A delusion is a fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, hallucination, or some other misleading effects of perception, as individuals with those beliefs are able to change or readjust their beliefs upon reviewing the evidence. However:
Delusion | |
Specialty | Psychiatry |
"The distinction between a delusion and a strongly held idea is sometimes difficult to make and depends in part on the degree of conviction with which the belief is held despite clear or reasonable contradictory evidence regarding its veracity."
Delusions have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both general physical and mental) and are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression.
Delusions are categorized into four different groups:
- Bizarre delusion: Delusions are deemed bizarre if they are clearly implausible and not understandable to same-culture peers and do not derive from ordinary life experiences. An example named by the DSM-5 is a belief that someone replaced all of one's internal organs with someone else's without leaving a scar, depending on the organ in question.
- Non-bizarre delusion: A delusion that, though false, reflects real–life situations and is at least technically possible; it may include feelings of being followed, poisoned, infected etc. e.g., the affected person mistakenly believes that they are under constant police surveillance.
- Mood-congruent delusion: Any delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or manic state, e.g., a depressed person believes that news anchors on television highly disapprove of them, or a person in a manic state might believe they are a powerful deity.
- Mood-neutral delusion: A delusion that does not relate to the patient's emotional state; for example, a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the back of one's head is neutral to either depression or mania.
French psychiatry (which is influenced by psychoanalysis), however, also establishes a difference between "paranoid" (paranoïde) and "paranoiac" (paranoïaque) delusion. The paranoid delusion, observed in schizophrenia, is non-systematized and is characterized by a disorganized structure and confused speech and thoughts. The paranoiac delusion, observed in paraphrenia, is highly systematized (which means it is very organized and clear) and is focused on a single theme.
In addition to these categories, delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme. Although delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common. Some of the more common delusion themes are:
- : False belief that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's general thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behaviors.
- Delusional jealousy: False belief that a spouse or lover is having an affair, with no proof to back up the claim.
- Delusion of guilt or sin (or delusion of self-accusation): Ungrounded feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional intensity.
- Thought broadcasting: False belief that other people can know one's thoughts.
- Delusion of thought insertion: Belief that another thinks through the mind of the person.
- Persecutory delusions: False belief that one is being persecuted.
- Delusion of reference: False belief that insignificant remarks, events, or objects in one's environment have personal meaning or significance. "Usually the meaning assigned to these events is negative, but the 'messages' can also have a grandiose quality."
- Erotomania: False belief that another person is in love with them.
- Religious delusion: Belief that the affected person is a god or chosen to act as a god.
- Somatic delusion: Delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal or changed. A specific example of this delusion is delusional parasitosis: Delusion in which one feels infested with insects, bacteria, mites, spiders, lice, fleas, worms, or other organisms.
- Delusion of poverty: Person strongly believes they are financially incapacitated. Although this type of delusion is less common now, it was particularly widespread in the days preceding state support.
Grandiose delusions
Grandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur are principally a subtype of delusional disorder but could possibly feature as a symptom of schizophrenia and manic episodes of bipolar disorder. Grandiose delusions are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic, often with a supernatural, science-fictional, or religious bent. In colloquial usage, one who overestimates one's own abilities, talents, stature or situation is sometimes said to have "delusions of grandeur". This is generally due to excessive pride, rather than any actual delusions. Grandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur can also be associated with megalomania.
Persecutory delusions
Persecutory delusions are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged, conspired against, spied on, attacked, or otherwise obstructed in the pursuit of goals. Persecutory delusions are a condition in which the affected person wrongly believes that they are being persecuted. Specifically, they have been defined as containing two central elements:[page needed] The individual thinks that:
- harm is occurring, or is going to occur
- the persecutors have the intention to cause harm
According to the DSM-IV-TR, persecutory delusions are the most common form of delusions in schizophrenia, where the person believes they are "being tormented, followed, sabotaged, tricked, spied on, or ridiculed". In the DSM-IV-TR, persecutory delusions are the main feature of the persecutory type of delusional disorder. When the focus is to remedy some injustice by legal action, they are sometimes called "querulous paranoia".
