![Diode](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi9kL2Q1L0Rpb2RlLWNsb3NldXAuanBnLzE2MDBweC1EaW9kZS1jbG9zZXVwLmpwZw==.jpg )
A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction (asymmetric conductance). It has low (ideally zero) resistance in one direction and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other.
![]() Close-up view of a silicon diode. The anode is on the right side; the cathode is on the left side (where it is marked with a black band). The square silicon crystal can be seen between the two leads. | |
Type | Passive |
Inventor | Ferdinand Braun |
Invention year | 1874 |
Number of terminals | 2 |
Pin names | Anode and cathode |
Electronic symbol | |
![]() |
A semiconductor diode, the most commonly used type today, is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical terminals. It has an exponential current–voltage characteristic. Semiconductor diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices. The discovery of asymmetric electrical conduction across the contact between a crystalline mineral and a metal was made by German physicist Ferdinand Braun in 1874. Today, most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconducting materials such as gallium arsenide and germanium are also used.
The obsolete thermionic diode is a vacuum tube with two electrodes, a heated cathode and a plate, in which electrons can flow in only one direction, from the cathode to the plate.
Among many uses, diodes are found in rectifiers to convert alternating current (AC) power to direct current (DC), demodulation in radio receivers, and can even be used for logic or as temperature sensors. A common variant of a diode is a light-emitting diode, which is used as electric lighting and status indicators on electronic devices.
Main functions
Unidirectional current flow
The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric current to pass in one direction (called the diode's forward direction), while blocking it in the opposite direction (the reverse direction). Its hydraulic analogy is a check valve. This unidirectional behavior can convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), a process called rectification. As rectifiers, diodes can be used for such tasks as extracting modulation from radio signals in radio receivers.
Threshold voltage
A diode's behavior is often simplified as having a forward threshold voltage or turn-on voltage or cut-in voltage, above which there is significant current and below which there is almost no current, which depends on a diode's composition:
Diode Type | Forward threshold voltage |
Silicon Schottky | 0.15 V to 0.45 V |
Germanium p–n | 0.25 V to 0.3 V |
Silicon p–n | 0.6 V to 0.7 V |
Infrared (GaAs) p–n | ~1.2 V |
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) | 1.6 V (red) to 4 V (violet). Light-emitting diode physics § Materials has a complete list. |
This voltage may loosely be referred to simply as the diode's forward voltage drop or just voltage drop, since a consequence of the steepness of the exponential is that a diode's voltage drop will not significantly exceed the threshold voltage under normal forward bias operating conditions. Datasheets typically quote a typical or maximum forward voltage (VF) for a specified current and temperature (e.g. 20 mA and 25 °C for LEDs), so the user has a guarantee about when a certain amount of current will kick in. At higher currents, the forward voltage drop of the diode increases. For instance, a drop of 1 V to 1.5 V is typical at full rated current for silicon power diodes. (See also: Rectifier § Rectifier voltage drop)
However, a semiconductor diode's exponential current–voltage characteristic is really more gradual than this simple on–off action. Although an exponential function may appear to have a definite "knee" around this threshold when viewed on a linear scale, the knee is an illusion that depends on the scale of y-axis representing current. In a semi-log plot (using a logarithmic scale for current and a linear scale for voltage), the diode's exponential curve instead appears more like a straight line.
Since a diode's forward-voltage drop varies only a little with the current, and is more so a function of temperature, this effect can be used as a temperature sensor or as a somewhat imprecise voltage reference.
Reverse breakdown
A diode's high resistance to current flowing in the reverse direction suddenly drops to a low resistance when the reverse voltage across the diode reaches a value called the breakdown voltage. This effect is used to regulate voltage (Zener diodes) or to protect circuits from high voltage surges (avalanche diodes).
Other functions
A semiconductor diode's current–voltage characteristic can be tailored by selecting the semiconductor materials and the doping impurities introduced into the materials during manufacture. These techniques are used to create special-purpose diodes that perform many different functions. For example, to electronically tune radio and TV receivers (varactor diodes), to generate radio-frequency oscillations (tunnel diodes, Gunn diodes, IMPATT diodes), and to produce light (light-emitting diodes). Tunnel, Gunn and IMPATT diodes exhibit negative resistance, which is useful in microwave and switching circuits.
Diodes, both vacuum and semiconductor, can be used as shot-noise generators.
Thermionic (vacuum-tube) diodes and solid-state (semiconductor) diodes were developed separately, at approximately the same time, in the early 1900s, as radio receiver detectors. Until the 1950s, vacuum diodes were used more frequently in radios because the early point-contact semiconductor diodes were less stable. In addition, most receiving sets had vacuum tubes for amplification that could easily have the thermionic diodes included in the tube (for example the 12SQ7 double diode triode), and vacuum-tube rectifiers and gas-filled rectifiers were capable of handling some high-voltage/high-current rectification tasks better than the semiconductor diodes (such as selenium rectifiers) that were available at that time.
In 1873, Frederick Guthrie observed that a grounded, white-hot metal ball brought in close proximity to an electroscope would discharge a positively charged electroscope, but not a negatively charged electroscope. In 1880, Thomas Edison observed unidirectional current between heated and unheated elements in a bulb, later called Edison effect, and was granted a patent on application of the phenomenon for use in a DC voltmeter. About 20 years later, John Ambrose Fleming (scientific adviser to the Marconi Company and former Edison employee) realized that the Edison effect could be used as a radio detector. Fleming patented the first true thermionic diode, the Fleming valve, in Britain on 16 November 1904 (followed by U.S. patent 803,684 in November 1905). Throughout the vacuum tube era, valve diodes were used in almost all electronics such as radios, televisions, sound systems, and instrumentation. They slowly lost market share beginning in the late 1940s due to selenium rectifier technology and then to semiconductor diodes during the 1960s. Today they are still used in a few high power applications where their ability to withstand transient voltages and their robustness gives them an advantage over semiconductor devices, and in musical instrument and audiophile applications.
In 1874, German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun discovered the "unilateral conduction" across a contact between a metal and a mineral. Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose was the first to use a crystal for detecting radio waves in 1894. The crystal detector was developed into a practical device for wireless telegraphy by Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, who invented a silicon crystal detector in 1903 and received a patent for it on 20 November 1906. Other experimenters tried a variety of other minerals as detectors. Semiconductor principles were unknown to the developers of these early rectifiers. During the 1930s understanding of physics advanced and in the mid-1930s researchers at Bell Telephone Laboratories recognized the potential of the crystal detector for application in microwave technology. Researchers at Bell Labs, Western Electric, MIT, Purdue and in the UK intensively developed point-contact diodes (crystal rectifiers or crystal diodes) during World War II for application in radar. After World War II, AT&T used these in its microwave towers that criss-crossed the United States, and many radar sets use them even in the 21st century. In 1946, Sylvania began offering the 1N34 crystal diode. During the early 1950s, junction diodes were developed.
At the time of their invention, asymmetrical conduction devices were known as rectifiers. In 1919, the year tetrodes were invented, William Henry Eccles coined the term diode from the Greek roots di (from δί), meaning 'two', and ode (from οδός), meaning 'path'. The word diode however was already in use, as were triode, tetrode, pentode, hexode, as terms of multiplex telegraphy.
Although all diodes rectify, "rectifier" usually applies to diodes used for power supply, to differentiate them from diodes intended for small signal circuits.
Vacuum tube diodes
A high power vacuum diode used in radio equipment as a rectifier. | |
Type | Thermionic |
Pin names | Plate and Cathode, heater (if indirectly heated) |
Electronic symbol | |
![]() The symbol for an indirectly heated vacuum tube diode. From top to bottom, the element names are: plate, cathode, and heater. |
A thermionic diode is a thermionic-valve device consisting of a sealed, evacuated glass or metal envelope containing two electrodes: a cathode and a plate. The cathode is either indirectly heated or directly heated. If indirect heating is employed, a heater is included in the envelope.
In operation, the cathode is heated to red heat, around 800–1,000 °C (1,470–1,830 °F). A directly heated cathode is made of tungsten wire and is heated by a current passed through it from an external voltage source. An indirectly heated cathode is heated by infrared radiation from a nearby heater that is formed of Nichrome wire and supplied with current provided by an external voltage source.
The operating temperature of the cathode causes it to release electrons into the vacuum, a process called thermionic emission. The cathode is coated with oxides of alkaline earth metals, such as barium and strontium oxides. These have a low work function, meaning that they more readily emit electrons than would the uncoated cathode.
The plate, not being heated, does not emit electrons; but is able to absorb them.
The alternating voltage to be rectified is applied between the cathode and the plate. When the plate voltage is positive with respect to the cathode, the plate electrostatically attracts the electrons from the cathode, so a current of electrons flows through the tube from cathode to plate. When the plate voltage is negative with respect to the cathode, no electrons are emitted by the plate, so no current can pass from the plate to the cathode.
