when used for doxastic systems ResearchAccepted wisdom who is that w hen it comes to issues of emotional importance convincing someone to change his or her existing beliefs appears to be a virtually hopeless undertaking And yet manipulating emotions may help change attitudes t he use of emotions to instill beliefs is prevalent in political propaganda Depicting individuals groups or issues from an emotional perspective or as actors in emotional events evokes emotion It thereby slips the belief that the emotion is about into the listener s mind Presumably it slips the beliefs into the listener s mind more easily smoothly and unquestioned than would happen when the information alone was transmitted dd Though it is still an underdeveloped topic of research a number of scholars are demonstrating that manipulating emotions concerning a persuasive message does affect that message s effectiveness It has been shown for example that people tend to adjust their beliefs to conform with their emotions since feelings are treated by people as evidence and when feelings match beliefs that is considered as validation of the beliefs Other research shows that emotional stimuli can influence judgment without a judge s awareness of having seen or felt anything e g Bargh 1997 Murphy amp Zajonc 1993 Indeed recent studies have confirmed that affect does play a general role in attitude change whether due to persuasive communication or to cognitive dissonance processes Petty et al 2001 Psychologists Petty amp Cacioppo found that there are two ways of processing persuasive messages 1 to emphasize the content and quality of the message central processing or 2 to emphasize instead external cues such as the source of the message and to disregard its content peripheral processing When participants use the central systematic route of responding to message content they tend to be persuaded more by strong arguments and less by weak arguments However the strength of the argument matters less when the peripheral route is chosen In that case other peripheral factors such as the credibility of the source of the message or the intention of the communicator become important in the persuasive process Petty and Cacioppo suggest that negative affect should result in more central processing and positive affect to more peripheral processing That is In happy moods people tend to be persuaded equally by strong and weak arguments whereas in sad moods people are persuaded only by strong arguments and reject weak arguments Said otherwise positive moods encourage easy acceptance of arguments while negative moods encourage the changing of beliefs due to significant data Referring to the work of Marcus political scientist Tom Brader says that by appealing to specific emotions communicators can change the way citizens respond to political messages Influence of emotion on persuasionNegative emotions Fear and anxiety The only widely studied emotion with respect to persuasion is fear Fear has been found to force individuals to break from routine and pay close attention to the external world including persuasive messages Moreover fear has been found to encourage political engagement people are demonstrably more likely to engage in the political realm when they are anxious about the candidates Uneasiness about the available political choices leads people to pay closer attention to the political environment people learn more about the candidates that is they acquire new and accurate knowledge when they are anxious but not when they are enthusiastic about those candidates who dominate the political field dd More generally fear is associated with both attitude and behavior change However four variables that may interact to influence processing depth of a fear inducing message a type of fear chronic vs acute b expectation of a message containing reassuring information c type of behavior advocated e g disease detection vs health promotion and d issue familiarity Guilt Guilt is the emotion that is experienced when an individual violates an internalized moral ethical or religious belief Guilt s effect on persuasion has been studied only cursorily Not unlike fear appeals the literature suggests that guilt can enhance attainment of persuasive goals if evoked to a moderate degree However messages designed to evoke excessive levels of guilt may instead arouse anger that may impede persuasive success Anger Anger s effect on persuasion has also seldom been studied A couple of studies however suggest that a positive relationship exists between anger and attitude change Specifically researchers found that anger evoked in response to issues of juvenile crime and domestic terrorism correlated with acceptance of legislative initiatives proposed to address those issues Not unlike fear anger was associated with close central information processing including of persuasive messages However unintentionally induced anger in response to supposed guilt and fear appeals has been shown to correlate negatively with attitudes The persuasive uses of anger have also been studied in political campaigns since anger can be evoked strategically by politicians to increase the motivation and engagement of their sympathizers although the historian Nicole Hemmer has noted that the