Explaining the causes of delusions continues to be challenging and several theories have been developed. One is the genetic or biological theory, which states that close relatives of people with delusional disorder are at increased risk of delusional traits. Another theory is the dysfunctional cognitive processing, which states that delusions may arise from distorted ways people have of explaining life to themselves. A third theory is called motivated or defensive delusions. This one states that some of those persons who are predisposed might experience the onset of delusional disorder in those moments when coping with life and maintaining high self-esteem becomes a significant challenge. In this case, the person views others as the cause of their personal difficulties in order to preserve a positive self-view.
This condition is more common among people who have poor hearing or sight. Also, ongoing stressors have been associated with a higher possibility of developing delusions. Examples of such stressors are immigration, low socioeconomic status, and even possibly the accumulation of smaller daily struggles.
Specific delusions
The top two factors mainly concerned in the germination of delusions are disorder of brain functioning and background influences of temperament and personality.
Higher levels of dopamine qualify as a sign of disorders of brain function. That they are needed to sustain certain delusions was examined by a preliminary study on delusional disorder (a psychotic syndrome) instigated to clarify if schizophrenia had a dopamine psychosis. There were positive results - delusions of jealousy and persecution had different levels of dopamine metabolite HVA and homovanillyl alcohol (which may have been genetic). These can be only regarded as tentative results; the study called for future research with a larger population.
It is simplistic to say that a certain measure of dopamine will bring about a specific delusion. Studies show age and gender to be influential and it is most likely that HVA levels change during the life course of some syndromes.
On the influence of personality, it has been said: "Jaspers considered there is a subtle change in personality due to the illness itself; and this creates the condition for the development of the delusional atmosphere in which the delusional intuition arises."
Cultural factors have "a decisive influence in shaping delusions". For example, delusions of guilt and punishment are frequent in a Western, Christian country like Austria, but not in Pakistan, where it is more likely persecution. Similarly, in a series of case studies, delusions of guilt and punishment were found in Austrian patients with Parkinson's being treated with l-dopa, a dopamine agonist.
The two-factor model of delusions posits that dysfunction in both belief formation systems and belief evaluation systems are necessary for delusions. Dysfunction in evaluations systems localized to the right lateral prefrontal cortex, regardless of delusion content, is supported by neuroimaging studies and is congruent with its role in conflict monitoring in healthy persons. Abnormal activation and reduced volume is seen in people with delusions, as well as in disorders associated with delusions such as frontotemporal dementia, psychosis and Lewy body dementia. Furthermore, lesions to this region are associated with "jumping to conclusions", damage to this region is associated with post-stroke delusions, and hypometabolism this region associated with caudate strokes presenting with delusions.[citation needed]
The aberrant salience model suggests that delusions are a result of people assigning excessive importance to irrelevant stimuli. In support of this hypothesis, regions normally associated with the salience network demonstrate reduced grey matter in people with delusions, and the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is widely implicated in salience processing, is also widely implicated in psychotic disorders.[citation needed]
Specific regions have been associated with specific types of delusions. The volume of the hippocampus and parahippocampus is related to paranoid delusions in Alzheimer's disease, and has been reported to be abnormal post mortem in one person with delusions. Capgras delusions have been associated with occipito-temporal damage and may be related to failure to elicit normal emotions or memories in response to faces.
The modern definition and Jaspers' original criteria have been criticised, as counter-examples can be shown for every defining feature.
Studies on psychiatric patients show that delusions vary in intensity and conviction over time, which suggests that certainty and incorrigibility are not necessary components of a delusional belief.
Delusions do not necessarily have to be false or 'incorrect inferences about external reality'. Some religious or spiritual beliefs by their nature may not be falsifiable, and hence cannot be described as false or incorrect, no matter whether the person holding these beliefs was diagnosed as delusional or not. In other situations the delusion may turn out to be true belief. For example, in delusional jealousy, where a person believes that their partner is being unfaithful (and may even follow them into the bathroom believing them to be seeing their lover even during the briefest of partings), it may actually be true that the partner is having sexual relations with another person. In this case, the delusion does not cease to be a delusion because the content later turns out to be verified as true or the partner actually chose to engage in the behavior of which they were being accused.