Semiconductor diodes
Point-contact diodes
Point-contact diodes were developed starting in the 1930s, out of the early crystal detector technology, and are now generally used in the 3 to 30 gigahertz range. Point-contact diodes use a small diameter metal wire in contact with a semiconductor crystal, and are of either non-welded contact type or welded contact type. Non-welded contact construction utilizes the Schottky barrier principle. The metal side is the pointed end of a small diameter wire that is in contact with the semiconductor crystal. In the welded contact type, a small P region is formed in the otherwise N-type crystal around the metal point during manufacture by momentarily passing a relatively large current through the device. Point contact diodes generally exhibit lower capacitance, higher forward resistance and greater reverse leakage than junction diodes.
Junction diodes
p–n junction diode
A p–n junction diode is made of a crystal of semiconductor, usually silicon, but germanium and gallium arsenide are also used. Impurities are added to it to create a region on one side that contains negative charge carriers (electrons), called an n-type semiconductor, and a region on the other side that contains positive charge carriers (holes), called a p-type semiconductor. When the n-type and p-type materials are attached together, a momentary flow of electrons occurs from the n to the p side resulting in a third region between the two where no charge carriers are present. This region is called the depletion region because there are no charge carriers (neither electrons nor holes) in it. The diode's terminals are attached to the n-type and p-type regions. The boundary between these two regions, called a p–n junction, is where the action of the diode takes place. When a sufficiently higher electrical potential is applied to the P side (the anode) than to the N side (the cathode), it allows electrons to flow through the depletion region from the N-type side to the P-type side. The junction does not allow the flow of electrons in the opposite direction when the potential is applied in reverse, creating, in a sense, an electrical check valve.
Schottky diode
Another type of junction diode, the Schottky diode, is formed from a metal–semiconductor junction rather than a p–n junction, which reduces capacitance and increases switching speed.
Current–voltage characteristic
A semiconductor diode's behavior in a circuit is given by its current–voltage characteristic. The shape of the curve is determined by the transport of charge carriers through the so-called depletion layer or depletion region that exists at the p–n junction between differing semiconductors. When a p–n junction is first created, conduction-band (mobile) electrons from the N-doped region diffuse into the P-doped region where there is a large population of holes (vacant places for electrons) with which the electrons "recombine". When a mobile electron recombines with a hole, both hole and electron vanish, leaving behind an immobile positively charged donor (dopant) on the N side and negatively charged acceptor (dopant) on the P side. The region around the p–n junction becomes depleted of charge carriers and thus behaves as an insulator.
However, the width of the depletion region (called the depletion width) cannot grow without limit. For each electron–hole pair recombination made, a positively charged dopant ion is left behind in the N-doped region, and a negatively charged dopant ion is created in the P-doped region. As recombination proceeds and more ions are created, an increasing electric field develops through the depletion zone that acts to slow and then finally stop recombination. At this point, there is a "built-in" potential across the depletion zone.
Reverse bias
If an external voltage is placed across the diode with the same polarity as the built-in potential, the depletion zone continues to act as an insulator, preventing any significant electric current flow (unless electron–hole pairs are actively being created in the junction by, for instance, light; see photodiode).
Forward bias
However, if the polarity of the external voltage opposes the built-in potential, recombination can once again proceed, resulting in a substantial electric current through the p–n junction (i.e. substantial numbers of electrons and holes recombine at the junction) that increases exponentially with voltage.
Operating regions
A diode's current–voltage characteristic can be approximated by four operating regions. From lower to higher bias voltages, these are:
- Breakdown: At very large reverse bias, beyond the peak inverse voltage (PIV), a process called reverse breakdown occurs that causes a large increase in current (i.e., a large number of electrons and holes are created at, and move away from the p–n junction) that usually damages the device permanently. The avalanche diode is deliberately designed for use in that manner. In the Zener diode, the concept of PIV is not applicable. A Zener diode contains a heavily doped p–n junction allowing electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the conduction band of the n-type material, such that the reverse voltage is "clamped" to a known value (called the Zener voltage), and avalanche does not occur. Both devices, however, do have a limit to the maximum current and power they can withstand in the clamped reverse-voltage region. Also, following the end of forwarding conduction in any diode, there is reverse current for a short time. The device does not attain its full blocking capability until the reverse current ceases.
- Reverse biased: For a bias between breakdown and 0 V, the reverse current is very small and asymptotically approaches -Is. For a normal P–N rectifier diode, the reverse current through the device is in the micro-ampere (μA) range. However, this is temperature dependent, and at sufficiently high temperatures, a substantial amount of reverse current can be observed (mA or more). There is also a tiny surface leakage current caused by electrons simply going around the diode as though it were an imperfect insulator.
Semi-log I–V (logarithmic current vs. linear voltage) graph of various diodes. - Forward biased: The current–voltage curve is exponential, approximating the Shockley diode equation. When plotted using a linear current scale, a smooth "knee" appears, but no clear threshold voltage is visible on a semi-log graph.
- Leveling off: At larger forward currents the current–voltage curve starts to be dominated by the ohmic resistance of the bulk semiconductor. The curve is no longer exponential, it is asymptotic to a straight line whose slope is the bulk resistance. This region is particularly important for power diodes and can be modeled by a Shockley ideal diode in series with a fixed resistor.
Shockley diode equation
The Shockley ideal diode equation or the diode law (named after the bipolar junction transistor co-inventor William Bradford Shockley) models the exponential current–voltage (I–V) relationship of diodes in moderate forward or reverse bias. The article Shockley diode equation provides details.
Small-signal behavior
At forward voltages less than the saturation voltage, the voltage versus current characteristic curve of most diodes is not a straight line. The current can be approximated by as explained in the Shockley diode equation article.
In detector and mixer applications, the current can be estimated by a Taylor's series. The odd terms can be omitted because they produce frequency components that are outside the pass band of the mixer or detector. Even terms beyond the second derivative usually need not be included because they are small compared to the second order term. The desired current component is approximately proportional to the square of the input voltage, so the response is called square law in this region.: p. 3
Reverse-recovery effect
Following the end of forwarding conduction in a p–n type diode, a reverse current can flow for a short time. The device does not attain its blocking capability until the mobile charge in the junction is depleted.
The effect can be significant when switching large currents very quickly. A certain amount of "reverse recovery time" tr (on the order of tens of nanoseconds to a few microseconds) may be required to remove the reverse recovery charge Qr from the diode. During this recovery time, the diode can actually conduct in the reverse direction. This might give rise to a large current in the reverse direction for a short time while the diode is reverse biased. The magnitude of such a reverse current is determined by the operating circuit (i.e., the series resistance) and the diode is said to be in the storage-phase. In certain real-world cases it is important to consider the losses that are incurred by this non-ideal diode effect. However, when the slew rate of the current is not so severe (e.g. Line frequency) the effect can be safely ignored. For most applications, the effect is also negligible for Schottky diodes.
The reverse current ceases abruptly when the stored charge is depleted; this abrupt stop is exploited in step recovery diodes for the generation of extremely short pulses.
Types of semiconductor diode
Normal (p–n) diodes, which operate as described above, are usually made of doped silicon or germanium. Before the development of silicon power rectifier diodes, cuprous oxide and later selenium was used. Their low efficiency required a much higher forward voltage to be applied (typically 1.4 to 1.7 V per "cell", with multiple cells stacked so as to increase the peak inverse voltage rating for application in high voltage rectifiers), and required a large heat sink (often an extension of the diode's metal substrate), much larger than the later silicon diode of the same current ratings would require. The vast majority of all diodes are the p–n diodes found in CMOS integrated circuits, which include two diodes per pin and many other internal diodes.
- Avalanche diodes
- These are diodes that conduct in the reverse direction when the reverse bias voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage. These are electrically very similar to Zener diodes (and are often mistakenly called Zener diodes), but break down by a different mechanism: the avalanche effect. This occurs when the reverse electric field applied across the p–n junction causes a wave of ionization, reminiscent of an avalanche, leading to a large current. Avalanche diodes are designed to break down at a well-defined reverse voltage without being destroyed. The difference between the avalanche diode (which has a reverse breakdown above about 6.2 V) and the Zener is that the channel length of the former exceeds the mean free path of the electrons, resulting in many collisions between them on the way through the channel. The only practical difference between the two types is they have temperature coefficients of opposite polarities.
- Constant-current diodes
- These are actually JFETs with the gate shorted to the source, and function like a two-terminal current-limiting analog to the voltage-limiting Zener diode. They allow a current through them to rise to a certain value, and then level off at a specific value. Also called CLDs, constant-current diodes, diode-connected transistors, or current-regulating diodes.
- Crystal rectifiers or crystal diodes
- These are point-contact diodes. The 1N21 series and others are used in mixer and detector applications in radar and microwave receivers. The 1N34A is another example of a crystal diode.
- Gunn diodes
- These are similar to tunnel diodes in that they are made of materials such as GaAs or InP that exhibit a region of negative differential resistance. With appropriate biasing, dipole domains form and travel across the diode, allowing high frequency microwave oscillators to be built.
- Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
- In a diode formed from a direct band-gap semiconductor, such as gallium arsenide, charge carriers that cross the junction emit photons when they recombine with the majority carrier on the other side. Depending on the material, wavelengths (or colors) from the infrared to the near ultraviolet may be produced. The first LEDs were red and yellow, and higher-frequency diodes have been developed over time. All LEDs produce incoherent, narrow-spectrum light; "white" LEDs are actually a blue LED with a yellow scintillator coating, or combinations of three LEDs of a different color. LEDs can also be used as low-efficiency photodiodes in signal applications. An LED may be paired with a photodiode or phototransistor in the same package, to form an opto-isolator.
- Laser diodes
- When an LED-like structure is contained in a resonant cavity formed by polishing the parallel end faces, a laser can be formed. Laser diodes are commonly used in optical storage devices and for high speed optical communication.
- Thermal diodes
- This term is used both for conventional p–n diodes used to monitor temperature because of their varying forward voltage with temperature, and for Peltier heat pumps for thermoelectric heating and cooling. Peltier heat pumps may be made from semiconductors, though they do not have any rectifying junctions, they use the differing behavior of charge carriers in N and P-type semiconductor to move heat.
- Photodiodes
- All semiconductors are subject to optical charge carrier generation. This is typically an undesired effect, so most semiconductors are packaged in light-blocking material. Photodiodes are intended to sense light (photodetector), so they are packaged in materials that allow light to pass, and are usually PIN (the kind of diode most sensitive to light). A photodiode can be used in solar cells, in photometry, or in optical communications. Multiple photodiodes may be packaged in a single device, either as a linear array or as a two-dimensional array. These arrays should not be confused with charge-coupled devices.
- PIN diodes
- A PIN diode has a central un-doped, or intrinsic, layer, forming a p-type/intrinsic/n-type structure. They are used as radio frequency switches and attenuators. They are also used as large-volume, ionizing-radiation detectors and as photodetectors. PIN diodes are also used in power electronics, as their central layer can withstand high voltages. Furthermore, the PIN structure can be found in many power semiconductor devices, such as IGBTs, power MOSFETs, and thyristors.
- Schottky diodes
- Schottky diodes are constructed from metal to semiconductor contact. They have a lower forward voltage drop than p–n junction diodes. Their forward voltage drop at forward currents of about 1 mA is in the range 0.15 V to 0.45 V, which makes them useful in voltage clamping applications and prevention of transistor saturation. They can also be used as low loss rectifiers, although their reverse leakage current is in general higher than that of other diodes. Schottky diodes are majority carrier devices and so do not suffer from minority carrier storage problems that slow down many other diodes—so they have a faster reverse recovery than p–n junction diodes. They also tend to have much lower junction capacitance than p–n diodes, which provides for high switching speeds and their use in high-speed circuitry and RF devices such as switched-mode power supply, mixers, and detectors.
- Super barrier diodes
- Super barrier diodes are rectifier diodes that incorporate the low forward voltage drop of the Schottky diode with the surge-handling capability and low reverse leakage current of a normal p–n junction diode.
- Gold-doped diodes
- As a dopant, gold (or platinum) acts as recombination centers, which helps the fast recombination of minority carriers. This allows the diode to operate at higher signal frequencies, at the expense of a higher forward voltage drop. Gold-doped diodes are faster than other p–n diodes (but not as fast as Schottky diodes). They also have less reverse-current leakage than Schottky diodes (but not as good as other p–n diodes). A typical example is the 1N914.
- Snap-off or step recovery diodes
- The term step recovery relates to the form of the reverse recovery characteristic of these devices. After a forward current has been passing in an SRD and the current is interrupted or reversed, the reverse conduction will cease very abruptly (as in a step waveform). SRDs can, therefore, provide very fast voltage transitions by the very sudden disappearance of the charge carriers.
- Stabistors or forward reference diodes
- The term stabistor refers to a special type of diodes featuring extremely stable forward voltage characteristics. These devices are specially designed for low-voltage stabilization applications requiring a guaranteed voltage over a wide current range and highly stable over temperature.
- Transient voltage suppression diode (TVS)
- These are avalanche diodes designed specifically to protect other semiconductor devices from high-voltage transients. Their p–n junctions have a much larger cross-sectional area than those of a normal diode, allowing them to conduct large currents to ground without sustaining damage.
- Tunnel diodes or Esaki diodes
- These have a region of operation showing negative resistance caused by quantum tunneling, allowing amplification of signals and very simple bistable circuits. Because of the high carrier concentration, tunnel diodes are very fast, may be used at low (mK) temperatures, high magnetic fields, and in high radiation environments. Because of these properties, they are often used in spacecraft.
- Varicap or varactor diodes
- These are used as voltage-controlled capacitors. These are important in PLL (phase-locked loop) and FLL (frequency-locked loop) circuits, allowing tuning circuits, such as those in television receivers, to lock quickly on to the frequency. They also enabled tunable oscillators in the early discrete tuning of radios, where a cheap and stable, but fixed-frequency, crystal oscillator provided the reference frequency for a voltage-controlled oscillator.
- Zener diodes
- These can be made to conduct in reverse bias (backward), and are correctly termed reverse breakdown diodes. This effect called Zener breakdown, occurs at a precisely defined voltage, allowing the diode to be used as a precision voltage reference. The term Zener diodes is colloquially applied to several types of breakdown diodes, but strictly speaking, Zener diodes have a breakdown voltage of below 5 volts, whilst avalanche diodes are used for breakdown voltages above that value. In practical voltage reference circuits, Zener and switching diodes are connected in series and opposite directions to balance the temperature coefficient response of the diodes to near-zero. Some devices labeled as high-voltage Zener diodes are actually avalanche diodes (see above). Two (equivalent) Zeners in series and in reverse order, in the same package, constitute a transient absorber (or Transorb, a registered trademark).
Graphic symbols
The symbol used to represent a particular type of diode in a circuit diagram conveys the general electrical function to the reader. There are alternative symbols for some types of diodes, though the differences are minor. The triangle in the symbols points to the forward direction, i.e. in the direction of conventional current flow.
- Diode
- Light-emitting diode (LED)
- Photodiode
- Schottky diode
- Transient-voltage-suppression diode (TVS)
- Tunnel diode
- Varicap
- Zener diode
- Typical diode packages in same alignment as diode symbol. The thin bar depicts the cathode.
Numbering and coding schemes
There are a number of common, standard and manufacturer-driven numbering and coding schemes for diodes; the two most common being the EIA/JEDEC standard and the European Pro Electron standard:
The standardized 1N-series numbering EIA370 system was introduced in the US by EIA/JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) about 1960. Most diodes have a 1-prefix designation (e.g., 1N4003). Among the most popular in this series were: 1N34A/1N270 (germanium signal), 1N914/1N4148 (silicon signal), 1N400x (silicon 1A power rectifier), and 1N580x (silicon 3A power rectifier).
The JIS semiconductor designation system has all semiconductor diode designations starting with "1S".
Pro Electron
The European Pro Electron coding system for active components was introduced in 1966 and comprises two letters followed by the part code. The first letter represents the semiconductor material used for the component (A = germanium and B = silicon) and the second letter represents the general function of the part (for diodes, A = low-power/signal, B = variable capacitance, X = multiplier, Y = rectifier and Z = voltage reference); for example:
- AA-series germanium low-power/signal diodes (e.g., AA119)
- BA-series silicon low-power/signal diodes (e.g., BAT18 silicon RF switching diode)
- BY-series silicon rectifier diodes (e.g., BY127 1250V, 1A rectifier diode)
- BZ-series silicon Zener diodes (e.g., BZY88C4V7 4.7V Zener diode)
Other common numbering/coding systems (generally manufacturer-driven) include:
- GD-series germanium diodes (e.g., GD9) – this is a very old coding system
- OA-series germanium diodes (e.g., OA47) – a coding sequence developed by Mullard, a UK company
Related devices
- Rectifier
- Transistor
- Thyristor or silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)
- Varistor
In optics, an equivalent device for the diode but with laser light would be the optical isolator, also known as an optical diode, that allows light to only pass in one direction. It uses a Faraday rotator as the main component.
Radio demodulation
The first use for the diode was the demodulation of amplitude modulated (AM) radio broadcasts. The history of this discovery is treated in depth in the crystal detector article. In summary, an AM signal consists of alternating positive and negative peaks of a radio carrier wave, whose amplitude or envelope is proportional to the original audio signal. The diode rectifies the AM radio frequency signal, leaving only the positive peaks of the carrier wave. The audio is then extracted from the rectified carrier wave using a simple filter and fed into an audio amplifier or transducer, which generates sound waves via audio speaker.
In microwave and millimeter wave technology, beginning in the 1930s, researchers improved and miniaturized the crystal detector. Point contact diodes (crystal diodes) and Schottky diodes are used in radar, microwave and millimeter wave detectors.