potential for an American candidate to use anger effectively is contingent on their identity Sadness Sadness arousal has been associated with attitude change in the context of AIDS illicit drugs and juvenile crime Disgust Disgust in the context of messages opposing animal experimentation is correlated negatively with attitude change This is consistent with the idea that disgust results in a rejection of its source Positive emotions Empathy and compassion A number of recent studies support the role of compassion in skewing moral judgment The researchers findings show there is a major relationship between moral judgment and empathic concern in particular specifically feelings of warmth and compassion in response to someone in distress Images of suffering children are the ideal triggers of this instinctive compassion Once triggered compassion causes individuals to favor the few they see suffering over the many who they know to be suffering but in the abstract People who feel similar to another person in need have been shown to experience more empathic compassion for that person than do those not manipulated to feel similar to another Dan Ariely notes that appeals that through visual cues or otherwise make us focus on specific individual victims affect our attitudes and cause us to take action whereas when many people are involved we don t A cold calculation does not increase our concern for large problems instead it suppresses our compassion In many ways it is very sad that the only effective way to get people to respond to suffering is through an emotional appeal rather than through an objective reading of massive need The upside is that when our emotions are awakened we can be tremendously caring Once we attach an individual face to suffering we re much more willing to help and we go far beyond what economists would expect from rational selfish maximizing agents Empathy also influences our prosocial behaviors Prosocial behaviors are actions that are concerned with helping others For example people are much more likely to donate money to find a cure for a disease when they know someone personally who has that illness The empathy and compassion that we feel towards that person is what encourages us to donate An empathy study was conducted by Fowler Law and Gaesser The goal of this study was to determine how the empathy we feel varies throughout different people in our lives Participants were asked to make a list of one hundred people The people at the top of the list were parents family loved ones etc Towards the bottom of the list were strangers Participants were then asked to imagine these people in various scenarios and describe the degree of empathy that they had towards each person Results showed that the closer a person was the more empathy they felt and for those at the bottom of the list there was not much empathy felt in comparison dd Pride Little studied in the social influence context the one clearly identifiable study of pride and persuasion considered the role of culture in response to advertising finding that members of a collectivist culture China responded more favorably to a pride based appeal whereas members of an individualist culture the United States responded more favorably to an empathy based appeal Relief Some researchers have argued that anxiety which is followed by relief results in greater compliance to a request than fear because the relief causes a temporary state of disorientation leaving individuals vulnerable to suggestion The suggestion is that relief based persuasion is a function of less careful information processing Hope Experiments have shown that appeals to hope are successful mainly with subjects who self report as being predisposed to experiencing fear While hope is often seen and understood as an abstract concept Adrienne Martin proves otherwise in their book How We Hope In this book it is explained how hope is a two part emotion First we feel hope then we experience it For example when we have a desired goal we hope that we can reach it but that hope is what motivates us as individuals to work towards that goal Hope also changes how we perceive others Martin explains how once we can relate to someone we are then feeling some degree of hope for them hope for success change or growth ExamplesThink of the children Checkers speech Reductio ad HitlerumSee alsoBread and circuses Fake news Post truth politics Argumentum ad lazarumReferencesLabossiere Michael C Fallacy Appeal to Emotion Nizkor Project Archived from the original on 18 October 2014 Retrieved 6 November 2014 Aristotle Rhetorica I II 5 The Influence of Emotions on Beliefs Nico Frijda Antony Manstead and Sasha Bem in Emotions and Beliefs Cambridge University Press 2000 p 1 Beliefs through Emotions Nico H Frijda and Batja Mesquita in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 p 45 Seneca De Ira I viii 1 Blaise Pascal On the Art of Persuasion 1658 George Campbell 1776 cited by James Price Dillar and Anneloes Meijnders in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 309 Edward Bernays Propaganda 1928 2005 ed p 72 Edward Bernays Propaganda 1928 2005 ed p 73 Edward Bernays Propaganda 1928 2005 ed p 77 Barry A Sanders American Avatar The United States in the Global Imagination Washington