In other cases, the belief may be mistakenly assumed to be false by a doctor or psychiatrist assessing it, just because it seems to be unlikely, bizarre or held with excessive conviction. Psychiatrists rarely have the time or resources to check the validity of a person's claims leading to some true beliefs to be erroneously classified as delusional. This is known as the Martha Mitchell effect, after the wife of the attorney general who alleged that illegal activity was taking place in the White House. At the time, her claims were thought to be signs of mental illness, and only after the Watergate scandal broke was she proved right (and hence sane).
Similar factors have led to criticisms of Jaspers' definition of true delusions as being ultimately 'un-understandable'. Critics (such as R. D. Laing) have argued that this leads to the diagnosis of delusions being based on the subjective understanding of a particular psychiatrist, who may not have access to all the information that might make a belief otherwise interpretable. R. D. Laing's hypothesis has been applied to some forms of projective therapy to "fix" a delusional system so that it cannot be altered by the patient. Psychiatric researchers at Yale University, Ohio State University and the Community Mental Health Center of Middle Georgia have used novels and motion picture films as the focus. Texts, plots and cinematography are discussed and the delusions approached tangentially. This use of fiction to decrease the malleability of a delusion was employed in a joint project by science-fiction author Philip Jose Farmer and Yale psychiatrist A. James Giannini. They wrote the novel Red Orc's Rage, which, recursively, deals with delusional adolescents who are treated with a form of projective therapy. In this novel's fictional setting other novels written by Farmer are discussed and the characters are symbolically integrated into the delusions of fictional patients. This particular novel was then applied to real-life clinical settings.
Another difficulty with the diagnosis of delusions is that almost all of these features can be found in "normal" beliefs. Many religious beliefs hold exactly the same features, yet are not universally considered delusional. For instance, if a person was holding a true belief then they will of course persist with it. This can cause the disorder to be misdiagnosed by psychiatrists. These factors have led the psychiatrist Anthony David to note that "there is no acceptable (rather than accepted) definition of a delusion." In practice, psychiatrists tend to diagnose a belief as delusional if it is either patently bizarre, causing significant distress, or excessively pre-occupying the patient, especially if the person is subsequently unswayed in belief by counter-evidence or reasonable arguments.
Joseph Pierre, M.D. states that one factor that helps differentiate delusions from other kinds of beliefs is that anomalous subjective experiences are often used to justify delusional beliefs. While idiosyncratic and self-referential content often make delusions impossible to share with others, Pierre suggests that it may be more helpful to emphasize the level of conviction, preoccupation, and extension of a belief rather than the content of the belief when considering whether a belief is delusional.
It is important to distinguish true delusions from other symptoms such as anxiety, fear, or paranoia. To diagnose delusions a mental state examination may be used. This test includes appearance, mood, affect, behavior, rate and continuity of speech, evidence of hallucinations or abnormal beliefs, thought content, orientation to time, place and person, attention and concentration, insight and judgment, as well as short-term memory.
Johnson-Laird suggests that delusions may be viewed as the natural consequence of failure to distinguish conceptual relevance. That is, irrelevant information would be framed as disconnected experiences, then it is taken to be relevant in a manner that suggests false causal connections. Furthermore, relevant information would be ignored as counterexamples.
Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the four main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his 1913 book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:
- certainty (held with absolute conviction)
- incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
- impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre, or patently untrue)
- not amenable to understanding (i.e., belief cannot be explained psychologically)
Furthermore, when beliefs involve value judgments, only those which cannot be proven true are considered delusions. For example: a man claiming that he flew into the Sun and flew back home. This would be considered a delusion, unless he were speaking figuratively, or if the belief had a cultural or religious source. Only the first three criteria remain cornerstones of the current definition of a delusion in the DSM-5.
Robert Trivers writes that delusion is a discrepancy in relation to objective reality, but with a firm conviction in reality of delusional ideas, which is manifested in the "affective basis of delusion".