Power conversion
Rectifiers are constructed from diodes, where they are used to convert alternating current (AC) electricity into direct current (DC). Automotive alternators are a common example, where the diode, which rectifies the AC into DC, provides better performance than the commutator or earlier, dynamo. Similarly, diodes are also used in Cockcroft–Walton voltage multipliers to convert AC into higher DC voltages.
Reverse-voltage protection
Since most electronic circuits can be damaged when the polarity of their power supply inputs are reversed, a series diode is sometimes used to protect against such situations. This concept is known by multiple naming variations that mean the same thing: reverse voltage protection, reverse polarity protection, and reverse battery protection.
Over-voltage protection
Diodes are frequently used to conduct damaging high voltages away from sensitive electronic devices. They are usually reverse-biased (non-conducting) under normal circumstances. When the voltage rises above the normal range, the diodes become forward-biased (conducting). For example, diodes are used in (stepper motor and H-bridge) motor controller and relay circuits to de-energize coils rapidly without the damaging voltage spikes that would otherwise occur. (A diode used in such an application is called a flyback diode). Many integrated circuits also incorporate diodes on the connection pins to prevent external voltages from damaging their sensitive transistors. Specialized diodes are used to protect from over-voltages at higher power (see Diode types above).
Logic gates
Diode–resistor logic constructs AND and OR logic gates. Functional completeness can be achieved by adding an active device to provide inversion (as done with diode–transistor logic).
Ionizing radiation detectors
In addition to light, mentioned above, semiconductor diodes are sensitive to more energetic radiation. In electronics, cosmic rays and other sources of ionizing radiation cause noise pulses and single and multiple bit errors. This effect is sometimes exploited by particle detectors to detect radiation. A single particle of radiation, with thousands or millions of electron volt, s of energy, generates many charge carrier pairs, as its energy is deposited in the semiconductor material. If the depletion layer is large enough to catch the whole shower or to stop a heavy particle, a fairly accurate measurement of the particle's energy can be made, simply by measuring the charge conducted and without the complexity of a magnetic spectrometer, etc. These semiconductor radiation detectors need efficient and uniform charge collection and low leakage current. They are often cooled by liquid nitrogen. For longer-range (about a centimeter) particles, they need a very large depletion depth and large area. For short-range particles, they need any contact or un-depleted semiconductor on at least one surface to be very thin. The back-bias voltages are near breakdown (around a thousand volts per centimeter). Germanium and silicon are common materials. Some of these detectors sense position as well as energy. They have a finite life, especially when detecting heavy particles, because of radiation damage. Silicon and germanium are quite different in their ability to convert gamma rays to electron showers.
Semiconductor detectors for high-energy particles are used in large numbers. Because of energy loss fluctuations, accurate measurement of the energy deposited is of less use.
Temperature measurements
A diode can be used as a temperature measuring device, since the forward voltage drop across the diode depends on temperature, as in a silicon bandgap temperature sensor. From the Shockley ideal diode equation given above, it might appear that the voltage has a positive temperature coefficient (at a constant current), but usually the variation of the reverse saturation current term is more significant than the variation in the thermal voltage term. Most diodes therefore have a negative temperature coefficient, typically −2 mV/°C for silicon diodes. The temperature coefficient is approximately constant for temperatures above about 20 kelvin. Some graphs are given for 1N400x series, and CY7 cryogenic temperature sensor.
Current steering
Diodes will prevent currents in unintended directions. To supply power to an electrical circuit during a power failure, the circuit can draw current from a battery. An uninterruptible power supply may use diodes in this way to ensure that the current is only drawn from the battery when necessary. Likewise, small boats typically have two circuits each with their own battery/batteries: one used for engine starting; one used for domestics. Normally, both are charged from a single alternator, and a heavy-duty split-charge diode is used to prevent the higher-charge battery (typically the engine battery) from discharging through the lower-charge battery when the alternator is not running.
Diodes are also used in electronic musical keyboards. To reduce the amount of wiring needed in electronic musical keyboards, these instruments often use keyboard matrix circuits. The keyboard controller scans the rows and columns to determine which note the player has pressed. The problem with matrix circuits is that, when several notes are pressed at once, the current can flow backward through the circuit and trigger "phantom keys" that cause "ghost" notes to play. To avoid triggering unwanted notes, most keyboard matrix circuits have diodes soldered with the switch under each key of the musical keyboard. The same principle is also used for the switch matrix in solid-state pinball machines.
Waveform clipper
Diodes can be used to limit the positive or negative excursion of a signal to a prescribed voltage.
A diode clamp circuit can take a periodic alternating current signal that oscillates between positive and negative values, and vertically displace it such that either the positive or the negative peaks occur at a prescribed level. The clamper does not restrict the peak-to-peak excursion of the signal, it moves the whole signal up or down so as to place the peaks at the reference level.
Computing exponentials and logarithms
The diode's exponential current–voltage relationship is exploited to evaluate exponentiation and its inverse function the logarithm using analog voltage signals (see Operational amplifier applications §§ Exponential output and Logarithmic output).
It is possible to modify a regular semiconductor diode like 1N4148 to give it a negative differential resistance by injection of calibrated current pulses ,the diode being reversely biased near its avalanche zone .After this treatment the diode associated with an L/C circuit can oscillate , the frequency set by the L/C circuit .The maximum frequency depends on the diode used .With a 1N4148 oscillation can go up to 100 Mhz (see https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384043395_Another_way_to_create_negative_differential_resistance_Author)
Diodes are usually referred to as D for diode on PCBs. Sometimes the abbreviation CR for crystal rectifier is used.
See also
- Active rectification
- Diode-connected transistor
- Diode modelling
- Fast/ultrafast diode
- Flame rectification
- Lambda diode
- Lr-diode
- p–n junction
- Small-signal model
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- John Ambrose Fleming (1919). The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony. London: Longmans, Green. p. 550.
Further reading
- Historical circuit books
- 50 Simple LED Circuits; 1st Ed; R.N. Soar; Babani Press; 62 pages; 1977; ISBN 978-0859340434. (archive)
- 38 Practical Tested Diode Circuits For the Home Constructor; 1st Ed; Bernard Babani; Krisson Printing; 48 pages; 1972. (archive)
- Diode Circuits Handbook; 1st Ed; Rufus Turner; Howard Sams & Co; 128 pages; 1963; LCCN 63-13904. (archive)
- 40 Uses for Germanium Diodes; 2nd Ed; Sylvania Electric Products; 47 pages; 1949. (archive)
- Historical periodicals
- Rectifier Applications Handbook; On Semiconductor; 270 pages; 2001. (archive)
- Silicon Rectifier Handbook; 1st Ed; Bob Dale; Motorola; 213 pages; 1966. (archive)
- Electronic Rectification; F.G. Spreadbury; D. Van Nostrand Co; 1962.
- Zener Diode Handbook; International Rectifier; 96 pages; 1960.