D C Potomac Books 2011 pp 102 115 Drew Westen The Political Brain Public Affairs Books 2007 p 35 Drew Westen The Political Brain Public Affairs Books 2007 pp 85 88 This theory is known as the tripartite theory For a summary of the theory and a list of its developers see e g Leandre Fabrigar Tara MacDonald and Duane Wegener The Structure of Attitudes in Dolores Albarracin et al The Handbook of Attitudes Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 2005 p 82 Leandre Fabrigar Tara MacDonald and Duane Wegener The Structure of Attitudes in Dolores Albarracin et al The Handbook of Attitudes Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 2005 p 82 citing Cacioppo et al 1989 Crites Fabrigar amp Petty 1994 Zanna amp Rempel 1988 George Marcus Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment University of Chicago Press 2000 p 9 George Marcus Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment University of Chicago Press 2000 p 10 George Marcus Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment University of Chicago Press 2000 pp 10 11 George Marcus Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment University of Chicago Press 2000 p 95 see also p 129 Anthony R Pratkanis Social Influence Analysis An Index of Tactics in The Science of Social Influence A Pratkanis ed Psychology Press 2007 p 149 Hansen Hans September 26 2019 Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Influence of Emotions on Beliefs Nico Frijda Antony Manstead and Sasha Bem in Emotions and Beliefs Cambridge University Press 2000 p 3 Beliefs through Emotions Nico H Frijda and Batja Mesquita in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 p 47 Feeling is believing Some affective influences on belief Gerald L Clore and Karen Gasper in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 pp 25 26 Feeling is believing Some affective influences on belief Gerald L Clore and Karen Gasper in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 p 13 Joseph P Forgas The Role Of Affect In Attitudes And Attitude Change in Attitudes and Attitude Change William Crano amp Radmila Prislin Ed Psychology Press 2008 p 145 The Influence of Affect on Attitude Gerald Clore and Simone Schnall in Dolores Albarracin et al The Handbook of Attitudes Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers 2005 pp 465 471 Klaus Fiedler and Herbert Bless The formation of beliefs at the interface of affective and cognitive processes in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 p 165 Ted Brader Campaigning for Hearts and Minds University of Chicago Press 2006 p 18 George Marcus Russell Neuman and Michael Mackuen Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment University of Chicago Press 2000 p 128 Robin L Nabi Discrete Emotions and Persuasion in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 292 Robin L Nabi Discrete Emotions and Persuasion in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 293 Hemmer Nicole 7 March 2020 Only one kind of anger counts in the 2020 race CNN Retrieved 18 July 2020 Robin L Nabi Discrete Emotions and Persuasion in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 294 Empathy a Key Factor in Moral Judgment Archived from the original on 2014 06 25 citing Gleichgerrcht E Young L 2013 Low Levels of Empathic Concern Predict Utilitarian Moral Judgment PLOS ONE 8 4 e60418 Bibcode 2013PLoSO 860418G doi 10 1371 journal pone 0060418 PMC 3617220 PMID 23593213 Psychol Bull 2010 supra at 15 16 In fact we will favor those we see as being in distress even to the detriment of more numerous but faceless potential victims See also http www wjh harvard edu jgreene GreeneWJH Greene CogNeuroIV 09 pdf Margaret S Clark and Ian Brissette Relationship beliefs and emotion Reciprocal effects in Emotions and Beliefs N Frijda A Manstead and S Bem ed Cambridge University Press 2000 p 220 Dan Ariely The Irrational Bundle iBooks Archived copy iTunes Archived from the original on 2014 12 30 Retrieved 2014 11 28 a href wiki Template Cite web title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link Dan Ariely The Irrational Bundle p 755 Dan Ariely The Irrational Bundle iBooks Archived copy iTunes Archived from the original on 2014 12 30 Retrieved 2014 11 28 a href wiki Template Cite web title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link Dan Ariely The Irrational Bundle p 764 Cameron C Daryl Conway Paul Scheffer Julian A 2022 04 01 Empathy regulation prosociality and moral judgment Current Opinion in Psychology 44 188 195 doi 10 1016 j copsyc 2021 09 011 ISSN 2352 250X PMID 34695643 S2CID 239889334 Fowler Zoe Law Kyle Fiore Gaesser Brendan 2020 02 25 Against Empathy Bias The Moral Value of Equitable Empathy doi 10 31219 osf io uxnre Retrieved 2022 11 19 a href wiki Template Cite journal title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Robin L Nabi Discrete Emotions and Persuasion in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 296 Robin L Nabi Discrete Emotions and Persuasion in Persuasion and the Structure of Affect The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publishing p 297 Martin Adrienne M 2013 12 22 What Is Hope How We Hope Princeton University Press doi 10 23943 princeton 9780691151526 003 0001 ISBN 9780691151526 retrieved 2022 11 19