Delusions and other positive symptoms of psychosis are often treated with antipsychotic medication, which exert a medium effect size according to meta-analytic evidence.Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) improves delusions relative to control conditions according to a meta-analysis. A meta-analysis of 43 studies reported that metacognitive training (MCT) reduces delusions at a medium to large effect size relative to control conditions.
Some psychiatrists criticize the practice of defining one and the same belief as normal in one culture and pathological in another culture for cultural essentialism. They argue that it is not justified to assume that culture can be simplified to a few traceable, distinguishable and statistically quantifiable factors and that everything outside those factors must be biological since cultural influences are mixed, including not only parents and teachers but also peers, friends, and media, and the same cultural influence can have different effects depending on earlier cultural influences. Other critical psychiatrists argue that just because a person's belief is unshaken by one influence does not prove that it would remain unshaken by another. For example, a person whose beliefs are not changed by verbal correction from a psychiatrist, which is how delusion is usually diagnosed, may still change his or her mind when observing empirical evidence, only that psychiatrists rarely, if ever, present patients with such situations.
Anthropologist David Graeber has criticized psychiatry's assumption that an absurd belief goes from being delusional to "being there for a reason" merely because it is shared by many people by arguing that just as genetic pathogens like viruses can take advantage of an organism without benefitting said organism, memetic phenomena can spread while being harmful to societies, implying that entire societies can become ill. David Graeber argued that if somatic medicine did not have higher scientific standards than psychiatry's way of defining delusion, pandemics like the plague would have been considered to transubstantiate from an illness to "a phenomenon that benefits the people" as soon as it had spread to a sufficiently large portion of the population. It was argued by Graeber that since deinstitutionalisation made sales of psychiatric medication profitable by no longer needing to spend money on keeping the patients in mental hospitals, corrupt incentives for psychiatry to allege "needs" for treatments have increased (in particular with regard to medicines that are said to be needed in daily doses, not so much regarding devices that can be kept for longer periods of time) which may itself be a harmful memetic pandemic in society that leads to diagnosing and medication of criticisms of widespread beliefs that are actually absurd and harmful, making the absurd belief that is not labelled as an illness profitable anyway by attracting criticisms that are labelled as illnesses.[citation needed]
See also
- Bizarre object
- Cotard's delusion
- Clinical lycanthropy
- Delirium
- Delusional misidentification syndrome
- Folie à deux
- Hallucination
- Intrusive thoughts
- Jerusalem syndrome
- Mass hysteria
- Monothematic delusion
- Paris syndrome
- Prelest
- Reduplicative paramnesia
- From Latin delusio lit. 'deceiving', from deludere 'to mock, to deceive'
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Further reading
- Arnold K, Vakhrusheva J (2015). "Resist the negation reflex: Minimizing reactance in psychotherapy of delusions". Psychosis. 8 (2): 166–175. doi:10.1080/17522439.2015.1095229. S2CID 146386637.
- Bell V, Halligan PW, Ellis H (2003). "Beliefs about delusions" (PDF). The Psychologist. 16 (8): 418–423. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 July 2011.
- Blackwood NJ, Howard RJ, Bentall RP, Murray RM (April 2001). "Cognitive neuropsychiatric models of persecutory delusions". The American Journal of Psychiatry. 158 (4): 527–539. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.158.4.527. PMID 11282685.
- Coltheart M.; Davies M., eds. (2000). Pathologies of belief. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-22136-0.
- Persaud, R. (2003). From the Edge of the Couch: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases and What They Teach Us About Ourselves. Bantam. ISBN 0-553-81346-3.