- F.T. Selenium Rectifier Handbook; 2nd Ed; Federal Telephone and Radio; 80 pages; 1953. (archive)
- S.T. Selenium Rectifier Handbook; 1st Ed; Sarkes Tarzian; 80 pages; 1950. (archive)
- Historical databooks
- Discrete Databook; 1989; National Semiconductor (now Texas Instruments)
- Discrete Databook; 1985; Fairchild (now ON Semiconductor)
- Discrete Databook; 1982; SGS (now STMicroelectronics)
- Semiconductor Databook; 1965; Motorola (now ON Semiconductor)
External links
A diode is a two terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction asymmetric conductance It has low ideally zero resistance in one direction and high ideally infinite resistance in the other DiodeClose up view of a silicon diode The anode is on the right side the cathode is on the left side where it is marked with a black band The square silicon crystal can be seen between the two leads TypePassiveInventorFerdinand BraunInvention year1874 151 years ago 1874 Number of terminals2Pin namesAnode and cathodeElectronic symbolVarious semiconductor diodes Left A four diode bridge rectifier Next to it is a 1N4148 signal diode On the far right is a Zener diode In most diodes a white or black painted band identifies the cathode into which electrons will flow when the diode is conducting Electron flow is the reverse of conventional current flow A semiconductor diode the most commonly used type today is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p n junction connected to two electrical terminals It has an exponential current voltage characteristic Semiconductor diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices The discovery of asymmetric electrical conduction across the contact between a crystalline mineral and a metal was made by German physicist Ferdinand Braun in 1874 Today most diodes are made of silicon but other semiconducting materials such as gallium arsenide and germanium are also used The obsolete thermionic diode is a vacuum tube with two electrodes a heated cathode and a plate in which electrons can flow in only one direction from the cathode to the plate Among many uses diodes are found in rectifiers to convert alternating current AC power to direct current DC demodulation in radio receivers and can even be used for logic or as temperature sensors A common variant of a diode is a light emitting diode which is used as electric lighting and status indicators on electronic devices Main functionsUnidirectional current flow The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric current to pass in one direction called the diode s forward direction while blocking it in the opposite direction the reverse direction Its hydraulic analogy is a check valve This unidirectional behavior can convert alternating current AC to direct current DC a process called rectification As rectifiers diodes can be used for such tasks as extracting modulation from radio signals in radio receivers Threshold voltage Forward current voltage curve of 4 common diodes A diode s behavior is often simplified as having a forward threshold voltage or turn on voltage or cut in voltage above which there is significant current and below which there is almost no current which depends on a diode s composition Forward threshold voltage for various semiconductor diodes Diode Type Forward threshold voltageSilicon Schottky 0 15 V to 0 45 VGermanium p n 0 25 V to 0 3 VSilicon p n 0 6 V to 0 7 VInfrared GaAs p n 1 2 VLight emitting diodes LEDs 1 6 V red to 4 V violet Light emitting diode physics Materials has a complete list This voltage may loosely be referred to simply as the diode s forward voltage drop or just voltage drop since a consequence of the steepness of the exponential is that a diode s voltage drop will not significantly exceed the threshold voltage under normal forward bias operating conditions Datasheets typically quote a typical or maximum forward voltage VF for a specified current and temperature e g 20 mA and 25 C for LEDs so the user has a guarantee about when a certain amount of current will kick in At higher currents the forward voltage drop of the diode increases For instance a drop of 1 V to 1 5 V is typical at full rated current for silicon power diodes See also Rectifier Rectifier voltage drop However a semiconductor diode s exponential current voltage characteristic is really more gradual than this simple on off action Although an exponential function may appear to have a definite knee around this threshold when viewed on a linear scale the knee is an illusion that depends on the scale of y axis representing current In a semi log plot using a logarithmic scale for current and a linear scale for voltage the diode s exponential curve instead appears more like a straight line Since a diode s forward voltage drop varies only a little with the current and is more so a function of temperature this effect can be used as a temperature sensor or as a somewhat imprecise voltage reference Reverse breakdown A diode s high resistance to current flowing in the reverse direction suddenly drops to a low resistance when the reverse voltage across the diode reaches a value called the breakdown voltage This effect is used to regulate voltage Zener diodes or to protect circuits from high voltage surges avalanche diodes Other functions A semiconductor diode s current voltage characteristic can be tailored by selecting the semiconductor materials and the doping impurities introduced into the materials during manufacture These techniques are used to create special purpose diodes that perform many different functions For example to electronically tune radio and TV receivers varactor diodes to generate radio frequency oscillations tunnel diodes Gunn diodes IMPATT diodes and to produce light light emitting diodes Tunnel Gunn and IMPATT diodes exhibit negative resistance which is useful in microwave and switching circuits Diodes both vacuum and semiconductor can be used as shot noise generators HistoryStructure of a vacuum tube diode The filament itself may be the cathode or more commonly as shown here used to heat a separate metal tube which serves as the cathode Thermionic vacuum tube diodes and solid state semiconductor diodes were developed separately at approximately the same time in the early 1900s as radio receiver detectors Until the 1950s vacuum diodes were used more frequently in radios because the early point contact semiconductor diodes were less stable In addition most receiving sets had vacuum tubes for amplification that could easily have the thermionic diodes included in the tube for example the 12SQ7 double diode triode and vacuum tube rectifiers and gas filled rectifiers were capable of handling some high voltage high current rectification tasks better than the semiconductor diodes such as selenium rectifiers that were available at that time In 1873 Frederick Guthrie observed that a grounded white hot metal ball brought in close proximity to an electroscope would discharge a positively charged electroscope but not a negatively charged electroscope In 1880 Thomas Edison observed unidirectional current between heated and unheated elements in a bulb later called Edison effect and was granted a patent on application of the phenomenon for use in a DC voltmeter About 20 years later John Ambrose Fleming scientific adviser to the Marconi Company and former Edison employee realized that the Edison effect could be used as a radio detector Fleming patented the first true thermionic diode the Fleming valve in Britain on 16 November 1904 followed by U S patent 803 684 in November 1905 Throughout the vacuum tube era valve diodes were used in almost all electronics such as radios televisions sound systems and instrumentation They slowly lost market share beginning in the late 1940s due to selenium rectifier technology and then to semiconductor diodes during the 1960s Today they are still used in a few high power applications where their ability to withstand transient voltages and their robustness gives them an advantage over semiconductor devices and in musical instrument and audiophile applications In 1874 German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun discovered the unilateral conduction across a contact between a metal and a mineral Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose was the first to use a crystal for detecting radio waves in 1894 The crystal detector was developed into a practical device for wireless telegraphy by Greenleaf Whittier Pickard who invented a silicon crystal detector in 1903 and received a patent for it on 20 November 1906 Other experimenters tried a variety of other minerals as detectors Semiconductor principles were unknown to the developers of these early rectifiers During the 1930s understanding of physics advanced and in the mid 1930s researchers at Bell Telephone Laboratories recognized the potential of the crystal detector for application in microwave technology Researchers at Bell Labs Western Electric MIT Purdue and in the UK intensively developed point contact diodes crystal rectifiers or crystal diodes during World War II for application in radar After World War II AT amp T used these in its microwave towers that criss crossed the United States and many radar sets use them even in the 21st century In 1946 Sylvania began offering the 1N34 crystal diode During the early 1950s junction diodes were developed EtymologyAt the time of their invention asymmetrical conduction devices were known as rectifiers In 1919 the year tetrodes were invented William Henry Eccles coined the term diode from the Greek roots di from di meaning two and ode from odos meaning path The word diode however was already in use as were triode tetrode pentode hexode as terms of multiplex telegraphy Although all diodes rectify rectifier usually applies to diodes used for power supply to differentiate them from diodes intended for small signal circuits Vacuum tube diodesThermionic diodeA high power vacuum diode used in radio equipment as a rectifier TypeThermionicPin namesPlate and Cathode heater if indirectly heated Electronic symbolThe symbol for an indirectly heated vacuum tube diode From top to bottom the element names are plate cathode and heater A thermionic diode is a thermionic valve device consisting of a sealed evacuated glass or metal envelope containing two electrodes a cathode and a plate The cathode is either indirectly heated or directly heated If indirect heating is employed a heater is included in the envelope In operation the cathode is heated to red heat around 800 1 000 C 1 470 1 830 F A directly heated cathode is made of tungsten wire and is heated by a current passed through it from an external voltage source An indirectly heated cathode is heated by infrared radiation from a nearby heater that is formed of Nichrome wire and supplied with current provided by an external voltage source A vacuum tube containing two power diodes The operating temperature of the cathode causes it to release electrons into the vacuum a process called thermionic emission The cathode is coated with oxides of alkaline earth metals such as barium and strontium oxides These have a low work function meaning that they more readily emit electrons than would the uncoated cathode The plate not being heated does not emit electrons but is able to absorb them The alternating voltage to be rectified is applied between the cathode and the plate When the plate voltage is positive with respect to the cathode the plate electrostatically attracts the electrons from the cathode so a current of electrons flows through the tube from cathode to plate When the plate voltage is negative with respect to the cathode no electrons are emitted by the plate so no current can pass from the plate to the cathode Semiconductor diodesClose up of an EFD108 germanium point contact diode in DO7 glass package showing the sharp metal wire cat whisker that forms the semiconductor junction Point contact diodes Point