External links
A delusion is a fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence As a pathology it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information confabulation dogma illusion hallucination or some other misleading effects of perception as individuals with those beliefs are able to change or readjust their beliefs upon reviewing the evidence However DelusionSpecialtyPsychiatry The distinction between a delusion and a strongly held idea is sometimes difficult to make and depends in part on the degree of conviction with which the belief is held despite clear or reasonable contradictory evidence regarding its veracity Delusions have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states both general physical and mental and are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia paraphrenia manic episodes of bipolar disorder and psychotic depression TypesDelusions are categorized into four different groups Bizarre delusion Delusions are deemed bizarre if they are clearly implausible and not understandable to same culture peers and do not derive from ordinary life experiences An example named by the DSM 5 is a belief that someone replaced all of one s internal organs with someone else s without leaving a scar depending on the organ in question Non bizarre delusion A delusion that though false reflects real life situations and is at least technically possible it may include feelings of being followed poisoned infected etc e g the affected person mistakenly believes that they are under constant police surveillance Mood congruent delusion Any delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or manic state e g a depressed person believes that news anchors on television highly disapprove of them or a person in a manic state might believe they are a powerful deity Mood neutral delusion A delusion that does not relate to the patient s emotional state for example a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the back of one s head is neutral to either depression or mania French psychiatry which is influenced by psychoanalysis however also establishes a difference between paranoid paranoide and paranoiac paranoiaque delusion The paranoid delusion observed in schizophrenia is non systematized and is characterized by a disorganized structure and confused speech and thoughts The paranoiac delusion observed in paraphrenia is highly systematized which means it is very organized and clear and is focused on a single theme Themes In addition to these categories delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme Although delusions can have any theme certain themes are more common Some of the more common delusion themes are False belief that another person group of people or external force controls one s general thoughts feelings impulses or behaviors Delusional jealousy False belief that a spouse or lover is having an affair with no proof to back up the claim Delusion of guilt or sin or delusion of self accusation Ungrounded feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional intensity Thought broadcasting False belief that other people can know one s thoughts Delusion of thought insertion Belief that another thinks through the mind of the person Persecutory delusions False belief that one is being persecuted Delusion of reference False belief that insignificant remarks events or objects in one s environment have personal meaning or significance Usually the meaning assigned to these events is negative but the messages can also have a grandiose quality Erotomania False belief that another person is in love with them Religious delusion Belief that the affected person is a god or chosen to act as a god Somatic delusion Delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning bodily sensations or physical appearance Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased abnormal or changed A specific example of this delusion is delusional parasitosis Delusion in which one feels infested with insects bacteria mites spiders lice fleas worms or other organisms Delusion of poverty Person strongly believes they are financially incapacitated Although this type of delusion is less common now it was particularly widespread in the days preceding state support Grandiose delusions Grandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur are principally a subtype of delusional disorder but could possibly feature as a symptom of schizophrenia and manic episodes of bipolar disorder Grandiose delusions are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous omnipotent or otherwise very powerful The delusions are generally fantastic often with a supernatural science fictional or religious bent In colloquial usage one who overestimates one s own abilities talents stature or situation is sometimes said to have delusions of grandeur This is generally due to excessive pride rather than any actual delusions Grandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur can also be associated with megalomania Persecutory delusions Persecutory delusions are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed harassed cheated poisoned or drugged conspired against spied on attacked or otherwise obstructed in the pursuit of goals Persecutory delusions are a condition in which the affected person wrongly believes that they are being persecuted Specifically they have been defined as containing two central elements page needed The individual thinks that harm is occurring or is going to occur the persecutors have the intention to cause harm According to the DSM IV TR persecutory