contact diodes were developed starting in the 1930s out of the early crystal detector technology and are now generally used in the 3 to 30 gigahertz range Point contact diodes use a small diameter metal wire in contact with a semiconductor crystal and are of either non welded contact type or welded contact type Non welded contact construction utilizes the Schottky barrier principle The metal side is the pointed end of a small diameter wire that is in contact with the semiconductor crystal In the welded contact type a small P region is formed in the otherwise N type crystal around the metal point during manufacture by momentarily passing a relatively large current through the device Point contact diodes generally exhibit lower capacitance higher forward resistance and greater reverse leakage than junction diodes Junction diodes p n junction diode A p n junction diode is made of a crystal of semiconductor usually silicon but germanium and gallium arsenide are also used Impurities are added to it to create a region on one side that contains negative charge carriers electrons called an n type semiconductor and a region on the other side that contains positive charge carriers holes called a p type semiconductor When the n type and p type materials are attached together a momentary flow of electrons occurs from the n to the p side resulting in a third region between the two where no charge carriers are present This region is called the depletion region because there are no charge carriers neither electrons nor holes in it The diode s terminals are attached to the n type and p type regions The boundary between these two regions called a p n junction is where the action of the diode takes place When a sufficiently higher electrical potential is applied to the P side the anode than to the N side the cathode it allows electrons to flow through the depletion region from the N type side to the P type side The junction does not allow the flow of electrons in the opposite direction when the potential is applied in reverse creating in a sense an electrical check valve Schottky diode Another type of junction diode the Schottky diode is formed from a metal semiconductor junction rather than a p n junction which reduces capacitance and increases switching speed Current voltage characteristic A semiconductor diode s behavior in a circuit is given by its current voltage characteristic The shape of the curve is determined by the transport of charge carriers through the so called depletion layer or depletion region that exists at the p n junction between differing semiconductors When a p n junction is first created conduction band mobile electrons from the N doped region diffuse into the P doped region where there is a large population of holes vacant places for electrons with which the electrons recombine When a mobile electron recombines with a hole both hole and electron vanish leaving behind an immobile positively charged donor dopant on the N side and negatively charged acceptor dopant on the P side The region around the p n junction becomes depleted of charge carriers and thus behaves as an insulator However the width of the depletion region called the depletion width cannot grow without limit For each electron hole pair recombination made a positively charged dopant ion is left behind in the N doped region and a negatively charged dopant ion is created in the P doped region As recombination proceeds and more ions are created an increasing electric field develops through the depletion zone that acts to slow and then finally stop recombination At this point there is a built in potential across the depletion zone A p n junction diode in low forward bias mode The depletion width decreases as voltage increases Both p and n junctions are doped at a 1e15 cm3 doping level leading to built in potential of 0 59V Observe the different quasi Fermi levels for conduction band and valence band in n and p regions red curves Reverse bias If an external voltage is placed across the diode with the same polarity as the built in potential the depletion zone continues to act as an insulator preventing any significant electric current flow unless electron hole pairs are actively being created in the junction by for instance light see photodiode Forward bias However if the polarity of the external voltage opposes the built in potential recombination can once again proceed resulting in a substantial electric current through the p n junction i e substantial numbers of electrons and holes recombine at the junction that increases exponentially with voltage Operating regions Current voltage characteristic of a p n junction diode showing three regions breakdown reverse biased forward biased The exponential s knee is at Vd The leveling off region which occurs at larger forward currents is not shown A diode s current voltage characteristic can be approximated by four operating regions From lower to higher bias voltages these are Breakdown At very large reverse bias beyond the peak inverse voltage PIV a process called reverse breakdown occurs that causes a large increase in current i e a large number of electrons and holes are created at and move away from the p n junction that usually damages the device permanently The avalanche diode is deliberately designed for use in that manner In the Zener diode the concept of PIV is not applicable A Zener diode contains a heavily doped p n junction allowing electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p type material to the conduction band of the n type material such that the reverse voltage is clamped to a known value called the Zener voltage and avalanche does not occur Both devices however do have a limit to the maximum current and power they can withstand in the clamped reverse voltage region Also following the end of forwarding conduction in any diode there is reverse current for a short time The device does not attain its full blocking capability until the reverse current ceases Reverse biased For a bias between breakdown and 0 V the reverse current is very small and asymptotically approaches Is For a normal P N rectifier diode the reverse current through the device is in the micro ampere mA range However this is temperature dependent and at sufficiently high temperatures a substantial amount of reverse current can be observed mA or more There is also a tiny surface leakage current caused by electrons simply going around the diode as though it were an imperfect insulator Semi log I V logarithmic current vs linear voltage graph of various diodes Forward biased The current voltage curve is exponential approximating the Shockley diode equation When plotted using a linear current scale a smooth knee appears but no clear threshold voltage is visible on a semi log graph Leveling off At larger forward currents the current voltage curve starts to be dominated by the ohmic resistance of the bulk semiconductor The curve is no longer exponential it is asymptotic to a straight line whose slope is the bulk resistance This region is particularly important for power diodes and can be modeled by a Shockley ideal diode in series with a fixed resistor Shockley diode equation The Shockley ideal diode equation or the diode law named after the bipolar junction transistor co inventor William Bradford Shockley models the exponential current voltage I V relationship of diodes in moderate forward or reverse bias The article Shockley diode equation provides details Small signal behavior At forward voltages less than the saturation voltage the voltage versus current characteristic curve of most diodes is not a straight line The current can be approximated by I ISeVD nVT displaystyle I I text S e V text D nV text T as explained in the Shockley diode equation article In detector and mixer applications the current can be estimated by a Taylor s series The odd terms can be omitted because they produce frequency components that are outside the pass band of the mixer or detector Even terms beyond the second derivative usually need not be included because they are small compared to the second order term The desired current component is approximately proportional to the square of the input voltage so the response is called square law in this region p 3 Reverse recovery effect Following the end of forwarding conduction in a p n type diode a reverse current can flow for a short time The device does not attain its blocking capability until the mobile charge in the junction is depleted The effect can be significant when switching large currents very quickly A certain amount of reverse recovery time t r on the order of tens of nanoseconds to a few microseconds may be required to remove the reverse recovery charge Q r from the diode During this recovery time the diode can actually conduct in the reverse direction This might give rise to a large current in the reverse direction for a short time while the diode is reverse biased The magnitude of such a reverse current is determined by the operating circuit i e the series resistance and the diode is said to be in the storage phase In certain real world cases it is important to consider the losses that are incurred by this non ideal diode effect However when the slew rate of the current is not so severe e g Line frequency the effect can be safely ignored For most applications the effect is also negligible for Schottky diodes The reverse current ceases abruptly when the stored charge is depleted this abrupt stop is exploited in step recovery diodes for the generation of extremely short pulses Types of semiconductor diode Current voltage curves of several types of diodes Normal p n diodes which operate as described above are usually made of doped silicon or germanium Before the development of silicon power rectifier diodes cuprous oxide and later selenium was used Their low efficiency required a much higher forward voltage to be applied typically 1 4 to 1 7 V per cell with multiple cells stacked so as to increase the peak inverse voltage rating for application in high voltage rectifiers and required a large heat sink often an extension of the diode s metal substrate much larger than the later silicon diode of the same current ratings would require The vast majority of all diodes are the p n diodes found in CMOS integrated circuits which include two diodes per pin and many other internal diodes Avalanche diodes These are diodes that conduct in the reverse direction when the reverse bias voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage These are electrically very similar to Zener diodes and are often mistakenly called Zener diodes but break down by a different mechanism the avalanche effect This occurs when the reverse electric field applied across the p n junction causes a wave of ionization reminiscent of an avalanche leading to a large current Avalanche diodes are designed to break down at a well defined reverse voltage without being destroyed The difference between the avalanche diode which has a reverse breakdown above about 6 2 V and the Zener is that the channel length of the former exceeds the mean free path of the electrons resulting in many collisions between them on the way through the channel The only practical difference between the two types is they have temperature coefficients of opposite polarities Constant current diodes These are actually JFETs with the gate shorted to the source and function like a two terminal current limiting analog to the voltage limiting Zener diode They allow a current through them to rise to a certain value and then level off at a specific value Also called CLDs constant current diodes diode connected transistors or current regulating diodes Crystal rectifiers or crystal diodes These are point contact diodes The 1N21 series and others are used in mixer and detector applications in radar and microwave receivers The 1N34A is another example of a crystal diode Gunn diodes These are similar to tunnel