delusions are the most common form of delusions in schizophrenia where the person believes they are being tormented followed sabotaged tricked spied on or ridiculed In the DSM IV TR persecutory delusions are the main feature of the persecutory type of delusional disorder When the focus is to remedy some injustice by legal action they are sometimes called querulous paranoia CausesExplaining the causes of delusions continues to be challenging and several theories have been developed One is the genetic or biological theory which states that close relatives of people with delusional disorder are at increased risk of delusional traits Another theory is the dysfunctional cognitive processing which states that delusions may arise from distorted ways people have of explaining life to themselves A third theory is called motivated or defensive delusions This one states that some of those persons who are predisposed might experience the onset of delusional disorder in those moments when coping with life and maintaining high self esteem becomes a significant challenge In this case the person views others as the cause of their personal difficulties in order to preserve a positive self view This condition is more common among people who have poor hearing or sight Also ongoing stressors have been associated with a higher possibility of developing delusions Examples of such stressors are immigration low socioeconomic status and even possibly the accumulation of smaller daily struggles Specific delusions The top two factors mainly concerned in the germination of delusions are disorder of brain functioning and background influences of temperament and personality Higher levels of dopamine qualify as a sign of disorders of brain function That they are needed to sustain certain delusions was examined by a preliminary study on delusional disorder a psychotic syndrome instigated to clarify if schizophrenia had a dopamine psychosis There were positive results delusions of jealousy and persecution had different levels of dopamine metabolite HVA and homovanillyl alcohol which may have been genetic These can be only regarded as tentative results the study called for future research with a larger population It is simplistic to say that a certain measure of dopamine will bring about a specific delusion Studies show age and gender to be influential and it is most likely that HVA levels change during the life course of some syndromes On the influence of personality it has been said Jaspers considered there is a subtle change in personality due to the illness itself and this creates the condition for the development of the delusional atmosphere in which the delusional intuition arises Cultural factors have a decisive influence in shaping delusions For example delusions of guilt and punishment are frequent in a Western Christian country like Austria but not in Pakistan where it is more likely persecution Similarly in a series of case studies delusions of guilt and punishment were found in Austrian patients with Parkinson s being treated with l dopa a dopamine agonist PathophysiologyThe two factor model of delusions posits that dysfunction in both belief formation systems and belief evaluation systems are necessary for delusions Dysfunction in evaluations systems localized to the right lateral prefrontal cortex regardless of delusion content is supported by neuroimaging studies and is congruent with its role in conflict monitoring in healthy persons Abnormal activation and reduced volume is seen in people with delusions as well as in disorders associated with delusions such as frontotemporal dementia psychosis and Lewy body dementia Furthermore lesions to this region are associated with jumping to conclusions damage to this region is associated with post stroke delusions and hypometabolism this region associated with caudate strokes presenting with delusions citation needed The aberrant salience model suggests that delusions are a result of people assigning excessive importance to irrelevant stimuli In support of this hypothesis regions normally associated with the salience network demonstrate reduced grey matter in people with delusions and the neurotransmitter dopamine which is widely implicated in salience processing is also widely implicated in psychotic disorders citation needed Specific regions have been associated with specific types of delusions The volume of the hippocampus and parahippocampus is related to paranoid delusions in Alzheimer s disease and has been reported to be abnormal post mortem in one person with delusions Capgras delusions have been associated with occipito temporal damage and may be related to failure to elicit normal emotions or memories in response to faces DiagnosisJames Tilly Matthews illustrated this picture of a machine called an air loom which he believed was being used to torture him and others for political purposes The modern definition and Jaspers original criteria have been criticised as counter examples can be shown for every defining feature Studies on psychiatric patients show that delusions vary in intensity and conviction over time which suggests that certainty and incorrigibility are not necessary components of a delusional belief Delusions do not necessarily have to be false or incorrect inferences about external reality Some religious or spiritual beliefs by their nature may not be falsifiable and hence cannot be described as false or incorrect no matter whether the person holding these beliefs was diagnosed as delusional or not In other situations the delusion may turn out to be true belief