diodes in that they are made of materials such as GaAs or InP that exhibit a region of negative differential resistance With appropriate biasing dipole domains form and travel across the diode allowing high frequency microwave oscillators to be built Light emitting diodes LEDs In a diode formed from a direct band gap semiconductor such as gallium arsenide charge carriers that cross the junction emit photons when they recombine with the majority carrier on the other side Depending on the material wavelengths or colors from the infrared to the near ultraviolet may be produced The first LEDs were red and yellow and higher frequency diodes have been developed over time All LEDs produce incoherent narrow spectrum light white LEDs are actually a blue LED with a yellow scintillator coating or combinations of three LEDs of a different color LEDs can also be used as low efficiency photodiodes in signal applications An LED may be paired with a photodiode or phototransistor in the same package to form an opto isolator Laser diodes When an LED like structure is contained in a resonant cavity formed by polishing the parallel end faces a laser can be formed Laser diodes are commonly used in optical storage devices and for high speed optical communication Thermal diodes This term is used both for conventional p n diodes used to monitor temperature because of their varying forward voltage with temperature and for Peltier heat pumps for thermoelectric heating and cooling Peltier heat pumps may be made from semiconductors though they do not have any rectifying junctions they use the differing behavior of charge carriers in N and P type semiconductor to move heat Photodiodes All semiconductors are subject to optical charge carrier generation This is typically an undesired effect so most semiconductors are packaged in light blocking material Photodiodes are intended to sense light photodetector so they are packaged in materials that allow light to pass and are usually PIN the kind of diode most sensitive to light A photodiode can be used in solar cells in photometry or in optical communications Multiple photodiodes may be packaged in a single device either as a linear array or as a two dimensional array These arrays should not be confused with charge coupled devices PIN diodes A PIN diode has a central un doped or intrinsic layer forming a p type intrinsic n type structure They are used as radio frequency switches and attenuators They are also used as large volume ionizing radiation detectors and as photodetectors PIN diodes are also used in power electronics as their central layer can withstand high voltages Furthermore the PIN structure can be found in many power semiconductor devices such as IGBTs power MOSFETs and thyristors Schottky diodes Schottky diodes are constructed from metal to semiconductor contact They have a lower forward voltage drop than p n junction diodes Their forward voltage drop at forward currents of about 1 mA is in the range 0 15 V to 0 45 V which makes them useful in voltage clamping applications and prevention of transistor saturation They can also be used as low loss rectifiers although their reverse leakage current is in general higher than that of other diodes Schottky diodes are majority carrier devices and so do not suffer from minority carrier storage problems that slow down many other diodes so they have a faster reverse recovery than p n junction diodes They also tend to have much lower junction capacitance than p n diodes which provides for high switching speeds and their use in high speed circuitry and RF devices such as switched mode power supply mixers and detectors Super barrier diodes Super barrier diodes are rectifier diodes that incorporate the low forward voltage drop of the Schottky diode with the surge handling capability and low reverse leakage current of a normal p n junction diode Gold doped diodes As a dopant gold or platinum acts as recombination centers which helps the fast recombination of minority carriers This allows the diode to operate at higher signal frequencies at the expense of a higher forward voltage drop Gold doped diodes are faster than other p n diodes but not as fast as Schottky diodes They also have less reverse current leakage than Schottky diodes but not as good as other p n diodes A typical example is the 1N914 Snap off or step recovery diodes The term step recovery relates to the form of the reverse recovery characteristic of these devices After a forward current has been passing in an SRD and the current is interrupted or reversed the reverse conduction will cease very abruptly as in a step waveform SRDs can therefore provide very fast voltage transitions by the very sudden disappearance of the charge carriers Stabistors or forward reference diodes The term stabistor refers to a special type of diodes featuring extremely stable forward voltage characteristics These devices are specially designed for low voltage stabilization applications requiring a guaranteed voltage over a wide current range and highly stable over temperature Transient voltage suppression diode TVS These are avalanche diodes designed specifically to protect other semiconductor devices from high voltage transients Their p n junctions have a much larger cross sectional area than those of a normal diode allowing them to conduct large currents to ground without sustaining damage Tunnel diodes or Esaki diodes These have a region of operation showing negative resistance caused by quantum tunneling allowing amplification of signals and very simple bistable circuits Because of the high carrier concentration tunnel diodes are very fast may be used at low mK temperatures high magnetic fields and in high radiation environments Because of these properties they are often used in spacecraft Varicap or varactor diodes These are used as voltage controlled capacitors These are important in PLL phase locked loop and FLL frequency locked loop circuits allowing tuning circuits such as those in television receivers to lock quickly on to the frequency They also enabled tunable oscillators in the early discrete tuning of radios where a cheap and stable but fixed frequency crystal oscillator provided the reference frequency for a voltage controlled oscillator Zener diodes These can be made to conduct in reverse bias backward and are correctly termed reverse breakdown diodes This effect called Zener breakdown occurs at a precisely defined voltage allowing the diode to be used as a precision voltage reference The term Zener diodes is colloquially applied to several types of breakdown diodes but strictly speaking Zener diodes have a breakdown voltage of below 5 volts whilst avalanche diodes are used for breakdown voltages above that value In practical voltage reference circuits Zener and switching diodes are connected in series and opposite directions to balance the temperature coefficient response of the diodes to near zero Some devices labeled as high voltage Zener diodes are actually avalanche diodes see above Two equivalent Zeners in series and in reverse order in the same package constitute a transient absorber or Transorb a registered trademark Graphic symbols The symbol used to represent a particular type of diode in a circuit diagram conveys the general electrical function to the reader There are alternative symbols for some types of diodes though the differences are minor The triangle in the symbols points to the forward direction i e in the direction of conventional current flow Diode Light emitting diode LED Photodiode Schottky diode Transient voltage suppression diode TVS Tunnel diode Varicap Zener diode Typical diode packages in same alignment as diode symbol The thin bar depicts the cathode Numbering and coding schemes There are a number of common standard and manufacturer driven numbering and coding schemes for diodes the two most common being the EIA JEDEC standard and the European Pro Electron standard EIA JEDEC The standardized 1N series numbering EIA370 system was introduced in the US by EIA JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council about 1960 Most diodes have a 1 prefix designation e g 1N4003 Among the most popular in this series were 1N34A 1N270 germanium signal 1N914 1N4148 silicon signal 1N400x silicon 1A power rectifier and 1N580x silicon 3A power rectifier JIS The JIS semiconductor designation system has all semiconductor diode designations starting with 1S Pro Electron The European Pro Electron coding system for active components was introduced in 1966 and comprises two letters followed by the part code The first letter represents the semiconductor material used for the component A germanium and B silicon and the second letter represents the general function of the part for diodes A low power signal B variable capacitance X multiplier Y rectifier and Z voltage reference for example AA series germanium low power signal diodes e g AA119 BA series silicon low power signal diodes e g BAT18 silicon RF switching diode BY series silicon rectifier diodes e g BY127 1250V 1A rectifier diode BZ series silicon Zener diodes e g BZY88C4V7 4 7V Zener diode Other common numbering coding systems generally manufacturer driven include GD series germanium diodes e g GD9 this is a very old coding system OA series germanium diodes e g OA47 a coding sequence developed by Mullard a UK companyRelated devicesRectifier Transistor Thyristor or silicon controlled rectifier SCR TRIAC DIAC Varistor In optics an equivalent device for the diode but with laser light would be the optical isolator also known as an optical diode that allows light to only pass in one direction It uses a Faraday rotator as the main component ApplicationsRadio demodulation A simple envelope demodulator circuit The first use for the diode was the demodulation of amplitude modulated AM radio broadcasts The history of this discovery is treated in depth in the crystal detector article In summary an AM signal consists of alternating positive and negative peaks of a radio carrier wave whose amplitude or envelope is proportional to the original audio signal The diode rectifies the AM radio frequency signal leaving only the positive peaks of the carrier wave The audio is then extracted from the rectified carrier wave using a simple filter and fed into an audio amplifier or transducer which generates sound waves via audio speaker In microwave and millimeter wave technology beginning in the 1930s researchers improved and miniaturized the crystal detector Point contact diodes crystal diodes and Schottky diodes are used in radar microwave and millimeter wave detectors Power conversion Schematic of basic AC to DC power supply Rectifiers are constructed from diodes where they are used to convert alternating current AC electricity into direct current DC Automotive alternators are a common example where the diode which rectifies the AC into DC provides better performance than the commutator or earlier dynamo Similarly diodes are also used in Cockcroft Walton voltage multipliers to convert AC into higher DC voltages Reverse voltage protection Since most electronic circuits can be damaged when the polarity of their power supply inputs are reversed a series diode is sometimes used to protect against such situations This concept is known by multiple naming variations that mean the same thing reverse voltage protection reverse polarity protection and reverse battery protection Over voltage protection Diodes are frequently used to conduct damaging high voltages away from sensitive electronic devices They are usually reverse biased non conducting under normal circumstances When the voltage rises above the normal range the diodes become forward biased conducting For example diodes are used in stepper motor and H bridge motor controller and relay circuits to de energize coils rapidly without the damaging voltage spikes that would otherwise occur A diode used in such an application is called a flyback