For example in delusional jealousy where a person believes that their partner is being unfaithful and may even follow them into the bathroom believing them to be seeing their lover even during the briefest of partings it may actually be true that the partner is having sexual relations with another person In this case the delusion does not cease to be a delusion because the content later turns out to be verified as true or the partner actually chose to engage in the behavior of which they were being accused In other cases the belief may be mistakenly assumed to be false by a doctor or psychiatrist assessing it just because it seems to be unlikely bizarre or held with excessive conviction Psychiatrists rarely have the time or resources to check the validity of a person s claims leading to some true beliefs to be erroneously classified as delusional This is known as the Martha Mitchell effect after the wife of the attorney general who alleged that illegal activity was taking place in the White House At the time her claims were thought to be signs of mental illness and only after the Watergate scandal broke was she proved right and hence sane Similar factors have led to criticisms of Jaspers definition of true delusions as being ultimately un understandable Critics such as R D Laing have argued that this leads to the diagnosis of delusions being based on the subjective understanding of a particular psychiatrist who may not have access to all the information that might make a belief otherwise interpretable R D Laing s hypothesis has been applied to some forms of projective therapy to fix a delusional system so that it cannot be altered by the patient Psychiatric researchers at Yale University Ohio State University and the Community Mental Health Center of Middle Georgia have used novels and motion picture films as the focus Texts plots and cinematography are discussed and the delusions approached tangentially This use of fiction to decrease the malleability of a delusion was employed in a joint project by science fiction author Philip Jose Farmer and Yale psychiatrist A James Giannini They wrote the novel Red Orc s Rage which recursively deals with delusional adolescents who are treated with a form of projective therapy In this novel s fictional setting other novels written by Farmer are discussed and the characters are symbolically integrated into the delusions of fictional patients This particular novel was then applied to real life clinical settings Another difficulty with the diagnosis of delusions is that almost all of these features can be found in normal beliefs Many religious beliefs hold exactly the same features yet are not universally considered delusional For instance if a person was holding a true belief then they will of course persist with it This can cause the disorder to be misdiagnosed by psychiatrists These factors have led the psychiatrist Anthony David to note that there is no acceptable rather than accepted definition of a delusion In practice psychiatrists tend to diagnose a belief as delusional if it is either patently bizarre causing significant distress or excessively pre occupying the patient especially if the person is subsequently unswayed in belief by counter evidence or reasonable arguments Joseph Pierre M D states that one factor that helps differentiate delusions from other kinds of beliefs is that anomalous subjective experiences are often used to justify delusional beliefs While idiosyncratic and self referential content often make delusions impossible to share with others Pierre suggests that it may be more helpful to emphasize the level of conviction preoccupation and extension of a belief rather than the content of the belief when considering whether a belief is delusional It is important to distinguish true delusions from other symptoms such as anxiety fear or paranoia To diagnose delusions a mental state examination may be used This test includes appearance mood affect behavior rate and continuity of speech evidence of hallucinations or abnormal beliefs thought content orientation to time place and person attention and concentration insight and judgment as well as short term memory Johnson Laird suggests that delusions may be viewed as the natural consequence of failure to distinguish conceptual relevance That is irrelevant information would be framed as disconnected experiences then it is taken to be relevant in a manner that suggests false causal connections Furthermore relevant information would be ignored as counterexamples Definition Although non specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the four main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his 1913 book General Psychopathology These criteria are certainty held with absolute conviction incorrigibility not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary impossibility or falsity of content implausible bizarre or patently untrue not amenable to understanding i e belief cannot be explained psychologically Furthermore when beliefs involve value judgments only those which cannot be proven true are considered delusions For example a man claiming that he flew into the Sun and flew back home This would be considered a delusion unless he were speaking figuratively or if the belief had a cultural or religious source Only the first three criteria remain cornerstones of the current definition of a delusion in the DSM 5 Robert Trivers writes that delusion is a discrepancy in relation to objective reality but with a firm conviction in reality of delusional ideas which is manifested in the affective