diode Many integrated circuits also incorporate diodes on the connection pins to prevent external voltages from damaging their sensitive transistors Specialized diodes are used to protect from over voltages at higher power see Diode types above Logic gates Diode resistor logic constructs AND and OR logic gates Functional completeness can be achieved by adding an active device to provide inversion as done with diode transistor logic Ionizing radiation detectors In addition to light mentioned above semiconductor diodes are sensitive to more energetic radiation In electronics cosmic rays and other sources of ionizing radiation cause noise pulses and single and multiple bit errors This effect is sometimes exploited by particle detectors to detect radiation A single particle of radiation with thousands or millions of electron volt s of energy generates many charge carrier pairs as its energy is deposited in the semiconductor material If the depletion layer is large enough to catch the whole shower or to stop a heavy particle a fairly accurate measurement of the particle s energy can be made simply by measuring the charge conducted and without the complexity of a magnetic spectrometer etc These semiconductor radiation detectors need efficient and uniform charge collection and low leakage current They are often cooled by liquid nitrogen For longer range about a centimeter particles they need a very large depletion depth and large area For short range particles they need any contact or un depleted semiconductor on at least one surface to be very thin The back bias voltages are near breakdown around a thousand volts per centimeter Germanium and silicon are common materials Some of these detectors sense position as well as energy They have a finite life especially when detecting heavy particles because of radiation damage Silicon and germanium are quite different in their ability to convert gamma rays to electron showers Semiconductor detectors for high energy particles are used in large numbers Because of energy loss fluctuations accurate measurement of the energy deposited is of less use Temperature measurements A diode can be used as a temperature measuring device since the forward voltage drop across the diode depends on temperature as in a silicon bandgap temperature sensor From the Shockley ideal diode equation given above it might appear that the voltage has a positive temperature coefficient at a constant current but usually the variation of the reverse saturation current term is more significant than the variation in the thermal voltage term Most diodes therefore have a negative temperature coefficient typically 2 mV C for silicon diodes The temperature coefficient is approximately constant for temperatures above about 20 kelvin Some graphs are given for 1N400x series and CY7 cryogenic temperature sensor Current steering Diodes will prevent currents in unintended directions To supply power to an electrical circuit during a power failure the circuit can draw current from a battery An uninterruptible power supply may use diodes in this way to ensure that the current is only drawn from the battery when necessary Likewise small boats typically have two circuits each with their own battery batteries one used for engine starting one used for domestics Normally both are charged from a single alternator and a heavy duty split charge diode is used to prevent the higher charge battery typically the engine battery from discharging through the lower charge battery when the alternator is not running Diodes are also used in electronic musical keyboards To reduce the amount of wiring needed in electronic musical keyboards these instruments often use keyboard matrix circuits The keyboard controller scans the rows and columns to determine which note the player has pressed The problem with matrix circuits is that when several notes are pressed at once the current can flow backward through the circuit and trigger phantom keys that cause ghost notes to play To avoid triggering unwanted notes most keyboard matrix circuits have diodes soldered with the switch under each key of the musical keyboard The same principle is also used for the switch matrix in solid state pinball machines Waveform clipper Diodes can be used to limit the positive or negative excursion of a signal to a prescribed voltage Clamper This simple diode clamp will clamp the negative peaks of the incoming waveform to the common rail voltage A diode clamp circuit can take a periodic alternating current signal that oscillates between positive and negative values and vertically displace it such that either the positive or the negative peaks occur at a prescribed level The clamper does not restrict the peak to peak excursion of the signal it moves the whole signal up or down so as to place the peaks at the reference level Computing exponentials and logarithms The diode s exponential current voltage relationship is exploited to evaluate exponentiation and its inverse function the logarithm using analog voltage signals see Operational amplifier applications Exponential output and Logarithmic output Oscillator It is possible to modify a regular semiconductor diode like 1N4148 to give it a negative differential resistance by injection of calibrated current pulses the diode being reversely biased near its avalanche zone After this treatment the diode associated with an L C circuit can oscillate the frequency set by the L C circuit The maximum frequency depends on the diode used With a 1N4148 oscillation can go up to 100 Mhz see https www researchgate net publication 384043395 Another way to create negative differential resistance Author AbbreviationsDiodes are usually referred to as D for diode on PCBs Sometimes the abbreviation CR for crystal rectifier is used See alsoElectronics portalActive rectification Diode connected transistor Diode modelling Fast ultrafast diode Flame rectification Lambda diode Lr diode p n junction Small signal modelReferencesLaws David 2013 11 06 Who Invented the Diode Computer History Museum Retrieved 2024 12 30 Tooley Mike 2013 Electronic Circuits Fundamentals and Applications 3rd Ed Routledge p 81 ISBN 978 1 136 40731 4 Crecraft Filip Mincic Stephen Gergely 2002 Analog Electronics Circuits Systems and Signal Processing Butterworth Heinemann p 110 ISBN 0 7506 5095 8 Horowitz Paul Winfield Hill 1989 The Art of Electronics 2nd Ed London Cambridge University Press p 44 ISBN 0 521 37095 7 Physical Explanation General Semiconductors 2010 05 25 Retrieved 2010 08 06 The Constituents of Semiconductor Components 2010 05 25 Archived from the original on 2011 07 10 Retrieved 2010 08 06 All About LEDs Adafruit Learning System Retrieved 2023 01 19 Turner L W 2015 Electronics Engineer s Reference Book 4th Ed Butterworth Heinemann pp 8 14 8 22 ISBN 978 1483161273 Guarnieri M 2011 Trailblazers in Solid State Electronics IEEE Ind Electron M 5 4 46 47 doi 10 1109 MIE 2011 943016 S2CID 45476055 Guthrie Frederick October 1873 On a relation between heat and static electricity The London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 4th series 46 257 266 1928 Nobel Lecture Owen W Richardson Thermionic phenomena and the laws which govern them December 12 1929 Edison Thomas A Electrical Meter U S patent 307 030 Issue date Oct 21 1884 Redhead P A 1998 05 01 The birth of electronics Thermionic emission and vacuum Journal of Vacuum Science amp Technology A Vacuum Surfaces and Films 16 3 1394 1401 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1886 p 252 1886 SemiGen Inc Advanced Semiconductor Inc PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2023 05 21 Retrieved 2018 05 24 Massachusetts Bay Technologies H C Torrey C A Whitmer Crystal Rectifiers New York McGraw Hill 1948 H Q North Asymmetrically Conductive Device U S patent 2 704 818 PDF U S Navy Center for Surface Combat Systems Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series Module 11 2012 pp 2 81 2 83 Skyworks Solutions Inc Mixer and Detector Diodes PDF Microsemi Corporation Schottky web page Giacoletto Lawrence Joseph 1977 Electronics Designers Handbook New York McGraw Hill pp 24 138 Diode reverse recovery in a boost converter Archived 2011 10 07 at the Wayback Machine ECEN5817 ecee colorado edu Elhami Khorasani A Griswold M Alford T L 2014 Gate Controlled Reverse Recovery for Characterization of LDMOS Body Diode IEEE Electron Device Letters 35 11 1079 Bibcode 2014IEDL 35 1079E doi 10 1109 LED 2014 2353301 S2CID 7012254 Inclusion of Switching Loss in the Averaged Equivalent Circuit Model Archived 2011 10 07 at the Wayback Machine ECEN5797 ecee colorado edu Roddick R G 1962 10 01 Tunnel Diode Circuit Analysis doi 10 2172 4715062 a href wiki Template Cite journal title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Current regulator diodes Digikey com 2009 05 27 Retrieved 2013 12 19 NTE data sheet PDF Classification of components Digikey com 2009 05 27 Retrieved 2013 12 19 Component Construction 2010 05 25 Archived from the original on 2016 05 16 Retrieved 2010 08 06 Component Construction Digikey com 2009 05 27 Retrieved 2013 12 19 Physics and Technology 2010 05 25 Archived from the original on 2016 05 16 Retrieved 2010 08 06 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes FRED Characteristics Applications Examples Archived 2009 03 26 at the Wayback Machine PDF Retrieved 2013 12 19 Sze S M 1998 Modern Semiconductor Device Physics Wiley Interscience ISBN 0 471 15237 4 Protecting Low Current Loads in Harsh Electrical Environments Digikey com 2009 05 27 Retrieved 2013 12 19 Jonscher A K 1961 The physics of the tunnel diode British Journal of Applied Physics 12 12 654 Bibcode 1961BJAP 12 654J doi 10 1088 0508 3443 12 12 304 Dowdey J E Travis C M 1964 An Analysis of Steady State Nuclear Radiation Damage of Tunnel Diodes IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 11 5 55 Bibcode 1964ITNS 11 55D doi 10 1109 TNS2 1964 4315475 About JEDEC Jedec org Retrieved 2008 09 22 Introduction dates of common transistors and diodes EDAboard com 2010 06 10 Archived from the original on October 11 2007 Retrieved 2010 08 06 I D E A Transistor Museum Construction Projects Point Contact Germanium Western Electric Vintage Historic Semiconductors Photos Alloy Junction Oral History Semiconductormuseum com Retrieved 2008 09 22 Hui Rongqing 2020 Passive optical components Introduction to Fiber Optic Communications pp 209 297 doi 10 1016 B978 0 12 805345 4 00006 8 ISBN 978 0 12 805345 4 1N400x Diode Family Forward Voltage cliftonlaboratories com Archived from the original on 2013 05 24 Retrieved 2013 12 19 Cryogenic Temperature Sensors omega com John Ambrose Fleming 1919 The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony London Longmans Green p 550 Further readingHistorical circuit books50 Simple LED Circuits 1st Ed R N Soar Babani Press 62 pages 1977 ISBN 978 0859340434 archive 38 Practical Tested Diode Circuits For the Home Constructor 1st Ed Bernard Babani Krisson Printing 48 pages 1972 archive Diode Circuits Handbook 1st Ed Rufus Turner Howard Sams amp Co 128 pages 1963 LCCN 63 13904 archive 40 Uses for Germanium Diodes 2nd Ed Sylvania Electric Products 47 pages 1949 archive Historical periodicalsRectifier Applications Handbook On Semiconductor 270 pages 2001 archive Silicon Rectifier Handbook 1st Ed Bob Dale Motorola 213 pages 1966 archive Electronic Rectification F G Spreadbury D Van Nostrand Co 1962 Zener Diode Handbook International Rectifier 96 pages 1960 F T Selenium Rectifier Handbook 2nd Ed Federal Telephone and Radio 80 pages 1953 archive S T Selenium Rectifier Handbook 1st Ed Sarkes Tarzian 80 pages 1950 archive Historical databooksDiscrete Databook 1989 National Semiconductor now Texas Instruments Discrete Databook 1985 Fairchild now ON Semiconductor Discrete Databook 1982 SGS now STMicroelectronics Semiconductor Databook 1965 Motorola now ON Semiconductor External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Diodes