basis of delusion TreatmentDelusions and other positive symptoms of psychosis are often treated with antipsychotic medication which exert a medium effect size according to meta analytic evidence Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT improves delusions relative to control conditions according to a meta analysis A meta analysis of 43 studies reported that metacognitive training MCT reduces delusions at a medium to large effect size relative to control conditions CriticismSome psychiatrists criticize the practice of defining one and the same belief as normal in one culture and pathological in another culture for cultural essentialism They argue that it is not justified to assume that culture can be simplified to a few traceable distinguishable and statistically quantifiable factors and that everything outside those factors must be biological since cultural influences are mixed including not only parents and teachers but also peers friends and media and the same cultural influence can have different effects depending on earlier cultural influences Other critical psychiatrists argue that just because a person s belief is unshaken by one influence does not prove that it would remain unshaken by another For example a person whose beliefs are not changed by verbal correction from a psychiatrist which is how delusion is usually diagnosed may still change his or her mind when observing empirical evidence only that psychiatrists rarely if ever present patients with such situations Anthropologist David Graeber has criticized psychiatry s assumption that an absurd belief goes from being delusional to being there for a reason merely because it is shared by many people by arguing that just as genetic pathogens like viruses can take advantage of an organism without benefitting said organism memetic phenomena can spread while being harmful to societies implying that entire societies can become ill David Graeber argued that if somatic medicine did not have higher scientific standards than psychiatry s way of defining delusion pandemics like the plague would have been considered to transubstantiate from an illness to a phenomenon that benefits the people as soon as it had spread to a sufficiently large portion of the population It was argued by Graeber that since deinstitutionalisation made sales of psychiatric medication profitable by no longer needing to spend money on keeping the patients in mental hospitals corrupt incentives for psychiatry to allege needs for treatments have increased in particular with regard to medicines that are said to be needed in daily doses not so much regarding devices that can be kept for longer periods of time which may itself be a harmful memetic pandemic in society that leads to diagnosing and medication of criticisms of widespread beliefs that are actually absurd and harmful making the absurd belief that is not labelled as an illness profitable anyway by attracting criticisms that are labelled as illnesses citation needed See alsoPhilosophy portalPsychology portalPsychiatry portalBizarre object Cotard s delusion Clinical lycanthropy Delirium Delusional misidentification syndrome Folie a deux Hallucination Intrusive thoughts Jerusalem syndrome Mass hysteria Monothematic delusion Paris syndrome Prelest Reduplicative paramnesiaFootnotesFrom Latin delusio lit deceiving from deludere to mock to deceive Harper Douglas delusion Online Etymology Dictionary Bortolotti L 7 June 2013 Delusions in the DSM 5 Imperfect Cognitions Dunayevich Eduardo Keck Paul E 2000 Prevalence and description of psychotic features in bipolar mania Current Psychiatry Reports 2 4 286 290 doi 10 1007 s11920 000 0069 4 ISSN 1523 3812 Bergen Annet H van Verkooijen Sanne Vreeker Annabel Abramovic Lucija Hillegers Manon H Spijker Annet T Hoencamp Erik Regeer Eline J Knapen Stefan E Lek Rixt F Riemersma van der Schoevers Robert Stevens Anja W Schulte Peter F J Vonk Ronald Hoekstra Rocco 2019 The characteristics of psychotic features in bipolar disorder Psychological Medicine 49 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6724716 PMID 31555162 Penney D Sauve G Mendelson D Thibaudeau E Moritz S Lepage M March 2022 Immediate and Sustained Outcomes and Moderators Associated With Metacognitive Training for Psychosis A Systematic Review and Meta analysis JAMA Psychiatry 79 5 417 429 doi 10 1001 jamapsychiatry 2022 0277 PMC 8943641 PMID 35320347 Double D 2006 Critical Psychiatry The Limits of Madness Springer ISBN 978 0 230 59919 2 Davidson G Campbell J Shannon C Mulholland C December 2015 Models of mental health Macmillan International Higher Education ISBN 978 1 137 36591 0 Cited textJaspers K 1997 General Psychopathology Vol 1 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 0 8018 5775 9 Further readingArnold K Vakhrusheva J 2015 Resist the negation reflex Minimizing reactance in psychotherapy of delusions Psychosis 8 2 166 175 doi 10 1080 17522439 2015 1095229 S2CID 146386637 Bell V Halligan PW Ellis H 2003 Beliefs about delusions PDF The Psychologist 16 8 418 423 Archived from the original PDF on 28 July 2011 Blackwood NJ Howard RJ Bentall RP Murray RM April 2001 Cognitive neuropsychiatric models of persecutory delusions The American Journal of Psychiatry 158 4 527 539 doi 10 1176 appi ajp 158 4 527 PMID 11282685 Coltheart M Davies M eds 2000 Pathologies of belief Oxford Blackwell ISBN 0 631 22136 0 Persaud R 2003 From the Edge of the Couch Bizarre Psychiatric Cases and What They Teach Us About Ourselves Bantam ISBN 0 553 81346 3 External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Delusion